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2020-11-23 10:00:11 +00:00
module hunt.jwt.Jwt;
import hunt.jwt.Base64Codec;
import hunt.jwt.Exceptions;
import hunt.jwt.JwtOpenSSL;
import hunt.jwt.JwtAlgorithm;
import std.json;
import std.base64;
import std.algorithm;
import std.array : split;
simple version that accepts only strings as values for payload and header fields
string encode(string[string] payload, string key, JwtAlgorithm algo = JwtAlgorithm.HS256,
string[string] header_fields = null) {
JSONValue jsonHeader = header_fields;
JSONValue jsonPayload = payload;
return encode(jsonPayload, key, algo, jsonHeader);
full version that accepts JSONValue tree as payload and header fields
string encode(ref JSONValue payload, string key, JwtAlgorithm algo = JwtAlgorithm.HS256,
JSONValue header_fields = null) {
return encode(cast(ubyte[])payload.toString(), key, algo, header_fields);
full version that accepts ubyte[] as payload and JSONValue tree as header fields
string encode(in ubyte[] payload, string key, JwtAlgorithm algo = JwtAlgorithm.HS256,
JSONValue header_fields = null) {
import std.functional : memoize;
auto getEncodedHeader(JwtAlgorithm algo, JSONValue fields) {
if(fields.type == JSONType.null_)
fields = (JSONValue[string]).init;
fields.object["alg"] = cast(string)algo;
fields.object["typ"] = "JWT";
return Base64URLNoPadding.encode(cast(ubyte[])fields.toString()).idup;
string encodedHeader = memoize!(getEncodedHeader, 64)(algo, header_fields);
string encodedPayload = Base64URLNoPadding.encode(payload);
string signingInput = encodedHeader ~ "." ~ encodedPayload;
string signature = Base64URLNoPadding.encode(cast(ubyte[])sign(signingInput, key, algo));
return signingInput ~ "." ~ signature;
simple version that knows which key was used to encode the token
JSONValue decode(string token, string key) {
return decode(token, (ref _) => key);
full version where the key is provided after decoding the JOSE header
JSONValue decode(string token, string delegate(ref JSONValue jose) lazyKey) {
import std.algorithm : count;
import std.conv : to;
import std.uni : toUpper;
if(count(token, ".") != 2)
throw new VerifyException("Token is incorrect.");
string[] tokenParts = split(token, ".");
JSONValue header;
try {
header = parseJSON(urlsafeB64Decode(tokenParts[0]));
} catch(Exception e) {
throw new VerifyException("Header is incorrect.");
JwtAlgorithm alg;
try {
// toUpper for none
alg = to!(JwtAlgorithm)(toUpper(header["alg"].str()));
} catch(Exception e) {
throw new VerifyException("Algorithm is incorrect.");
if (auto typ = ("typ" in header)) {
string typ_str = typ.str();
if(typ_str && typ_str != "JWT")
throw new VerifyException("Type is incorrect.");
const key = lazyKey(header);
if(!verifySignature(urlsafeB64Decode(tokenParts[2]), tokenParts[0]~"."~tokenParts[1], key, alg))
throw new VerifyException("Signature is incorrect.");
JSONValue payload;
try {
payload = parseJSON(urlsafeB64Decode(tokenParts[1]));
} catch(JSONException e) {
// Code coverage has to miss this line because the signature test above throws before this does
throw new VerifyException("Payload JSON is incorrect.");
return payload;