module jwt.jwt; import std.json; import std.base64; import std.stdio; import std.conv; import std.string; import std.datetime; import std.exception; import std.array : split; import std.algorithm : count; import jwt.algorithms; import jwt.exceptions; private class Component { abstract @property string json(); @property string base64() { ubyte[] data = cast(ubyte[])this.json; return URLSafeBase64.encode(data); } } private class Header : Component { public: JWTAlgorithm alg; string typ; this(in JWTAlgorithm alg, in string typ) { this.alg = alg; this.typ = typ; } this(in JSONValue headers) { try { this.alg = to!(JWTAlgorithm)(toUpper(headers["alg"].str())); } catch (Exception e) { throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException(alg ~ " algorithm is not supported!"); } this.typ = headers["typ"].str(); } @property override string json() { JSONValue headers = ["alg": cast(string)this.alg, "typ": this.typ]; return headers.toString(); } } /** * represents the claims component of a JWT */ private class Claims : Component { private: JSONValue data; this(in JSONValue claims) { = claims; } public: this() { = JSONValue(["iat": JSONValue(Clock.currTime.toUnixTime())]); } void set(T)(string name, T data) { static if(is(T == JSONValue)) {[name] = data; } else {[name] = JSONValue(data); } } /** * Params: * name = the name of the claim * Returns: returns a string representation of the claim if it exists and is a string or an empty string if doesn't exist or is not a string */ string get(string name) { try { return[name].str(); } catch (JSONException e) { return string.init; } } /** * Params: * name = the name of the claim * Returns: an array of JSONValue */ JSONValue[] getArray(string name) { try { return[name].array(); } catch (JSONException e) { return JSONValue.Store.array.init; } } /** * Params: * name = the name of the claim * Returns: a JSONValue */ JSONValue[string] getObject(string name) { try { return[name].object(); } catch (JSONException e) { return JSONValue.Store.object.init; } } /** * Params: * name = the name of the claim * Returns: returns a long representation of the claim if it exists and is an * integer or the initial value for long if doesn't exist or is not an integer */ long getInt(string name) { try { return[name].integer(); } catch (JSONException e) { return long.init; } } /** * Params: * name = the name of the claim * Returns: returns a double representation of the claim if it exists and is a * double or the initial value for double if doesn't exist or is not a double */ double getDouble(string name) { try { return[name].floating(); } catch (JSONException e) { return double.init; } } /** * Params: * name = the name of the claim * Returns: returns a boolean representation of the claim if it exists and is a * boolean or the initial value for bool if doesn't exist or is not a boolean */ bool getBool(string name) { try { return[name].type == JSONType.true_; } catch (JSONException e) { return bool.init; } } /** * Params: * name = the name of the claim * Returns: returns a boolean value if the claim exists and is null or * the initial value for bool it it doesn't exist or is not null */ bool isNull(string name) { try { return[name].isNull(); } catch (JSONException) { return bool.init; } } @property void iss(string s) {["iss"] = s; } @property string iss() { try { return["iss"].str(); } catch (JSONException e) { return ""; } } @property void sub(string s) {["sub"] = s; } @property string sub() { try { return["sub"].str(); } catch (JSONException e) { return ""; } } @property void aud(string s) {["aud"] = s; } @property string aud() { try { return["aud"].str(); } catch (JSONException e) { return ""; } } @property void exp(long n) {["exp"] = n; } @property long exp() { try { return["exp"].integer; } catch (JSONException) { return 0; } } @property void nbf(long n) {["nbf"] = n; } @property long nbf() { try { return["nbf"].integer; } catch (JSONException) { return 0; } } @property void iat(long n) {["iat"] = n; } @property long iat() { try { return["iat"].integer; } catch (JSONException) { return 0; } } @property void jit(string s) {["jit"] = s; } @property string jit() { try { return["jit"].str(); } catch(JSONException e) { return ""; } } /** * gives json encoded claims * Returns: json encoded claims */ @property override string json() { return; } } /** * represents a token */ class Token { private: Claims _claims; Header _header; this(Claims claims, Header header) { this._claims = claims; this._header = header; } @property string data() { return this.header.base64 ~ "." ~; } public: this(in JWTAlgorithm alg, in string typ = "JWT") { this._claims = new Claims(); this._header = new Header(alg, typ); } @property Claims claims() { return this._claims; } @property Header header() { return this._header; } /** * used to get the signature of the token * Parmas: * secret = the secret key used to sign the token * Returns: the signature of the token */ string signature(string secret) { return sign(secret,, this.header.alg); } /** * encodes the token * Params: * secret = the secret key used to sign the token *Returns: base64 representation of the token including signature */ string encode(string secret) { if (( != ulong.init && != ulong.init) && < { throw new ExpiredException("Token has already expired"); } if (( != ulong.init && != ulong.init) && < { throw new ExpiresBeforeValidException("Token will expire before it becomes valid"); } return ~ "." ~ this.signature(secret); } /// unittest { Token token = new Token(JWTAlgorithm.HS512); long now = Clock.currTime.toUnixTime(); string secret = "super_secret"; = now - 3600; assertThrown!ExpiredException(token.encode(secret)); = now + 3600; = now + 7200; assertThrown!ExpiresBeforeValidException(token.encode(secret)); } /** * overload of the encode(string secret) function to simplify encoding of token without algorithm none * Returns: base64 representation of the token */ string encode() { assert(this.header.alg == JWTAlgorithm.NONE); return this.encode(""); } } Token decode(string encodedToken) { string[] tokenParts = split(encodedToken, "."); if(tokenParts.length != 3) { throw new MalformedToken("Malformed Token"); } string component = tokenParts[0]; string jsonComponent = cast(string)URLSafeBase64.decode(component); JSONValue parsedComponent = parseJSON(jsonComponent); Header header = new Header(parsedComponent); component = tokenParts[1]; jsonComponent = cast(string)URLSafeBase64.decode(component); parsedComponent = parseJSON(jsonComponent); Claims claims = new Claims(parsedComponent); return new Token(claims, header); } /** * verifies the tokens is valid, using the algorithm given instead of the alg field in the claims * Params: * encodedToken = the encoded token * secret = the secret key used to sign the token * alg = the algorithm to be used to verify the token * Returns: a decoded Token */ Token verify(string encodedToken, string secret, JWTAlgorithm[] algs) { Token token = decode(encodedToken); long now = Clock.currTime.toUnixTime(); bool algorithmAllowed = false; foreach(index, alg; algs) { if(token.header.alg == alg) { algorithmAllowed = true; } } if (!algorithmAllowed) { throw new InvalidAlgorithmException("Algorithm " ~ token.header.alg ~ " is not in the allowed algorithms field"); } string signature = split(encodedToken, ".")[2]; if (signature != token.signature(secret)) { throw new InvalidSignatureException("Signature Match Failed"); } if (token.header.alg == JWTAlgorithm.NONE) { throw new VerifyException("Algorithm set to none while secret is provided"); } if ( != ulong.init && < now) { throw new ExpiredException("Token has expired"); } if ( != ulong.init && > now) { throw new NotBeforeException("Token is not valid yet"); } return token; } unittest { string secret = "super_secret"; long now = Clock.currTime.toUnixTime(); Token token = new Token(JWTAlgorithm.HS512); = now + (60 * 60); string encodedToken = token.encode(secret); assertThrown!NotBeforeException(verify(encodedToken, secret, [JWTAlgorithm.HS512])); token = new Token(JWTAlgorithm.HS512); = now - 3600; = now - 60; encodedToken = token.encode(secret); assertThrown!ExpiredException(verify(encodedToken, secret, [JWTAlgorithm.HS512])); token = new Token(JWTAlgorithm.NONE); encodedToken = token.encode(secret); assertThrown!VerifyException(verify(encodedToken, secret, [JWTAlgorithm.HS512])); token = new Token(JWTAlgorithm.HS512); encodedToken = token.encode(secret) ~ "we_are"; assertThrown!InvalidSignatureException(verify(encodedToken, secret, [JWTAlgorithm.HS512])); token = new Token(JWTAlgorithm.HS512); encodedToken = token.encode(secret); assertThrown!InvalidAlgorithmException(verify(encodedToken, secret, [JWTAlgorithm.HS256, JWTAlgorithm.HS384])); } /** * verifies the tokens is valid, used in case the token was signed with "none" as algorithm * Params: * encodedToken = the encoded token * Returns: a decoded Token */ Token verify(string encodedToken) { Token token = decode(encodedToken); long now = Clock.currTime.toUnixTime(); if ( != ulong.init && < now) { throw new ExpiredException("Token has expired"); } if ( != ulong.init && > now) { throw new NotBeforeException("Token is not valid yet"); } return token; } /// unittest { long now = Clock.currTime.toUnixTime(); Token token = new Token(JWTAlgorithm.NONE); = now + (60 * 60); string encodedToken = token.encode(); assertThrown!NotBeforeException(verify(encodedToken)); token = new Token(JWTAlgorithm.NONE); = now - 3600; = now - 60; encodedToken = token.encode(); assertThrown!ExpiredException(token = verify(encodedToken)); }