module hunt.jwt.JwtToken; import hunt.jwt.Base64Codec; import hunt.jwt.Claims; import hunt.jwt.Component; import hunt.jwt.Exceptions; import hunt.jwt.Header; import hunt.jwt.Jwt; import hunt.jwt.JwtAlgorithm; import hunt.jwt.JwtOpenSSL; import std.conv; import std.datetime; import std.json; import std.string; import hunt.logging; /** * represents a token */ class JwtToken { private { Claims _claims; Header _header; this(Claims claims, Header header) { this._claims = claims; this._header = header; } @property string data() { return this.header.base64 ~ "." ~; } } this(in JwtAlgorithm alg, in string typ = "JWT") { this._claims = new Claims(); this._header = new Header(alg, typ); } @property Claims claims() { return this._claims; } @property Header header() { return this._header; } /** * used to get the signature of the token * Parmas: * secret = the secret key used to sign the token * Returns: the signature of the token */ string signature(string secret) { return Base64URLNoPadding.encode(cast(ubyte[])sign(, secret, this.header.alg)); } /** * encodes the token * Params: * secret = the secret key used to sign the token *Returns: base64 representation of the token including signature */ string encode(string secret) { if (( != ulong.init && != ulong.init) && < { throw new ExpiredException("Token has already expired"); } if (( != ulong.init && != ulong.init) && < { throw new ExpiresBeforeValidException("Token will expire before it becomes valid"); } string token = ~ "." ~ this.signature(secret); version(HUNT_AUTH_DEBUG) { import std.stdio; writeln("secret: %s, token: %s", secret, token); } return token; } /// unittest { JwtToken token = new JwtToken(JwtAlgorithm.HS512); long now = Clock.currTime.toUnixTime(); string secret = "super_secret"; = now - 3600; assertThrown!ExpiredException(token.encode(secret)); = now + 3600; = now + 7200; assertThrown!ExpiresBeforeValidException(token.encode(secret)); } /** * overload of the encode(string secret) function to simplify encoding of token without algorithm none * Returns: base64 representation of the token */ string encode() { assert(this.header.alg == JwtAlgorithm.NONE); return this.encode(""); } static JwtToken decode(string token, string delegate(ref JSONValue jose) lazyKey) { import std.algorithm : count; import std.conv : to; import std.uni : toUpper; version(HUNT_JWT_DEBUG) { tracef("token: %s", token); } if(count(token, ".") != 2) throw new VerifyException("Token is incorrect."); string[] tokenParts = split(token, "."); JSONValue header; try { header = parseJSON(cast(string)urlsafeB64Decode(tokenParts[0])); } catch(Exception e) { throw new VerifyException("Header is incorrect."); } JwtAlgorithm alg; try { // toUpper for none alg = to!(JwtAlgorithm)(toUpper(header["alg"].str())); } catch(Exception e) { throw new VerifyException("Algorithm is incorrect."); } if (auto typ = ("typ" in header)) { string typ_str = typ.str(); if(typ_str && typ_str != "JWT") throw new VerifyException("Type is incorrect."); } const key = lazyKey(header); if(!key.empty() && !verifySignature(tokenParts[0]~"."~tokenParts[1], tokenParts[2], key, alg)) throw new VerifyException("Signature is incorrect."); JSONValue payload; try { payload = parseJSON(cast(string)urlsafeB64Decode(tokenParts[1])); } catch(JSONException e) { // Code coverage has to miss this line because the signature test above throws before this does throw new VerifyException("Payload JSON is incorrect."); } Header h = new Header(header); Claims claims = new Claims(payload); return new JwtToken(claims, h); } static JwtToken decode(string encodedToken, string key="") { return decode(encodedToken, (ref _) => key); } static bool verify(string token, string key) { import std.algorithm : count; import std.conv : to; import std.uni : toUpper; if(count(token, ".") != 2) throw new VerifyException("Token is incorrect."); string[] tokenParts = split(token, "."); string decHeader = cast(string)urlsafeB64Decode(tokenParts[0]); JSONValue header = parseJSON(decHeader); JwtAlgorithm alg; try { // toUpper for none alg = to!(JwtAlgorithm)(toUpper(header["alg"].str())); } catch(Exception e) { throw new VerifyException("Algorithm is incorrect."); } if (auto typ = ("typ" in header)) { string typ_str = typ.str(); if(typ_str && typ_str != "JWT") throw new VerifyException("Type is incorrect."); } return verifySignature(tokenParts[0]~"."~tokenParts[1], tokenParts[2], key, alg); } } alias verify = JwtToken.verify; alias decode = JwtToken.decode; deprecated("Using JwtToken instead.") alias Token = JwtToken;