2021-04-26 11:20:35 +08:00

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module hunt.jwt.JwtOpenSSL;
import deimos.openssl.ssl;
import deimos.openssl.pem;
import deimos.openssl.rsa;
import deimos.openssl.hmac;
import deimos.openssl.err;
import hunt.jwt.Exceptions;
import hunt.jwt.JwtAlgorithm;
import hunt.logging;
import std.conv;
import std.range;
import core.stdc.stdlib : alloca;
import core.stdc.config : c_long;
string sign(string msg, string key, JwtAlgorithm algo = JwtAlgorithm.HS256) {
ubyte[] sign;
void sign_hs(const(EVP_MD)* evp, uint signLen) {
sign = new ubyte[signLen];
scope(exit) HMAC_CTX_reset(&ctx);
if(0 == HMAC_Init_ex(&ctx, key.ptr, cast(int)key.length, evp, null)) {
throw new Exception("Can't initialize HMAC context.");
if(0 == HMAC_Update(&ctx, cast(const(ubyte)*)msg.ptr, cast(ulong)msg.length)) {
throw new Exception("Can't update HMAC.");
if(0 == HMAC_Final(&ctx, cast(ubyte*)sign.ptr, &signLen)) {
throw new Exception("Can't finalize HMAC.");
version(HUNT_JWT_DEBUG) {
trace("msg: ", msg);
trace("key: ", key);
trace("algo: ", algo);
switch(algo) {
case JwtAlgorithm.NONE: {
case JwtAlgorithm.HS256: {
sign_hs(EVP_sha256(), SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH);
case JwtAlgorithm.HS384: {
sign_hs(EVP_sha384(), SHA384_DIGEST_LENGTH);
case JwtAlgorithm.HS512: {
sign_hs(EVP_sha512(), SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH);
/* RSA */
case JwtAlgorithm.RS256: {
const(EVP_MD) *alg = EVP_sha256();
sign = signShaPem(alg, EVP_PKEY_RSA, key, msg);
case JwtAlgorithm.RS384: {
const(EVP_MD) *alg = EVP_sha384();
sign = signShaPem(alg, EVP_PKEY_RSA, key, msg);
case JwtAlgorithm.RS512: {
const(EVP_MD) *alg = EVP_sha512();
sign = signShaPem(alg, EVP_PKEY_RSA, key, msg);
/* ECC */
case JwtAlgorithm.ES256: {
const(EVP_MD) *alg = EVP_sha256();
sign = signShaPem(alg, EVP_PKEY_EC, key, msg);
case JwtAlgorithm.ES384: {
const(EVP_MD) *alg = EVP_sha384();
sign = signShaPem(alg, EVP_PKEY_EC, key, msg);
case JwtAlgorithm.ES512: {
const(EVP_MD) *alg = EVP_sha512();
sign = signShaPem(alg, EVP_PKEY_EC, key, msg);
throw new SignException("Wrong algorithm: " ~ to!string(algo));
return cast(string)sign;
// Ported from
private ubyte[] signShaPem(const(EVP_MD) *alg, int type, string key, string msg) {
BIO * bufkey = BIO_new_mem_buf(cast(void*)key.ptr, cast(int)key.length);
if(bufkey is null) {
// throw new Exception("Can't load the private key.");
warning("Can't load the private key.");
return null;
scope(exit) BIO_free(bufkey);
/* This uses OpenSSL's default passphrase callback if needed. The
* library caller can override this in many ways, all of which are
* outside of the scope of LibJWT and this is documented in jwt.h. */
EVP_PKEY *pkey = PEM_read_bio_PrivateKey(bufkey, null, null, null);
if (pkey is null) {
warning("Invalid argument");
return null;
scope(exit) EVP_PKEY_free(pkey);
int pkey_type = EVP_PKEY_id(pkey);
if (pkey_type != type){
warning("Invalid argument");
return null;
EVP_MD_CTX *mdctx = EVP_MD_CTX_create();
if (mdctx is null){
warning("Out of memory");
return null;
scope(exit) EVP_MD_CTX_destroy(mdctx);
/* Initialize the DigestSign operation using alg */
if (EVP_DigestSignInit(mdctx, null, alg, null, pkey) != 1){
warning("Invalid argument");
return null;
/* Call update with the message */
if (EVP_DigestSignUpdate(mdctx, cast(void*)msg.ptr, msg.length) != 1){
warning("Invalid argument");
return null;
/* First, call EVP_DigestSignFinal with a null sig parameter to get length
* of sig. Length is returned in slen */
size_t slen;
if (EVP_DigestSignFinal(mdctx, null, &slen) != 1){
warning("Invalid argument");
return null;
/* Allocate memory for signature based on returned size */
// FIXME: Needing refactor or cleanup -@zhangxueping at 2021-03-03T19:38:11+08:00
// Crashed
// ubyte[] sig = new ubyte[slen];
ubyte* sig = cast(ubyte*)alloca(slen);
/* Get the signature */
if (EVP_DigestSignFinal(mdctx, sig, &slen) != 1) {
warning("Invalid argument");
return null;
ubyte[] resultSig;
if (pkey_type != EVP_PKEY_EC) {
resultSig = sig[0..slen].dup;
} else {
uint degree, bn_len, r_len, s_len, buf_len;
/* For EC we need to convert to a raw format of R/S. */
/* Get the actual ec_key */
EC_KEY *ec_key = EVP_PKEY_get1_EC_KEY(pkey);
if (ec_key is null) {
warning("Out of memory");
return null;
degree = EC_GROUP_get_degree(EC_KEY_get0_group(ec_key));
/* Get the sig from the DER encoded version. */
version(HUNT_JWT_DEBUG) {
infof("slen: %d, sig: %(%02X %)", slen, sig[0..slen]);
// FIXME: Needing refactor or cleanup -@zhangxueping at 2021-03-03T19:39:16+08:00
// Crashed here
// ECDSA_SIG *ec_sig = d2i_ECDSA_SIG(null, cast(const(ubyte) **)sig.ptr, cast(long)slen);
ECDSA_SIG *ec_sig = d2i_ECDSA_SIG(null, cast(const(ubyte) **)&sig, cast(c_long)slen);
if (ec_sig is null) {
warning("Can't decode ECDSA signature.");
return null;
scope(exit) ECDSA_SIG_free(ec_sig);
// version(HUNT_JWT_DEBUG) {
// tracef("slen: %d, sig: %(%02X %)", slen, sig[0..slen]);
// }
BIGNUM *ec_sig_r;
BIGNUM *ec_sig_s;
ECDSA_SIG_get0(ec_sig, &ec_sig_r, &ec_sig_s);
r_len = BN_num_bytes(ec_sig_r);
s_len = BN_num_bytes(ec_sig_s);
bn_len = (degree + 7) / 8;
if ((r_len > bn_len) || (s_len > bn_len)){
warning("Invalid argument");
return null;
buf_len = 2 * bn_len;
ubyte[] raw_buf = new ubyte[buf_len];
/* Pad the bignums with leading zeroes. */
// memset(raw_buf, 0, buf_len);
BN_bn2bin(ec_sig_r, raw_buf.ptr + bn_len - r_len);
BN_bn2bin(ec_sig_s, raw_buf.ptr + buf_len - s_len);
resultSig = raw_buf;
version(HUNT_JWT_DEBUG) {
tracef("%d, buffer: %(%02X %)", resultSig.length, resultSig);
return resultSig;
bool verifySignature(string head, string signature, string key, JwtAlgorithm algo = JwtAlgorithm.HS256) {
import hunt.jwt.Base64Codec;
version(HUNT_JWT_DEBUG) {
infof("signature %s", signature);
ubyte[] decodedSign = cast(ubyte[])urlsafeB64Decode(signature);
bool verify_rs(ubyte* hash, int type, uint len, uint signLen) {
RSA* rsa_public = RSA_new();
scope(exit) RSA_free(rsa_public);
BIO* bpo = BIO_new_mem_buf(cast(char*)key.ptr, -1);
if(bpo is null)
throw new Exception("Can't load key to the BIO.");
scope(exit) BIO_free(bpo);
RSA* rsa = PEM_read_bio_RSA_PUBKEY(bpo, &rsa_public, null, null);
if(rsa is null) {
throw new Exception("Can't create RSA key.");
// ubyte[] sign = cast(ubyte[])signature;
int ret = RSA_verify(type, hash, signLen, decodedSign.ptr, len, rsa_public);
return ret == 1;
switch(algo) {
case JwtAlgorithm.NONE: {
return key.length == 0;
case JwtAlgorithm.HS256:
case JwtAlgorithm.HS384:
case JwtAlgorithm.HS512: {
return decodedSign == cast(ubyte[])sign(head, key, algo);
/* RSA */
case JwtAlgorithm.RS256: {
const(EVP_MD) *alg = EVP_sha256();
return verifyShaPem(alg, EVP_PKEY_RSA, head, decodedSign, key);
case JwtAlgorithm.RS384: {
const(EVP_MD) *alg = EVP_sha384();
return verifyShaPem(alg, EVP_PKEY_RSA, head, decodedSign, key);
case JwtAlgorithm.RS512: {
const(EVP_MD) *alg = EVP_sha512();
return verifyShaPem(alg, EVP_PKEY_RSA, head, decodedSign, key);
/* ECC */
case JwtAlgorithm.ES256: {
const(EVP_MD) *alg = EVP_sha256();
return verifyShaPem(alg, EVP_PKEY_EC, head, decodedSign, key);
// ubyte[] hash = new ubyte[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH];
// SHA256(cast(const(ubyte)*)head.ptr, head.length, hash.ptr);
// return verify_es(NID_secp256k1, hash.ptr, SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH );
case JwtAlgorithm.ES384: {
const(EVP_MD) *alg = EVP_sha384();
return verifyShaPem(alg, EVP_PKEY_EC, head, decodedSign, key);
case JwtAlgorithm.ES512: {
const(EVP_MD) *alg = EVP_sha512();
return verifyShaPem(alg, EVP_PKEY_EC, head, decodedSign, key);
throw new VerifyException("Wrong algorithm.");
private bool verifyShaPem(const(EVP_MD) *alg, int type, string head, const(ubyte)[] sig, string key) {
version(HUNT_JWT_DEBUG) {
tracef("head: %s", head);
tracef("sig: %(%02X %)", sig);
int slen = cast(int)sig.length;
// sig = jwt_b64_decode(sig_b64, &slen);
if (sig.empty()) {
version(HUNT_JWT_DEBUG) warning("Invalid argument");
return false;
BIO *bufkey = BIO_new_mem_buf(cast(void*)key.ptr, cast(int)key.length);
if (bufkey is null) {
version(HUNT_JWT_DEBUG) warning("Out of memory");
return false;
scope(exit) BIO_free(bufkey);
/* This uses OpenSSL's default passphrase callback if needed. The
* library caller can override this in many ways, all of which are
* outside of the scope of LibJWT and this is documented in jwt.h. */
EVP_PKEY *pkey = PEM_read_bio_PUBKEY(bufkey, null, null, null);
if (pkey is null) {
version(HUNT_JWT_DEBUG) warning("Invalid argument");
return false;
scope(exit) EVP_PKEY_free(pkey);
int pkey_type = EVP_PKEY_id(pkey);
if (pkey_type != type) {
version(HUNT_JWT_DEBUG) warning("Invalid argument");
return false;
/* Convert EC sigs back to ASN1. */
if (pkey_type == EVP_PKEY_EC) {
uint degree, bn_len;
EC_KEY *ec_key;
ECDSA_SIG *ec_sig = ECDSA_SIG_new();
if (ec_sig is null) {
version(HUNT_JWT_DEBUG) warning("Out of memory");
return false;
scope(exit) ECDSA_SIG_free(ec_sig);
/* Get the actual ec_key */
ec_key = EVP_PKEY_get1_EC_KEY(pkey);
if (ec_key is null) {
version(HUNT_JWT_DEBUG) warning("Out of memory");
return false;
degree = EC_GROUP_get_degree(EC_KEY_get0_group(ec_key));
bn_len = (degree + 7) / 8;
if ((bn_len * 2) != slen) {
version(HUNT_JWT_DEBUG) warning("Invalid argument");
return false;
BIGNUM *ec_sig_r = BN_bin2bn(cast(const(ubyte)*)sig.ptr, bn_len, null);
BIGNUM *ec_sig_s = BN_bin2bn(cast(const(ubyte)*)sig.ptr + bn_len, bn_len, null);
if (ec_sig_r is null || ec_sig_s is null) {
version(HUNT_JWT_DEBUG) warning("Invalid argument");
return false;
ECDSA_SIG_set0(ec_sig, ec_sig_r, ec_sig_s);
slen = i2d_ECDSA_SIG(ec_sig, null);
// sig = jwt_malloc(slen);
ubyte[] tempBuffer = new ubyte[slen];
ubyte*p = tempBuffer.ptr;
// ubyte* tempBuffer = cast(ubyte*)alloca(slen);
// ubyte*p = tempBuffer;
slen = i2d_ECDSA_SIG(ec_sig, &p);
if (slen == 0) {
version(HUNT_JWT_DEBUG) warning("Invalid argument");
return false;
sig = tempBuffer;
EVP_MD_CTX *mdctx = EVP_MD_CTX_create();
if (mdctx is null) {
version(HUNT_JWT_DEBUG) warning("Out of memory");
return false;
scope(exit) EVP_MD_CTX_destroy(mdctx);
/* Initialize the DigestVerify operation using alg */
if (EVP_DigestVerifyInit(mdctx, null, alg, null, pkey) != 1){
version(HUNT_JWT_DEBUG) warning("Invalid argument");
return false;
/* Call update with the message */
if (EVP_DigestVerifyUpdate(mdctx, head.ptr, cast(int)head.length) != 1){
version(HUNT_JWT_DEBUG) warning("Invalid argument");
return false;
version(HUNT_JWT_DEBUG) {
tracef("slen: %d, sig: %(%02X %)", slen, sig);
/* Now check the sig for validity. */
if (EVP_DigestVerifyFinal(mdctx, cast(ubyte*)sig.ptr, slen) != 1) {
version(HUNT_JWT_DEBUG) warning("Invalid argument");
return false;
return true;