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mirror of https://github.com/HenkKalkwater/aoc-2020 synced 2024-12-22 16:35:18 +00:00

Add day 4 part 2

This commit is contained in:
Chris Josten 2020-12-05 04:42:53 +01:00
parent d32366790b
commit 2b14c8d6f6
Signed by: chris
GPG key ID: 1795A594046530AB

View file

@ -7,19 +7,41 @@ import std.traits;
import dayutil;
bool inbetween(T)(T value, T min, T max) {
return min <= value && value <= max;
struct SerName { string name; };
struct Passport {
@SerName("byr") string birthYear = "";
@SerName("byr") short birthYear = -1;
@SerName("cid") string countryId = "";
@SerName("ecl") string eyeColour = "";
@SerName("eyr") string expireYear = "";
@SerName("eyr") short expireYear = -1;
@SerName("hcl") string hairColour = "";
@SerName("hgt") string height = "";
@SerName("iyr") string issueYear = "";
@SerName("iyr") short issueYear = -1;
@SerName("pid") string passwordId = "";
bool isValid() {
return birthYear.length > 0 && issueYear.length > 0 && expireYear.length > 0
import std.ascii;
import std.conv;
return birthYear.inbetween!short(1920, 2002)
&& issueYear.inbetween!short(2010, 2020)
&& expireYear.inbetween!short(2020, 2030)
&& (height.endsWith("cm")
? to!int(height[0..$-2]).inbetween(150, 193)
: height.endsWith("in")
? to!int(height[0..$-2]).inbetween(59, 76)
: false)
&& hairColour.startsWith("#") && hairColour.length == 7
&& hairColour[1..6].all!(c => c <= 'f' && c >= '0' && (c <= '9' || c >= 'a'))
&& eyeColour.among("amb", "blu", "brn", "gry", "grn", "hzl", "oth")
&& passwordId.length == 9 && passwordId.all!isDigit;
bool hasAllFields() {
return birthYear >= 0 && issueYear >= 0 && expireYear >= 0
&& height.length > 0 && hairColour.length > 0 && eyeColour.length > 0
&& eyeColour.length > 0 && passwordId.length > 0;
@ -27,17 +49,86 @@ struct Passport {
void run(string[] args) {
auto lines = stdin.byLineCopy.array;
size_t result = parts!size_t(args,
() => part1(lines));
() => part1(lines),
() => part2(lines));
size_t part1(Range)(Range range) if (isInputRange!Range) {
return range.tokenize()
.map!(x => x.deserialize!Passport)
.filter!(x => x.hasAllFields)
unittest {
import std.string;
string testdata = q"EOS
ecl:gry pid:860033327 eyr:2020 hcl:#fffffd
byr:1937 iyr:2017 cid:147 hgt:183cm
iyr:2013 ecl:amb cid:350 eyr:2023 pid:028048884
hcl:#cfa07d byr:1929
hcl:#ae17e1 iyr:2013
ecl:brn pid:760753108 byr:1931
hcl:#cfa07d eyr:2025 pid:166559648
iyr:2011 ecl:brn hgt:59in
.lineSplitter.part1 == 2);
size_t part2(Range)(Range range) if (isInputRange!Range) {
return range.tokenize()
.map!(x => x.deserialize!Passport)
.filter!(x => x.isValid)
unittest {
import std.string;
string invalid = q"EOF
eyr:1972 cid:100
hcl:#18171d ecl:amb hgt:170 pid:186cm iyr:2018 byr:1926
hcl:#602927 eyr:1967 hgt:170cm
ecl:grn pid:012533040 byr:1946
hcl:dab227 iyr:2012
ecl:brn hgt:182cm pid:021572410 eyr:2020 byr:1992 cid:277
hgt:59cm ecl:zzz
eyr:2038 hcl:74454a iyr:2023 pid:3556412378 byr:2007
assert(invalid.lineSplitter.part2 == 0);
unittest {
import std.string;
string invalid = q"EOF
pid:087499704 hgt:74in ecl:grn iyr:2012 eyr:2030 byr:1980
eyr:2029 ecl:blu cid:129 byr:1989
iyr:2014 pid:896056539 hcl:#a97842 hgt:165cm
hgt:164cm byr:2001 iyr:2015 cid:88
pid:545766238 ecl:hzl
iyr:2010 hgt:158cm hcl:#b6652a ecl:blu byr:1944 eyr:2021 pid:093154719
assert(invalid.lineSplitter.part2 == 4);
* Deserializes a type from an array in the form of [[key, value], ...] where key an value are
* strings.
@ -88,24 +179,3 @@ auto tokenize(Range)(Range range) if (isInputRange!Range) {
.sort!(((a,b) => a[0] < b[0])));
unittest {
import std.string;
string testdata = q"EOS
ecl:gry pid:860033327 eyr:2020 hcl:#fffffd
byr:1937 iyr:2017 cid:147 hgt:183cm
iyr:2013 ecl:amb cid:350 eyr:2023 pid:028048884
hcl:#cfa07d byr:1929
hcl:#ae17e1 iyr:2013
ecl:brn pid:760753108 byr:1931
hcl:#cfa07d eyr:2025 pid:166559648
iyr:2011 ecl:brn hgt:59in
.lineSplitter.part1 == 2);