Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/HenkKalkwater/aoc-2020 synced 2024-05-19 21:12:42 +00:00
Chris Josten 34c56ba047
Day 17: improve doc, fix Point bug
Accidentily swapped the arguments of opIndexAssign, which caused

auto p = Point!2(1,2)
p[0] = 3;
assert(p.x == 3)

to fail
2020-12-18 01:58:31 +01:00

254 lines
6 KiB

import std.format;
import dayutil;
version(unittest) import fluent.asserts;
immutable char[26] letters = "xyzwvutsrqpomnlkjihgfedcba";
* A point with 'dim' dimensions.
struct Point(size_t dim) {
int[dim] elements;
int opIndex(size_t index) {
return elements[index];
void opIndexAssign(T : int) (T value, size_t index) {
elements[index] = value;
mixin template element(string name, size_t index) {
mixin("@property int %s() const { return elements[%d]; }".format(name, index));
mixin("@property void %s(int newValue) { elements[%d] = newValue; }".format(name, index));
static foreach(i; 0..dim) {
mixin element!([letters[i]], i);
this(T...)(T args) {
foreach(idx, arg; args) {
elements[idx] = arg;
unittest {
Point!4 p = Point!4(5,2,3);
p.x = 9;
p[0] = 1;
assert(p.w == 0);
Variant run(int part, File input, bool bigboy, string[] args) {
string[] lines = input.byLineCopy.array;
return Variant(parts!int(part,
() {
bool[Point!3] parsedInput3 = parseInput!3(lines);
return part1(parsedInput3);
() {
bool[Point!4] parsedInput4 = parseInput!4(lines);
return part2!4(parsedInput4);
bool[Point!dim] parseInput(size_t dim, Range)(Range range) if (isInputRange!Range && isSomeString!(ElementType!Range) && dim >= 2){
bool[Point!dim] result;
foreach(y, line; range.enumerate) {
foreach(x, c; line) {
if (c == '#') {
result[Point!dim(cast(int) x, cast(int) y)] = true;
return result;
int part1(bool[Point!3] start){
alias DPoint = Point!3;
immutable int BOOT_LENGTH = 6;
bool[DPoint] prev = start.dup;
foreach(i; 0..BOOT_LENGTH) {
bool[DPoint] newState = prev.dup;
assert(newState == prev);
int minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ;
foreach(e; prev.byKey) {
if (e.x < minX) minX = e.x;
if (e.y < minY) minY = e.y;
if (e.z < minZ) minZ = e.z;
if (e.x > maxX) maxX = e.x;
if (e.y > maxY) maxY = e.y;
if (e.z > maxZ) maxZ = e.z;
DPoint min = DPoint(minX - 1, minY - 1, minZ - 1);
DPoint max = DPoint(maxX + 2, maxY + 2, maxZ + 2);
foreach(z; min.z..max.z) {
// debug writeln("z=", z);
foreach(y; min.y..max.y) {
foreach(x; min.x..max.x) {
// Point
bool active = prev.get(DPoint(x,y,z), false);
// debug if (active) { write("\x1B[42m"); }
//write(active ? '#' : '.');
int neighboursActive = 0;
foreach(dx; x-1..x+2) {
foreach(dy; y-1..y+2) {
foreach(dz; z-1..z+2) {
if (dx == x && dy == y && dz == z) continue;
if (prev.get(DPoint(dx, dy, dz), false)) neighboursActive++;
/+debug {
if (neighboursActive > 9) {
} else {
if (active && (neighboursActive < 2 || neighboursActive > 3)) {
newState[DPoint(x,y,z)] = false;
} else if (!active && neighboursActive == 3) {
newState[DPoint(x,y,z)] = true;
//debug write("\x1B[0m");
// debug writeln();
// debug writeln();
assert(newState != prev);
// debug writeln("---");
prev = newState;
return cast(int) prev.byValue.count!((x) => x);
* Generates code for the nested loops within part2
* Params:
* dim: The amount of dimensions the pocket dimensions has
* Returns: the generated code as a string
string GenLoops(size_t dim)() {
string code = ""; // The generated code
string xyz = ""; // Generates the string x, y, z, w, ...
string dxyz = ""; // Genereates the string dx, dy, dz, dw, ...
static foreach(j; 0..dim) {
xyz ~= [letters[j]];
dxyz ~= "d" ~ [letters[j]];
if (j != dim - 1) {
xyz ~= ", ";
dxyz ~= ", ";
// Generate outer loop to go over each point
static foreach(j; 0..dim) {
code ~= "foreach(%1$s; min[%2$s]..max[%2$s]) {\n".format(letters[j], j);
code ~= "bool active = prev.get(DPoint(" ~ xyz ~ "), false);\n";
code ~= "int neighboursActive = 0;\n";
// Generate code to loop over the neighbours
static foreach(j; 0..dim) {
code ~= "foreach(d%1$s; %1$s-1..%1$s+2) {\n".format(letters[j]);
// Skip if the current coördinate is not a neighbour, but our current node itself.
code ~= "if (";
static foreach(j; 0..dim) {
code ~= "%1s == d%1$s".format(letters[j]);
if (j != dim - 1) code ~= " && ";
code ~= ") continue;\n";
// Increment the activeNeighbours count if the neighbour we're visiting is active
code ~= "if (prev.get(DPoint(" ~ dxyz ~ "), false)) neighboursActive++;\n";
// Generate closing brackers for the inner loop
static foreach(j; 0..dim) {
code ~= "}\n";
// Check if the current point should stay active.
code ~= "if (active && (neighboursActive < 2 || neighboursActive > 3)) {";
code ~= " newState[DPoint(" ~ xyz ~ ")] = false;";
code ~= "} else if (!active && neighboursActive == 3) {";
code ~= " newState[DPoint(" ~ xyz ~ ")] = true;";
code ~= "}\n";
// Generate closing brackers for the outer loop
static foreach(j; 0..dim) {
code ~= "}\n";
return code;
int part2(size_t dim)(bool[Point!dim] start){
alias DPoint = Point!dim;
immutable int BOOT_LENGTH = 6;
bool[DPoint] prev = start.dup;
foreach(i; 0..BOOT_LENGTH) {
bool[DPoint] newState = prev.dup;
assert(newState == prev);
int[dim] min;
int[dim] max;
foreach(e; prev.byKey) {
// Determine the bounds for each dimension
static foreach(j; 0..dim) {
if (e[j] < min[j]) min[j] = e[j];
if (e[j] > max[j]) max[j] = e[j];
static foreach(j; 0..dim) {
min[j] -= 1;
max[j] += 2;
//debug writeln(GenLoops!(dim));
// Sadly, the only way I am a ware of to generate dim amount of nested loops
// is by using mixins
prev = newState;
return cast(int) prev.byValue.count!((x) => x);
unittest {
string[] input = [
bool[Point!3] parsedInput = parseInput!3(input);
bool[Point!4] parsedInput4 = parseInput!4(input);