
86 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2020-06-24 08:08:28 +00:00
import std.file;
import std.stdio;
import std.string;
import std.experimental.logger;
import dyaml;
import page;
import vibe.d;
* Represents an article on the blog
class Article : Page {
private string m_author;
private string m_title;
private string m_slug;
private DateTime m_firstPublished;
private string m_excerpt;
* Time that the file was last updated
private DateTime m_updated;
* Loads an article from a file.
this(string file) {
this.m_headerShift = 1;
// Find the first header and mark everything up to that as
if (m_excerpt is null) {
// an excerpt, used in search results.
const long seperatorIndex = indexOf(m_contentSource, "---\n");
this.m_excerpt = this.m_contentSource[seperatorIndex + 4..$];
long firstHeaderIndex = indexOf(this.m_excerpt, '#');
if (firstHeaderIndex >= 0) {
this.m_excerpt = this.m_excerpt[0..firstHeaderIndex];
* Loads the metadata specific to Articles.
override protected void loadHeader(Node headerNode) {
if (headerNode.containsKey("author")) {
this.m_author = headerNode["author"].as!string;
} else {
this.m_author = "<unknown author>";
if ("excerpt" in headerNode) {
this.m_excerpt = headerNode["excerpt"].as!string;
if ("firstPublished" in headerNode) {
try {
this.m_firstPublished = cast(DateTime) headerNode["firstPublished"].as!SysTime;
} catch(DateTimeException e) {
warningf("%s: invalid date format", this.m_slug);
} else {
this.m_firstPublished= DateTime.fromSimpleString("1970-Jan-01 00:00:00");
if ("updated" in headerNode) {
try {
this.m_updated = cast(DateTime) headerNode["updated"].as!SysTime();
} catch(DateTimeException e) {
warningf("%s: invalid date format", this.m_slug);
} else {
this.m_updated = this.m_firstPublished;
@property string excerpt() { return m_excerpt; }
@property string author() { return m_author; }
@property DateTime firstPublished() { return m_firstPublished; }
@property DateTime updated() { return m_updated; }