doctype html html(prefix="og:") - import constants; head //- Kick off loading the css as fast as possible meta(name="viewport", content="width=device-width; initial-scale=1") link(rel="stylesheet", href="/static/style/base.css") - string page_image = "/static/img/logo.png"; - string page_title; - string page_type; - string page_url; - string page_description; block meta_data - if (page_title !is null) title& #{page_title} - #{Constants.SITE_NAME} meta(name="og:title", content=page_title) - else title& #{Constants.SITE_NAME} meta(name="og:site_name", content=Constants.SITE_NAME) - if (page_image !is null) meta(name="og:image", content=Constants.SITE_URL ~ page_image) - if (page_type !is null) meta(name="og:type", content=page_type) - if (page_url !is null) meta(name="og:url", content=Constants.SITE_URL ~ page_url) - if (page_description !is null) meta(name="og:description", content=page_description) block extra_meta_data link(rel="stylesheet", href="/static/style/highlight.css", defer) link(rel="alternate stylesheet", href="/static/style/old.css", title="1999") link(rel="shortcut icon", href="/static/img/logo.png") link(rel="apple-touch-icon", href="/static/img/logo.png") meta(name="theme-color", content="#7f0602") block header body - void menuItem(string text, string link) li a(href="#{link}") #{text} section.header-navigation header img.logo(src="/static/img/logo.png", alt="The logo of the website: the letter C drawn in an unprofessional manner with wobbly eyes on put on top") p& Chris's website nav ul - menuItem("home", "/"); - menuItem("posts", "/posts/"); - menuItem("projects", "/projects/"); block sidebar footer.hide-small block footer include /parts/footer.dt main block content footer.hide-big block footer include /parts/footer.dt