Chris Josten 1d0d1a54b1 Fix crash caused by lastIndexOf returning negative numbers
The ArticleParser would crash when a negative number was returned by
lastIndexOf, since it was casted to an unsigned integer. This unsigned
integer then was used to allocate memory, which would allocate way to
much memory, causing a MemoryException and crashing the process.
2021-10-13 14:07:27 +02:00

67 lines
1.9 KiB

import std.file;
import std.stdio;
import std.string;
import std.experimental.logger;
import dyaml;
import vibe.d;
import page;
import utils;
* Represents an article on the blog
class Article : Page {
private string m_author;
private string m_title;
private string m_slug;
private DateTime m_firstPublished;
private string m_excerpt;
* Time that the file was last updated
private DateTime m_updated;
* Loads an article from a file.
this(string file) {
this.m_headerShift = 1;
// Find the first header and mark everything up to that as
if (m_excerpt is null) {
// an excerpt, used in search results.
const long seperatorIndex = cast(long) lastIndexOf(m_contentSource, "---\n");
this.m_excerpt = this.m_contentSource[seperatorIndex + 4..$];
const long firstHeaderIndex = indexOf(this.m_excerpt, '#');
if (firstHeaderIndex >= 0) {
this.m_excerpt = this.m_excerpt[0..firstHeaderIndex];
* Loads the metadata specific to Articles.
override protected void loadHeader(Node headerNode) {
this.m_author = headerNode.getOr!string("author", "<unknown author>");
this.m_excerpt = headerNode.getOr!string("excerpt", null);
SysTime firstPublished;
firstPublished = headerNode.getOr!SysTime("firstPublished", SysTime(DateTime.fromSimpleString("0001-Jan-01 00:00:00")));
this.m_firstPublished = cast(DateTime) firstPublished;
this.m_updated = cast(DateTime) headerNode.getOr!SysTime("updated", firstPublished);
@property string excerpt() { return m_excerpt; }
@property string author() { return m_author; }
@property DateTime firstPublished() { return m_firstPublished; }
@property DateTime updated() { return m_updated; }
@property bool isModified() { return m_firstPublished != m_updated; }