Chris Josten 35d5b02b5e Refractor code
* This project now should make proper use of modules
* HTTP specific logic was extracted from app.d to http.d
* Logic for managing files in memory was moved to cache.d from watcher.d
* Added license
2021-06-22 01:37:51 +02:00

62 lines
1.9 KiB

import std.array;
import std.algorithm;
import std.typecons;
import dyaml;
import vibe.vibe;
import page;
import utils;
import staticpaths;
* Represents a project, like an unfinished application
class Project : Page {
alias Link= Tuple!(string, "name", string, "url");
protected immutable string PROJECT_ICON_DIR = IMG_DIR ~ "projects/icons/";
protected immutable string PROJECT_IMAGE_DIR = IMG_DIR ~ "projects/images/";
protected string m_state;
protected string[] m_platforms;
protected string[] m_technologies;
protected string m_icon;
protected string[] m_images;
protected string m_description;
protected Link[] m_sourceCode = [];
* Creates a project from a file
this(string file) {
override protected void loadHeader(Node headerNode) {
this.m_state = headerNode.getOr!string("state", "unknown");
this.m_platforms = headerNode.getArray!string("platforms", []);
this.m_technologies = headerNode.getArray!string("technologies", []);
this.m_icon = PROJECT_ICON_DIR ~ headerNode.getOr!string("icon", "");
this.m_images = headerNode.getArray!string("images", [])
.map!(x => PROJECT_IMAGE_DIR ~ x).array;
this.m_description = headerNode.getOr!string("description", "<no description>");
if ("sourceCode" in headerNode) {
foreach(Node node; headerNode["sourceCode"]) {
m_sourceCode ~= tuple!("name", "url")(node.getOr!string("name", "link"),
node.getOr!string("url", "#"));
@property string state() { return m_state; }
@property string[] platforms() { return m_platforms; }
@property string[] technologies() { return m_technologies; }
@property string icon() { return m_icon; }
@property string[] images() { return m_images; }
@property string description() { return m_description; }
@property Link[] sourceCode() { return m_sourceCode; }