Chris Josten 35d5b02b5e Refractor code
* This project now should make proper use of modules
* HTTP specific logic was extracted from app.d to http.d
* Logic for managing files in memory was moved to cache.d from watcher.d
* Added license
2021-06-22 01:37:51 +02:00

175 lines
4.7 KiB

import vibe.d;
import cache;
import article;
import page;
import project;
* Output types for the content.
enum OutputType {
immutable string MIME_MARKDOWN = "text/markdown";
immutable Duration CACHE_TIME = days(16);
* Get's the document type for the given slug based on extension
* and returns the slug without extension and the document type. Also removes the extension from the
* slug.
private OutputType getOutputType(ref string slug) {
if (slug.endsWith(".md")) {
slug = chomp(slug, ".md");
return OutputType.MARKDOWN;
} else if (slug.endsWith(".html")){
// If explicitly asking for HTML, we'll return HTML
slug = chomp(slug, ".html");
return OutputType.HTML;
} else {
// If in the future, for any reason, we no longer use HTML
// this allows to us to keep the current urls with an option
// to change the output in the future.
return OutputType.HTML;
void addCachingHeader(bool publicCache = true)(ref HTTPServerResponse res) {
string header = "";
static if (publicCache) {
header ~= "public";
} else {
header ~= "private";
header ~= ", max-age=" ~ to!string(!"seconds");
res.headers["Cache-Control"] = header;
struct TranslateContext {
import std.typetuple;
alias languages = TypeTuple!("en_GB", "nl_NL");
mixin translationModule!"mijnblog";
static string determineLanguage(scope HTTPServerRequest req) {
if ("lang" !in req.query) return req.determineLanguageByHeader(languages); // default behaviour using "Accept-Language" header
return req.query.get("lang", "en_GB");
* Generates boilerplate code for a single response.
* params:
* arrayName = The name of the associative array to take the items from.
* templateName = The name of the template to render.
string singleResponseMixin(string arrayName, string templateName) {
return `string slug = req.params["slug"];
OutputType outputType = getOutputType(slug);
enforceHTTP(slug in ` ~ arrayName ~ `, HTTPStatus.notFound, "Page not found");
auto content = ` ~ arrayName ~ `[slug];
switch(outputType) with (OutputType) {
res.writeBody(content.contentSource, MIME_MARKDOWN);
case HTML:
render!("` ~ templateName ~ `", content);
class MijnBlog {
* Generates response for /posts/:slug and /palen/:slug.
void getArticleSingle(string _slug, HTTPServerRequest req, HTTPServerResponse res) {
//getSingle!(Article, "pages/article.dt")(articles, req, res);
mixin(singleResponseMixin("articles", "pages/article.dt"));
* Generates response for /posts and /palen
void getArticleOverview(HTTPServerRequest req, HTTPServerResponse res) {
Article[] articleList = articles.sortedList;
render!("pages/article-list.dt", articleList);
* Generates response for /projects and /projecten
void getProjectOverview(HTTPServerRequest req, HTTPServerResponse res) {
Project[] projectList = projects.sortedList;
render!("pages/project-list.dt", projectList);
* Generate response for a project page
void getProject(HTTPServerRequest req, HTTPServerResponse res) {
res.headers["Cache-Control"] = "public";
mixin(singleResponseMixin("projects", "pages/project.dt"));
* Generate response for a page
void getPage(HTTPServerRequest req, HTTPServerResponse res) {
mixin(singleResponseMixin("pages", "pages/page.dt"));
void getIndexPage(HTTPServerRequest req, HTTPServerResponse res) {
// If no slug is supplied, it will be adjusted to "index"
req.params.addField("slug", "index");
mixin(singleResponseMixin("pages", "pages/page.dt"));
* Generates response whenever an error occurs.
void errorPage(HTTPServerRequest req, HTTPServerResponse res, HTTPServerErrorInfo error) {
render!("pages/error.dt", error)(res);
void startHTTPServer() {
HTTPServerSettings settings = new HTTPServerSettings;
settings.bindAddresses = [""];
settings.port = 3465;
settings.serverString = "zeg ik lekker niet";
settings.errorPageHandler = toDelegate(&errorPage);
settings.keepAliveTimeout = dur!"seconds"(60);
debug {
settings.accessLogToConsole = true;
HTTPFileServerSettings fSettings = new HTTPFileServerSettings;
fSettings.maxAge = days(16);
URLRouter router = new URLRouter;
router.get("/static/*", serveStaticFiles("./public/", fSettings));
router.registerWebInterface(new MijnBlog);
listenHTTP(settings, router);