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#include "jellyfinitem.h"
namespace Jellyfin {
JsonSerializable::JsonSerializable(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) {}
void JsonSerializable::deserialize(const QJsonObject &jObj, QObject *to) {
if (to == nullptr) to = this;
const QMetaObject *obj = to->metaObject();
qDebug() << "Inside class: " << QString(obj->className());
for (auto it = jObj.constBegin(); it != jObj.constEnd(); it++) {
// Hardcoded exception for the property id, since its special inside QML
if (it.key() == "Id") {
to->setProperty("jellyfinId", jsonToVariant(
obj->property(obj->indexOfProperty("jellyfinId")), it.value(), jObj));
} else {
const char *propName = fromPascalCase(it.key()).normalized(QString::NormalizationForm_D).toLatin1();
int propIndex = obj->indexOfProperty(propName);
if (propIndex >= 0) {
qDebug() << "Setting property " << QString(propName) << "(" << it.key() << ")";
// We have this property! Set it.
QMetaProperty prop = obj->property(propIndex);
prop.write(to, jsonToVariant(prop, it.value(), jObj));
} else {
qDebug() << "Setting custom property " << QString(propName) << "(" << it.key() << ")";
QJsonValue val = it.value();
if (val.isObject()) {
// Create a new QObject with its properties.
QObject *newObj = new QObject(to);
deserialize(val.toObject(), newObj);
to->setProperty(propName, QVariant::fromValue(newObj));
} else if (val.isArray()) {
to->setProperty(propName, val.toArray().toVariantList());
} else {
to->setProperty(propName, val.toVariant());
qDebug() << "Leaving class: " << QString(obj->className());
// Loop over each property,
/*for (int i = 0; i < obj->propertyCount(); i++) {
QMetaProperty prop = obj->property(i);
// Skip properties which are not stored (usually derrived of other properties)
if (!prop.isStored()) continue;
if (!prop.isWritable()) continue;
qDebug() << toPascalCase(prop.name());
// Hardcoded exception for the property id, since its special inside QML
if (QString(prop.name()) == "jellyfinId" && jObj.contains("Id")) {
QJsonValue val = jObj["Id"];
prop.write(this, jsonToVariant(prop, val, jObj));
} else if (jObj.contains(toPascalCase(prop.name()))) {
QJsonValue val = jObj[toPascalCase(prop.name())];
prop.write(this, jsonToVariant(prop, val, jObj));
} else {
qDebug() << "Ignored " << prop.name() << " while deserializing";
QVariant JsonSerializable::jsonToVariant(QMetaProperty prop, const QJsonValue &val, const QJsonObject &root) const {
switch(val.type()) {
case QJsonValue::Null:
case QJsonValue::Undefined:
return QVariant();
case QJsonValue::Bool:
case QJsonValue::Double:
case QJsonValue::String:
return val.toVariant();
case QJsonValue::Array:
if (prop.type() == QVariant::List) {
QJsonArray arr = val.toArray();
QVariantList varArr;
for (auto it = arr.begin(); it < arr.end(); it++) {
varArr << jsonToVariant(prop, *it, root);
return QVariant(varArr);
} else {
qDebug() << prop.name() << " is not a " << prop.typeName();
return QVariant();
case QJsonValue::Object:
QJsonObject innerObj = val.toObject();
QObject *deserializedInnerObj = QMetaType::metaObjectForType(prop.userType())->newInstance();
if (JsonSerializable *ser = dynamic_cast<JsonSerializable *>(deserializedInnerObj)) {
qDebug() << "Deserializing user type " << deserializedInnerObj->metaObject()->className();
return QVariant::fromValue(ser);
} else {
qDebug() << "Object is not a serializable one!";
return QVariant();
return QVariant();
QJsonObject JsonSerializable::serialize() const {
QJsonObject result;
const QMetaObject *obj = this->metaObject();
for (int i = 0; i < obj->propertyCount(); i++) {
QMetaProperty prop = obj->property(i);
if (QString(prop.name()) == "jellyfinId") {
result["Id"] = variantToJson(prop.read(this));
} else {
result[toPascalCase(prop.name())] = variantToJson(prop.read(this));
return result;
QJsonValue JsonSerializable::variantToJson(const QVariant var) const {
switch(var.type()) {
case QVariant::Invalid:
return QJsonValue();
case QVariant::UserType:
if (var.canConvert<JsonSerializable *>()) {
JsonSerializable * obj = var.value<JsonSerializable *>();
return obj->serialize();
} else {
qWarning() << "Not serializable: " << var.typeName();
return QJsonValue();
case QVariant::Bool:
return var.toBool();
case QVariant::List:
QVariantList list = var.toList();
QJsonArray arr;
for (auto it = list.begin(); it < list.end(); it++) {
arr << variantToJson(*it);
return arr;
if (var.canConvert(QVariant::Double)) {
return var.toDouble();
} if (var.canConvert(QVariant::String)) {
return var.toString();
} else {
return QJsonValue();
QString JsonSerializable::toPascalCase(QString str) {
QString copy(str);
copy[0] = copy[0].toUpper();
return copy;
QString JsonSerializable::fromPascalCase(QString str) {
QString copy(str);
copy[0] = copy[0].toLower();
return copy;
// RemoteData
RemoteData::RemoteData(QObject *parent) : JsonSerializable (parent) {}
void RemoteData::setStatus(Status newStatus) {
m_status = newStatus;
emit statusChanged(newStatus);
void RemoteData::setError(QNetworkReply::NetworkError error) {
m_error = error;
emit errorChanged(error);
void RemoteData::setErrorString(const QString &newErrorString) {
m_errorString = newErrorString;
emit errorStringChanged(newErrorString);
void RemoteData::setApiClient(ApiClient *newApiClient) {
m_apiClient = newApiClient;
emit apiClientChanged(newApiClient);
// Item
Item::Item(QObject *parent) : RemoteData(parent) {
void Item::setJellyfinId(QString newId) {
m_id = newId.trimmed();
if (m_id != newId) {
emit jellyfinIdChanged(m_id);
void Item::reload() {
if (m_id.isEmpty() || m_apiClient == nullptr) {
} else {
QNetworkReply *rep = m_apiClient->get("/Users/" + m_apiClient->userId() + "/Items/" + m_id);
connect(rep, &QNetworkReply::finished, this, [this, rep]() {
QJsonParseError error;
QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(rep->readAll(), &error);
if (doc.isNull()) {
if (!doc.isObject()) {
this->setErrorString(tr("Invalid response from the server: root element is not an object."));
connect(rep, static_cast<void (QNetworkReply::*)(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)>(&QNetworkReply::error),
this, [this, rep](QNetworkReply::NetworkError error) {
void registerSerializableJsonTypes(const char* URI) {
qmlRegisterType<Item>(URI, 1, 0, "JellyfinItem");