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mirror of https://github.com/HenkKalkwater/harbour-sailfin.git synced 2024-10-04 20:18:22 +00:00

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import QtQuick 2.6
import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
import nl.netsoj.chris.Jellyfin 1.0
import "../components"
import "../components/itemdetails"
* This page displays details about a film, show, season, episode, and so on.
* It contains the common functionality for all items. Additional components are
* loaded in for every specific type of items, from ../components/itemdetails.
Page {
id: pageRoot
property string itemId: ""
property var itemData: ({})
property bool _loading: true
readonly property bool _hasLogo: itemData.ImageTags.Logo !== undefined
readonly property string _logo: itemData.ImageTags.Logo
readonly property var _backdropImages: itemData.BackdropImageTags
readonly property var _parentBackdropImages: itemData.ParentBackdropImageTags
readonly property string parentId: itemData.ParentId || ""
on_BackdropImagesChanged: updateBackdrop()
on_ParentBackdropImagesChanged: updateBackdrop()
function updateBackdrop() {
if (_backdropImages && _backdropImages.length > 0) {
var rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * (_backdropImages.length - 0.001))
console.log("Random: ", rand)
//backdrop.source = ApiClient.baseUrl + "/Items/" + itemId + "/Images/Backdrop/" + rand + "?tag=" + _backdropImages[rand] + "&maxHeight" + height
appWindow.backgroundSource = ApiClient.baseUrl + "/Items/" + itemId + "/Images/Backdrop/" + rand + "?tag=" + _backdropImages[rand] + "&maxHeight" + height
} else if (_parentBackdropImages && _parentBackdropImages.length > 0) {
//backdrop.source = ApiClient.baseUrl + "/Items/" + itemData.ParentBackdropItemId + "/Images/Backdrop/0?tag=" + _parentBackdropImages[0]
appWindow.backgroundSource = ApiClient.baseUrl + "/Items/" + itemData.ParentBackdropItemId + "/Images/Backdrop/0?tag=" + _parentBackdropImages[0]
allowedOrientations: Orientation.All
GlassyBackground {
id: backdrop
anchors.fill: parent
SilicaFlickable {
anchors.fill: parent
contentHeight: content.height
Column {
id: content
width: parent.width
PageHeader {
title: itemData.Name || qsTr("Loading")
visible: !_hasLogo
Column {
width: parent.width
Item {
width: 1
height: Theme.paddingLarge
RemoteImage {
anchors {
horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
source: _hasLogo ? ApiClient.baseUrl + "/Items/" + itemId + "/Images/Logo?tag=" + _logo : ""
Item {
width: 1
height: Theme.paddingLarge
visible: _hasLogo
Item {
width: 1
height: Theme.paddingLarge
Loader {
active: itemData != undefined
asynchronous: true
width: parent.width
source: {
switch (itemData.Type){
case "Movie":
return Qt.resolvedUrl("../components/itemdetails/FilmDetails.qml")
case "Series":
return Qt.resolvedUrl("../components/itemdetails/SeriesDetails.qml")
case "Season":
return Qt.resolvedUrl("../components/itemdetails/SeasonDetails.qml")
case "Episode":
return Qt.resolvedUrl("../components/itemdetails/EpisodeDetails.qml")
case undefined:
return ""
return Qt.resolvedUrl("../components/itemdetails/UnsupportedDetails.qml")
onLoaded: {
item.itemData = Qt.binding(function() { return pageRoot.itemData; })
PageBusyIndicator {
running: pageRoot._loading
onItemIdChanged: {
itemData = {}
if (itemId.length && PageStatus.Active) {
pageRoot._loading = true
onStatusChanged: {
if (status == PageStatus.Deactivating) {
//appWindow.itemData = ({})
if (status == PageStatus.Active) {
if (itemId) {
Connections {
target: ApiClient
onItemFetched: {
if (itemId === pageRoot.itemId) {
pageRoot.itemData = result
pageRoot._loading = false
if (status == PageStatus.Active)
appWindow.itemData = result