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mirror of https://github.com/HenkKalkwater/harbour-sailfin.git synced 2024-09-20 14:28:22 +00:00

930 lines
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2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/env dub
/+ dub.sdl:
name "openapigenerator.d"
dependency "dyaml" version="~>0.8.0"
dependency "handlebars" version="~>0.2.2"
stringImportPaths "codegen"
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
// The following copyright string also applies to this file.
string COPYRIGHT = q"EOL
* Sailfin: a Jellyfin client written using Qt
* Copyright (C) 2021 Chris Josten and the Sailfin Contributors.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
import std.algorithm;
import std.array;
2021-03-24 19:04:03 +00:00
import std.conv;
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
import std.file : mkdirRecurse;
import std.exception;
import std.path : buildPath, dirSeparator;
2021-03-24 19:04:03 +00:00
import std.parallelism : parallel;
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
import std.range;
import std.string;
import std.stdio;
import std.uni;
import dyaml;
import handlebars.tpl;
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
static this() {
* If there is a bug in this file, please fix the code generator used to generate this file found in
* core/openapigenerator.d.
* This file is generated based on Jellyfin's OpenAPI description, "openapi.json". Please update that
* file with a newer file if needed instead of manually updating the files.
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
// File name of the CMake file this generated should generate.
string CMAKE_INCLUDE_FILE = "GeneratedSources.cmake";
string CMAKE_VAR_PREFIX = "openapi";
string INCLUDE_PREFIX = "JellyfinQt";
string SRC_PREFIX = "";
2021-03-24 19:04:03 +00:00
string MODEL_FOLDER = "dto";
string SUPPORT_FOLDER = "support";
2021-03-24 19:04:03 +00:00
string LOADER_FOLDER = "loader";
string HTTP_LOADER_FOLDER = buildPath("loader", "http");
string[string] compatAliases;
string[string] memberAliases;
static this() {
memberAliases["id"] = "jellyfinId";
2021-03-24 19:04:03 +00:00
memberAliases["static"] = "staticStreaming";
CasePolicy OPENAPI_CASING = CasePolicy.PASCAL;
static immutable string[1] CPP_NAMESPACE = ["Jellyfin"];
static immutable string[2] CPP_NAMESPACE_DTO = ["Jellyfin", "DTO"];
static immutable string[2] CPP_NAMESPACE_SUPPORT = ["Jellyfin", "Support"];
2021-03-24 19:04:03 +00:00
static immutable string[2] CPP_NAMESPACE_LOADER = ["Jellyfin", "Loader"];
static immutable string[3] CPP_NAMESPACE_LOADER_HTTP = ["Jellyfin", "Loader", "HTTP"];
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
CasePolicy CPP_CLASS_CASING = CasePolicy.PASCAL;
// Prefix for class members.
string outputDirectory = "generated";
// Implementation
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
enum CasePolicy {
KEEP, // Do not modify
PASCAL, // PascalCase
CAMEL, // camelCase
SNAKE, // snake_case
LOWER, // lowercase
string USAGE = "USAGE: %s <openapi scheme>";
class CLIArgumentException : Exception {
mixin basicExceptionCtors;
int main(string[] args) {
try {
} catch (CLIArgumentException e) {
return -1;
return 0;
void realMain(string[] args) {
enforce!CLIArgumentException(args.length >= 2, USAGE.format(args[0]));
string schemeFile = args[1];
if (args.length >= 3) outputDirectory = args[2];
mkdirRecurse(buildPath(outputDirectory, "include", INCLUDE_PREFIX, MODEL_FOLDER));
2021-03-24 19:04:03 +00:00
mkdirRecurse(buildPath(outputDirectory, "include", INCLUDE_PREFIX, HTTP_LOADER_FOLDER));
mkdirRecurse(buildPath(outputDirectory, "src", SRC_PREFIX, MODEL_FOLDER));
2021-03-24 19:04:03 +00:00
mkdirRecurse(buildPath(outputDirectory, "src", SRC_PREFIX, HTTP_LOADER_FOLDER));
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
Node root = Loader.fromFile(schemeFile).load();
Appender!(string[]) headerFiles, implementationFiles;
2021-03-24 19:04:03 +00:00
foreach(string key, ref const Node scheme; root["components"]["schemas"]) {
string fileBase = key.applyCasePolicy(OPENAPI_CASING, CPP_FILENAME_CASING);
2021-03-24 19:04:03 +00:00
string headerFileName = buildPath(outputDirectory, "include", INCLUDE_PREFIX, MODEL_FOLDER, fileBase ~ ".h");
string implementationFileName = buildPath(outputDirectory, "src", SRC_PREFIX, MODEL_FOLDER, fileBase ~ ".cpp");
headerFiles ~= [headerFileName];
implementationFiles ~= [implementationFileName];
File headerFile = File(headerFileName, "w+");
File implementationFile = File(implementationFileName, "w+");
generateFileForSchema(key, scheme, root["components"]["schemas"], headerFile, implementationFile);
2021-03-24 19:04:03 +00:00
Appender!(Endpoint[]) endpoints;
foreach(string path, ref const Node operations; root["paths"]) {
foreach (string operation, ref const Node endpoint; operations) {
string fileBase = endpoint["operationId"].as!string.applyCasePolicy(OPENAPI_CASING, CPP_FILENAME_CASING);
string headerFileName = buildPath(outputDirectory, "include", INCLUDE_PREFIX, HTTP_LOADER_FOLDER, fileBase ~ ".h");
string implementationFileName = buildPath(outputDirectory, "src", SRC_PREFIX, HTTP_LOADER_FOLDER, fileBase ~ ".cpp");
headerFiles ~= [headerFileName];
implementationFiles ~= [implementationFileName];
File headerFile = File(headerFileName, "w+");
File implementationFile = File(implementationFileName, "w+");
generateFileForEndpoint(path, operation, endpoint, root["components"]["schemas"], headerFile, implementationFile, endpoints);
2021-03-24 19:04:03 +00:00
string typesHeaderPath = buildPath(outputDirectory, "include", INCLUDE_PREFIX, LOADER_FOLDER, "requesttypes.h");
File typesHeader = File(typesHeaderPath, "w+");
implementationFiles ~= [typesHeaderPath];
writeRequestTypesFile(typesHeader, endpoints[]);
writeCMakeFile(headerFiles[], implementationFiles[]);
2021-03-24 19:04:03 +00:00
* Writes a CMake file that includes the specified files.
void writeCMakeFile(string[] headerFiles, string[] implementationFiles) {
File output = File(buildPath(outputDirectory, CMAKE_INCLUDE_FILE), "w+");
output.writeln("cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)");
// Peek laziness: wrapping a C++ comment inside a CMake block comment because I couldn't be
// donkey'd to do otherwise.
output.writef("set(%s_HEADERS", CMAKE_VAR_PREFIX);
foreach (headerFile; headerFiles) {
output.writef("\t%s", headerFile);
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
output.writef("set(%s_SOURCES", CMAKE_VAR_PREFIX);
foreach (implementationFile; implementationFiles) {
output.writef("\t%s", implementationFile);
2021-03-24 19:04:03 +00:00
void writeRequestTypesFile(R)(File headerFile, R endpoints) if(is(ElementType!R : Endpoint)) {
string[] collectImports(R range, bool function(MetaTypeInfo) predicate) {
return endpoints
// Create a list of all parameter types used
.map!(e => e.parameters)
.map!(e => e.type)
// Weed out container types
.map!((MetaTypeInfo e) {
if (e.isContainer) {
MetaTypeInfo c = e.containerType;
while (c.isContainer) {
c = c.containerType;
return c;
} else {
return e;
// Filter out the ones we need according to the predicate
// Map MetaTypeInfo -> typename: string
.map!(e => e.typeName)
// Filter out qint32 etc
.filter!(e => !e.startsWith("qint"))
// Sort and filter out duplicates
RequestParameter[] getParameters(RequestParameter[] params, bool function(RequestParameter) pred) {
return params
.sort!((a, b) => a.name > b.name)
string[] systemImports = collectImports(endpoints, e => e.needsSystemImport)
~ ["QList", "optional"];
string[] userImports = collectImports(endpoints, e => e.needsLocalImport)
.map!(e => buildPath(MODEL_FOLDER, e.applyCasePolicy(CasePolicy.PASCAL, CasePolicy.LOWER) ~ ".h"))
headerFile.writeHeaderPreamble(CPP_NAMESPACE_LOADER, "RequestTypes", systemImports, userImports);
struct EndpointController {
string name;
RequestParameter[] requiredPathParameters = [];
RequestParameter[] optionalPathParameters = [];
RequestParameter[] requiredQueryParameters = [];
RequestParameter[] optionalQueryParameters = [];
RequestParameter[] requiredParameters = [];
RequestParameter[] optionalParameters = [];
RequestParameter[] parameters = [];
2021-03-24 19:04:03 +00:00
struct Controller {
EndpointController[] endpoints;
string dtoNamespace = namespaceString!CPP_NAMESPACE_DTO;
Controller controller;
foreach(endpoint; endpoints) {
EndpointController endpointController;
endpointController.name = endpoint.parameterType;
endpointController.requiredPathParameters =
getParameters(endpoint.parameters, (e => e.required && e.location == ParameterLocation.PATH));
endpointController.optionalPathParameters =
getParameters(endpoint.parameters, (e => !e.required && e.location == ParameterLocation.PATH));
endpointController.requiredQueryParameters =
getParameters(endpoint.parameters, (e => e.required && e.location == ParameterLocation.QUERY));
endpointController.optionalQueryParameters =
getParameters(endpoint.parameters, (e => !e.required && e.location == ParameterLocation.QUERY));
with (endpointController) {
parameters = requiredPathParameters ~ requiredQueryParameters ~ optionalPathParameters ~ optionalQueryParameters;
requiredParameters = requiredPathParameters ~ requiredQueryParameters;
optionalParameters = optionalPathParameters ~ optionalQueryParameters;
controller.endpoints ~= [endpointController];
headerFile.writeln(render!(import("loader_types_header.hbs"), Controller)(controller));
headerFile.writeHeaderPostamble(CPP_NAMESPACE_LOADER, "RequestTypes");
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
2021-03-24 19:04:03 +00:00
* Generates files for endpoins
* Params:
* path = Path of the endpoint, for example "/foo/{barId}/baz";
* operation = HTTP method, like "get", "post", ...
* endpointNode = YAML node representing the endpoint.
* allSchemas = YAML node containing the schemas that values in the endpointNOde could reference.
* headerFile = File to write the header (.h) file to
* implementationFile = File to write the implementation (.cpp) file to.
* endpoints = Appender to add any requestParameters encountered to.
void generateFileForEndpoint(ref const string path, ref const string operation, ref const Node endpointNode,
ref const Node allSchemas, ref scope File headerFile, ref scope File implementationFile,
ref scope Appender!(Endpoint[]) endpoints) {
string name = endpointNode["operationId"].as!string;
Endpoint endpoint = new Endpoint();
endpoint.parameterType = name ~ "Params";
endpoint.description = endpointNode.getOr!string("summary", "");
string[] systemImports = ["optional"];
string[] userImports = [buildPath(SUPPORT_FOLDER, "loader.h"), "apiclient.h", buildPath(LOADER_FOLDER, "requesttypes.h")];
// Find the most likely result response.
foreach(string code, const Node response; endpointNode["responses"]) {
int codeNo = to!int(code);
if ([200, 201].canFind(codeNo)) {
foreach(string contentType, const Node content; response["content"]) {
if (contentType == "application/json") {
if ("$ref" in content["schema"]) {
endpoint.hasSuccessResponse = true;
string reference = content["schema"]["$ref"].as!string.chompPrefix("#/components/schemas/");
endpoint.resultIsReference = true;
endpoint.resultType = reference;
string importFile = reference.applyCasePolicy(CasePolicy.PASCAL, CasePolicy.LOWER) ~ ".h";
userImports ~= [buildPath(MODEL_FOLDER, importFile)];
} else {
endpoint.resultIsReference = false;
// Build the parameter structure.
if ("parameters" in endpointNode && endpointNode["parameters"].length > 0) {
foreach (ref const Node yamlParameter; endpointNode["parameters"]) {
RequestParameter param = new RequestParameter();
param.name = yamlParameter["name"].as!string;
param.required = yamlParameter.getOr!bool("required", false);
param.description = yamlParameter.getOr!string("description", "");
param.type = getType(param.name, yamlParameter["schema"], allSchemas);
switch(yamlParameter["in"].as!string.toLower) {
case "path":
param.location = ParameterLocation.PATH;
case "query":
param.location = ParameterLocation.QUERY;
endpoint.parameters ~= [param];
endpoints ~= [endpoint];
// Render templates
class Controller {
string className;
//MetaTypeInfo[] properties;
string supportNamespace = namespaceString!CPP_NAMESPACE_SUPPORT;
string dtoNamespace = namespaceString!CPP_NAMESPACE_DTO;
string responseType = "void";
string parameterType = "void";
Endpoint endpoint;
Controller controller = new Controller();
controller.className = name.applyCasePolicy(OPENAPI_CASING, CPP_CLASS_CASING);
controller.endpoint = endpoint;
//controller.properties = properties;
writeHeaderPreamble(headerFile, CPP_NAMESPACE_LOADER_HTTP, name, systemImports, userImports);
headerFile.writeln(render!(import("loader_header.hbs"), Controller)(controller));
writeHeaderPostamble(headerFile, CPP_NAMESPACE_LOADER_HTTP, name);
void generateFileForSchema(ref const string name, ref const Node scheme, Node allSchemas,
ref scope File headerFile, ref scope File implementationFile) {
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
if ("enum" in scheme) {
string[3] imports = ["QJsonValue", "QObject", "QString"];
string[1] userImports = [buildPath(SUPPORT_FOLDER, "jsonconv.h")];
writeHeaderPreamble(headerFile, CPP_NAMESPACE_DTO, name, imports, userImports);
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
Appender!(string[]) values;
foreach (string value; scheme["enum"]) {
values ~= value;
writeEnumHeader(headerFile, name, values[]);
writeHeaderPostamble(headerFile, CPP_NAMESPACE_DTO, name);
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
writeImplementationPreamble(implementationFile, CPP_NAMESPACE_DTO, name);
writeEnumImplementation(implementationFile, name, values[]);
writeImplementationPostamble(implementationFile, CPP_NAMESPACE_DTO, name);
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
if (scheme["type"].as!string == "object" && "properties" in scheme) {
// Determine all imports
Appender!(string[]) systemImports, userImports;
Appender!(string[]) forwardDeclarations;
systemImports ~= ["optional", "QJsonObject", "QJsonValue"];
userImports ~= [buildPath(SUPPORT_FOLDER, "jsonconv.h")];
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
MetaTypeInfo[] usedTypes = collectTypeInfo(scheme["properties"], allSchemas);
2021-03-24 19:04:03 +00:00
usedTypes[$-1].isLast = true;
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
bool importedContainers = false;
void collectImports(MetaTypeInfo type) {
if (type.needsPointer && !systemImports[].canFind("QSharedPointer")) {
systemImports ~= ["QSharedPointer"];
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
if (type.needsSystemImport && !systemImports[].canFind(type.typeName)) {
if (type.isContainer) {
if (!importedContainers) {
systemImports ~= ["QList", "QStringList"];
importedContainers = true;
if (type.containerType !is null) {
} else {
systemImports ~= [type.typeName];
} else {
string userImport = buildPath(MODEL_FOLDER, type.typeName.applyCasePolicy(OPENAPI_CASING, CasePolicy.LOWER) ~ ".h");
if (type.needsLocalImport && !userImports[].canFind(userImport) && type.typeName != name) {
userImports ~= userImport;
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
foreach (type; usedTypes) {
// Sort them for nicer reading
string[] sortedSystemImports = sort(systemImports[]).array;
string[] sortedUserImports = sort(userImports[]).array;
string[] sortedForwardDeclarations = sort(forwardDeclarations[]).array;
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
// Write implementation files
writeHeaderPreamble(headerFile, CPP_NAMESPACE_DTO, name, sortedSystemImports, sortedUserImports);
writeObjectHeader(headerFile, name, usedTypes, sortedForwardDeclarations);
writeHeaderPostamble(headerFile, CPP_NAMESPACE_DTO, name);
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
writeImplementationPreamble(implementationFile, CPP_NAMESPACE_DTO, name);
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
writeObjectImplementation(implementationFile, name, usedTypes);
writeImplementationPostamble(implementationFile, CPP_NAMESPACE_DTO, name);
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
// Object
2021-03-24 19:04:03 +00:00
// We need to recurse (sometimes)
MetaTypeInfo getType(ref string name, const ref Node node, const ref Node allSchemas) {
MetaTypeInfo info = new MetaTypeInfo();
info.originalName = name;
info.name = name.applyCasePolicy(OPENAPI_CASING, CPP_CLASS_MEMBER_CASING);
if ("description" in node) {
info.description = node["description"].as!string;
// Special case for QML
info.name = memberAliases.get(info.name.toLower(), info.name);
info.isNullable = node.getOr("nullable", false);
if ("$ref" in node) {
string type = node["$ref"].as!string()["#/components/schemas/".length..$];
if (type in allSchemas&& "type" in allSchemas[type]
&& allSchemas[type]["type"].as!string == "object") {
info.needsPointer = true;
info.isTypeNullable = true;
info.typeNullableCheck = ".isNull()";
info.typeNullableSetter = ".clear()";
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
2021-03-24 19:04:03 +00:00
info.needsLocalImport = true;
info.typeName = type;
return info;
if (!("type" in node)) {
info.typeName = "QVariant";
info.isTypeNullable = true;
info.needsSystemImport = true;
info.typeNullableCheck = ".isNull()";
info.typeNullableSetter = ".clear()";
return info;
switch(node["type"].as!string) {
case "boolean":
info.typeName = "bool";
return info;
case "string":
if ("format" in node) {
switch(node["format"].as!string) {
case "date-time":
info.typeName= "QDateTime";
info.needsSystemImport = true;
info.isTypeNullable = true;
info.typeNullableCheck = ".isNull()";
info.typeNullableSetter = "= QDateTime()";
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
return info;
2021-03-24 19:04:03 +00:00
/+case "uuid":
info.typeName = "QUuid";
info.needsSystemImport = true;
info.isTypeNullable = true;
info.typeNullableCheck = ".isNull()";
info.typeNullableSetter = "= QGuid()";
return info;+/
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
2021-03-24 19:04:03 +00:00
info.isTypeNullable = true;
info.typeName= "QString";
info.needsSystemImport = true;
info.typeNullableCheck = ".isNull()";
info.typeNullableSetter = ".clear()";
return info;
case "integer":
if ("format" in node) {
info.typeName= "q" ~ node["format"].as!string;
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
return info;
2021-03-24 19:04:03 +00:00
goto default;
case "number":
if ("format" in node) {
switch(node["format"].as!string) {
case "float":
case "double":
info.typeName = node["format"].as!string;
return info;
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
2021-03-24 19:04:03 +00:00
goto default;
case "object":
info.typeName = "QJsonObject"; // This'll do for now
return info;
case "array":
string containedTypeName = "arrayItem";
MetaTypeInfo containedType = getType(containedTypeName, node["items"], allSchemas);
info.needsLocalImport = containedType.needsLocalImport;
info.needsSystemImport = true;
info.isContainer = true;
info.containerType = containedType;
info.isTypeNullable = true;
info.typeNullableCheck = ".size() == 0";
info.typeNullableSetter = ".clear()";
if (containedType.typeName == "QString") {
info.typeName = "QStringList";
} else {
info.typeName = "QList<" ~ containedType.typeNameWithQualifiers ~ ">";
return info;
info.typeName = "UNIMPLEMENTED";
return info;
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
2021-03-24 19:04:03 +00:00
* Given a list of JSON schemes, this will generate a list of MetaTypeInfo[]
MetaTypeInfo[] collectTypeInfo(const ref Node properties, const ref Node allSchemas) {
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
Appender!(MetaTypeInfo[]) result;
2021-03-24 19:04:03 +00:00
foreach(ref string name, const ref Node node; properties) {
result ~= getType(name, node, allSchemas);
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
return result[];
void writeObjectHeader(File output, string name, MetaTypeInfo[] properties, string[] userImports) {
class Controller {
string className;
MetaTypeInfo[] properties;
string[] userImports;
string supportNamespace = namespaceString!CPP_NAMESPACE_SUPPORT;
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
Controller controller = new Controller();
controller.className = name.applyCasePolicy(OPENAPI_CASING, CPP_CLASS_CASING);
controller.properties = properties;
controller.userImports = userImports;
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
output.writeln(render!(import("object_header.hbs"), Controller)(controller));
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
void writeObjectImplementation(File output, string name, MetaTypeInfo[] properties) {
class Controller {
string className;
MetaTypeInfo[] properties;
string supportNamespace = namespaceString!CPP_NAMESPACE_SUPPORT;
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
Controller controller = new Controller();
controller.className = name.applyCasePolicy(OPENAPI_CASING, CPP_CLASS_CASING);
controller.properties = properties;
output.writeln(render!(import("object_implementation.hbs"), Controller)(controller));
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
// Enum
void writeEnumHeader(File output, string name, string[] values, string doc = "") {
class Controller {
string className;
string[] values;
string supportNamespace = namespaceString!CPP_NAMESPACE_SUPPORT;
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
Controller controller = new Controller();
controller.className = name.applyCasePolicy(OPENAPI_CASING, CPP_CLASS_CASING);
controller.values = values;
output.writeln(render!(import("enum_header.hbs"), Controller)(controller));
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
void writeEnumImplementation(File output, string name, string[] values) {
class Controller {
string className;
string[] values;
string supportNamespace = namespaceString!CPP_NAMESPACE_SUPPORT;
Controller controller = new Controller();
controller.className = name.applyCasePolicy(OPENAPI_CASING, CPP_CLASS_CASING);
controller.values = values;
output.writeln(render!(import("enum_implementation.hbs"), Controller)(controller));
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
// Common
void writeHeaderPreamble(File output, immutable string[] fileNamespace, string className, string[] imports = [], string[] userImports = []) {
string guard = guardName(fileNamespace, className);
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
output.writefln("#ifndef %s", guard);
output.writefln("#define %s", guard);
foreach(file; imports) {
output.writefln("#include <%s>", file);
if (imports.length > 0) output.writeln();
foreach(file; userImports) {
output.writefln("#include \"%s\"", buildPath(INCLUDE_PREFIX, file));
if (userImports.length > 0) output.writeln();
foreach (namespace; fileNamespace) {
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
output.writefln("namespace %s {", namespace);
void writeHeaderPostamble(File output, immutable string[] fileNamespace, string className) {
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
2021-03-24 19:04:03 +00:00
foreach_reverse(namespace; fileNamespace) {
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
output.writefln("} // NS %s", namespace);
output.writefln("#endif // %s", guardName(fileNamespace, className));
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
void writeImplementationPreamble(File output, immutable string[] fileNamespace, string className, string[] imports = []) {
output.writefln("#include <%s>", buildPath(INCLUDE_PREFIX, MODEL_FOLDER, className.applyCasePolicy(OPENAPI_CASING, CasePolicy.LOWER) ~ ".h"));
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
foreach(file; imports) {
output.writefln("#include <%s>", buildPath(INCLUDE_PREFIX, file));
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
if (imports.length > 0) output.writeln();
foreach (namespace; fileNamespace) {
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
output.writefln("namespace %s {", namespace);
void writeImplementationPostamble(File output, immutable string[] fileNamespace, string className) {
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
2021-03-24 19:04:03 +00:00
foreach_reverse(namespace; fileNamespace) {
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
output.writefln("} // NS %s", namespace);
// Helper functions
2021-03-24 19:04:03 +00:00
* Transforsm the given string from the input casing system to the ouptut casing system.
* Params:
* source = The string to transform
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
string applyCasePolicy(string source, CasePolicy input, CasePolicy output) {
if (input == output) return source;
switch(output) {
case CasePolicy.KEEP:
return source;
case CasePolicy.PASCAL:
if (input == CasePolicy.CAMEL) {
char[] result = source.dup;
result[0] = cast(char) toUpper(result[0]);
return cast(string) result;
} else {
throw new Exception("Not implemented");
case CasePolicy.CAMEL:
if (input == CasePolicy.PASCAL) {
char[] result = source.dup;
result[0] = cast(char) toLower(result[0]);
return cast(string) result;
} else {
throw new Exception("Not implemented");
case CasePolicy.LOWER:
if (input == CasePolicy.CAMEL || input == CasePolicy.PASCAL) {
return source.toLower();
throw new Exception("Not implemented");
case CasePolicy.UPPER:
if (input == CasePolicy.CAMEL || input == CasePolicy.PASCAL) {
return source.toUpper();
throw new Exception("Not implemented");
case CasePolicy.SCREAMING_SNAKE:
if (input == CasePolicy.CAMEL || input == CasePolicy.PASCAL) {
char[] mutableSource = source.dup;
Appender!(char[]) result;
foreach(window; source.slide!(Yes.withPartial)(2)) {
dchar c = window.front;
dchar n = window.front;
if (isLower(c) && !isLower(n)) {
result ~= toUpper(c);
result ~= '_';
} else if (!isLower(c) && !isLower(n)) {
result ~= toUpper(c);
} else {
result ~= toUpper(c);
result ~= toUpper(source[$ - 1]);
return cast(string) result[];
throw new Exception("Not implemented");
throw new Exception("Not implemented");
2021-03-24 19:04:03 +00:00
unittest {
assert("fooBar".applyCasePolicy(CasePolicy.CAMEL, CasePolicy.SNAKE) == "foo_bar");
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
class MetaTypeInfo {
string originalName = "";
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
string name = "";
string typeName = "";
/// Description of this property.
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
string description = "";
/// If this property is nullable according to the OpenAPI spec.
bool isNullable = false;
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
bool needsPointer = false;
/// If the type needs a system import (Such as Qt types)
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
bool needsSystemImport = false;
/// If the type needs a local import (such as types elsewhere in this project).
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
bool needsLocalImport = false;
/// If the type is a container type
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
bool isContainer = false;
/// If this type has a non-ambigious null state.
bool isTypeNullable = false;
/// If `isContainer` is true, the type of the container.
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
MetaTypeInfo containerType = null;
2021-03-24 19:04:03 +00:00
/// For use in templating
bool isLast = false;
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
string writeName() {
return name.applyCasePolicy(CPP_CLASS_MEMBER_CASING, CasePolicy.PASCAL);
string memberName() {
string typeNameWithQualifiers() {
if (needsPointer) {
return "QSharedPointer<" ~ typeName~ ">";
2021-03-24 19:04:03 +00:00
if (needsOptional) {
return "std::optional<" ~ typeName ~ ">";
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
} else {
return typeName;
bool needsOptional() {
return isNullable && !isTypeNullable;
string typeNullableCheck;
string nullableCheck() {
if (typeNullableCheck.length > 0) {
2021-03-24 19:04:03 +00:00
return memberName ~ typeNullableCheck;
if (needsOptional) {
return "!" ~ memberName ~ ".has_value()";
return "Q_ASSERT(false)";
string typeNullableSetter = "";
string nullableSetter() {
if (needsOptional) {
2021-03-24 19:04:03 +00:00
return " = std::nullopt";
if (typeNullableSetter.startsWith("=")) {
2021-03-24 19:04:03 +00:00
return typeNullableSetter;
} else {
return typeNullableSetter;
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
string defaultInitializer() {
if (needsPointer) return "nullptr";
if (needsOptional) return "std::nullopt";
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
return "";
2021-03-24 19:04:03 +00:00
class Endpoint {
bool resultIsReference = false;
bool hasSuccessResponse = false;
string resultType;
string parameterType = "void";
string description;
string method;
RequestParameter[] parameters = [];
enum ParameterLocation {
class RequestParameter {
string name;
ParameterLocation location;
bool required;
string description;
MetaTypeInfo type;
* Generates a guard name based on a namespace and class name.
* Params:
* namespace = Array of namespaces this class is in.
* className = The name of this class (or enum or whatever).
string guardName(immutable string[] namespace, string className) {
2021-02-20 22:33:07 +00:00
return namespace.map!toUpper().join("_") ~ "_"
~ className.applyCasePolicy(OPENAPI_CASING, CasePolicy.UPPER)
~ "_H";
2021-03-24 19:04:03 +00:00
unittest {
assert(guardName(["foo", "bar", "Baz"] == "FOO_BAR_BAZ_H")
* Converts a string array of namespaces into a C++ namespace string.
string namespaceString(string[] name)() {
string result;
static foreach(idx, part; name) {
static if (idx != 0) {
result ~= "::";
result ~= part;
return result;
2021-03-24 19:04:03 +00:00
/// Ditto
string namespaceString(immutable string[] name) {
string result;
foreach(idx, part; name) {
if (idx != 0) {
result ~= "::";
result ~= part;
return result;
unittest {
assert(namespaceString!["foo", "bar"] == "foo::bar");
* Retrieves the given key from the node, if it does not exists, returns the or parameter.
T getOr(T)(const ref Node node, string key, T or) {
if (key in node) {
try {
return node[key].get!T;
} catch (Exception e) {
return or;
} else {
return or;