mirror of
synced 2024-12-22 14:05:18 +00:00
WIP: implement search
This commit is contained in:
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ set(jellyfin-qt_HEADERS
add_library(jellyfin-qt ${jellyfin-qt_SOURCES} ${jellyfin-qt_HEADERS})
add_library(jellyfin-qt STATIC ${jellyfin-qt_SOURCES} ${jellyfin-qt_HEADERS})
PUBLIC "include"
@ -143,6 +143,7 @@ public:
Q_PROPERTY(QList<QString> includeItemTypes MEMBER m_includeItemTypes NOTIFY includeItemTypesChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool recursive MEMBER m_recursive)
Q_PROPERTY(SortOrder sortOrder MEMBER m_sortOrder NOTIFY sortOrderChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString searchTerm MEMBER m_searchTerm WRITE setSearchTerm NOTIFY searchTermChanged)
// Path properties
Q_PROPERTY(QString show MEMBER m_show NOTIFY showChanged)
@ -157,6 +158,12 @@ public:
bool canFetchMore(const QModelIndex &parent) const override;
void fetchMore(const QModelIndex &parent) override;
virtual void setSearchTerm(QString newSearchTerm) {
this->m_searchTerm = newSearchTerm;
emit searchTermChanged(newSearchTerm);
ModelStatus status() const { return m_status; }
// Helper methods
@ -184,6 +191,7 @@ signals:
void fieldsChanged(QList<QString> newFields);
void imageTypesChanged(QList<QString> newImageTypes);
void includeItemTypesChanged(const QList<QString> &newIncludeItemTypes);
void searchTermChanged(QString newSearchTerm);
public slots:
@ -193,6 +201,7 @@ public slots:
enum LoadType {
@ -207,6 +216,14 @@ protected:
* query types specific for a certain model to be available.
virtual void addQueryParameters(QUrlQuery &query);
* @brief setArray gets called when response data that replaces the current data has been received.
* The default implementation just resets the model, subclasses may do more advanced operations.
* @param newData The new data to store.
virtual void setArray(const QJsonArray &newData);
ApiClient *m_apiClient = nullptr;
ModelStatus m_status = Uninitialised;
@ -225,6 +242,7 @@ protected:
// Query properties
bool m_addUserId = false;
bool m_recursive = false;
QString m_parentId;
QString m_seasonId;
QList<QString> m_fields = {};
@ -232,7 +250,7 @@ protected:
QList<QString> m_sortBy = {};
QList<QString> m_includeItemTypes = {};
SortOrder m_sortOrder = Unspecified;
bool m_recursive = false;
QString m_searchTerm;
QHash<int, QByteArray> m_roles;
@ -245,7 +263,7 @@ private:
* @brief Generates roleNames based on the first record in m_array.
void generateFields();
void generateFields(const QJsonArray &newData);
QString sortByToString(SortOptions::SortBy sortBy);
@ -270,6 +288,31 @@ public slots:
void onUserDataChanged(const QString &itemId, QSharedPointer<UserData> userData);
* @brief Lists search items and provides a nice animation when search items change their position.
class SearchModel : public ItemModel {
explicit SearchModel(QObject *parent = nullptr);
Q_PROPERTY(int searchTimeout MEMBER m_searchTimeout NOTIFY searchTimeoutChanged)
void searchTimeoutChanged(int newTimeout);
void setArray(const QJsonArray &newData) override;
void setSearchTerm(QString searchTerm) override;
* @brief DIFF_SIZE amount of items to keep track of when the position changes.
const static size_t DIFF_SIZE = 10;
// Store the ids of the
std::array<QString, DIFF_SIZE> m_diffTracker;
// Time in ms before we can search again
int m_searchTimeout = 500;
QTimer m_searchTimeoutTimer;
class UserViewModel : public ApiModel {
explicit UserViewModel (QObject *parent = nullptr);
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ public slots:
* The default implementation makes a GET request to getDataUrl() and parses the resulting JSON,
* which should be enough for most cases. Consider overriding getDataUrl() and
* canRelaod() if possible. Manual overrides need to make sure that
* canReload() if possible. Manual overrides need to make sure that
* they're calling setStatus(Status), setError(QNetworkReply::NetworkError) and
* setErrorString() to let the QML side know what this thing is up to.
@ -30,11 +30,12 @@ ApiModel::ApiModel(QString path, bool hasRecordResponse, bool addUserId, QObject
void ApiModel::reload() {
m_startIndex = 0;
load(m_array.isEmpty() ? INITIAL_LOAD : RELOAD);
void ApiModel::load(LoadType type) {
qDebug() << (type == RELOAD ? "RELOAD" : "LOAD_MORE");
qDebug() << (type == RELOAD ? "RELOAD" : type == INITIAL_LOAD ? "INITIAL_LOAD" : "LOAD_MORE");
if (m_apiClient == nullptr) {
qWarning() << "Please set the apiClient property before (re)loading";
@ -81,17 +82,21 @@ void ApiModel::load(LoadType type) {
if (m_recursive) {
query.addQueryItem("Recursive", "true");
if (!m_searchTerm.isEmpty()) {
query.addQueryItem("searchTerm", m_searchTerm);
QNetworkReply *rep = m_apiClient->get(m_path, query);
connect(rep, &QNetworkReply::finished, this, [this, type, rep]() {
QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(rep->readAll());
QJsonArray items;
if (!m_hasRecordResponse) {
if (!doc.isArray()) {
qWarning() << "Object is not an array!";
this->m_array = doc.array();
items = doc.array();
} else {
if (!doc.isObject()) {
qWarning() << "Object is not an object!";
@ -120,10 +125,10 @@ void ApiModel::load(LoadType type) {
QJsonArray items = obj["Items"].toArray();
items = obj["Items"].toArray();
switch(type) {
case RELOAD:
this->m_array = items;
this->beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), m_array.size(), m_array.size() + items.size() - 1);
@ -138,27 +143,35 @@ void ApiModel::load(LoadType type) {
if (type == RELOAD) {
if (type == INITIAL_LOAD) {
if (type == INITIAL_LOAD || type == RELOAD) {
for (auto it = items.begin(); it != items.end(); it++){
void ApiModel::generateFields() {
if (m_array.size() == 0) return;
void ApiModel::generateFields(const QJsonArray &newData) {
if (newData.size() == 0) return;
int i = Qt::UserRole + 1;
if (!m_array[0].isObject()) {
if (!newData[0].isObject()) {
qWarning() << "Iterator is not an object?";
// Walks over the keys in the first record and adds them to the rolenames.
// This assumes the back-end has the same keys for every record. I could technically
// go over all records to be really sure, but no-one got time for a O(n²) algorithm, so
// go over all records to be really sure, but no-one got time for a O(n) algorithm, so
// this heuristic hopefully suffices.
QJsonObject ob = m_array[0].toObject();
QJsonObject ob = newData[0].toObject();
for (auto jt = ob.begin(); jt != ob.end(); jt++) {
QString keyName = jt.key();
keyName[0] = keyName[0].toLower();
@ -167,9 +180,12 @@ void ApiModel::generateFields() {
m_roles.insert(i++, keyArr);
for (auto it = m_array.begin(); it != m_array.end(); it++){
void ApiModel::setArray(const QJsonArray &newData) {
m_array = newData;
@ -245,6 +261,124 @@ void ItemModel::onUserDataChanged(const QString &itemId, QSharedPointer<UserData
SearchModel::SearchModel(QObject *parent)
: ItemModel("/Users/{{user}}/Items", true, false, parent) {
connect(this, &SearchModel::searchTimeoutChanged, &m_searchTimeoutTimer, &QTimer::setInterval);
connect(&m_searchTimeoutTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &ApiModel::reload);
void SearchModel::setArray(const QJsonArray &newData) {
// Calculate the movement of the search results in the first DIFF_SIZE results
qDebug() << "Calculating diff";
int maxLoop = std::min(static_cast<int>(DIFF_SIZE), newData.size());
// Loop over the first DIFF_SIZE entries of newData to check where they came from.
for (int i = 0; i < maxLoop; i++) {
// Loop over all the entries of our difference tracker
int j;
for (j = 0; j < static_cast<int>(m_diffTracker.size()); j++) {
// Stop when we're hitting empty entries
if (m_diffTracker[static_cast<size_t>(j)].isEmpty()) {
if (newData[i].toObject()["id"] == m_diffTracker[static_cast<size_t>(j)]) {
// The old entry is on the same place as the previous entry
if (i == j) break;
// Entry[j] has moved to position i
this->beginMoveRows(QModelIndex(), j, j, QModelIndex(), i);
m_array.insert(i, newData[i]);
// If the old position j is greater than the new position i, we need to remove
// j + 1, since the index has shifted due the insertion we just made.
m_array.removeAt(j > i ? j + 1 : j);
qDebug() << j << " -> " << i;
if (j == static_cast<int>(m_diffTracker.size())) {
// New item id could not be found in the old item id list.
// Remove the old items and add the new item
if (i < m_array.size()) {
this->beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), i, i);
qDebug() << i << " replaced";
} else {
qDebug() << i << " inserted";
this->beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), i, i);
m_array.insert(i, newData[i]);
// Remove items from the point where we just left until we reach the previous size or the
// amount of items we keep the difference on. Should only be executed when the amount
// of new results is smaller than the old amount.
for (int i = maxLoop; i < static_cast<int>(DIFF_SIZE) && i < m_array.size(); i++) {
this->beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), i, i);
// Store the new positions of the items
for (int i = 0; i < maxLoop; i++) {
if (!newData[i].isObject() || !newData[i].toObject().contains("id")) continue;
m_diffTracker[static_cast<size_t>(i)] = newData[i].toObject()["id"].toString();
qDebug() << i << " changed";
for (size_t i = static_cast<size_t>(maxLoop); i < DIFF_SIZE; i++) {
qDebug() << i << " removed";
// If the amount of data is smaller than the amount of data of which we track their differences in position,
// we're done hear.
// if (newData.size() < static_cast<int>(DIFF_SIZE)) return;
int common = std::max(static_cast<int>(DIFF_SIZE), std::min(newData.size(), m_array.size()));
for (int i = static_cast<int>(DIFF_SIZE); i < common; i++) {
m_array.replace(i, newData[i]);
qDebug() << i << " replaced (tail)";
emit dataChanged(index(static_cast<int>(DIFF_SIZE)), index(common - 1));
// Handle extra or fewer items in the area that we do not diff
if (newData.size() > m_array.size()) {
this->beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), common, newData.size() - 1);
for (int i = common; i < newData.size(); i++) {
qDebug() << i << " appended (tail)";
} else if (newData.size() < m_array.size()) {
this->beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), common, m_array.size() - 1);
for (int i = common; i < m_array.size(); i++) {
qDebug() << i << " removed (tail)";
void SearchModel::setSearchTerm(QString searchTerm) {
if (m_searchTimeoutTimer.isActive()) {
m_searchTerm = searchTerm;
emit searchTermChanged(searchTerm);
PublicUserModel::PublicUserModel(QObject *parent)
: ApiModel ("/users/public", false, false, parent) { }
@ -280,5 +414,6 @@ void registerModels(const char *URI) {
qmlRegisterType<ShowNextUpModel>(URI, 1, 0, "ShowNextUpModel");
qmlRegisterType<ShowSeasonsModel>(URI, 1, 0, "ShowSeasonsModel");
qmlRegisterType<ShowEpisodesModel>(URI, 1, 0, "ShowEpisodesModel");
qmlRegisterType<SearchModel>(URI, 1, 0, "SearchModel");
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ set(sailfin_QML_SOURCES
@ -62,7 +63,7 @@ set(sailfin_QML_SOURCES
add_executable(harbour-sailfin ${harbour-sailfin_SOURCES} ${sailfin_QML_SOURCES})
target_link_libraries(harbour-sailfin PRIVATE Qt5::Gui Qt5::Qml Qt5::Quick SailfishApp::SailfishApp
# Note: this may break when the compiler changes. -rdynamic and -pie seem to be needed for the
# invoker/booster to work
# invoker/booster to work
jellyfin-qt "-Wl,-rpath,${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR} -rdynamic -pie")
install(TARGETS harbour-sailfin
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ SilicaItem {
property string fallbackImage
property bool usingFallbackImage
property color fallbackColor: Theme.highlightColor
property bool hideFallbackColor: false
property var __parentPage : null
property bool alreadyLoaded: false
@ -56,7 +57,7 @@ SilicaItem {
anchors.fill: parent
asynchronous: true
fillMode: root.fillMode
opacity: 1
opacity: hideFallbackColor ? 0.0 : 1.0
source: alreadyLoaded || [PageStatus.Active, PageStatus.Deactivating].indexOf(__parentPage.status) >= 0 ? root.source : ""
onStatusChanged: {
if (status == Image.Ready) {
@ -73,6 +74,7 @@ SilicaItem {
GradientStop { position: 1.0; color: Theme.highlightDimmerFromColor(fallbackColor, Theme.colorScheme); }
opacity: 0
visible: !hideFallbackColor
Image {
@ -132,7 +134,7 @@ SilicaItem {
when: realImage.status === Image.Ready
PropertyChanges {
target: realImage
//opacity: 1
opacity: 1
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
import QtQuick 2.6
import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
import nl.netsoj.chris.Jellyfin 1.0
SilicaListView {
id: root
model: query.length ? searchModel : 0
property alias query: searchModel.searchTerm
delegate: ListItem {
width: parent.width
height: Theme.itemSizeLarge
Label {
anchors.centerIn: parent
width: parent.width
text: model.name
add: Transition {
NumberAnimation { property: "scale"; from: 0.0001; to: 1.0; }
FadeAnimation { from: 0.0; to: 1.0; }
move: Transition {
NumberAnimation {
properties: "x,y"
remove: Transition {
NumberAnimation { property: "scale"; from: 1.0; to: 0.0001; }
FadeAnimation { from: 1.0; to: 0.0; }
SearchModel {
id: searchModel
apiClient: ApiClient
recursive: true
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
import nl.netsoj.chris.Jellyfin 1.0
import "../components"
import "../components/search"
import "../"
import "../Utils.js" as Utils
@ -36,6 +37,7 @@ Page {
allowedOrientations: Orientation.All
SilicaFlickable {
id: mainView
anchors.fill: parent
// PullDownMenu and PushUpMenu must be declared in SilicaFlickable, SilicaListView or SilicaGridView
@ -66,73 +68,92 @@ Page {
id: mediaLibraryModel2
apiClient: ApiClient
Item {
id: searchBoxPlaceholder
width: parent.width
height: searchBox.height
MoreSection {
text: qsTr("Resume watching")
clickable: false
busy: userResumeModel.status == ApiModel.Loading
Loader {
SearchField {
id: searchBox
width: parent.width
sourceComponent: carrouselView
property alias itemModel: userResumeModel
property string collectionType: "series"
UserItemResumeModel {
id: userResumeModel
apiClient: ApiClient
limit: 12
recursive: true
MoreSection {
text: qsTr("Next up")
clickable: false
busy: showNextUpModel.status == ApiModel.Loading
Loader {
width: parent.width
sourceComponent: carrouselView
property alias itemModel: showNextUpModel
property string collectionType: "series"
ShowNextUpModel {
id: showNextUpModel
apiClient: ApiClient
limit: 12
placeholderText: qsTr("Search")
UserViewModel {
id: mediaLibraryModel
apiClient: ApiClient
Label {
text: "%1 results".arg(searchView.count)
Repeater {
model: mediaLibraryModel
Column {
id: homeView
width: parent.width
MoreSection {
text: model.name
busy: userItemModel.status != ApiModel.Ready
onHeaderClicked: pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("itemdetails/CollectionPage.qml"), {"itemId": model.id})
text: qsTr("Resume watching")
clickable: false
busy: userResumeModel.status == ApiModel.Loading
Loader {
width: parent.width
sourceComponent: carrouselView
property alias itemModel: userItemModel
property string collectionType: model.collectionType || ""
property alias itemModel: userResumeModel
property string collectionType: "series"
UserItemLatestModel {
id: userItemModel
UserItemResumeModel {
id: userResumeModel
apiClient: ApiClient
limit: 12
recursive: true
MoreSection {
text: qsTr("Next up")
clickable: false
busy: showNextUpModel.status == ApiModel.Loading
Loader {
width: parent.width
sourceComponent: carrouselView
property alias itemModel: showNextUpModel
property string collectionType: "series"
ShowNextUpModel {
id: showNextUpModel
apiClient: ApiClient
parentId: model.id
limit: 12
Connections {
target: mediaLibraryModel
onStatusChanged: {
console.log("MediaLibraryModel status " + status)
if (status == ApiModel.Ready) {
UserViewModel {
id: mediaLibraryModel
apiClient: ApiClient
Repeater {
model: mediaLibraryModel
MoreSection {
text: model.name
busy: userItemModel.status != ApiModel.Ready
onHeaderClicked: pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("itemdetails/CollectionPage.qml"), {"itemId": model.id})
Loader {
width: parent.width
sourceComponent: carrouselView
property alias itemModel: userItemModel
property string collectionType: model.collectionType || ""
UserItemLatestModel {
id: userItemModel
apiClient: ApiClient
parentId: model.id
limit: 12
Connections {
target: mediaLibraryModel
onStatusChanged: {
console.log("MediaLibraryModel status " + status)
if (status == ApiModel.Ready) {
@ -167,6 +188,42 @@ Page {
SearchResults {
id: searchView
anchors.fill: parent
header: Item {
width: parent.width
height: searchBox.height
query: searchBox.text
visible: false
opacity: 0
states: [
State {
name: "search"
when: searchBox.text.length
PropertyChanges {
target: searchView
visible: true
opacity: 1
PropertyChanges {
target: mainView
opacity: 0
visible: false
ParentChange {
target: searchBox
parent: searchView.headerItem
StateChangeScript {
script: searchBox.forceActiveFocus()
onStatusChanged: {
if (status == PageStatus.Active) {
appWindow.itemData = null
@ -181,7 +238,7 @@ Page {
* Loads models if not laoded. Set force to true to reload models
* Loads models if not loaded. Set force to true to reload models
* even if loaded.
function loadModels(force) {
@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ Page {
top: parent.top
bottom: parent.bottom
hideFallbackColor: true
source: ApiClient.baseUrl + "/Users/" + ApiClient.userId + "/Images/Primary?tag=" + loggedInUser.primaryImageTag
Reference in a new issue