import QtQuick 2.6 import QtMultimedia 5.6 import Sailfish.Silica 1.0 import nl.netsoj.chris.Jellyfin 1.0 import "videoplayer" /** * A videoPlayer for Jellyfin videos */ SilicaItem { id: playerRoot property string itemId property string title property int progress readonly property bool landscape: videoOutput.contentRect.width > videoOutput.contentRect.height property MediaPlayer player readonly property bool hudVisible: !hud.hidden property alias audioTrack: mediaSource.audioIndex property alias subtitleTrack: mediaSource.subtitleIndex // Force a Light on Dark theme since I doubt that there are persons who are willing to watch a Video // on a white background. palette.colorScheme: Theme.LightOnDark // Blackground to prevent the ambience from leaking through Rectangle { anchors.fill: parent color: "black" } MediaSource { id: mediaSource apiClient: ApiClient itemId: playerRoot.itemId autoOpen: true //autoPlay: true onStreamUrlChanged: { if (mediaSource.streamUrl != "") { player.source = streamUrl // } } } VideoOutput { id: videoOutput source: player anchors.fill: parent } VideoHud { id: hud anchors.fill: parent player: playerRoot.player title: videoPlayer.title Label { anchors.fill: parent anchors.margins: Theme.horizontalPageMargin text: itemId + "\n" + mediaSource.streamUrl + "\n" + player.status + "\n" + player.bufferProgress + "\n" + player.metaData.videoCodec + "@" + player.metaData.videoFrameRate + "(" + player.metaData.videoBitRate + ")" + "\n" + player.metaData.audioCodec + "(" + player.metaData.audioBitRate + ")" + "\n" + player.errorString + "\n" font.pixelSize: Theme.fontSizeExtraSmall wrapMode: "WordWrap" visible: false } } function stop() { player.stop() player.source = "" } }