/* Sailfin: a Jellyfin client written using Qt Copyright (C) 2021 Chris Josten This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifndef JELLYFIN_API_CLIENT #define JELLYFIN_API_CLIENT #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "dto/generalcommandtype.h" #include "support/jsonconv.h" #include "credentialmanager.h" #include "deviceprofile.h" #include "eventbus.h" #include "websocket.h" namespace Jellyfin { class MediaSource; class WebSocket; class PlaybackManager; namespace DTO { class UserItemDataDto; // Keep it as an opaque pointer using UserData = UserItemDataDto; } using namespace DTO; /** * @brief An Api client for Jellyfin. Handles requests and authentication. * * This class should also be given to certain models and other sources, so they are able to make * requests to the correct server. * * General usage is as follows: * 1. (Optional) Call restoreSavedSession(). This will try to load previously saved credentials and connect to the server. * If all succeeds, the property authenticated should be set to true and its signal should be emitted. All is done. * If it fails, setupRequired will be emitted. Continue following these steps. * 2. If opting in to manually manage the session or restoreSavedSession() failed, you'll need to set the property * baseUrl to the root of the Jellyfin server, e.g. "https://jellyfin.example.com:8098", so not the url to the * web interface! Nearby servers can be discovered using Jellyfin::ServerDiscoveryModel. * 3. Call ::setupConnection(). First of all, the client will try to resolve any redirects and will update * the baseUrl property if following redirects. Then it will emit connectionSuccess(QString). The QString from * the signal contains a user-oriented login message configured by the user that should be displayed in the URL * somewhere. * 4. After ::connected is emitted, call ::authenticate(QString, QString, bool). with the username and password. * The last boolean argument is used if you want to have the ApiClient store your credentials, so that they * later can be used with restoreSavedSession(). * 5. If the authenticated property is set to true, you are now authenticated! If loginError() is emitted, you aren't and * you should go back to step 4. * * These steps might change. I'm considering decoupling CredentialsManager from this class to clean some code up. */ class ApiClient : public QObject { friend class WebSocket; friend class PlaybackManager; Q_OBJECT public: explicit ApiClient(QObject *parent = nullptr); Q_PROPERTY(QString baseUrl MEMBER m_baseUrl READ baseUrl NOTIFY baseUrlChanged) Q_PROPERTY(bool authenticated READ authenticated WRITE setAuthenticated NOTIFY authenticatedChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QString userId READ userId NOTIFY userIdChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QJsonObject deviceProfile READ deviceProfile NOTIFY deviceProfileChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QString version READ version) Q_PROPERTY(EventBus *eventbus READ eventbus FINAL) Q_PROPERTY(WebSocket *websocket READ websocket FINAL) Q_PROPERTY(QList supportedCommands READ supportedCommands WRITE setSupportedCommands NOTIFY supportedCommandsChanged) /** * Wether this ApiClient operates in "online mode". * * When operating in offline mode, this client will not make network requests and only use a local cache, making * certain features unavailable. */ Q_PROPERTY(bool online READ online NOTIFY onlineChanged) /*QNetworkReply *handleRequest(QString path, QStringList sort, Pagination *pagination, QVariantMap filters, QStringList fields, QStringList expand, QString id);*/ bool authenticated() const { return m_authenticated; } void setBaseUrl(QString url) { this->m_baseUrl = url; if (this->m_baseUrl.endsWith("/")) { this->m_baseUrl.chop(1); } emit this->baseUrlChanged(m_baseUrl); } QNetworkReply *get(const QString &path, const QUrlQuery ¶ms = QUrlQuery()); QNetworkReply *post(const QString &path, const QJsonDocument &data = QJsonDocument(), const QUrlQuery ¶ms = QUrlQuery()); enum ApiError { JSON_ERROR, UNEXPECTED_REPLY, UNEXPECTED_STATUS, INVALID_PASSWORD }; const QString &baseUrl() const { return this->m_baseUrl; } const QString &userId() const { return m_userId; } const QString &deviceId() const { return m_deviceId; } /** * @brief QML applications can set this type to indicate which commands they support. * * These commands can be sent by other Jellyfin clients to instruct this Jellyfin client to play a * certain item, control playback and so on. * * This property must be set before restoreSavedSession() is called and not be changed afterwards. * The list support commands will be sent to the Jellyfin server. QML applications should listen to * the events emitted by the eventBus and act accordingly. */ QList supportedCommands() const { return m_supportedCommands; } void setSupportedCommands(QList newSupportedCommands) { m_supportedCommands = newSupportedCommands; } QJsonObject &deviceProfile() { return m_deviceProfile; } QJsonObject &playbackDeviceProfile() { return m_playbackDeviceProfile; } /** * @brief Retrieves the authentication token. Null QString if not authenticated. * @note This is not the full authentication header, just the token. */ QString &token() { return m_token; } QString version() const; EventBus *eventbus() const { return m_eventbus; } WebSocket *websocket() const { return m_webSocket; } bool online() const { return m_online; } /** * @brief Sets the error handler of a reply to this classes default error handler * @param rep The reply to set the error handler on. * * Motivation for this helper is because I forget the correct signature each time, with all the * funky casts. */ void setDefaultErrorHandler(QNetworkReply *rep) { #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 15, 0) connect(rep, &QNetworkReply::errorOccurred, this, &ApiClient::defaultNetworkErrorHandler); #else connect(rep, static_cast(&QNetworkReply::error), this, &ApiClient::defaultNetworkErrorHandler); #endif } signals: /* * Emitted when the server requires authentication. Please authenticate your user via authenticate. */ void authenticationRequired(); void authenticationError(ApiError error); void connectionFailed(ApiError error); void connectionSuccess(QString loginMessage); void networkError(QNetworkReply::NetworkError error); void authenticatedChanged(bool authenticated); void baseUrlChanged(const QString &baseUrl); /** * @brief Set-up is required. You'll need to manually set up the baseUrl-property, call setupConnection * afterwards and finally call authenticate. */ void setupRequired(); void userIdChanged(QString userId); void deviceProfileChanged(); void supportedCommandsChanged(); void onlineChanged(); /** * @brief onUserDataChanged Emitted when the user data of an item is changed on the server. * @param itemId The id of the item being changed * @param userData The new user data * * Note: only Jellyfin::UserData should connect to this signal, they will update themselves! * Note: the userData is only valid during this callback, afterwards it is deleted! */ void userDataChanged(const QString &itemId, UserData *userData); public slots: /** * @brief Tries to access credentials and connect to a server. If nothing has been configured yet, * emits setupRequired(); */ void restoreSavedSession(); /* * Try to connect with the server. Tries to resolve redirects and retrieves information * about the login procedure. Emits connectionSuccess on success, networkError or ConnectionFailed * otherwise. */ void setupConnection(); void authenticate(QString username, QString password, bool storeCredentials = false); /** * @brief Logs the user out and clears the session. */ void deleteSession(); /** * @brief Shares the capabilities of this device to the server. */ void postCapabilities(); QString downloadUrl(const QString &itemId) const; protected slots: void defaultNetworkErrorHandler(QNetworkReply::NetworkError error); void onUserDataChanged(const QString &itemId, UserData *newData); protected: /** * @brief Adds default headers to each request, like authentication headers etc. * @param request The request to add headers to * @param path The path to which the request is being made */ void addBaseRequestHeaders(QNetworkRequest &request, const QString &path, const QUrlQuery ¶ms = QUrlQuery()); /** * @brief Adds the authorization to the header * @param The request to add the header to */ void addTokenHeader(QNetworkRequest &request); /** * @brief getBrandingConfiguration Gets the login message and custom CSS (which we ignore) */ void getBrandingConfiguration(); /** * @brief Generates a profile, containing the name of the application, manufacturer and most importantly, * which media types this device supports. * * The actual detection of supported media types is done within jellyfindeviceprofile.cpp, since the code * is a big mess and should be safely contained in it's own file. */ void generateDeviceProfile(); private: QNetworkAccessManager m_naManager; /* * State information */ WebSocket *m_webSocket; EventBus *m_eventbus; CredentialsManager * m_credManager; QString m_token; QString m_deviceName; QString m_deviceId; QString m_userId = ""; QJsonObject m_deviceProfile; QJsonObject m_playbackDeviceProfile; bool m_online = true; QList m_supportedCommands; bool m_authenticated = false; /** * @brief The base url of the request. */ QString m_baseUrl; /* * Setters */ void setAuthenticated(bool authenticated); void setUserId(QString userId) { this->m_userId = userId; emit userIdChanged(userId); } /* * Utilities */ /** * @brief Retreives the device ID or generates a random one. */ QUuid retrieveDeviceId(); /** * @brief Returns the statusCode of a QNetworkReply * @param The reply to obtain the statusCode of * @return The statuscode of the reply * * Seriously, Qt, why is your method to obtain the status code of a request so tedious? * It could've just been a rep->statusCode(); */ static inline int statusCode(QNetworkReply *rep) { return rep->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute).toInt(); } }; } // NS Jellyfin #endif // JELLYFIN_API_CLIENT