import QtQuick 2.6 import Sailfish.Silica 1.0 import nl.netsoj.chris.Jellyfin 1.0 as J import "../../components" import "../.." BaseDetailPage { id: musicLibraryPage property bool _firstTimeLoaded: false onStatusChanged: { if (status == PageStatus.Active) { _firstTimeLoaded = true } } SilicaFlickable { anchors.fill: parent contentHeight: content.height Component { id: latestMediaLoaderComponent J.LatestMediaLoader { apiClient: appWindow.apiClient parentId: itemData.jellyfinId includeItemTypes: "Audio" autoReload: false } } Component { id: albumArtistLoaderComponent J.AlbumArtistLoader { apiClient: appWindow.apiClient parentId: itemData.jellyfinId autoReload: false } } Component { id: albumLoaderComponent J.UserItemsLoader { apiClient: appWindow.apiClient parentId: itemData.jellyfinId includeItemTypes: "MusicAlbum" recursive: true sortBy: "SortName" autoReload: false } } Component { id: playlistLoaderComponent J.UserItemsLoader { apiClient: appWindow.apiClient parentId: itemData.jellyfinId includeItemTypes: "Playlist" recursive: true sortBy: "SortName" autoReload: false } } Column { id: content width: parent.width PageHeader { title: } ItemChildrenShowcase { //: Header on music library: Recently added music albums text: qsTr("Recently added") //collapseWhenEmpty: false extraBusy: !_firstTimeLoaded loader: J.LatestMediaLoader { apiClient: appWindow.apiClient parentId: itemData.jellyfinId autoReload: _firstTimeLoaded && itemData.jellyfinId.length > 0 includeItemTypes: "Audio" limit: 12 } onHeaderClicked: pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("CollectionPage.qml"), { "loader": latestMediaLoaderComponent.createObject(musicLibraryPage), //: Page title for the list of all albums within the music library "pageTitle": qsTr("Latest media"), "allowSort": false }) } ItemChildrenShowcase { text: qsTr("Albums") //collapseWhenEmpty: false extraBusy: !_firstTimeLoaded loader: J.UserItemsLoader { apiClient: appWindow.apiClient parentId: itemData.jellyfinId includeItemTypes: "MusicAlbum" autoReload: _firstTimeLoaded && itemData.jellyfinId.length > 0 sortBy: "Random" recursive: true limit: 12 } onHeaderClicked: pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("CollectionPage.qml"), { "loader": albumLoaderComponent.createObject(musicLibraryPage), //: Page title for the list of all albums within the music library "pageTitle": qsTr("Albums") }) } ItemChildrenShowcase { text: qsTr("Playlists") //collapseWhenEmpty: false extraBusy: !_firstTimeLoaded loader: J.UserItemsLoader { apiClient: appWindow.apiClient parentId: itemData.jellyfinId includeItemTypes: "Playlist" autoReload: _firstTimeLoaded && itemData.jellyfinId.length > 0 sortBy: "Random" recursive: true limit: 12 } onHeaderClicked: pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("CollectionPage.qml"), { "loader": playlistLoaderComponent.createObject(musicLibraryPage), //: Page title for the list of all playlists within the music library "pageTitle": qsTr("Playlists") }) } ItemChildrenShowcase { //: Header for music artists text: qsTr("Artists") //collapseWhenEmpty: false extraBusy: !_firstTimeLoaded loader: J.AlbumArtistLoader { apiClient: appWindow.apiClient parentId: itemData.jellyfinId autoReload: _firstTimeLoaded && itemData.jellyfinId.length > 0 limit: 12 } onHeaderClicked: pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("CollectionPage.qml"), { "loader": albumArtistLoaderComponent.createObject(musicLibraryPage), "allowSort": false, //: Page title for the list of all artists within the music library "pageTitle": qsTr("Artists") }) } } } }