/* Sailfin: a Jellyfin client written using Qt Copyright (C) 2020 Chris Josten This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "jellyfinapimodel.h" namespace Jellyfin { ApiModel::ApiModel(QString path, bool hasRecordResponse, bool addUserId, QObject *parent) : QAbstractListModel (parent), m_path(path), m_hasRecordResponse(hasRecordResponse), m_addUserId(addUserId){ } void ApiModel::reload() { this->setStatus(Loading); m_startIndex = 0; load(RELOAD); } void ApiModel::load(LoadType type) { qDebug() << (type == RELOAD ? "RELOAD" : "LOAD_MORE"); if (m_apiClient == nullptr) { qWarning() << "Please set the apiClient property before (re)loading"; return; } if (m_path.contains("{{user}}")) { m_path = m_path.replace("{{user}}", m_apiClient->userId()); } if (m_path.contains("{{show}}") && !m_show.isEmpty()) { m_path = m_path.replace("{{show}}", m_show); } QUrlQuery query; if (m_limit >= 0) { query.addQueryItem("Limit", QString::number(m_limit)); } else { query.addQueryItem("Limit", QString::number(DEFAULT_LIMIT)); } if (m_startIndex > 0) { query.addQueryItem("StartIndex", QString::number(m_startIndex)); } if (!m_parentId.isEmpty()) { query.addQueryItem("ParentId", m_parentId); } if (!m_sortBy.empty()) { query.addQueryItem("SortBy", m_sortBy.join(",")); } if (m_sortOrder != Unspecified) { query.addQueryItem("SortOrder", m_sortOrder == Ascending ? "Ascending" : "Descending"); } if (!m_imageTypes.empty()) { query.addQueryItem("ImageTypes", m_imageTypes.join(",")); } if (!m_fields.empty()) { query.addQueryItem("Fields", m_fields.join(",")); } if (!m_seasonId.isEmpty()) { query.addQueryItem("seasonId", m_seasonId); } if (m_addUserId) { query.addQueryItem("userId", m_apiClient->userId()); } if (m_recursive) { query.addQueryItem("Recursive", "true"); } addQueryParameters(query); QNetworkReply *rep = m_apiClient->get(m_path, query); connect(rep, &QNetworkReply::finished, this, [this, type, rep]() { QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(rep->readAll()); if (!m_hasRecordResponse) { if (!doc.isArray()) { qWarning() << "Object is not an array!"; this->setStatus(Error); return; } this->m_array = doc.array(); } else { if (!doc.isObject()) { qWarning() << "Object is not an object!"; this->setStatus(Error); return; } QJsonObject obj = doc.object(); if (!obj.contains("Items")) { qWarning() << "Object doesn't contain items!"; this->setStatus(Error); return; } if (m_limit < 0) { // Javascript is beautiful if (obj.contains("TotalRecordCount") && obj["TotalRecordCount"].isDouble()) { m_totalRecordCount = obj["TotalRecordCount"].toInt(); m_startIndex += DEFAULT_LIMIT; } else { qWarning() << "Record-response does not have a total record count"; this->setStatus(Error); return; } } if (!obj["Items"].isArray()) { qWarning() << "Items is not an array!"; this->setStatus(Error); return; } QJsonArray items = obj["Items"].toArray(); switch(type) { case RELOAD: this->m_array = items; break; case LOAD_MORE: this->beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), m_array.size(), m_array.size() + items.size() - 1); // QJsonArray apparently doesn't allow concatenating lists like QList or std::vector for (auto it = items.begin(); it != items.end(); it++) { JsonHelper::convertToCamelCase(*it); } foreach (const QJsonValue &val, items) { m_array.append(val); } this->endInsertRows(); break; } } if (type == RELOAD) { generateFields(); } this->setStatus(Ready); rep->deleteLater(); }); } void ApiModel::generateFields() { if (m_array.size() == 0) return; this->beginResetModel(); int i = Qt::UserRole + 1; if (!m_array[0].isObject()) { qWarning() << "Iterator is not an object?"; return; } // Walks over the keys in the first record and adds them to the rolenames. // This assumes the back-end has the same keys for every record. I could technically // go over all records to be really sure, but no-one got time for a O(n²) algorithm, so // this heuristic hopefully suffices. QJsonObject ob = m_array[0].toObject(); for (auto jt = ob.begin(); jt != ob.end(); jt++) { QString keyName = jt.key(); keyName[0] = keyName[0].toLower(); QByteArray keyArr = keyName.toUtf8(); if (!m_roles.values().contains(keyArr)) { m_roles.insert(i++, keyArr); } } for (auto it = m_array.begin(); it != m_array.end(); it++){ JsonHelper::convertToCamelCase(*it); } this->endResetModel(); } QVariant ApiModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { // Ignore roles we don't know if (role <= Qt::UserRole || role >= Qt::UserRole + m_roles.size()) return QVariant(); // Ignore invalid indices. if (!index.isValid()) return QVariant(); QJsonObject obj = m_array.at(index.row()).toObject(); const QString &key = m_roles[role]; if (obj.contains(key)) { return obj[key].toVariant(); } return QVariant(); } bool ApiModel::canFetchMore(const QModelIndex &parent) const { if (parent.isValid()) return false; switch(m_status) { case Uninitialised: case Loading: return false; default: break; } if (m_limit < 0) { return m_startIndex <= m_totalRecordCount; } else { return false; } } void ApiModel::fetchMore(const QModelIndex &parent) { if (parent.isValid()) return; this->setStatus(LoadingMore); load(LOAD_MORE); } void ApiModel::addQueryParameters(QUrlQuery &query) { Q_UNUSED(query)} // Itemmodel ItemModel::ItemModel(QString path, bool hasRecordFields, bool replaceUser, QObject *parent) : ApiModel (path, hasRecordFields, replaceUser, parent){ connect(this, &ApiModel::apiClientChanged, this, [this](ApiClient *newApiClient) { connect(newApiClient, &ApiClient::userDataChanged, this, &ItemModel::onUserDataChanged); }); } void ItemModel::onUserDataChanged(const QString &itemId, QSharedPointer userData) { int i = 0; for (QJsonValueRef val: m_array) { QJsonObject item = val.toObject(); if (item.contains("id") && item["id"].toString() == itemId) { if (item.contains("userData")) { QModelIndex cell = this->index(i); item["userData"] = userData->serialize(false); val = item; this->dataChanged(cell, cell); } } i++; } } void registerModels(const char *URI) { qmlRegisterUncreatableType(URI, 1, 0, "ApiModel", "Is enum and base class"); qmlRegisterUncreatableType(URI, 1, 0, "SortOptions", "Is enum"); qmlRegisterType(URI, 1, 0, "PublicUserModel"); qmlRegisterType(URI, 1, 0, "UserViewModel"); qmlRegisterType(URI, 1, 0, "UserItemModel"); qmlRegisterType(URI, 1, 0, "UserItemLatestModel"); qmlRegisterType(URI, 1, 0, "UserItemResumeModel"); qmlRegisterType(URI, 1, 0, "ShowNextUpModel"); qmlRegisterType(URI, 1, 0, "ShowSeasonsModel"); qmlRegisterType(URI, 1, 0, "ShowEpisodesModel"); } }