# NOTICE: # # Application name defined in TARGET has a corresponding QML filename. # If name defined in TARGET is changed, the following needs to be done # to match new name: # - corresponding QML filename must be changed # - desktop icon filename must be changed # - desktop filename must be changed # - icon definition filename in desktop file must be changed # - translation filenames have to be changed # The name of your application TARGET = harbour-sailfin #INCLUDEPATH += ../core/include #DEPENDPATH += ../core #LIBS += -Lcore -lcore include(../core/defines.pri) include(../harbour-sailfin.pri) # include our shared library and install it LIBS += -L$$OUT_PWD/../core/lib -ljellyfin-qt core.files += ../core/lib core.path = /usr/share/$${TARGET} INSTALLS += core # Other configuration CONFIG += sailfishapp # c++17 DISTFILES += \ qml/Constants.qml \ qml/Utils.js \ qml/components/GlassyBackground.qml \ qml/components/IconListItem.qml \ qml/components/LibraryItemDelegate.qml \ qml/components/MoreSection.qml \ qml/components/PlainLabel.qml \ qml/components/PlayToolbar.qml \ qml/components/RemoteImage.qml \ qml/components/Shim.qml \ qml/components/UserGridDelegate.qml \ qml/components/VideoPlayer.qml \ qml/components/VideoTrackSelector.qml \ qml/components/itemdetails/SeasonDetails.qml \ qml/components/videoplayer/VideoError.qml \ qml/components/videoplayer/VideoHud.qml \ qml/cover/CoverPage.qml \ qml/cover/PosterCover.qml \ qml/cover/VideoCover.qml \ qml/pages/LegalPage.qml \ qml/pages/MainPage.qml \ qml/pages/AboutPage.qml \ qml/harbour-sailfin.qml \ qml/pages/SettingsPage.qml \ qml/pages/VideoPage.qml \ qml/pages/itemdetails/BaseDetailPage.qml \ qml/pages/itemdetails/CollectionPage.qml \ qml/pages/itemdetails/EpisodePage.qml \ qml/pages/itemdetails/FilmPage.qml \ qml/pages/itemdetails/MusicAlbumPage.qml \ qml/pages/itemdetails/SeasonPage.qml \ qml/pages/itemdetails/SeriesPage.qml \ qml/pages/itemdetails/UnsupportedPage.qml \ qml/pages/itemdetails/VideoPage.qml \ qml/pages/setup/AddServerConnectingPage.qml \ qml/pages/setup/LoginDialog.qml \ qml/qmldir SOURCES += \ src/harbour-sailfin.cpp SAILFISHAPP_ICONS = 86x86 108x108 128x128 172x172 # to disable building translations every time, comment out the # following CONFIG line CONFIG += sailfishapp_i18n