/* Sailfin: a Jellyfin client written using Qt Copyright (C) 2021 Chris Josten This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "JellyfinQt/websocket.h" #include #include #include #include Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(jellyfinWebSocket, "jellyfin.websocket"); namespace Jellyfin { WebSocket::WebSocket(ApiClient *client) : QObject (client), m_apiClient(client){ connect(&m_webSocket, &QWebSocket::connected, this, &WebSocket::onConnected); connect(&m_webSocket, &QWebSocket::disconnected, this, &WebSocket::onDisconnected); connect(&m_webSocket, static_cast(&QWebSocket::error), this, [this](QAbstractSocket::SocketError error) { Q_UNUSED(error) qCDebug(jellyfinWebSocket) << "Connection error: " << m_webSocket.errorString(); }); connect(&m_webSocket, &QWebSocket::stateChanged, this, &WebSocket::onWebsocketStateChanged); connect(&m_keepAliveTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &WebSocket::sendKeepAlive); connect(&m_retryTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &WebSocket::open); connect(client, &ApiClient::authenticatedChanged, this, [this](bool isAuthenticated) { if (isAuthenticated) { this->m_reconnectAttempt = 0; this->open(); } }); } void WebSocket::open() { QUrlQuery query; query.addQueryItem("api_key", m_apiClient->token()); query.addQueryItem("deviceId", m_apiClient->deviceId()); QUrl connectionUrl(m_apiClient->baseUrl()); connectionUrl.setScheme(connectionUrl.scheme() == "http" ? "ws" : "wss"); connectionUrl.setPath("/socket"); connectionUrl.setQuery(query); m_webSocket.open(connectionUrl); m_reconnectAttempt++; qCDebug(jellyfinWebSocket) << "Opening WebSocket connection to " << m_webSocket.requestUrl() << ", connect attempt " << m_reconnectAttempt; } void WebSocket::onConnected() { connect(&m_webSocket, &QWebSocket::textMessageReceived, this, &WebSocket::textMessageReceived); m_reconnectAttempt = 0; } void WebSocket::onDisconnected() { disconnect(&m_webSocket, &QWebSocket::textMessageReceived, this, &WebSocket::textMessageReceived); m_keepAliveTimer.stop(); if (m_reconnectAttempt <= 3) { // 500, 2500, 12500 m_retryTimer.setInterval(100 * static_cast(std::pow(5., m_reconnectAttempt))); } } void WebSocket::textMessageReceived(const QString &message) { qCDebug(jellyfinWebSocket) << "message received: " << message; QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(message.toUtf8()); if (doc.isNull() || !doc.isObject()) { qCWarning(jellyfinWebSocket()) << "Malformed message received over WebSocket: parse error or root not an object."; return; } QJsonObject messageRoot = doc.object(); if (!messageRoot.contains("MessageType")) { qCWarning(jellyfinWebSocket) << "Malformed message received over WebSocket: no MessageType set."; return; } // Convert the type so we can use it in our enums. QString messageType = messageRoot["MessageType"].toString(); QJsonValue data = messageRoot["Data"]; if (messageType == QStringLiteral("ForceKeepAlive")) { setupKeepAlive(data.toInt()); } else if (messageType == QStringLiteral("GeneralCommand")) { try { DTO::GeneralCommand command = DTO::GeneralCommand::fromJson(data.toObject()); // TODO: move command handling out of here switch(command.name()) { case DTO::GeneralCommandType::DisplayMessage: { QString header = command.arguments()["Header"].toString("Message from server"); QString text = command.arguments()["Text"].toString(""); int timeout = command.arguments()["TimeoutMs"].toInt(-1); emit m_apiClient->eventbus()->displayMessage(header, text, timeout); } break; default: qCDebug(jellyfinWebSocket) << "Unhandled command: " << data; break; } } catch(QException &e) { qCWarning(jellyfinWebSocket()) << "Error while deserializing command: " << e.what(); } } else if (messageType == QStringLiteral("Playstate")) { try { DTO::PlaystateRequest request = PlaystateRequest::fromJson(data.toObject()); emit m_apiClient->eventbus()->playstateCommandReceived(request); } catch (QException &e) { qCWarning(jellyfinWebSocket) << "Error while deserialzing PlaystateRequest " << e.what(); } } else if(messageType == QStringLiteral("UserDataChanged")) { QString userId = data.toObject()["UserId"].toString(); if (userId != m_apiClient->userId()) { qCDebug(jellyfinWebSocket) << "Received UserDataCHanged for other user"; } else { try { QList userDataList = Support::fromJsonValue>(data.toObject()["UserDataList"]); for (auto it = userDataList.cbegin(); it != userDataList.cend(); it++) { emit m_apiClient->eventbus()->itemUserDataUpdated(it->itemId(), *it); } } catch (QException *e) { qCWarning(jellyfinWebSocket) << "Unparseable UserData list received: " << e->what(); } } } else { qCDebug(jellyfinWebSocket) << messageType; } } void WebSocket::sendKeepAlive() { sendMessage(KeepAlive); } void WebSocket::setupKeepAlive(int data) { // Data is timeout in seconds, we want to send a keepalive at half the timeout m_keepAliveTimer.setInterval(data * 500); m_keepAliveTimer.setSingleShot(false); m_keepAliveTimer.start(); sendKeepAlive(); } QString WebSocket::generateMessageId() { return QUuid::createUuid().toString(); } void WebSocket::sendMessage(MessageType type, QJsonValue data) { QJsonObject root; root["MessageType"] = QVariant::fromValue(type).toString(); root["Data"] = data; QString message = QJsonDocument(root).toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact); m_webSocket.sendTextMessage(message); qCDebug(jellyfinWebSocket) << "Sent message: " << message; } }