/* Sailfin: a Jellyfin client written using Qt Copyright (C) 2020 Chris Josten This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ import QtQuick 2.0 import Sailfish.Silica 1.0 import QtMultimedia 5.6 import nl.netsoj.chris.Jellyfin 1.0 import Nemo.Configuration 1.0 import Nemo.Notifications 1.0 import Nemo.KeepAlive 1.2 import "components" import "pages" import "." ApplicationWindow { id: appWindow property bool _hasInitialized: false // The global mediaPlayer instance //readonly property MediaPlayer mediaPlayer: _mediaPlayer readonly property PlaybackManager playbackManager: _playbackManager readonly property ApiClient apiClient: _apiClient // Due QTBUG-10822, declarartions such as `property J.Item foo` are not possible. property var itemData: pageStack.currentPage.itemData // Bad way to implement settings, but it'll do for now. property alias showDebugInfo: config.showDebugInfo property bool _hidePlaybackBar: false bottomMargin: playbackBar.visibleSize ApiClient { id: _apiClient objectName: "Test" supportedCommands: [GeneralCommandType.Play, GeneralCommandType.DisplayMessage] } PlatformMediaControl { playbackManager: appWindow.playbackManager canQuit: false desktopFile: "harbour-sailfin" playerName: "Sailfin" canRaise: true onRaiseRequested: appWindow.raise() } initialPage: Component { MainPage { Connections { target: apiClient // Replace the MainPage if no server was set up. } onStatusChanged: { if (status == PageStatus.Active && !_hasInitialized) { _hasInitialized = true; apiClient.restoreSavedSession(); } } } } //cover: CoverBackground {CoverPlaceholder { icon.source: "icon.png"; text: "Sailfin"}} cover: { // Disabled due to buggy Loader behaviour if ([MediaPlayer.NoMedia, MediaPlayer.InvalidMedia, MediaPlayer.UnknownStatus].indexOf(_playbackManager.mediaStatus) >= 0 || _playbackManager.playbackState === MediaPlayer.StoppedState) { return Qt.resolvedUrl("cover/CollectionPage.qml") } else { return Qt.resolvedUrl("cover/NowPlayingCover.qml") } } Notification { id: errorNotification previewSummary: "foo" isTransient: true function show(data) { previewSummary = data; publish(); } } Notification { id: serverNotification //: The application name for the notification appName: qsTr("Sailfin") appIcon: "harbour-sailfin" isTransient: true } Connections { target: apiClient.eventbus onDisplayMessage: { serverNotification.summary = header serverNotification.body = message serverNotification.publish() } } PlaybackManager { id: _playbackManager apiClient: appWindow.apiClient audioIndex: 0 autoOpen: true } Connections { target: pageStack onCurrentPageChanged: { if ("itemData" in pageStack.currentPage) { appWindow.itemData = pageStack.currentPage.itemData } else { appWindow.itemData = null } } } // Keep the sytem alive while playing media KeepAlive { enabled: playbackManager.playbackState === MediaPlayer.PlayingState } DisplayBlanking { preventBlanking: playbackManager.playbackState === MediaPlayer.PlayingState && playbackManager.hasVideo } PlaybackBar { id: playbackBar manager: _playbackManager // CTMBWSIU: Code That Might Break When Silica Is Updated Component.onCompleted: playbackBar.parent = __silica_applicationwindow_instance._rotatingItem } ConfigurationGroup { id: config path: "/nl/netsoj/chris/Sailfin" property bool showDebugInfo: false } function navigateToItem(jellyfinId, mediaType, type, isFolder) { if (mediaType === "Audio") { playbackManager.playItemId(jellyfinId) } else { pageStack.push(Utils.getPageUrl(mediaType, type, isFolder), {"itemId": jellyfinId}); } } //FIXME: proper error handling Connections { target: apiClient onNetworkError: errorNotification.show("Network error: " + error) onConnectionFailed: errorNotification.show("Connect error: " + error) //onConnectionSuccess: errorNotification.show("Success: " + loginMessage) onSetupRequired: { var isInSetup = pageStack.find(function (page) { return typeof page._isSetupPage !== "undefined" }) !== null console.log("Is in setup: " + isInSetup) if (!isInSetup) { pageStack.replace(Qt.resolvedUrl("pages/setup/AddServerPage.qml"), {"backNavigation": false}); } } } }