/* * Sailfin: a Jellyfin client written using Qt * Copyright (C) 2021 Chris Josten and the Sailfin Contributors. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /* * WARNING: THIS IS AN AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED FILE! PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS, AS YOUR EDITS WILL GET * OVERWRITTEN AT SOME POINT! * * If there is a bug in this file, please fix the code generator used to generate this file found in * core/openapigenerator.d. * * This file is generated based on Jellyfin's OpenAPI description, "openapi.json". Please update that * file with a newer file if needed instead of manually updating the files. */ #ifndef JELLYFIN_LOADER_REQUESTTYPES_H #define JELLYFIN_LOADER_REQUESTTYPES_H #include #include #include #include #include #include "JellyfinQt/dto/channeltype.h" #include "JellyfinQt/dto/configurationpagetype.h" #include "JellyfinQt/dto/encodingcontext.h" #include "JellyfinQt/dto/generalcommandtype.h" #include "JellyfinQt/dto/imageformat.h" #include "JellyfinQt/dto/imagetype.h" #include "JellyfinQt/dto/itemfields.h" #include "JellyfinQt/dto/itemfilter.h" #include "JellyfinQt/dto/locationtype.h" #include "JellyfinQt/dto/metadatarefreshmode.h" #include "JellyfinQt/dto/notificationlevel.h" #include "JellyfinQt/dto/playcommand.h" #include "JellyfinQt/dto/playmethod.h" #include "JellyfinQt/dto/playstatecommand.h" #include "JellyfinQt/dto/quickconnectstate.h" #include "JellyfinQt/dto/recordingstatus.h" #include "JellyfinQt/dto/repeatmode.h" #include "JellyfinQt/dto/seriesstatus.h" #include "JellyfinQt/dto/sortorder.h" #include "JellyfinQt/dto/subtitledeliverymethod.h" #include "JellyfinQt/dto/version.h" #include "JellyfinQt/dto/videotype.h" namespace Jellyfin { namespace Loader { using namespace Jellyfin::DTO; class ActivateParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class AddListingProviderParams { public: /** * @brief Password. */ const QString &pw() const; void setPw(QString newPw); bool pwNull() const; void setPwNull(); /** * @brief Validate listings. */ const bool &validateListings() const; void setValidateListings(bool newValidateListings); bool validateListingsNull() const; void setValidateListingsNull(); /** * @brief Validate login. */ const bool &validateLogin() const; void setValidateLogin(bool newValidateLogin); bool validateLoginNull() const; void setValidateLoginNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QString m_pw; std::optional m_validateListings = std::nullopt; std::optional m_validateLogin = std::nullopt; }; class AddMediaPathParams { public: /** * @brief Whether to refresh the library. */ const bool &refreshLibrary() const; void setRefreshLibrary(bool newRefreshLibrary); bool refreshLibraryNull() const; void setRefreshLibraryNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_refreshLibrary = std::nullopt; }; class AddToCollectionParams { public: /** * @brief The collection id. */ const QString &collectionId() const; void setCollectionId(QString newCollectionId); /** * @brief Item ids, comma delimited. */ const QStringList &ids() const; void setIds(QStringList newIds); private: // Required path parameters QString m_collectionId; // Required query parameters QStringList m_ids; // Optional query parameters }; class AddToPlaylistParams { public: /** * @brief The playlist id. */ const QString &playlistId() const; void setPlaylistId(QString newPlaylistId); /** * @brief Item id, comma delimited. */ const QStringList &ids() const; void setIds(QStringList newIds); bool idsNull() const; void setIdsNull(); /** * @brief The userId. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_playlistId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QStringList m_ids; QString m_userId; }; class AddTunerHostParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class AddUserToSessionParams { public: /** * @brief The session id. */ const QString &sessionId() const; void setSessionId(QString newSessionId); /** * @brief The user id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_sessionId; QString m_userId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class AddVirtualFolderParams { public: /** * @brief The type of the collection. */ const QString &collectionType() const; void setCollectionType(QString newCollectionType); bool collectionTypeNull() const; void setCollectionTypeNull(); /** * @brief The name of the virtual folder. */ const QString &name() const; void setName(QString newName); bool nameNull() const; void setNameNull(); /** * @brief The paths of the virtual folder. */ const QStringList &paths() const; void setPaths(QStringList newPaths); bool pathsNull() const; void setPathsNull(); /** * @brief Whether to refresh the library. */ const bool &refreshLibrary() const; void setRefreshLibrary(bool newRefreshLibrary); bool refreshLibraryNull() const; void setRefreshLibraryNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QString m_collectionType; QString m_name; QStringList m_paths; std::optional m_refreshLibrary = std::nullopt; }; class ApplySearchCriteriaParams { public: /** * @brief Item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief Optional. Whether or not to replace all images. Default: True. */ const bool &replaceAllImages() const; void setReplaceAllImages(bool newReplaceAllImages); bool replaceAllImagesNull() const; void setReplaceAllImagesNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_replaceAllImages = std::nullopt; }; class AuthenticateUserParams { public: /** * @brief The user id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); /** * @brief The password as plain text. */ const QString &pw() const; void setPw(QString newPw); /** * @brief The password sha1-hash. */ const QString &password() const; void setPassword(QString newPassword); bool passwordNull() const; void setPasswordNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_userId; // Required query parameters QString m_pw; // Optional query parameters QString m_password; }; class AuthenticateUserByNameParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class AuthenticateWithQuickConnectParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class AuthorizeParams { public: /** * @brief Quick connect code to authorize. */ const QString &code() const; void setCode(QString newCode); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters QString m_code; // Optional query parameters }; class AvailableParams { public: /** * @brief New MediaBrowser.Model.QuickConnect.QuickConnectState. */ const QuickConnectState &status() const; void setStatus(QuickConnectState newStatus); bool statusNull() const; void setStatusNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QuickConnectState m_status; }; class CancelPackageInstallationParams { public: /** * @brief Installation Id. */ const QString &packageId() const; void setPackageId(QString newPackageId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_packageId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class CancelSeriesTimerParams { public: /** * @brief Timer id. */ const QString &timerId() const; void setTimerId(QString newTimerId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_timerId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class CancelTimerParams { public: /** * @brief Timer id. */ const QString &timerId() const; void setTimerId(QString newTimerId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_timerId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class CloseLiveStreamParams { public: /** * @brief The livestream id. */ const QString &liveStreamId() const; void setLiveStreamId(QString newLiveStreamId); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters QString m_liveStreamId; // Optional query parameters }; class CompleteWizardParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class ConnectParams { public: /** * @brief Secret previously returned from the Initiate endpoint. */ const QString &secret() const; void setSecret(QString newSecret); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters QString m_secret; // Optional query parameters }; class CreateAdminNotificationParams { public: /** * @brief The description of the notification. */ const QString &description() const; void setDescription(QString newDescription); bool descriptionNull() const; void setDescriptionNull(); /** * @brief The level of the notification. */ const NotificationLevel &level() const; void setLevel(NotificationLevel newLevel); bool levelNull() const; void setLevelNull(); /** * @brief The name of the notification. */ const QString &name() const; void setName(QString newName); bool nameNull() const; void setNameNull(); /** * @brief The URL of the notification. */ const QString &url() const; void setUrl(QString newUrl); bool urlNull() const; void setUrlNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QString m_description; NotificationLevel m_level; QString m_name; QString m_url; }; class CreateCollectionParams { public: /** * @brief Item Ids to add to the collection. */ const QStringList &ids() const; void setIds(QStringList newIds); bool idsNull() const; void setIdsNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to lock the new collection. */ const bool &isLocked() const; void setIsLocked(bool newIsLocked); bool isLockedNull() const; void setIsLockedNull(); /** * @brief The name of the collection. */ const QString &name() const; void setName(QString newName); bool nameNull() const; void setNameNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Create the collection within a specific folder. */ const QString &parentId() const; void setParentId(QString newParentId); bool parentIdNull() const; void setParentIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QStringList m_ids; std::optional m_isLocked = std::nullopt; QString m_name; QString m_parentId; }; class CreateKeyParams { public: /** * @brief Name of the app using the authentication key. */ const QString &app() const; void setApp(QString newApp); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters QString m_app; // Optional query parameters }; class CreatePlaylistParams { public: /** * @brief The item ids. */ const QStringList &ids() const; void setIds(QStringList newIds); bool idsNull() const; void setIdsNull(); /** * @brief The media type. */ const QString &mediaType() const; void setMediaType(QString newMediaType); bool mediaTypeNull() const; void setMediaTypeNull(); /** * @brief The playlist name. */ const QString &name() const; void setName(QString newName); bool nameNull() const; void setNameNull(); /** * @brief The user id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QStringList m_ids; QString m_mediaType; QString m_name; QString m_userId; }; class CreateProfileParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class CreateSeriesTimerParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class CreateTimerParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class CreateUserByNameParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class DeauthorizeParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class DeleteAlternateSourcesParams { public: /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class DeleteDeviceParams { public: /** * @brief Device Id. */ const QString &jellyfinId() const; void setJellyfinId(QString newJellyfinId); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters QString m_jellyfinId; // Optional query parameters }; class DeleteItemParams { public: /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class DeleteItemImageParams { public: /** * @brief Image type. */ const ImageType &imageType() const; void setImageType(ImageType newImageType); /** * @brief Item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief The image index. */ const qint32 &imageIndex() const; void setImageIndex(qint32 newImageIndex); bool imageIndexNull() const; void setImageIndexNull(); private: // Required path parameters ImageType m_imageType; QString m_itemId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_imageIndex = std::nullopt; }; class DeleteItemImageByIndexParams { public: /** * @brief The image index. */ const qint32 &imageIndex() const; void setImageIndex(qint32 newImageIndex); /** * @brief Image type. */ const ImageType &imageType() const; void setImageType(ImageType newImageType); /** * @brief Item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); private: // Required path parameters qint32 m_imageIndex; ImageType m_imageType; QString m_itemId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class DeleteItemsParams { public: /** * @brief The item ids. */ const QStringList &ids() const; void setIds(QStringList newIds); bool idsNull() const; void setIdsNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QStringList m_ids; }; class DeleteListingProviderParams { public: /** * @brief Listing provider id. */ const QString &jellyfinId() const; void setJellyfinId(QString newJellyfinId); bool jellyfinIdNull() const; void setJellyfinIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QString m_jellyfinId; }; class DeleteProfileParams { public: /** * @brief Profile id. */ const QString &profileId() const; void setProfileId(QString newProfileId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_profileId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class DeleteRecordingParams { public: /** * @brief Recording id. */ const QString &recordingId() const; void setRecordingId(QString newRecordingId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_recordingId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class DeleteSubtitleParams { public: /** * @brief The index of the subtitle file. */ const qint32 &index() const; void setIndex(qint32 newIndex); /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); private: // Required path parameters qint32 m_index; QString m_itemId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class DeleteTunerHostParams { public: /** * @brief Tuner host id. */ const QString &jellyfinId() const; void setJellyfinId(QString newJellyfinId); bool jellyfinIdNull() const; void setJellyfinIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QString m_jellyfinId; }; class DeleteUserParams { public: /** * @brief The user id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_userId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class DeleteUserImageParams { public: /** * @brief (Unused) Image type. */ const ImageType &imageType() const; void setImageType(ImageType newImageType); /** * @brief User Id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); /** * @brief (Unused) Image index. */ const qint32 &index() const; void setIndex(qint32 newIndex); bool indexNull() const; void setIndexNull(); private: // Required path parameters ImageType m_imageType; QString m_userId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_index = std::nullopt; }; class DeleteUserImageByIndexParams { public: /** * @brief (Unused) Image type. */ const ImageType &imageType() const; void setImageType(ImageType newImageType); /** * @brief (Unused) Image index. */ const qint32 &index() const; void setIndex(qint32 newIndex); /** * @brief User Id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); private: // Required path parameters ImageType m_imageType; qint32 m_index; QString m_userId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class DeleteUserItemRatingParams { public: /** * @brief Item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief User id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; QString m_userId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class DisablePluginParams { public: /** * @brief Plugin id. */ const QString &pluginId() const; void setPluginId(QString newPluginId); /** * @brief Plugin version. */ const QSharedPointer &version() const; void setVersion(QSharedPointer newVersion); private: // Required path parameters QString m_pluginId; QSharedPointer m_version; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class DiscoverTunersParams { public: /** * @brief Only discover new tuners. */ const bool &newDevicesOnly() const; void setNewDevicesOnly(bool newNewDevicesOnly); bool newDevicesOnlyNull() const; void setNewDevicesOnlyNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_newDevicesOnly = std::nullopt; }; class DiscvoverTunersParams { public: /** * @brief Only discover new tuners. */ const bool &newDevicesOnly() const; void setNewDevicesOnly(bool newNewDevicesOnly); bool newDevicesOnlyNull() const; void setNewDevicesOnlyNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_newDevicesOnly = std::nullopt; }; class DisplayContentParams { public: /** * @brief The session Id. */ const QString &sessionId() const; void setSessionId(QString newSessionId); /** * @brief The Id of the item. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief The name of the item. */ const QString &itemName() const; void setItemName(QString newItemName); /** * @brief The type of item to browse to. */ const QString &itemType() const; void setItemType(QString newItemType); private: // Required path parameters QString m_sessionId; // Required query parameters QString m_itemId; QString m_itemName; QString m_itemType; // Optional query parameters }; class DownloadRemoteImageParams { public: /** * @brief Item Id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief The image type. */ const ImageType &type() const; void setType(ImageType newType); /** * @brief The image url. */ const QString &imageUrl() const; void setImageUrl(QString newImageUrl); bool imageUrlNull() const; void setImageUrlNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; // Required query parameters ImageType m_type; // Optional query parameters QString m_imageUrl; }; class DownloadRemoteSubtitlesParams { public: /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief The subtitle id. */ const QString &subtitleId() const; void setSubtitleId(QString newSubtitleId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; QString m_subtitleId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class EnablePluginParams { public: /** * @brief Plugin id. */ const QString &pluginId() const; void setPluginId(QString newPluginId); /** * @brief Plugin version. */ const QSharedPointer &version() const; void setVersion(QSharedPointer newVersion); private: // Required path parameters QString m_pluginId; QSharedPointer m_version; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class ForgotPasswordParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class ForgotPasswordPinParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetParams { public: /** * @brief The search term to filter on. */ const QString &searchTerm() const; void setSearchTerm(QString newSearchTerm); /** * @brief If specified, results with these item types are filtered out. This allows multiple, comma delimeted. */ const QStringList &excludeItemTypes() const; void setExcludeItemTypes(QStringList newExcludeItemTypes); bool excludeItemTypesNull() const; void setExcludeItemTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter whether to include artists. */ const bool &includeArtists() const; void setIncludeArtists(bool newIncludeArtists); bool includeArtistsNull() const; void setIncludeArtistsNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter whether to include genres. */ const bool &includeGenres() const; void setIncludeGenres(bool newIncludeGenres); bool includeGenresNull() const; void setIncludeGenresNull(); /** * @brief If specified, only results with the specified item types are returned. This allows multiple, comma delimeted. */ const QStringList &includeItemTypes() const; void setIncludeItemTypes(QStringList newIncludeItemTypes); bool includeItemTypesNull() const; void setIncludeItemTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter whether to include media. */ const bool &includeMedia() const; void setIncludeMedia(bool newIncludeMedia); bool includeMediaNull() const; void setIncludeMediaNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter whether to include people. */ const bool &includePeople() const; void setIncludePeople(bool newIncludePeople); bool includePeopleNull() const; void setIncludePeopleNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter whether to include studios. */ const bool &includeStudios() const; void setIncludeStudios(bool newIncludeStudios); bool includeStudiosNull() const; void setIncludeStudiosNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter for kids. */ const bool &isKids() const; void setIsKids(bool newIsKids); bool isKidsNull() const; void setIsKidsNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter for movies. */ const bool &isMovie() const; void setIsMovie(bool newIsMovie); bool isMovieNull() const; void setIsMovieNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter for news. */ const bool &isNews() const; void setIsNews(bool newIsNews); bool isNewsNull() const; void setIsNewsNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter for series. */ const bool &isSeries() const; void setIsSeries(bool newIsSeries); bool isSeriesNull() const; void setIsSeriesNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter for sports. */ const bool &isSports() const; void setIsSports(bool newIsSports); bool isSportsNull() const; void setIsSportsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of records to return. */ const qint32 &limit() const; void setLimit(qint32 newLimit); bool limitNull() const; void setLimitNull(); /** * @brief If specified, only results with the specified media types are returned. This allows multiple, comma delimeted. */ const QStringList &mediaTypes() const; void setMediaTypes(QStringList newMediaTypes); bool mediaTypesNull() const; void setMediaTypesNull(); /** * @brief If specified, only children of the parent are returned. */ const QString &parentId() const; void setParentId(QString newParentId); bool parentIdNull() const; void setParentIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The record index to start at. All items with a lower index will be dropped from the results. */ const qint32 &startIndex() const; void setStartIndex(qint32 newStartIndex); bool startIndexNull() const; void setStartIndexNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Supply a user id to search within a user's library or omit to search all. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters QString m_searchTerm; // Optional query parameters QStringList m_excludeItemTypes; std::optional m_includeArtists = std::nullopt; std::optional m_includeGenres = std::nullopt; QStringList m_includeItemTypes; std::optional m_includeMedia = std::nullopt; std::optional m_includePeople = std::nullopt; std::optional m_includeStudios = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isKids = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isMovie = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isNews = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isSeries = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isSports = std::nullopt; std::optional m_limit = std::nullopt; QStringList m_mediaTypes; QString m_parentId; std::optional m_startIndex = std::nullopt; QString m_userId; }; class GetAdditionalPartParams { public: /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by user id, and attach user data. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QString m_userId; }; class GetAlbumArtistsParams { public: /** * @brief Optional. The image types to include in the output. */ const QList &enableImageTypes() const; void setEnableImageTypes(QList newEnableImageTypes); bool enableImageTypesNull() const; void setEnableImageTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional, include image information in output. */ const bool &enableImages() const; void setEnableImages(bool newEnableImages); bool enableImagesNull() const; void setEnableImagesNull(); /** * @brief Total record count. */ const bool &enableTotalRecordCount() const; void setEnableTotalRecordCount(bool newEnableTotalRecordCount); bool enableTotalRecordCountNull() const; void setEnableTotalRecordCountNull(); /** * @brief Optional, include user data. */ const bool &enableUserData() const; void setEnableUserData(bool newEnableUserData); bool enableUserDataNull() const; void setEnableUserDataNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered out based on item type. This allows multiple, comma delimited. */ const QStringList &excludeItemTypes() const; void setExcludeItemTypes(QStringList newExcludeItemTypes); bool excludeItemTypesNull() const; void setExcludeItemTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify additional fields of information to return in the output. */ const QList &fields() const; void setFields(QList newFields); bool fieldsNull() const; void setFieldsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify additional filters to apply. */ const QList &filters() const; void setFilters(QList newFilters); bool filtersNull() const; void setFiltersNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on genre id. This allows multiple, pipe delimited. */ const QStringList &genreIds() const; void setGenreIds(QStringList newGenreIds); bool genreIdsNull() const; void setGenreIdsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on genre. This allows multiple, pipe delimited. */ const QStringList &genres() const; void setGenres(QStringList newGenres); bool genresNull() const; void setGenresNull(); /** * @brief Optional, the max number of images to return, per image type. */ const qint32 &imageTypeLimit() const; void setImageTypeLimit(qint32 newImageTypeLimit); bool imageTypeLimitNull() const; void setImageTypeLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on item type. This allows multiple, comma delimited. */ const QStringList &includeItemTypes() const; void setIncludeItemTypes(QStringList newIncludeItemTypes); bool includeItemTypesNull() const; void setIncludeItemTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items that are marked as favorite, or not. */ const bool &isFavorite() const; void setIsFavorite(bool newIsFavorite); bool isFavoriteNull() const; void setIsFavoriteNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of records to return. */ const qint32 &limit() const; void setLimit(qint32 newLimit); bool limitNull() const; void setLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by MediaType. Allows multiple, comma delimited. */ const QStringList &mediaTypes() const; void setMediaTypes(QStringList newMediaTypes); bool mediaTypesNull() const; void setMediaTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by minimum community rating. */ const double &minCommunityRating() const; void setMinCommunityRating(double newMinCommunityRating); bool minCommunityRatingNull() const; void setMinCommunityRatingNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items whose name is equally or lesser than a given input string. */ const QString &nameLessThan() const; void setNameLessThan(QString newNameLessThan); bool nameLessThanNull() const; void setNameLessThanNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items whose name is sorted equally than a given input string. */ const QString &nameStartsWith() const; void setNameStartsWith(QString newNameStartsWith); bool nameStartsWithNull() const; void setNameStartsWithNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items whose name is sorted equally or greater than a given input string. */ const QString &nameStartsWithOrGreater() const; void setNameStartsWithOrGreater(QString newNameStartsWithOrGreater); bool nameStartsWithOrGreaterNull() const; void setNameStartsWithOrGreaterNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on OfficialRating. This allows multiple, pipe delimited. */ const QStringList &officialRatings() const; void setOfficialRatings(QStringList newOfficialRatings); bool officialRatingsNull() const; void setOfficialRatingsNull(); /** * @brief Specify this to localize the search to a specific item or folder. Omit to use the root. */ const QString &parentId() const; void setParentId(QString newParentId); bool parentIdNull() const; void setParentIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered to include only those containing the specified person. */ const QString &person() const; void setPerson(QString newPerson); bool personNull() const; void setPersonNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered to include only those containing the specified person ids. */ const QStringList &personIds() const; void setPersonIds(QStringList newPersonIds); bool personIdsNull() const; void setPersonIdsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, along with Person, results will be filtered to include only those containing the specified person and PersonType. Allows multiple, comma-delimited. */ const QStringList &personTypes() const; void setPersonTypes(QStringList newPersonTypes); bool personTypesNull() const; void setPersonTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Search term. */ const QString &searchTerm() const; void setSearchTerm(QString newSearchTerm); bool searchTermNull() const; void setSearchTermNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The record index to start at. All items with a lower index will be dropped from the results. */ const qint32 &startIndex() const; void setStartIndex(qint32 newStartIndex); bool startIndexNull() const; void setStartIndexNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on studio id. This allows multiple, pipe delimited. */ const QStringList &studioIds() const; void setStudioIds(QStringList newStudioIds); bool studioIdsNull() const; void setStudioIdsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on studio. This allows multiple, pipe delimited. */ const QStringList &studios() const; void setStudios(QStringList newStudios); bool studiosNull() const; void setStudiosNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on tag. This allows multiple, pipe delimited. */ const QStringList &tags() const; void setTags(QStringList newTags); bool tagsNull() const; void setTagsNull(); /** * @brief User id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on production year. This allows multiple, comma delimited. */ const QList &years() const; void setYears(QList newYears); bool yearsNull() const; void setYearsNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QList m_enableImageTypes; std::optional m_enableImages = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableTotalRecordCount = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableUserData = std::nullopt; QStringList m_excludeItemTypes; QList m_fields; QList m_filters; QStringList m_genreIds; QStringList m_genres; std::optional m_imageTypeLimit = std::nullopt; QStringList m_includeItemTypes; std::optional m_isFavorite = std::nullopt; std::optional m_limit = std::nullopt; QStringList m_mediaTypes; std::optional m_minCommunityRating = std::nullopt; QString m_nameLessThan; QString m_nameStartsWith; QString m_nameStartsWithOrGreater; QStringList m_officialRatings; QString m_parentId; QString m_person; QStringList m_personIds; QStringList m_personTypes; QString m_searchTerm; std::optional m_startIndex = std::nullopt; QStringList m_studioIds; QStringList m_studios; QStringList m_tags; QString m_userId; QList m_years; }; class GetAllChannelFeaturesParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetAncestorsParams { public: /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by user id, and attach user data. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QString m_userId; }; class GetArtistByNameParams { public: /** * @brief Studio name. */ const QString &name() const; void setName(QString newName); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by user id, and attach user data. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_name; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QString m_userId; }; class GetArtistImageParams { public: /** * @brief Image index. */ const qint32 &imageIndex() const; void setImageIndex(qint32 newImageIndex); /** * @brief Image type. */ const ImageType &imageType() const; void setImageType(ImageType newImageType); /** * @brief Artist name. */ const QString &name() const; void setName(QString newName); /** * @brief Optional. Add a played indicator. */ const bool &addPlayedIndicator() const; void setAddPlayedIndicator(bool newAddPlayedIndicator); bool addPlayedIndicatorNull() const; void setAddPlayedIndicatorNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images. */ const QString &backgroundColor() const; void setBackgroundColor(QString newBackgroundColor); bool backgroundColorNull() const; void setBackgroundColorNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Blur image. */ const qint32 &blur() const; void setBlur(qint32 newBlur); bool blurNull() const; void setBlurNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art. */ const bool &cropWhitespace() const; void setCropWhitespace(bool newCropWhitespace); bool cropWhitespaceNull() const; void setCropWhitespaceNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. */ const QString &foregroundLayer() const; void setForegroundLayer(QString newForegroundLayer); bool foregroundLayerNull() const; void setForegroundLayerNull(); /** * @brief Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png. */ const ImageFormat &format() const; void setFormat(ImageFormat newFormat); bool formatNull() const; void setFormatNull(); /** * @brief The fixed image height to return. */ const qint32 &height() const; void setHeight(qint32 newHeight); bool heightNull() const; void setHeightNull(); /** * @brief The maximum image height to return. */ const qint32 &maxHeight() const; void setMaxHeight(qint32 newMaxHeight); bool maxHeightNull() const; void setMaxHeightNull(); /** * @brief The maximum image width to return. */ const qint32 &maxWidth() const; void setMaxWidth(qint32 newMaxWidth); bool maxWidthNull() const; void setMaxWidthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay. */ const double &percentPlayed() const; void setPercentPlayed(double newPercentPlayed); bool percentPlayedNull() const; void setPercentPlayedNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases. */ const qint32 &quality() const; void setQuality(qint32 newQuality); bool qualityNull() const; void setQualityNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. */ const QString &tag() const; void setTag(QString newTag); bool tagNull() const; void setTagNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render. */ const qint32 &unplayedCount() const; void setUnplayedCount(qint32 newUnplayedCount); bool unplayedCountNull() const; void setUnplayedCountNull(); /** * @brief The fixed image width to return. */ const qint32 &width() const; void setWidth(qint32 newWidth); bool widthNull() const; void setWidthNull(); private: // Required path parameters qint32 m_imageIndex; ImageType m_imageType; QString m_name; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_addPlayedIndicator = std::nullopt; QString m_backgroundColor; std::optional m_blur = std::nullopt; std::optional m_cropWhitespace = std::nullopt; QString m_foregroundLayer; ImageFormat m_format; std::optional m_height = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxHeight = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxWidth = std::nullopt; std::optional m_percentPlayed = std::nullopt; std::optional m_quality = std::nullopt; QString m_tag; std::optional m_unplayedCount = std::nullopt; std::optional m_width = std::nullopt; }; class GetArtistsParams { public: /** * @brief Optional. The image types to include in the output. */ const QList &enableImageTypes() const; void setEnableImageTypes(QList newEnableImageTypes); bool enableImageTypesNull() const; void setEnableImageTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional, include image information in output. */ const bool &enableImages() const; void setEnableImages(bool newEnableImages); bool enableImagesNull() const; void setEnableImagesNull(); /** * @brief Total record count. */ const bool &enableTotalRecordCount() const; void setEnableTotalRecordCount(bool newEnableTotalRecordCount); bool enableTotalRecordCountNull() const; void setEnableTotalRecordCountNull(); /** * @brief Optional, include user data. */ const bool &enableUserData() const; void setEnableUserData(bool newEnableUserData); bool enableUserDataNull() const; void setEnableUserDataNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered out based on item type. This allows multiple, comma delimited. */ const QStringList &excludeItemTypes() const; void setExcludeItemTypes(QStringList newExcludeItemTypes); bool excludeItemTypesNull() const; void setExcludeItemTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify additional fields of information to return in the output. */ const QList &fields() const; void setFields(QList newFields); bool fieldsNull() const; void setFieldsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify additional filters to apply. */ const QList &filters() const; void setFilters(QList newFilters); bool filtersNull() const; void setFiltersNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on genre id. This allows multiple, pipe delimited. */ const QStringList &genreIds() const; void setGenreIds(QStringList newGenreIds); bool genreIdsNull() const; void setGenreIdsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on genre. This allows multiple, pipe delimited. */ const QStringList &genres() const; void setGenres(QStringList newGenres); bool genresNull() const; void setGenresNull(); /** * @brief Optional, the max number of images to return, per image type. */ const qint32 &imageTypeLimit() const; void setImageTypeLimit(qint32 newImageTypeLimit); bool imageTypeLimitNull() const; void setImageTypeLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on item type. This allows multiple, comma delimited. */ const QStringList &includeItemTypes() const; void setIncludeItemTypes(QStringList newIncludeItemTypes); bool includeItemTypesNull() const; void setIncludeItemTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items that are marked as favorite, or not. */ const bool &isFavorite() const; void setIsFavorite(bool newIsFavorite); bool isFavoriteNull() const; void setIsFavoriteNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of records to return. */ const qint32 &limit() const; void setLimit(qint32 newLimit); bool limitNull() const; void setLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by MediaType. Allows multiple, comma delimited. */ const QStringList &mediaTypes() const; void setMediaTypes(QStringList newMediaTypes); bool mediaTypesNull() const; void setMediaTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by minimum community rating. */ const double &minCommunityRating() const; void setMinCommunityRating(double newMinCommunityRating); bool minCommunityRatingNull() const; void setMinCommunityRatingNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items whose name is equally or lesser than a given input string. */ const QString &nameLessThan() const; void setNameLessThan(QString newNameLessThan); bool nameLessThanNull() const; void setNameLessThanNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items whose name is sorted equally than a given input string. */ const QString &nameStartsWith() const; void setNameStartsWith(QString newNameStartsWith); bool nameStartsWithNull() const; void setNameStartsWithNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items whose name is sorted equally or greater than a given input string. */ const QString &nameStartsWithOrGreater() const; void setNameStartsWithOrGreater(QString newNameStartsWithOrGreater); bool nameStartsWithOrGreaterNull() const; void setNameStartsWithOrGreaterNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on OfficialRating. This allows multiple, pipe delimited. */ const QStringList &officialRatings() const; void setOfficialRatings(QStringList newOfficialRatings); bool officialRatingsNull() const; void setOfficialRatingsNull(); /** * @brief Specify this to localize the search to a specific item or folder. Omit to use the root. */ const QString &parentId() const; void setParentId(QString newParentId); bool parentIdNull() const; void setParentIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered to include only those containing the specified person. */ const QString &person() const; void setPerson(QString newPerson); bool personNull() const; void setPersonNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered to include only those containing the specified person ids. */ const QStringList &personIds() const; void setPersonIds(QStringList newPersonIds); bool personIdsNull() const; void setPersonIdsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, along with Person, results will be filtered to include only those containing the specified person and PersonType. Allows multiple, comma-delimited. */ const QStringList &personTypes() const; void setPersonTypes(QStringList newPersonTypes); bool personTypesNull() const; void setPersonTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Search term. */ const QString &searchTerm() const; void setSearchTerm(QString newSearchTerm); bool searchTermNull() const; void setSearchTermNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The record index to start at. All items with a lower index will be dropped from the results. */ const qint32 &startIndex() const; void setStartIndex(qint32 newStartIndex); bool startIndexNull() const; void setStartIndexNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on studio id. This allows multiple, pipe delimited. */ const QStringList &studioIds() const; void setStudioIds(QStringList newStudioIds); bool studioIdsNull() const; void setStudioIdsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on studio. This allows multiple, pipe delimited. */ const QStringList &studios() const; void setStudios(QStringList newStudios); bool studiosNull() const; void setStudiosNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on tag. This allows multiple, pipe delimited. */ const QStringList &tags() const; void setTags(QStringList newTags); bool tagsNull() const; void setTagsNull(); /** * @brief User id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on production year. This allows multiple, comma delimited. */ const QList &years() const; void setYears(QList newYears); bool yearsNull() const; void setYearsNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QList m_enableImageTypes; std::optional m_enableImages = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableTotalRecordCount = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableUserData = std::nullopt; QStringList m_excludeItemTypes; QList m_fields; QList m_filters; QStringList m_genreIds; QStringList m_genres; std::optional m_imageTypeLimit = std::nullopt; QStringList m_includeItemTypes; std::optional m_isFavorite = std::nullopt; std::optional m_limit = std::nullopt; QStringList m_mediaTypes; std::optional m_minCommunityRating = std::nullopt; QString m_nameLessThan; QString m_nameStartsWith; QString m_nameStartsWithOrGreater; QStringList m_officialRatings; QString m_parentId; QString m_person; QStringList m_personIds; QStringList m_personTypes; QString m_searchTerm; std::optional m_startIndex = std::nullopt; QStringList m_studioIds; QStringList m_studios; QStringList m_tags; QString m_userId; QList m_years; }; class GetAttachmentParams { public: /** * @brief Attachment Index. */ const qint32 &index() const; void setIndex(qint32 newIndex); /** * @brief Media Source ID. */ const QString &mediaSourceId() const; void setMediaSourceId(QString newMediaSourceId); /** * @brief Video ID. */ const QString &videoId() const; void setVideoId(QString newVideoId); private: // Required path parameters qint32 m_index; QString m_mediaSourceId; QString m_videoId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetAudioStreamParams { public: /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief Whether or not to allow copying of the audio stream url. */ const bool &allowAudioStreamCopy() const; void setAllowAudioStreamCopy(bool newAllowAudioStreamCopy); bool allowAudioStreamCopyNull() const; void setAllowAudioStreamCopyNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to allow copying of the video stream url. */ const bool &allowVideoStreamCopy() const; void setAllowVideoStreamCopy(bool newAllowVideoStreamCopy); bool allowVideoStreamCopyNull() const; void setAllowVideoStreamCopyNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify an audio bitrate to encode to, e.g. 128000. If omitted this will be left to encoder defaults. */ const qint32 &audioBitRate() const; void setAudioBitRate(qint32 newAudioBitRate); bool audioBitRateNull() const; void setAudioBitRateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a specific number of audio channels to encode to, e.g. 2. */ const qint32 &audioChannels() const; void setAudioChannels(qint32 newAudioChannels); bool audioChannelsNull() const; void setAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a audio codec to encode to, e.g. mp3. If omitted the server will auto-select using the url's extension. Options: aac, mp3, vorbis, wma. */ const QString &audioCodec() const; void setAudioCodec(QString newAudioCodec); bool audioCodecNull() const; void setAudioCodecNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a specific audio sample rate, e.g. 44100. */ const qint32 &audioSampleRate() const; void setAudioSampleRate(qint32 newAudioSampleRate); bool audioSampleRateNull() const; void setAudioSampleRateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The index of the audio stream to use. If omitted the first audio stream will be used. */ const qint32 &audioStreamIndex() const; void setAudioStreamIndex(qint32 newAudioStreamIndex); bool audioStreamIndexNull() const; void setAudioStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to break on non key frames. */ const bool &breakOnNonKeyFrames() const; void setBreakOnNonKeyFrames(bool newBreakOnNonKeyFrames); bool breakOnNonKeyFramesNull() const; void setBreakOnNonKeyFramesNull(); /** * @brief The audio container. */ const QString &container() const; void setContainer(QString newContainer); bool containerNull() const; void setContainerNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The MediaBrowser.Model.Dlna.EncodingContext. */ const EncodingContext &context() const; void setContext(EncodingContext newContext); bool contextNull() const; void setContextNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to copy timestamps when transcoding with an offset. Defaults to false. */ const bool ©Timestamps() const; void setCopyTimestamps(bool newCopyTimestamps); bool copyTimestampsNull() const; void setCopyTimestampsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The limit of how many cpu cores to use. */ const qint32 &cpuCoreLimit() const; void setCpuCoreLimit(qint32 newCpuCoreLimit); bool cpuCoreLimitNull() const; void setCpuCoreLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to deinterlace the video. */ const bool &deInterlace() const; void setDeInterlace(bool newDeInterlace); bool deInterlaceNull() const; void setDeInterlaceNull(); /** * @brief The device id of the client requesting. Used to stop encoding processes when needed. */ const QString &deviceId() const; void setDeviceId(QString newDeviceId); bool deviceIdNull() const; void setDeviceIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The dlna device profile id to utilize. */ const QString &deviceProfileId() const; void setDeviceProfileId(QString newDeviceProfileId); bool deviceProfileIdNull() const; void setDeviceProfileIdNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to allow automatic stream copy if requested values match the original source. Defaults to true. */ const bool &enableAutoStreamCopy() const; void setEnableAutoStreamCopy(bool newEnableAutoStreamCopy); bool enableAutoStreamCopyNull() const; void setEnableAutoStreamCopyNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to enable the MpegtsM2Ts mode. */ const bool &enableMpegtsM2TsMode() const; void setEnableMpegtsM2TsMode(bool newEnableMpegtsM2TsMode); bool enableMpegtsM2TsModeNull() const; void setEnableMpegtsM2TsModeNull(); /** * @brief Optional. A specific video framerate to encode to, e.g. 23.976. Generally this should be omitted unless the device has specific requirements. */ const float &framerate() const; void setFramerate(float newFramerate); bool framerateNull() const; void setFramerateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The fixed vertical resolution of the encoded video. */ const qint32 &height() const; void setHeight(qint32 newHeight); bool heightNull() const; void setHeightNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a level for the encoder profile (varies by encoder), e.g. 3, 3.1. */ const QString &level() const; void setLevel(QString newLevel); bool levelNull() const; void setLevelNull(); /** * @brief The live stream id. */ const QString &liveStreamId() const; void setLiveStreamId(QString newLiveStreamId); bool liveStreamIdNull() const; void setLiveStreamIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum audio bit depth. */ const qint32 &maxAudioBitDepth() const; void setMaxAudioBitDepth(qint32 newMaxAudioBitDepth); bool maxAudioBitDepthNull() const; void setMaxAudioBitDepthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a maximum number of audio channels to encode to, e.g. 2. */ const qint32 &maxAudioChannels() const; void setMaxAudioChannels(qint32 newMaxAudioChannels); bool maxAudioChannelsNull() const; void setMaxAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. A specific maximum video framerate to encode to, e.g. 23.976. Generally this should be omitted unless the device has specific requirements. */ const float &maxFramerate() const; void setMaxFramerate(float newMaxFramerate); bool maxFramerateNull() const; void setMaxFramerateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. */ const qint32 &maxRefFrames() const; void setMaxRefFrames(qint32 newMaxRefFrames); bool maxRefFramesNull() const; void setMaxRefFramesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum video bit depth. */ const qint32 &maxVideoBitDepth() const; void setMaxVideoBitDepth(qint32 newMaxVideoBitDepth); bool maxVideoBitDepthNull() const; void setMaxVideoBitDepthNull(); /** * @brief The media version id, if playing an alternate version. */ const QString &mediaSourceId() const; void setMediaSourceId(QString newMediaSourceId); bool mediaSourceIdNull() const; void setMediaSourceIdNull(); /** * @brief The minimum number of segments. */ const qint32 &minSegments() const; void setMinSegments(qint32 newMinSegments); bool minSegmentsNull() const; void setMinSegmentsNull(); /** * @brief The streaming parameters. */ const QString ¶ms() const; void setParams(QString newParams); bool paramsNull() const; void setParamsNull(); /** * @brief The play session id. */ const QString &playSessionId() const; void setPlaySessionId(QString newPlaySessionId); bool playSessionIdNull() const; void setPlaySessionIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a specific an encoder profile (varies by encoder), e.g. main, baseline, high. */ const QString &profile() const; void setProfile(QString newProfile); bool profileNull() const; void setProfileNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to require avc. */ const bool &requireAvc() const; void setRequireAvc(bool newRequireAvc); bool requireAvcNull() const; void setRequireAvcNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to require a non anamorphic stream. */ const bool &requireNonAnamorphic() const; void setRequireNonAnamorphic(bool newRequireNonAnamorphic); bool requireNonAnamorphicNull() const; void setRequireNonAnamorphicNull(); /** * @brief The segment container. */ const QString &segmentContainer() const; void setSegmentContainer(QString newSegmentContainer); bool segmentContainerNull() const; void setSegmentContainerNull(); /** * @brief The segment length. */ const qint32 &segmentLength() const; void setSegmentLength(qint32 newSegmentLength); bool segmentLengthNull() const; void setSegmentLengthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a starting offset, in ticks. 1 tick = 10000 ms. */ const qint64 &startTimeTicks() const; void setStartTimeTicks(qint64 newStartTimeTicks); bool startTimeTicksNull() const; void setStartTimeTicksNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If true, the original file will be streamed statically without any encoding. Use either no url extension or the original file extension. true/false. */ const bool &staticStreaming() const; void setStaticStreaming(bool newStaticStreaming); bool staticStreamingNull() const; void setStaticStreamingNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The streaming options. */ const QJsonObject &streamOptions() const; void setStreamOptions(QJsonObject newStreamOptions); bool streamOptionsNull() const; void setStreamOptionsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a subtitle codec to encode to. */ const QString &subtitleCodec() const; void setSubtitleCodec(QString newSubtitleCodec); bool subtitleCodecNull() const; void setSubtitleCodecNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify the subtitle delivery method. */ const SubtitleDeliveryMethod &subtitleMethod() const; void setSubtitleMethod(SubtitleDeliveryMethod newSubtitleMethod); bool subtitleMethodNull() const; void setSubtitleMethodNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The index of the subtitle stream to use. If omitted no subtitles will be used. */ const qint32 &subtitleStreamIndex() const; void setSubtitleStreamIndex(qint32 newSubtitleStreamIndex); bool subtitleStreamIndexNull() const; void setSubtitleStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief The tag. */ const QString &tag() const; void setTag(QString newTag); bool tagNull() const; void setTagNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The transcoding reason. */ const QString &transcodeReasons() const; void setTranscodeReasons(QString newTranscodeReasons); bool transcodeReasonsNull() const; void setTranscodeReasonsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of audio channels to transcode. */ const qint32 &transcodingMaxAudioChannels() const; void setTranscodingMaxAudioChannels(qint32 newTranscodingMaxAudioChannels); bool transcodingMaxAudioChannelsNull() const; void setTranscodingMaxAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a video bitrate to encode to, e.g. 500000. If omitted this will be left to encoder defaults. */ const qint32 &videoBitRate() const; void setVideoBitRate(qint32 newVideoBitRate); bool videoBitRateNull() const; void setVideoBitRateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a video codec to encode to, e.g. h264. If omitted the server will auto-select using the url's extension. Options: h265, h264, mpeg4, theora, vpx, wmv. */ const QString &videoCodec() const; void setVideoCodec(QString newVideoCodec); bool videoCodecNull() const; void setVideoCodecNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The index of the video stream to use. If omitted the first video stream will be used. */ const qint32 &videoStreamIndex() const; void setVideoStreamIndex(qint32 newVideoStreamIndex); bool videoStreamIndexNull() const; void setVideoStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The fixed horizontal resolution of the encoded video. */ const qint32 &width() const; void setWidth(qint32 newWidth); bool widthNull() const; void setWidthNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_allowAudioStreamCopy = std::nullopt; std::optional m_allowVideoStreamCopy = std::nullopt; std::optional m_audioBitRate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_audioChannels = std::nullopt; QString m_audioCodec; std::optional m_audioSampleRate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_audioStreamIndex = std::nullopt; std::optional m_breakOnNonKeyFrames = std::nullopt; QString m_container; EncodingContext m_context; std::optional m_copyTimestamps = std::nullopt; std::optional m_cpuCoreLimit = std::nullopt; std::optional m_deInterlace = std::nullopt; QString m_deviceId; QString m_deviceProfileId; std::optional m_enableAutoStreamCopy = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableMpegtsM2TsMode = std::nullopt; std::optional m_framerate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_height = std::nullopt; QString m_level; QString m_liveStreamId; std::optional m_maxAudioBitDepth = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxAudioChannels = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxFramerate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxRefFrames = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxVideoBitDepth = std::nullopt; QString m_mediaSourceId; std::optional m_minSegments = std::nullopt; QString m_params; QString m_playSessionId; QString m_profile; std::optional m_requireAvc = std::nullopt; std::optional m_requireNonAnamorphic = std::nullopt; QString m_segmentContainer; std::optional m_segmentLength = std::nullopt; std::optional m_startTimeTicks = std::nullopt; std::optional m_staticStreaming = std::nullopt; std::optional m_streamOptions = std::nullopt; QString m_subtitleCodec; SubtitleDeliveryMethod m_subtitleMethod; std::optional m_subtitleStreamIndex = std::nullopt; QString m_tag; QString m_transcodeReasons; std::optional m_transcodingMaxAudioChannels = std::nullopt; std::optional m_videoBitRate = std::nullopt; QString m_videoCodec; std::optional m_videoStreamIndex = std::nullopt; std::optional m_width = std::nullopt; }; class GetAudioStreamByContainerParams { public: /** * @brief The audio container. */ const QString &container() const; void setContainer(QString newContainer); /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief Whether or not to allow copying of the audio stream url. */ const bool &allowAudioStreamCopy() const; void setAllowAudioStreamCopy(bool newAllowAudioStreamCopy); bool allowAudioStreamCopyNull() const; void setAllowAudioStreamCopyNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to allow copying of the video stream url. */ const bool &allowVideoStreamCopy() const; void setAllowVideoStreamCopy(bool newAllowVideoStreamCopy); bool allowVideoStreamCopyNull() const; void setAllowVideoStreamCopyNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify an audio bitrate to encode to, e.g. 128000. If omitted this will be left to encoder defaults. */ const qint32 &audioBitRate() const; void setAudioBitRate(qint32 newAudioBitRate); bool audioBitRateNull() const; void setAudioBitRateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a specific number of audio channels to encode to, e.g. 2. */ const qint32 &audioChannels() const; void setAudioChannels(qint32 newAudioChannels); bool audioChannelsNull() const; void setAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a audio codec to encode to, e.g. mp3. If omitted the server will auto-select using the url's extension. Options: aac, mp3, vorbis, wma. */ const QString &audioCodec() const; void setAudioCodec(QString newAudioCodec); bool audioCodecNull() const; void setAudioCodecNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a specific audio sample rate, e.g. 44100. */ const qint32 &audioSampleRate() const; void setAudioSampleRate(qint32 newAudioSampleRate); bool audioSampleRateNull() const; void setAudioSampleRateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The index of the audio stream to use. If omitted the first audio stream will be used. */ const qint32 &audioStreamIndex() const; void setAudioStreamIndex(qint32 newAudioStreamIndex); bool audioStreamIndexNull() const; void setAudioStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to break on non key frames. */ const bool &breakOnNonKeyFrames() const; void setBreakOnNonKeyFrames(bool newBreakOnNonKeyFrames); bool breakOnNonKeyFramesNull() const; void setBreakOnNonKeyFramesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The MediaBrowser.Model.Dlna.EncodingContext. */ const EncodingContext &context() const; void setContext(EncodingContext newContext); bool contextNull() const; void setContextNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to copy timestamps when transcoding with an offset. Defaults to false. */ const bool ©Timestamps() const; void setCopyTimestamps(bool newCopyTimestamps); bool copyTimestampsNull() const; void setCopyTimestampsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The limit of how many cpu cores to use. */ const qint32 &cpuCoreLimit() const; void setCpuCoreLimit(qint32 newCpuCoreLimit); bool cpuCoreLimitNull() const; void setCpuCoreLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to deinterlace the video. */ const bool &deInterlace() const; void setDeInterlace(bool newDeInterlace); bool deInterlaceNull() const; void setDeInterlaceNull(); /** * @brief The device id of the client requesting. Used to stop encoding processes when needed. */ const QString &deviceId() const; void setDeviceId(QString newDeviceId); bool deviceIdNull() const; void setDeviceIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The dlna device profile id to utilize. */ const QString &deviceProfileId() const; void setDeviceProfileId(QString newDeviceProfileId); bool deviceProfileIdNull() const; void setDeviceProfileIdNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to allow automatic stream copy if requested values match the original source. Defaults to true. */ const bool &enableAutoStreamCopy() const; void setEnableAutoStreamCopy(bool newEnableAutoStreamCopy); bool enableAutoStreamCopyNull() const; void setEnableAutoStreamCopyNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to enable the MpegtsM2Ts mode. */ const bool &enableMpegtsM2TsMode() const; void setEnableMpegtsM2TsMode(bool newEnableMpegtsM2TsMode); bool enableMpegtsM2TsModeNull() const; void setEnableMpegtsM2TsModeNull(); /** * @brief Optional. A specific video framerate to encode to, e.g. 23.976. Generally this should be omitted unless the device has specific requirements. */ const float &framerate() const; void setFramerate(float newFramerate); bool framerateNull() const; void setFramerateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The fixed vertical resolution of the encoded video. */ const qint32 &height() const; void setHeight(qint32 newHeight); bool heightNull() const; void setHeightNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a level for the encoder profile (varies by encoder), e.g. 3, 3.1. */ const QString &level() const; void setLevel(QString newLevel); bool levelNull() const; void setLevelNull(); /** * @brief The live stream id. */ const QString &liveStreamId() const; void setLiveStreamId(QString newLiveStreamId); bool liveStreamIdNull() const; void setLiveStreamIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum audio bit depth. */ const qint32 &maxAudioBitDepth() const; void setMaxAudioBitDepth(qint32 newMaxAudioBitDepth); bool maxAudioBitDepthNull() const; void setMaxAudioBitDepthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a maximum number of audio channels to encode to, e.g. 2. */ const qint32 &maxAudioChannels() const; void setMaxAudioChannels(qint32 newMaxAudioChannels); bool maxAudioChannelsNull() const; void setMaxAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. A specific maximum video framerate to encode to, e.g. 23.976. Generally this should be omitted unless the device has specific requirements. */ const float &maxFramerate() const; void setMaxFramerate(float newMaxFramerate); bool maxFramerateNull() const; void setMaxFramerateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. */ const qint32 &maxRefFrames() const; void setMaxRefFrames(qint32 newMaxRefFrames); bool maxRefFramesNull() const; void setMaxRefFramesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum video bit depth. */ const qint32 &maxVideoBitDepth() const; void setMaxVideoBitDepth(qint32 newMaxVideoBitDepth); bool maxVideoBitDepthNull() const; void setMaxVideoBitDepthNull(); /** * @brief The media version id, if playing an alternate version. */ const QString &mediaSourceId() const; void setMediaSourceId(QString newMediaSourceId); bool mediaSourceIdNull() const; void setMediaSourceIdNull(); /** * @brief The minimum number of segments. */ const qint32 &minSegments() const; void setMinSegments(qint32 newMinSegments); bool minSegmentsNull() const; void setMinSegmentsNull(); /** * @brief The streaming parameters. */ const QString ¶ms() const; void setParams(QString newParams); bool paramsNull() const; void setParamsNull(); /** * @brief The play session id. */ const QString &playSessionId() const; void setPlaySessionId(QString newPlaySessionId); bool playSessionIdNull() const; void setPlaySessionIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a specific an encoder profile (varies by encoder), e.g. main, baseline, high. */ const QString &profile() const; void setProfile(QString newProfile); bool profileNull() const; void setProfileNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to require avc. */ const bool &requireAvc() const; void setRequireAvc(bool newRequireAvc); bool requireAvcNull() const; void setRequireAvcNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to require a non anamporphic stream. */ const bool &requireNonAnamorphic() const; void setRequireNonAnamorphic(bool newRequireNonAnamorphic); bool requireNonAnamorphicNull() const; void setRequireNonAnamorphicNull(); /** * @brief The segment container. */ const QString &segmentContainer() const; void setSegmentContainer(QString newSegmentContainer); bool segmentContainerNull() const; void setSegmentContainerNull(); /** * @brief The segment lenght. */ const qint32 &segmentLength() const; void setSegmentLength(qint32 newSegmentLength); bool segmentLengthNull() const; void setSegmentLengthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a starting offset, in ticks. 1 tick = 10000 ms. */ const qint64 &startTimeTicks() const; void setStartTimeTicks(qint64 newStartTimeTicks); bool startTimeTicksNull() const; void setStartTimeTicksNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If true, the original file will be streamed statically without any encoding. Use either no url extension or the original file extension. true/false. */ const bool &staticStreaming() const; void setStaticStreaming(bool newStaticStreaming); bool staticStreamingNull() const; void setStaticStreamingNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The streaming options. */ const QJsonObject &streamOptions() const; void setStreamOptions(QJsonObject newStreamOptions); bool streamOptionsNull() const; void setStreamOptionsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a subtitle codec to encode to. */ const QString &subtitleCodec() const; void setSubtitleCodec(QString newSubtitleCodec); bool subtitleCodecNull() const; void setSubtitleCodecNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify the subtitle delivery method. */ const SubtitleDeliveryMethod &subtitleMethod() const; void setSubtitleMethod(SubtitleDeliveryMethod newSubtitleMethod); bool subtitleMethodNull() const; void setSubtitleMethodNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The index of the subtitle stream to use. If omitted no subtitles will be used. */ const qint32 &subtitleStreamIndex() const; void setSubtitleStreamIndex(qint32 newSubtitleStreamIndex); bool subtitleStreamIndexNull() const; void setSubtitleStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief The tag. */ const QString &tag() const; void setTag(QString newTag); bool tagNull() const; void setTagNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The transcoding reason. */ const QString &transcodeReasons() const; void setTranscodeReasons(QString newTranscodeReasons); bool transcodeReasonsNull() const; void setTranscodeReasonsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of audio channels to transcode. */ const qint32 &transcodingMaxAudioChannels() const; void setTranscodingMaxAudioChannels(qint32 newTranscodingMaxAudioChannels); bool transcodingMaxAudioChannelsNull() const; void setTranscodingMaxAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a video bitrate to encode to, e.g. 500000. If omitted this will be left to encoder defaults. */ const qint32 &videoBitRate() const; void setVideoBitRate(qint32 newVideoBitRate); bool videoBitRateNull() const; void setVideoBitRateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a video codec to encode to, e.g. h264. If omitted the server will auto-select using the url's extension. Options: h265, h264, mpeg4, theora, vpx, wmv. */ const QString &videoCodec() const; void setVideoCodec(QString newVideoCodec); bool videoCodecNull() const; void setVideoCodecNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The index of the video stream to use. If omitted the first video stream will be used. */ const qint32 &videoStreamIndex() const; void setVideoStreamIndex(qint32 newVideoStreamIndex); bool videoStreamIndexNull() const; void setVideoStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The fixed horizontal resolution of the encoded video. */ const qint32 &width() const; void setWidth(qint32 newWidth); bool widthNull() const; void setWidthNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_container; QString m_itemId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_allowAudioStreamCopy = std::nullopt; std::optional m_allowVideoStreamCopy = std::nullopt; std::optional m_audioBitRate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_audioChannels = std::nullopt; QString m_audioCodec; std::optional m_audioSampleRate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_audioStreamIndex = std::nullopt; std::optional m_breakOnNonKeyFrames = std::nullopt; EncodingContext m_context; std::optional m_copyTimestamps = std::nullopt; std::optional m_cpuCoreLimit = std::nullopt; std::optional m_deInterlace = std::nullopt; QString m_deviceId; QString m_deviceProfileId; std::optional m_enableAutoStreamCopy = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableMpegtsM2TsMode = std::nullopt; std::optional m_framerate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_height = std::nullopt; QString m_level; QString m_liveStreamId; std::optional m_maxAudioBitDepth = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxAudioChannels = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxFramerate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxRefFrames = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxVideoBitDepth = std::nullopt; QString m_mediaSourceId; std::optional m_minSegments = std::nullopt; QString m_params; QString m_playSessionId; QString m_profile; std::optional m_requireAvc = std::nullopt; std::optional m_requireNonAnamorphic = std::nullopt; QString m_segmentContainer; std::optional m_segmentLength = std::nullopt; std::optional m_startTimeTicks = std::nullopt; std::optional m_staticStreaming = std::nullopt; std::optional m_streamOptions = std::nullopt; QString m_subtitleCodec; SubtitleDeliveryMethod m_subtitleMethod; std::optional m_subtitleStreamIndex = std::nullopt; QString m_tag; QString m_transcodeReasons; std::optional m_transcodingMaxAudioChannels = std::nullopt; std::optional m_videoBitRate = std::nullopt; QString m_videoCodec; std::optional m_videoStreamIndex = std::nullopt; std::optional m_width = std::nullopt; }; class GetAuthProvidersParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetBitrateTestBytesParams { public: /** * @brief The bitrate. Defaults to 102400. */ const qint32 &size() const; void setSize(qint32 newSize); bool sizeNull() const; void setSizeNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_size = std::nullopt; }; class GetBookRemoteSearchResultsParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetBoxSetRemoteSearchResultsParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetBrandingCssParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetBrandingCss_2Params { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetBrandingOptionsParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetChannelParams { public: /** * @brief Channel id. */ const QString &channelId() const; void setChannelId(QString newChannelId); /** * @brief Optional. Attach user data. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_channelId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QString m_userId; }; class GetChannelFeaturesParams { public: /** * @brief Channel id. */ const QString &channelId() const; void setChannelId(QString newChannelId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_channelId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetChannelItemsParams { public: /** * @brief Channel Id. */ const QString &channelId() const; void setChannelId(QString newChannelId); /** * @brief Optional. Specify additional fields of information to return in the output. */ const QList &fields() const; void setFields(QList newFields); bool fieldsNull() const; void setFieldsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify additional filters to apply. */ const QList &filters() const; void setFilters(QList newFilters); bool filtersNull() const; void setFiltersNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Folder Id. */ const QString &folderId() const; void setFolderId(QString newFolderId); bool folderIdNull() const; void setFolderIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of records to return. */ const qint32 &limit() const; void setLimit(qint32 newLimit); bool limitNull() const; void setLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify one or more sort orders, comma delimited. Options: Album, AlbumArtist, Artist, Budget, CommunityRating, CriticRating, DateCreated, DatePlayed, PlayCount, PremiereDate, ProductionYear, SortName, Random, Revenue, Runtime. */ const QString &sortBy() const; void setSortBy(QString newSortBy); bool sortByNull() const; void setSortByNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Sort Order - Ascending,Descending. */ const QString &sortOrder() const; void setSortOrder(QString newSortOrder); bool sortOrderNull() const; void setSortOrderNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The record index to start at. All items with a lower index will be dropped from the results. */ const qint32 &startIndex() const; void setStartIndex(qint32 newStartIndex); bool startIndexNull() const; void setStartIndexNull(); /** * @brief Optional. User Id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_channelId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QList m_fields; QList m_filters; QString m_folderId; std::optional m_limit = std::nullopt; QString m_sortBy; QString m_sortOrder; std::optional m_startIndex = std::nullopt; QString m_userId; }; class GetChannelMappingOptionsParams { public: /** * @brief Provider id. */ const QString &providerId() const; void setProviderId(QString newProviderId); bool providerIdNull() const; void setProviderIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QString m_providerId; }; class GetChannelsParams { public: /** * @brief Optional. Filter by channels that are favorite. */ const bool &isFavorite() const; void setIsFavorite(bool newIsFavorite); bool isFavoriteNull() const; void setIsFavoriteNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of records to return. */ const qint32 &limit() const; void setLimit(qint32 newLimit); bool limitNull() const; void setLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The record index to start at. All items with a lower index will be dropped from the results. */ const qint32 &startIndex() const; void setStartIndex(qint32 newStartIndex); bool startIndexNull() const; void setStartIndexNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by channels that support getting latest items. */ const bool &supportsLatestItems() const; void setSupportsLatestItems(bool newSupportsLatestItems); bool supportsLatestItemsNull() const; void setSupportsLatestItemsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by channels that support media deletion. */ const bool &supportsMediaDeletion() const; void setSupportsMediaDeletion(bool newSupportsMediaDeletion); bool supportsMediaDeletionNull() const; void setSupportsMediaDeletionNull(); /** * @brief User Id to filter by. Use System.Guid.Empty to not filter by user. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_isFavorite = std::nullopt; std::optional m_limit = std::nullopt; std::optional m_startIndex = std::nullopt; std::optional m_supportsLatestItems = std::nullopt; std::optional m_supportsMediaDeletion = std::nullopt; QString m_userId; }; class GetConfigurationParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetConfigurationPagesParams { public: /** * @brief Whether to enable in the main menu. */ const bool &enableInMainMenu() const; void setEnableInMainMenu(bool newEnableInMainMenu); bool enableInMainMenuNull() const; void setEnableInMainMenuNull(); /** * @brief The Jellyfin.Api.Models.ConfigurationPageInfo. */ const ConfigurationPageType &pageType() const; void setPageType(ConfigurationPageType newPageType); bool pageTypeNull() const; void setPageTypeNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_enableInMainMenu = std::nullopt; ConfigurationPageType m_pageType; }; class GetConnectionManagerParams { public: /** * @brief Server UUID. */ const QString &serverId() const; void setServerId(QString newServerId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_serverId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetConnectionManager_2Params { public: /** * @brief Server UUID. */ const QString &serverId() const; void setServerId(QString newServerId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_serverId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetConnectionManager_3Params { public: /** * @brief Server UUID. */ const QString &serverId() const; void setServerId(QString newServerId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_serverId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetContentDirectoryParams { public: /** * @brief Server UUID. */ const QString &serverId() const; void setServerId(QString newServerId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_serverId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetContentDirectory_2Params { public: /** * @brief Server UUID. */ const QString &serverId() const; void setServerId(QString newServerId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_serverId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetContentDirectory_3Params { public: /** * @brief Server UUID. */ const QString &serverId() const; void setServerId(QString newServerId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_serverId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetCountriesParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetCriticReviewsParams { public: /** * @brief */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetCulturesParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetCurrentUserParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetDashboardConfigurationPageParams { public: /** * @brief The name of the page. */ const QString &name() const; void setName(QString newName); bool nameNull() const; void setNameNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QString m_name; }; class GetDefaultDirectoryBrowserParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetDefaultListingProviderParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetDefaultMetadataOptionsParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetDefaultProfileParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetDefaultTimerParams { public: /** * @brief Optional. To attach default values based on a program. */ const QString &programId() const; void setProgramId(QString newProgramId); bool programIdNull() const; void setProgramIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QString m_programId; }; class GetDescriptionXmlParams { public: /** * @brief Server UUID. */ const QString &serverId() const; void setServerId(QString newServerId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_serverId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetDescriptionXml_2Params { public: /** * @brief Server UUID. */ const QString &serverId() const; void setServerId(QString newServerId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_serverId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetDeviceInfoParams { public: /** * @brief Device Id. */ const QString &jellyfinId() const; void setJellyfinId(QString newJellyfinId); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters QString m_jellyfinId; // Optional query parameters }; class GetDeviceOptionsParams { public: /** * @brief Device Id. */ const QString &jellyfinId() const; void setJellyfinId(QString newJellyfinId); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters QString m_jellyfinId; // Optional query parameters }; class GetDevicesParams { public: /** * @brief Gets or sets a value indicating whether [supports synchronize]. */ const bool &supportsSync() const; void setSupportsSync(bool newSupportsSync); bool supportsSyncNull() const; void setSupportsSyncNull(); /** * @brief Gets or sets the user identifier. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_supportsSync = std::nullopt; QString m_userId; }; class GetDirectoryContentsParams { public: /** * @brief The path. */ const QString &path() const; void setPath(QString newPath); /** * @brief An optional filter to include or exclude folders from the results. true/false. */ const bool &includeDirectories() const; void setIncludeDirectories(bool newIncludeDirectories); bool includeDirectoriesNull() const; void setIncludeDirectoriesNull(); /** * @brief An optional filter to include or exclude files from the results. true/false. */ const bool &includeFiles() const; void setIncludeFiles(bool newIncludeFiles); bool includeFilesNull() const; void setIncludeFilesNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters QString m_path; // Optional query parameters std::optional m_includeDirectories = std::nullopt; std::optional m_includeFiles = std::nullopt; }; class GetDisplayPreferencesParams { public: /** * @brief Display preferences id. */ const QString &displayPreferencesId() const; void setDisplayPreferencesId(QString newDisplayPreferencesId); /** * @brief Client. */ const QString &client() const; void setClient(QString newClient); /** * @brief User id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_displayPreferencesId; // Required query parameters QString m_client; QString m_userId; // Optional query parameters }; class GetDownloadParams { public: /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetDrivesParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetEndpointInfoParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetEpisodesParams { public: /** * @brief The series id. */ const QString &seriesId() const; void setSeriesId(QString newSeriesId); /** * @brief Optional. Return items that are siblings of a supplied item. */ const QString &adjacentTo() const; void setAdjacentTo(QString newAdjacentTo); bool adjacentToNull() const; void setAdjacentToNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The image types to include in the output. */ const QList &enableImageTypes() const; void setEnableImageTypes(QList newEnableImageTypes); bool enableImageTypesNull() const; void setEnableImageTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional, include image information in output. */ const bool &enableImages() const; void setEnableImages(bool newEnableImages); bool enableImagesNull() const; void setEnableImagesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Include user data. */ const bool &enableUserData() const; void setEnableUserData(bool newEnableUserData); bool enableUserDataNull() const; void setEnableUserDataNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify additional fields of information to return in the output. This allows multiple, comma delimited. Options: Budget, Chapters, DateCreated, Genres, HomePageUrl, IndexOptions, MediaStreams, Overview, ParentId, Path, People, ProviderIds, PrimaryImageAspectRatio, Revenue, SortName, Studios, Taglines, TrailerUrls. */ const QList &fields() const; void setFields(QList newFields); bool fieldsNull() const; void setFieldsNull(); /** * @brief Optional, the max number of images to return, per image type. */ const qint32 &imageTypeLimit() const; void setImageTypeLimit(qint32 newImageTypeLimit); bool imageTypeLimitNull() const; void setImageTypeLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by items that are missing episodes or not. */ const bool &isMissing() const; void setIsMissing(bool newIsMissing); bool isMissingNull() const; void setIsMissingNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of records to return. */ const qint32 &limit() const; void setLimit(qint32 newLimit); bool limitNull() const; void setLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by season number. */ const qint32 &season() const; void setSeason(qint32 newSeason); bool seasonNull() const; void setSeasonNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by season id. */ const QString &seasonId() const; void setSeasonId(QString newSeasonId); bool seasonIdNull() const; void setSeasonIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify one or more sort orders, comma delimited. Options: Album, AlbumArtist, Artist, Budget, CommunityRating, CriticRating, DateCreated, DatePlayed, PlayCount, PremiereDate, ProductionYear, SortName, Random, Revenue, Runtime. */ const QString &sortBy() const; void setSortBy(QString newSortBy); bool sortByNull() const; void setSortByNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The record index to start at. All items with a lower index will be dropped from the results. */ const qint32 &startIndex() const; void setStartIndex(qint32 newStartIndex); bool startIndexNull() const; void setStartIndexNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Skip through the list until a given item is found. */ const QString &startItemId() const; void setStartItemId(QString newStartItemId); bool startItemIdNull() const; void setStartItemIdNull(); /** * @brief The user id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_seriesId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QString m_adjacentTo; QList m_enableImageTypes; std::optional m_enableImages = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableUserData = std::nullopt; QList m_fields; std::optional m_imageTypeLimit = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isMissing = std::nullopt; std::optional m_limit = std::nullopt; std::optional m_season = std::nullopt; QString m_seasonId; QString m_sortBy; std::optional m_startIndex = std::nullopt; QString m_startItemId; QString m_userId; }; class GetExternalIdInfosParams { public: /** * @brief Item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetFallbackFontParams { public: /** * @brief The name of the fallback font file to get. */ const QString &name() const; void setName(QString newName); private: // Required path parameters QString m_name; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetFallbackFontListParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetFileParams { public: /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetFirstUserParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetFirstUser_2Params { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetGeneralImageParams { public: /** * @brief The name of the image. */ const QString &name() const; void setName(QString newName); /** * @brief Image Type (primary, backdrop, logo, etc). */ const QString &type() const; void setType(QString newType); private: // Required path parameters QString m_name; QString m_type; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetGeneralImagesParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetGenreParams { public: /** * @brief The genre name. */ const QString &genreName() const; void setGenreName(QString newGenreName); /** * @brief The user id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_genreName; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QString m_userId; }; class GetGenreImageParams { public: /** * @brief Image type. */ const ImageType &imageType() const; void setImageType(ImageType newImageType); /** * @brief Genre name. */ const QString &name() const; void setName(QString newName); /** * @brief Optional. Add a played indicator. */ const bool &addPlayedIndicator() const; void setAddPlayedIndicator(bool newAddPlayedIndicator); bool addPlayedIndicatorNull() const; void setAddPlayedIndicatorNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images. */ const QString &backgroundColor() const; void setBackgroundColor(QString newBackgroundColor); bool backgroundColorNull() const; void setBackgroundColorNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Blur image. */ const qint32 &blur() const; void setBlur(qint32 newBlur); bool blurNull() const; void setBlurNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art. */ const bool &cropWhitespace() const; void setCropWhitespace(bool newCropWhitespace); bool cropWhitespaceNull() const; void setCropWhitespaceNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. */ const QString &foregroundLayer() const; void setForegroundLayer(QString newForegroundLayer); bool foregroundLayerNull() const; void setForegroundLayerNull(); /** * @brief Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png. */ const ImageFormat &format() const; void setFormat(ImageFormat newFormat); bool formatNull() const; void setFormatNull(); /** * @brief The fixed image height to return. */ const qint32 &height() const; void setHeight(qint32 newHeight); bool heightNull() const; void setHeightNull(); /** * @brief Image index. */ const qint32 &imageIndex() const; void setImageIndex(qint32 newImageIndex); bool imageIndexNull() const; void setImageIndexNull(); /** * @brief The maximum image height to return. */ const qint32 &maxHeight() const; void setMaxHeight(qint32 newMaxHeight); bool maxHeightNull() const; void setMaxHeightNull(); /** * @brief The maximum image width to return. */ const qint32 &maxWidth() const; void setMaxWidth(qint32 newMaxWidth); bool maxWidthNull() const; void setMaxWidthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay. */ const double &percentPlayed() const; void setPercentPlayed(double newPercentPlayed); bool percentPlayedNull() const; void setPercentPlayedNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases. */ const qint32 &quality() const; void setQuality(qint32 newQuality); bool qualityNull() const; void setQualityNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. */ const QString &tag() const; void setTag(QString newTag); bool tagNull() const; void setTagNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render. */ const qint32 &unplayedCount() const; void setUnplayedCount(qint32 newUnplayedCount); bool unplayedCountNull() const; void setUnplayedCountNull(); /** * @brief The fixed image width to return. */ const qint32 &width() const; void setWidth(qint32 newWidth); bool widthNull() const; void setWidthNull(); private: // Required path parameters ImageType m_imageType; QString m_name; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_addPlayedIndicator = std::nullopt; QString m_backgroundColor; std::optional m_blur = std::nullopt; std::optional m_cropWhitespace = std::nullopt; QString m_foregroundLayer; ImageFormat m_format; std::optional m_height = std::nullopt; std::optional m_imageIndex = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxHeight = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxWidth = std::nullopt; std::optional m_percentPlayed = std::nullopt; std::optional m_quality = std::nullopt; QString m_tag; std::optional m_unplayedCount = std::nullopt; std::optional m_width = std::nullopt; }; class GetGenreImageByIndexParams { public: /** * @brief Image index. */ const qint32 &imageIndex() const; void setImageIndex(qint32 newImageIndex); /** * @brief Image type. */ const ImageType &imageType() const; void setImageType(ImageType newImageType); /** * @brief Genre name. */ const QString &name() const; void setName(QString newName); /** * @brief Optional. Add a played indicator. */ const bool &addPlayedIndicator() const; void setAddPlayedIndicator(bool newAddPlayedIndicator); bool addPlayedIndicatorNull() const; void setAddPlayedIndicatorNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images. */ const QString &backgroundColor() const; void setBackgroundColor(QString newBackgroundColor); bool backgroundColorNull() const; void setBackgroundColorNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Blur image. */ const qint32 &blur() const; void setBlur(qint32 newBlur); bool blurNull() const; void setBlurNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art. */ const bool &cropWhitespace() const; void setCropWhitespace(bool newCropWhitespace); bool cropWhitespaceNull() const; void setCropWhitespaceNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. */ const QString &foregroundLayer() const; void setForegroundLayer(QString newForegroundLayer); bool foregroundLayerNull() const; void setForegroundLayerNull(); /** * @brief Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png. */ const ImageFormat &format() const; void setFormat(ImageFormat newFormat); bool formatNull() const; void setFormatNull(); /** * @brief The fixed image height to return. */ const qint32 &height() const; void setHeight(qint32 newHeight); bool heightNull() const; void setHeightNull(); /** * @brief The maximum image height to return. */ const qint32 &maxHeight() const; void setMaxHeight(qint32 newMaxHeight); bool maxHeightNull() const; void setMaxHeightNull(); /** * @brief The maximum image width to return. */ const qint32 &maxWidth() const; void setMaxWidth(qint32 newMaxWidth); bool maxWidthNull() const; void setMaxWidthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay. */ const double &percentPlayed() const; void setPercentPlayed(double newPercentPlayed); bool percentPlayedNull() const; void setPercentPlayedNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases. */ const qint32 &quality() const; void setQuality(qint32 newQuality); bool qualityNull() const; void setQualityNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. */ const QString &tag() const; void setTag(QString newTag); bool tagNull() const; void setTagNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render. */ const qint32 &unplayedCount() const; void setUnplayedCount(qint32 newUnplayedCount); bool unplayedCountNull() const; void setUnplayedCountNull(); /** * @brief The fixed image width to return. */ const qint32 &width() const; void setWidth(qint32 newWidth); bool widthNull() const; void setWidthNull(); private: // Required path parameters qint32 m_imageIndex; ImageType m_imageType; QString m_name; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_addPlayedIndicator = std::nullopt; QString m_backgroundColor; std::optional m_blur = std::nullopt; std::optional m_cropWhitespace = std::nullopt; QString m_foregroundLayer; ImageFormat m_format; std::optional m_height = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxHeight = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxWidth = std::nullopt; std::optional m_percentPlayed = std::nullopt; std::optional m_quality = std::nullopt; QString m_tag; std::optional m_unplayedCount = std::nullopt; std::optional m_width = std::nullopt; }; class GetGenresParams { public: /** * @brief Optional. The image types to include in the output. */ const QList &enableImageTypes() const; void setEnableImageTypes(QList newEnableImageTypes); bool enableImageTypesNull() const; void setEnableImageTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional, include image information in output. */ const bool &enableImages() const; void setEnableImages(bool newEnableImages); bool enableImagesNull() const; void setEnableImagesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Include total record count. */ const bool &enableTotalRecordCount() const; void setEnableTotalRecordCount(bool newEnableTotalRecordCount); bool enableTotalRecordCountNull() const; void setEnableTotalRecordCountNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered out based on item type. This allows multiple, comma delimited. */ const QStringList &excludeItemTypes() const; void setExcludeItemTypes(QStringList newExcludeItemTypes); bool excludeItemTypesNull() const; void setExcludeItemTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify additional fields of information to return in the output. */ const QList &fields() const; void setFields(QList newFields); bool fieldsNull() const; void setFieldsNull(); /** * @brief Optional, the max number of images to return, per image type. */ const qint32 &imageTypeLimit() const; void setImageTypeLimit(qint32 newImageTypeLimit); bool imageTypeLimitNull() const; void setImageTypeLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered in based on item type. This allows multiple, comma delimited. */ const QStringList &includeItemTypes() const; void setIncludeItemTypes(QStringList newIncludeItemTypes); bool includeItemTypesNull() const; void setIncludeItemTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items that are marked as favorite, or not. */ const bool &isFavorite() const; void setIsFavorite(bool newIsFavorite); bool isFavoriteNull() const; void setIsFavoriteNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of records to return. */ const qint32 &limit() const; void setLimit(qint32 newLimit); bool limitNull() const; void setLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items whose name is equally or lesser than a given input string. */ const QString &nameLessThan() const; void setNameLessThan(QString newNameLessThan); bool nameLessThanNull() const; void setNameLessThanNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items whose name is sorted equally than a given input string. */ const QString &nameStartsWith() const; void setNameStartsWith(QString newNameStartsWith); bool nameStartsWithNull() const; void setNameStartsWithNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items whose name is sorted equally or greater than a given input string. */ const QString &nameStartsWithOrGreater() const; void setNameStartsWithOrGreater(QString newNameStartsWithOrGreater); bool nameStartsWithOrGreaterNull() const; void setNameStartsWithOrGreaterNull(); /** * @brief Specify this to localize the search to a specific item or folder. Omit to use the root. */ const QString &parentId() const; void setParentId(QString newParentId); bool parentIdNull() const; void setParentIdNull(); /** * @brief The search term. */ const QString &searchTerm() const; void setSearchTerm(QString newSearchTerm); bool searchTermNull() const; void setSearchTermNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The record index to start at. All items with a lower index will be dropped from the results. */ const qint32 &startIndex() const; void setStartIndex(qint32 newStartIndex); bool startIndexNull() const; void setStartIndexNull(); /** * @brief User id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QList m_enableImageTypes; std::optional m_enableImages = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableTotalRecordCount = std::nullopt; QStringList m_excludeItemTypes; QList m_fields; std::optional m_imageTypeLimit = std::nullopt; QStringList m_includeItemTypes; std::optional m_isFavorite = std::nullopt; std::optional m_limit = std::nullopt; QString m_nameLessThan; QString m_nameStartsWith; QString m_nameStartsWithOrGreater; QString m_parentId; QString m_searchTerm; std::optional m_startIndex = std::nullopt; QString m_userId; }; class GetGroupingOptionsParams { public: /** * @brief User id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_userId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetGuideInfoParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetHlsAudioSegmentParams { public: /** * @brief The video container. Possible values are: ts, webm, asf, wmv, ogv, mp4, m4v, mkv, mpeg, mpg, avi, 3gp, wmv, wtv, m2ts, mov, iso, flv. */ const QString &container() const; void setContainer(QString newContainer); /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief The playlist id. */ const QString &playlistId() const; void setPlaylistId(QString newPlaylistId); /** * @brief The segment id. */ const qint32 &segmentId() const; void setSegmentId(qint32 newSegmentId); /** * @brief Whether or not to allow copying of the audio stream url. */ const bool &allowAudioStreamCopy() const; void setAllowAudioStreamCopy(bool newAllowAudioStreamCopy); bool allowAudioStreamCopyNull() const; void setAllowAudioStreamCopyNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to allow copying of the video stream url. */ const bool &allowVideoStreamCopy() const; void setAllowVideoStreamCopy(bool newAllowVideoStreamCopy); bool allowVideoStreamCopyNull() const; void setAllowVideoStreamCopyNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify an audio bitrate to encode to, e.g. 128000. If omitted this will be left to encoder defaults. */ const qint32 &audioBitRate() const; void setAudioBitRate(qint32 newAudioBitRate); bool audioBitRateNull() const; void setAudioBitRateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a specific number of audio channels to encode to, e.g. 2. */ const qint32 &audioChannels() const; void setAudioChannels(qint32 newAudioChannels); bool audioChannelsNull() const; void setAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a audio codec to encode to, e.g. mp3. If omitted the server will auto-select using the url's extension. Options: aac, mp3, vorbis, wma. */ const QString &audioCodec() const; void setAudioCodec(QString newAudioCodec); bool audioCodecNull() const; void setAudioCodecNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a specific audio sample rate, e.g. 44100. */ const qint32 &audioSampleRate() const; void setAudioSampleRate(qint32 newAudioSampleRate); bool audioSampleRateNull() const; void setAudioSampleRateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The index of the audio stream to use. If omitted the first audio stream will be used. */ const qint32 &audioStreamIndex() const; void setAudioStreamIndex(qint32 newAudioStreamIndex); bool audioStreamIndexNull() const; void setAudioStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to break on non key frames. */ const bool &breakOnNonKeyFrames() const; void setBreakOnNonKeyFrames(bool newBreakOnNonKeyFrames); bool breakOnNonKeyFramesNull() const; void setBreakOnNonKeyFramesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The MediaBrowser.Model.Dlna.EncodingContext. */ const EncodingContext &context() const; void setContext(EncodingContext newContext); bool contextNull() const; void setContextNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to copy timestamps when transcoding with an offset. Defaults to false. */ const bool ©Timestamps() const; void setCopyTimestamps(bool newCopyTimestamps); bool copyTimestampsNull() const; void setCopyTimestampsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The limit of how many cpu cores to use. */ const qint32 &cpuCoreLimit() const; void setCpuCoreLimit(qint32 newCpuCoreLimit); bool cpuCoreLimitNull() const; void setCpuCoreLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to deinterlace the video. */ const bool &deInterlace() const; void setDeInterlace(bool newDeInterlace); bool deInterlaceNull() const; void setDeInterlaceNull(); /** * @brief The device id of the client requesting. Used to stop encoding processes when needed. */ const QString &deviceId() const; void setDeviceId(QString newDeviceId); bool deviceIdNull() const; void setDeviceIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The dlna device profile id to utilize. */ const QString &deviceProfileId() const; void setDeviceProfileId(QString newDeviceProfileId); bool deviceProfileIdNull() const; void setDeviceProfileIdNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to allow automatic stream copy if requested values match the original source. Defaults to true. */ const bool &enableAutoStreamCopy() const; void setEnableAutoStreamCopy(bool newEnableAutoStreamCopy); bool enableAutoStreamCopyNull() const; void setEnableAutoStreamCopyNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to enable the MpegtsM2Ts mode. */ const bool &enableMpegtsM2TsMode() const; void setEnableMpegtsM2TsMode(bool newEnableMpegtsM2TsMode); bool enableMpegtsM2TsModeNull() const; void setEnableMpegtsM2TsModeNull(); /** * @brief Optional. A specific video framerate to encode to, e.g. 23.976. Generally this should be omitted unless the device has specific requirements. */ const float &framerate() const; void setFramerate(float newFramerate); bool framerateNull() const; void setFramerateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The fixed vertical resolution of the encoded video. */ const qint32 &height() const; void setHeight(qint32 newHeight); bool heightNull() const; void setHeightNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a level for the encoder profile (varies by encoder), e.g. 3, 3.1. */ const QString &level() const; void setLevel(QString newLevel); bool levelNull() const; void setLevelNull(); /** * @brief The live stream id. */ const QString &liveStreamId() const; void setLiveStreamId(QString newLiveStreamId); bool liveStreamIdNull() const; void setLiveStreamIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum audio bit depth. */ const qint32 &maxAudioBitDepth() const; void setMaxAudioBitDepth(qint32 newMaxAudioBitDepth); bool maxAudioBitDepthNull() const; void setMaxAudioBitDepthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a maximum number of audio channels to encode to, e.g. 2. */ const qint32 &maxAudioChannels() const; void setMaxAudioChannels(qint32 newMaxAudioChannels); bool maxAudioChannelsNull() const; void setMaxAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. A specific maximum video framerate to encode to, e.g. 23.976. Generally this should be omitted unless the device has specific requirements. */ const float &maxFramerate() const; void setMaxFramerate(float newMaxFramerate); bool maxFramerateNull() const; void setMaxFramerateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. */ const qint32 &maxRefFrames() const; void setMaxRefFrames(qint32 newMaxRefFrames); bool maxRefFramesNull() const; void setMaxRefFramesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum streaming bitrate. */ const qint32 &maxStreamingBitrate() const; void setMaxStreamingBitrate(qint32 newMaxStreamingBitrate); bool maxStreamingBitrateNull() const; void setMaxStreamingBitrateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum video bit depth. */ const qint32 &maxVideoBitDepth() const; void setMaxVideoBitDepth(qint32 newMaxVideoBitDepth); bool maxVideoBitDepthNull() const; void setMaxVideoBitDepthNull(); /** * @brief The media version id, if playing an alternate version. */ const QString &mediaSourceId() const; void setMediaSourceId(QString newMediaSourceId); bool mediaSourceIdNull() const; void setMediaSourceIdNull(); /** * @brief The minimum number of segments. */ const qint32 &minSegments() const; void setMinSegments(qint32 newMinSegments); bool minSegmentsNull() const; void setMinSegmentsNull(); /** * @brief The streaming parameters. */ const QString ¶ms() const; void setParams(QString newParams); bool paramsNull() const; void setParamsNull(); /** * @brief The play session id. */ const QString &playSessionId() const; void setPlaySessionId(QString newPlaySessionId); bool playSessionIdNull() const; void setPlaySessionIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a specific an encoder profile (varies by encoder), e.g. main, baseline, high. */ const QString &profile() const; void setProfile(QString newProfile); bool profileNull() const; void setProfileNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to require avc. */ const bool &requireAvc() const; void setRequireAvc(bool newRequireAvc); bool requireAvcNull() const; void setRequireAvcNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to require a non anamorphic stream. */ const bool &requireNonAnamorphic() const; void setRequireNonAnamorphic(bool newRequireNonAnamorphic); bool requireNonAnamorphicNull() const; void setRequireNonAnamorphicNull(); /** * @brief The segment container. */ const QString &segmentContainer() const; void setSegmentContainer(QString newSegmentContainer); bool segmentContainerNull() const; void setSegmentContainerNull(); /** * @brief The segment length. */ const qint32 &segmentLength() const; void setSegmentLength(qint32 newSegmentLength); bool segmentLengthNull() const; void setSegmentLengthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a starting offset, in ticks. 1 tick = 10000 ms. */ const qint64 &startTimeTicks() const; void setStartTimeTicks(qint64 newStartTimeTicks); bool startTimeTicksNull() const; void setStartTimeTicksNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If true, the original file will be streamed statically without any encoding. Use either no url extension or the original file extension. true/false. */ const bool &staticStreaming() const; void setStaticStreaming(bool newStaticStreaming); bool staticStreamingNull() const; void setStaticStreamingNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The streaming options. */ const QJsonObject &streamOptions() const; void setStreamOptions(QJsonObject newStreamOptions); bool streamOptionsNull() const; void setStreamOptionsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a subtitle codec to encode to. */ const QString &subtitleCodec() const; void setSubtitleCodec(QString newSubtitleCodec); bool subtitleCodecNull() const; void setSubtitleCodecNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify the subtitle delivery method. */ const SubtitleDeliveryMethod &subtitleMethod() const; void setSubtitleMethod(SubtitleDeliveryMethod newSubtitleMethod); bool subtitleMethodNull() const; void setSubtitleMethodNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The index of the subtitle stream to use. If omitted no subtitles will be used. */ const qint32 &subtitleStreamIndex() const; void setSubtitleStreamIndex(qint32 newSubtitleStreamIndex); bool subtitleStreamIndexNull() const; void setSubtitleStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief The tag. */ const QString &tag() const; void setTag(QString newTag); bool tagNull() const; void setTagNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The transcoding reason. */ const QString &transcodeReasons() const; void setTranscodeReasons(QString newTranscodeReasons); bool transcodeReasonsNull() const; void setTranscodeReasonsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of audio channels to transcode. */ const qint32 &transcodingMaxAudioChannels() const; void setTranscodingMaxAudioChannels(qint32 newTranscodingMaxAudioChannels); bool transcodingMaxAudioChannelsNull() const; void setTranscodingMaxAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a video bitrate to encode to, e.g. 500000. If omitted this will be left to encoder defaults. */ const qint32 &videoBitRate() const; void setVideoBitRate(qint32 newVideoBitRate); bool videoBitRateNull() const; void setVideoBitRateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a video codec to encode to, e.g. h264. If omitted the server will auto-select using the url's extension. Options: h265, h264, mpeg4, theora, vpx, wmv. */ const QString &videoCodec() const; void setVideoCodec(QString newVideoCodec); bool videoCodecNull() const; void setVideoCodecNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The index of the video stream to use. If omitted the first video stream will be used. */ const qint32 &videoStreamIndex() const; void setVideoStreamIndex(qint32 newVideoStreamIndex); bool videoStreamIndexNull() const; void setVideoStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The fixed horizontal resolution of the encoded video. */ const qint32 &width() const; void setWidth(qint32 newWidth); bool widthNull() const; void setWidthNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_container; QString m_itemId; QString m_playlistId; qint32 m_segmentId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_allowAudioStreamCopy = std::nullopt; std::optional m_allowVideoStreamCopy = std::nullopt; std::optional m_audioBitRate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_audioChannels = std::nullopt; QString m_audioCodec; std::optional m_audioSampleRate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_audioStreamIndex = std::nullopt; std::optional m_breakOnNonKeyFrames = std::nullopt; EncodingContext m_context; std::optional m_copyTimestamps = std::nullopt; std::optional m_cpuCoreLimit = std::nullopt; std::optional m_deInterlace = std::nullopt; QString m_deviceId; QString m_deviceProfileId; std::optional m_enableAutoStreamCopy = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableMpegtsM2TsMode = std::nullopt; std::optional m_framerate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_height = std::nullopt; QString m_level; QString m_liveStreamId; std::optional m_maxAudioBitDepth = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxAudioChannels = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxFramerate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxRefFrames = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxStreamingBitrate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxVideoBitDepth = std::nullopt; QString m_mediaSourceId; std::optional m_minSegments = std::nullopt; QString m_params; QString m_playSessionId; QString m_profile; std::optional m_requireAvc = std::nullopt; std::optional m_requireNonAnamorphic = std::nullopt; QString m_segmentContainer; std::optional m_segmentLength = std::nullopt; std::optional m_startTimeTicks = std::nullopt; std::optional m_staticStreaming = std::nullopt; std::optional m_streamOptions = std::nullopt; QString m_subtitleCodec; SubtitleDeliveryMethod m_subtitleMethod; std::optional m_subtitleStreamIndex = std::nullopt; QString m_tag; QString m_transcodeReasons; std::optional m_transcodingMaxAudioChannels = std::nullopt; std::optional m_videoBitRate = std::nullopt; QString m_videoCodec; std::optional m_videoStreamIndex = std::nullopt; std::optional m_width = std::nullopt; }; class GetHlsAudioSegmentLegacyAacParams { public: /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief The segment id. */ const QString &segmentId() const; void setSegmentId(QString newSegmentId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; QString m_segmentId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetHlsAudioSegmentLegacyMp3Params { public: /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief The segment id. */ const QString &segmentId() const; void setSegmentId(QString newSegmentId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; QString m_segmentId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetHlsPlaylistLegacyParams { public: /** * @brief The video id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief The playlist id. */ const QString &playlistId() const; void setPlaylistId(QString newPlaylistId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; QString m_playlistId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetHlsVideoSegmentParams { public: /** * @brief The video container. Possible values are: ts, webm, asf, wmv, ogv, mp4, m4v, mkv, mpeg, mpg, avi, 3gp, wmv, wtv, m2ts, mov, iso, flv. */ const QString &container() const; void setContainer(QString newContainer); /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief The playlist id. */ const QString &playlistId() const; void setPlaylistId(QString newPlaylistId); /** * @brief The segment id. */ const qint32 &segmentId() const; void setSegmentId(qint32 newSegmentId); /** * @brief Whether or not to allow copying of the audio stream url. */ const bool &allowAudioStreamCopy() const; void setAllowAudioStreamCopy(bool newAllowAudioStreamCopy); bool allowAudioStreamCopyNull() const; void setAllowAudioStreamCopyNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to allow copying of the video stream url. */ const bool &allowVideoStreamCopy() const; void setAllowVideoStreamCopy(bool newAllowVideoStreamCopy); bool allowVideoStreamCopyNull() const; void setAllowVideoStreamCopyNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify an audio bitrate to encode to, e.g. 128000. If omitted this will be left to encoder defaults. */ const qint32 &audioBitRate() const; void setAudioBitRate(qint32 newAudioBitRate); bool audioBitRateNull() const; void setAudioBitRateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a specific number of audio channels to encode to, e.g. 2. */ const qint32 &audioChannels() const; void setAudioChannels(qint32 newAudioChannels); bool audioChannelsNull() const; void setAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a audio codec to encode to, e.g. mp3. If omitted the server will auto-select using the url's extension. Options: aac, mp3, vorbis, wma. */ const QString &audioCodec() const; void setAudioCodec(QString newAudioCodec); bool audioCodecNull() const; void setAudioCodecNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a specific audio sample rate, e.g. 44100. */ const qint32 &audioSampleRate() const; void setAudioSampleRate(qint32 newAudioSampleRate); bool audioSampleRateNull() const; void setAudioSampleRateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The index of the audio stream to use. If omitted the first audio stream will be used. */ const qint32 &audioStreamIndex() const; void setAudioStreamIndex(qint32 newAudioStreamIndex); bool audioStreamIndexNull() const; void setAudioStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to break on non key frames. */ const bool &breakOnNonKeyFrames() const; void setBreakOnNonKeyFrames(bool newBreakOnNonKeyFrames); bool breakOnNonKeyFramesNull() const; void setBreakOnNonKeyFramesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The MediaBrowser.Model.Dlna.EncodingContext. */ const EncodingContext &context() const; void setContext(EncodingContext newContext); bool contextNull() const; void setContextNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to copy timestamps when transcoding with an offset. Defaults to false. */ const bool ©Timestamps() const; void setCopyTimestamps(bool newCopyTimestamps); bool copyTimestampsNull() const; void setCopyTimestampsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The limit of how many cpu cores to use. */ const qint32 &cpuCoreLimit() const; void setCpuCoreLimit(qint32 newCpuCoreLimit); bool cpuCoreLimitNull() const; void setCpuCoreLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to deinterlace the video. */ const bool &deInterlace() const; void setDeInterlace(bool newDeInterlace); bool deInterlaceNull() const; void setDeInterlaceNull(); /** * @brief The device id of the client requesting. Used to stop encoding processes when needed. */ const QString &deviceId() const; void setDeviceId(QString newDeviceId); bool deviceIdNull() const; void setDeviceIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The dlna device profile id to utilize. */ const QString &deviceProfileId() const; void setDeviceProfileId(QString newDeviceProfileId); bool deviceProfileIdNull() const; void setDeviceProfileIdNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to allow automatic stream copy if requested values match the original source. Defaults to true. */ const bool &enableAutoStreamCopy() const; void setEnableAutoStreamCopy(bool newEnableAutoStreamCopy); bool enableAutoStreamCopyNull() const; void setEnableAutoStreamCopyNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to enable the MpegtsM2Ts mode. */ const bool &enableMpegtsM2TsMode() const; void setEnableMpegtsM2TsMode(bool newEnableMpegtsM2TsMode); bool enableMpegtsM2TsModeNull() const; void setEnableMpegtsM2TsModeNull(); /** * @brief Optional. A specific video framerate to encode to, e.g. 23.976. Generally this should be omitted unless the device has specific requirements. */ const float &framerate() const; void setFramerate(float newFramerate); bool framerateNull() const; void setFramerateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The fixed vertical resolution of the encoded video. */ const qint32 &height() const; void setHeight(qint32 newHeight); bool heightNull() const; void setHeightNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a level for the encoder profile (varies by encoder), e.g. 3, 3.1. */ const QString &level() const; void setLevel(QString newLevel); bool levelNull() const; void setLevelNull(); /** * @brief The live stream id. */ const QString &liveStreamId() const; void setLiveStreamId(QString newLiveStreamId); bool liveStreamIdNull() const; void setLiveStreamIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum audio bit depth. */ const qint32 &maxAudioBitDepth() const; void setMaxAudioBitDepth(qint32 newMaxAudioBitDepth); bool maxAudioBitDepthNull() const; void setMaxAudioBitDepthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a maximum number of audio channels to encode to, e.g. 2. */ const qint32 &maxAudioChannels() const; void setMaxAudioChannels(qint32 newMaxAudioChannels); bool maxAudioChannelsNull() const; void setMaxAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. A specific maximum video framerate to encode to, e.g. 23.976. Generally this should be omitted unless the device has specific requirements. */ const float &maxFramerate() const; void setMaxFramerate(float newMaxFramerate); bool maxFramerateNull() const; void setMaxFramerateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. */ const qint32 &maxRefFrames() const; void setMaxRefFrames(qint32 newMaxRefFrames); bool maxRefFramesNull() const; void setMaxRefFramesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum video bit depth. */ const qint32 &maxVideoBitDepth() const; void setMaxVideoBitDepth(qint32 newMaxVideoBitDepth); bool maxVideoBitDepthNull() const; void setMaxVideoBitDepthNull(); /** * @brief The media version id, if playing an alternate version. */ const QString &mediaSourceId() const; void setMediaSourceId(QString newMediaSourceId); bool mediaSourceIdNull() const; void setMediaSourceIdNull(); /** * @brief The minimum number of segments. */ const qint32 &minSegments() const; void setMinSegments(qint32 newMinSegments); bool minSegmentsNull() const; void setMinSegmentsNull(); /** * @brief The streaming parameters. */ const QString ¶ms() const; void setParams(QString newParams); bool paramsNull() const; void setParamsNull(); /** * @brief The play session id. */ const QString &playSessionId() const; void setPlaySessionId(QString newPlaySessionId); bool playSessionIdNull() const; void setPlaySessionIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a specific an encoder profile (varies by encoder), e.g. main, baseline, high. */ const QString &profile() const; void setProfile(QString newProfile); bool profileNull() const; void setProfileNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to require avc. */ const bool &requireAvc() const; void setRequireAvc(bool newRequireAvc); bool requireAvcNull() const; void setRequireAvcNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to require a non anamorphic stream. */ const bool &requireNonAnamorphic() const; void setRequireNonAnamorphic(bool newRequireNonAnamorphic); bool requireNonAnamorphicNull() const; void setRequireNonAnamorphicNull(); /** * @brief The segment container. */ const QString &segmentContainer() const; void setSegmentContainer(QString newSegmentContainer); bool segmentContainerNull() const; void setSegmentContainerNull(); /** * @brief The segment lenght. */ const qint32 &segmentLength() const; void setSegmentLength(qint32 newSegmentLength); bool segmentLengthNull() const; void setSegmentLengthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a starting offset, in ticks. 1 tick = 10000 ms. */ const qint64 &startTimeTicks() const; void setStartTimeTicks(qint64 newStartTimeTicks); bool startTimeTicksNull() const; void setStartTimeTicksNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If true, the original file will be streamed statically without any encoding. Use either no url extension or the original file extension. true/false. */ const bool &staticStreaming() const; void setStaticStreaming(bool newStaticStreaming); bool staticStreamingNull() const; void setStaticStreamingNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The streaming options. */ const QJsonObject &streamOptions() const; void setStreamOptions(QJsonObject newStreamOptions); bool streamOptionsNull() const; void setStreamOptionsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a subtitle codec to encode to. */ const QString &subtitleCodec() const; void setSubtitleCodec(QString newSubtitleCodec); bool subtitleCodecNull() const; void setSubtitleCodecNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify the subtitle delivery method. */ const SubtitleDeliveryMethod &subtitleMethod() const; void setSubtitleMethod(SubtitleDeliveryMethod newSubtitleMethod); bool subtitleMethodNull() const; void setSubtitleMethodNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The index of the subtitle stream to use. If omitted no subtitles will be used. */ const qint32 &subtitleStreamIndex() const; void setSubtitleStreamIndex(qint32 newSubtitleStreamIndex); bool subtitleStreamIndexNull() const; void setSubtitleStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief The tag. */ const QString &tag() const; void setTag(QString newTag); bool tagNull() const; void setTagNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The transcoding reason. */ const QString &transcodeReasons() const; void setTranscodeReasons(QString newTranscodeReasons); bool transcodeReasonsNull() const; void setTranscodeReasonsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of audio channels to transcode. */ const qint32 &transcodingMaxAudioChannels() const; void setTranscodingMaxAudioChannels(qint32 newTranscodingMaxAudioChannels); bool transcodingMaxAudioChannelsNull() const; void setTranscodingMaxAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a video bitrate to encode to, e.g. 500000. If omitted this will be left to encoder defaults. */ const qint32 &videoBitRate() const; void setVideoBitRate(qint32 newVideoBitRate); bool videoBitRateNull() const; void setVideoBitRateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a video codec to encode to, e.g. h264. If omitted the server will auto-select using the url's extension. Options: h265, h264, mpeg4, theora, vpx, wmv. */ const QString &videoCodec() const; void setVideoCodec(QString newVideoCodec); bool videoCodecNull() const; void setVideoCodecNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The index of the video stream to use. If omitted the first video stream will be used. */ const qint32 &videoStreamIndex() const; void setVideoStreamIndex(qint32 newVideoStreamIndex); bool videoStreamIndexNull() const; void setVideoStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The fixed horizontal resolution of the encoded video. */ const qint32 &width() const; void setWidth(qint32 newWidth); bool widthNull() const; void setWidthNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_container; QString m_itemId; QString m_playlistId; qint32 m_segmentId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_allowAudioStreamCopy = std::nullopt; std::optional m_allowVideoStreamCopy = std::nullopt; std::optional m_audioBitRate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_audioChannels = std::nullopt; QString m_audioCodec; std::optional m_audioSampleRate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_audioStreamIndex = std::nullopt; std::optional m_breakOnNonKeyFrames = std::nullopt; EncodingContext m_context; std::optional m_copyTimestamps = std::nullopt; std::optional m_cpuCoreLimit = std::nullopt; std::optional m_deInterlace = std::nullopt; QString m_deviceId; QString m_deviceProfileId; std::optional m_enableAutoStreamCopy = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableMpegtsM2TsMode = std::nullopt; std::optional m_framerate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_height = std::nullopt; QString m_level; QString m_liveStreamId; std::optional m_maxAudioBitDepth = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxAudioChannels = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxFramerate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxRefFrames = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxVideoBitDepth = std::nullopt; QString m_mediaSourceId; std::optional m_minSegments = std::nullopt; QString m_params; QString m_playSessionId; QString m_profile; std::optional m_requireAvc = std::nullopt; std::optional m_requireNonAnamorphic = std::nullopt; QString m_segmentContainer; std::optional m_segmentLength = std::nullopt; std::optional m_startTimeTicks = std::nullopt; std::optional m_staticStreaming = std::nullopt; std::optional m_streamOptions = std::nullopt; QString m_subtitleCodec; SubtitleDeliveryMethod m_subtitleMethod; std::optional m_subtitleStreamIndex = std::nullopt; QString m_tag; QString m_transcodeReasons; std::optional m_transcodingMaxAudioChannels = std::nullopt; std::optional m_videoBitRate = std::nullopt; QString m_videoCodec; std::optional m_videoStreamIndex = std::nullopt; std::optional m_width = std::nullopt; }; class GetHlsVideoSegmentLegacyParams { public: /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief The playlist id. */ const QString &playlistId() const; void setPlaylistId(QString newPlaylistId); /** * @brief The segment container. */ const QString &segmentContainer() const; void setSegmentContainer(QString newSegmentContainer); /** * @brief The segment id. */ const QString &segmentId() const; void setSegmentId(QString newSegmentId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; QString m_playlistId; QString m_segmentContainer; QString m_segmentId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetIconParams { public: /** * @brief The icon filename. */ const QString &fileName() const; void setFileName(QString newFileName); private: // Required path parameters QString m_fileName; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetIconIdParams { public: /** * @brief The icon filename. */ const QString &fileName() const; void setFileName(QString newFileName); /** * @brief Server UUID. */ const QString &serverId() const; void setServerId(QString newServerId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_fileName; QString m_serverId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetInstantMixFromAlbumParams { public: /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &jellyfinId() const; void setJellyfinId(QString newJellyfinId); /** * @brief Optional. The image types to include in the output. */ const QList &enableImageTypes() const; void setEnableImageTypes(QList newEnableImageTypes); bool enableImageTypesNull() const; void setEnableImageTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Include image information in output. */ const bool &enableImages() const; void setEnableImages(bool newEnableImages); bool enableImagesNull() const; void setEnableImagesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Include user data. */ const bool &enableUserData() const; void setEnableUserData(bool newEnableUserData); bool enableUserDataNull() const; void setEnableUserDataNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify additional fields of information to return in the output. */ const QList &fields() const; void setFields(QList newFields); bool fieldsNull() const; void setFieldsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The max number of images to return, per image type. */ const qint32 &imageTypeLimit() const; void setImageTypeLimit(qint32 newImageTypeLimit); bool imageTypeLimitNull() const; void setImageTypeLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of records to return. */ const qint32 &limit() const; void setLimit(qint32 newLimit); bool limitNull() const; void setLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by user id, and attach user data. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_jellyfinId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QList m_enableImageTypes; std::optional m_enableImages = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableUserData = std::nullopt; QList m_fields; std::optional m_imageTypeLimit = std::nullopt; std::optional m_limit = std::nullopt; QString m_userId; }; class GetInstantMixFromArtistsParams { public: /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &jellyfinId() const; void setJellyfinId(QString newJellyfinId); /** * @brief Optional. The image types to include in the output. */ const QList &enableImageTypes() const; void setEnableImageTypes(QList newEnableImageTypes); bool enableImageTypesNull() const; void setEnableImageTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Include image information in output. */ const bool &enableImages() const; void setEnableImages(bool newEnableImages); bool enableImagesNull() const; void setEnableImagesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Include user data. */ const bool &enableUserData() const; void setEnableUserData(bool newEnableUserData); bool enableUserDataNull() const; void setEnableUserDataNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify additional fields of information to return in the output. */ const QList &fields() const; void setFields(QList newFields); bool fieldsNull() const; void setFieldsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The max number of images to return, per image type. */ const qint32 &imageTypeLimit() const; void setImageTypeLimit(qint32 newImageTypeLimit); bool imageTypeLimitNull() const; void setImageTypeLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of records to return. */ const qint32 &limit() const; void setLimit(qint32 newLimit); bool limitNull() const; void setLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by user id, and attach user data. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_jellyfinId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QList m_enableImageTypes; std::optional m_enableImages = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableUserData = std::nullopt; QList m_fields; std::optional m_imageTypeLimit = std::nullopt; std::optional m_limit = std::nullopt; QString m_userId; }; class GetInstantMixFromItemParams { public: /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &jellyfinId() const; void setJellyfinId(QString newJellyfinId); /** * @brief Optional. The image types to include in the output. */ const QList &enableImageTypes() const; void setEnableImageTypes(QList newEnableImageTypes); bool enableImageTypesNull() const; void setEnableImageTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Include image information in output. */ const bool &enableImages() const; void setEnableImages(bool newEnableImages); bool enableImagesNull() const; void setEnableImagesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Include user data. */ const bool &enableUserData() const; void setEnableUserData(bool newEnableUserData); bool enableUserDataNull() const; void setEnableUserDataNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify additional fields of information to return in the output. */ const QList &fields() const; void setFields(QList newFields); bool fieldsNull() const; void setFieldsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The max number of images to return, per image type. */ const qint32 &imageTypeLimit() const; void setImageTypeLimit(qint32 newImageTypeLimit); bool imageTypeLimitNull() const; void setImageTypeLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of records to return. */ const qint32 &limit() const; void setLimit(qint32 newLimit); bool limitNull() const; void setLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by user id, and attach user data. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_jellyfinId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QList m_enableImageTypes; std::optional m_enableImages = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableUserData = std::nullopt; QList m_fields; std::optional m_imageTypeLimit = std::nullopt; std::optional m_limit = std::nullopt; QString m_userId; }; class GetInstantMixFromMusicGenreParams { public: /** * @brief The genre name. */ const QString &name() const; void setName(QString newName); /** * @brief Optional. The image types to include in the output. */ const QList &enableImageTypes() const; void setEnableImageTypes(QList newEnableImageTypes); bool enableImageTypesNull() const; void setEnableImageTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Include image information in output. */ const bool &enableImages() const; void setEnableImages(bool newEnableImages); bool enableImagesNull() const; void setEnableImagesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Include user data. */ const bool &enableUserData() const; void setEnableUserData(bool newEnableUserData); bool enableUserDataNull() const; void setEnableUserDataNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify additional fields of information to return in the output. */ const QList &fields() const; void setFields(QList newFields); bool fieldsNull() const; void setFieldsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The max number of images to return, per image type. */ const qint32 &imageTypeLimit() const; void setImageTypeLimit(qint32 newImageTypeLimit); bool imageTypeLimitNull() const; void setImageTypeLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of records to return. */ const qint32 &limit() const; void setLimit(qint32 newLimit); bool limitNull() const; void setLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by user id, and attach user data. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_name; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QList m_enableImageTypes; std::optional m_enableImages = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableUserData = std::nullopt; QList m_fields; std::optional m_imageTypeLimit = std::nullopt; std::optional m_limit = std::nullopt; QString m_userId; }; class GetInstantMixFromMusicGenresParams { public: /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &jellyfinId() const; void setJellyfinId(QString newJellyfinId); /** * @brief Optional. The image types to include in the output. */ const QList &enableImageTypes() const; void setEnableImageTypes(QList newEnableImageTypes); bool enableImageTypesNull() const; void setEnableImageTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Include image information in output. */ const bool &enableImages() const; void setEnableImages(bool newEnableImages); bool enableImagesNull() const; void setEnableImagesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Include user data. */ const bool &enableUserData() const; void setEnableUserData(bool newEnableUserData); bool enableUserDataNull() const; void setEnableUserDataNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify additional fields of information to return in the output. */ const QList &fields() const; void setFields(QList newFields); bool fieldsNull() const; void setFieldsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The max number of images to return, per image type. */ const qint32 &imageTypeLimit() const; void setImageTypeLimit(qint32 newImageTypeLimit); bool imageTypeLimitNull() const; void setImageTypeLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of records to return. */ const qint32 &limit() const; void setLimit(qint32 newLimit); bool limitNull() const; void setLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by user id, and attach user data. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_jellyfinId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QList m_enableImageTypes; std::optional m_enableImages = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableUserData = std::nullopt; QList m_fields; std::optional m_imageTypeLimit = std::nullopt; std::optional m_limit = std::nullopt; QString m_userId; }; class GetInstantMixFromPlaylistParams { public: /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &jellyfinId() const; void setJellyfinId(QString newJellyfinId); /** * @brief Optional. The image types to include in the output. */ const QList &enableImageTypes() const; void setEnableImageTypes(QList newEnableImageTypes); bool enableImageTypesNull() const; void setEnableImageTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Include image information in output. */ const bool &enableImages() const; void setEnableImages(bool newEnableImages); bool enableImagesNull() const; void setEnableImagesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Include user data. */ const bool &enableUserData() const; void setEnableUserData(bool newEnableUserData); bool enableUserDataNull() const; void setEnableUserDataNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify additional fields of information to return in the output. */ const QList &fields() const; void setFields(QList newFields); bool fieldsNull() const; void setFieldsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The max number of images to return, per image type. */ const qint32 &imageTypeLimit() const; void setImageTypeLimit(qint32 newImageTypeLimit); bool imageTypeLimitNull() const; void setImageTypeLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of records to return. */ const qint32 &limit() const; void setLimit(qint32 newLimit); bool limitNull() const; void setLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by user id, and attach user data. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_jellyfinId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QList m_enableImageTypes; std::optional m_enableImages = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableUserData = std::nullopt; QList m_fields; std::optional m_imageTypeLimit = std::nullopt; std::optional m_limit = std::nullopt; QString m_userId; }; class GetInstantMixFromSongParams { public: /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &jellyfinId() const; void setJellyfinId(QString newJellyfinId); /** * @brief Optional. The image types to include in the output. */ const QList &enableImageTypes() const; void setEnableImageTypes(QList newEnableImageTypes); bool enableImageTypesNull() const; void setEnableImageTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Include image information in output. */ const bool &enableImages() const; void setEnableImages(bool newEnableImages); bool enableImagesNull() const; void setEnableImagesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Include user data. */ const bool &enableUserData() const; void setEnableUserData(bool newEnableUserData); bool enableUserDataNull() const; void setEnableUserDataNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify additional fields of information to return in the output. */ const QList &fields() const; void setFields(QList newFields); bool fieldsNull() const; void setFieldsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The max number of images to return, per image type. */ const qint32 &imageTypeLimit() const; void setImageTypeLimit(qint32 newImageTypeLimit); bool imageTypeLimitNull() const; void setImageTypeLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of records to return. */ const qint32 &limit() const; void setLimit(qint32 newLimit); bool limitNull() const; void setLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by user id, and attach user data. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_jellyfinId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QList m_enableImageTypes; std::optional m_enableImages = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableUserData = std::nullopt; QList m_fields; std::optional m_imageTypeLimit = std::nullopt; std::optional m_limit = std::nullopt; QString m_userId; }; class GetIntrosParams { public: /** * @brief Item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief User id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; QString m_userId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetItemParams { public: /** * @brief Item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief User id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; QString m_userId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetItemCountsParams { public: /** * @brief Optional. Get counts of favorite items. */ const bool &isFavorite() const; void setIsFavorite(bool newIsFavorite); bool isFavoriteNull() const; void setIsFavoriteNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Get counts from a specific user's library. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_isFavorite = std::nullopt; QString m_userId; }; class GetItemImageParams { public: /** * @brief Image type. */ const ImageType &imageType() const; void setImageType(ImageType newImageType); /** * @brief Item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief Optional. Add a played indicator. */ const bool &addPlayedIndicator() const; void setAddPlayedIndicator(bool newAddPlayedIndicator); bool addPlayedIndicatorNull() const; void setAddPlayedIndicatorNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images. */ const QString &backgroundColor() const; void setBackgroundColor(QString newBackgroundColor); bool backgroundColorNull() const; void setBackgroundColorNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Blur image. */ const qint32 &blur() const; void setBlur(qint32 newBlur); bool blurNull() const; void setBlurNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art. */ const bool &cropWhitespace() const; void setCropWhitespace(bool newCropWhitespace); bool cropWhitespaceNull() const; void setCropWhitespaceNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. */ const QString &foregroundLayer() const; void setForegroundLayer(QString newForegroundLayer); bool foregroundLayerNull() const; void setForegroundLayerNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The MediaBrowser.Model.Drawing.ImageFormat of the returned image. */ const ImageFormat &format() const; void setFormat(ImageFormat newFormat); bool formatNull() const; void setFormatNull(); /** * @brief The fixed image height to return. */ const qint32 &height() const; void setHeight(qint32 newHeight); bool heightNull() const; void setHeightNull(); /** * @brief Image index. */ const qint32 &imageIndex() const; void setImageIndex(qint32 newImageIndex); bool imageIndexNull() const; void setImageIndexNull(); /** * @brief The maximum image height to return. */ const qint32 &maxHeight() const; void setMaxHeight(qint32 newMaxHeight); bool maxHeightNull() const; void setMaxHeightNull(); /** * @brief The maximum image width to return. */ const qint32 &maxWidth() const; void setMaxWidth(qint32 newMaxWidth); bool maxWidthNull() const; void setMaxWidthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay. */ const double &percentPlayed() const; void setPercentPlayed(double newPercentPlayed); bool percentPlayedNull() const; void setPercentPlayedNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases. */ const qint32 &quality() const; void setQuality(qint32 newQuality); bool qualityNull() const; void setQualityNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. */ const QString &tag() const; void setTag(QString newTag); bool tagNull() const; void setTagNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render. */ const qint32 &unplayedCount() const; void setUnplayedCount(qint32 newUnplayedCount); bool unplayedCountNull() const; void setUnplayedCountNull(); /** * @brief The fixed image width to return. */ const qint32 &width() const; void setWidth(qint32 newWidth); bool widthNull() const; void setWidthNull(); private: // Required path parameters ImageType m_imageType; QString m_itemId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_addPlayedIndicator = std::nullopt; QString m_backgroundColor; std::optional m_blur = std::nullopt; std::optional m_cropWhitespace = std::nullopt; QString m_foregroundLayer; ImageFormat m_format; std::optional m_height = std::nullopt; std::optional m_imageIndex = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxHeight = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxWidth = std::nullopt; std::optional m_percentPlayed = std::nullopt; std::optional m_quality = std::nullopt; QString m_tag; std::optional m_unplayedCount = std::nullopt; std::optional m_width = std::nullopt; }; class GetItemImage2Params { public: /** * @brief Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png. */ const ImageFormat &format() const; void setFormat(ImageFormat newFormat); /** * @brief Image index. */ const qint32 &imageIndex() const; void setImageIndex(qint32 newImageIndex); /** * @brief Image type. */ const ImageType &imageType() const; void setImageType(ImageType newImageType); /** * @brief Item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief The maximum image height to return. */ const qint32 &maxHeight() const; void setMaxHeight(qint32 newMaxHeight); /** * @brief The maximum image width to return. */ const qint32 &maxWidth() const; void setMaxWidth(qint32 newMaxWidth); /** * @brief Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay. */ const double &percentPlayed() const; void setPercentPlayed(double newPercentPlayed); /** * @brief Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. */ const QString &tag() const; void setTag(QString newTag); /** * @brief Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render. */ const qint32 &unplayedCount() const; void setUnplayedCount(qint32 newUnplayedCount); /** * @brief Optional. Add a played indicator. */ const bool &addPlayedIndicator() const; void setAddPlayedIndicator(bool newAddPlayedIndicator); bool addPlayedIndicatorNull() const; void setAddPlayedIndicatorNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images. */ const QString &backgroundColor() const; void setBackgroundColor(QString newBackgroundColor); bool backgroundColorNull() const; void setBackgroundColorNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Blur image. */ const qint32 &blur() const; void setBlur(qint32 newBlur); bool blurNull() const; void setBlurNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art. */ const bool &cropWhitespace() const; void setCropWhitespace(bool newCropWhitespace); bool cropWhitespaceNull() const; void setCropWhitespaceNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. */ const QString &foregroundLayer() const; void setForegroundLayer(QString newForegroundLayer); bool foregroundLayerNull() const; void setForegroundLayerNull(); /** * @brief The fixed image height to return. */ const qint32 &height() const; void setHeight(qint32 newHeight); bool heightNull() const; void setHeightNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases. */ const qint32 &quality() const; void setQuality(qint32 newQuality); bool qualityNull() const; void setQualityNull(); /** * @brief The fixed image width to return. */ const qint32 &width() const; void setWidth(qint32 newWidth); bool widthNull() const; void setWidthNull(); private: // Required path parameters ImageFormat m_format; qint32 m_imageIndex; ImageType m_imageType; QString m_itemId; qint32 m_maxHeight; qint32 m_maxWidth; double m_percentPlayed; QString m_tag; qint32 m_unplayedCount; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_addPlayedIndicator = std::nullopt; QString m_backgroundColor; std::optional m_blur = std::nullopt; std::optional m_cropWhitespace = std::nullopt; QString m_foregroundLayer; std::optional m_height = std::nullopt; std::optional m_quality = std::nullopt; std::optional m_width = std::nullopt; }; class GetItemImageByIndexParams { public: /** * @brief Image index. */ const qint32 &imageIndex() const; void setImageIndex(qint32 newImageIndex); /** * @brief Image type. */ const ImageType &imageType() const; void setImageType(ImageType newImageType); /** * @brief Item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief Optional. Add a played indicator. */ const bool &addPlayedIndicator() const; void setAddPlayedIndicator(bool newAddPlayedIndicator); bool addPlayedIndicatorNull() const; void setAddPlayedIndicatorNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images. */ const QString &backgroundColor() const; void setBackgroundColor(QString newBackgroundColor); bool backgroundColorNull() const; void setBackgroundColorNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Blur image. */ const qint32 &blur() const; void setBlur(qint32 newBlur); bool blurNull() const; void setBlurNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art. */ const bool &cropWhitespace() const; void setCropWhitespace(bool newCropWhitespace); bool cropWhitespaceNull() const; void setCropWhitespaceNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. */ const QString &foregroundLayer() const; void setForegroundLayer(QString newForegroundLayer); bool foregroundLayerNull() const; void setForegroundLayerNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The MediaBrowser.Model.Drawing.ImageFormat of the returned image. */ const ImageFormat &format() const; void setFormat(ImageFormat newFormat); bool formatNull() const; void setFormatNull(); /** * @brief The fixed image height to return. */ const qint32 &height() const; void setHeight(qint32 newHeight); bool heightNull() const; void setHeightNull(); /** * @brief The maximum image height to return. */ const qint32 &maxHeight() const; void setMaxHeight(qint32 newMaxHeight); bool maxHeightNull() const; void setMaxHeightNull(); /** * @brief The maximum image width to return. */ const qint32 &maxWidth() const; void setMaxWidth(qint32 newMaxWidth); bool maxWidthNull() const; void setMaxWidthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay. */ const double &percentPlayed() const; void setPercentPlayed(double newPercentPlayed); bool percentPlayedNull() const; void setPercentPlayedNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases. */ const qint32 &quality() const; void setQuality(qint32 newQuality); bool qualityNull() const; void setQualityNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. */ const QString &tag() const; void setTag(QString newTag); bool tagNull() const; void setTagNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render. */ const qint32 &unplayedCount() const; void setUnplayedCount(qint32 newUnplayedCount); bool unplayedCountNull() const; void setUnplayedCountNull(); /** * @brief The fixed image width to return. */ const qint32 &width() const; void setWidth(qint32 newWidth); bool widthNull() const; void setWidthNull(); private: // Required path parameters qint32 m_imageIndex; ImageType m_imageType; QString m_itemId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_addPlayedIndicator = std::nullopt; QString m_backgroundColor; std::optional m_blur = std::nullopt; std::optional m_cropWhitespace = std::nullopt; QString m_foregroundLayer; ImageFormat m_format; std::optional m_height = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxHeight = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxWidth = std::nullopt; std::optional m_percentPlayed = std::nullopt; std::optional m_quality = std::nullopt; QString m_tag; std::optional m_unplayedCount = std::nullopt; std::optional m_width = std::nullopt; }; class GetItemImageInfosParams { public: /** * @brief Item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetItemsParams { public: /** * @brief Optional. Return items that are siblings of a supplied item. */ const QString &adjacentTo() const; void setAdjacentTo(QString newAdjacentTo); bool adjacentToNull() const; void setAdjacentToNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered to include only those containing the specified album artist id. */ const QStringList &albumArtistIds() const; void setAlbumArtistIds(QStringList newAlbumArtistIds); bool albumArtistIdsNull() const; void setAlbumArtistIdsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on album id. This allows multiple, pipe delimited. */ const QStringList &albumIds() const; void setAlbumIds(QStringList newAlbumIds); bool albumIdsNull() const; void setAlbumIdsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on album. This allows multiple, pipe delimited. */ const QStringList &albums() const; void setAlbums(QStringList newAlbums); bool albumsNull() const; void setAlbumsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered to include only those containing the specified artist id. */ const QStringList &artistIds() const; void setArtistIds(QStringList newArtistIds); bool artistIdsNull() const; void setArtistIdsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on artists. This allows multiple, pipe delimited. */ const QStringList &artists() const; void setArtists(QStringList newArtists); bool artistsNull() const; void setArtistsNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to hide items behind their boxsets. */ const bool &collapseBoxSetItems() const; void setCollapseBoxSetItems(bool newCollapseBoxSetItems); bool collapseBoxSetItemsNull() const; void setCollapseBoxSetItemsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered to include only those containing the specified contributing artist id. */ const QStringList &contributingArtistIds() const; void setContributingArtistIds(QStringList newContributingArtistIds); bool contributingArtistIdsNull() const; void setContributingArtistIdsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The image types to include in the output. */ const QList &enableImageTypes() const; void setEnableImageTypes(QList newEnableImageTypes); bool enableImageTypesNull() const; void setEnableImageTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional, include image information in output. */ const bool &enableImages() const; void setEnableImages(bool newEnableImages); bool enableImagesNull() const; void setEnableImagesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Enable the total record count. */ const bool &enableTotalRecordCount() const; void setEnableTotalRecordCount(bool newEnableTotalRecordCount); bool enableTotalRecordCountNull() const; void setEnableTotalRecordCountNull(); /** * @brief Optional, include user data. */ const bool &enableUserData() const; void setEnableUserData(bool newEnableUserData); bool enableUserDataNull() const; void setEnableUserDataNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on artist id. This allows multiple, pipe delimited. */ const QStringList &excludeArtistIds() const; void setExcludeArtistIds(QStringList newExcludeArtistIds); bool excludeArtistIdsNull() const; void setExcludeArtistIdsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered by excluding item ids. This allows multiple, comma delimited. */ const QStringList &excludeItemIds() const; void setExcludeItemIds(QStringList newExcludeItemIds); bool excludeItemIdsNull() const; void setExcludeItemIdsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on item type. This allows multiple, comma delimited. */ const QStringList &excludeItemTypes() const; void setExcludeItemTypes(QStringList newExcludeItemTypes); bool excludeItemTypesNull() const; void setExcludeItemTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on the LocationType. This allows multiple, comma delimited. */ const QList &excludeLocationTypes() const; void setExcludeLocationTypes(QList newExcludeLocationTypes); bool excludeLocationTypesNull() const; void setExcludeLocationTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify additional fields of information to return in the output. This allows multiple, comma delimited. Options: Budget, Chapters, DateCreated, Genres, HomePageUrl, IndexOptions, MediaStreams, Overview, ParentId, Path, People, ProviderIds, PrimaryImageAspectRatio, Revenue, SortName, Studios, Taglines. */ const QList &fields() const; void setFields(QList newFields); bool fieldsNull() const; void setFieldsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify additional filters to apply. This allows multiple, comma delimited. Options: IsFolder, IsNotFolder, IsUnplayed, IsPlayed, IsFavorite, IsResumable, Likes, Dislikes. */ const QList &filters() const; void setFilters(QList newFilters); bool filtersNull() const; void setFiltersNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on genre id. This allows multiple, pipe delimited. */ const QStringList &genreIds() const; void setGenreIds(QStringList newGenreIds); bool genreIdsNull() const; void setGenreIdsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on genre. This allows multiple, pipe delimited. */ const QStringList &genres() const; void setGenres(QStringList newGenres); bool genresNull() const; void setGenresNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items that have an imdb id or not. */ const bool &hasImdbId() const; void setHasImdbId(bool newHasImdbId); bool hasImdbIdNull() const; void setHasImdbIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items that have official ratings. */ const bool &hasOfficialRating() const; void setHasOfficialRating(bool newHasOfficialRating); bool hasOfficialRatingNull() const; void setHasOfficialRatingNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items that have an overview or not. */ const bool &hasOverview() const; void setHasOverview(bool newHasOverview); bool hasOverviewNull() const; void setHasOverviewNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items that have or do not have a parental rating. */ const bool &hasParentalRating() const; void setHasParentalRating(bool newHasParentalRating); bool hasParentalRatingNull() const; void setHasParentalRatingNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items with special features. */ const bool &hasSpecialFeature() const; void setHasSpecialFeature(bool newHasSpecialFeature); bool hasSpecialFeatureNull() const; void setHasSpecialFeatureNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items with subtitles. */ const bool &hasSubtitles() const; void setHasSubtitles(bool newHasSubtitles); bool hasSubtitlesNull() const; void setHasSubtitlesNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items with theme songs. */ const bool &hasThemeSong() const; void setHasThemeSong(bool newHasThemeSong); bool hasThemeSongNull() const; void setHasThemeSongNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items with theme videos. */ const bool &hasThemeVideo() const; void setHasThemeVideo(bool newHasThemeVideo); bool hasThemeVideoNull() const; void setHasThemeVideoNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items that have a tmdb id or not. */ const bool &hasTmdbId() const; void setHasTmdbId(bool newHasTmdbId); bool hasTmdbIdNull() const; void setHasTmdbIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items with trailers. */ const bool &hasTrailer() const; void setHasTrailer(bool newHasTrailer); bool hasTrailerNull() const; void setHasTrailerNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items that have a tvdb id or not. */ const bool &hasTvdbId() const; void setHasTvdbId(bool newHasTvdbId); bool hasTvdbIdNull() const; void setHasTvdbIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specific items are needed, specify a list of item id's to retrieve. This allows multiple, comma delimited. */ const QStringList &ids() const; void setIds(QStringList newIds); bool idsNull() const; void setIdsNull(); /** * @brief Optional, the max number of images to return, per image type. */ const qint32 &imageTypeLimit() const; void setImageTypeLimit(qint32 newImageTypeLimit); bool imageTypeLimitNull() const; void setImageTypeLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on those containing image types. This allows multiple, comma delimited. */ const QList &imageTypes() const; void setImageTypes(QList newImageTypes); bool imageTypesNull() const; void setImageTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on the item type. This allows multiple, comma delimited. */ const QStringList &includeItemTypes() const; void setIncludeItemTypes(QStringList newIncludeItemTypes); bool includeItemTypesNull() const; void setIncludeItemTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items that are 3D, or not. */ const bool &is3D() const; void setIs3D(bool newIs3D); bool is3DNull() const; void setIs3DNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items that are 4K or not. */ const bool &is4K() const; void setIs4K(bool newIs4K); bool is4KNull() const; void setIs4KNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items that are marked as favorite, or not. */ const bool &isFavorite() const; void setIsFavorite(bool newIsFavorite); bool isFavoriteNull() const; void setIsFavoriteNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items that are HD or not. */ const bool &isHd() const; void setIsHd(bool newIsHd); bool isHdNull() const; void setIsHdNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items that are locked. */ const bool &isLocked() const; void setIsLocked(bool newIsLocked); bool isLockedNull() const; void setIsLockedNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items that are missing episodes or not. */ const bool &isMissing() const; void setIsMissing(bool newIsMissing); bool isMissingNull() const; void setIsMissingNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items that are placeholders. */ const bool &isPlaceHolder() const; void setIsPlaceHolder(bool newIsPlaceHolder); bool isPlaceHolderNull() const; void setIsPlaceHolderNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items that are played, or not. */ const bool &isPlayed() const; void setIsPlayed(bool newIsPlayed); bool isPlayedNull() const; void setIsPlayedNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items that are unaired episodes or not. */ const bool &isUnaired() const; void setIsUnaired(bool newIsUnaired); bool isUnairedNull() const; void setIsUnairedNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of records to return. */ const qint32 &limit() const; void setLimit(qint32 newLimit); bool limitNull() const; void setLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on LocationType. This allows multiple, comma delimited. */ const QList &locationTypes() const; void setLocationTypes(QList newLocationTypes); bool locationTypesNull() const; void setLocationTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by the maximum height of the item. */ const qint32 &maxHeight() const; void setMaxHeight(qint32 newMaxHeight); bool maxHeightNull() const; void setMaxHeightNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by maximum official rating (PG, PG-13, TV-MA, etc). */ const QString &maxOfficialRating() const; void setMaxOfficialRating(QString newMaxOfficialRating); bool maxOfficialRatingNull() const; void setMaxOfficialRatingNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum premiere date. Format = ISO. */ const QDateTime &maxPremiereDate() const; void setMaxPremiereDate(QDateTime newMaxPremiereDate); bool maxPremiereDateNull() const; void setMaxPremiereDateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by the maximum width of the item. */ const qint32 &maxWidth() const; void setMaxWidth(qint32 newMaxWidth); bool maxWidthNull() const; void setMaxWidthNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by MediaType. Allows multiple, comma delimited. */ const QStringList &mediaTypes() const; void setMediaTypes(QStringList newMediaTypes); bool mediaTypesNull() const; void setMediaTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by minimum community rating. */ const double &minCommunityRating() const; void setMinCommunityRating(double newMinCommunityRating); bool minCommunityRatingNull() const; void setMinCommunityRatingNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by minimum critic rating. */ const double &minCriticRating() const; void setMinCriticRating(double newMinCriticRating); bool minCriticRatingNull() const; void setMinCriticRatingNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The minimum last saved date. Format = ISO. */ const QDateTime &minDateLastSaved() const; void setMinDateLastSaved(QDateTime newMinDateLastSaved); bool minDateLastSavedNull() const; void setMinDateLastSavedNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The minimum last saved date for the current user. Format = ISO. */ const QDateTime &minDateLastSavedForUser() const; void setMinDateLastSavedForUser(QDateTime newMinDateLastSavedForUser); bool minDateLastSavedForUserNull() const; void setMinDateLastSavedForUserNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by the minimum height of the item. */ const qint32 &minHeight() const; void setMinHeight(qint32 newMinHeight); bool minHeightNull() const; void setMinHeightNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by minimum official rating (PG, PG-13, TV-MA, etc). */ const QString &minOfficialRating() const; void setMinOfficialRating(QString newMinOfficialRating); bool minOfficialRatingNull() const; void setMinOfficialRatingNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The minimum premiere date. Format = ISO. */ const QDateTime &minPremiereDate() const; void setMinPremiereDate(QDateTime newMinPremiereDate); bool minPremiereDateNull() const; void setMinPremiereDateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by the minimum width of the item. */ const qint32 &minWidth() const; void setMinWidth(qint32 newMinWidth); bool minWidthNull() const; void setMinWidthNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items whose name is equally or lesser than a given input string. */ const QString &nameLessThan() const; void setNameLessThan(QString newNameLessThan); bool nameLessThanNull() const; void setNameLessThanNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items whose name is sorted equally than a given input string. */ const QString &nameStartsWith() const; void setNameStartsWith(QString newNameStartsWith); bool nameStartsWithNull() const; void setNameStartsWithNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items whose name is sorted equally or greater than a given input string. */ const QString &nameStartsWithOrGreater() const; void setNameStartsWithOrGreater(QString newNameStartsWithOrGreater); bool nameStartsWithOrGreaterNull() const; void setNameStartsWithOrGreaterNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on OfficialRating. This allows multiple, pipe delimited. */ const QStringList &officialRatings() const; void setOfficialRatings(QStringList newOfficialRatings); bool officialRatingsNull() const; void setOfficialRatingsNull(); /** * @brief Specify this to localize the search to a specific item or folder. Omit to use the root. */ const QString &parentId() const; void setParentId(QString newParentId); bool parentIdNull() const; void setParentIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by parent index number. */ const qint32 &parentIndexNumber() const; void setParentIndexNumber(qint32 newParentIndexNumber); bool parentIndexNumberNull() const; void setParentIndexNumberNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered to include only those containing the specified person. */ const QString &person() const; void setPerson(QString newPerson); bool personNull() const; void setPersonNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered to include only those containing the specified person id. */ const QStringList &personIds() const; void setPersonIds(QStringList newPersonIds); bool personIdsNull() const; void setPersonIdsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, along with Person, results will be filtered to include only those containing the specified person and PersonType. Allows multiple, comma-delimited. */ const QStringList &personTypes() const; void setPersonTypes(QStringList newPersonTypes); bool personTypesNull() const; void setPersonTypesNull(); /** * @brief When searching within folders, this determines whether or not the search will be recursive. true/false. */ const bool &recursive() const; void setRecursive(bool newRecursive); bool recursiveNull() const; void setRecursiveNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter based on a search term. */ const QString &searchTerm() const; void setSearchTerm(QString newSearchTerm); bool searchTermNull() const; void setSearchTermNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by Series Status. Allows multiple, comma delimited. */ const QList &seriesStatus() const; void setSeriesStatus(QList newSeriesStatus); bool seriesStatusNull() const; void setSeriesStatusNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify one or more sort orders, comma delimited. Options: Album, AlbumArtist, Artist, Budget, CommunityRating, CriticRating, DateCreated, DatePlayed, PlayCount, PremiereDate, ProductionYear, SortName, Random, Revenue, Runtime. */ const QString &sortBy() const; void setSortBy(QString newSortBy); bool sortByNull() const; void setSortByNull(); /** * @brief Sort Order - Ascending,Descending. */ const QString &sortOrder() const; void setSortOrder(QString newSortOrder); bool sortOrderNull() const; void setSortOrderNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The record index to start at. All items with a lower index will be dropped from the results. */ const qint32 &startIndex() const; void setStartIndex(qint32 newStartIndex); bool startIndexNull() const; void setStartIndexNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on studio id. This allows multiple, pipe delimited. */ const QStringList &studioIds() const; void setStudioIds(QStringList newStudioIds); bool studioIdsNull() const; void setStudioIdsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on studio. This allows multiple, pipe delimited. */ const QStringList &studios() const; void setStudios(QStringList newStudios); bool studiosNull() const; void setStudiosNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on tag. This allows multiple, pipe delimited. */ const QStringList &tags() const; void setTags(QStringList newTags); bool tagsNull() const; void setTagsNull(); /** * @brief The user id supplied as query parameter. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by VideoType (videofile, dvd, bluray, iso). Allows multiple, comma delimited. */ const QList &videoTypes() const; void setVideoTypes(QList newVideoTypes); bool videoTypesNull() const; void setVideoTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on production year. This allows multiple, comma delimited. */ const QList &years() const; void setYears(QList newYears); bool yearsNull() const; void setYearsNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QString m_adjacentTo; QStringList m_albumArtistIds; QStringList m_albumIds; QStringList m_albums; QStringList m_artistIds; QStringList m_artists; std::optional m_collapseBoxSetItems = std::nullopt; QStringList m_contributingArtistIds; QList m_enableImageTypes; std::optional m_enableImages = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableTotalRecordCount = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableUserData = std::nullopt; QStringList m_excludeArtistIds; QStringList m_excludeItemIds; QStringList m_excludeItemTypes; QList m_excludeLocationTypes; QList m_fields; QList m_filters; QStringList m_genreIds; QStringList m_genres; std::optional m_hasImdbId = std::nullopt; std::optional m_hasOfficialRating = std::nullopt; std::optional m_hasOverview = std::nullopt; std::optional m_hasParentalRating = std::nullopt; std::optional m_hasSpecialFeature = std::nullopt; std::optional m_hasSubtitles = std::nullopt; std::optional m_hasThemeSong = std::nullopt; std::optional m_hasThemeVideo = std::nullopt; std::optional m_hasTmdbId = std::nullopt; std::optional m_hasTrailer = std::nullopt; std::optional m_hasTvdbId = std::nullopt; QStringList m_ids; std::optional m_imageTypeLimit = std::nullopt; QList m_imageTypes; QStringList m_includeItemTypes; std::optional m_is3D = std::nullopt; std::optional m_is4K = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isFavorite = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isHd = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isLocked = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isMissing = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isPlaceHolder = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isPlayed = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isUnaired = std::nullopt; std::optional m_limit = std::nullopt; QList m_locationTypes; std::optional m_maxHeight = std::nullopt; QString m_maxOfficialRating; QDateTime m_maxPremiereDate; std::optional m_maxWidth = std::nullopt; QStringList m_mediaTypes; std::optional m_minCommunityRating = std::nullopt; std::optional m_minCriticRating = std::nullopt; QDateTime m_minDateLastSaved; QDateTime m_minDateLastSavedForUser; std::optional m_minHeight = std::nullopt; QString m_minOfficialRating; QDateTime m_minPremiereDate; std::optional m_minWidth = std::nullopt; QString m_nameLessThan; QString m_nameStartsWith; QString m_nameStartsWithOrGreater; QStringList m_officialRatings; QString m_parentId; std::optional m_parentIndexNumber = std::nullopt; QString m_person; QStringList m_personIds; QStringList m_personTypes; std::optional m_recursive = std::nullopt; QString m_searchTerm; QList m_seriesStatus; QString m_sortBy; QString m_sortOrder; std::optional m_startIndex = std::nullopt; QStringList m_studioIds; QStringList m_studios; QStringList m_tags; QString m_userId; QList m_videoTypes; QList m_years; }; class GetItemsByUserIdParams { public: /** * @brief The user id supplied as query parameter. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); /** * @brief Optional. Return items that are siblings of a supplied item. */ const QString &adjacentTo() const; void setAdjacentTo(QString newAdjacentTo); bool adjacentToNull() const; void setAdjacentToNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered to include only those containing the specified album artist id. */ const QStringList &albumArtistIds() const; void setAlbumArtistIds(QStringList newAlbumArtistIds); bool albumArtistIdsNull() const; void setAlbumArtistIdsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on album id. This allows multiple, pipe delimeted. */ const QStringList &albumIds() const; void setAlbumIds(QStringList newAlbumIds); bool albumIdsNull() const; void setAlbumIdsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on album. This allows multiple, pipe delimeted. */ const QStringList &albums() const; void setAlbums(QStringList newAlbums); bool albumsNull() const; void setAlbumsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered to include only those containing the specified artist id. */ const QStringList &artistIds() const; void setArtistIds(QStringList newArtistIds); bool artistIdsNull() const; void setArtistIdsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on artists. This allows multiple, pipe delimeted. */ const QStringList &artists() const; void setArtists(QStringList newArtists); bool artistsNull() const; void setArtistsNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to hide items behind their boxsets. */ const bool &collapseBoxSetItems() const; void setCollapseBoxSetItems(bool newCollapseBoxSetItems); bool collapseBoxSetItemsNull() const; void setCollapseBoxSetItemsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered to include only those containing the specified contributing artist id. */ const QStringList &contributingArtistIds() const; void setContributingArtistIds(QStringList newContributingArtistIds); bool contributingArtistIdsNull() const; void setContributingArtistIdsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The image types to include in the output. */ const QList &enableImageTypes() const; void setEnableImageTypes(QList newEnableImageTypes); bool enableImageTypesNull() const; void setEnableImageTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional, include image information in output. */ const bool &enableImages() const; void setEnableImages(bool newEnableImages); bool enableImagesNull() const; void setEnableImagesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Enable the total record count. */ const bool &enableTotalRecordCount() const; void setEnableTotalRecordCount(bool newEnableTotalRecordCount); bool enableTotalRecordCountNull() const; void setEnableTotalRecordCountNull(); /** * @brief Optional, include user data. */ const bool &enableUserData() const; void setEnableUserData(bool newEnableUserData); bool enableUserDataNull() const; void setEnableUserDataNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on artist id. This allows multiple, pipe delimeted. */ const QStringList &excludeArtistIds() const; void setExcludeArtistIds(QStringList newExcludeArtistIds); bool excludeArtistIdsNull() const; void setExcludeArtistIdsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered by exxcluding item ids. This allows multiple, comma delimeted. */ const QStringList &excludeItemIds() const; void setExcludeItemIds(QStringList newExcludeItemIds); bool excludeItemIdsNull() const; void setExcludeItemIdsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on item type. This allows multiple, comma delimeted. */ const QStringList &excludeItemTypes() const; void setExcludeItemTypes(QStringList newExcludeItemTypes); bool excludeItemTypesNull() const; void setExcludeItemTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on the LocationType. This allows multiple, comma delimeted. */ const QList &excludeLocationTypes() const; void setExcludeLocationTypes(QList newExcludeLocationTypes); bool excludeLocationTypesNull() const; void setExcludeLocationTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify additional fields of information to return in the output. This allows multiple, comma delimeted. Options: Budget, Chapters, DateCreated, Genres, HomePageUrl, IndexOptions, MediaStreams, Overview, ParentId, Path, People, ProviderIds, PrimaryImageAspectRatio, Revenue, SortName, Studios, Taglines. */ const QList &fields() const; void setFields(QList newFields); bool fieldsNull() const; void setFieldsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify additional filters to apply. This allows multiple, comma delimeted. Options: IsFolder, IsNotFolder, IsUnplayed, IsPlayed, IsFavorite, IsResumable, Likes, Dislikes. */ const QList &filters() const; void setFilters(QList newFilters); bool filtersNull() const; void setFiltersNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on genre id. This allows multiple, pipe delimeted. */ const QStringList &genreIds() const; void setGenreIds(QStringList newGenreIds); bool genreIdsNull() const; void setGenreIdsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on genre. This allows multiple, pipe delimeted. */ const QStringList &genres() const; void setGenres(QStringList newGenres); bool genresNull() const; void setGenresNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items that have an imdb id or not. */ const bool &hasImdbId() const; void setHasImdbId(bool newHasImdbId); bool hasImdbIdNull() const; void setHasImdbIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items that have official ratings. */ const bool &hasOfficialRating() const; void setHasOfficialRating(bool newHasOfficialRating); bool hasOfficialRatingNull() const; void setHasOfficialRatingNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items that have an overview or not. */ const bool &hasOverview() const; void setHasOverview(bool newHasOverview); bool hasOverviewNull() const; void setHasOverviewNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items that have or do not have a parental rating. */ const bool &hasParentalRating() const; void setHasParentalRating(bool newHasParentalRating); bool hasParentalRatingNull() const; void setHasParentalRatingNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items with special features. */ const bool &hasSpecialFeature() const; void setHasSpecialFeature(bool newHasSpecialFeature); bool hasSpecialFeatureNull() const; void setHasSpecialFeatureNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items with subtitles. */ const bool &hasSubtitles() const; void setHasSubtitles(bool newHasSubtitles); bool hasSubtitlesNull() const; void setHasSubtitlesNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items with theme songs. */ const bool &hasThemeSong() const; void setHasThemeSong(bool newHasThemeSong); bool hasThemeSongNull() const; void setHasThemeSongNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items with theme videos. */ const bool &hasThemeVideo() const; void setHasThemeVideo(bool newHasThemeVideo); bool hasThemeVideoNull() const; void setHasThemeVideoNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items that have a tmdb id or not. */ const bool &hasTmdbId() const; void setHasTmdbId(bool newHasTmdbId); bool hasTmdbIdNull() const; void setHasTmdbIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items with trailers. */ const bool &hasTrailer() const; void setHasTrailer(bool newHasTrailer); bool hasTrailerNull() const; void setHasTrailerNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items that have a tvdb id or not. */ const bool &hasTvdbId() const; void setHasTvdbId(bool newHasTvdbId); bool hasTvdbIdNull() const; void setHasTvdbIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specific items are needed, specify a list of item id's to retrieve. This allows multiple, comma delimited. */ const QStringList &ids() const; void setIds(QStringList newIds); bool idsNull() const; void setIdsNull(); /** * @brief Optional, the max number of images to return, per image type. */ const qint32 &imageTypeLimit() const; void setImageTypeLimit(qint32 newImageTypeLimit); bool imageTypeLimitNull() const; void setImageTypeLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on those containing image types. This allows multiple, comma delimited. */ const QList &imageTypes() const; void setImageTypes(QList newImageTypes); bool imageTypesNull() const; void setImageTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on the item type. This allows multiple, comma delimeted. */ const QStringList &includeItemTypes() const; void setIncludeItemTypes(QStringList newIncludeItemTypes); bool includeItemTypesNull() const; void setIncludeItemTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items that are 3D, or not. */ const bool &is3D() const; void setIs3D(bool newIs3D); bool is3DNull() const; void setIs3DNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items that are 4K or not. */ const bool &is4K() const; void setIs4K(bool newIs4K); bool is4KNull() const; void setIs4KNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items that are marked as favorite, or not. */ const bool &isFavorite() const; void setIsFavorite(bool newIsFavorite); bool isFavoriteNull() const; void setIsFavoriteNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items that are HD or not. */ const bool &isHd() const; void setIsHd(bool newIsHd); bool isHdNull() const; void setIsHdNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items that are locked. */ const bool &isLocked() const; void setIsLocked(bool newIsLocked); bool isLockedNull() const; void setIsLockedNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items that are missing episodes or not. */ const bool &isMissing() const; void setIsMissing(bool newIsMissing); bool isMissingNull() const; void setIsMissingNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items that are placeholders. */ const bool &isPlaceHolder() const; void setIsPlaceHolder(bool newIsPlaceHolder); bool isPlaceHolderNull() const; void setIsPlaceHolderNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items that are played, or not. */ const bool &isPlayed() const; void setIsPlayed(bool newIsPlayed); bool isPlayedNull() const; void setIsPlayedNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items that are unaired episodes or not. */ const bool &isUnaired() const; void setIsUnaired(bool newIsUnaired); bool isUnairedNull() const; void setIsUnairedNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of records to return. */ const qint32 &limit() const; void setLimit(qint32 newLimit); bool limitNull() const; void setLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on LocationType. This allows multiple, comma delimeted. */ const QList &locationTypes() const; void setLocationTypes(QList newLocationTypes); bool locationTypesNull() const; void setLocationTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by the maximum height of the item. */ const qint32 &maxHeight() const; void setMaxHeight(qint32 newMaxHeight); bool maxHeightNull() const; void setMaxHeightNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by maximum official rating (PG, PG-13, TV-MA, etc). */ const QString &maxOfficialRating() const; void setMaxOfficialRating(QString newMaxOfficialRating); bool maxOfficialRatingNull() const; void setMaxOfficialRatingNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum premiere date. Format = ISO. */ const QDateTime &maxPremiereDate() const; void setMaxPremiereDate(QDateTime newMaxPremiereDate); bool maxPremiereDateNull() const; void setMaxPremiereDateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by the maximum width of the item. */ const qint32 &maxWidth() const; void setMaxWidth(qint32 newMaxWidth); bool maxWidthNull() const; void setMaxWidthNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by MediaType. Allows multiple, comma delimited. */ const QStringList &mediaTypes() const; void setMediaTypes(QStringList newMediaTypes); bool mediaTypesNull() const; void setMediaTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by minimum community rating. */ const double &minCommunityRating() const; void setMinCommunityRating(double newMinCommunityRating); bool minCommunityRatingNull() const; void setMinCommunityRatingNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by minimum critic rating. */ const double &minCriticRating() const; void setMinCriticRating(double newMinCriticRating); bool minCriticRatingNull() const; void setMinCriticRatingNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The minimum last saved date. Format = ISO. */ const QDateTime &minDateLastSaved() const; void setMinDateLastSaved(QDateTime newMinDateLastSaved); bool minDateLastSavedNull() const; void setMinDateLastSavedNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The minimum last saved date for the current user. Format = ISO. */ const QDateTime &minDateLastSavedForUser() const; void setMinDateLastSavedForUser(QDateTime newMinDateLastSavedForUser); bool minDateLastSavedForUserNull() const; void setMinDateLastSavedForUserNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by the minimum height of the item. */ const qint32 &minHeight() const; void setMinHeight(qint32 newMinHeight); bool minHeightNull() const; void setMinHeightNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by minimum official rating (PG, PG-13, TV-MA, etc). */ const QString &minOfficialRating() const; void setMinOfficialRating(QString newMinOfficialRating); bool minOfficialRatingNull() const; void setMinOfficialRatingNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The minimum premiere date. Format = ISO. */ const QDateTime &minPremiereDate() const; void setMinPremiereDate(QDateTime newMinPremiereDate); bool minPremiereDateNull() const; void setMinPremiereDateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by the minimum width of the item. */ const qint32 &minWidth() const; void setMinWidth(qint32 newMinWidth); bool minWidthNull() const; void setMinWidthNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items whose name is equally or lesser than a given input string. */ const QString &nameLessThan() const; void setNameLessThan(QString newNameLessThan); bool nameLessThanNull() const; void setNameLessThanNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items whose name is sorted equally than a given input string. */ const QString &nameStartsWith() const; void setNameStartsWith(QString newNameStartsWith); bool nameStartsWithNull() const; void setNameStartsWithNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items whose name is sorted equally or greater than a given input string. */ const QString &nameStartsWithOrGreater() const; void setNameStartsWithOrGreater(QString newNameStartsWithOrGreater); bool nameStartsWithOrGreaterNull() const; void setNameStartsWithOrGreaterNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on OfficialRating. This allows multiple, pipe delimeted. */ const QStringList &officialRatings() const; void setOfficialRatings(QStringList newOfficialRatings); bool officialRatingsNull() const; void setOfficialRatingsNull(); /** * @brief Specify this to localize the search to a specific item or folder. Omit to use the root. */ const QString &parentId() const; void setParentId(QString newParentId); bool parentIdNull() const; void setParentIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by parent index number. */ const qint32 &parentIndexNumber() const; void setParentIndexNumber(qint32 newParentIndexNumber); bool parentIndexNumberNull() const; void setParentIndexNumberNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered to include only those containing the specified person. */ const QString &person() const; void setPerson(QString newPerson); bool personNull() const; void setPersonNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered to include only those containing the specified person id. */ const QStringList &personIds() const; void setPersonIds(QStringList newPersonIds); bool personIdsNull() const; void setPersonIdsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, along with Person, results will be filtered to include only those containing the specified person and PersonType. Allows multiple, comma-delimited. */ const QStringList &personTypes() const; void setPersonTypes(QStringList newPersonTypes); bool personTypesNull() const; void setPersonTypesNull(); /** * @brief When searching within folders, this determines whether or not the search will be recursive. true/false. */ const bool &recursive() const; void setRecursive(bool newRecursive); bool recursiveNull() const; void setRecursiveNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter based on a search term. */ const QString &searchTerm() const; void setSearchTerm(QString newSearchTerm); bool searchTermNull() const; void setSearchTermNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by Series Status. Allows multiple, comma delimeted. */ const QList &seriesStatus() const; void setSeriesStatus(QList newSeriesStatus); bool seriesStatusNull() const; void setSeriesStatusNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify one or more sort orders, comma delimeted. Options: Album, AlbumArtist, Artist, Budget, CommunityRating, CriticRating, DateCreated, DatePlayed, PlayCount, PremiereDate, ProductionYear, SortName, Random, Revenue, Runtime. */ const QString &sortBy() const; void setSortBy(QString newSortBy); bool sortByNull() const; void setSortByNull(); /** * @brief Sort Order - Ascending,Descending. */ const QString &sortOrder() const; void setSortOrder(QString newSortOrder); bool sortOrderNull() const; void setSortOrderNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The record index to start at. All items with a lower index will be dropped from the results. */ const qint32 &startIndex() const; void setStartIndex(qint32 newStartIndex); bool startIndexNull() const; void setStartIndexNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on studio id. This allows multiple, pipe delimeted. */ const QStringList &studioIds() const; void setStudioIds(QStringList newStudioIds); bool studioIdsNull() const; void setStudioIdsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on studio. This allows multiple, pipe delimeted. */ const QStringList &studios() const; void setStudios(QStringList newStudios); bool studiosNull() const; void setStudiosNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on tag. This allows multiple, pipe delimeted. */ const QStringList &tags() const; void setTags(QStringList newTags); bool tagsNull() const; void setTagsNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by VideoType (videofile, dvd, bluray, iso). Allows multiple, comma delimeted. */ const QList &videoTypes() const; void setVideoTypes(QList newVideoTypes); bool videoTypesNull() const; void setVideoTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on production year. This allows multiple, comma delimeted. */ const QList &years() const; void setYears(QList newYears); bool yearsNull() const; void setYearsNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_userId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QString m_adjacentTo; QStringList m_albumArtistIds; QStringList m_albumIds; QStringList m_albums; QStringList m_artistIds; QStringList m_artists; std::optional m_collapseBoxSetItems = std::nullopt; QStringList m_contributingArtistIds; QList m_enableImageTypes; std::optional m_enableImages = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableTotalRecordCount = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableUserData = std::nullopt; QStringList m_excludeArtistIds; QStringList m_excludeItemIds; QStringList m_excludeItemTypes; QList m_excludeLocationTypes; QList m_fields; QList m_filters; QStringList m_genreIds; QStringList m_genres; std::optional m_hasImdbId = std::nullopt; std::optional m_hasOfficialRating = std::nullopt; std::optional m_hasOverview = std::nullopt; std::optional m_hasParentalRating = std::nullopt; std::optional m_hasSpecialFeature = std::nullopt; std::optional m_hasSubtitles = std::nullopt; std::optional m_hasThemeSong = std::nullopt; std::optional m_hasThemeVideo = std::nullopt; std::optional m_hasTmdbId = std::nullopt; std::optional m_hasTrailer = std::nullopt; std::optional m_hasTvdbId = std::nullopt; QStringList m_ids; std::optional m_imageTypeLimit = std::nullopt; QList m_imageTypes; QStringList m_includeItemTypes; std::optional m_is3D = std::nullopt; std::optional m_is4K = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isFavorite = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isHd = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isLocked = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isMissing = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isPlaceHolder = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isPlayed = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isUnaired = std::nullopt; std::optional m_limit = std::nullopt; QList m_locationTypes; std::optional m_maxHeight = std::nullopt; QString m_maxOfficialRating; QDateTime m_maxPremiereDate; std::optional m_maxWidth = std::nullopt; QStringList m_mediaTypes; std::optional m_minCommunityRating = std::nullopt; std::optional m_minCriticRating = std::nullopt; QDateTime m_minDateLastSaved; QDateTime m_minDateLastSavedForUser; std::optional m_minHeight = std::nullopt; QString m_minOfficialRating; QDateTime m_minPremiereDate; std::optional m_minWidth = std::nullopt; QString m_nameLessThan; QString m_nameStartsWith; QString m_nameStartsWithOrGreater; QStringList m_officialRatings; QString m_parentId; std::optional m_parentIndexNumber = std::nullopt; QString m_person; QStringList m_personIds; QStringList m_personTypes; std::optional m_recursive = std::nullopt; QString m_searchTerm; QList m_seriesStatus; QString m_sortBy; QString m_sortOrder; std::optional m_startIndex = std::nullopt; QStringList m_studioIds; QStringList m_studios; QStringList m_tags; QList m_videoTypes; QList m_years; }; class GetKeysParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetLatestChannelItemsParams { public: /** * @brief Optional. Specify one or more channel id's, comma delimited. */ const QStringList &channelIds() const; void setChannelIds(QStringList newChannelIds); bool channelIdsNull() const; void setChannelIdsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify additional fields of information to return in the output. */ const QList &fields() const; void setFields(QList newFields); bool fieldsNull() const; void setFieldsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify additional filters to apply. */ const QList &filters() const; void setFilters(QList newFilters); bool filtersNull() const; void setFiltersNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of records to return. */ const qint32 &limit() const; void setLimit(qint32 newLimit); bool limitNull() const; void setLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The record index to start at. All items with a lower index will be dropped from the results. */ const qint32 &startIndex() const; void setStartIndex(qint32 newStartIndex); bool startIndexNull() const; void setStartIndexNull(); /** * @brief Optional. User Id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QStringList m_channelIds; QList m_fields; QList m_filters; std::optional m_limit = std::nullopt; std::optional m_startIndex = std::nullopt; QString m_userId; }; class GetLatestMediaParams { public: /** * @brief User id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); /** * @brief Optional. The image types to include in the output. */ const QList &enableImageTypes() const; void setEnableImageTypes(QList newEnableImageTypes); bool enableImageTypesNull() const; void setEnableImageTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. include image information in output. */ const bool &enableImages() const; void setEnableImages(bool newEnableImages); bool enableImagesNull() const; void setEnableImagesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. include user data. */ const bool &enableUserData() const; void setEnableUserData(bool newEnableUserData); bool enableUserDataNull() const; void setEnableUserDataNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify additional fields of information to return in the output. */ const QList &fields() const; void setFields(QList newFields); bool fieldsNull() const; void setFieldsNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to group items into a parent container. */ const bool &groupItems() const; void setGroupItems(bool newGroupItems); bool groupItemsNull() const; void setGroupItemsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. the max number of images to return, per image type. */ const qint32 &imageTypeLimit() const; void setImageTypeLimit(qint32 newImageTypeLimit); bool imageTypeLimitNull() const; void setImageTypeLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on item type. This allows multiple, comma delimited. */ const QStringList &includeItemTypes() const; void setIncludeItemTypes(QStringList newIncludeItemTypes); bool includeItemTypesNull() const; void setIncludeItemTypesNull(); /** * @brief Filter by items that are played, or not. */ const bool &isPlayed() const; void setIsPlayed(bool newIsPlayed); bool isPlayedNull() const; void setIsPlayedNull(); /** * @brief Return item limit. */ const qint32 &limit() const; void setLimit(qint32 newLimit); bool limitNull() const; void setLimitNull(); /** * @brief Specify this to localize the search to a specific item or folder. Omit to use the root. */ const QString &parentId() const; void setParentId(QString newParentId); bool parentIdNull() const; void setParentIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_userId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QList m_enableImageTypes; std::optional m_enableImages = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableUserData = std::nullopt; QList m_fields; std::optional m_groupItems = std::nullopt; std::optional m_imageTypeLimit = std::nullopt; QStringList m_includeItemTypes; std::optional m_isPlayed = std::nullopt; std::optional m_limit = std::nullopt; QString m_parentId; }; class GetLibraryOptionsInfoParams { public: /** * @brief Whether this is a new library. */ const bool &isNewLibrary() const; void setIsNewLibrary(bool newIsNewLibrary); bool isNewLibraryNull() const; void setIsNewLibraryNull(); /** * @brief Library content type. */ const QString &libraryContentType() const; void setLibraryContentType(QString newLibraryContentType); bool libraryContentTypeNull() const; void setLibraryContentTypeNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_isNewLibrary = std::nullopt; QString m_libraryContentType; }; class GetLineupsParams { public: /** * @brief Country. */ const QString &country() const; void setCountry(QString newCountry); bool countryNull() const; void setCountryNull(); /** * @brief Provider id. */ const QString &jellyfinId() const; void setJellyfinId(QString newJellyfinId); bool jellyfinIdNull() const; void setJellyfinIdNull(); /** * @brief Location. */ const QString &location() const; void setLocation(QString newLocation); bool locationNull() const; void setLocationNull(); /** * @brief Provider type. */ const QString &type() const; void setType(QString newType); bool typeNull() const; void setTypeNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QString m_country; QString m_jellyfinId; QString m_location; QString m_type; }; class GetLiveHlsStreamParams { public: /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief Whether or not to allow copying of the audio stream url. */ const bool &allowAudioStreamCopy() const; void setAllowAudioStreamCopy(bool newAllowAudioStreamCopy); bool allowAudioStreamCopyNull() const; void setAllowAudioStreamCopyNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to allow copying of the video stream url. */ const bool &allowVideoStreamCopy() const; void setAllowVideoStreamCopy(bool newAllowVideoStreamCopy); bool allowVideoStreamCopyNull() const; void setAllowVideoStreamCopyNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify an audio bitrate to encode to, e.g. 128000. If omitted this will be left to encoder defaults. */ const qint32 &audioBitRate() const; void setAudioBitRate(qint32 newAudioBitRate); bool audioBitRateNull() const; void setAudioBitRateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a specific number of audio channels to encode to, e.g. 2. */ const qint32 &audioChannels() const; void setAudioChannels(qint32 newAudioChannels); bool audioChannelsNull() const; void setAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a audio codec to encode to, e.g. mp3. If omitted the server will auto-select using the url's extension. Options: aac, mp3, vorbis, wma. */ const QString &audioCodec() const; void setAudioCodec(QString newAudioCodec); bool audioCodecNull() const; void setAudioCodecNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a specific audio sample rate, e.g. 44100. */ const qint32 &audioSampleRate() const; void setAudioSampleRate(qint32 newAudioSampleRate); bool audioSampleRateNull() const; void setAudioSampleRateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The index of the audio stream to use. If omitted the first audio stream will be used. */ const qint32 &audioStreamIndex() const; void setAudioStreamIndex(qint32 newAudioStreamIndex); bool audioStreamIndexNull() const; void setAudioStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to break on non key frames. */ const bool &breakOnNonKeyFrames() const; void setBreakOnNonKeyFrames(bool newBreakOnNonKeyFrames); bool breakOnNonKeyFramesNull() const; void setBreakOnNonKeyFramesNull(); /** * @brief The audio container. */ const QString &container() const; void setContainer(QString newContainer); bool containerNull() const; void setContainerNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The MediaBrowser.Model.Dlna.EncodingContext. */ const EncodingContext &context() const; void setContext(EncodingContext newContext); bool contextNull() const; void setContextNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to copy timestamps when transcoding with an offset. Defaults to false. */ const bool ©Timestamps() const; void setCopyTimestamps(bool newCopyTimestamps); bool copyTimestampsNull() const; void setCopyTimestampsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The limit of how many cpu cores to use. */ const qint32 &cpuCoreLimit() const; void setCpuCoreLimit(qint32 newCpuCoreLimit); bool cpuCoreLimitNull() const; void setCpuCoreLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to deinterlace the video. */ const bool &deInterlace() const; void setDeInterlace(bool newDeInterlace); bool deInterlaceNull() const; void setDeInterlaceNull(); /** * @brief The device id of the client requesting. Used to stop encoding processes when needed. */ const QString &deviceId() const; void setDeviceId(QString newDeviceId); bool deviceIdNull() const; void setDeviceIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The dlna device profile id to utilize. */ const QString &deviceProfileId() const; void setDeviceProfileId(QString newDeviceProfileId); bool deviceProfileIdNull() const; void setDeviceProfileIdNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to allow automatic stream copy if requested values match the original source. Defaults to true. */ const bool &enableAutoStreamCopy() const; void setEnableAutoStreamCopy(bool newEnableAutoStreamCopy); bool enableAutoStreamCopyNull() const; void setEnableAutoStreamCopyNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to enable the MpegtsM2Ts mode. */ const bool &enableMpegtsM2TsMode() const; void setEnableMpegtsM2TsMode(bool newEnableMpegtsM2TsMode); bool enableMpegtsM2TsModeNull() const; void setEnableMpegtsM2TsModeNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to enable subtitles in the manifest. */ const bool &enableSubtitlesInManifest() const; void setEnableSubtitlesInManifest(bool newEnableSubtitlesInManifest); bool enableSubtitlesInManifestNull() const; void setEnableSubtitlesInManifestNull(); /** * @brief Optional. A specific video framerate to encode to, e.g. 23.976. Generally this should be omitted unless the device has specific requirements. */ const float &framerate() const; void setFramerate(float newFramerate); bool framerateNull() const; void setFramerateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The fixed vertical resolution of the encoded video. */ const qint32 &height() const; void setHeight(qint32 newHeight); bool heightNull() const; void setHeightNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a level for the encoder profile (varies by encoder), e.g. 3, 3.1. */ const QString &level() const; void setLevel(QString newLevel); bool levelNull() const; void setLevelNull(); /** * @brief The live stream id. */ const QString &liveStreamId() const; void setLiveStreamId(QString newLiveStreamId); bool liveStreamIdNull() const; void setLiveStreamIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum audio bit depth. */ const qint32 &maxAudioBitDepth() const; void setMaxAudioBitDepth(qint32 newMaxAudioBitDepth); bool maxAudioBitDepthNull() const; void setMaxAudioBitDepthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a maximum number of audio channels to encode to, e.g. 2. */ const qint32 &maxAudioChannels() const; void setMaxAudioChannels(qint32 newMaxAudioChannels); bool maxAudioChannelsNull() const; void setMaxAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. A specific maximum video framerate to encode to, e.g. 23.976. Generally this should be omitted unless the device has specific requirements. */ const float &maxFramerate() const; void setMaxFramerate(float newMaxFramerate); bool maxFramerateNull() const; void setMaxFramerateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The max height. */ const qint32 &maxHeight() const; void setMaxHeight(qint32 newMaxHeight); bool maxHeightNull() const; void setMaxHeightNull(); /** * @brief Optional. */ const qint32 &maxRefFrames() const; void setMaxRefFrames(qint32 newMaxRefFrames); bool maxRefFramesNull() const; void setMaxRefFramesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum video bit depth. */ const qint32 &maxVideoBitDepth() const; void setMaxVideoBitDepth(qint32 newMaxVideoBitDepth); bool maxVideoBitDepthNull() const; void setMaxVideoBitDepthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The max width. */ const qint32 &maxWidth() const; void setMaxWidth(qint32 newMaxWidth); bool maxWidthNull() const; void setMaxWidthNull(); /** * @brief The media version id, if playing an alternate version. */ const QString &mediaSourceId() const; void setMediaSourceId(QString newMediaSourceId); bool mediaSourceIdNull() const; void setMediaSourceIdNull(); /** * @brief The minimum number of segments. */ const qint32 &minSegments() const; void setMinSegments(qint32 newMinSegments); bool minSegmentsNull() const; void setMinSegmentsNull(); /** * @brief The streaming parameters. */ const QString ¶ms() const; void setParams(QString newParams); bool paramsNull() const; void setParamsNull(); /** * @brief The play session id. */ const QString &playSessionId() const; void setPlaySessionId(QString newPlaySessionId); bool playSessionIdNull() const; void setPlaySessionIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a specific an encoder profile (varies by encoder), e.g. main, baseline, high. */ const QString &profile() const; void setProfile(QString newProfile); bool profileNull() const; void setProfileNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to require avc. */ const bool &requireAvc() const; void setRequireAvc(bool newRequireAvc); bool requireAvcNull() const; void setRequireAvcNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to require a non anamorphic stream. */ const bool &requireNonAnamorphic() const; void setRequireNonAnamorphic(bool newRequireNonAnamorphic); bool requireNonAnamorphicNull() const; void setRequireNonAnamorphicNull(); /** * @brief The segment container. */ const QString &segmentContainer() const; void setSegmentContainer(QString newSegmentContainer); bool segmentContainerNull() const; void setSegmentContainerNull(); /** * @brief The segment lenght. */ const qint32 &segmentLength() const; void setSegmentLength(qint32 newSegmentLength); bool segmentLengthNull() const; void setSegmentLengthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a starting offset, in ticks. 1 tick = 10000 ms. */ const qint64 &startTimeTicks() const; void setStartTimeTicks(qint64 newStartTimeTicks); bool startTimeTicksNull() const; void setStartTimeTicksNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If true, the original file will be streamed statically without any encoding. Use either no url extension or the original file extension. true/false. */ const bool &staticStreaming() const; void setStaticStreaming(bool newStaticStreaming); bool staticStreamingNull() const; void setStaticStreamingNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The streaming options. */ const QJsonObject &streamOptions() const; void setStreamOptions(QJsonObject newStreamOptions); bool streamOptionsNull() const; void setStreamOptionsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a subtitle codec to encode to. */ const QString &subtitleCodec() const; void setSubtitleCodec(QString newSubtitleCodec); bool subtitleCodecNull() const; void setSubtitleCodecNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify the subtitle delivery method. */ const SubtitleDeliveryMethod &subtitleMethod() const; void setSubtitleMethod(SubtitleDeliveryMethod newSubtitleMethod); bool subtitleMethodNull() const; void setSubtitleMethodNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The index of the subtitle stream to use. If omitted no subtitles will be used. */ const qint32 &subtitleStreamIndex() const; void setSubtitleStreamIndex(qint32 newSubtitleStreamIndex); bool subtitleStreamIndexNull() const; void setSubtitleStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief The tag. */ const QString &tag() const; void setTag(QString newTag); bool tagNull() const; void setTagNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The transcoding reason. */ const QString &transcodeReasons() const; void setTranscodeReasons(QString newTranscodeReasons); bool transcodeReasonsNull() const; void setTranscodeReasonsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of audio channels to transcode. */ const qint32 &transcodingMaxAudioChannels() const; void setTranscodingMaxAudioChannels(qint32 newTranscodingMaxAudioChannels); bool transcodingMaxAudioChannelsNull() const; void setTranscodingMaxAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a video bitrate to encode to, e.g. 500000. If omitted this will be left to encoder defaults. */ const qint32 &videoBitRate() const; void setVideoBitRate(qint32 newVideoBitRate); bool videoBitRateNull() const; void setVideoBitRateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a video codec to encode to, e.g. h264. If omitted the server will auto-select using the url's extension. Options: h265, h264, mpeg4, theora, vpx, wmv. */ const QString &videoCodec() const; void setVideoCodec(QString newVideoCodec); bool videoCodecNull() const; void setVideoCodecNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The index of the video stream to use. If omitted the first video stream will be used. */ const qint32 &videoStreamIndex() const; void setVideoStreamIndex(qint32 newVideoStreamIndex); bool videoStreamIndexNull() const; void setVideoStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The fixed horizontal resolution of the encoded video. */ const qint32 &width() const; void setWidth(qint32 newWidth); bool widthNull() const; void setWidthNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_allowAudioStreamCopy = std::nullopt; std::optional m_allowVideoStreamCopy = std::nullopt; std::optional m_audioBitRate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_audioChannels = std::nullopt; QString m_audioCodec; std::optional m_audioSampleRate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_audioStreamIndex = std::nullopt; std::optional m_breakOnNonKeyFrames = std::nullopt; QString m_container; EncodingContext m_context; std::optional m_copyTimestamps = std::nullopt; std::optional m_cpuCoreLimit = std::nullopt; std::optional m_deInterlace = std::nullopt; QString m_deviceId; QString m_deviceProfileId; std::optional m_enableAutoStreamCopy = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableMpegtsM2TsMode = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableSubtitlesInManifest = std::nullopt; std::optional m_framerate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_height = std::nullopt; QString m_level; QString m_liveStreamId; std::optional m_maxAudioBitDepth = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxAudioChannels = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxFramerate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxHeight = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxRefFrames = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxVideoBitDepth = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxWidth = std::nullopt; QString m_mediaSourceId; std::optional m_minSegments = std::nullopt; QString m_params; QString m_playSessionId; QString m_profile; std::optional m_requireAvc = std::nullopt; std::optional m_requireNonAnamorphic = std::nullopt; QString m_segmentContainer; std::optional m_segmentLength = std::nullopt; std::optional m_startTimeTicks = std::nullopt; std::optional m_staticStreaming = std::nullopt; std::optional m_streamOptions = std::nullopt; QString m_subtitleCodec; SubtitleDeliveryMethod m_subtitleMethod; std::optional m_subtitleStreamIndex = std::nullopt; QString m_tag; QString m_transcodeReasons; std::optional m_transcodingMaxAudioChannels = std::nullopt; std::optional m_videoBitRate = std::nullopt; QString m_videoCodec; std::optional m_videoStreamIndex = std::nullopt; std::optional m_width = std::nullopt; }; class GetLiveRecordingFileParams { public: /** * @brief Recording id. */ const QString &recordingId() const; void setRecordingId(QString newRecordingId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_recordingId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetLiveStreamFileParams { public: /** * @brief Container type. */ const QString &container() const; void setContainer(QString newContainer); /** * @brief Stream id. */ const QString &streamId() const; void setStreamId(QString newStreamId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_container; QString m_streamId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetLiveTvChannelsParams { public: /** * @brief Optional. Adds current program info to each channel. */ const bool &addCurrentProgram() const; void setAddCurrentProgram(bool newAddCurrentProgram); bool addCurrentProgramNull() const; void setAddCurrentProgramNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Incorporate favorite and like status into channel sorting. */ const bool &enableFavoriteSorting() const; void setEnableFavoriteSorting(bool newEnableFavoriteSorting); bool enableFavoriteSortingNull() const; void setEnableFavoriteSortingNull(); /** * @brief "Optional. The image types to include in the output. */ const QList &enableImageTypes() const; void setEnableImageTypes(QList newEnableImageTypes); bool enableImageTypesNull() const; void setEnableImageTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Include image information in output. */ const bool &enableImages() const; void setEnableImages(bool newEnableImages); bool enableImagesNull() const; void setEnableImagesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Include user data. */ const bool &enableUserData() const; void setEnableUserData(bool newEnableUserData); bool enableUserDataNull() const; void setEnableUserDataNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify additional fields of information to return in the output. */ const QList &fields() const; void setFields(QList newFields); bool fieldsNull() const; void setFieldsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The max number of images to return, per image type. */ const qint32 &imageTypeLimit() const; void setImageTypeLimit(qint32 newImageTypeLimit); bool imageTypeLimitNull() const; void setImageTypeLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by channels that are disliked, or not. */ const bool &isDisliked() const; void setIsDisliked(bool newIsDisliked); bool isDislikedNull() const; void setIsDislikedNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by channels that are favorites, or not. */ const bool &isFavorite() const; void setIsFavorite(bool newIsFavorite); bool isFavoriteNull() const; void setIsFavoriteNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter for kids. */ const bool &isKids() const; void setIsKids(bool newIsKids); bool isKidsNull() const; void setIsKidsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by channels that are liked, or not. */ const bool &isLiked() const; void setIsLiked(bool newIsLiked); bool isLikedNull() const; void setIsLikedNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter for movies. */ const bool &isMovie() const; void setIsMovie(bool newIsMovie); bool isMovieNull() const; void setIsMovieNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter for news. */ const bool &isNews() const; void setIsNews(bool newIsNews); bool isNewsNull() const; void setIsNewsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter for series. */ const bool &isSeries() const; void setIsSeries(bool newIsSeries); bool isSeriesNull() const; void setIsSeriesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter for sports. */ const bool &isSports() const; void setIsSports(bool newIsSports); bool isSportsNull() const; void setIsSportsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of records to return. */ const qint32 &limit() const; void setLimit(qint32 newLimit); bool limitNull() const; void setLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Key to sort by. */ const QStringList &sortBy() const; void setSortBy(QStringList newSortBy); bool sortByNull() const; void setSortByNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Sort order. */ const SortOrder &sortOrder() const; void setSortOrder(SortOrder newSortOrder); bool sortOrderNull() const; void setSortOrderNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The record index to start at. All items with a lower index will be dropped from the results. */ const qint32 &startIndex() const; void setStartIndex(qint32 newStartIndex); bool startIndexNull() const; void setStartIndexNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by channel type. */ const ChannelType &type() const; void setType(ChannelType newType); bool typeNull() const; void setTypeNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by user and attach user data. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_addCurrentProgram = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableFavoriteSorting = std::nullopt; QList m_enableImageTypes; std::optional m_enableImages = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableUserData = std::nullopt; QList m_fields; std::optional m_imageTypeLimit = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isDisliked = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isFavorite = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isKids = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isLiked = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isMovie = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isNews = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isSeries = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isSports = std::nullopt; std::optional m_limit = std::nullopt; QStringList m_sortBy; SortOrder m_sortOrder; std::optional m_startIndex = std::nullopt; ChannelType m_type; QString m_userId; }; class GetLiveTvInfoParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetLiveTvProgramsParams { public: /** * @brief The channels to return guide information for. */ const QStringList &channelIds() const; void setChannelIds(QStringList newChannelIds); bool channelIdsNull() const; void setChannelIdsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The image types to include in the output. */ const QList &enableImageTypes() const; void setEnableImageTypes(QList newEnableImageTypes); bool enableImageTypesNull() const; void setEnableImageTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Include image information in output. */ const bool &enableImages() const; void setEnableImages(bool newEnableImages); bool enableImagesNull() const; void setEnableImagesNull(); /** * @brief Retrieve total record count. */ const bool &enableTotalRecordCount() const; void setEnableTotalRecordCount(bool newEnableTotalRecordCount); bool enableTotalRecordCountNull() const; void setEnableTotalRecordCountNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Include user data. */ const bool &enableUserData() const; void setEnableUserData(bool newEnableUserData); bool enableUserDataNull() const; void setEnableUserDataNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify additional fields of information to return in the output. */ const QList &fields() const; void setFields(QList newFields); bool fieldsNull() const; void setFieldsNull(); /** * @brief The genre ids to return guide information for. */ const QStringList &genreIds() const; void setGenreIds(QStringList newGenreIds); bool genreIdsNull() const; void setGenreIdsNull(); /** * @brief The genres to return guide information for. */ const QStringList &genres() const; void setGenres(QStringList newGenres); bool genresNull() const; void setGenresNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by programs that have completed airing, or not. */ const bool &hasAired() const; void setHasAired(bool newHasAired); bool hasAiredNull() const; void setHasAiredNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The max number of images to return, per image type. */ const qint32 &imageTypeLimit() const; void setImageTypeLimit(qint32 newImageTypeLimit); bool imageTypeLimitNull() const; void setImageTypeLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by programs that are currently airing, or not. */ const bool &isAiring() const; void setIsAiring(bool newIsAiring); bool isAiringNull() const; void setIsAiringNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter for kids. */ const bool &isKids() const; void setIsKids(bool newIsKids); bool isKidsNull() const; void setIsKidsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter for movies. */ const bool &isMovie() const; void setIsMovie(bool newIsMovie); bool isMovieNull() const; void setIsMovieNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter for news. */ const bool &isNews() const; void setIsNews(bool newIsNews); bool isNewsNull() const; void setIsNewsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter for series. */ const bool &isSeries() const; void setIsSeries(bool newIsSeries); bool isSeriesNull() const; void setIsSeriesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter for sports. */ const bool &isSports() const; void setIsSports(bool newIsSports); bool isSportsNull() const; void setIsSportsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by library series id. */ const QString &librarySeriesId() const; void setLibrarySeriesId(QString newLibrarySeriesId); bool librarySeriesIdNull() const; void setLibrarySeriesIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of records to return. */ const qint32 &limit() const; void setLimit(qint32 newLimit); bool limitNull() const; void setLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum premiere end date. */ const QDateTime &maxEndDate() const; void setMaxEndDate(QDateTime newMaxEndDate); bool maxEndDateNull() const; void setMaxEndDateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum premiere start date. */ const QDateTime &maxStartDate() const; void setMaxStartDate(QDateTime newMaxStartDate); bool maxStartDateNull() const; void setMaxStartDateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The minimum premiere end date. */ const QDateTime &minEndDate() const; void setMinEndDate(QDateTime newMinEndDate); bool minEndDateNull() const; void setMinEndDateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The minimum premiere start date. */ const QDateTime &minStartDate() const; void setMinStartDate(QDateTime newMinStartDate); bool minStartDateNull() const; void setMinStartDateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by series timer id. */ const QString &seriesTimerId() const; void setSeriesTimerId(QString newSeriesTimerId); bool seriesTimerIdNull() const; void setSeriesTimerIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify one or more sort orders, comma delimited. Options: Name, StartDate. */ const QString &sortBy() const; void setSortBy(QString newSortBy); bool sortByNull() const; void setSortByNull(); /** * @brief Sort Order - Ascending,Descending. */ const QString &sortOrder() const; void setSortOrder(QString newSortOrder); bool sortOrderNull() const; void setSortOrderNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The record index to start at. All items with a lower index will be dropped from the results. */ const qint32 &startIndex() const; void setStartIndex(qint32 newStartIndex); bool startIndexNull() const; void setStartIndexNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by user id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QStringList m_channelIds; QList m_enableImageTypes; std::optional m_enableImages = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableTotalRecordCount = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableUserData = std::nullopt; QList m_fields; QStringList m_genreIds; QStringList m_genres; std::optional m_hasAired = std::nullopt; std::optional m_imageTypeLimit = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isAiring = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isKids = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isMovie = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isNews = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isSeries = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isSports = std::nullopt; QString m_librarySeriesId; std::optional m_limit = std::nullopt; QDateTime m_maxEndDate; QDateTime m_maxStartDate; QDateTime m_minEndDate; QDateTime m_minStartDate; QString m_seriesTimerId; QString m_sortBy; QString m_sortOrder; std::optional m_startIndex = std::nullopt; QString m_userId; }; class GetLocalTrailersParams { public: /** * @brief Item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief User id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; QString m_userId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetLocalizationOptionsParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetLogEntriesParams { public: /** * @brief Optional. Filter log entries if it has user id, or not. */ const bool &hasUserId() const; void setHasUserId(bool newHasUserId); bool hasUserIdNull() const; void setHasUserIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of records to return. */ const qint32 &limit() const; void setLimit(qint32 newLimit); bool limitNull() const; void setLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The minimum date. Format = ISO. */ const QDateTime &minDate() const; void setMinDate(QDateTime newMinDate); bool minDateNull() const; void setMinDateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The record index to start at. All items with a lower index will be dropped from the results. */ const qint32 &startIndex() const; void setStartIndex(qint32 newStartIndex); bool startIndexNull() const; void setStartIndexNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_hasUserId = std::nullopt; std::optional m_limit = std::nullopt; QDateTime m_minDate; std::optional m_startIndex = std::nullopt; }; class GetLogFileParams { public: /** * @brief The name of the log file to get. */ const QString &name() const; void setName(QString newName); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters QString m_name; // Optional query parameters }; class GetMasterHlsAudioPlaylistParams { public: /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief The media version id, if playing an alternate version. */ const QString &mediaSourceId() const; void setMediaSourceId(QString newMediaSourceId); /** * @brief Whether or not to allow copying of the audio stream url. */ const bool &allowAudioStreamCopy() const; void setAllowAudioStreamCopy(bool newAllowAudioStreamCopy); bool allowAudioStreamCopyNull() const; void setAllowAudioStreamCopyNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to allow copying of the video stream url. */ const bool &allowVideoStreamCopy() const; void setAllowVideoStreamCopy(bool newAllowVideoStreamCopy); bool allowVideoStreamCopyNull() const; void setAllowVideoStreamCopyNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify an audio bitrate to encode to, e.g. 128000. If omitted this will be left to encoder defaults. */ const qint32 &audioBitRate() const; void setAudioBitRate(qint32 newAudioBitRate); bool audioBitRateNull() const; void setAudioBitRateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a specific number of audio channels to encode to, e.g. 2. */ const qint32 &audioChannels() const; void setAudioChannels(qint32 newAudioChannels); bool audioChannelsNull() const; void setAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a audio codec to encode to, e.g. mp3. If omitted the server will auto-select using the url's extension. Options: aac, mp3, vorbis, wma. */ const QString &audioCodec() const; void setAudioCodec(QString newAudioCodec); bool audioCodecNull() const; void setAudioCodecNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a specific audio sample rate, e.g. 44100. */ const qint32 &audioSampleRate() const; void setAudioSampleRate(qint32 newAudioSampleRate); bool audioSampleRateNull() const; void setAudioSampleRateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The index of the audio stream to use. If omitted the first audio stream will be used. */ const qint32 &audioStreamIndex() const; void setAudioStreamIndex(qint32 newAudioStreamIndex); bool audioStreamIndexNull() const; void setAudioStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to break on non key frames. */ const bool &breakOnNonKeyFrames() const; void setBreakOnNonKeyFrames(bool newBreakOnNonKeyFrames); bool breakOnNonKeyFramesNull() const; void setBreakOnNonKeyFramesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The MediaBrowser.Model.Dlna.EncodingContext. */ const EncodingContext &context() const; void setContext(EncodingContext newContext); bool contextNull() const; void setContextNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to copy timestamps when transcoding with an offset. Defaults to false. */ const bool ©Timestamps() const; void setCopyTimestamps(bool newCopyTimestamps); bool copyTimestampsNull() const; void setCopyTimestampsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The limit of how many cpu cores to use. */ const qint32 &cpuCoreLimit() const; void setCpuCoreLimit(qint32 newCpuCoreLimit); bool cpuCoreLimitNull() const; void setCpuCoreLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to deinterlace the video. */ const bool &deInterlace() const; void setDeInterlace(bool newDeInterlace); bool deInterlaceNull() const; void setDeInterlaceNull(); /** * @brief The device id of the client requesting. Used to stop encoding processes when needed. */ const QString &deviceId() const; void setDeviceId(QString newDeviceId); bool deviceIdNull() const; void setDeviceIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The dlna device profile id to utilize. */ const QString &deviceProfileId() const; void setDeviceProfileId(QString newDeviceProfileId); bool deviceProfileIdNull() const; void setDeviceProfileIdNull(); /** * @brief Enable adaptive bitrate streaming. */ const bool &enableAdaptiveBitrateStreaming() const; void setEnableAdaptiveBitrateStreaming(bool newEnableAdaptiveBitrateStreaming); bool enableAdaptiveBitrateStreamingNull() const; void setEnableAdaptiveBitrateStreamingNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to allow automatic stream copy if requested values match the original source. Defaults to true. */ const bool &enableAutoStreamCopy() const; void setEnableAutoStreamCopy(bool newEnableAutoStreamCopy); bool enableAutoStreamCopyNull() const; void setEnableAutoStreamCopyNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to enable the MpegtsM2Ts mode. */ const bool &enableMpegtsM2TsMode() const; void setEnableMpegtsM2TsMode(bool newEnableMpegtsM2TsMode); bool enableMpegtsM2TsModeNull() const; void setEnableMpegtsM2TsModeNull(); /** * @brief Optional. A specific video framerate to encode to, e.g. 23.976. Generally this should be omitted unless the device has specific requirements. */ const float &framerate() const; void setFramerate(float newFramerate); bool framerateNull() const; void setFramerateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The fixed vertical resolution of the encoded video. */ const qint32 &height() const; void setHeight(qint32 newHeight); bool heightNull() const; void setHeightNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a level for the encoder profile (varies by encoder), e.g. 3, 3.1. */ const QString &level() const; void setLevel(QString newLevel); bool levelNull() const; void setLevelNull(); /** * @brief The live stream id. */ const QString &liveStreamId() const; void setLiveStreamId(QString newLiveStreamId); bool liveStreamIdNull() const; void setLiveStreamIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum audio bit depth. */ const qint32 &maxAudioBitDepth() const; void setMaxAudioBitDepth(qint32 newMaxAudioBitDepth); bool maxAudioBitDepthNull() const; void setMaxAudioBitDepthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a maximum number of audio channels to encode to, e.g. 2. */ const qint32 &maxAudioChannels() const; void setMaxAudioChannels(qint32 newMaxAudioChannels); bool maxAudioChannelsNull() const; void setMaxAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. A specific maximum video framerate to encode to, e.g. 23.976. Generally this should be omitted unless the device has specific requirements. */ const float &maxFramerate() const; void setMaxFramerate(float newMaxFramerate); bool maxFramerateNull() const; void setMaxFramerateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. */ const qint32 &maxRefFrames() const; void setMaxRefFrames(qint32 newMaxRefFrames); bool maxRefFramesNull() const; void setMaxRefFramesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum streaming bitrate. */ const qint32 &maxStreamingBitrate() const; void setMaxStreamingBitrate(qint32 newMaxStreamingBitrate); bool maxStreamingBitrateNull() const; void setMaxStreamingBitrateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum video bit depth. */ const qint32 &maxVideoBitDepth() const; void setMaxVideoBitDepth(qint32 newMaxVideoBitDepth); bool maxVideoBitDepthNull() const; void setMaxVideoBitDepthNull(); /** * @brief The minimum number of segments. */ const qint32 &minSegments() const; void setMinSegments(qint32 newMinSegments); bool minSegmentsNull() const; void setMinSegmentsNull(); /** * @brief The streaming parameters. */ const QString ¶ms() const; void setParams(QString newParams); bool paramsNull() const; void setParamsNull(); /** * @brief The play session id. */ const QString &playSessionId() const; void setPlaySessionId(QString newPlaySessionId); bool playSessionIdNull() const; void setPlaySessionIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a specific an encoder profile (varies by encoder), e.g. main, baseline, high. */ const QString &profile() const; void setProfile(QString newProfile); bool profileNull() const; void setProfileNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to require avc. */ const bool &requireAvc() const; void setRequireAvc(bool newRequireAvc); bool requireAvcNull() const; void setRequireAvcNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to require a non anamorphic stream. */ const bool &requireNonAnamorphic() const; void setRequireNonAnamorphic(bool newRequireNonAnamorphic); bool requireNonAnamorphicNull() const; void setRequireNonAnamorphicNull(); /** * @brief The segment container. */ const QString &segmentContainer() const; void setSegmentContainer(QString newSegmentContainer); bool segmentContainerNull() const; void setSegmentContainerNull(); /** * @brief The segment length. */ const qint32 &segmentLength() const; void setSegmentLength(qint32 newSegmentLength); bool segmentLengthNull() const; void setSegmentLengthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a starting offset, in ticks. 1 tick = 10000 ms. */ const qint64 &startTimeTicks() const; void setStartTimeTicks(qint64 newStartTimeTicks); bool startTimeTicksNull() const; void setStartTimeTicksNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If true, the original file will be streamed statically without any encoding. Use either no url extension or the original file extension. true/false. */ const bool &staticStreaming() const; void setStaticStreaming(bool newStaticStreaming); bool staticStreamingNull() const; void setStaticStreamingNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The streaming options. */ const QJsonObject &streamOptions() const; void setStreamOptions(QJsonObject newStreamOptions); bool streamOptionsNull() const; void setStreamOptionsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a subtitle codec to encode to. */ const QString &subtitleCodec() const; void setSubtitleCodec(QString newSubtitleCodec); bool subtitleCodecNull() const; void setSubtitleCodecNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify the subtitle delivery method. */ const SubtitleDeliveryMethod &subtitleMethod() const; void setSubtitleMethod(SubtitleDeliveryMethod newSubtitleMethod); bool subtitleMethodNull() const; void setSubtitleMethodNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The index of the subtitle stream to use. If omitted no subtitles will be used. */ const qint32 &subtitleStreamIndex() const; void setSubtitleStreamIndex(qint32 newSubtitleStreamIndex); bool subtitleStreamIndexNull() const; void setSubtitleStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief The tag. */ const QString &tag() const; void setTag(QString newTag); bool tagNull() const; void setTagNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The transcoding reason. */ const QString &transcodeReasons() const; void setTranscodeReasons(QString newTranscodeReasons); bool transcodeReasonsNull() const; void setTranscodeReasonsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of audio channels to transcode. */ const qint32 &transcodingMaxAudioChannels() const; void setTranscodingMaxAudioChannels(qint32 newTranscodingMaxAudioChannels); bool transcodingMaxAudioChannelsNull() const; void setTranscodingMaxAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a video bitrate to encode to, e.g. 500000. If omitted this will be left to encoder defaults. */ const qint32 &videoBitRate() const; void setVideoBitRate(qint32 newVideoBitRate); bool videoBitRateNull() const; void setVideoBitRateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a video codec to encode to, e.g. h264. If omitted the server will auto-select using the url's extension. Options: h265, h264, mpeg4, theora, vpx, wmv. */ const QString &videoCodec() const; void setVideoCodec(QString newVideoCodec); bool videoCodecNull() const; void setVideoCodecNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The index of the video stream to use. If omitted the first video stream will be used. */ const qint32 &videoStreamIndex() const; void setVideoStreamIndex(qint32 newVideoStreamIndex); bool videoStreamIndexNull() const; void setVideoStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The fixed horizontal resolution of the encoded video. */ const qint32 &width() const; void setWidth(qint32 newWidth); bool widthNull() const; void setWidthNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; // Required query parameters QString m_mediaSourceId; // Optional query parameters std::optional m_allowAudioStreamCopy = std::nullopt; std::optional m_allowVideoStreamCopy = std::nullopt; std::optional m_audioBitRate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_audioChannels = std::nullopt; QString m_audioCodec; std::optional m_audioSampleRate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_audioStreamIndex = std::nullopt; std::optional m_breakOnNonKeyFrames = std::nullopt; EncodingContext m_context; std::optional m_copyTimestamps = std::nullopt; std::optional m_cpuCoreLimit = std::nullopt; std::optional m_deInterlace = std::nullopt; QString m_deviceId; QString m_deviceProfileId; std::optional m_enableAdaptiveBitrateStreaming = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableAutoStreamCopy = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableMpegtsM2TsMode = std::nullopt; std::optional m_framerate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_height = std::nullopt; QString m_level; QString m_liveStreamId; std::optional m_maxAudioBitDepth = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxAudioChannels = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxFramerate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxRefFrames = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxStreamingBitrate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxVideoBitDepth = std::nullopt; std::optional m_minSegments = std::nullopt; QString m_params; QString m_playSessionId; QString m_profile; std::optional m_requireAvc = std::nullopt; std::optional m_requireNonAnamorphic = std::nullopt; QString m_segmentContainer; std::optional m_segmentLength = std::nullopt; std::optional m_startTimeTicks = std::nullopt; std::optional m_staticStreaming = std::nullopt; std::optional m_streamOptions = std::nullopt; QString m_subtitleCodec; SubtitleDeliveryMethod m_subtitleMethod; std::optional m_subtitleStreamIndex = std::nullopt; QString m_tag; QString m_transcodeReasons; std::optional m_transcodingMaxAudioChannels = std::nullopt; std::optional m_videoBitRate = std::nullopt; QString m_videoCodec; std::optional m_videoStreamIndex = std::nullopt; std::optional m_width = std::nullopt; }; class GetMasterHlsVideoPlaylistParams { public: /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief The media version id, if playing an alternate version. */ const QString &mediaSourceId() const; void setMediaSourceId(QString newMediaSourceId); /** * @brief Whether or not to allow copying of the audio stream url. */ const bool &allowAudioStreamCopy() const; void setAllowAudioStreamCopy(bool newAllowAudioStreamCopy); bool allowAudioStreamCopyNull() const; void setAllowAudioStreamCopyNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to allow copying of the video stream url. */ const bool &allowVideoStreamCopy() const; void setAllowVideoStreamCopy(bool newAllowVideoStreamCopy); bool allowVideoStreamCopyNull() const; void setAllowVideoStreamCopyNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify an audio bitrate to encode to, e.g. 128000. If omitted this will be left to encoder defaults. */ const qint32 &audioBitRate() const; void setAudioBitRate(qint32 newAudioBitRate); bool audioBitRateNull() const; void setAudioBitRateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a specific number of audio channels to encode to, e.g. 2. */ const qint32 &audioChannels() const; void setAudioChannels(qint32 newAudioChannels); bool audioChannelsNull() const; void setAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a audio codec to encode to, e.g. mp3. If omitted the server will auto-select using the url's extension. Options: aac, mp3, vorbis, wma. */ const QString &audioCodec() const; void setAudioCodec(QString newAudioCodec); bool audioCodecNull() const; void setAudioCodecNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a specific audio sample rate, e.g. 44100. */ const qint32 &audioSampleRate() const; void setAudioSampleRate(qint32 newAudioSampleRate); bool audioSampleRateNull() const; void setAudioSampleRateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The index of the audio stream to use. If omitted the first audio stream will be used. */ const qint32 &audioStreamIndex() const; void setAudioStreamIndex(qint32 newAudioStreamIndex); bool audioStreamIndexNull() const; void setAudioStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to break on non key frames. */ const bool &breakOnNonKeyFrames() const; void setBreakOnNonKeyFrames(bool newBreakOnNonKeyFrames); bool breakOnNonKeyFramesNull() const; void setBreakOnNonKeyFramesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The MediaBrowser.Model.Dlna.EncodingContext. */ const EncodingContext &context() const; void setContext(EncodingContext newContext); bool contextNull() const; void setContextNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to copy timestamps when transcoding with an offset. Defaults to false. */ const bool ©Timestamps() const; void setCopyTimestamps(bool newCopyTimestamps); bool copyTimestampsNull() const; void setCopyTimestampsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The limit of how many cpu cores to use. */ const qint32 &cpuCoreLimit() const; void setCpuCoreLimit(qint32 newCpuCoreLimit); bool cpuCoreLimitNull() const; void setCpuCoreLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to deinterlace the video. */ const bool &deInterlace() const; void setDeInterlace(bool newDeInterlace); bool deInterlaceNull() const; void setDeInterlaceNull(); /** * @brief The device id of the client requesting. Used to stop encoding processes when needed. */ const QString &deviceId() const; void setDeviceId(QString newDeviceId); bool deviceIdNull() const; void setDeviceIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The dlna device profile id to utilize. */ const QString &deviceProfileId() const; void setDeviceProfileId(QString newDeviceProfileId); bool deviceProfileIdNull() const; void setDeviceProfileIdNull(); /** * @brief Enable adaptive bitrate streaming. */ const bool &enableAdaptiveBitrateStreaming() const; void setEnableAdaptiveBitrateStreaming(bool newEnableAdaptiveBitrateStreaming); bool enableAdaptiveBitrateStreamingNull() const; void setEnableAdaptiveBitrateStreamingNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to allow automatic stream copy if requested values match the original source. Defaults to true. */ const bool &enableAutoStreamCopy() const; void setEnableAutoStreamCopy(bool newEnableAutoStreamCopy); bool enableAutoStreamCopyNull() const; void setEnableAutoStreamCopyNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to enable the MpegtsM2Ts mode. */ const bool &enableMpegtsM2TsMode() const; void setEnableMpegtsM2TsMode(bool newEnableMpegtsM2TsMode); bool enableMpegtsM2TsModeNull() const; void setEnableMpegtsM2TsModeNull(); /** * @brief Optional. A specific video framerate to encode to, e.g. 23.976. Generally this should be omitted unless the device has specific requirements. */ const float &framerate() const; void setFramerate(float newFramerate); bool framerateNull() const; void setFramerateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The fixed vertical resolution of the encoded video. */ const qint32 &height() const; void setHeight(qint32 newHeight); bool heightNull() const; void setHeightNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a level for the encoder profile (varies by encoder), e.g. 3, 3.1. */ const QString &level() const; void setLevel(QString newLevel); bool levelNull() const; void setLevelNull(); /** * @brief The live stream id. */ const QString &liveStreamId() const; void setLiveStreamId(QString newLiveStreamId); bool liveStreamIdNull() const; void setLiveStreamIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum audio bit depth. */ const qint32 &maxAudioBitDepth() const; void setMaxAudioBitDepth(qint32 newMaxAudioBitDepth); bool maxAudioBitDepthNull() const; void setMaxAudioBitDepthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a maximum number of audio channels to encode to, e.g. 2. */ const qint32 &maxAudioChannels() const; void setMaxAudioChannels(qint32 newMaxAudioChannels); bool maxAudioChannelsNull() const; void setMaxAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. A specific maximum video framerate to encode to, e.g. 23.976. Generally this should be omitted unless the device has specific requirements. */ const float &maxFramerate() const; void setMaxFramerate(float newMaxFramerate); bool maxFramerateNull() const; void setMaxFramerateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. */ const qint32 &maxRefFrames() const; void setMaxRefFrames(qint32 newMaxRefFrames); bool maxRefFramesNull() const; void setMaxRefFramesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum video bit depth. */ const qint32 &maxVideoBitDepth() const; void setMaxVideoBitDepth(qint32 newMaxVideoBitDepth); bool maxVideoBitDepthNull() const; void setMaxVideoBitDepthNull(); /** * @brief The minimum number of segments. */ const qint32 &minSegments() const; void setMinSegments(qint32 newMinSegments); bool minSegmentsNull() const; void setMinSegmentsNull(); /** * @brief The streaming parameters. */ const QString ¶ms() const; void setParams(QString newParams); bool paramsNull() const; void setParamsNull(); /** * @brief The play session id. */ const QString &playSessionId() const; void setPlaySessionId(QString newPlaySessionId); bool playSessionIdNull() const; void setPlaySessionIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a specific an encoder profile (varies by encoder), e.g. main, baseline, high. */ const QString &profile() const; void setProfile(QString newProfile); bool profileNull() const; void setProfileNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to require avc. */ const bool &requireAvc() const; void setRequireAvc(bool newRequireAvc); bool requireAvcNull() const; void setRequireAvcNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to require a non anamorphic stream. */ const bool &requireNonAnamorphic() const; void setRequireNonAnamorphic(bool newRequireNonAnamorphic); bool requireNonAnamorphicNull() const; void setRequireNonAnamorphicNull(); /** * @brief The segment container. */ const QString &segmentContainer() const; void setSegmentContainer(QString newSegmentContainer); bool segmentContainerNull() const; void setSegmentContainerNull(); /** * @brief The segment length. */ const qint32 &segmentLength() const; void setSegmentLength(qint32 newSegmentLength); bool segmentLengthNull() const; void setSegmentLengthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a starting offset, in ticks. 1 tick = 10000 ms. */ const qint64 &startTimeTicks() const; void setStartTimeTicks(qint64 newStartTimeTicks); bool startTimeTicksNull() const; void setStartTimeTicksNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If true, the original file will be streamed statically without any encoding. Use either no url extension or the original file extension. true/false. */ const bool &staticStreaming() const; void setStaticStreaming(bool newStaticStreaming); bool staticStreamingNull() const; void setStaticStreamingNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The streaming options. */ const QJsonObject &streamOptions() const; void setStreamOptions(QJsonObject newStreamOptions); bool streamOptionsNull() const; void setStreamOptionsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a subtitle codec to encode to. */ const QString &subtitleCodec() const; void setSubtitleCodec(QString newSubtitleCodec); bool subtitleCodecNull() const; void setSubtitleCodecNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify the subtitle delivery method. */ const SubtitleDeliveryMethod &subtitleMethod() const; void setSubtitleMethod(SubtitleDeliveryMethod newSubtitleMethod); bool subtitleMethodNull() const; void setSubtitleMethodNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The index of the subtitle stream to use. If omitted no subtitles will be used. */ const qint32 &subtitleStreamIndex() const; void setSubtitleStreamIndex(qint32 newSubtitleStreamIndex); bool subtitleStreamIndexNull() const; void setSubtitleStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief The tag. */ const QString &tag() const; void setTag(QString newTag); bool tagNull() const; void setTagNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The transcoding reason. */ const QString &transcodeReasons() const; void setTranscodeReasons(QString newTranscodeReasons); bool transcodeReasonsNull() const; void setTranscodeReasonsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of audio channels to transcode. */ const qint32 &transcodingMaxAudioChannels() const; void setTranscodingMaxAudioChannels(qint32 newTranscodingMaxAudioChannels); bool transcodingMaxAudioChannelsNull() const; void setTranscodingMaxAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a video bitrate to encode to, e.g. 500000. If omitted this will be left to encoder defaults. */ const qint32 &videoBitRate() const; void setVideoBitRate(qint32 newVideoBitRate); bool videoBitRateNull() const; void setVideoBitRateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a video codec to encode to, e.g. h264. If omitted the server will auto-select using the url's extension. Options: h265, h264, mpeg4, theora, vpx, wmv. */ const QString &videoCodec() const; void setVideoCodec(QString newVideoCodec); bool videoCodecNull() const; void setVideoCodecNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The index of the video stream to use. If omitted the first video stream will be used. */ const qint32 &videoStreamIndex() const; void setVideoStreamIndex(qint32 newVideoStreamIndex); bool videoStreamIndexNull() const; void setVideoStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The fixed horizontal resolution of the encoded video. */ const qint32 &width() const; void setWidth(qint32 newWidth); bool widthNull() const; void setWidthNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; // Required query parameters QString m_mediaSourceId; // Optional query parameters std::optional m_allowAudioStreamCopy = std::nullopt; std::optional m_allowVideoStreamCopy = std::nullopt; std::optional m_audioBitRate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_audioChannels = std::nullopt; QString m_audioCodec; std::optional m_audioSampleRate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_audioStreamIndex = std::nullopt; std::optional m_breakOnNonKeyFrames = std::nullopt; EncodingContext m_context; std::optional m_copyTimestamps = std::nullopt; std::optional m_cpuCoreLimit = std::nullopt; std::optional m_deInterlace = std::nullopt; QString m_deviceId; QString m_deviceProfileId; std::optional m_enableAdaptiveBitrateStreaming = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableAutoStreamCopy = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableMpegtsM2TsMode = std::nullopt; std::optional m_framerate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_height = std::nullopt; QString m_level; QString m_liveStreamId; std::optional m_maxAudioBitDepth = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxAudioChannels = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxFramerate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxRefFrames = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxVideoBitDepth = std::nullopt; std::optional m_minSegments = std::nullopt; QString m_params; QString m_playSessionId; QString m_profile; std::optional m_requireAvc = std::nullopt; std::optional m_requireNonAnamorphic = std::nullopt; QString m_segmentContainer; std::optional m_segmentLength = std::nullopt; std::optional m_startTimeTicks = std::nullopt; std::optional m_staticStreaming = std::nullopt; std::optional m_streamOptions = std::nullopt; QString m_subtitleCodec; SubtitleDeliveryMethod m_subtitleMethod; std::optional m_subtitleStreamIndex = std::nullopt; QString m_tag; QString m_transcodeReasons; std::optional m_transcodingMaxAudioChannels = std::nullopt; std::optional m_videoBitRate = std::nullopt; QString m_videoCodec; std::optional m_videoStreamIndex = std::nullopt; std::optional m_width = std::nullopt; }; class GetMediaFoldersParams { public: /** * @brief Optional. Filter by folders that are marked hidden, or not. */ const bool &isHidden() const; void setIsHidden(bool newIsHidden); bool isHiddenNull() const; void setIsHiddenNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_isHidden = std::nullopt; }; class GetMediaInfoImageParams { public: /** * @brief The name of the image. */ const QString &name() const; void setName(QString newName); /** * @brief The theme to get the image from. */ const QString &theme() const; void setTheme(QString newTheme); private: // Required path parameters QString m_name; QString m_theme; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetMediaInfoImagesParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetMediaReceiverRegistrarParams { public: /** * @brief Server UUID. */ const QString &serverId() const; void setServerId(QString newServerId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_serverId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetMediaReceiverRegistrar_2Params { public: /** * @brief Server UUID. */ const QString &serverId() const; void setServerId(QString newServerId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_serverId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetMediaReceiverRegistrar_3Params { public: /** * @brief Server UUID. */ const QString &serverId() const; void setServerId(QString newServerId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_serverId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetMetadataEditorInfoParams { public: /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetMovieRecommendationsParams { public: /** * @brief The max number of categories to return. */ const qint32 &categoryLimit() const; void setCategoryLimit(qint32 newCategoryLimit); bool categoryLimitNull() const; void setCategoryLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The fields to return. */ const QList &fields() const; void setFields(QList newFields); bool fieldsNull() const; void setFieldsNull(); /** * @brief The max number of items to return per category. */ const qint32 &itemLimit() const; void setItemLimit(qint32 newItemLimit); bool itemLimitNull() const; void setItemLimitNull(); /** * @brief Specify this to localize the search to a specific item or folder. Omit to use the root. */ const QString &parentId() const; void setParentId(QString newParentId); bool parentIdNull() const; void setParentIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by user id, and attach user data. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_categoryLimit = std::nullopt; QList m_fields; std::optional m_itemLimit = std::nullopt; QString m_parentId; QString m_userId; }; class GetMovieRemoteSearchResultsParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetMusicAlbumRemoteSearchResultsParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetMusicArtistRemoteSearchResultsParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetMusicGenreParams { public: /** * @brief The genre name. */ const QString &genreName() const; void setGenreName(QString newGenreName); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by user id, and attach user data. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_genreName; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QString m_userId; }; class GetMusicGenreImageParams { public: /** * @brief Image type. */ const ImageType &imageType() const; void setImageType(ImageType newImageType); /** * @brief Music genre name. */ const QString &name() const; void setName(QString newName); /** * @brief Optional. Add a played indicator. */ const bool &addPlayedIndicator() const; void setAddPlayedIndicator(bool newAddPlayedIndicator); bool addPlayedIndicatorNull() const; void setAddPlayedIndicatorNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images. */ const QString &backgroundColor() const; void setBackgroundColor(QString newBackgroundColor); bool backgroundColorNull() const; void setBackgroundColorNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Blur image. */ const qint32 &blur() const; void setBlur(qint32 newBlur); bool blurNull() const; void setBlurNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art. */ const bool &cropWhitespace() const; void setCropWhitespace(bool newCropWhitespace); bool cropWhitespaceNull() const; void setCropWhitespaceNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. */ const QString &foregroundLayer() const; void setForegroundLayer(QString newForegroundLayer); bool foregroundLayerNull() const; void setForegroundLayerNull(); /** * @brief Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png. */ const ImageFormat &format() const; void setFormat(ImageFormat newFormat); bool formatNull() const; void setFormatNull(); /** * @brief The fixed image height to return. */ const qint32 &height() const; void setHeight(qint32 newHeight); bool heightNull() const; void setHeightNull(); /** * @brief Image index. */ const qint32 &imageIndex() const; void setImageIndex(qint32 newImageIndex); bool imageIndexNull() const; void setImageIndexNull(); /** * @brief The maximum image height to return. */ const qint32 &maxHeight() const; void setMaxHeight(qint32 newMaxHeight); bool maxHeightNull() const; void setMaxHeightNull(); /** * @brief The maximum image width to return. */ const qint32 &maxWidth() const; void setMaxWidth(qint32 newMaxWidth); bool maxWidthNull() const; void setMaxWidthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay. */ const double &percentPlayed() const; void setPercentPlayed(double newPercentPlayed); bool percentPlayedNull() const; void setPercentPlayedNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases. */ const qint32 &quality() const; void setQuality(qint32 newQuality); bool qualityNull() const; void setQualityNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. */ const QString &tag() const; void setTag(QString newTag); bool tagNull() const; void setTagNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render. */ const qint32 &unplayedCount() const; void setUnplayedCount(qint32 newUnplayedCount); bool unplayedCountNull() const; void setUnplayedCountNull(); /** * @brief The fixed image width to return. */ const qint32 &width() const; void setWidth(qint32 newWidth); bool widthNull() const; void setWidthNull(); private: // Required path parameters ImageType m_imageType; QString m_name; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_addPlayedIndicator = std::nullopt; QString m_backgroundColor; std::optional m_blur = std::nullopt; std::optional m_cropWhitespace = std::nullopt; QString m_foregroundLayer; ImageFormat m_format; std::optional m_height = std::nullopt; std::optional m_imageIndex = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxHeight = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxWidth = std::nullopt; std::optional m_percentPlayed = std::nullopt; std::optional m_quality = std::nullopt; QString m_tag; std::optional m_unplayedCount = std::nullopt; std::optional m_width = std::nullopt; }; class GetMusicGenreImageByIndexParams { public: /** * @brief Image index. */ const qint32 &imageIndex() const; void setImageIndex(qint32 newImageIndex); /** * @brief Image type. */ const ImageType &imageType() const; void setImageType(ImageType newImageType); /** * @brief Music genre name. */ const QString &name() const; void setName(QString newName); /** * @brief Optional. Add a played indicator. */ const bool &addPlayedIndicator() const; void setAddPlayedIndicator(bool newAddPlayedIndicator); bool addPlayedIndicatorNull() const; void setAddPlayedIndicatorNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images. */ const QString &backgroundColor() const; void setBackgroundColor(QString newBackgroundColor); bool backgroundColorNull() const; void setBackgroundColorNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Blur image. */ const qint32 &blur() const; void setBlur(qint32 newBlur); bool blurNull() const; void setBlurNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art. */ const bool &cropWhitespace() const; void setCropWhitespace(bool newCropWhitespace); bool cropWhitespaceNull() const; void setCropWhitespaceNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. */ const QString &foregroundLayer() const; void setForegroundLayer(QString newForegroundLayer); bool foregroundLayerNull() const; void setForegroundLayerNull(); /** * @brief Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png. */ const ImageFormat &format() const; void setFormat(ImageFormat newFormat); bool formatNull() const; void setFormatNull(); /** * @brief The fixed image height to return. */ const qint32 &height() const; void setHeight(qint32 newHeight); bool heightNull() const; void setHeightNull(); /** * @brief The maximum image height to return. */ const qint32 &maxHeight() const; void setMaxHeight(qint32 newMaxHeight); bool maxHeightNull() const; void setMaxHeightNull(); /** * @brief The maximum image width to return. */ const qint32 &maxWidth() const; void setMaxWidth(qint32 newMaxWidth); bool maxWidthNull() const; void setMaxWidthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay. */ const double &percentPlayed() const; void setPercentPlayed(double newPercentPlayed); bool percentPlayedNull() const; void setPercentPlayedNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases. */ const qint32 &quality() const; void setQuality(qint32 newQuality); bool qualityNull() const; void setQualityNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. */ const QString &tag() const; void setTag(QString newTag); bool tagNull() const; void setTagNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render. */ const qint32 &unplayedCount() const; void setUnplayedCount(qint32 newUnplayedCount); bool unplayedCountNull() const; void setUnplayedCountNull(); /** * @brief The fixed image width to return. */ const qint32 &width() const; void setWidth(qint32 newWidth); bool widthNull() const; void setWidthNull(); private: // Required path parameters qint32 m_imageIndex; ImageType m_imageType; QString m_name; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_addPlayedIndicator = std::nullopt; QString m_backgroundColor; std::optional m_blur = std::nullopt; std::optional m_cropWhitespace = std::nullopt; QString m_foregroundLayer; ImageFormat m_format; std::optional m_height = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxHeight = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxWidth = std::nullopt; std::optional m_percentPlayed = std::nullopt; std::optional m_quality = std::nullopt; QString m_tag; std::optional m_unplayedCount = std::nullopt; std::optional m_width = std::nullopt; }; class GetMusicGenresParams { public: /** * @brief Optional. The image types to include in the output. */ const QList &enableImageTypes() const; void setEnableImageTypes(QList newEnableImageTypes); bool enableImageTypesNull() const; void setEnableImageTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional, include image information in output. */ const bool &enableImages() const; void setEnableImages(bool newEnableImages); bool enableImagesNull() const; void setEnableImagesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Include total record count. */ const bool &enableTotalRecordCount() const; void setEnableTotalRecordCount(bool newEnableTotalRecordCount); bool enableTotalRecordCountNull() const; void setEnableTotalRecordCountNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered out based on item type. This allows multiple, comma delimited. */ const QStringList &excludeItemTypes() const; void setExcludeItemTypes(QStringList newExcludeItemTypes); bool excludeItemTypesNull() const; void setExcludeItemTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify additional fields of information to return in the output. */ const QList &fields() const; void setFields(QList newFields); bool fieldsNull() const; void setFieldsNull(); /** * @brief Optional, the max number of images to return, per image type. */ const qint32 &imageTypeLimit() const; void setImageTypeLimit(qint32 newImageTypeLimit); bool imageTypeLimitNull() const; void setImageTypeLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered in based on item type. This allows multiple, comma delimited. */ const QStringList &includeItemTypes() const; void setIncludeItemTypes(QStringList newIncludeItemTypes); bool includeItemTypesNull() const; void setIncludeItemTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items that are marked as favorite, or not. */ const bool &isFavorite() const; void setIsFavorite(bool newIsFavorite); bool isFavoriteNull() const; void setIsFavoriteNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of records to return. */ const qint32 &limit() const; void setLimit(qint32 newLimit); bool limitNull() const; void setLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items whose name is equally or lesser than a given input string. */ const QString &nameLessThan() const; void setNameLessThan(QString newNameLessThan); bool nameLessThanNull() const; void setNameLessThanNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items whose name is sorted equally than a given input string. */ const QString &nameStartsWith() const; void setNameStartsWith(QString newNameStartsWith); bool nameStartsWithNull() const; void setNameStartsWithNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items whose name is sorted equally or greater than a given input string. */ const QString &nameStartsWithOrGreater() const; void setNameStartsWithOrGreater(QString newNameStartsWithOrGreater); bool nameStartsWithOrGreaterNull() const; void setNameStartsWithOrGreaterNull(); /** * @brief Specify this to localize the search to a specific item or folder. Omit to use the root. */ const QString &parentId() const; void setParentId(QString newParentId); bool parentIdNull() const; void setParentIdNull(); /** * @brief The search term. */ const QString &searchTerm() const; void setSearchTerm(QString newSearchTerm); bool searchTermNull() const; void setSearchTermNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The record index to start at. All items with a lower index will be dropped from the results. */ const qint32 &startIndex() const; void setStartIndex(qint32 newStartIndex); bool startIndexNull() const; void setStartIndexNull(); /** * @brief User id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QList m_enableImageTypes; std::optional m_enableImages = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableTotalRecordCount = std::nullopt; QStringList m_excludeItemTypes; QList m_fields; std::optional m_imageTypeLimit = std::nullopt; QStringList m_includeItemTypes; std::optional m_isFavorite = std::nullopt; std::optional m_limit = std::nullopt; QString m_nameLessThan; QString m_nameStartsWith; QString m_nameStartsWithOrGreater; QString m_parentId; QString m_searchTerm; std::optional m_startIndex = std::nullopt; QString m_userId; }; class GetMusicVideoRemoteSearchResultsParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetNamedConfigurationParams { public: /** * @brief Configuration key. */ const QString &key() const; void setKey(QString newKey); private: // Required path parameters QString m_key; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetNetworkSharesParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetNextUpParams { public: /** * @brief Whether to disable sending the first episode in a series as next up. */ const bool &disableFirstEpisode() const; void setDisableFirstEpisode(bool newDisableFirstEpisode); bool disableFirstEpisodeNull() const; void setDisableFirstEpisodeNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The image types to include in the output. */ const QList &enableImageTypes() const; void setEnableImageTypes(QList newEnableImageTypes); bool enableImageTypesNull() const; void setEnableImageTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Include image information in output. */ const bool &enableImges() const; void setEnableImges(bool newEnableImges); bool enableImgesNull() const; void setEnableImgesNull(); /** * @brief Whether to enable the total records count. Defaults to true. */ const bool &enableTotalRecordCount() const; void setEnableTotalRecordCount(bool newEnableTotalRecordCount); bool enableTotalRecordCountNull() const; void setEnableTotalRecordCountNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Include user data. */ const bool &enableUserData() const; void setEnableUserData(bool newEnableUserData); bool enableUserDataNull() const; void setEnableUserDataNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify additional fields of information to return in the output. */ const QList &fields() const; void setFields(QList newFields); bool fieldsNull() const; void setFieldsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The max number of images to return, per image type. */ const qint32 &imageTypeLimit() const; void setImageTypeLimit(qint32 newImageTypeLimit); bool imageTypeLimitNull() const; void setImageTypeLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of records to return. */ const qint32 &limit() const; void setLimit(qint32 newLimit); bool limitNull() const; void setLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify this to localize the search to a specific item or folder. Omit to use the root. */ const QString &parentId() const; void setParentId(QString newParentId); bool parentIdNull() const; void setParentIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by series id. */ const QString &seriesId() const; void setSeriesId(QString newSeriesId); bool seriesIdNull() const; void setSeriesIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The record index to start at. All items with a lower index will be dropped from the results. */ const qint32 &startIndex() const; void setStartIndex(qint32 newStartIndex); bool startIndexNull() const; void setStartIndexNull(); /** * @brief The user id of the user to get the next up episodes for. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_disableFirstEpisode = std::nullopt; QList m_enableImageTypes; std::optional m_enableImges = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableTotalRecordCount = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableUserData = std::nullopt; QList m_fields; std::optional m_imageTypeLimit = std::nullopt; std::optional m_limit = std::nullopt; QString m_parentId; QString m_seriesId; std::optional m_startIndex = std::nullopt; QString m_userId; }; class GetNotificationServicesParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetNotificationTypesParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetNotificationsParams { public: /** * @brief */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_userId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetNotificationsSummaryParams { public: /** * @brief */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_userId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetPackageInfoParams { public: /** * @brief The name of the package. */ const QString &name() const; void setName(QString newName); /** * @brief The GUID of the associated assembly. */ const QString &assemblyGuid() const; void setAssemblyGuid(QString newAssemblyGuid); bool assemblyGuidNull() const; void setAssemblyGuidNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_name; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QString m_assemblyGuid; }; class GetPackagesParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetParentPathParams { public: /** * @brief The path. */ const QString &path() const; void setPath(QString newPath); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters QString m_path; // Optional query parameters }; class GetParentalRatingsParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetPasswordResetProvidersParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetPersonParams { public: /** * @brief Person name. */ const QString &name() const; void setName(QString newName); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by user id, and attach user data. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_name; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QString m_userId; }; class GetPersonImageParams { public: /** * @brief Image type. */ const ImageType &imageType() const; void setImageType(ImageType newImageType); /** * @brief Person name. */ const QString &name() const; void setName(QString newName); /** * @brief Optional. Add a played indicator. */ const bool &addPlayedIndicator() const; void setAddPlayedIndicator(bool newAddPlayedIndicator); bool addPlayedIndicatorNull() const; void setAddPlayedIndicatorNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images. */ const QString &backgroundColor() const; void setBackgroundColor(QString newBackgroundColor); bool backgroundColorNull() const; void setBackgroundColorNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Blur image. */ const qint32 &blur() const; void setBlur(qint32 newBlur); bool blurNull() const; void setBlurNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art. */ const bool &cropWhitespace() const; void setCropWhitespace(bool newCropWhitespace); bool cropWhitespaceNull() const; void setCropWhitespaceNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. */ const QString &foregroundLayer() const; void setForegroundLayer(QString newForegroundLayer); bool foregroundLayerNull() const; void setForegroundLayerNull(); /** * @brief Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png. */ const ImageFormat &format() const; void setFormat(ImageFormat newFormat); bool formatNull() const; void setFormatNull(); /** * @brief The fixed image height to return. */ const qint32 &height() const; void setHeight(qint32 newHeight); bool heightNull() const; void setHeightNull(); /** * @brief Image index. */ const qint32 &imageIndex() const; void setImageIndex(qint32 newImageIndex); bool imageIndexNull() const; void setImageIndexNull(); /** * @brief The maximum image height to return. */ const qint32 &maxHeight() const; void setMaxHeight(qint32 newMaxHeight); bool maxHeightNull() const; void setMaxHeightNull(); /** * @brief The maximum image width to return. */ const qint32 &maxWidth() const; void setMaxWidth(qint32 newMaxWidth); bool maxWidthNull() const; void setMaxWidthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay. */ const double &percentPlayed() const; void setPercentPlayed(double newPercentPlayed); bool percentPlayedNull() const; void setPercentPlayedNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases. */ const qint32 &quality() const; void setQuality(qint32 newQuality); bool qualityNull() const; void setQualityNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. */ const QString &tag() const; void setTag(QString newTag); bool tagNull() const; void setTagNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render. */ const qint32 &unplayedCount() const; void setUnplayedCount(qint32 newUnplayedCount); bool unplayedCountNull() const; void setUnplayedCountNull(); /** * @brief The fixed image width to return. */ const qint32 &width() const; void setWidth(qint32 newWidth); bool widthNull() const; void setWidthNull(); private: // Required path parameters ImageType m_imageType; QString m_name; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_addPlayedIndicator = std::nullopt; QString m_backgroundColor; std::optional m_blur = std::nullopt; std::optional m_cropWhitespace = std::nullopt; QString m_foregroundLayer; ImageFormat m_format; std::optional m_height = std::nullopt; std::optional m_imageIndex = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxHeight = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxWidth = std::nullopt; std::optional m_percentPlayed = std::nullopt; std::optional m_quality = std::nullopt; QString m_tag; std::optional m_unplayedCount = std::nullopt; std::optional m_width = std::nullopt; }; class GetPersonImageByIndexParams { public: /** * @brief Image index. */ const qint32 &imageIndex() const; void setImageIndex(qint32 newImageIndex); /** * @brief Image type. */ const ImageType &imageType() const; void setImageType(ImageType newImageType); /** * @brief Person name. */ const QString &name() const; void setName(QString newName); /** * @brief Optional. Add a played indicator. */ const bool &addPlayedIndicator() const; void setAddPlayedIndicator(bool newAddPlayedIndicator); bool addPlayedIndicatorNull() const; void setAddPlayedIndicatorNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images. */ const QString &backgroundColor() const; void setBackgroundColor(QString newBackgroundColor); bool backgroundColorNull() const; void setBackgroundColorNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Blur image. */ const qint32 &blur() const; void setBlur(qint32 newBlur); bool blurNull() const; void setBlurNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art. */ const bool &cropWhitespace() const; void setCropWhitespace(bool newCropWhitespace); bool cropWhitespaceNull() const; void setCropWhitespaceNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. */ const QString &foregroundLayer() const; void setForegroundLayer(QString newForegroundLayer); bool foregroundLayerNull() const; void setForegroundLayerNull(); /** * @brief Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png. */ const ImageFormat &format() const; void setFormat(ImageFormat newFormat); bool formatNull() const; void setFormatNull(); /** * @brief The fixed image height to return. */ const qint32 &height() const; void setHeight(qint32 newHeight); bool heightNull() const; void setHeightNull(); /** * @brief The maximum image height to return. */ const qint32 &maxHeight() const; void setMaxHeight(qint32 newMaxHeight); bool maxHeightNull() const; void setMaxHeightNull(); /** * @brief The maximum image width to return. */ const qint32 &maxWidth() const; void setMaxWidth(qint32 newMaxWidth); bool maxWidthNull() const; void setMaxWidthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay. */ const double &percentPlayed() const; void setPercentPlayed(double newPercentPlayed); bool percentPlayedNull() const; void setPercentPlayedNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases. */ const qint32 &quality() const; void setQuality(qint32 newQuality); bool qualityNull() const; void setQualityNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. */ const QString &tag() const; void setTag(QString newTag); bool tagNull() const; void setTagNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render. */ const qint32 &unplayedCount() const; void setUnplayedCount(qint32 newUnplayedCount); bool unplayedCountNull() const; void setUnplayedCountNull(); /** * @brief The fixed image width to return. */ const qint32 &width() const; void setWidth(qint32 newWidth); bool widthNull() const; void setWidthNull(); private: // Required path parameters qint32 m_imageIndex; ImageType m_imageType; QString m_name; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_addPlayedIndicator = std::nullopt; QString m_backgroundColor; std::optional m_blur = std::nullopt; std::optional m_cropWhitespace = std::nullopt; QString m_foregroundLayer; ImageFormat m_format; std::optional m_height = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxHeight = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxWidth = std::nullopt; std::optional m_percentPlayed = std::nullopt; std::optional m_quality = std::nullopt; QString m_tag; std::optional m_unplayedCount = std::nullopt; std::optional m_width = std::nullopt; }; class GetPersonRemoteSearchResultsParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetPersonsParams { public: /** * @brief Optional. If specified, person results will be filtered on items related to said persons. */ const QString &appearsInItemId() const; void setAppearsInItemId(QString newAppearsInItemId); bool appearsInItemIdNull() const; void setAppearsInItemIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The image types to include in the output. */ const QList &enableImageTypes() const; void setEnableImageTypes(QList newEnableImageTypes); bool enableImageTypesNull() const; void setEnableImageTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional, include image information in output. */ const bool &enableImages() const; void setEnableImages(bool newEnableImages); bool enableImagesNull() const; void setEnableImagesNull(); /** * @brief Optional, include user data. */ const bool &enableUserData() const; void setEnableUserData(bool newEnableUserData); bool enableUserDataNull() const; void setEnableUserDataNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified results will be filtered to exclude those containing the specified PersonType. Allows multiple, comma-delimited. */ const QStringList &excludePersonTypes() const; void setExcludePersonTypes(QStringList newExcludePersonTypes); bool excludePersonTypesNull() const; void setExcludePersonTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify additional fields of information to return in the output. */ const QList &fields() const; void setFields(QList newFields); bool fieldsNull() const; void setFieldsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify additional filters to apply. */ const QList &filters() const; void setFilters(QList newFilters); bool filtersNull() const; void setFiltersNull(); /** * @brief Optional, the max number of images to return, per image type. */ const qint32 &imageTypeLimit() const; void setImageTypeLimit(qint32 newImageTypeLimit); bool imageTypeLimitNull() const; void setImageTypeLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items that are marked as favorite, or not. userId is required. */ const bool &isFavorite() const; void setIsFavorite(bool newIsFavorite); bool isFavoriteNull() const; void setIsFavoriteNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of records to return. */ const qint32 &limit() const; void setLimit(qint32 newLimit); bool limitNull() const; void setLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified results will be filtered to include only those containing the specified PersonType. Allows multiple, comma-delimited. */ const QStringList &personTypes() const; void setPersonTypes(QStringList newPersonTypes); bool personTypesNull() const; void setPersonTypesNull(); /** * @brief The search term. */ const QString &searchTerm() const; void setSearchTerm(QString newSearchTerm); bool searchTermNull() const; void setSearchTermNull(); /** * @brief User id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QString m_appearsInItemId; QList m_enableImageTypes; std::optional m_enableImages = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableUserData = std::nullopt; QStringList m_excludePersonTypes; QList m_fields; QList m_filters; std::optional m_imageTypeLimit = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isFavorite = std::nullopt; std::optional m_limit = std::nullopt; QStringList m_personTypes; QString m_searchTerm; QString m_userId; }; class GetPhysicalPathsParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetPingSystemParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetPlaybackInfoParams { public: /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief The user id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; // Required query parameters QString m_userId; // Optional query parameters }; class GetPlaylistItemsParams { public: /** * @brief The playlist id. */ const QString &playlistId() const; void setPlaylistId(QString newPlaylistId); /** * @brief User id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); /** * @brief Optional. The image types to include in the output. */ const QList &enableImageTypes() const; void setEnableImageTypes(QList newEnableImageTypes); bool enableImageTypesNull() const; void setEnableImageTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Include image information in output. */ const bool &enableImages() const; void setEnableImages(bool newEnableImages); bool enableImagesNull() const; void setEnableImagesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Include user data. */ const bool &enableUserData() const; void setEnableUserData(bool newEnableUserData); bool enableUserDataNull() const; void setEnableUserDataNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify additional fields of information to return in the output. */ const QList &fields() const; void setFields(QList newFields); bool fieldsNull() const; void setFieldsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The max number of images to return, per image type. */ const qint32 &imageTypeLimit() const; void setImageTypeLimit(qint32 newImageTypeLimit); bool imageTypeLimitNull() const; void setImageTypeLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of records to return. */ const qint32 &limit() const; void setLimit(qint32 newLimit); bool limitNull() const; void setLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The record index to start at. All items with a lower index will be dropped from the results. */ const qint32 &startIndex() const; void setStartIndex(qint32 newStartIndex); bool startIndexNull() const; void setStartIndexNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_playlistId; // Required query parameters QString m_userId; // Optional query parameters QList m_enableImageTypes; std::optional m_enableImages = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableUserData = std::nullopt; QList m_fields; std::optional m_imageTypeLimit = std::nullopt; std::optional m_limit = std::nullopt; std::optional m_startIndex = std::nullopt; }; class GetPluginConfigurationParams { public: /** * @brief Plugin id. */ const QString &pluginId() const; void setPluginId(QString newPluginId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_pluginId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetPluginImageParams { public: /** * @brief Plugin id. */ const QString &pluginId() const; void setPluginId(QString newPluginId); /** * @brief Plugin version. */ const QSharedPointer &version() const; void setVersion(QSharedPointer newVersion); private: // Required path parameters QString m_pluginId; QSharedPointer m_version; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetPluginManifestParams { public: /** * @brief Plugin id. */ const QString &pluginId() const; void setPluginId(QString newPluginId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_pluginId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetPluginsParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetPostedPlaybackInfoParams { public: /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief Whether to allow to copy the audio stream. Default: true. */ const bool &allowAudioStreamCopy() const; void setAllowAudioStreamCopy(bool newAllowAudioStreamCopy); bool allowAudioStreamCopyNull() const; void setAllowAudioStreamCopyNull(); /** * @brief Whether to allow to copy the video stream. Default: true. */ const bool &allowVideoStreamCopy() const; void setAllowVideoStreamCopy(bool newAllowVideoStreamCopy); bool allowVideoStreamCopyNull() const; void setAllowVideoStreamCopyNull(); /** * @brief The audio stream index. */ const qint32 &audioStreamIndex() const; void setAudioStreamIndex(qint32 newAudioStreamIndex); bool audioStreamIndexNull() const; void setAudioStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief Whether to auto open the livestream. */ const bool &autoOpenLiveStream() const; void setAutoOpenLiveStream(bool newAutoOpenLiveStream); bool autoOpenLiveStreamNull() const; void setAutoOpenLiveStreamNull(); /** * @brief Whether to enable direct play. Default: true. */ const bool &enableDirectPlay() const; void setEnableDirectPlay(bool newEnableDirectPlay); bool enableDirectPlayNull() const; void setEnableDirectPlayNull(); /** * @brief Whether to enable direct stream. Default: true. */ const bool &enableDirectStream() const; void setEnableDirectStream(bool newEnableDirectStream); bool enableDirectStreamNull() const; void setEnableDirectStreamNull(); /** * @brief Whether to enable transcoding. Default: true. */ const bool &enableTranscoding() const; void setEnableTranscoding(bool newEnableTranscoding); bool enableTranscodingNull() const; void setEnableTranscodingNull(); /** * @brief The livestream id. */ const QString &liveStreamId() const; void setLiveStreamId(QString newLiveStreamId); bool liveStreamIdNull() const; void setLiveStreamIdNull(); /** * @brief The maximum number of audio channels. */ const qint32 &maxAudioChannels() const; void setMaxAudioChannels(qint32 newMaxAudioChannels); bool maxAudioChannelsNull() const; void setMaxAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief The maximum streaming bitrate. */ const qint32 &maxStreamingBitrate() const; void setMaxStreamingBitrate(qint32 newMaxStreamingBitrate); bool maxStreamingBitrateNull() const; void setMaxStreamingBitrateNull(); /** * @brief The media source id. */ const QString &mediaSourceId() const; void setMediaSourceId(QString newMediaSourceId); bool mediaSourceIdNull() const; void setMediaSourceIdNull(); /** * @brief The start time in ticks. */ const qint64 &startTimeTicks() const; void setStartTimeTicks(qint64 newStartTimeTicks); bool startTimeTicksNull() const; void setStartTimeTicksNull(); /** * @brief The subtitle stream index. */ const qint32 &subtitleStreamIndex() const; void setSubtitleStreamIndex(qint32 newSubtitleStreamIndex); bool subtitleStreamIndexNull() const; void setSubtitleStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief The user id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_allowAudioStreamCopy = std::nullopt; std::optional m_allowVideoStreamCopy = std::nullopt; std::optional m_audioStreamIndex = std::nullopt; std::optional m_autoOpenLiveStream = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableDirectPlay = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableDirectStream = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableTranscoding = std::nullopt; QString m_liveStreamId; std::optional m_maxAudioChannels = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxStreamingBitrate = std::nullopt; QString m_mediaSourceId; std::optional m_startTimeTicks = std::nullopt; std::optional m_subtitleStreamIndex = std::nullopt; QString m_userId; }; class GetProfileParams { public: /** * @brief Profile Id. */ const QString &profileId() const; void setProfileId(QString newProfileId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_profileId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetProfileInfosParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetProgramParams { public: /** * @brief Program id. */ const QString &programId() const; void setProgramId(QString newProgramId); /** * @brief Optional. Attach user data. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_programId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QString m_userId; }; class GetProgramsParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetPublicSystemInfoParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetPublicUsersParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetQueryFiltersParams { public: /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on item type. This allows multiple, comma delimited. */ const QStringList &includeItemTypes() const; void setIncludeItemTypes(QStringList newIncludeItemTypes); bool includeItemTypesNull() const; void setIncludeItemTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Is item airing. */ const bool &isAiring() const; void setIsAiring(bool newIsAiring); bool isAiringNull() const; void setIsAiringNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Is item kids. */ const bool &isKids() const; void setIsKids(bool newIsKids); bool isKidsNull() const; void setIsKidsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Is item movie. */ const bool &isMovie() const; void setIsMovie(bool newIsMovie); bool isMovieNull() const; void setIsMovieNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Is item news. */ const bool &isNews() const; void setIsNews(bool newIsNews); bool isNewsNull() const; void setIsNewsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Is item series. */ const bool &isSeries() const; void setIsSeries(bool newIsSeries); bool isSeriesNull() const; void setIsSeriesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Is item sports. */ const bool &isSports() const; void setIsSports(bool newIsSports); bool isSportsNull() const; void setIsSportsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify this to localize the search to a specific item or folder. Omit to use the root. */ const QString &parentId() const; void setParentId(QString newParentId); bool parentIdNull() const; void setParentIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Search recursive. */ const bool &recursive() const; void setRecursive(bool newRecursive); bool recursiveNull() const; void setRecursiveNull(); /** * @brief Optional. User id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QStringList m_includeItemTypes; std::optional m_isAiring = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isKids = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isMovie = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isNews = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isSeries = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isSports = std::nullopt; QString m_parentId; std::optional m_recursive = std::nullopt; QString m_userId; }; class GetQueryFiltersLegacyParams { public: /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on item type. This allows multiple, comma delimited. */ const QStringList &includeItemTypes() const; void setIncludeItemTypes(QStringList newIncludeItemTypes); bool includeItemTypesNull() const; void setIncludeItemTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by MediaType. Allows multiple, comma delimited. */ const QStringList &mediaTypes() const; void setMediaTypes(QStringList newMediaTypes); bool mediaTypesNull() const; void setMediaTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Parent id. */ const QString &parentId() const; void setParentId(QString newParentId); bool parentIdNull() const; void setParentIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. User id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QStringList m_includeItemTypes; QStringList m_mediaTypes; QString m_parentId; QString m_userId; }; class GetRatingImageParams { public: /** * @brief The name of the image. */ const QString &name() const; void setName(QString newName); /** * @brief The theme to get the image from. */ const QString &theme() const; void setTheme(QString newTheme); private: // Required path parameters QString m_name; QString m_theme; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetRatingImagesParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetRecommendedProgramsParams { public: /** * @brief Optional. The image types to include in the output. */ const QList &enableImageTypes() const; void setEnableImageTypes(QList newEnableImageTypes); bool enableImageTypesNull() const; void setEnableImageTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Include image information in output. */ const bool &enableImages() const; void setEnableImages(bool newEnableImages); bool enableImagesNull() const; void setEnableImagesNull(); /** * @brief Retrieve total record count. */ const bool &enableTotalRecordCount() const; void setEnableTotalRecordCount(bool newEnableTotalRecordCount); bool enableTotalRecordCountNull() const; void setEnableTotalRecordCountNull(); /** * @brief Optional. include user data. */ const bool &enableUserData() const; void setEnableUserData(bool newEnableUserData); bool enableUserDataNull() const; void setEnableUserDataNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify additional fields of information to return in the output. */ const QList &fields() const; void setFields(QList newFields); bool fieldsNull() const; void setFieldsNull(); /** * @brief The genres to return guide information for. */ const QStringList &genreIds() const; void setGenreIds(QStringList newGenreIds); bool genreIdsNull() const; void setGenreIdsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by programs that have completed airing, or not. */ const bool &hasAired() const; void setHasAired(bool newHasAired); bool hasAiredNull() const; void setHasAiredNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The max number of images to return, per image type. */ const qint32 &imageTypeLimit() const; void setImageTypeLimit(qint32 newImageTypeLimit); bool imageTypeLimitNull() const; void setImageTypeLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by programs that are currently airing, or not. */ const bool &isAiring() const; void setIsAiring(bool newIsAiring); bool isAiringNull() const; void setIsAiringNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter for kids. */ const bool &isKids() const; void setIsKids(bool newIsKids); bool isKidsNull() const; void setIsKidsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter for movies. */ const bool &isMovie() const; void setIsMovie(bool newIsMovie); bool isMovieNull() const; void setIsMovieNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter for news. */ const bool &isNews() const; void setIsNews(bool newIsNews); bool isNewsNull() const; void setIsNewsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter for series. */ const bool &isSeries() const; void setIsSeries(bool newIsSeries); bool isSeriesNull() const; void setIsSeriesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter for sports. */ const bool &isSports() const; void setIsSports(bool newIsSports); bool isSportsNull() const; void setIsSportsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of records to return. */ const qint32 &limit() const; void setLimit(qint32 newLimit); bool limitNull() const; void setLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. filter by user id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QList m_enableImageTypes; std::optional m_enableImages = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableTotalRecordCount = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableUserData = std::nullopt; QList m_fields; QStringList m_genreIds; std::optional m_hasAired = std::nullopt; std::optional m_imageTypeLimit = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isAiring = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isKids = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isMovie = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isNews = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isSeries = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isSports = std::nullopt; std::optional m_limit = std::nullopt; QString m_userId; }; class GetRecordingParams { public: /** * @brief Recording id. */ const QString &recordingId() const; void setRecordingId(QString newRecordingId); /** * @brief Optional. Attach user data. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_recordingId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QString m_userId; }; class GetRecordingFoldersParams { public: /** * @brief Optional. Filter by user and attach user data. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QString m_userId; }; class GetRecordingGroupParams { public: /** * @brief Group id. */ const QString &groupId() const; void setGroupId(QString newGroupId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_groupId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetRecordingGroupsParams { public: /** * @brief Optional. Filter by user and attach user data. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QString m_userId; }; class GetRecordingsParams { public: /** * @brief Optional. Filter by channel id. */ const QString &channelId() const; void setChannelId(QString newChannelId); bool channelIdNull() const; void setChannelIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The image types to include in the output. */ const QList &enableImageTypes() const; void setEnableImageTypes(QList newEnableImageTypes); bool enableImageTypesNull() const; void setEnableImageTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Include image information in output. */ const bool &enableImages() const; void setEnableImages(bool newEnableImages); bool enableImagesNull() const; void setEnableImagesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Return total record count. */ const bool &enableTotalRecordCount() const; void setEnableTotalRecordCount(bool newEnableTotalRecordCount); bool enableTotalRecordCountNull() const; void setEnableTotalRecordCountNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Include user data. */ const bool &enableUserData() const; void setEnableUserData(bool newEnableUserData); bool enableUserDataNull() const; void setEnableUserDataNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify additional fields of information to return in the output. */ const QList &fields() const; void setFields(QList newFields); bool fieldsNull() const; void setFieldsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The max number of images to return, per image type. */ const qint32 &imageTypeLimit() const; void setImageTypeLimit(qint32 newImageTypeLimit); bool imageTypeLimitNull() const; void setImageTypeLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by recordings that are in progress, or not. */ const bool &isInProgress() const; void setIsInProgress(bool newIsInProgress); bool isInProgressNull() const; void setIsInProgressNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter for kids. */ const bool &isKids() const; void setIsKids(bool newIsKids); bool isKidsNull() const; void setIsKidsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter for is library item. */ const bool &isLibraryItem() const; void setIsLibraryItem(bool newIsLibraryItem); bool isLibraryItemNull() const; void setIsLibraryItemNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter for movies. */ const bool &isMovie() const; void setIsMovie(bool newIsMovie); bool isMovieNull() const; void setIsMovieNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter for news. */ const bool &isNews() const; void setIsNews(bool newIsNews); bool isNewsNull() const; void setIsNewsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter for series. */ const bool &isSeries() const; void setIsSeries(bool newIsSeries); bool isSeriesNull() const; void setIsSeriesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter for sports. */ const bool &isSports() const; void setIsSports(bool newIsSports); bool isSportsNull() const; void setIsSportsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of records to return. */ const qint32 &limit() const; void setLimit(qint32 newLimit); bool limitNull() const; void setLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by recordings belonging to a series timer. */ const QString &seriesTimerId() const; void setSeriesTimerId(QString newSeriesTimerId); bool seriesTimerIdNull() const; void setSeriesTimerIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The record index to start at. All items with a lower index will be dropped from the results. */ const qint32 &startIndex() const; void setStartIndex(qint32 newStartIndex); bool startIndexNull() const; void setStartIndexNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by recording status. */ const RecordingStatus &status() const; void setStatus(RecordingStatus newStatus); bool statusNull() const; void setStatusNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by user and attach user data. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QString m_channelId; QList m_enableImageTypes; std::optional m_enableImages = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableTotalRecordCount = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableUserData = std::nullopt; QList m_fields; std::optional m_imageTypeLimit = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isInProgress = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isKids = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isLibraryItem = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isMovie = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isNews = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isSeries = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isSports = std::nullopt; std::optional m_limit = std::nullopt; QString m_seriesTimerId; std::optional m_startIndex = std::nullopt; RecordingStatus m_status; QString m_userId; }; class GetRecordingsSeriesParams { public: /** * @brief Optional. Filter by channel id. */ const QString &channelId() const; void setChannelId(QString newChannelId); bool channelIdNull() const; void setChannelIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The image types to include in the output. */ const QList &enableImageTypes() const; void setEnableImageTypes(QList newEnableImageTypes); bool enableImageTypesNull() const; void setEnableImageTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Include image information in output. */ const bool &enableImages() const; void setEnableImages(bool newEnableImages); bool enableImagesNull() const; void setEnableImagesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Return total record count. */ const bool &enableTotalRecordCount() const; void setEnableTotalRecordCount(bool newEnableTotalRecordCount); bool enableTotalRecordCountNull() const; void setEnableTotalRecordCountNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Include user data. */ const bool &enableUserData() const; void setEnableUserData(bool newEnableUserData); bool enableUserDataNull() const; void setEnableUserDataNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify additional fields of information to return in the output. */ const QList &fields() const; void setFields(QList newFields); bool fieldsNull() const; void setFieldsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by recording group. */ const QString &groupId() const; void setGroupId(QString newGroupId); bool groupIdNull() const; void setGroupIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The max number of images to return, per image type. */ const qint32 &imageTypeLimit() const; void setImageTypeLimit(qint32 newImageTypeLimit); bool imageTypeLimitNull() const; void setImageTypeLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by recordings that are in progress, or not. */ const bool &isInProgress() const; void setIsInProgress(bool newIsInProgress); bool isInProgressNull() const; void setIsInProgressNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of records to return. */ const qint32 &limit() const; void setLimit(qint32 newLimit); bool limitNull() const; void setLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by recordings belonging to a series timer. */ const QString &seriesTimerId() const; void setSeriesTimerId(QString newSeriesTimerId); bool seriesTimerIdNull() const; void setSeriesTimerIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The record index to start at. All items with a lower index will be dropped from the results. */ const qint32 &startIndex() const; void setStartIndex(qint32 newStartIndex); bool startIndexNull() const; void setStartIndexNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by recording status. */ const RecordingStatus &status() const; void setStatus(RecordingStatus newStatus); bool statusNull() const; void setStatusNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by user and attach user data. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QString m_channelId; QList m_enableImageTypes; std::optional m_enableImages = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableTotalRecordCount = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableUserData = std::nullopt; QList m_fields; QString m_groupId; std::optional m_imageTypeLimit = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isInProgress = std::nullopt; std::optional m_limit = std::nullopt; QString m_seriesTimerId; std::optional m_startIndex = std::nullopt; RecordingStatus m_status; QString m_userId; }; class GetRemoteImageParams { public: /** * @brief The image url. */ const QString &imageUrl() const; void setImageUrl(QString newImageUrl); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters QString m_imageUrl; // Optional query parameters }; class GetRemoteImageProvidersParams { public: /** * @brief Item Id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetRemoteImagesParams { public: /** * @brief Item Id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief Optional. Include all languages. */ const bool &includeAllLanguages() const; void setIncludeAllLanguages(bool newIncludeAllLanguages); bool includeAllLanguagesNull() const; void setIncludeAllLanguagesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of records to return. */ const qint32 &limit() const; void setLimit(qint32 newLimit); bool limitNull() const; void setLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The image provider to use. */ const QString &providerName() const; void setProviderName(QString newProviderName); bool providerNameNull() const; void setProviderNameNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The record index to start at. All items with a lower index will be dropped from the results. */ const qint32 &startIndex() const; void setStartIndex(qint32 newStartIndex); bool startIndexNull() const; void setStartIndexNull(); /** * @brief The image type. */ const ImageType &type() const; void setType(ImageType newType); bool typeNull() const; void setTypeNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_includeAllLanguages = std::nullopt; std::optional m_limit = std::nullopt; QString m_providerName; std::optional m_startIndex = std::nullopt; ImageType m_type; }; class GetRemoteSearchImageParams { public: /** * @brief The image url. */ const QString &imageUrl() const; void setImageUrl(QString newImageUrl); /** * @brief The provider name. */ const QString &providerName() const; void setProviderName(QString newProviderName); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters QString m_imageUrl; QString m_providerName; // Optional query parameters }; class GetRemoteSubtitlesParams { public: /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &jellyfinId() const; void setJellyfinId(QString newJellyfinId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_jellyfinId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetRepositoriesParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetResumeItemsParams { public: /** * @brief The user id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); /** * @brief Optional. The image types to include in the output. */ const QList &enableImageTypes() const; void setEnableImageTypes(QList newEnableImageTypes); bool enableImageTypesNull() const; void setEnableImageTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Include image information in output. */ const bool &enableImages() const; void setEnableImages(bool newEnableImages); bool enableImagesNull() const; void setEnableImagesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Enable the total record count. */ const bool &enableTotalRecordCount() const; void setEnableTotalRecordCount(bool newEnableTotalRecordCount); bool enableTotalRecordCountNull() const; void setEnableTotalRecordCountNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Include user data. */ const bool &enableUserData() const; void setEnableUserData(bool newEnableUserData); bool enableUserDataNull() const; void setEnableUserDataNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on item type. This allows multiple, comma delimited. */ const QStringList &excludeItemTypes() const; void setExcludeItemTypes(QStringList newExcludeItemTypes); bool excludeItemTypesNull() const; void setExcludeItemTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify additional fields of information to return in the output. This allows multiple, comma delimited. Options: Budget, Chapters, DateCreated, Genres, HomePageUrl, IndexOptions, MediaStreams, Overview, ParentId, Path, People, ProviderIds, PrimaryImageAspectRatio, Revenue, SortName, Studios, Taglines. */ const QList &fields() const; void setFields(QList newFields); bool fieldsNull() const; void setFieldsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The max number of images to return, per image type. */ const qint32 &imageTypeLimit() const; void setImageTypeLimit(qint32 newImageTypeLimit); bool imageTypeLimitNull() const; void setImageTypeLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on the item type. This allows multiple, comma delimited. */ const QStringList &includeItemTypes() const; void setIncludeItemTypes(QStringList newIncludeItemTypes); bool includeItemTypesNull() const; void setIncludeItemTypesNull(); /** * @brief The item limit. */ const qint32 &limit() const; void setLimit(qint32 newLimit); bool limitNull() const; void setLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by MediaType. Allows multiple, comma delimited. */ const QStringList &mediaTypes() const; void setMediaTypes(QStringList newMediaTypes); bool mediaTypesNull() const; void setMediaTypesNull(); /** * @brief Specify this to localize the search to a specific item or folder. Omit to use the root. */ const QString &parentId() const; void setParentId(QString newParentId); bool parentIdNull() const; void setParentIdNull(); /** * @brief The search term. */ const QString &searchTerm() const; void setSearchTerm(QString newSearchTerm); bool searchTermNull() const; void setSearchTermNull(); /** * @brief The start index. */ const qint32 &startIndex() const; void setStartIndex(qint32 newStartIndex); bool startIndexNull() const; void setStartIndexNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_userId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QList m_enableImageTypes; std::optional m_enableImages = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableTotalRecordCount = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableUserData = std::nullopt; QStringList m_excludeItemTypes; QList m_fields; std::optional m_imageTypeLimit = std::nullopt; QStringList m_includeItemTypes; std::optional m_limit = std::nullopt; QStringList m_mediaTypes; QString m_parentId; QString m_searchTerm; std::optional m_startIndex = std::nullopt; }; class GetRootFolderParams { public: /** * @brief User id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_userId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetSchedulesDirectCountriesParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetSeasonsParams { public: /** * @brief The series id. */ const QString &seriesId() const; void setSeriesId(QString newSeriesId); /** * @brief Optional. Return items that are siblings of a supplied item. */ const QString &adjacentTo() const; void setAdjacentTo(QString newAdjacentTo); bool adjacentToNull() const; void setAdjacentToNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The image types to include in the output. */ const QList &enableImageTypes() const; void setEnableImageTypes(QList newEnableImageTypes); bool enableImageTypesNull() const; void setEnableImageTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Include image information in output. */ const bool &enableImages() const; void setEnableImages(bool newEnableImages); bool enableImagesNull() const; void setEnableImagesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Include user data. */ const bool &enableUserData() const; void setEnableUserData(bool newEnableUserData); bool enableUserDataNull() const; void setEnableUserDataNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify additional fields of information to return in the output. This allows multiple, comma delimited. Options: Budget, Chapters, DateCreated, Genres, HomePageUrl, IndexOptions, MediaStreams, Overview, ParentId, Path, People, ProviderIds, PrimaryImageAspectRatio, Revenue, SortName, Studios, Taglines, TrailerUrls. */ const QList &fields() const; void setFields(QList newFields); bool fieldsNull() const; void setFieldsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The max number of images to return, per image type. */ const qint32 &imageTypeLimit() const; void setImageTypeLimit(qint32 newImageTypeLimit); bool imageTypeLimitNull() const; void setImageTypeLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by items that are missing episodes or not. */ const bool &isMissing() const; void setIsMissing(bool newIsMissing); bool isMissingNull() const; void setIsMissingNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by special season. */ const bool &isSpecialSeason() const; void setIsSpecialSeason(bool newIsSpecialSeason); bool isSpecialSeasonNull() const; void setIsSpecialSeasonNull(); /** * @brief The user id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_seriesId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QString m_adjacentTo; QList m_enableImageTypes; std::optional m_enableImages = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableUserData = std::nullopt; QList m_fields; std::optional m_imageTypeLimit = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isMissing = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isSpecialSeason = std::nullopt; QString m_userId; }; class GetSeriesRemoteSearchResultsParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetSeriesTimerParams { public: /** * @brief Timer id. */ const QString &timerId() const; void setTimerId(QString newTimerId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_timerId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetSeriesTimersParams { public: /** * @brief Optional. Sort by SortName or Priority. */ const QString &sortBy() const; void setSortBy(QString newSortBy); bool sortByNull() const; void setSortByNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Sort in Ascending or Descending order. */ const SortOrder &sortOrder() const; void setSortOrder(SortOrder newSortOrder); bool sortOrderNull() const; void setSortOrderNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QString m_sortBy; SortOrder m_sortOrder; }; class GetServerLogsParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetSessionsParams { public: /** * @brief Optional. Filter by sessions that were active in the last n seconds. */ const qint32 &activeWithinSeconds() const; void setActiveWithinSeconds(qint32 newActiveWithinSeconds); bool activeWithinSecondsNull() const; void setActiveWithinSecondsNull(); /** * @brief Filter by sessions that a given user is allowed to remote control. */ const QString &controllableByUserId() const; void setControllableByUserId(QString newControllableByUserId); bool controllableByUserIdNull() const; void setControllableByUserIdNull(); /** * @brief Filter by device Id. */ const QString &deviceId() const; void setDeviceId(QString newDeviceId); bool deviceIdNull() const; void setDeviceIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_activeWithinSeconds = std::nullopt; QString m_controllableByUserId; QString m_deviceId; }; class GetSimilarAlbumsParams { public: /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief Exclude artist ids. */ const QStringList &excludeArtistIds() const; void setExcludeArtistIds(QStringList newExcludeArtistIds); bool excludeArtistIdsNull() const; void setExcludeArtistIdsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify additional fields of information to return in the output. This allows multiple, comma delimited. Options: Budget, Chapters, DateCreated, Genres, HomePageUrl, IndexOptions, MediaStreams, Overview, ParentId, Path, People, ProviderIds, PrimaryImageAspectRatio, Revenue, SortName, Studios, Taglines, TrailerUrls. */ const QList &fields() const; void setFields(QList newFields); bool fieldsNull() const; void setFieldsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of records to return. */ const qint32 &limit() const; void setLimit(qint32 newLimit); bool limitNull() const; void setLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by user id, and attach user data. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QStringList m_excludeArtistIds; QList m_fields; std::optional m_limit = std::nullopt; QString m_userId; }; class GetSimilarArtistsParams { public: /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief Exclude artist ids. */ const QStringList &excludeArtistIds() const; void setExcludeArtistIds(QStringList newExcludeArtistIds); bool excludeArtistIdsNull() const; void setExcludeArtistIdsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify additional fields of information to return in the output. This allows multiple, comma delimited. Options: Budget, Chapters, DateCreated, Genres, HomePageUrl, IndexOptions, MediaStreams, Overview, ParentId, Path, People, ProviderIds, PrimaryImageAspectRatio, Revenue, SortName, Studios, Taglines, TrailerUrls. */ const QList &fields() const; void setFields(QList newFields); bool fieldsNull() const; void setFieldsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of records to return. */ const qint32 &limit() const; void setLimit(qint32 newLimit); bool limitNull() const; void setLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by user id, and attach user data. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QStringList m_excludeArtistIds; QList m_fields; std::optional m_limit = std::nullopt; QString m_userId; }; class GetSimilarItemsParams { public: /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief Exclude artist ids. */ const QStringList &excludeArtistIds() const; void setExcludeArtistIds(QStringList newExcludeArtistIds); bool excludeArtistIdsNull() const; void setExcludeArtistIdsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify additional fields of information to return in the output. This allows multiple, comma delimited. Options: Budget, Chapters, DateCreated, Genres, HomePageUrl, IndexOptions, MediaStreams, Overview, ParentId, Path, People, ProviderIds, PrimaryImageAspectRatio, Revenue, SortName, Studios, Taglines, TrailerUrls. */ const QList &fields() const; void setFields(QList newFields); bool fieldsNull() const; void setFieldsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of records to return. */ const qint32 &limit() const; void setLimit(qint32 newLimit); bool limitNull() const; void setLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by user id, and attach user data. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QStringList m_excludeArtistIds; QList m_fields; std::optional m_limit = std::nullopt; QString m_userId; }; class GetSimilarMoviesParams { public: /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief Exclude artist ids. */ const QStringList &excludeArtistIds() const; void setExcludeArtistIds(QStringList newExcludeArtistIds); bool excludeArtistIdsNull() const; void setExcludeArtistIdsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify additional fields of information to return in the output. This allows multiple, comma delimited. Options: Budget, Chapters, DateCreated, Genres, HomePageUrl, IndexOptions, MediaStreams, Overview, ParentId, Path, People, ProviderIds, PrimaryImageAspectRatio, Revenue, SortName, Studios, Taglines, TrailerUrls. */ const QList &fields() const; void setFields(QList newFields); bool fieldsNull() const; void setFieldsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of records to return. */ const qint32 &limit() const; void setLimit(qint32 newLimit); bool limitNull() const; void setLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by user id, and attach user data. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QStringList m_excludeArtistIds; QList m_fields; std::optional m_limit = std::nullopt; QString m_userId; }; class GetSimilarShowsParams { public: /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief Exclude artist ids. */ const QStringList &excludeArtistIds() const; void setExcludeArtistIds(QStringList newExcludeArtistIds); bool excludeArtistIdsNull() const; void setExcludeArtistIdsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify additional fields of information to return in the output. This allows multiple, comma delimited. Options: Budget, Chapters, DateCreated, Genres, HomePageUrl, IndexOptions, MediaStreams, Overview, ParentId, Path, People, ProviderIds, PrimaryImageAspectRatio, Revenue, SortName, Studios, Taglines, TrailerUrls. */ const QList &fields() const; void setFields(QList newFields); bool fieldsNull() const; void setFieldsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of records to return. */ const qint32 &limit() const; void setLimit(qint32 newLimit); bool limitNull() const; void setLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by user id, and attach user data. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QStringList m_excludeArtistIds; QList m_fields; std::optional m_limit = std::nullopt; QString m_userId; }; class GetSimilarTrailersParams { public: /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief Exclude artist ids. */ const QStringList &excludeArtistIds() const; void setExcludeArtistIds(QStringList newExcludeArtistIds); bool excludeArtistIdsNull() const; void setExcludeArtistIdsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify additional fields of information to return in the output. This allows multiple, comma delimited. Options: Budget, Chapters, DateCreated, Genres, HomePageUrl, IndexOptions, MediaStreams, Overview, ParentId, Path, People, ProviderIds, PrimaryImageAspectRatio, Revenue, SortName, Studios, Taglines, TrailerUrls. */ const QList &fields() const; void setFields(QList newFields); bool fieldsNull() const; void setFieldsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of records to return. */ const qint32 &limit() const; void setLimit(qint32 newLimit); bool limitNull() const; void setLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by user id, and attach user data. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QStringList m_excludeArtistIds; QList m_fields; std::optional m_limit = std::nullopt; QString m_userId; }; class GetSpecialFeaturesParams { public: /** * @brief Item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief User id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; QString m_userId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetStartupConfigurationParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetStatusParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetStudioParams { public: /** * @brief Studio name. */ const QString &name() const; void setName(QString newName); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by user id, and attach user data. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_name; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QString m_userId; }; class GetStudioImageParams { public: /** * @brief Image type. */ const ImageType &imageType() const; void setImageType(ImageType newImageType); /** * @brief Studio name. */ const QString &name() const; void setName(QString newName); /** * @brief Optional. Add a played indicator. */ const bool &addPlayedIndicator() const; void setAddPlayedIndicator(bool newAddPlayedIndicator); bool addPlayedIndicatorNull() const; void setAddPlayedIndicatorNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images. */ const QString &backgroundColor() const; void setBackgroundColor(QString newBackgroundColor); bool backgroundColorNull() const; void setBackgroundColorNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Blur image. */ const qint32 &blur() const; void setBlur(qint32 newBlur); bool blurNull() const; void setBlurNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art. */ const bool &cropWhitespace() const; void setCropWhitespace(bool newCropWhitespace); bool cropWhitespaceNull() const; void setCropWhitespaceNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. */ const QString &foregroundLayer() const; void setForegroundLayer(QString newForegroundLayer); bool foregroundLayerNull() const; void setForegroundLayerNull(); /** * @brief Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png. */ const ImageFormat &format() const; void setFormat(ImageFormat newFormat); bool formatNull() const; void setFormatNull(); /** * @brief The fixed image height to return. */ const qint32 &height() const; void setHeight(qint32 newHeight); bool heightNull() const; void setHeightNull(); /** * @brief Image index. */ const qint32 &imageIndex() const; void setImageIndex(qint32 newImageIndex); bool imageIndexNull() const; void setImageIndexNull(); /** * @brief The maximum image height to return. */ const qint32 &maxHeight() const; void setMaxHeight(qint32 newMaxHeight); bool maxHeightNull() const; void setMaxHeightNull(); /** * @brief The maximum image width to return. */ const qint32 &maxWidth() const; void setMaxWidth(qint32 newMaxWidth); bool maxWidthNull() const; void setMaxWidthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay. */ const double &percentPlayed() const; void setPercentPlayed(double newPercentPlayed); bool percentPlayedNull() const; void setPercentPlayedNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases. */ const qint32 &quality() const; void setQuality(qint32 newQuality); bool qualityNull() const; void setQualityNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. */ const QString &tag() const; void setTag(QString newTag); bool tagNull() const; void setTagNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render. */ const qint32 &unplayedCount() const; void setUnplayedCount(qint32 newUnplayedCount); bool unplayedCountNull() const; void setUnplayedCountNull(); /** * @brief The fixed image width to return. */ const qint32 &width() const; void setWidth(qint32 newWidth); bool widthNull() const; void setWidthNull(); private: // Required path parameters ImageType m_imageType; QString m_name; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_addPlayedIndicator = std::nullopt; QString m_backgroundColor; std::optional m_blur = std::nullopt; std::optional m_cropWhitespace = std::nullopt; QString m_foregroundLayer; ImageFormat m_format; std::optional m_height = std::nullopt; std::optional m_imageIndex = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxHeight = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxWidth = std::nullopt; std::optional m_percentPlayed = std::nullopt; std::optional m_quality = std::nullopt; QString m_tag; std::optional m_unplayedCount = std::nullopt; std::optional m_width = std::nullopt; }; class GetStudioImageByIndexParams { public: /** * @brief Image index. */ const qint32 &imageIndex() const; void setImageIndex(qint32 newImageIndex); /** * @brief Image type. */ const ImageType &imageType() const; void setImageType(ImageType newImageType); /** * @brief Studio name. */ const QString &name() const; void setName(QString newName); /** * @brief Optional. Add a played indicator. */ const bool &addPlayedIndicator() const; void setAddPlayedIndicator(bool newAddPlayedIndicator); bool addPlayedIndicatorNull() const; void setAddPlayedIndicatorNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images. */ const QString &backgroundColor() const; void setBackgroundColor(QString newBackgroundColor); bool backgroundColorNull() const; void setBackgroundColorNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Blur image. */ const qint32 &blur() const; void setBlur(qint32 newBlur); bool blurNull() const; void setBlurNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art. */ const bool &cropWhitespace() const; void setCropWhitespace(bool newCropWhitespace); bool cropWhitespaceNull() const; void setCropWhitespaceNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. */ const QString &foregroundLayer() const; void setForegroundLayer(QString newForegroundLayer); bool foregroundLayerNull() const; void setForegroundLayerNull(); /** * @brief Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png. */ const ImageFormat &format() const; void setFormat(ImageFormat newFormat); bool formatNull() const; void setFormatNull(); /** * @brief The fixed image height to return. */ const qint32 &height() const; void setHeight(qint32 newHeight); bool heightNull() const; void setHeightNull(); /** * @brief The maximum image height to return. */ const qint32 &maxHeight() const; void setMaxHeight(qint32 newMaxHeight); bool maxHeightNull() const; void setMaxHeightNull(); /** * @brief The maximum image width to return. */ const qint32 &maxWidth() const; void setMaxWidth(qint32 newMaxWidth); bool maxWidthNull() const; void setMaxWidthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay. */ const double &percentPlayed() const; void setPercentPlayed(double newPercentPlayed); bool percentPlayedNull() const; void setPercentPlayedNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases. */ const qint32 &quality() const; void setQuality(qint32 newQuality); bool qualityNull() const; void setQualityNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. */ const QString &tag() const; void setTag(QString newTag); bool tagNull() const; void setTagNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render. */ const qint32 &unplayedCount() const; void setUnplayedCount(qint32 newUnplayedCount); bool unplayedCountNull() const; void setUnplayedCountNull(); /** * @brief The fixed image width to return. */ const qint32 &width() const; void setWidth(qint32 newWidth); bool widthNull() const; void setWidthNull(); private: // Required path parameters qint32 m_imageIndex; ImageType m_imageType; QString m_name; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_addPlayedIndicator = std::nullopt; QString m_backgroundColor; std::optional m_blur = std::nullopt; std::optional m_cropWhitespace = std::nullopt; QString m_foregroundLayer; ImageFormat m_format; std::optional m_height = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxHeight = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxWidth = std::nullopt; std::optional m_percentPlayed = std::nullopt; std::optional m_quality = std::nullopt; QString m_tag; std::optional m_unplayedCount = std::nullopt; std::optional m_width = std::nullopt; }; class GetStudiosParams { public: /** * @brief Optional. The image types to include in the output. */ const QList &enableImageTypes() const; void setEnableImageTypes(QList newEnableImageTypes); bool enableImageTypesNull() const; void setEnableImageTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional, include image information in output. */ const bool &enableImages() const; void setEnableImages(bool newEnableImages); bool enableImagesNull() const; void setEnableImagesNull(); /** * @brief Total record count. */ const bool &enableTotalRecordCount() const; void setEnableTotalRecordCount(bool newEnableTotalRecordCount); bool enableTotalRecordCountNull() const; void setEnableTotalRecordCountNull(); /** * @brief Optional, include user data. */ const bool &enableUserData() const; void setEnableUserData(bool newEnableUserData); bool enableUserDataNull() const; void setEnableUserDataNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered out based on item type. This allows multiple, comma delimited. */ const QStringList &excludeItemTypes() const; void setExcludeItemTypes(QStringList newExcludeItemTypes); bool excludeItemTypesNull() const; void setExcludeItemTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify additional fields of information to return in the output. */ const QList &fields() const; void setFields(QList newFields); bool fieldsNull() const; void setFieldsNull(); /** * @brief Optional, the max number of images to return, per image type. */ const qint32 &imageTypeLimit() const; void setImageTypeLimit(qint32 newImageTypeLimit); bool imageTypeLimitNull() const; void setImageTypeLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on item type. This allows multiple, comma delimited. */ const QStringList &includeItemTypes() const; void setIncludeItemTypes(QStringList newIncludeItemTypes); bool includeItemTypesNull() const; void setIncludeItemTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items that are marked as favorite, or not. */ const bool &isFavorite() const; void setIsFavorite(bool newIsFavorite); bool isFavoriteNull() const; void setIsFavoriteNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of records to return. */ const qint32 &limit() const; void setLimit(qint32 newLimit); bool limitNull() const; void setLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items whose name is equally or lesser than a given input string. */ const QString &nameLessThan() const; void setNameLessThan(QString newNameLessThan); bool nameLessThanNull() const; void setNameLessThanNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items whose name is sorted equally than a given input string. */ const QString &nameStartsWith() const; void setNameStartsWith(QString newNameStartsWith); bool nameStartsWithNull() const; void setNameStartsWithNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items whose name is sorted equally or greater than a given input string. */ const QString &nameStartsWithOrGreater() const; void setNameStartsWithOrGreater(QString newNameStartsWithOrGreater); bool nameStartsWithOrGreaterNull() const; void setNameStartsWithOrGreaterNull(); /** * @brief Specify this to localize the search to a specific item or folder. Omit to use the root. */ const QString &parentId() const; void setParentId(QString newParentId); bool parentIdNull() const; void setParentIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Search term. */ const QString &searchTerm() const; void setSearchTerm(QString newSearchTerm); bool searchTermNull() const; void setSearchTermNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The record index to start at. All items with a lower index will be dropped from the results. */ const qint32 &startIndex() const; void setStartIndex(qint32 newStartIndex); bool startIndexNull() const; void setStartIndexNull(); /** * @brief User id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QList m_enableImageTypes; std::optional m_enableImages = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableTotalRecordCount = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableUserData = std::nullopt; QStringList m_excludeItemTypes; QList m_fields; std::optional m_imageTypeLimit = std::nullopt; QStringList m_includeItemTypes; std::optional m_isFavorite = std::nullopt; std::optional m_limit = std::nullopt; QString m_nameLessThan; QString m_nameStartsWith; QString m_nameStartsWithOrGreater; QString m_parentId; QString m_searchTerm; std::optional m_startIndex = std::nullopt; QString m_userId; }; class GetSubtitleParams { public: /** * @brief The format of the returned subtitle. */ const QString &format() const; void setFormat(QString newFormat); /** * @brief The subtitle stream index. */ const qint32 &index() const; void setIndex(qint32 newIndex); /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief The media source id. */ const QString &mediaSourceId() const; void setMediaSourceId(QString newMediaSourceId); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to add a VTT time map. */ const bool &addVttTimeMap() const; void setAddVttTimeMap(bool newAddVttTimeMap); bool addVttTimeMapNull() const; void setAddVttTimeMapNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to copy the timestamps. */ const bool ©Timestamps() const; void setCopyTimestamps(bool newCopyTimestamps); bool copyTimestampsNull() const; void setCopyTimestampsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The end position of the subtitle in ticks. */ const qint64 &endPositionTicks() const; void setEndPositionTicks(qint64 newEndPositionTicks); bool endPositionTicksNull() const; void setEndPositionTicksNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The start position of the subtitle in ticks. */ const qint64 &startPositionTicks() const; void setStartPositionTicks(qint64 newStartPositionTicks); bool startPositionTicksNull() const; void setStartPositionTicksNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_format; qint32 m_index; QString m_itemId; QString m_mediaSourceId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_addVttTimeMap = std::nullopt; std::optional m_copyTimestamps = std::nullopt; std::optional m_endPositionTicks = std::nullopt; std::optional m_startPositionTicks = std::nullopt; }; class GetSubtitlePlaylistParams { public: /** * @brief The subtitle stream index. */ const qint32 &index() const; void setIndex(qint32 newIndex); /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief The media source id. */ const QString &mediaSourceId() const; void setMediaSourceId(QString newMediaSourceId); /** * @brief The subtitle segment length. */ const qint32 &segmentLength() const; void setSegmentLength(qint32 newSegmentLength); private: // Required path parameters qint32 m_index; QString m_itemId; QString m_mediaSourceId; // Required query parameters qint32 m_segmentLength; // Optional query parameters }; class GetSubtitleWithTicksParams { public: /** * @brief The format of the returned subtitle. */ const QString &format() const; void setFormat(QString newFormat); /** * @brief The subtitle stream index. */ const qint32 &index() const; void setIndex(qint32 newIndex); /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief The media source id. */ const QString &mediaSourceId() const; void setMediaSourceId(QString newMediaSourceId); /** * @brief Optional. The start position of the subtitle in ticks. */ const qint64 &startPositionTicks() const; void setStartPositionTicks(qint64 newStartPositionTicks); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to add a VTT time map. */ const bool &addVttTimeMap() const; void setAddVttTimeMap(bool newAddVttTimeMap); bool addVttTimeMapNull() const; void setAddVttTimeMapNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to copy the timestamps. */ const bool ©Timestamps() const; void setCopyTimestamps(bool newCopyTimestamps); bool copyTimestampsNull() const; void setCopyTimestampsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The end position of the subtitle in ticks. */ const qint64 &endPositionTicks() const; void setEndPositionTicks(qint64 newEndPositionTicks); bool endPositionTicksNull() const; void setEndPositionTicksNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_format; qint32 m_index; QString m_itemId; QString m_mediaSourceId; qint64 m_startPositionTicks; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_addVttTimeMap = std::nullopt; std::optional m_copyTimestamps = std::nullopt; std::optional m_endPositionTicks = std::nullopt; }; class GetSuggestionsParams { public: /** * @brief The user id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); /** * @brief Whether to enable the total record count. */ const bool &enableTotalRecordCount() const; void setEnableTotalRecordCount(bool newEnableTotalRecordCount); bool enableTotalRecordCountNull() const; void setEnableTotalRecordCountNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The limit. */ const qint32 &limit() const; void setLimit(qint32 newLimit); bool limitNull() const; void setLimitNull(); /** * @brief The media types. */ const QStringList &mediaType() const; void setMediaType(QStringList newMediaType); bool mediaTypeNull() const; void setMediaTypeNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The start index. */ const qint32 &startIndex() const; void setStartIndex(qint32 newStartIndex); bool startIndexNull() const; void setStartIndexNull(); /** * @brief The type. */ const QStringList &type() const; void setType(QStringList newType); bool typeNull() const; void setTypeNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_userId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_enableTotalRecordCount = std::nullopt; std::optional m_limit = std::nullopt; QStringList m_mediaType; std::optional m_startIndex = std::nullopt; QStringList m_type; }; class GetSystemInfoParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetTaskParams { public: /** * @brief Task Id. */ const QString &taskId() const; void setTaskId(QString newTaskId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_taskId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetTasksParams { public: /** * @brief Optional filter tasks that are enabled, or not. */ const bool &isEnabled() const; void setIsEnabled(bool newIsEnabled); bool isEnabledNull() const; void setIsEnabledNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter tasks that are hidden, or not. */ const bool &isHidden() const; void setIsHidden(bool newIsHidden); bool isHiddenNull() const; void setIsHiddenNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_isEnabled = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isHidden = std::nullopt; }; class GetThemeMediaParams { public: /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief Optional. Determines whether or not parent items should be searched for theme media. */ const bool &inheritFromParent() const; void setInheritFromParent(bool newInheritFromParent); bool inheritFromParentNull() const; void setInheritFromParentNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by user id, and attach user data. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_inheritFromParent = std::nullopt; QString m_userId; }; class GetThemeSongsParams { public: /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief Optional. Determines whether or not parent items should be searched for theme media. */ const bool &inheritFromParent() const; void setInheritFromParent(bool newInheritFromParent); bool inheritFromParentNull() const; void setInheritFromParentNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by user id, and attach user data. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_inheritFromParent = std::nullopt; QString m_userId; }; class GetThemeVideosParams { public: /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief Optional. Determines whether or not parent items should be searched for theme media. */ const bool &inheritFromParent() const; void setInheritFromParent(bool newInheritFromParent); bool inheritFromParentNull() const; void setInheritFromParentNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by user id, and attach user data. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_inheritFromParent = std::nullopt; QString m_userId; }; class GetTimerParams { public: /** * @brief Timer id. */ const QString &timerId() const; void setTimerId(QString newTimerId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_timerId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetTimersParams { public: /** * @brief Optional. Filter by channel id. */ const QString &channelId() const; void setChannelId(QString newChannelId); bool channelIdNull() const; void setChannelIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by timers that are active. */ const bool &isActive() const; void setIsActive(bool newIsActive); bool isActiveNull() const; void setIsActiveNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by timers that are scheduled. */ const bool &isScheduled() const; void setIsScheduled(bool newIsScheduled); bool isScheduledNull() const; void setIsScheduledNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by timers belonging to a series timer. */ const QString &seriesTimerId() const; void setSeriesTimerId(QString newSeriesTimerId); bool seriesTimerIdNull() const; void setSeriesTimerIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QString m_channelId; std::optional m_isActive = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isScheduled = std::nullopt; QString m_seriesTimerId; }; class GetTrailerRemoteSearchResultsParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetTrailersParams { public: /** * @brief Optional. Return items that are siblings of a supplied item. */ const QString &adjacentTo() const; void setAdjacentTo(QString newAdjacentTo); bool adjacentToNull() const; void setAdjacentToNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered to include only those containing the specified album artist id. */ const QStringList &albumArtistIds() const; void setAlbumArtistIds(QStringList newAlbumArtistIds); bool albumArtistIdsNull() const; void setAlbumArtistIdsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on album id. This allows multiple, pipe delimited. */ const QStringList &albumIds() const; void setAlbumIds(QStringList newAlbumIds); bool albumIdsNull() const; void setAlbumIdsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on album. This allows multiple, pipe delimited. */ const QStringList &albums() const; void setAlbums(QStringList newAlbums); bool albumsNull() const; void setAlbumsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered to include only those containing the specified artist id. */ const QStringList &artistIds() const; void setArtistIds(QStringList newArtistIds); bool artistIdsNull() const; void setArtistIdsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on artists. This allows multiple, pipe delimited. */ const QStringList &artists() const; void setArtists(QStringList newArtists); bool artistsNull() const; void setArtistsNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to hide items behind their boxsets. */ const bool &collapseBoxSetItems() const; void setCollapseBoxSetItems(bool newCollapseBoxSetItems); bool collapseBoxSetItemsNull() const; void setCollapseBoxSetItemsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered to include only those containing the specified contributing artist id. */ const QStringList &contributingArtistIds() const; void setContributingArtistIds(QStringList newContributingArtistIds); bool contributingArtistIdsNull() const; void setContributingArtistIdsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The image types to include in the output. */ const QList &enableImageTypes() const; void setEnableImageTypes(QList newEnableImageTypes); bool enableImageTypesNull() const; void setEnableImageTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional, include image information in output. */ const bool &enableImages() const; void setEnableImages(bool newEnableImages); bool enableImagesNull() const; void setEnableImagesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Enable the total record count. */ const bool &enableTotalRecordCount() const; void setEnableTotalRecordCount(bool newEnableTotalRecordCount); bool enableTotalRecordCountNull() const; void setEnableTotalRecordCountNull(); /** * @brief Optional, include user data. */ const bool &enableUserData() const; void setEnableUserData(bool newEnableUserData); bool enableUserDataNull() const; void setEnableUserDataNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on artist id. This allows multiple, pipe delimited. */ const QStringList &excludeArtistIds() const; void setExcludeArtistIds(QStringList newExcludeArtistIds); bool excludeArtistIdsNull() const; void setExcludeArtistIdsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered by excluding item ids. This allows multiple, comma delimited. */ const QStringList &excludeItemIds() const; void setExcludeItemIds(QStringList newExcludeItemIds); bool excludeItemIdsNull() const; void setExcludeItemIdsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on item type. This allows multiple, comma delimited. */ const QStringList &excludeItemTypes() const; void setExcludeItemTypes(QStringList newExcludeItemTypes); bool excludeItemTypesNull() const; void setExcludeItemTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on the LocationType. This allows multiple, comma delimited. */ const QList &excludeLocationTypes() const; void setExcludeLocationTypes(QList newExcludeLocationTypes); bool excludeLocationTypesNull() const; void setExcludeLocationTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify additional fields of information to return in the output. This allows multiple, comma delimited. Options: Budget, Chapters, DateCreated, Genres, HomePageUrl, IndexOptions, MediaStreams, Overview, ParentId, Path, People, ProviderIds, PrimaryImageAspectRatio, Revenue, SortName, Studios, Taglines. */ const QList &fields() const; void setFields(QList newFields); bool fieldsNull() const; void setFieldsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify additional filters to apply. This allows multiple, comma delimited. Options: IsFolder, IsNotFolder, IsUnplayed, IsPlayed, IsFavorite, IsResumable, Likes, Dislikes. */ const QList &filters() const; void setFilters(QList newFilters); bool filtersNull() const; void setFiltersNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on genre id. This allows multiple, pipe delimited. */ const QStringList &genreIds() const; void setGenreIds(QStringList newGenreIds); bool genreIdsNull() const; void setGenreIdsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on genre. This allows multiple, pipe delimited. */ const QStringList &genres() const; void setGenres(QStringList newGenres); bool genresNull() const; void setGenresNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items that have an imdb id or not. */ const bool &hasImdbId() const; void setHasImdbId(bool newHasImdbId); bool hasImdbIdNull() const; void setHasImdbIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items that have official ratings. */ const bool &hasOfficialRating() const; void setHasOfficialRating(bool newHasOfficialRating); bool hasOfficialRatingNull() const; void setHasOfficialRatingNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items that have an overview or not. */ const bool &hasOverview() const; void setHasOverview(bool newHasOverview); bool hasOverviewNull() const; void setHasOverviewNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items that have or do not have a parental rating. */ const bool &hasParentalRating() const; void setHasParentalRating(bool newHasParentalRating); bool hasParentalRatingNull() const; void setHasParentalRatingNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items with special features. */ const bool &hasSpecialFeature() const; void setHasSpecialFeature(bool newHasSpecialFeature); bool hasSpecialFeatureNull() const; void setHasSpecialFeatureNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items with subtitles. */ const bool &hasSubtitles() const; void setHasSubtitles(bool newHasSubtitles); bool hasSubtitlesNull() const; void setHasSubtitlesNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items with theme songs. */ const bool &hasThemeSong() const; void setHasThemeSong(bool newHasThemeSong); bool hasThemeSongNull() const; void setHasThemeSongNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items with theme videos. */ const bool &hasThemeVideo() const; void setHasThemeVideo(bool newHasThemeVideo); bool hasThemeVideoNull() const; void setHasThemeVideoNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items that have a tmdb id or not. */ const bool &hasTmdbId() const; void setHasTmdbId(bool newHasTmdbId); bool hasTmdbIdNull() const; void setHasTmdbIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items with trailers. */ const bool &hasTrailer() const; void setHasTrailer(bool newHasTrailer); bool hasTrailerNull() const; void setHasTrailerNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items that have a tvdb id or not. */ const bool &hasTvdbId() const; void setHasTvdbId(bool newHasTvdbId); bool hasTvdbIdNull() const; void setHasTvdbIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specific items are needed, specify a list of item id's to retrieve. This allows multiple, comma delimited. */ const QStringList &ids() const; void setIds(QStringList newIds); bool idsNull() const; void setIdsNull(); /** * @brief Optional, the max number of images to return, per image type. */ const qint32 &imageTypeLimit() const; void setImageTypeLimit(qint32 newImageTypeLimit); bool imageTypeLimitNull() const; void setImageTypeLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on those containing image types. This allows multiple, comma delimited. */ const QList &imageTypes() const; void setImageTypes(QList newImageTypes); bool imageTypesNull() const; void setImageTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items that are 3D, or not. */ const bool &is3D() const; void setIs3D(bool newIs3D); bool is3DNull() const; void setIs3DNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items that are 4K or not. */ const bool &is4K() const; void setIs4K(bool newIs4K); bool is4KNull() const; void setIs4KNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items that are marked as favorite, or not. */ const bool &isFavorite() const; void setIsFavorite(bool newIsFavorite); bool isFavoriteNull() const; void setIsFavoriteNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items that are HD or not. */ const bool &isHd() const; void setIsHd(bool newIsHd); bool isHdNull() const; void setIsHdNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items that are locked. */ const bool &isLocked() const; void setIsLocked(bool newIsLocked); bool isLockedNull() const; void setIsLockedNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items that are missing episodes or not. */ const bool &isMissing() const; void setIsMissing(bool newIsMissing); bool isMissingNull() const; void setIsMissingNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items that are placeholders. */ const bool &isPlaceHolder() const; void setIsPlaceHolder(bool newIsPlaceHolder); bool isPlaceHolderNull() const; void setIsPlaceHolderNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items that are played, or not. */ const bool &isPlayed() const; void setIsPlayed(bool newIsPlayed); bool isPlayedNull() const; void setIsPlayedNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items that are unaired episodes or not. */ const bool &isUnaired() const; void setIsUnaired(bool newIsUnaired); bool isUnairedNull() const; void setIsUnairedNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of records to return. */ const qint32 &limit() const; void setLimit(qint32 newLimit); bool limitNull() const; void setLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on LocationType. This allows multiple, comma delimited. */ const QList &locationTypes() const; void setLocationTypes(QList newLocationTypes); bool locationTypesNull() const; void setLocationTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by the maximum height of the item. */ const qint32 &maxHeight() const; void setMaxHeight(qint32 newMaxHeight); bool maxHeightNull() const; void setMaxHeightNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by maximum official rating (PG, PG-13, TV-MA, etc). */ const QString &maxOfficialRating() const; void setMaxOfficialRating(QString newMaxOfficialRating); bool maxOfficialRatingNull() const; void setMaxOfficialRatingNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum premiere date. Format = ISO. */ const QDateTime &maxPremiereDate() const; void setMaxPremiereDate(QDateTime newMaxPremiereDate); bool maxPremiereDateNull() const; void setMaxPremiereDateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by the maximum width of the item. */ const qint32 &maxWidth() const; void setMaxWidth(qint32 newMaxWidth); bool maxWidthNull() const; void setMaxWidthNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by MediaType. Allows multiple, comma delimited. */ const QStringList &mediaTypes() const; void setMediaTypes(QStringList newMediaTypes); bool mediaTypesNull() const; void setMediaTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by minimum community rating. */ const double &minCommunityRating() const; void setMinCommunityRating(double newMinCommunityRating); bool minCommunityRatingNull() const; void setMinCommunityRatingNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by minimum critic rating. */ const double &minCriticRating() const; void setMinCriticRating(double newMinCriticRating); bool minCriticRatingNull() const; void setMinCriticRatingNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The minimum last saved date. Format = ISO. */ const QDateTime &minDateLastSaved() const; void setMinDateLastSaved(QDateTime newMinDateLastSaved); bool minDateLastSavedNull() const; void setMinDateLastSavedNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The minimum last saved date for the current user. Format = ISO. */ const QDateTime &minDateLastSavedForUser() const; void setMinDateLastSavedForUser(QDateTime newMinDateLastSavedForUser); bool minDateLastSavedForUserNull() const; void setMinDateLastSavedForUserNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by the minimum height of the item. */ const qint32 &minHeight() const; void setMinHeight(qint32 newMinHeight); bool minHeightNull() const; void setMinHeightNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by minimum official rating (PG, PG-13, TV-MA, etc). */ const QString &minOfficialRating() const; void setMinOfficialRating(QString newMinOfficialRating); bool minOfficialRatingNull() const; void setMinOfficialRatingNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The minimum premiere date. Format = ISO. */ const QDateTime &minPremiereDate() const; void setMinPremiereDate(QDateTime newMinPremiereDate); bool minPremiereDateNull() const; void setMinPremiereDateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by the minimum width of the item. */ const qint32 &minWidth() const; void setMinWidth(qint32 newMinWidth); bool minWidthNull() const; void setMinWidthNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items whose name is equally or lesser than a given input string. */ const QString &nameLessThan() const; void setNameLessThan(QString newNameLessThan); bool nameLessThanNull() const; void setNameLessThanNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items whose name is sorted equally than a given input string. */ const QString &nameStartsWith() const; void setNameStartsWith(QString newNameStartsWith); bool nameStartsWithNull() const; void setNameStartsWithNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by items whose name is sorted equally or greater than a given input string. */ const QString &nameStartsWithOrGreater() const; void setNameStartsWithOrGreater(QString newNameStartsWithOrGreater); bool nameStartsWithOrGreaterNull() const; void setNameStartsWithOrGreaterNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on OfficialRating. This allows multiple, pipe delimited. */ const QStringList &officialRatings() const; void setOfficialRatings(QStringList newOfficialRatings); bool officialRatingsNull() const; void setOfficialRatingsNull(); /** * @brief Specify this to localize the search to a specific item or folder. Omit to use the root. */ const QString &parentId() const; void setParentId(QString newParentId); bool parentIdNull() const; void setParentIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by parent index number. */ const qint32 &parentIndexNumber() const; void setParentIndexNumber(qint32 newParentIndexNumber); bool parentIndexNumberNull() const; void setParentIndexNumberNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered to include only those containing the specified person. */ const QString &person() const; void setPerson(QString newPerson); bool personNull() const; void setPersonNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered to include only those containing the specified person id. */ const QStringList &personIds() const; void setPersonIds(QStringList newPersonIds); bool personIdsNull() const; void setPersonIdsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, along with Person, results will be filtered to include only those containing the specified person and PersonType. Allows multiple, comma-delimited. */ const QStringList &personTypes() const; void setPersonTypes(QStringList newPersonTypes); bool personTypesNull() const; void setPersonTypesNull(); /** * @brief When searching within folders, this determines whether or not the search will be recursive. true/false. */ const bool &recursive() const; void setRecursive(bool newRecursive); bool recursiveNull() const; void setRecursiveNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter based on a search term. */ const QString &searchTerm() const; void setSearchTerm(QString newSearchTerm); bool searchTermNull() const; void setSearchTermNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by Series Status. Allows multiple, comma delimited. */ const QList &seriesStatus() const; void setSeriesStatus(QList newSeriesStatus); bool seriesStatusNull() const; void setSeriesStatusNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify one or more sort orders, comma delimited. Options: Album, AlbumArtist, Artist, Budget, CommunityRating, CriticRating, DateCreated, DatePlayed, PlayCount, PremiereDate, ProductionYear, SortName, Random, Revenue, Runtime. */ const QString &sortBy() const; void setSortBy(QString newSortBy); bool sortByNull() const; void setSortByNull(); /** * @brief Sort Order - Ascending,Descending. */ const QString &sortOrder() const; void setSortOrder(QString newSortOrder); bool sortOrderNull() const; void setSortOrderNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The record index to start at. All items with a lower index will be dropped from the results. */ const qint32 &startIndex() const; void setStartIndex(qint32 newStartIndex); bool startIndexNull() const; void setStartIndexNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on studio id. This allows multiple, pipe delimited. */ const QStringList &studioIds() const; void setStudioIds(QStringList newStudioIds); bool studioIdsNull() const; void setStudioIdsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on studio. This allows multiple, pipe delimited. */ const QStringList &studios() const; void setStudios(QStringList newStudios); bool studiosNull() const; void setStudiosNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on tag. This allows multiple, pipe delimited. */ const QStringList &tags() const; void setTags(QStringList newTags); bool tagsNull() const; void setTagsNull(); /** * @brief The user id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by VideoType (videofile, dvd, bluray, iso). Allows multiple, comma delimited. */ const QList &videoTypes() const; void setVideoTypes(QList newVideoTypes); bool videoTypesNull() const; void setVideoTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be filtered based on production year. This allows multiple, comma delimited. */ const QList &years() const; void setYears(QList newYears); bool yearsNull() const; void setYearsNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QString m_adjacentTo; QStringList m_albumArtistIds; QStringList m_albumIds; QStringList m_albums; QStringList m_artistIds; QStringList m_artists; std::optional m_collapseBoxSetItems = std::nullopt; QStringList m_contributingArtistIds; QList m_enableImageTypes; std::optional m_enableImages = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableTotalRecordCount = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableUserData = std::nullopt; QStringList m_excludeArtistIds; QStringList m_excludeItemIds; QStringList m_excludeItemTypes; QList m_excludeLocationTypes; QList m_fields; QList m_filters; QStringList m_genreIds; QStringList m_genres; std::optional m_hasImdbId = std::nullopt; std::optional m_hasOfficialRating = std::nullopt; std::optional m_hasOverview = std::nullopt; std::optional m_hasParentalRating = std::nullopt; std::optional m_hasSpecialFeature = std::nullopt; std::optional m_hasSubtitles = std::nullopt; std::optional m_hasThemeSong = std::nullopt; std::optional m_hasThemeVideo = std::nullopt; std::optional m_hasTmdbId = std::nullopt; std::optional m_hasTrailer = std::nullopt; std::optional m_hasTvdbId = std::nullopt; QStringList m_ids; std::optional m_imageTypeLimit = std::nullopt; QList m_imageTypes; std::optional m_is3D = std::nullopt; std::optional m_is4K = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isFavorite = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isHd = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isLocked = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isMissing = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isPlaceHolder = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isPlayed = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isUnaired = std::nullopt; std::optional m_limit = std::nullopt; QList m_locationTypes; std::optional m_maxHeight = std::nullopt; QString m_maxOfficialRating; QDateTime m_maxPremiereDate; std::optional m_maxWidth = std::nullopt; QStringList m_mediaTypes; std::optional m_minCommunityRating = std::nullopt; std::optional m_minCriticRating = std::nullopt; QDateTime m_minDateLastSaved; QDateTime m_minDateLastSavedForUser; std::optional m_minHeight = std::nullopt; QString m_minOfficialRating; QDateTime m_minPremiereDate; std::optional m_minWidth = std::nullopt; QString m_nameLessThan; QString m_nameStartsWith; QString m_nameStartsWithOrGreater; QStringList m_officialRatings; QString m_parentId; std::optional m_parentIndexNumber = std::nullopt; QString m_person; QStringList m_personIds; QStringList m_personTypes; std::optional m_recursive = std::nullopt; QString m_searchTerm; QList m_seriesStatus; QString m_sortBy; QString m_sortOrder; std::optional m_startIndex = std::nullopt; QStringList m_studioIds; QStringList m_studios; QStringList m_tags; QString m_userId; QList m_videoTypes; QList m_years; }; class GetTunerHostTypesParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetUniversalAudioStreamParams { public: /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief Optional. Specify an audio bitrate to encode to, e.g. 128000. If omitted this will be left to encoder defaults. */ const qint32 &audioBitRate() const; void setAudioBitRate(qint32 newAudioBitRate); bool audioBitRateNull() const; void setAudioBitRateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The audio codec to transcode to. */ const QString &audioCodec() const; void setAudioCodec(QString newAudioCodec); bool audioCodecNull() const; void setAudioCodecNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to break on non key frames. */ const bool &breakOnNonKeyFrames() const; void setBreakOnNonKeyFrames(bool newBreakOnNonKeyFrames); bool breakOnNonKeyFramesNull() const; void setBreakOnNonKeyFramesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The audio container. */ const QStringList &container() const; void setContainer(QStringList newContainer); bool containerNull() const; void setContainerNull(); /** * @brief The device id of the client requesting. Used to stop encoding processes when needed. */ const QString &deviceId() const; void setDeviceId(QString newDeviceId); bool deviceIdNull() const; void setDeviceIdNull(); /** * @brief Whether to enable redirection. Defaults to true. */ const bool &enableRedirection() const; void setEnableRedirection(bool newEnableRedirection); bool enableRedirectionNull() const; void setEnableRedirectionNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to enable remote media. */ const bool &enableRemoteMedia() const; void setEnableRemoteMedia(bool newEnableRemoteMedia); bool enableRemoteMediaNull() const; void setEnableRemoteMediaNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum audio bit depth. */ const qint32 &maxAudioBitDepth() const; void setMaxAudioBitDepth(qint32 newMaxAudioBitDepth); bool maxAudioBitDepthNull() const; void setMaxAudioBitDepthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of audio channels. */ const qint32 &maxAudioChannels() const; void setMaxAudioChannels(qint32 newMaxAudioChannels); bool maxAudioChannelsNull() const; void setMaxAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum audio sample rate. */ const qint32 &maxAudioSampleRate() const; void setMaxAudioSampleRate(qint32 newMaxAudioSampleRate); bool maxAudioSampleRateNull() const; void setMaxAudioSampleRateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum streaming bitrate. */ const qint32 &maxStreamingBitrate() const; void setMaxStreamingBitrate(qint32 newMaxStreamingBitrate); bool maxStreamingBitrateNull() const; void setMaxStreamingBitrateNull(); /** * @brief The media version id, if playing an alternate version. */ const QString &mediaSourceId() const; void setMediaSourceId(QString newMediaSourceId); bool mediaSourceIdNull() const; void setMediaSourceIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a starting offset, in ticks. 1 tick = 10000 ms. */ const qint64 &startTimeTicks() const; void setStartTimeTicks(qint64 newStartTimeTicks); bool startTimeTicksNull() const; void setStartTimeTicksNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The number of how many audio channels to transcode to. */ const qint32 &transcodingAudioChannels() const; void setTranscodingAudioChannels(qint32 newTranscodingAudioChannels); bool transcodingAudioChannelsNull() const; void setTranscodingAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The container to transcode to. */ const QString &transcodingContainer() const; void setTranscodingContainer(QString newTranscodingContainer); bool transcodingContainerNull() const; void setTranscodingContainerNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The transcoding protocol. */ const QString &transcodingProtocol() const; void setTranscodingProtocol(QString newTranscodingProtocol); bool transcodingProtocolNull() const; void setTranscodingProtocolNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The user id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_audioBitRate = std::nullopt; QString m_audioCodec; std::optional m_breakOnNonKeyFrames = std::nullopt; QStringList m_container; QString m_deviceId; std::optional m_enableRedirection = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableRemoteMedia = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxAudioBitDepth = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxAudioChannels = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxAudioSampleRate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxStreamingBitrate = std::nullopt; QString m_mediaSourceId; std::optional m_startTimeTicks = std::nullopt; std::optional m_transcodingAudioChannels = std::nullopt; QString m_transcodingContainer; QString m_transcodingProtocol; QString m_userId; }; class GetUpcomingEpisodesParams { public: /** * @brief Optional. The image types to include in the output. */ const QList &enableImageTypes() const; void setEnableImageTypes(QList newEnableImageTypes); bool enableImageTypesNull() const; void setEnableImageTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Include image information in output. */ const bool &enableImges() const; void setEnableImges(bool newEnableImges); bool enableImgesNull() const; void setEnableImgesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Include user data. */ const bool &enableUserData() const; void setEnableUserData(bool newEnableUserData); bool enableUserDataNull() const; void setEnableUserDataNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify additional fields of information to return in the output. */ const QList &fields() const; void setFields(QList newFields); bool fieldsNull() const; void setFieldsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The max number of images to return, per image type. */ const qint32 &imageTypeLimit() const; void setImageTypeLimit(qint32 newImageTypeLimit); bool imageTypeLimitNull() const; void setImageTypeLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of records to return. */ const qint32 &limit() const; void setLimit(qint32 newLimit); bool limitNull() const; void setLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify this to localize the search to a specific item or folder. Omit to use the root. */ const QString &parentId() const; void setParentId(QString newParentId); bool parentIdNull() const; void setParentIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The record index to start at. All items with a lower index will be dropped from the results. */ const qint32 &startIndex() const; void setStartIndex(qint32 newStartIndex); bool startIndexNull() const; void setStartIndexNull(); /** * @brief The user id of the user to get the upcoming episodes for. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QList m_enableImageTypes; std::optional m_enableImges = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableUserData = std::nullopt; QList m_fields; std::optional m_imageTypeLimit = std::nullopt; std::optional m_limit = std::nullopt; QString m_parentId; std::optional m_startIndex = std::nullopt; QString m_userId; }; class GetUserByIdParams { public: /** * @brief The user id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_userId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetUserImageParams { public: /** * @brief Image type. */ const ImageType &imageType() const; void setImageType(ImageType newImageType); /** * @brief User id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); /** * @brief Optional. Add a played indicator. */ const bool &addPlayedIndicator() const; void setAddPlayedIndicator(bool newAddPlayedIndicator); bool addPlayedIndicatorNull() const; void setAddPlayedIndicatorNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images. */ const QString &backgroundColor() const; void setBackgroundColor(QString newBackgroundColor); bool backgroundColorNull() const; void setBackgroundColorNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Blur image. */ const qint32 &blur() const; void setBlur(qint32 newBlur); bool blurNull() const; void setBlurNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art. */ const bool &cropWhitespace() const; void setCropWhitespace(bool newCropWhitespace); bool cropWhitespaceNull() const; void setCropWhitespaceNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. */ const QString &foregroundLayer() const; void setForegroundLayer(QString newForegroundLayer); bool foregroundLayerNull() const; void setForegroundLayerNull(); /** * @brief Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png. */ const ImageFormat &format() const; void setFormat(ImageFormat newFormat); bool formatNull() const; void setFormatNull(); /** * @brief The fixed image height to return. */ const qint32 &height() const; void setHeight(qint32 newHeight); bool heightNull() const; void setHeightNull(); /** * @brief Image index. */ const qint32 &imageIndex() const; void setImageIndex(qint32 newImageIndex); bool imageIndexNull() const; void setImageIndexNull(); /** * @brief The maximum image height to return. */ const qint32 &maxHeight() const; void setMaxHeight(qint32 newMaxHeight); bool maxHeightNull() const; void setMaxHeightNull(); /** * @brief The maximum image width to return. */ const qint32 &maxWidth() const; void setMaxWidth(qint32 newMaxWidth); bool maxWidthNull() const; void setMaxWidthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay. */ const double &percentPlayed() const; void setPercentPlayed(double newPercentPlayed); bool percentPlayedNull() const; void setPercentPlayedNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases. */ const qint32 &quality() const; void setQuality(qint32 newQuality); bool qualityNull() const; void setQualityNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. */ const QString &tag() const; void setTag(QString newTag); bool tagNull() const; void setTagNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render. */ const qint32 &unplayedCount() const; void setUnplayedCount(qint32 newUnplayedCount); bool unplayedCountNull() const; void setUnplayedCountNull(); /** * @brief The fixed image width to return. */ const qint32 &width() const; void setWidth(qint32 newWidth); bool widthNull() const; void setWidthNull(); private: // Required path parameters ImageType m_imageType; QString m_userId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_addPlayedIndicator = std::nullopt; QString m_backgroundColor; std::optional m_blur = std::nullopt; std::optional m_cropWhitespace = std::nullopt; QString m_foregroundLayer; ImageFormat m_format; std::optional m_height = std::nullopt; std::optional m_imageIndex = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxHeight = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxWidth = std::nullopt; std::optional m_percentPlayed = std::nullopt; std::optional m_quality = std::nullopt; QString m_tag; std::optional m_unplayedCount = std::nullopt; std::optional m_width = std::nullopt; }; class GetUserImageByIndexParams { public: /** * @brief Image index. */ const qint32 &imageIndex() const; void setImageIndex(qint32 newImageIndex); /** * @brief Image type. */ const ImageType &imageType() const; void setImageType(ImageType newImageType); /** * @brief User id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); /** * @brief Optional. Add a played indicator. */ const bool &addPlayedIndicator() const; void setAddPlayedIndicator(bool newAddPlayedIndicator); bool addPlayedIndicatorNull() const; void setAddPlayedIndicatorNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images. */ const QString &backgroundColor() const; void setBackgroundColor(QString newBackgroundColor); bool backgroundColorNull() const; void setBackgroundColorNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Blur image. */ const qint32 &blur() const; void setBlur(qint32 newBlur); bool blurNull() const; void setBlurNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art. */ const bool &cropWhitespace() const; void setCropWhitespace(bool newCropWhitespace); bool cropWhitespaceNull() const; void setCropWhitespaceNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. */ const QString &foregroundLayer() const; void setForegroundLayer(QString newForegroundLayer); bool foregroundLayerNull() const; void setForegroundLayerNull(); /** * @brief Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png. */ const ImageFormat &format() const; void setFormat(ImageFormat newFormat); bool formatNull() const; void setFormatNull(); /** * @brief The fixed image height to return. */ const qint32 &height() const; void setHeight(qint32 newHeight); bool heightNull() const; void setHeightNull(); /** * @brief The maximum image height to return. */ const qint32 &maxHeight() const; void setMaxHeight(qint32 newMaxHeight); bool maxHeightNull() const; void setMaxHeightNull(); /** * @brief The maximum image width to return. */ const qint32 &maxWidth() const; void setMaxWidth(qint32 newMaxWidth); bool maxWidthNull() const; void setMaxWidthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay. */ const double &percentPlayed() const; void setPercentPlayed(double newPercentPlayed); bool percentPlayedNull() const; void setPercentPlayedNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases. */ const qint32 &quality() const; void setQuality(qint32 newQuality); bool qualityNull() const; void setQualityNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. */ const QString &tag() const; void setTag(QString newTag); bool tagNull() const; void setTagNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render. */ const qint32 &unplayedCount() const; void setUnplayedCount(qint32 newUnplayedCount); bool unplayedCountNull() const; void setUnplayedCountNull(); /** * @brief The fixed image width to return. */ const qint32 &width() const; void setWidth(qint32 newWidth); bool widthNull() const; void setWidthNull(); private: // Required path parameters qint32 m_imageIndex; ImageType m_imageType; QString m_userId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_addPlayedIndicator = std::nullopt; QString m_backgroundColor; std::optional m_blur = std::nullopt; std::optional m_cropWhitespace = std::nullopt; QString m_foregroundLayer; ImageFormat m_format; std::optional m_height = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxHeight = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxWidth = std::nullopt; std::optional m_percentPlayed = std::nullopt; std::optional m_quality = std::nullopt; QString m_tag; std::optional m_unplayedCount = std::nullopt; std::optional m_width = std::nullopt; }; class GetUserViewsParams { public: /** * @brief User id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); /** * @brief Whether or not to include external views such as channels or live tv. */ const bool &includeExternalContent() const; void setIncludeExternalContent(bool newIncludeExternalContent); bool includeExternalContentNull() const; void setIncludeExternalContentNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to include hidden content. */ const bool &includeHidden() const; void setIncludeHidden(bool newIncludeHidden); bool includeHiddenNull() const; void setIncludeHiddenNull(); /** * @brief Preset views. */ const QStringList &presetViews() const; void setPresetViews(QStringList newPresetViews); bool presetViewsNull() const; void setPresetViewsNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_userId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_includeExternalContent = std::nullopt; std::optional m_includeHidden = std::nullopt; QStringList m_presetViews; }; class GetUsersParams { public: /** * @brief Optional filter by IsDisabled=true or false. */ const bool &isDisabled() const; void setIsDisabled(bool newIsDisabled); bool isDisabledNull() const; void setIsDisabledNull(); /** * @brief Optional filter by IsHidden=true or false. */ const bool &isHidden() const; void setIsHidden(bool newIsHidden); bool isHiddenNull() const; void setIsHiddenNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_isDisabled = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isHidden = std::nullopt; }; class GetUtcTimeParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetVariantHlsAudioPlaylistParams { public: /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief Whether or not to allow copying of the audio stream url. */ const bool &allowAudioStreamCopy() const; void setAllowAudioStreamCopy(bool newAllowAudioStreamCopy); bool allowAudioStreamCopyNull() const; void setAllowAudioStreamCopyNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to allow copying of the video stream url. */ const bool &allowVideoStreamCopy() const; void setAllowVideoStreamCopy(bool newAllowVideoStreamCopy); bool allowVideoStreamCopyNull() const; void setAllowVideoStreamCopyNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify an audio bitrate to encode to, e.g. 128000. If omitted this will be left to encoder defaults. */ const qint32 &audioBitRate() const; void setAudioBitRate(qint32 newAudioBitRate); bool audioBitRateNull() const; void setAudioBitRateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a specific number of audio channels to encode to, e.g. 2. */ const qint32 &audioChannels() const; void setAudioChannels(qint32 newAudioChannels); bool audioChannelsNull() const; void setAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a audio codec to encode to, e.g. mp3. If omitted the server will auto-select using the url's extension. Options: aac, mp3, vorbis, wma. */ const QString &audioCodec() const; void setAudioCodec(QString newAudioCodec); bool audioCodecNull() const; void setAudioCodecNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a specific audio sample rate, e.g. 44100. */ const qint32 &audioSampleRate() const; void setAudioSampleRate(qint32 newAudioSampleRate); bool audioSampleRateNull() const; void setAudioSampleRateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The index of the audio stream to use. If omitted the first audio stream will be used. */ const qint32 &audioStreamIndex() const; void setAudioStreamIndex(qint32 newAudioStreamIndex); bool audioStreamIndexNull() const; void setAudioStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to break on non key frames. */ const bool &breakOnNonKeyFrames() const; void setBreakOnNonKeyFrames(bool newBreakOnNonKeyFrames); bool breakOnNonKeyFramesNull() const; void setBreakOnNonKeyFramesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The MediaBrowser.Model.Dlna.EncodingContext. */ const EncodingContext &context() const; void setContext(EncodingContext newContext); bool contextNull() const; void setContextNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to copy timestamps when transcoding with an offset. Defaults to false. */ const bool ©Timestamps() const; void setCopyTimestamps(bool newCopyTimestamps); bool copyTimestampsNull() const; void setCopyTimestampsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The limit of how many cpu cores to use. */ const qint32 &cpuCoreLimit() const; void setCpuCoreLimit(qint32 newCpuCoreLimit); bool cpuCoreLimitNull() const; void setCpuCoreLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to deinterlace the video. */ const bool &deInterlace() const; void setDeInterlace(bool newDeInterlace); bool deInterlaceNull() const; void setDeInterlaceNull(); /** * @brief The device id of the client requesting. Used to stop encoding processes when needed. */ const QString &deviceId() const; void setDeviceId(QString newDeviceId); bool deviceIdNull() const; void setDeviceIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The dlna device profile id to utilize. */ const QString &deviceProfileId() const; void setDeviceProfileId(QString newDeviceProfileId); bool deviceProfileIdNull() const; void setDeviceProfileIdNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to allow automatic stream copy if requested values match the original source. Defaults to true. */ const bool &enableAutoStreamCopy() const; void setEnableAutoStreamCopy(bool newEnableAutoStreamCopy); bool enableAutoStreamCopyNull() const; void setEnableAutoStreamCopyNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to enable the MpegtsM2Ts mode. */ const bool &enableMpegtsM2TsMode() const; void setEnableMpegtsM2TsMode(bool newEnableMpegtsM2TsMode); bool enableMpegtsM2TsModeNull() const; void setEnableMpegtsM2TsModeNull(); /** * @brief Optional. A specific video framerate to encode to, e.g. 23.976. Generally this should be omitted unless the device has specific requirements. */ const float &framerate() const; void setFramerate(float newFramerate); bool framerateNull() const; void setFramerateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The fixed vertical resolution of the encoded video. */ const qint32 &height() const; void setHeight(qint32 newHeight); bool heightNull() const; void setHeightNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a level for the encoder profile (varies by encoder), e.g. 3, 3.1. */ const QString &level() const; void setLevel(QString newLevel); bool levelNull() const; void setLevelNull(); /** * @brief The live stream id. */ const QString &liveStreamId() const; void setLiveStreamId(QString newLiveStreamId); bool liveStreamIdNull() const; void setLiveStreamIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum audio bit depth. */ const qint32 &maxAudioBitDepth() const; void setMaxAudioBitDepth(qint32 newMaxAudioBitDepth); bool maxAudioBitDepthNull() const; void setMaxAudioBitDepthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a maximum number of audio channels to encode to, e.g. 2. */ const qint32 &maxAudioChannels() const; void setMaxAudioChannels(qint32 newMaxAudioChannels); bool maxAudioChannelsNull() const; void setMaxAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. A specific maximum video framerate to encode to, e.g. 23.976. Generally this should be omitted unless the device has specific requirements. */ const float &maxFramerate() const; void setMaxFramerate(float newMaxFramerate); bool maxFramerateNull() const; void setMaxFramerateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. */ const qint32 &maxRefFrames() const; void setMaxRefFrames(qint32 newMaxRefFrames); bool maxRefFramesNull() const; void setMaxRefFramesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum streaming bitrate. */ const qint32 &maxStreamingBitrate() const; void setMaxStreamingBitrate(qint32 newMaxStreamingBitrate); bool maxStreamingBitrateNull() const; void setMaxStreamingBitrateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum video bit depth. */ const qint32 &maxVideoBitDepth() const; void setMaxVideoBitDepth(qint32 newMaxVideoBitDepth); bool maxVideoBitDepthNull() const; void setMaxVideoBitDepthNull(); /** * @brief The media version id, if playing an alternate version. */ const QString &mediaSourceId() const; void setMediaSourceId(QString newMediaSourceId); bool mediaSourceIdNull() const; void setMediaSourceIdNull(); /** * @brief The minimum number of segments. */ const qint32 &minSegments() const; void setMinSegments(qint32 newMinSegments); bool minSegmentsNull() const; void setMinSegmentsNull(); /** * @brief The streaming parameters. */ const QString ¶ms() const; void setParams(QString newParams); bool paramsNull() const; void setParamsNull(); /** * @brief The play session id. */ const QString &playSessionId() const; void setPlaySessionId(QString newPlaySessionId); bool playSessionIdNull() const; void setPlaySessionIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a specific an encoder profile (varies by encoder), e.g. main, baseline, high. */ const QString &profile() const; void setProfile(QString newProfile); bool profileNull() const; void setProfileNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to require avc. */ const bool &requireAvc() const; void setRequireAvc(bool newRequireAvc); bool requireAvcNull() const; void setRequireAvcNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to require a non anamorphic stream. */ const bool &requireNonAnamorphic() const; void setRequireNonAnamorphic(bool newRequireNonAnamorphic); bool requireNonAnamorphicNull() const; void setRequireNonAnamorphicNull(); /** * @brief The segment container. */ const QString &segmentContainer() const; void setSegmentContainer(QString newSegmentContainer); bool segmentContainerNull() const; void setSegmentContainerNull(); /** * @brief The segment length. */ const qint32 &segmentLength() const; void setSegmentLength(qint32 newSegmentLength); bool segmentLengthNull() const; void setSegmentLengthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a starting offset, in ticks. 1 tick = 10000 ms. */ const qint64 &startTimeTicks() const; void setStartTimeTicks(qint64 newStartTimeTicks); bool startTimeTicksNull() const; void setStartTimeTicksNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If true, the original file will be streamed statically without any encoding. Use either no url extension or the original file extension. true/false. */ const bool &staticStreaming() const; void setStaticStreaming(bool newStaticStreaming); bool staticStreamingNull() const; void setStaticStreamingNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The streaming options. */ const QJsonObject &streamOptions() const; void setStreamOptions(QJsonObject newStreamOptions); bool streamOptionsNull() const; void setStreamOptionsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a subtitle codec to encode to. */ const QString &subtitleCodec() const; void setSubtitleCodec(QString newSubtitleCodec); bool subtitleCodecNull() const; void setSubtitleCodecNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify the subtitle delivery method. */ const SubtitleDeliveryMethod &subtitleMethod() const; void setSubtitleMethod(SubtitleDeliveryMethod newSubtitleMethod); bool subtitleMethodNull() const; void setSubtitleMethodNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The index of the subtitle stream to use. If omitted no subtitles will be used. */ const qint32 &subtitleStreamIndex() const; void setSubtitleStreamIndex(qint32 newSubtitleStreamIndex); bool subtitleStreamIndexNull() const; void setSubtitleStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief The tag. */ const QString &tag() const; void setTag(QString newTag); bool tagNull() const; void setTagNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The transcoding reason. */ const QString &transcodeReasons() const; void setTranscodeReasons(QString newTranscodeReasons); bool transcodeReasonsNull() const; void setTranscodeReasonsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of audio channels to transcode. */ const qint32 &transcodingMaxAudioChannels() const; void setTranscodingMaxAudioChannels(qint32 newTranscodingMaxAudioChannels); bool transcodingMaxAudioChannelsNull() const; void setTranscodingMaxAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a video bitrate to encode to, e.g. 500000. If omitted this will be left to encoder defaults. */ const qint32 &videoBitRate() const; void setVideoBitRate(qint32 newVideoBitRate); bool videoBitRateNull() const; void setVideoBitRateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a video codec to encode to, e.g. h264. If omitted the server will auto-select using the url's extension. Options: h265, h264, mpeg4, theora, vpx, wmv. */ const QString &videoCodec() const; void setVideoCodec(QString newVideoCodec); bool videoCodecNull() const; void setVideoCodecNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The index of the video stream to use. If omitted the first video stream will be used. */ const qint32 &videoStreamIndex() const; void setVideoStreamIndex(qint32 newVideoStreamIndex); bool videoStreamIndexNull() const; void setVideoStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The fixed horizontal resolution of the encoded video. */ const qint32 &width() const; void setWidth(qint32 newWidth); bool widthNull() const; void setWidthNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_allowAudioStreamCopy = std::nullopt; std::optional m_allowVideoStreamCopy = std::nullopt; std::optional m_audioBitRate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_audioChannels = std::nullopt; QString m_audioCodec; std::optional m_audioSampleRate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_audioStreamIndex = std::nullopt; std::optional m_breakOnNonKeyFrames = std::nullopt; EncodingContext m_context; std::optional m_copyTimestamps = std::nullopt; std::optional m_cpuCoreLimit = std::nullopt; std::optional m_deInterlace = std::nullopt; QString m_deviceId; QString m_deviceProfileId; std::optional m_enableAutoStreamCopy = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableMpegtsM2TsMode = std::nullopt; std::optional m_framerate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_height = std::nullopt; QString m_level; QString m_liveStreamId; std::optional m_maxAudioBitDepth = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxAudioChannels = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxFramerate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxRefFrames = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxStreamingBitrate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxVideoBitDepth = std::nullopt; QString m_mediaSourceId; std::optional m_minSegments = std::nullopt; QString m_params; QString m_playSessionId; QString m_profile; std::optional m_requireAvc = std::nullopt; std::optional m_requireNonAnamorphic = std::nullopt; QString m_segmentContainer; std::optional m_segmentLength = std::nullopt; std::optional m_startTimeTicks = std::nullopt; std::optional m_staticStreaming = std::nullopt; std::optional m_streamOptions = std::nullopt; QString m_subtitleCodec; SubtitleDeliveryMethod m_subtitleMethod; std::optional m_subtitleStreamIndex = std::nullopt; QString m_tag; QString m_transcodeReasons; std::optional m_transcodingMaxAudioChannels = std::nullopt; std::optional m_videoBitRate = std::nullopt; QString m_videoCodec; std::optional m_videoStreamIndex = std::nullopt; std::optional m_width = std::nullopt; }; class GetVariantHlsVideoPlaylistParams { public: /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief Whether or not to allow copying of the audio stream url. */ const bool &allowAudioStreamCopy() const; void setAllowAudioStreamCopy(bool newAllowAudioStreamCopy); bool allowAudioStreamCopyNull() const; void setAllowAudioStreamCopyNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to allow copying of the video stream url. */ const bool &allowVideoStreamCopy() const; void setAllowVideoStreamCopy(bool newAllowVideoStreamCopy); bool allowVideoStreamCopyNull() const; void setAllowVideoStreamCopyNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify an audio bitrate to encode to, e.g. 128000. If omitted this will be left to encoder defaults. */ const qint32 &audioBitRate() const; void setAudioBitRate(qint32 newAudioBitRate); bool audioBitRateNull() const; void setAudioBitRateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a specific number of audio channels to encode to, e.g. 2. */ const qint32 &audioChannels() const; void setAudioChannels(qint32 newAudioChannels); bool audioChannelsNull() const; void setAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a audio codec to encode to, e.g. mp3. If omitted the server will auto-select using the url's extension. Options: aac, mp3, vorbis, wma. */ const QString &audioCodec() const; void setAudioCodec(QString newAudioCodec); bool audioCodecNull() const; void setAudioCodecNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a specific audio sample rate, e.g. 44100. */ const qint32 &audioSampleRate() const; void setAudioSampleRate(qint32 newAudioSampleRate); bool audioSampleRateNull() const; void setAudioSampleRateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The index of the audio stream to use. If omitted the first audio stream will be used. */ const qint32 &audioStreamIndex() const; void setAudioStreamIndex(qint32 newAudioStreamIndex); bool audioStreamIndexNull() const; void setAudioStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to break on non key frames. */ const bool &breakOnNonKeyFrames() const; void setBreakOnNonKeyFrames(bool newBreakOnNonKeyFrames); bool breakOnNonKeyFramesNull() const; void setBreakOnNonKeyFramesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The MediaBrowser.Model.Dlna.EncodingContext. */ const EncodingContext &context() const; void setContext(EncodingContext newContext); bool contextNull() const; void setContextNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to copy timestamps when transcoding with an offset. Defaults to false. */ const bool ©Timestamps() const; void setCopyTimestamps(bool newCopyTimestamps); bool copyTimestampsNull() const; void setCopyTimestampsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The limit of how many cpu cores to use. */ const qint32 &cpuCoreLimit() const; void setCpuCoreLimit(qint32 newCpuCoreLimit); bool cpuCoreLimitNull() const; void setCpuCoreLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to deinterlace the video. */ const bool &deInterlace() const; void setDeInterlace(bool newDeInterlace); bool deInterlaceNull() const; void setDeInterlaceNull(); /** * @brief The device id of the client requesting. Used to stop encoding processes when needed. */ const QString &deviceId() const; void setDeviceId(QString newDeviceId); bool deviceIdNull() const; void setDeviceIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The dlna device profile id to utilize. */ const QString &deviceProfileId() const; void setDeviceProfileId(QString newDeviceProfileId); bool deviceProfileIdNull() const; void setDeviceProfileIdNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to allow automatic stream copy if requested values match the original source. Defaults to true. */ const bool &enableAutoStreamCopy() const; void setEnableAutoStreamCopy(bool newEnableAutoStreamCopy); bool enableAutoStreamCopyNull() const; void setEnableAutoStreamCopyNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to enable the MpegtsM2Ts mode. */ const bool &enableMpegtsM2TsMode() const; void setEnableMpegtsM2TsMode(bool newEnableMpegtsM2TsMode); bool enableMpegtsM2TsModeNull() const; void setEnableMpegtsM2TsModeNull(); /** * @brief Optional. A specific video framerate to encode to, e.g. 23.976. Generally this should be omitted unless the device has specific requirements. */ const float &framerate() const; void setFramerate(float newFramerate); bool framerateNull() const; void setFramerateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The fixed vertical resolution of the encoded video. */ const qint32 &height() const; void setHeight(qint32 newHeight); bool heightNull() const; void setHeightNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a level for the encoder profile (varies by encoder), e.g. 3, 3.1. */ const QString &level() const; void setLevel(QString newLevel); bool levelNull() const; void setLevelNull(); /** * @brief The live stream id. */ const QString &liveStreamId() const; void setLiveStreamId(QString newLiveStreamId); bool liveStreamIdNull() const; void setLiveStreamIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum audio bit depth. */ const qint32 &maxAudioBitDepth() const; void setMaxAudioBitDepth(qint32 newMaxAudioBitDepth); bool maxAudioBitDepthNull() const; void setMaxAudioBitDepthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a maximum number of audio channels to encode to, e.g. 2. */ const qint32 &maxAudioChannels() const; void setMaxAudioChannels(qint32 newMaxAudioChannels); bool maxAudioChannelsNull() const; void setMaxAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. A specific maximum video framerate to encode to, e.g. 23.976. Generally this should be omitted unless the device has specific requirements. */ const float &maxFramerate() const; void setMaxFramerate(float newMaxFramerate); bool maxFramerateNull() const; void setMaxFramerateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. */ const qint32 &maxRefFrames() const; void setMaxRefFrames(qint32 newMaxRefFrames); bool maxRefFramesNull() const; void setMaxRefFramesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum video bit depth. */ const qint32 &maxVideoBitDepth() const; void setMaxVideoBitDepth(qint32 newMaxVideoBitDepth); bool maxVideoBitDepthNull() const; void setMaxVideoBitDepthNull(); /** * @brief The media version id, if playing an alternate version. */ const QString &mediaSourceId() const; void setMediaSourceId(QString newMediaSourceId); bool mediaSourceIdNull() const; void setMediaSourceIdNull(); /** * @brief The minimum number of segments. */ const qint32 &minSegments() const; void setMinSegments(qint32 newMinSegments); bool minSegmentsNull() const; void setMinSegmentsNull(); /** * @brief The streaming parameters. */ const QString ¶ms() const; void setParams(QString newParams); bool paramsNull() const; void setParamsNull(); /** * @brief The play session id. */ const QString &playSessionId() const; void setPlaySessionId(QString newPlaySessionId); bool playSessionIdNull() const; void setPlaySessionIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a specific an encoder profile (varies by encoder), e.g. main, baseline, high. */ const QString &profile() const; void setProfile(QString newProfile); bool profileNull() const; void setProfileNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to require avc. */ const bool &requireAvc() const; void setRequireAvc(bool newRequireAvc); bool requireAvcNull() const; void setRequireAvcNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to require a non anamorphic stream. */ const bool &requireNonAnamorphic() const; void setRequireNonAnamorphic(bool newRequireNonAnamorphic); bool requireNonAnamorphicNull() const; void setRequireNonAnamorphicNull(); /** * @brief The segment container. */ const QString &segmentContainer() const; void setSegmentContainer(QString newSegmentContainer); bool segmentContainerNull() const; void setSegmentContainerNull(); /** * @brief The segment length. */ const qint32 &segmentLength() const; void setSegmentLength(qint32 newSegmentLength); bool segmentLengthNull() const; void setSegmentLengthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a starting offset, in ticks. 1 tick = 10000 ms. */ const qint64 &startTimeTicks() const; void setStartTimeTicks(qint64 newStartTimeTicks); bool startTimeTicksNull() const; void setStartTimeTicksNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If true, the original file will be streamed statically without any encoding. Use either no url extension or the original file extension. true/false. */ const bool &staticStreaming() const; void setStaticStreaming(bool newStaticStreaming); bool staticStreamingNull() const; void setStaticStreamingNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The streaming options. */ const QJsonObject &streamOptions() const; void setStreamOptions(QJsonObject newStreamOptions); bool streamOptionsNull() const; void setStreamOptionsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a subtitle codec to encode to. */ const QString &subtitleCodec() const; void setSubtitleCodec(QString newSubtitleCodec); bool subtitleCodecNull() const; void setSubtitleCodecNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify the subtitle delivery method. */ const SubtitleDeliveryMethod &subtitleMethod() const; void setSubtitleMethod(SubtitleDeliveryMethod newSubtitleMethod); bool subtitleMethodNull() const; void setSubtitleMethodNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The index of the subtitle stream to use. If omitted no subtitles will be used. */ const qint32 &subtitleStreamIndex() const; void setSubtitleStreamIndex(qint32 newSubtitleStreamIndex); bool subtitleStreamIndexNull() const; void setSubtitleStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief The tag. */ const QString &tag() const; void setTag(QString newTag); bool tagNull() const; void setTagNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The transcoding reason. */ const QString &transcodeReasons() const; void setTranscodeReasons(QString newTranscodeReasons); bool transcodeReasonsNull() const; void setTranscodeReasonsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of audio channels to transcode. */ const qint32 &transcodingMaxAudioChannels() const; void setTranscodingMaxAudioChannels(qint32 newTranscodingMaxAudioChannels); bool transcodingMaxAudioChannelsNull() const; void setTranscodingMaxAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a video bitrate to encode to, e.g. 500000. If omitted this will be left to encoder defaults. */ const qint32 &videoBitRate() const; void setVideoBitRate(qint32 newVideoBitRate); bool videoBitRateNull() const; void setVideoBitRateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a video codec to encode to, e.g. h264. If omitted the server will auto-select using the url's extension. Options: h265, h264, mpeg4, theora, vpx, wmv. */ const QString &videoCodec() const; void setVideoCodec(QString newVideoCodec); bool videoCodecNull() const; void setVideoCodecNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The index of the video stream to use. If omitted the first video stream will be used. */ const qint32 &videoStreamIndex() const; void setVideoStreamIndex(qint32 newVideoStreamIndex); bool videoStreamIndexNull() const; void setVideoStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The fixed horizontal resolution of the encoded video. */ const qint32 &width() const; void setWidth(qint32 newWidth); bool widthNull() const; void setWidthNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_allowAudioStreamCopy = std::nullopt; std::optional m_allowVideoStreamCopy = std::nullopt; std::optional m_audioBitRate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_audioChannels = std::nullopt; QString m_audioCodec; std::optional m_audioSampleRate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_audioStreamIndex = std::nullopt; std::optional m_breakOnNonKeyFrames = std::nullopt; EncodingContext m_context; std::optional m_copyTimestamps = std::nullopt; std::optional m_cpuCoreLimit = std::nullopt; std::optional m_deInterlace = std::nullopt; QString m_deviceId; QString m_deviceProfileId; std::optional m_enableAutoStreamCopy = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableMpegtsM2TsMode = std::nullopt; std::optional m_framerate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_height = std::nullopt; QString m_level; QString m_liveStreamId; std::optional m_maxAudioBitDepth = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxAudioChannels = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxFramerate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxRefFrames = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxVideoBitDepth = std::nullopt; QString m_mediaSourceId; std::optional m_minSegments = std::nullopt; QString m_params; QString m_playSessionId; QString m_profile; std::optional m_requireAvc = std::nullopt; std::optional m_requireNonAnamorphic = std::nullopt; QString m_segmentContainer; std::optional m_segmentLength = std::nullopt; std::optional m_startTimeTicks = std::nullopt; std::optional m_staticStreaming = std::nullopt; std::optional m_streamOptions = std::nullopt; QString m_subtitleCodec; SubtitleDeliveryMethod m_subtitleMethod; std::optional m_subtitleStreamIndex = std::nullopt; QString m_tag; QString m_transcodeReasons; std::optional m_transcodingMaxAudioChannels = std::nullopt; std::optional m_videoBitRate = std::nullopt; QString m_videoCodec; std::optional m_videoStreamIndex = std::nullopt; std::optional m_width = std::nullopt; }; class GetVideoStreamParams { public: /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief Whether or not to allow copying of the audio stream url. */ const bool &allowAudioStreamCopy() const; void setAllowAudioStreamCopy(bool newAllowAudioStreamCopy); bool allowAudioStreamCopyNull() const; void setAllowAudioStreamCopyNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to allow copying of the video stream url. */ const bool &allowVideoStreamCopy() const; void setAllowVideoStreamCopy(bool newAllowVideoStreamCopy); bool allowVideoStreamCopyNull() const; void setAllowVideoStreamCopyNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify an audio bitrate to encode to, e.g. 128000. If omitted this will be left to encoder defaults. */ const qint32 &audioBitRate() const; void setAudioBitRate(qint32 newAudioBitRate); bool audioBitRateNull() const; void setAudioBitRateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a specific number of audio channels to encode to, e.g. 2. */ const qint32 &audioChannels() const; void setAudioChannels(qint32 newAudioChannels); bool audioChannelsNull() const; void setAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a audio codec to encode to, e.g. mp3. If omitted the server will auto-select using the url's extension. Options: aac, mp3, vorbis, wma. */ const QString &audioCodec() const; void setAudioCodec(QString newAudioCodec); bool audioCodecNull() const; void setAudioCodecNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a specific audio sample rate, e.g. 44100. */ const qint32 &audioSampleRate() const; void setAudioSampleRate(qint32 newAudioSampleRate); bool audioSampleRateNull() const; void setAudioSampleRateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The index of the audio stream to use. If omitted the first audio stream will be used. */ const qint32 &audioStreamIndex() const; void setAudioStreamIndex(qint32 newAudioStreamIndex); bool audioStreamIndexNull() const; void setAudioStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to break on non key frames. */ const bool &breakOnNonKeyFrames() const; void setBreakOnNonKeyFrames(bool newBreakOnNonKeyFrames); bool breakOnNonKeyFramesNull() const; void setBreakOnNonKeyFramesNull(); /** * @brief The video container. Possible values are: ts, webm, asf, wmv, ogv, mp4, m4v, mkv, mpeg, mpg, avi, 3gp, wmv, wtv, m2ts, mov, iso, flv. */ const QString &container() const; void setContainer(QString newContainer); bool containerNull() const; void setContainerNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The MediaBrowser.Model.Dlna.EncodingContext. */ const EncodingContext &context() const; void setContext(EncodingContext newContext); bool contextNull() const; void setContextNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to copy timestamps when transcoding with an offset. Defaults to false. */ const bool ©Timestamps() const; void setCopyTimestamps(bool newCopyTimestamps); bool copyTimestampsNull() const; void setCopyTimestampsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The limit of how many cpu cores to use. */ const qint32 &cpuCoreLimit() const; void setCpuCoreLimit(qint32 newCpuCoreLimit); bool cpuCoreLimitNull() const; void setCpuCoreLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to deinterlace the video. */ const bool &deInterlace() const; void setDeInterlace(bool newDeInterlace); bool deInterlaceNull() const; void setDeInterlaceNull(); /** * @brief The device id of the client requesting. Used to stop encoding processes when needed. */ const QString &deviceId() const; void setDeviceId(QString newDeviceId); bool deviceIdNull() const; void setDeviceIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The dlna device profile id to utilize. */ const QString &deviceProfileId() const; void setDeviceProfileId(QString newDeviceProfileId); bool deviceProfileIdNull() const; void setDeviceProfileIdNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to allow automatic stream copy if requested values match the original source. Defaults to true. */ const bool &enableAutoStreamCopy() const; void setEnableAutoStreamCopy(bool newEnableAutoStreamCopy); bool enableAutoStreamCopyNull() const; void setEnableAutoStreamCopyNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to enable the MpegtsM2Ts mode. */ const bool &enableMpegtsM2TsMode() const; void setEnableMpegtsM2TsMode(bool newEnableMpegtsM2TsMode); bool enableMpegtsM2TsModeNull() const; void setEnableMpegtsM2TsModeNull(); /** * @brief Optional. A specific video framerate to encode to, e.g. 23.976. Generally this should be omitted unless the device has specific requirements. */ const float &framerate() const; void setFramerate(float newFramerate); bool framerateNull() const; void setFramerateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The fixed vertical resolution of the encoded video. */ const qint32 &height() const; void setHeight(qint32 newHeight); bool heightNull() const; void setHeightNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a level for the encoder profile (varies by encoder), e.g. 3, 3.1. */ const QString &level() const; void setLevel(QString newLevel); bool levelNull() const; void setLevelNull(); /** * @brief The live stream id. */ const QString &liveStreamId() const; void setLiveStreamId(QString newLiveStreamId); bool liveStreamIdNull() const; void setLiveStreamIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum audio bit depth. */ const qint32 &maxAudioBitDepth() const; void setMaxAudioBitDepth(qint32 newMaxAudioBitDepth); bool maxAudioBitDepthNull() const; void setMaxAudioBitDepthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a maximum number of audio channels to encode to, e.g. 2. */ const qint32 &maxAudioChannels() const; void setMaxAudioChannels(qint32 newMaxAudioChannels); bool maxAudioChannelsNull() const; void setMaxAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. A specific maximum video framerate to encode to, e.g. 23.976. Generally this should be omitted unless the device has specific requirements. */ const float &maxFramerate() const; void setMaxFramerate(float newMaxFramerate); bool maxFramerateNull() const; void setMaxFramerateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. */ const qint32 &maxRefFrames() const; void setMaxRefFrames(qint32 newMaxRefFrames); bool maxRefFramesNull() const; void setMaxRefFramesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum video bit depth. */ const qint32 &maxVideoBitDepth() const; void setMaxVideoBitDepth(qint32 newMaxVideoBitDepth); bool maxVideoBitDepthNull() const; void setMaxVideoBitDepthNull(); /** * @brief The media version id, if playing an alternate version. */ const QString &mediaSourceId() const; void setMediaSourceId(QString newMediaSourceId); bool mediaSourceIdNull() const; void setMediaSourceIdNull(); /** * @brief The minimum number of segments. */ const qint32 &minSegments() const; void setMinSegments(qint32 newMinSegments); bool minSegmentsNull() const; void setMinSegmentsNull(); /** * @brief The streaming parameters. */ const QString ¶ms() const; void setParams(QString newParams); bool paramsNull() const; void setParamsNull(); /** * @brief The play session id. */ const QString &playSessionId() const; void setPlaySessionId(QString newPlaySessionId); bool playSessionIdNull() const; void setPlaySessionIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a specific an encoder profile (varies by encoder), e.g. main, baseline, high. */ const QString &profile() const; void setProfile(QString newProfile); bool profileNull() const; void setProfileNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to require avc. */ const bool &requireAvc() const; void setRequireAvc(bool newRequireAvc); bool requireAvcNull() const; void setRequireAvcNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to require a non anamorphic stream. */ const bool &requireNonAnamorphic() const; void setRequireNonAnamorphic(bool newRequireNonAnamorphic); bool requireNonAnamorphicNull() const; void setRequireNonAnamorphicNull(); /** * @brief The segment container. */ const QString &segmentContainer() const; void setSegmentContainer(QString newSegmentContainer); bool segmentContainerNull() const; void setSegmentContainerNull(); /** * @brief The segment length. */ const qint32 &segmentLength() const; void setSegmentLength(qint32 newSegmentLength); bool segmentLengthNull() const; void setSegmentLengthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a starting offset, in ticks. 1 tick = 10000 ms. */ const qint64 &startTimeTicks() const; void setStartTimeTicks(qint64 newStartTimeTicks); bool startTimeTicksNull() const; void setStartTimeTicksNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If true, the original file will be streamed statically without any encoding. Use either no url extension or the original file extension. true/false. */ const bool &staticStreaming() const; void setStaticStreaming(bool newStaticStreaming); bool staticStreamingNull() const; void setStaticStreamingNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The streaming options. */ const QJsonObject &streamOptions() const; void setStreamOptions(QJsonObject newStreamOptions); bool streamOptionsNull() const; void setStreamOptionsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a subtitle codec to encode to. */ const QString &subtitleCodec() const; void setSubtitleCodec(QString newSubtitleCodec); bool subtitleCodecNull() const; void setSubtitleCodecNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify the subtitle delivery method. */ const SubtitleDeliveryMethod &subtitleMethod() const; void setSubtitleMethod(SubtitleDeliveryMethod newSubtitleMethod); bool subtitleMethodNull() const; void setSubtitleMethodNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The index of the subtitle stream to use. If omitted no subtitles will be used. */ const qint32 &subtitleStreamIndex() const; void setSubtitleStreamIndex(qint32 newSubtitleStreamIndex); bool subtitleStreamIndexNull() const; void setSubtitleStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief The tag. */ const QString &tag() const; void setTag(QString newTag); bool tagNull() const; void setTagNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The transcoding reason. */ const QString &transcodeReasons() const; void setTranscodeReasons(QString newTranscodeReasons); bool transcodeReasonsNull() const; void setTranscodeReasonsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of audio channels to transcode. */ const qint32 &transcodingMaxAudioChannels() const; void setTranscodingMaxAudioChannels(qint32 newTranscodingMaxAudioChannels); bool transcodingMaxAudioChannelsNull() const; void setTranscodingMaxAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a video bitrate to encode to, e.g. 500000. If omitted this will be left to encoder defaults. */ const qint32 &videoBitRate() const; void setVideoBitRate(qint32 newVideoBitRate); bool videoBitRateNull() const; void setVideoBitRateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a video codec to encode to, e.g. h264. If omitted the server will auto-select using the url's extension. Options: h265, h264, mpeg4, theora, vpx, wmv. */ const QString &videoCodec() const; void setVideoCodec(QString newVideoCodec); bool videoCodecNull() const; void setVideoCodecNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The index of the video stream to use. If omitted the first video stream will be used. */ const qint32 &videoStreamIndex() const; void setVideoStreamIndex(qint32 newVideoStreamIndex); bool videoStreamIndexNull() const; void setVideoStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The fixed horizontal resolution of the encoded video. */ const qint32 &width() const; void setWidth(qint32 newWidth); bool widthNull() const; void setWidthNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_allowAudioStreamCopy = std::nullopt; std::optional m_allowVideoStreamCopy = std::nullopt; std::optional m_audioBitRate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_audioChannels = std::nullopt; QString m_audioCodec; std::optional m_audioSampleRate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_audioStreamIndex = std::nullopt; std::optional m_breakOnNonKeyFrames = std::nullopt; QString m_container; EncodingContext m_context; std::optional m_copyTimestamps = std::nullopt; std::optional m_cpuCoreLimit = std::nullopt; std::optional m_deInterlace = std::nullopt; QString m_deviceId; QString m_deviceProfileId; std::optional m_enableAutoStreamCopy = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableMpegtsM2TsMode = std::nullopt; std::optional m_framerate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_height = std::nullopt; QString m_level; QString m_liveStreamId; std::optional m_maxAudioBitDepth = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxAudioChannels = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxFramerate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxRefFrames = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxVideoBitDepth = std::nullopt; QString m_mediaSourceId; std::optional m_minSegments = std::nullopt; QString m_params; QString m_playSessionId; QString m_profile; std::optional m_requireAvc = std::nullopt; std::optional m_requireNonAnamorphic = std::nullopt; QString m_segmentContainer; std::optional m_segmentLength = std::nullopt; std::optional m_startTimeTicks = std::nullopt; std::optional m_staticStreaming = std::nullopt; std::optional m_streamOptions = std::nullopt; QString m_subtitleCodec; SubtitleDeliveryMethod m_subtitleMethod; std::optional m_subtitleStreamIndex = std::nullopt; QString m_tag; QString m_transcodeReasons; std::optional m_transcodingMaxAudioChannels = std::nullopt; std::optional m_videoBitRate = std::nullopt; QString m_videoCodec; std::optional m_videoStreamIndex = std::nullopt; std::optional m_width = std::nullopt; }; class GetVideoStreamByContainerParams { public: /** * @brief The video container. Possible values are: ts, webm, asf, wmv, ogv, mp4, m4v, mkv, mpeg, mpg, avi, 3gp, wmv, wtv, m2ts, mov, iso, flv. */ const QString &container() const; void setContainer(QString newContainer); /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief */ const QString &stream() const; void setStream(QString newStream); /** * @brief Whether or not to allow copying of the audio stream url. */ const bool &allowAudioStreamCopy() const; void setAllowAudioStreamCopy(bool newAllowAudioStreamCopy); bool allowAudioStreamCopyNull() const; void setAllowAudioStreamCopyNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to allow copying of the video stream url. */ const bool &allowVideoStreamCopy() const; void setAllowVideoStreamCopy(bool newAllowVideoStreamCopy); bool allowVideoStreamCopyNull() const; void setAllowVideoStreamCopyNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify an audio bitrate to encode to, e.g. 128000. If omitted this will be left to encoder defaults. */ const qint32 &audioBitRate() const; void setAudioBitRate(qint32 newAudioBitRate); bool audioBitRateNull() const; void setAudioBitRateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a specific number of audio channels to encode to, e.g. 2. */ const qint32 &audioChannels() const; void setAudioChannels(qint32 newAudioChannels); bool audioChannelsNull() const; void setAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a audio codec to encode to, e.g. mp3. If omitted the server will auto-select using the url's extension. Options: aac, mp3, vorbis, wma. */ const QString &audioCodec() const; void setAudioCodec(QString newAudioCodec); bool audioCodecNull() const; void setAudioCodecNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a specific audio sample rate, e.g. 44100. */ const qint32 &audioSampleRate() const; void setAudioSampleRate(qint32 newAudioSampleRate); bool audioSampleRateNull() const; void setAudioSampleRateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The index of the audio stream to use. If omitted the first audio stream will be used. */ const qint32 &audioStreamIndex() const; void setAudioStreamIndex(qint32 newAudioStreamIndex); bool audioStreamIndexNull() const; void setAudioStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to break on non key frames. */ const bool &breakOnNonKeyFrames() const; void setBreakOnNonKeyFrames(bool newBreakOnNonKeyFrames); bool breakOnNonKeyFramesNull() const; void setBreakOnNonKeyFramesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The MediaBrowser.Model.Dlna.EncodingContext. */ const EncodingContext &context() const; void setContext(EncodingContext newContext); bool contextNull() const; void setContextNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to copy timestamps when transcoding with an offset. Defaults to false. */ const bool ©Timestamps() const; void setCopyTimestamps(bool newCopyTimestamps); bool copyTimestampsNull() const; void setCopyTimestampsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The limit of how many cpu cores to use. */ const qint32 &cpuCoreLimit() const; void setCpuCoreLimit(qint32 newCpuCoreLimit); bool cpuCoreLimitNull() const; void setCpuCoreLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to deinterlace the video. */ const bool &deInterlace() const; void setDeInterlace(bool newDeInterlace); bool deInterlaceNull() const; void setDeInterlaceNull(); /** * @brief The device id of the client requesting. Used to stop encoding processes when needed. */ const QString &deviceId() const; void setDeviceId(QString newDeviceId); bool deviceIdNull() const; void setDeviceIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The dlna device profile id to utilize. */ const QString &deviceProfileId() const; void setDeviceProfileId(QString newDeviceProfileId); bool deviceProfileIdNull() const; void setDeviceProfileIdNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to allow automatic stream copy if requested values match the original source. Defaults to true. */ const bool &enableAutoStreamCopy() const; void setEnableAutoStreamCopy(bool newEnableAutoStreamCopy); bool enableAutoStreamCopyNull() const; void setEnableAutoStreamCopyNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to enable the MpegtsM2Ts mode. */ const bool &enableMpegtsM2TsMode() const; void setEnableMpegtsM2TsMode(bool newEnableMpegtsM2TsMode); bool enableMpegtsM2TsModeNull() const; void setEnableMpegtsM2TsModeNull(); /** * @brief Optional. A specific video framerate to encode to, e.g. 23.976. Generally this should be omitted unless the device has specific requirements. */ const float &framerate() const; void setFramerate(float newFramerate); bool framerateNull() const; void setFramerateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The fixed vertical resolution of the encoded video. */ const qint32 &height() const; void setHeight(qint32 newHeight); bool heightNull() const; void setHeightNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a level for the encoder profile (varies by encoder), e.g. 3, 3.1. */ const QString &level() const; void setLevel(QString newLevel); bool levelNull() const; void setLevelNull(); /** * @brief The live stream id. */ const QString &liveStreamId() const; void setLiveStreamId(QString newLiveStreamId); bool liveStreamIdNull() const; void setLiveStreamIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum audio bit depth. */ const qint32 &maxAudioBitDepth() const; void setMaxAudioBitDepth(qint32 newMaxAudioBitDepth); bool maxAudioBitDepthNull() const; void setMaxAudioBitDepthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a maximum number of audio channels to encode to, e.g. 2. */ const qint32 &maxAudioChannels() const; void setMaxAudioChannels(qint32 newMaxAudioChannels); bool maxAudioChannelsNull() const; void setMaxAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. A specific maximum video framerate to encode to, e.g. 23.976. Generally this should be omitted unless the device has specific requirements. */ const float &maxFramerate() const; void setMaxFramerate(float newMaxFramerate); bool maxFramerateNull() const; void setMaxFramerateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. */ const qint32 &maxRefFrames() const; void setMaxRefFrames(qint32 newMaxRefFrames); bool maxRefFramesNull() const; void setMaxRefFramesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum video bit depth. */ const qint32 &maxVideoBitDepth() const; void setMaxVideoBitDepth(qint32 newMaxVideoBitDepth); bool maxVideoBitDepthNull() const; void setMaxVideoBitDepthNull(); /** * @brief The media version id, if playing an alternate version. */ const QString &mediaSourceId() const; void setMediaSourceId(QString newMediaSourceId); bool mediaSourceIdNull() const; void setMediaSourceIdNull(); /** * @brief The minimum number of segments. */ const qint32 &minSegments() const; void setMinSegments(qint32 newMinSegments); bool minSegmentsNull() const; void setMinSegmentsNull(); /** * @brief The streaming parameters. */ const QString ¶ms() const; void setParams(QString newParams); bool paramsNull() const; void setParamsNull(); /** * @brief The play session id. */ const QString &playSessionId() const; void setPlaySessionId(QString newPlaySessionId); bool playSessionIdNull() const; void setPlaySessionIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a specific an encoder profile (varies by encoder), e.g. main, baseline, high. */ const QString &profile() const; void setProfile(QString newProfile); bool profileNull() const; void setProfileNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to require avc. */ const bool &requireAvc() const; void setRequireAvc(bool newRequireAvc); bool requireAvcNull() const; void setRequireAvcNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to require a non anamporphic stream. */ const bool &requireNonAnamorphic() const; void setRequireNonAnamorphic(bool newRequireNonAnamorphic); bool requireNonAnamorphicNull() const; void setRequireNonAnamorphicNull(); /** * @brief The segment container. */ const QString &segmentContainer() const; void setSegmentContainer(QString newSegmentContainer); bool segmentContainerNull() const; void setSegmentContainerNull(); /** * @brief The segment lenght. */ const qint32 &segmentLength() const; void setSegmentLength(qint32 newSegmentLength); bool segmentLengthNull() const; void setSegmentLengthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a starting offset, in ticks. 1 tick = 10000 ms. */ const qint64 &startTimeTicks() const; void setStartTimeTicks(qint64 newStartTimeTicks); bool startTimeTicksNull() const; void setStartTimeTicksNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If true, the original file will be streamed statically without any encoding. Use either no url extension or the original file extension. true/false. */ const bool &staticStreaming() const; void setStaticStreaming(bool newStaticStreaming); bool staticStreamingNull() const; void setStaticStreamingNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The streaming options. */ const QJsonObject &streamOptions() const; void setStreamOptions(QJsonObject newStreamOptions); bool streamOptionsNull() const; void setStreamOptionsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a subtitle codec to encode to. */ const QString &subtitleCodec() const; void setSubtitleCodec(QString newSubtitleCodec); bool subtitleCodecNull() const; void setSubtitleCodecNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify the subtitle delivery method. */ const SubtitleDeliveryMethod &subtitleMethod() const; void setSubtitleMethod(SubtitleDeliveryMethod newSubtitleMethod); bool subtitleMethodNull() const; void setSubtitleMethodNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The index of the subtitle stream to use. If omitted no subtitles will be used. */ const qint32 &subtitleStreamIndex() const; void setSubtitleStreamIndex(qint32 newSubtitleStreamIndex); bool subtitleStreamIndexNull() const; void setSubtitleStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief The tag. */ const QString &tag() const; void setTag(QString newTag); bool tagNull() const; void setTagNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The transcoding reason. */ const QString &transcodeReasons() const; void setTranscodeReasons(QString newTranscodeReasons); bool transcodeReasonsNull() const; void setTranscodeReasonsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of audio channels to transcode. */ const qint32 &transcodingMaxAudioChannels() const; void setTranscodingMaxAudioChannels(qint32 newTranscodingMaxAudioChannels); bool transcodingMaxAudioChannelsNull() const; void setTranscodingMaxAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a video bitrate to encode to, e.g. 500000. If omitted this will be left to encoder defaults. */ const qint32 &videoBitRate() const; void setVideoBitRate(qint32 newVideoBitRate); bool videoBitRateNull() const; void setVideoBitRateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a video codec to encode to, e.g. h264. If omitted the server will auto-select using the url's extension. Options: h265, h264, mpeg4, theora, vpx, wmv. */ const QString &videoCodec() const; void setVideoCodec(QString newVideoCodec); bool videoCodecNull() const; void setVideoCodecNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The index of the video stream to use. If omitted the first video stream will be used. */ const qint32 &videoStreamIndex() const; void setVideoStreamIndex(qint32 newVideoStreamIndex); bool videoStreamIndexNull() const; void setVideoStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The fixed horizontal resolution of the encoded video. */ const qint32 &width() const; void setWidth(qint32 newWidth); bool widthNull() const; void setWidthNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_container; QString m_itemId; QString m_stream; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_allowAudioStreamCopy = std::nullopt; std::optional m_allowVideoStreamCopy = std::nullopt; std::optional m_audioBitRate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_audioChannels = std::nullopt; QString m_audioCodec; std::optional m_audioSampleRate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_audioStreamIndex = std::nullopt; std::optional m_breakOnNonKeyFrames = std::nullopt; EncodingContext m_context; std::optional m_copyTimestamps = std::nullopt; std::optional m_cpuCoreLimit = std::nullopt; std::optional m_deInterlace = std::nullopt; QString m_deviceId; QString m_deviceProfileId; std::optional m_enableAutoStreamCopy = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableMpegtsM2TsMode = std::nullopt; std::optional m_framerate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_height = std::nullopt; QString m_level; QString m_liveStreamId; std::optional m_maxAudioBitDepth = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxAudioChannels = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxFramerate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxRefFrames = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxVideoBitDepth = std::nullopt; QString m_mediaSourceId; std::optional m_minSegments = std::nullopt; QString m_params; QString m_playSessionId; QString m_profile; std::optional m_requireAvc = std::nullopt; std::optional m_requireNonAnamorphic = std::nullopt; QString m_segmentContainer; std::optional m_segmentLength = std::nullopt; std::optional m_startTimeTicks = std::nullopt; std::optional m_staticStreaming = std::nullopt; std::optional m_streamOptions = std::nullopt; QString m_subtitleCodec; SubtitleDeliveryMethod m_subtitleMethod; std::optional m_subtitleStreamIndex = std::nullopt; QString m_tag; QString m_transcodeReasons; std::optional m_transcodingMaxAudioChannels = std::nullopt; std::optional m_videoBitRate = std::nullopt; QString m_videoCodec; std::optional m_videoStreamIndex = std::nullopt; std::optional m_width = std::nullopt; }; class GetVirtualFoldersParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetWakeOnLanInfoParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class GetYearParams { public: /** * @brief The year. */ const qint32 &year() const; void setYear(qint32 newYear); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by user id, and attach user data. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters qint32 m_year; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QString m_userId; }; class GetYearsParams { public: /** * @brief Optional. The image types to include in the output. */ const QList &enableImageTypes() const; void setEnableImageTypes(QList newEnableImageTypes); bool enableImageTypesNull() const; void setEnableImageTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Include image information in output. */ const bool &enableImages() const; void setEnableImages(bool newEnableImages); bool enableImagesNull() const; void setEnableImagesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Include user data. */ const bool &enableUserData() const; void setEnableUserData(bool newEnableUserData); bool enableUserDataNull() const; void setEnableUserDataNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be excluded based on item type. This allows multiple, comma delimited. */ const QStringList &excludeItemTypes() const; void setExcludeItemTypes(QStringList newExcludeItemTypes); bool excludeItemTypesNull() const; void setExcludeItemTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify additional fields of information to return in the output. */ const QList &fields() const; void setFields(QList newFields); bool fieldsNull() const; void setFieldsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The max number of images to return, per image type. */ const qint32 &imageTypeLimit() const; void setImageTypeLimit(qint32 newImageTypeLimit); bool imageTypeLimitNull() const; void setImageTypeLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If specified, results will be included based on item type. This allows multiple, comma delimited. */ const QStringList &includeItemTypes() const; void setIncludeItemTypes(QStringList newIncludeItemTypes); bool includeItemTypesNull() const; void setIncludeItemTypesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of records to return. */ const qint32 &limit() const; void setLimit(qint32 newLimit); bool limitNull() const; void setLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Filter by MediaType. Allows multiple, comma delimited. */ const QStringList &mediaTypes() const; void setMediaTypes(QStringList newMediaTypes); bool mediaTypesNull() const; void setMediaTypesNull(); /** * @brief Specify this to localize the search to a specific item or folder. Omit to use the root. */ const QString &parentId() const; void setParentId(QString newParentId); bool parentIdNull() const; void setParentIdNull(); /** * @brief Search recursively. */ const bool &recursive() const; void setRecursive(bool newRecursive); bool recursiveNull() const; void setRecursiveNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify one or more sort orders, comma delimited. Options: Album, AlbumArtist, Artist, Budget, CommunityRating, CriticRating, DateCreated, DatePlayed, PlayCount, PremiereDate, ProductionYear, SortName, Random, Revenue, Runtime. */ const QString &sortBy() const; void setSortBy(QString newSortBy); bool sortByNull() const; void setSortByNull(); /** * @brief Sort Order - Ascending,Descending. */ const QString &sortOrder() const; void setSortOrder(QString newSortOrder); bool sortOrderNull() const; void setSortOrderNull(); /** * @brief Skips over a given number of items within the results. Use for paging. */ const qint32 &startIndex() const; void setStartIndex(qint32 newStartIndex); bool startIndexNull() const; void setStartIndexNull(); /** * @brief User Id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QList m_enableImageTypes; std::optional m_enableImages = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableUserData = std::nullopt; QStringList m_excludeItemTypes; QList m_fields; std::optional m_imageTypeLimit = std::nullopt; QStringList m_includeItemTypes; std::optional m_limit = std::nullopt; QStringList m_mediaTypes; QString m_parentId; std::optional m_recursive = std::nullopt; QString m_sortBy; QString m_sortOrder; std::optional m_startIndex = std::nullopt; QString m_userId; }; class HeadArtistImageParams { public: /** * @brief Image index. */ const qint32 &imageIndex() const; void setImageIndex(qint32 newImageIndex); /** * @brief Image type. */ const ImageType &imageType() const; void setImageType(ImageType newImageType); /** * @brief Artist name. */ const QString &name() const; void setName(QString newName); /** * @brief Optional. Add a played indicator. */ const bool &addPlayedIndicator() const; void setAddPlayedIndicator(bool newAddPlayedIndicator); bool addPlayedIndicatorNull() const; void setAddPlayedIndicatorNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images. */ const QString &backgroundColor() const; void setBackgroundColor(QString newBackgroundColor); bool backgroundColorNull() const; void setBackgroundColorNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Blur image. */ const qint32 &blur() const; void setBlur(qint32 newBlur); bool blurNull() const; void setBlurNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art. */ const bool &cropWhitespace() const; void setCropWhitespace(bool newCropWhitespace); bool cropWhitespaceNull() const; void setCropWhitespaceNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. */ const QString &foregroundLayer() const; void setForegroundLayer(QString newForegroundLayer); bool foregroundLayerNull() const; void setForegroundLayerNull(); /** * @brief Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png. */ const ImageFormat &format() const; void setFormat(ImageFormat newFormat); bool formatNull() const; void setFormatNull(); /** * @brief The fixed image height to return. */ const qint32 &height() const; void setHeight(qint32 newHeight); bool heightNull() const; void setHeightNull(); /** * @brief The maximum image height to return. */ const qint32 &maxHeight() const; void setMaxHeight(qint32 newMaxHeight); bool maxHeightNull() const; void setMaxHeightNull(); /** * @brief The maximum image width to return. */ const qint32 &maxWidth() const; void setMaxWidth(qint32 newMaxWidth); bool maxWidthNull() const; void setMaxWidthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay. */ const double &percentPlayed() const; void setPercentPlayed(double newPercentPlayed); bool percentPlayedNull() const; void setPercentPlayedNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases. */ const qint32 &quality() const; void setQuality(qint32 newQuality); bool qualityNull() const; void setQualityNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. */ const QString &tag() const; void setTag(QString newTag); bool tagNull() const; void setTagNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render. */ const qint32 &unplayedCount() const; void setUnplayedCount(qint32 newUnplayedCount); bool unplayedCountNull() const; void setUnplayedCountNull(); /** * @brief The fixed image width to return. */ const qint32 &width() const; void setWidth(qint32 newWidth); bool widthNull() const; void setWidthNull(); private: // Required path parameters qint32 m_imageIndex; ImageType m_imageType; QString m_name; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_addPlayedIndicator = std::nullopt; QString m_backgroundColor; std::optional m_blur = std::nullopt; std::optional m_cropWhitespace = std::nullopt; QString m_foregroundLayer; ImageFormat m_format; std::optional m_height = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxHeight = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxWidth = std::nullopt; std::optional m_percentPlayed = std::nullopt; std::optional m_quality = std::nullopt; QString m_tag; std::optional m_unplayedCount = std::nullopt; std::optional m_width = std::nullopt; }; class HeadAudioStreamParams { public: /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief Whether or not to allow copying of the audio stream url. */ const bool &allowAudioStreamCopy() const; void setAllowAudioStreamCopy(bool newAllowAudioStreamCopy); bool allowAudioStreamCopyNull() const; void setAllowAudioStreamCopyNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to allow copying of the video stream url. */ const bool &allowVideoStreamCopy() const; void setAllowVideoStreamCopy(bool newAllowVideoStreamCopy); bool allowVideoStreamCopyNull() const; void setAllowVideoStreamCopyNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify an audio bitrate to encode to, e.g. 128000. If omitted this will be left to encoder defaults. */ const qint32 &audioBitRate() const; void setAudioBitRate(qint32 newAudioBitRate); bool audioBitRateNull() const; void setAudioBitRateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a specific number of audio channels to encode to, e.g. 2. */ const qint32 &audioChannels() const; void setAudioChannels(qint32 newAudioChannels); bool audioChannelsNull() const; void setAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a audio codec to encode to, e.g. mp3. If omitted the server will auto-select using the url's extension. Options: aac, mp3, vorbis, wma. */ const QString &audioCodec() const; void setAudioCodec(QString newAudioCodec); bool audioCodecNull() const; void setAudioCodecNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a specific audio sample rate, e.g. 44100. */ const qint32 &audioSampleRate() const; void setAudioSampleRate(qint32 newAudioSampleRate); bool audioSampleRateNull() const; void setAudioSampleRateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The index of the audio stream to use. If omitted the first audio stream will be used. */ const qint32 &audioStreamIndex() const; void setAudioStreamIndex(qint32 newAudioStreamIndex); bool audioStreamIndexNull() const; void setAudioStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to break on non key frames. */ const bool &breakOnNonKeyFrames() const; void setBreakOnNonKeyFrames(bool newBreakOnNonKeyFrames); bool breakOnNonKeyFramesNull() const; void setBreakOnNonKeyFramesNull(); /** * @brief The audio container. */ const QString &container() const; void setContainer(QString newContainer); bool containerNull() const; void setContainerNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The MediaBrowser.Model.Dlna.EncodingContext. */ const EncodingContext &context() const; void setContext(EncodingContext newContext); bool contextNull() const; void setContextNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to copy timestamps when transcoding with an offset. Defaults to false. */ const bool ©Timestamps() const; void setCopyTimestamps(bool newCopyTimestamps); bool copyTimestampsNull() const; void setCopyTimestampsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The limit of how many cpu cores to use. */ const qint32 &cpuCoreLimit() const; void setCpuCoreLimit(qint32 newCpuCoreLimit); bool cpuCoreLimitNull() const; void setCpuCoreLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to deinterlace the video. */ const bool &deInterlace() const; void setDeInterlace(bool newDeInterlace); bool deInterlaceNull() const; void setDeInterlaceNull(); /** * @brief The device id of the client requesting. Used to stop encoding processes when needed. */ const QString &deviceId() const; void setDeviceId(QString newDeviceId); bool deviceIdNull() const; void setDeviceIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The dlna device profile id to utilize. */ const QString &deviceProfileId() const; void setDeviceProfileId(QString newDeviceProfileId); bool deviceProfileIdNull() const; void setDeviceProfileIdNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to allow automatic stream copy if requested values match the original source. Defaults to true. */ const bool &enableAutoStreamCopy() const; void setEnableAutoStreamCopy(bool newEnableAutoStreamCopy); bool enableAutoStreamCopyNull() const; void setEnableAutoStreamCopyNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to enable the MpegtsM2Ts mode. */ const bool &enableMpegtsM2TsMode() const; void setEnableMpegtsM2TsMode(bool newEnableMpegtsM2TsMode); bool enableMpegtsM2TsModeNull() const; void setEnableMpegtsM2TsModeNull(); /** * @brief Optional. A specific video framerate to encode to, e.g. 23.976. Generally this should be omitted unless the device has specific requirements. */ const float &framerate() const; void setFramerate(float newFramerate); bool framerateNull() const; void setFramerateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The fixed vertical resolution of the encoded video. */ const qint32 &height() const; void setHeight(qint32 newHeight); bool heightNull() const; void setHeightNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a level for the encoder profile (varies by encoder), e.g. 3, 3.1. */ const QString &level() const; void setLevel(QString newLevel); bool levelNull() const; void setLevelNull(); /** * @brief The live stream id. */ const QString &liveStreamId() const; void setLiveStreamId(QString newLiveStreamId); bool liveStreamIdNull() const; void setLiveStreamIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum audio bit depth. */ const qint32 &maxAudioBitDepth() const; void setMaxAudioBitDepth(qint32 newMaxAudioBitDepth); bool maxAudioBitDepthNull() const; void setMaxAudioBitDepthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a maximum number of audio channels to encode to, e.g. 2. */ const qint32 &maxAudioChannels() const; void setMaxAudioChannels(qint32 newMaxAudioChannels); bool maxAudioChannelsNull() const; void setMaxAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. A specific maximum video framerate to encode to, e.g. 23.976. Generally this should be omitted unless the device has specific requirements. */ const float &maxFramerate() const; void setMaxFramerate(float newMaxFramerate); bool maxFramerateNull() const; void setMaxFramerateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. */ const qint32 &maxRefFrames() const; void setMaxRefFrames(qint32 newMaxRefFrames); bool maxRefFramesNull() const; void setMaxRefFramesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum video bit depth. */ const qint32 &maxVideoBitDepth() const; void setMaxVideoBitDepth(qint32 newMaxVideoBitDepth); bool maxVideoBitDepthNull() const; void setMaxVideoBitDepthNull(); /** * @brief The media version id, if playing an alternate version. */ const QString &mediaSourceId() const; void setMediaSourceId(QString newMediaSourceId); bool mediaSourceIdNull() const; void setMediaSourceIdNull(); /** * @brief The minimum number of segments. */ const qint32 &minSegments() const; void setMinSegments(qint32 newMinSegments); bool minSegmentsNull() const; void setMinSegmentsNull(); /** * @brief The streaming parameters. */ const QString ¶ms() const; void setParams(QString newParams); bool paramsNull() const; void setParamsNull(); /** * @brief The play session id. */ const QString &playSessionId() const; void setPlaySessionId(QString newPlaySessionId); bool playSessionIdNull() const; void setPlaySessionIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a specific an encoder profile (varies by encoder), e.g. main, baseline, high. */ const QString &profile() const; void setProfile(QString newProfile); bool profileNull() const; void setProfileNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to require avc. */ const bool &requireAvc() const; void setRequireAvc(bool newRequireAvc); bool requireAvcNull() const; void setRequireAvcNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to require a non anamorphic stream. */ const bool &requireNonAnamorphic() const; void setRequireNonAnamorphic(bool newRequireNonAnamorphic); bool requireNonAnamorphicNull() const; void setRequireNonAnamorphicNull(); /** * @brief The segment container. */ const QString &segmentContainer() const; void setSegmentContainer(QString newSegmentContainer); bool segmentContainerNull() const; void setSegmentContainerNull(); /** * @brief The segment length. */ const qint32 &segmentLength() const; void setSegmentLength(qint32 newSegmentLength); bool segmentLengthNull() const; void setSegmentLengthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a starting offset, in ticks. 1 tick = 10000 ms. */ const qint64 &startTimeTicks() const; void setStartTimeTicks(qint64 newStartTimeTicks); bool startTimeTicksNull() const; void setStartTimeTicksNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If true, the original file will be streamed statically without any encoding. Use either no url extension or the original file extension. true/false. */ const bool &staticStreaming() const; void setStaticStreaming(bool newStaticStreaming); bool staticStreamingNull() const; void setStaticStreamingNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The streaming options. */ const QJsonObject &streamOptions() const; void setStreamOptions(QJsonObject newStreamOptions); bool streamOptionsNull() const; void setStreamOptionsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a subtitle codec to encode to. */ const QString &subtitleCodec() const; void setSubtitleCodec(QString newSubtitleCodec); bool subtitleCodecNull() const; void setSubtitleCodecNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify the subtitle delivery method. */ const SubtitleDeliveryMethod &subtitleMethod() const; void setSubtitleMethod(SubtitleDeliveryMethod newSubtitleMethod); bool subtitleMethodNull() const; void setSubtitleMethodNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The index of the subtitle stream to use. If omitted no subtitles will be used. */ const qint32 &subtitleStreamIndex() const; void setSubtitleStreamIndex(qint32 newSubtitleStreamIndex); bool subtitleStreamIndexNull() const; void setSubtitleStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief The tag. */ const QString &tag() const; void setTag(QString newTag); bool tagNull() const; void setTagNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The transcoding reason. */ const QString &transcodeReasons() const; void setTranscodeReasons(QString newTranscodeReasons); bool transcodeReasonsNull() const; void setTranscodeReasonsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of audio channels to transcode. */ const qint32 &transcodingMaxAudioChannels() const; void setTranscodingMaxAudioChannels(qint32 newTranscodingMaxAudioChannels); bool transcodingMaxAudioChannelsNull() const; void setTranscodingMaxAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a video bitrate to encode to, e.g. 500000. If omitted this will be left to encoder defaults. */ const qint32 &videoBitRate() const; void setVideoBitRate(qint32 newVideoBitRate); bool videoBitRateNull() const; void setVideoBitRateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a video codec to encode to, e.g. h264. If omitted the server will auto-select using the url's extension. Options: h265, h264, mpeg4, theora, vpx, wmv. */ const QString &videoCodec() const; void setVideoCodec(QString newVideoCodec); bool videoCodecNull() const; void setVideoCodecNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The index of the video stream to use. If omitted the first video stream will be used. */ const qint32 &videoStreamIndex() const; void setVideoStreamIndex(qint32 newVideoStreamIndex); bool videoStreamIndexNull() const; void setVideoStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The fixed horizontal resolution of the encoded video. */ const qint32 &width() const; void setWidth(qint32 newWidth); bool widthNull() const; void setWidthNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_allowAudioStreamCopy = std::nullopt; std::optional m_allowVideoStreamCopy = std::nullopt; std::optional m_audioBitRate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_audioChannels = std::nullopt; QString m_audioCodec; std::optional m_audioSampleRate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_audioStreamIndex = std::nullopt; std::optional m_breakOnNonKeyFrames = std::nullopt; QString m_container; EncodingContext m_context; std::optional m_copyTimestamps = std::nullopt; std::optional m_cpuCoreLimit = std::nullopt; std::optional m_deInterlace = std::nullopt; QString m_deviceId; QString m_deviceProfileId; std::optional m_enableAutoStreamCopy = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableMpegtsM2TsMode = std::nullopt; std::optional m_framerate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_height = std::nullopt; QString m_level; QString m_liveStreamId; std::optional m_maxAudioBitDepth = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxAudioChannels = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxFramerate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxRefFrames = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxVideoBitDepth = std::nullopt; QString m_mediaSourceId; std::optional m_minSegments = std::nullopt; QString m_params; QString m_playSessionId; QString m_profile; std::optional m_requireAvc = std::nullopt; std::optional m_requireNonAnamorphic = std::nullopt; QString m_segmentContainer; std::optional m_segmentLength = std::nullopt; std::optional m_startTimeTicks = std::nullopt; std::optional m_staticStreaming = std::nullopt; std::optional m_streamOptions = std::nullopt; QString m_subtitleCodec; SubtitleDeliveryMethod m_subtitleMethod; std::optional m_subtitleStreamIndex = std::nullopt; QString m_tag; QString m_transcodeReasons; std::optional m_transcodingMaxAudioChannels = std::nullopt; std::optional m_videoBitRate = std::nullopt; QString m_videoCodec; std::optional m_videoStreamIndex = std::nullopt; std::optional m_width = std::nullopt; }; class HeadAudioStreamByContainerParams { public: /** * @brief The audio container. */ const QString &container() const; void setContainer(QString newContainer); /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief Whether or not to allow copying of the audio stream url. */ const bool &allowAudioStreamCopy() const; void setAllowAudioStreamCopy(bool newAllowAudioStreamCopy); bool allowAudioStreamCopyNull() const; void setAllowAudioStreamCopyNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to allow copying of the video stream url. */ const bool &allowVideoStreamCopy() const; void setAllowVideoStreamCopy(bool newAllowVideoStreamCopy); bool allowVideoStreamCopyNull() const; void setAllowVideoStreamCopyNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify an audio bitrate to encode to, e.g. 128000. If omitted this will be left to encoder defaults. */ const qint32 &audioBitRate() const; void setAudioBitRate(qint32 newAudioBitRate); bool audioBitRateNull() const; void setAudioBitRateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a specific number of audio channels to encode to, e.g. 2. */ const qint32 &audioChannels() const; void setAudioChannels(qint32 newAudioChannels); bool audioChannelsNull() const; void setAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a audio codec to encode to, e.g. mp3. If omitted the server will auto-select using the url's extension. Options: aac, mp3, vorbis, wma. */ const QString &audioCodec() const; void setAudioCodec(QString newAudioCodec); bool audioCodecNull() const; void setAudioCodecNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a specific audio sample rate, e.g. 44100. */ const qint32 &audioSampleRate() const; void setAudioSampleRate(qint32 newAudioSampleRate); bool audioSampleRateNull() const; void setAudioSampleRateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The index of the audio stream to use. If omitted the first audio stream will be used. */ const qint32 &audioStreamIndex() const; void setAudioStreamIndex(qint32 newAudioStreamIndex); bool audioStreamIndexNull() const; void setAudioStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to break on non key frames. */ const bool &breakOnNonKeyFrames() const; void setBreakOnNonKeyFrames(bool newBreakOnNonKeyFrames); bool breakOnNonKeyFramesNull() const; void setBreakOnNonKeyFramesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The MediaBrowser.Model.Dlna.EncodingContext. */ const EncodingContext &context() const; void setContext(EncodingContext newContext); bool contextNull() const; void setContextNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to copy timestamps when transcoding with an offset. Defaults to false. */ const bool ©Timestamps() const; void setCopyTimestamps(bool newCopyTimestamps); bool copyTimestampsNull() const; void setCopyTimestampsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The limit of how many cpu cores to use. */ const qint32 &cpuCoreLimit() const; void setCpuCoreLimit(qint32 newCpuCoreLimit); bool cpuCoreLimitNull() const; void setCpuCoreLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to deinterlace the video. */ const bool &deInterlace() const; void setDeInterlace(bool newDeInterlace); bool deInterlaceNull() const; void setDeInterlaceNull(); /** * @brief The device id of the client requesting. Used to stop encoding processes when needed. */ const QString &deviceId() const; void setDeviceId(QString newDeviceId); bool deviceIdNull() const; void setDeviceIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The dlna device profile id to utilize. */ const QString &deviceProfileId() const; void setDeviceProfileId(QString newDeviceProfileId); bool deviceProfileIdNull() const; void setDeviceProfileIdNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to allow automatic stream copy if requested values match the original source. Defaults to true. */ const bool &enableAutoStreamCopy() const; void setEnableAutoStreamCopy(bool newEnableAutoStreamCopy); bool enableAutoStreamCopyNull() const; void setEnableAutoStreamCopyNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to enable the MpegtsM2Ts mode. */ const bool &enableMpegtsM2TsMode() const; void setEnableMpegtsM2TsMode(bool newEnableMpegtsM2TsMode); bool enableMpegtsM2TsModeNull() const; void setEnableMpegtsM2TsModeNull(); /** * @brief Optional. A specific video framerate to encode to, e.g. 23.976. Generally this should be omitted unless the device has specific requirements. */ const float &framerate() const; void setFramerate(float newFramerate); bool framerateNull() const; void setFramerateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The fixed vertical resolution of the encoded video. */ const qint32 &height() const; void setHeight(qint32 newHeight); bool heightNull() const; void setHeightNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a level for the encoder profile (varies by encoder), e.g. 3, 3.1. */ const QString &level() const; void setLevel(QString newLevel); bool levelNull() const; void setLevelNull(); /** * @brief The live stream id. */ const QString &liveStreamId() const; void setLiveStreamId(QString newLiveStreamId); bool liveStreamIdNull() const; void setLiveStreamIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum audio bit depth. */ const qint32 &maxAudioBitDepth() const; void setMaxAudioBitDepth(qint32 newMaxAudioBitDepth); bool maxAudioBitDepthNull() const; void setMaxAudioBitDepthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a maximum number of audio channels to encode to, e.g. 2. */ const qint32 &maxAudioChannels() const; void setMaxAudioChannels(qint32 newMaxAudioChannels); bool maxAudioChannelsNull() const; void setMaxAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. A specific maximum video framerate to encode to, e.g. 23.976. Generally this should be omitted unless the device has specific requirements. */ const float &maxFramerate() const; void setMaxFramerate(float newMaxFramerate); bool maxFramerateNull() const; void setMaxFramerateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. */ const qint32 &maxRefFrames() const; void setMaxRefFrames(qint32 newMaxRefFrames); bool maxRefFramesNull() const; void setMaxRefFramesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum video bit depth. */ const qint32 &maxVideoBitDepth() const; void setMaxVideoBitDepth(qint32 newMaxVideoBitDepth); bool maxVideoBitDepthNull() const; void setMaxVideoBitDepthNull(); /** * @brief The media version id, if playing an alternate version. */ const QString &mediaSourceId() const; void setMediaSourceId(QString newMediaSourceId); bool mediaSourceIdNull() const; void setMediaSourceIdNull(); /** * @brief The minimum number of segments. */ const qint32 &minSegments() const; void setMinSegments(qint32 newMinSegments); bool minSegmentsNull() const; void setMinSegmentsNull(); /** * @brief The streaming parameters. */ const QString ¶ms() const; void setParams(QString newParams); bool paramsNull() const; void setParamsNull(); /** * @brief The play session id. */ const QString &playSessionId() const; void setPlaySessionId(QString newPlaySessionId); bool playSessionIdNull() const; void setPlaySessionIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a specific an encoder profile (varies by encoder), e.g. main, baseline, high. */ const QString &profile() const; void setProfile(QString newProfile); bool profileNull() const; void setProfileNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to require avc. */ const bool &requireAvc() const; void setRequireAvc(bool newRequireAvc); bool requireAvcNull() const; void setRequireAvcNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to require a non anamporphic stream. */ const bool &requireNonAnamorphic() const; void setRequireNonAnamorphic(bool newRequireNonAnamorphic); bool requireNonAnamorphicNull() const; void setRequireNonAnamorphicNull(); /** * @brief The segment container. */ const QString &segmentContainer() const; void setSegmentContainer(QString newSegmentContainer); bool segmentContainerNull() const; void setSegmentContainerNull(); /** * @brief The segment lenght. */ const qint32 &segmentLength() const; void setSegmentLength(qint32 newSegmentLength); bool segmentLengthNull() const; void setSegmentLengthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a starting offset, in ticks. 1 tick = 10000 ms. */ const qint64 &startTimeTicks() const; void setStartTimeTicks(qint64 newStartTimeTicks); bool startTimeTicksNull() const; void setStartTimeTicksNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If true, the original file will be streamed statically without any encoding. Use either no url extension or the original file extension. true/false. */ const bool &staticStreaming() const; void setStaticStreaming(bool newStaticStreaming); bool staticStreamingNull() const; void setStaticStreamingNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The streaming options. */ const QJsonObject &streamOptions() const; void setStreamOptions(QJsonObject newStreamOptions); bool streamOptionsNull() const; void setStreamOptionsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a subtitle codec to encode to. */ const QString &subtitleCodec() const; void setSubtitleCodec(QString newSubtitleCodec); bool subtitleCodecNull() const; void setSubtitleCodecNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify the subtitle delivery method. */ const SubtitleDeliveryMethod &subtitleMethod() const; void setSubtitleMethod(SubtitleDeliveryMethod newSubtitleMethod); bool subtitleMethodNull() const; void setSubtitleMethodNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The index of the subtitle stream to use. If omitted no subtitles will be used. */ const qint32 &subtitleStreamIndex() const; void setSubtitleStreamIndex(qint32 newSubtitleStreamIndex); bool subtitleStreamIndexNull() const; void setSubtitleStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief The tag. */ const QString &tag() const; void setTag(QString newTag); bool tagNull() const; void setTagNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The transcoding reason. */ const QString &transcodeReasons() const; void setTranscodeReasons(QString newTranscodeReasons); bool transcodeReasonsNull() const; void setTranscodeReasonsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of audio channels to transcode. */ const qint32 &transcodingMaxAudioChannels() const; void setTranscodingMaxAudioChannels(qint32 newTranscodingMaxAudioChannels); bool transcodingMaxAudioChannelsNull() const; void setTranscodingMaxAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a video bitrate to encode to, e.g. 500000. If omitted this will be left to encoder defaults. */ const qint32 &videoBitRate() const; void setVideoBitRate(qint32 newVideoBitRate); bool videoBitRateNull() const; void setVideoBitRateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a video codec to encode to, e.g. h264. If omitted the server will auto-select using the url's extension. Options: h265, h264, mpeg4, theora, vpx, wmv. */ const QString &videoCodec() const; void setVideoCodec(QString newVideoCodec); bool videoCodecNull() const; void setVideoCodecNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The index of the video stream to use. If omitted the first video stream will be used. */ const qint32 &videoStreamIndex() const; void setVideoStreamIndex(qint32 newVideoStreamIndex); bool videoStreamIndexNull() const; void setVideoStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The fixed horizontal resolution of the encoded video. */ const qint32 &width() const; void setWidth(qint32 newWidth); bool widthNull() const; void setWidthNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_container; QString m_itemId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_allowAudioStreamCopy = std::nullopt; std::optional m_allowVideoStreamCopy = std::nullopt; std::optional m_audioBitRate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_audioChannels = std::nullopt; QString m_audioCodec; std::optional m_audioSampleRate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_audioStreamIndex = std::nullopt; std::optional m_breakOnNonKeyFrames = std::nullopt; EncodingContext m_context; std::optional m_copyTimestamps = std::nullopt; std::optional m_cpuCoreLimit = std::nullopt; std::optional m_deInterlace = std::nullopt; QString m_deviceId; QString m_deviceProfileId; std::optional m_enableAutoStreamCopy = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableMpegtsM2TsMode = std::nullopt; std::optional m_framerate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_height = std::nullopt; QString m_level; QString m_liveStreamId; std::optional m_maxAudioBitDepth = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxAudioChannels = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxFramerate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxRefFrames = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxVideoBitDepth = std::nullopt; QString m_mediaSourceId; std::optional m_minSegments = std::nullopt; QString m_params; QString m_playSessionId; QString m_profile; std::optional m_requireAvc = std::nullopt; std::optional m_requireNonAnamorphic = std::nullopt; QString m_segmentContainer; std::optional m_segmentLength = std::nullopt; std::optional m_startTimeTicks = std::nullopt; std::optional m_staticStreaming = std::nullopt; std::optional m_streamOptions = std::nullopt; QString m_subtitleCodec; SubtitleDeliveryMethod m_subtitleMethod; std::optional m_subtitleStreamIndex = std::nullopt; QString m_tag; QString m_transcodeReasons; std::optional m_transcodingMaxAudioChannels = std::nullopt; std::optional m_videoBitRate = std::nullopt; QString m_videoCodec; std::optional m_videoStreamIndex = std::nullopt; std::optional m_width = std::nullopt; }; class HeadGenreImageParams { public: /** * @brief Image type. */ const ImageType &imageType() const; void setImageType(ImageType newImageType); /** * @brief Genre name. */ const QString &name() const; void setName(QString newName); /** * @brief Optional. Add a played indicator. */ const bool &addPlayedIndicator() const; void setAddPlayedIndicator(bool newAddPlayedIndicator); bool addPlayedIndicatorNull() const; void setAddPlayedIndicatorNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images. */ const QString &backgroundColor() const; void setBackgroundColor(QString newBackgroundColor); bool backgroundColorNull() const; void setBackgroundColorNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Blur image. */ const qint32 &blur() const; void setBlur(qint32 newBlur); bool blurNull() const; void setBlurNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art. */ const bool &cropWhitespace() const; void setCropWhitespace(bool newCropWhitespace); bool cropWhitespaceNull() const; void setCropWhitespaceNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. */ const QString &foregroundLayer() const; void setForegroundLayer(QString newForegroundLayer); bool foregroundLayerNull() const; void setForegroundLayerNull(); /** * @brief Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png. */ const ImageFormat &format() const; void setFormat(ImageFormat newFormat); bool formatNull() const; void setFormatNull(); /** * @brief The fixed image height to return. */ const qint32 &height() const; void setHeight(qint32 newHeight); bool heightNull() const; void setHeightNull(); /** * @brief Image index. */ const qint32 &imageIndex() const; void setImageIndex(qint32 newImageIndex); bool imageIndexNull() const; void setImageIndexNull(); /** * @brief The maximum image height to return. */ const qint32 &maxHeight() const; void setMaxHeight(qint32 newMaxHeight); bool maxHeightNull() const; void setMaxHeightNull(); /** * @brief The maximum image width to return. */ const qint32 &maxWidth() const; void setMaxWidth(qint32 newMaxWidth); bool maxWidthNull() const; void setMaxWidthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay. */ const double &percentPlayed() const; void setPercentPlayed(double newPercentPlayed); bool percentPlayedNull() const; void setPercentPlayedNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases. */ const qint32 &quality() const; void setQuality(qint32 newQuality); bool qualityNull() const; void setQualityNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. */ const QString &tag() const; void setTag(QString newTag); bool tagNull() const; void setTagNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render. */ const qint32 &unplayedCount() const; void setUnplayedCount(qint32 newUnplayedCount); bool unplayedCountNull() const; void setUnplayedCountNull(); /** * @brief The fixed image width to return. */ const qint32 &width() const; void setWidth(qint32 newWidth); bool widthNull() const; void setWidthNull(); private: // Required path parameters ImageType m_imageType; QString m_name; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_addPlayedIndicator = std::nullopt; QString m_backgroundColor; std::optional m_blur = std::nullopt; std::optional m_cropWhitespace = std::nullopt; QString m_foregroundLayer; ImageFormat m_format; std::optional m_height = std::nullopt; std::optional m_imageIndex = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxHeight = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxWidth = std::nullopt; std::optional m_percentPlayed = std::nullopt; std::optional m_quality = std::nullopt; QString m_tag; std::optional m_unplayedCount = std::nullopt; std::optional m_width = std::nullopt; }; class HeadGenreImageByIndexParams { public: /** * @brief Image index. */ const qint32 &imageIndex() const; void setImageIndex(qint32 newImageIndex); /** * @brief Image type. */ const ImageType &imageType() const; void setImageType(ImageType newImageType); /** * @brief Genre name. */ const QString &name() const; void setName(QString newName); /** * @brief Optional. Add a played indicator. */ const bool &addPlayedIndicator() const; void setAddPlayedIndicator(bool newAddPlayedIndicator); bool addPlayedIndicatorNull() const; void setAddPlayedIndicatorNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images. */ const QString &backgroundColor() const; void setBackgroundColor(QString newBackgroundColor); bool backgroundColorNull() const; void setBackgroundColorNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Blur image. */ const qint32 &blur() const; void setBlur(qint32 newBlur); bool blurNull() const; void setBlurNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art. */ const bool &cropWhitespace() const; void setCropWhitespace(bool newCropWhitespace); bool cropWhitespaceNull() const; void setCropWhitespaceNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. */ const QString &foregroundLayer() const; void setForegroundLayer(QString newForegroundLayer); bool foregroundLayerNull() const; void setForegroundLayerNull(); /** * @brief Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png. */ const ImageFormat &format() const; void setFormat(ImageFormat newFormat); bool formatNull() const; void setFormatNull(); /** * @brief The fixed image height to return. */ const qint32 &height() const; void setHeight(qint32 newHeight); bool heightNull() const; void setHeightNull(); /** * @brief The maximum image height to return. */ const qint32 &maxHeight() const; void setMaxHeight(qint32 newMaxHeight); bool maxHeightNull() const; void setMaxHeightNull(); /** * @brief The maximum image width to return. */ const qint32 &maxWidth() const; void setMaxWidth(qint32 newMaxWidth); bool maxWidthNull() const; void setMaxWidthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay. */ const double &percentPlayed() const; void setPercentPlayed(double newPercentPlayed); bool percentPlayedNull() const; void setPercentPlayedNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases. */ const qint32 &quality() const; void setQuality(qint32 newQuality); bool qualityNull() const; void setQualityNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. */ const QString &tag() const; void setTag(QString newTag); bool tagNull() const; void setTagNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render. */ const qint32 &unplayedCount() const; void setUnplayedCount(qint32 newUnplayedCount); bool unplayedCountNull() const; void setUnplayedCountNull(); /** * @brief The fixed image width to return. */ const qint32 &width() const; void setWidth(qint32 newWidth); bool widthNull() const; void setWidthNull(); private: // Required path parameters qint32 m_imageIndex; ImageType m_imageType; QString m_name; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_addPlayedIndicator = std::nullopt; QString m_backgroundColor; std::optional m_blur = std::nullopt; std::optional m_cropWhitespace = std::nullopt; QString m_foregroundLayer; ImageFormat m_format; std::optional m_height = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxHeight = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxWidth = std::nullopt; std::optional m_percentPlayed = std::nullopt; std::optional m_quality = std::nullopt; QString m_tag; std::optional m_unplayedCount = std::nullopt; std::optional m_width = std::nullopt; }; class HeadItemImageParams { public: /** * @brief Image type. */ const ImageType &imageType() const; void setImageType(ImageType newImageType); /** * @brief Item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief Optional. Add a played indicator. */ const bool &addPlayedIndicator() const; void setAddPlayedIndicator(bool newAddPlayedIndicator); bool addPlayedIndicatorNull() const; void setAddPlayedIndicatorNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images. */ const QString &backgroundColor() const; void setBackgroundColor(QString newBackgroundColor); bool backgroundColorNull() const; void setBackgroundColorNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Blur image. */ const qint32 &blur() const; void setBlur(qint32 newBlur); bool blurNull() const; void setBlurNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art. */ const bool &cropWhitespace() const; void setCropWhitespace(bool newCropWhitespace); bool cropWhitespaceNull() const; void setCropWhitespaceNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. */ const QString &foregroundLayer() const; void setForegroundLayer(QString newForegroundLayer); bool foregroundLayerNull() const; void setForegroundLayerNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The MediaBrowser.Model.Drawing.ImageFormat of the returned image. */ const ImageFormat &format() const; void setFormat(ImageFormat newFormat); bool formatNull() const; void setFormatNull(); /** * @brief The fixed image height to return. */ const qint32 &height() const; void setHeight(qint32 newHeight); bool heightNull() const; void setHeightNull(); /** * @brief Image index. */ const qint32 &imageIndex() const; void setImageIndex(qint32 newImageIndex); bool imageIndexNull() const; void setImageIndexNull(); /** * @brief The maximum image height to return. */ const qint32 &maxHeight() const; void setMaxHeight(qint32 newMaxHeight); bool maxHeightNull() const; void setMaxHeightNull(); /** * @brief The maximum image width to return. */ const qint32 &maxWidth() const; void setMaxWidth(qint32 newMaxWidth); bool maxWidthNull() const; void setMaxWidthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay. */ const double &percentPlayed() const; void setPercentPlayed(double newPercentPlayed); bool percentPlayedNull() const; void setPercentPlayedNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases. */ const qint32 &quality() const; void setQuality(qint32 newQuality); bool qualityNull() const; void setQualityNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. */ const QString &tag() const; void setTag(QString newTag); bool tagNull() const; void setTagNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render. */ const qint32 &unplayedCount() const; void setUnplayedCount(qint32 newUnplayedCount); bool unplayedCountNull() const; void setUnplayedCountNull(); /** * @brief The fixed image width to return. */ const qint32 &width() const; void setWidth(qint32 newWidth); bool widthNull() const; void setWidthNull(); private: // Required path parameters ImageType m_imageType; QString m_itemId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_addPlayedIndicator = std::nullopt; QString m_backgroundColor; std::optional m_blur = std::nullopt; std::optional m_cropWhitespace = std::nullopt; QString m_foregroundLayer; ImageFormat m_format; std::optional m_height = std::nullopt; std::optional m_imageIndex = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxHeight = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxWidth = std::nullopt; std::optional m_percentPlayed = std::nullopt; std::optional m_quality = std::nullopt; QString m_tag; std::optional m_unplayedCount = std::nullopt; std::optional m_width = std::nullopt; }; class HeadItemImage2Params { public: /** * @brief Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png. */ const ImageFormat &format() const; void setFormat(ImageFormat newFormat); /** * @brief Image index. */ const qint32 &imageIndex() const; void setImageIndex(qint32 newImageIndex); /** * @brief Image type. */ const ImageType &imageType() const; void setImageType(ImageType newImageType); /** * @brief Item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief The maximum image height to return. */ const qint32 &maxHeight() const; void setMaxHeight(qint32 newMaxHeight); /** * @brief The maximum image width to return. */ const qint32 &maxWidth() const; void setMaxWidth(qint32 newMaxWidth); /** * @brief Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay. */ const double &percentPlayed() const; void setPercentPlayed(double newPercentPlayed); /** * @brief Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. */ const QString &tag() const; void setTag(QString newTag); /** * @brief Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render. */ const qint32 &unplayedCount() const; void setUnplayedCount(qint32 newUnplayedCount); /** * @brief Optional. Add a played indicator. */ const bool &addPlayedIndicator() const; void setAddPlayedIndicator(bool newAddPlayedIndicator); bool addPlayedIndicatorNull() const; void setAddPlayedIndicatorNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images. */ const QString &backgroundColor() const; void setBackgroundColor(QString newBackgroundColor); bool backgroundColorNull() const; void setBackgroundColorNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Blur image. */ const qint32 &blur() const; void setBlur(qint32 newBlur); bool blurNull() const; void setBlurNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art. */ const bool &cropWhitespace() const; void setCropWhitespace(bool newCropWhitespace); bool cropWhitespaceNull() const; void setCropWhitespaceNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. */ const QString &foregroundLayer() const; void setForegroundLayer(QString newForegroundLayer); bool foregroundLayerNull() const; void setForegroundLayerNull(); /** * @brief The fixed image height to return. */ const qint32 &height() const; void setHeight(qint32 newHeight); bool heightNull() const; void setHeightNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases. */ const qint32 &quality() const; void setQuality(qint32 newQuality); bool qualityNull() const; void setQualityNull(); /** * @brief The fixed image width to return. */ const qint32 &width() const; void setWidth(qint32 newWidth); bool widthNull() const; void setWidthNull(); private: // Required path parameters ImageFormat m_format; qint32 m_imageIndex; ImageType m_imageType; QString m_itemId; qint32 m_maxHeight; qint32 m_maxWidth; double m_percentPlayed; QString m_tag; qint32 m_unplayedCount; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_addPlayedIndicator = std::nullopt; QString m_backgroundColor; std::optional m_blur = std::nullopt; std::optional m_cropWhitespace = std::nullopt; QString m_foregroundLayer; std::optional m_height = std::nullopt; std::optional m_quality = std::nullopt; std::optional m_width = std::nullopt; }; class HeadItemImageByIndexParams { public: /** * @brief Image index. */ const qint32 &imageIndex() const; void setImageIndex(qint32 newImageIndex); /** * @brief Image type. */ const ImageType &imageType() const; void setImageType(ImageType newImageType); /** * @brief Item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief Optional. Add a played indicator. */ const bool &addPlayedIndicator() const; void setAddPlayedIndicator(bool newAddPlayedIndicator); bool addPlayedIndicatorNull() const; void setAddPlayedIndicatorNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images. */ const QString &backgroundColor() const; void setBackgroundColor(QString newBackgroundColor); bool backgroundColorNull() const; void setBackgroundColorNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Blur image. */ const qint32 &blur() const; void setBlur(qint32 newBlur); bool blurNull() const; void setBlurNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art. */ const bool &cropWhitespace() const; void setCropWhitespace(bool newCropWhitespace); bool cropWhitespaceNull() const; void setCropWhitespaceNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. */ const QString &foregroundLayer() const; void setForegroundLayer(QString newForegroundLayer); bool foregroundLayerNull() const; void setForegroundLayerNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The MediaBrowser.Model.Drawing.ImageFormat of the returned image. */ const ImageFormat &format() const; void setFormat(ImageFormat newFormat); bool formatNull() const; void setFormatNull(); /** * @brief The fixed image height to return. */ const qint32 &height() const; void setHeight(qint32 newHeight); bool heightNull() const; void setHeightNull(); /** * @brief The maximum image height to return. */ const qint32 &maxHeight() const; void setMaxHeight(qint32 newMaxHeight); bool maxHeightNull() const; void setMaxHeightNull(); /** * @brief The maximum image width to return. */ const qint32 &maxWidth() const; void setMaxWidth(qint32 newMaxWidth); bool maxWidthNull() const; void setMaxWidthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay. */ const double &percentPlayed() const; void setPercentPlayed(double newPercentPlayed); bool percentPlayedNull() const; void setPercentPlayedNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases. */ const qint32 &quality() const; void setQuality(qint32 newQuality); bool qualityNull() const; void setQualityNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. */ const QString &tag() const; void setTag(QString newTag); bool tagNull() const; void setTagNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render. */ const qint32 &unplayedCount() const; void setUnplayedCount(qint32 newUnplayedCount); bool unplayedCountNull() const; void setUnplayedCountNull(); /** * @brief The fixed image width to return. */ const qint32 &width() const; void setWidth(qint32 newWidth); bool widthNull() const; void setWidthNull(); private: // Required path parameters qint32 m_imageIndex; ImageType m_imageType; QString m_itemId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_addPlayedIndicator = std::nullopt; QString m_backgroundColor; std::optional m_blur = std::nullopt; std::optional m_cropWhitespace = std::nullopt; QString m_foregroundLayer; ImageFormat m_format; std::optional m_height = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxHeight = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxWidth = std::nullopt; std::optional m_percentPlayed = std::nullopt; std::optional m_quality = std::nullopt; QString m_tag; std::optional m_unplayedCount = std::nullopt; std::optional m_width = std::nullopt; }; class HeadMasterHlsAudioPlaylistParams { public: /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief The media version id, if playing an alternate version. */ const QString &mediaSourceId() const; void setMediaSourceId(QString newMediaSourceId); /** * @brief Whether or not to allow copying of the audio stream url. */ const bool &allowAudioStreamCopy() const; void setAllowAudioStreamCopy(bool newAllowAudioStreamCopy); bool allowAudioStreamCopyNull() const; void setAllowAudioStreamCopyNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to allow copying of the video stream url. */ const bool &allowVideoStreamCopy() const; void setAllowVideoStreamCopy(bool newAllowVideoStreamCopy); bool allowVideoStreamCopyNull() const; void setAllowVideoStreamCopyNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify an audio bitrate to encode to, e.g. 128000. If omitted this will be left to encoder defaults. */ const qint32 &audioBitRate() const; void setAudioBitRate(qint32 newAudioBitRate); bool audioBitRateNull() const; void setAudioBitRateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a specific number of audio channels to encode to, e.g. 2. */ const qint32 &audioChannels() const; void setAudioChannels(qint32 newAudioChannels); bool audioChannelsNull() const; void setAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a audio codec to encode to, e.g. mp3. If omitted the server will auto-select using the url's extension. Options: aac, mp3, vorbis, wma. */ const QString &audioCodec() const; void setAudioCodec(QString newAudioCodec); bool audioCodecNull() const; void setAudioCodecNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a specific audio sample rate, e.g. 44100. */ const qint32 &audioSampleRate() const; void setAudioSampleRate(qint32 newAudioSampleRate); bool audioSampleRateNull() const; void setAudioSampleRateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The index of the audio stream to use. If omitted the first audio stream will be used. */ const qint32 &audioStreamIndex() const; void setAudioStreamIndex(qint32 newAudioStreamIndex); bool audioStreamIndexNull() const; void setAudioStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to break on non key frames. */ const bool &breakOnNonKeyFrames() const; void setBreakOnNonKeyFrames(bool newBreakOnNonKeyFrames); bool breakOnNonKeyFramesNull() const; void setBreakOnNonKeyFramesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The MediaBrowser.Model.Dlna.EncodingContext. */ const EncodingContext &context() const; void setContext(EncodingContext newContext); bool contextNull() const; void setContextNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to copy timestamps when transcoding with an offset. Defaults to false. */ const bool ©Timestamps() const; void setCopyTimestamps(bool newCopyTimestamps); bool copyTimestampsNull() const; void setCopyTimestampsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The limit of how many cpu cores to use. */ const qint32 &cpuCoreLimit() const; void setCpuCoreLimit(qint32 newCpuCoreLimit); bool cpuCoreLimitNull() const; void setCpuCoreLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to deinterlace the video. */ const bool &deInterlace() const; void setDeInterlace(bool newDeInterlace); bool deInterlaceNull() const; void setDeInterlaceNull(); /** * @brief The device id of the client requesting. Used to stop encoding processes when needed. */ const QString &deviceId() const; void setDeviceId(QString newDeviceId); bool deviceIdNull() const; void setDeviceIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The dlna device profile id to utilize. */ const QString &deviceProfileId() const; void setDeviceProfileId(QString newDeviceProfileId); bool deviceProfileIdNull() const; void setDeviceProfileIdNull(); /** * @brief Enable adaptive bitrate streaming. */ const bool &enableAdaptiveBitrateStreaming() const; void setEnableAdaptiveBitrateStreaming(bool newEnableAdaptiveBitrateStreaming); bool enableAdaptiveBitrateStreamingNull() const; void setEnableAdaptiveBitrateStreamingNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to allow automatic stream copy if requested values match the original source. Defaults to true. */ const bool &enableAutoStreamCopy() const; void setEnableAutoStreamCopy(bool newEnableAutoStreamCopy); bool enableAutoStreamCopyNull() const; void setEnableAutoStreamCopyNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to enable the MpegtsM2Ts mode. */ const bool &enableMpegtsM2TsMode() const; void setEnableMpegtsM2TsMode(bool newEnableMpegtsM2TsMode); bool enableMpegtsM2TsModeNull() const; void setEnableMpegtsM2TsModeNull(); /** * @brief Optional. A specific video framerate to encode to, e.g. 23.976. Generally this should be omitted unless the device has specific requirements. */ const float &framerate() const; void setFramerate(float newFramerate); bool framerateNull() const; void setFramerateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The fixed vertical resolution of the encoded video. */ const qint32 &height() const; void setHeight(qint32 newHeight); bool heightNull() const; void setHeightNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a level for the encoder profile (varies by encoder), e.g. 3, 3.1. */ const QString &level() const; void setLevel(QString newLevel); bool levelNull() const; void setLevelNull(); /** * @brief The live stream id. */ const QString &liveStreamId() const; void setLiveStreamId(QString newLiveStreamId); bool liveStreamIdNull() const; void setLiveStreamIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum audio bit depth. */ const qint32 &maxAudioBitDepth() const; void setMaxAudioBitDepth(qint32 newMaxAudioBitDepth); bool maxAudioBitDepthNull() const; void setMaxAudioBitDepthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a maximum number of audio channels to encode to, e.g. 2. */ const qint32 &maxAudioChannels() const; void setMaxAudioChannels(qint32 newMaxAudioChannels); bool maxAudioChannelsNull() const; void setMaxAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. A specific maximum video framerate to encode to, e.g. 23.976. Generally this should be omitted unless the device has specific requirements. */ const float &maxFramerate() const; void setMaxFramerate(float newMaxFramerate); bool maxFramerateNull() const; void setMaxFramerateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. */ const qint32 &maxRefFrames() const; void setMaxRefFrames(qint32 newMaxRefFrames); bool maxRefFramesNull() const; void setMaxRefFramesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum streaming bitrate. */ const qint32 &maxStreamingBitrate() const; void setMaxStreamingBitrate(qint32 newMaxStreamingBitrate); bool maxStreamingBitrateNull() const; void setMaxStreamingBitrateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum video bit depth. */ const qint32 &maxVideoBitDepth() const; void setMaxVideoBitDepth(qint32 newMaxVideoBitDepth); bool maxVideoBitDepthNull() const; void setMaxVideoBitDepthNull(); /** * @brief The minimum number of segments. */ const qint32 &minSegments() const; void setMinSegments(qint32 newMinSegments); bool minSegmentsNull() const; void setMinSegmentsNull(); /** * @brief The streaming parameters. */ const QString ¶ms() const; void setParams(QString newParams); bool paramsNull() const; void setParamsNull(); /** * @brief The play session id. */ const QString &playSessionId() const; void setPlaySessionId(QString newPlaySessionId); bool playSessionIdNull() const; void setPlaySessionIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a specific an encoder profile (varies by encoder), e.g. main, baseline, high. */ const QString &profile() const; void setProfile(QString newProfile); bool profileNull() const; void setProfileNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to require avc. */ const bool &requireAvc() const; void setRequireAvc(bool newRequireAvc); bool requireAvcNull() const; void setRequireAvcNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to require a non anamorphic stream. */ const bool &requireNonAnamorphic() const; void setRequireNonAnamorphic(bool newRequireNonAnamorphic); bool requireNonAnamorphicNull() const; void setRequireNonAnamorphicNull(); /** * @brief The segment container. */ const QString &segmentContainer() const; void setSegmentContainer(QString newSegmentContainer); bool segmentContainerNull() const; void setSegmentContainerNull(); /** * @brief The segment length. */ const qint32 &segmentLength() const; void setSegmentLength(qint32 newSegmentLength); bool segmentLengthNull() const; void setSegmentLengthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a starting offset, in ticks. 1 tick = 10000 ms. */ const qint64 &startTimeTicks() const; void setStartTimeTicks(qint64 newStartTimeTicks); bool startTimeTicksNull() const; void setStartTimeTicksNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If true, the original file will be streamed statically without any encoding. Use either no url extension or the original file extension. true/false. */ const bool &staticStreaming() const; void setStaticStreaming(bool newStaticStreaming); bool staticStreamingNull() const; void setStaticStreamingNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The streaming options. */ const QJsonObject &streamOptions() const; void setStreamOptions(QJsonObject newStreamOptions); bool streamOptionsNull() const; void setStreamOptionsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a subtitle codec to encode to. */ const QString &subtitleCodec() const; void setSubtitleCodec(QString newSubtitleCodec); bool subtitleCodecNull() const; void setSubtitleCodecNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify the subtitle delivery method. */ const SubtitleDeliveryMethod &subtitleMethod() const; void setSubtitleMethod(SubtitleDeliveryMethod newSubtitleMethod); bool subtitleMethodNull() const; void setSubtitleMethodNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The index of the subtitle stream to use. If omitted no subtitles will be used. */ const qint32 &subtitleStreamIndex() const; void setSubtitleStreamIndex(qint32 newSubtitleStreamIndex); bool subtitleStreamIndexNull() const; void setSubtitleStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief The tag. */ const QString &tag() const; void setTag(QString newTag); bool tagNull() const; void setTagNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The transcoding reason. */ const QString &transcodeReasons() const; void setTranscodeReasons(QString newTranscodeReasons); bool transcodeReasonsNull() const; void setTranscodeReasonsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of audio channels to transcode. */ const qint32 &transcodingMaxAudioChannels() const; void setTranscodingMaxAudioChannels(qint32 newTranscodingMaxAudioChannels); bool transcodingMaxAudioChannelsNull() const; void setTranscodingMaxAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a video bitrate to encode to, e.g. 500000. If omitted this will be left to encoder defaults. */ const qint32 &videoBitRate() const; void setVideoBitRate(qint32 newVideoBitRate); bool videoBitRateNull() const; void setVideoBitRateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a video codec to encode to, e.g. h264. If omitted the server will auto-select using the url's extension. Options: h265, h264, mpeg4, theora, vpx, wmv. */ const QString &videoCodec() const; void setVideoCodec(QString newVideoCodec); bool videoCodecNull() const; void setVideoCodecNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The index of the video stream to use. If omitted the first video stream will be used. */ const qint32 &videoStreamIndex() const; void setVideoStreamIndex(qint32 newVideoStreamIndex); bool videoStreamIndexNull() const; void setVideoStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The fixed horizontal resolution of the encoded video. */ const qint32 &width() const; void setWidth(qint32 newWidth); bool widthNull() const; void setWidthNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; // Required query parameters QString m_mediaSourceId; // Optional query parameters std::optional m_allowAudioStreamCopy = std::nullopt; std::optional m_allowVideoStreamCopy = std::nullopt; std::optional m_audioBitRate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_audioChannels = std::nullopt; QString m_audioCodec; std::optional m_audioSampleRate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_audioStreamIndex = std::nullopt; std::optional m_breakOnNonKeyFrames = std::nullopt; EncodingContext m_context; std::optional m_copyTimestamps = std::nullopt; std::optional m_cpuCoreLimit = std::nullopt; std::optional m_deInterlace = std::nullopt; QString m_deviceId; QString m_deviceProfileId; std::optional m_enableAdaptiveBitrateStreaming = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableAutoStreamCopy = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableMpegtsM2TsMode = std::nullopt; std::optional m_framerate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_height = std::nullopt; QString m_level; QString m_liveStreamId; std::optional m_maxAudioBitDepth = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxAudioChannels = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxFramerate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxRefFrames = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxStreamingBitrate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxVideoBitDepth = std::nullopt; std::optional m_minSegments = std::nullopt; QString m_params; QString m_playSessionId; QString m_profile; std::optional m_requireAvc = std::nullopt; std::optional m_requireNonAnamorphic = std::nullopt; QString m_segmentContainer; std::optional m_segmentLength = std::nullopt; std::optional m_startTimeTicks = std::nullopt; std::optional m_staticStreaming = std::nullopt; std::optional m_streamOptions = std::nullopt; QString m_subtitleCodec; SubtitleDeliveryMethod m_subtitleMethod; std::optional m_subtitleStreamIndex = std::nullopt; QString m_tag; QString m_transcodeReasons; std::optional m_transcodingMaxAudioChannels = std::nullopt; std::optional m_videoBitRate = std::nullopt; QString m_videoCodec; std::optional m_videoStreamIndex = std::nullopt; std::optional m_width = std::nullopt; }; class HeadMasterHlsVideoPlaylistParams { public: /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief The media version id, if playing an alternate version. */ const QString &mediaSourceId() const; void setMediaSourceId(QString newMediaSourceId); /** * @brief Whether or not to allow copying of the audio stream url. */ const bool &allowAudioStreamCopy() const; void setAllowAudioStreamCopy(bool newAllowAudioStreamCopy); bool allowAudioStreamCopyNull() const; void setAllowAudioStreamCopyNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to allow copying of the video stream url. */ const bool &allowVideoStreamCopy() const; void setAllowVideoStreamCopy(bool newAllowVideoStreamCopy); bool allowVideoStreamCopyNull() const; void setAllowVideoStreamCopyNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify an audio bitrate to encode to, e.g. 128000. If omitted this will be left to encoder defaults. */ const qint32 &audioBitRate() const; void setAudioBitRate(qint32 newAudioBitRate); bool audioBitRateNull() const; void setAudioBitRateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a specific number of audio channels to encode to, e.g. 2. */ const qint32 &audioChannels() const; void setAudioChannels(qint32 newAudioChannels); bool audioChannelsNull() const; void setAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a audio codec to encode to, e.g. mp3. If omitted the server will auto-select using the url's extension. Options: aac, mp3, vorbis, wma. */ const QString &audioCodec() const; void setAudioCodec(QString newAudioCodec); bool audioCodecNull() const; void setAudioCodecNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a specific audio sample rate, e.g. 44100. */ const qint32 &audioSampleRate() const; void setAudioSampleRate(qint32 newAudioSampleRate); bool audioSampleRateNull() const; void setAudioSampleRateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The index of the audio stream to use. If omitted the first audio stream will be used. */ const qint32 &audioStreamIndex() const; void setAudioStreamIndex(qint32 newAudioStreamIndex); bool audioStreamIndexNull() const; void setAudioStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to break on non key frames. */ const bool &breakOnNonKeyFrames() const; void setBreakOnNonKeyFrames(bool newBreakOnNonKeyFrames); bool breakOnNonKeyFramesNull() const; void setBreakOnNonKeyFramesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The MediaBrowser.Model.Dlna.EncodingContext. */ const EncodingContext &context() const; void setContext(EncodingContext newContext); bool contextNull() const; void setContextNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to copy timestamps when transcoding with an offset. Defaults to false. */ const bool ©Timestamps() const; void setCopyTimestamps(bool newCopyTimestamps); bool copyTimestampsNull() const; void setCopyTimestampsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The limit of how many cpu cores to use. */ const qint32 &cpuCoreLimit() const; void setCpuCoreLimit(qint32 newCpuCoreLimit); bool cpuCoreLimitNull() const; void setCpuCoreLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to deinterlace the video. */ const bool &deInterlace() const; void setDeInterlace(bool newDeInterlace); bool deInterlaceNull() const; void setDeInterlaceNull(); /** * @brief The device id of the client requesting. Used to stop encoding processes when needed. */ const QString &deviceId() const; void setDeviceId(QString newDeviceId); bool deviceIdNull() const; void setDeviceIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The dlna device profile id to utilize. */ const QString &deviceProfileId() const; void setDeviceProfileId(QString newDeviceProfileId); bool deviceProfileIdNull() const; void setDeviceProfileIdNull(); /** * @brief Enable adaptive bitrate streaming. */ const bool &enableAdaptiveBitrateStreaming() const; void setEnableAdaptiveBitrateStreaming(bool newEnableAdaptiveBitrateStreaming); bool enableAdaptiveBitrateStreamingNull() const; void setEnableAdaptiveBitrateStreamingNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to allow automatic stream copy if requested values match the original source. Defaults to true. */ const bool &enableAutoStreamCopy() const; void setEnableAutoStreamCopy(bool newEnableAutoStreamCopy); bool enableAutoStreamCopyNull() const; void setEnableAutoStreamCopyNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to enable the MpegtsM2Ts mode. */ const bool &enableMpegtsM2TsMode() const; void setEnableMpegtsM2TsMode(bool newEnableMpegtsM2TsMode); bool enableMpegtsM2TsModeNull() const; void setEnableMpegtsM2TsModeNull(); /** * @brief Optional. A specific video framerate to encode to, e.g. 23.976. Generally this should be omitted unless the device has specific requirements. */ const float &framerate() const; void setFramerate(float newFramerate); bool framerateNull() const; void setFramerateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The fixed vertical resolution of the encoded video. */ const qint32 &height() const; void setHeight(qint32 newHeight); bool heightNull() const; void setHeightNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a level for the encoder profile (varies by encoder), e.g. 3, 3.1. */ const QString &level() const; void setLevel(QString newLevel); bool levelNull() const; void setLevelNull(); /** * @brief The live stream id. */ const QString &liveStreamId() const; void setLiveStreamId(QString newLiveStreamId); bool liveStreamIdNull() const; void setLiveStreamIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum audio bit depth. */ const qint32 &maxAudioBitDepth() const; void setMaxAudioBitDepth(qint32 newMaxAudioBitDepth); bool maxAudioBitDepthNull() const; void setMaxAudioBitDepthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a maximum number of audio channels to encode to, e.g. 2. */ const qint32 &maxAudioChannels() const; void setMaxAudioChannels(qint32 newMaxAudioChannels); bool maxAudioChannelsNull() const; void setMaxAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. A specific maximum video framerate to encode to, e.g. 23.976. Generally this should be omitted unless the device has specific requirements. */ const float &maxFramerate() const; void setMaxFramerate(float newMaxFramerate); bool maxFramerateNull() const; void setMaxFramerateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. */ const qint32 &maxRefFrames() const; void setMaxRefFrames(qint32 newMaxRefFrames); bool maxRefFramesNull() const; void setMaxRefFramesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum video bit depth. */ const qint32 &maxVideoBitDepth() const; void setMaxVideoBitDepth(qint32 newMaxVideoBitDepth); bool maxVideoBitDepthNull() const; void setMaxVideoBitDepthNull(); /** * @brief The minimum number of segments. */ const qint32 &minSegments() const; void setMinSegments(qint32 newMinSegments); bool minSegmentsNull() const; void setMinSegmentsNull(); /** * @brief The streaming parameters. */ const QString ¶ms() const; void setParams(QString newParams); bool paramsNull() const; void setParamsNull(); /** * @brief The play session id. */ const QString &playSessionId() const; void setPlaySessionId(QString newPlaySessionId); bool playSessionIdNull() const; void setPlaySessionIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a specific an encoder profile (varies by encoder), e.g. main, baseline, high. */ const QString &profile() const; void setProfile(QString newProfile); bool profileNull() const; void setProfileNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to require avc. */ const bool &requireAvc() const; void setRequireAvc(bool newRequireAvc); bool requireAvcNull() const; void setRequireAvcNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to require a non anamorphic stream. */ const bool &requireNonAnamorphic() const; void setRequireNonAnamorphic(bool newRequireNonAnamorphic); bool requireNonAnamorphicNull() const; void setRequireNonAnamorphicNull(); /** * @brief The segment container. */ const QString &segmentContainer() const; void setSegmentContainer(QString newSegmentContainer); bool segmentContainerNull() const; void setSegmentContainerNull(); /** * @brief The segment length. */ const qint32 &segmentLength() const; void setSegmentLength(qint32 newSegmentLength); bool segmentLengthNull() const; void setSegmentLengthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a starting offset, in ticks. 1 tick = 10000 ms. */ const qint64 &startTimeTicks() const; void setStartTimeTicks(qint64 newStartTimeTicks); bool startTimeTicksNull() const; void setStartTimeTicksNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If true, the original file will be streamed statically without any encoding. Use either no url extension or the original file extension. true/false. */ const bool &staticStreaming() const; void setStaticStreaming(bool newStaticStreaming); bool staticStreamingNull() const; void setStaticStreamingNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The streaming options. */ const QJsonObject &streamOptions() const; void setStreamOptions(QJsonObject newStreamOptions); bool streamOptionsNull() const; void setStreamOptionsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a subtitle codec to encode to. */ const QString &subtitleCodec() const; void setSubtitleCodec(QString newSubtitleCodec); bool subtitleCodecNull() const; void setSubtitleCodecNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify the subtitle delivery method. */ const SubtitleDeliveryMethod &subtitleMethod() const; void setSubtitleMethod(SubtitleDeliveryMethod newSubtitleMethod); bool subtitleMethodNull() const; void setSubtitleMethodNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The index of the subtitle stream to use. If omitted no subtitles will be used. */ const qint32 &subtitleStreamIndex() const; void setSubtitleStreamIndex(qint32 newSubtitleStreamIndex); bool subtitleStreamIndexNull() const; void setSubtitleStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief The tag. */ const QString &tag() const; void setTag(QString newTag); bool tagNull() const; void setTagNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The transcoding reason. */ const QString &transcodeReasons() const; void setTranscodeReasons(QString newTranscodeReasons); bool transcodeReasonsNull() const; void setTranscodeReasonsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of audio channels to transcode. */ const qint32 &transcodingMaxAudioChannels() const; void setTranscodingMaxAudioChannels(qint32 newTranscodingMaxAudioChannels); bool transcodingMaxAudioChannelsNull() const; void setTranscodingMaxAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a video bitrate to encode to, e.g. 500000. If omitted this will be left to encoder defaults. */ const qint32 &videoBitRate() const; void setVideoBitRate(qint32 newVideoBitRate); bool videoBitRateNull() const; void setVideoBitRateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a video codec to encode to, e.g. h264. If omitted the server will auto-select using the url's extension. Options: h265, h264, mpeg4, theora, vpx, wmv. */ const QString &videoCodec() const; void setVideoCodec(QString newVideoCodec); bool videoCodecNull() const; void setVideoCodecNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The index of the video stream to use. If omitted the first video stream will be used. */ const qint32 &videoStreamIndex() const; void setVideoStreamIndex(qint32 newVideoStreamIndex); bool videoStreamIndexNull() const; void setVideoStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The fixed horizontal resolution of the encoded video. */ const qint32 &width() const; void setWidth(qint32 newWidth); bool widthNull() const; void setWidthNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; // Required query parameters QString m_mediaSourceId; // Optional query parameters std::optional m_allowAudioStreamCopy = std::nullopt; std::optional m_allowVideoStreamCopy = std::nullopt; std::optional m_audioBitRate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_audioChannels = std::nullopt; QString m_audioCodec; std::optional m_audioSampleRate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_audioStreamIndex = std::nullopt; std::optional m_breakOnNonKeyFrames = std::nullopt; EncodingContext m_context; std::optional m_copyTimestamps = std::nullopt; std::optional m_cpuCoreLimit = std::nullopt; std::optional m_deInterlace = std::nullopt; QString m_deviceId; QString m_deviceProfileId; std::optional m_enableAdaptiveBitrateStreaming = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableAutoStreamCopy = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableMpegtsM2TsMode = std::nullopt; std::optional m_framerate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_height = std::nullopt; QString m_level; QString m_liveStreamId; std::optional m_maxAudioBitDepth = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxAudioChannels = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxFramerate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxRefFrames = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxVideoBitDepth = std::nullopt; std::optional m_minSegments = std::nullopt; QString m_params; QString m_playSessionId; QString m_profile; std::optional m_requireAvc = std::nullopt; std::optional m_requireNonAnamorphic = std::nullopt; QString m_segmentContainer; std::optional m_segmentLength = std::nullopt; std::optional m_startTimeTicks = std::nullopt; std::optional m_staticStreaming = std::nullopt; std::optional m_streamOptions = std::nullopt; QString m_subtitleCodec; SubtitleDeliveryMethod m_subtitleMethod; std::optional m_subtitleStreamIndex = std::nullopt; QString m_tag; QString m_transcodeReasons; std::optional m_transcodingMaxAudioChannels = std::nullopt; std::optional m_videoBitRate = std::nullopt; QString m_videoCodec; std::optional m_videoStreamIndex = std::nullopt; std::optional m_width = std::nullopt; }; class HeadMusicGenreImageParams { public: /** * @brief Image type. */ const ImageType &imageType() const; void setImageType(ImageType newImageType); /** * @brief Music genre name. */ const QString &name() const; void setName(QString newName); /** * @brief Optional. Add a played indicator. */ const bool &addPlayedIndicator() const; void setAddPlayedIndicator(bool newAddPlayedIndicator); bool addPlayedIndicatorNull() const; void setAddPlayedIndicatorNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images. */ const QString &backgroundColor() const; void setBackgroundColor(QString newBackgroundColor); bool backgroundColorNull() const; void setBackgroundColorNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Blur image. */ const qint32 &blur() const; void setBlur(qint32 newBlur); bool blurNull() const; void setBlurNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art. */ const bool &cropWhitespace() const; void setCropWhitespace(bool newCropWhitespace); bool cropWhitespaceNull() const; void setCropWhitespaceNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. */ const QString &foregroundLayer() const; void setForegroundLayer(QString newForegroundLayer); bool foregroundLayerNull() const; void setForegroundLayerNull(); /** * @brief Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png. */ const ImageFormat &format() const; void setFormat(ImageFormat newFormat); bool formatNull() const; void setFormatNull(); /** * @brief The fixed image height to return. */ const qint32 &height() const; void setHeight(qint32 newHeight); bool heightNull() const; void setHeightNull(); /** * @brief Image index. */ const qint32 &imageIndex() const; void setImageIndex(qint32 newImageIndex); bool imageIndexNull() const; void setImageIndexNull(); /** * @brief The maximum image height to return. */ const qint32 &maxHeight() const; void setMaxHeight(qint32 newMaxHeight); bool maxHeightNull() const; void setMaxHeightNull(); /** * @brief The maximum image width to return. */ const qint32 &maxWidth() const; void setMaxWidth(qint32 newMaxWidth); bool maxWidthNull() const; void setMaxWidthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay. */ const double &percentPlayed() const; void setPercentPlayed(double newPercentPlayed); bool percentPlayedNull() const; void setPercentPlayedNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases. */ const qint32 &quality() const; void setQuality(qint32 newQuality); bool qualityNull() const; void setQualityNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. */ const QString &tag() const; void setTag(QString newTag); bool tagNull() const; void setTagNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render. */ const qint32 &unplayedCount() const; void setUnplayedCount(qint32 newUnplayedCount); bool unplayedCountNull() const; void setUnplayedCountNull(); /** * @brief The fixed image width to return. */ const qint32 &width() const; void setWidth(qint32 newWidth); bool widthNull() const; void setWidthNull(); private: // Required path parameters ImageType m_imageType; QString m_name; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_addPlayedIndicator = std::nullopt; QString m_backgroundColor; std::optional m_blur = std::nullopt; std::optional m_cropWhitespace = std::nullopt; QString m_foregroundLayer; ImageFormat m_format; std::optional m_height = std::nullopt; std::optional m_imageIndex = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxHeight = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxWidth = std::nullopt; std::optional m_percentPlayed = std::nullopt; std::optional m_quality = std::nullopt; QString m_tag; std::optional m_unplayedCount = std::nullopt; std::optional m_width = std::nullopt; }; class HeadMusicGenreImageByIndexParams { public: /** * @brief Image index. */ const qint32 &imageIndex() const; void setImageIndex(qint32 newImageIndex); /** * @brief Image type. */ const ImageType &imageType() const; void setImageType(ImageType newImageType); /** * @brief Music genre name. */ const QString &name() const; void setName(QString newName); /** * @brief Optional. Add a played indicator. */ const bool &addPlayedIndicator() const; void setAddPlayedIndicator(bool newAddPlayedIndicator); bool addPlayedIndicatorNull() const; void setAddPlayedIndicatorNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images. */ const QString &backgroundColor() const; void setBackgroundColor(QString newBackgroundColor); bool backgroundColorNull() const; void setBackgroundColorNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Blur image. */ const qint32 &blur() const; void setBlur(qint32 newBlur); bool blurNull() const; void setBlurNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art. */ const bool &cropWhitespace() const; void setCropWhitespace(bool newCropWhitespace); bool cropWhitespaceNull() const; void setCropWhitespaceNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. */ const QString &foregroundLayer() const; void setForegroundLayer(QString newForegroundLayer); bool foregroundLayerNull() const; void setForegroundLayerNull(); /** * @brief Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png. */ const ImageFormat &format() const; void setFormat(ImageFormat newFormat); bool formatNull() const; void setFormatNull(); /** * @brief The fixed image height to return. */ const qint32 &height() const; void setHeight(qint32 newHeight); bool heightNull() const; void setHeightNull(); /** * @brief The maximum image height to return. */ const qint32 &maxHeight() const; void setMaxHeight(qint32 newMaxHeight); bool maxHeightNull() const; void setMaxHeightNull(); /** * @brief The maximum image width to return. */ const qint32 &maxWidth() const; void setMaxWidth(qint32 newMaxWidth); bool maxWidthNull() const; void setMaxWidthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay. */ const double &percentPlayed() const; void setPercentPlayed(double newPercentPlayed); bool percentPlayedNull() const; void setPercentPlayedNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases. */ const qint32 &quality() const; void setQuality(qint32 newQuality); bool qualityNull() const; void setQualityNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. */ const QString &tag() const; void setTag(QString newTag); bool tagNull() const; void setTagNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render. */ const qint32 &unplayedCount() const; void setUnplayedCount(qint32 newUnplayedCount); bool unplayedCountNull() const; void setUnplayedCountNull(); /** * @brief The fixed image width to return. */ const qint32 &width() const; void setWidth(qint32 newWidth); bool widthNull() const; void setWidthNull(); private: // Required path parameters qint32 m_imageIndex; ImageType m_imageType; QString m_name; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_addPlayedIndicator = std::nullopt; QString m_backgroundColor; std::optional m_blur = std::nullopt; std::optional m_cropWhitespace = std::nullopt; QString m_foregroundLayer; ImageFormat m_format; std::optional m_height = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxHeight = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxWidth = std::nullopt; std::optional m_percentPlayed = std::nullopt; std::optional m_quality = std::nullopt; QString m_tag; std::optional m_unplayedCount = std::nullopt; std::optional m_width = std::nullopt; }; class HeadPersonImageParams { public: /** * @brief Image type. */ const ImageType &imageType() const; void setImageType(ImageType newImageType); /** * @brief Person name. */ const QString &name() const; void setName(QString newName); /** * @brief Optional. Add a played indicator. */ const bool &addPlayedIndicator() const; void setAddPlayedIndicator(bool newAddPlayedIndicator); bool addPlayedIndicatorNull() const; void setAddPlayedIndicatorNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images. */ const QString &backgroundColor() const; void setBackgroundColor(QString newBackgroundColor); bool backgroundColorNull() const; void setBackgroundColorNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Blur image. */ const qint32 &blur() const; void setBlur(qint32 newBlur); bool blurNull() const; void setBlurNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art. */ const bool &cropWhitespace() const; void setCropWhitespace(bool newCropWhitespace); bool cropWhitespaceNull() const; void setCropWhitespaceNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. */ const QString &foregroundLayer() const; void setForegroundLayer(QString newForegroundLayer); bool foregroundLayerNull() const; void setForegroundLayerNull(); /** * @brief Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png. */ const ImageFormat &format() const; void setFormat(ImageFormat newFormat); bool formatNull() const; void setFormatNull(); /** * @brief The fixed image height to return. */ const qint32 &height() const; void setHeight(qint32 newHeight); bool heightNull() const; void setHeightNull(); /** * @brief Image index. */ const qint32 &imageIndex() const; void setImageIndex(qint32 newImageIndex); bool imageIndexNull() const; void setImageIndexNull(); /** * @brief The maximum image height to return. */ const qint32 &maxHeight() const; void setMaxHeight(qint32 newMaxHeight); bool maxHeightNull() const; void setMaxHeightNull(); /** * @brief The maximum image width to return. */ const qint32 &maxWidth() const; void setMaxWidth(qint32 newMaxWidth); bool maxWidthNull() const; void setMaxWidthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay. */ const double &percentPlayed() const; void setPercentPlayed(double newPercentPlayed); bool percentPlayedNull() const; void setPercentPlayedNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases. */ const qint32 &quality() const; void setQuality(qint32 newQuality); bool qualityNull() const; void setQualityNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. */ const QString &tag() const; void setTag(QString newTag); bool tagNull() const; void setTagNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render. */ const qint32 &unplayedCount() const; void setUnplayedCount(qint32 newUnplayedCount); bool unplayedCountNull() const; void setUnplayedCountNull(); /** * @brief The fixed image width to return. */ const qint32 &width() const; void setWidth(qint32 newWidth); bool widthNull() const; void setWidthNull(); private: // Required path parameters ImageType m_imageType; QString m_name; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_addPlayedIndicator = std::nullopt; QString m_backgroundColor; std::optional m_blur = std::nullopt; std::optional m_cropWhitespace = std::nullopt; QString m_foregroundLayer; ImageFormat m_format; std::optional m_height = std::nullopt; std::optional m_imageIndex = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxHeight = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxWidth = std::nullopt; std::optional m_percentPlayed = std::nullopt; std::optional m_quality = std::nullopt; QString m_tag; std::optional m_unplayedCount = std::nullopt; std::optional m_width = std::nullopt; }; class HeadPersonImageByIndexParams { public: /** * @brief Image index. */ const qint32 &imageIndex() const; void setImageIndex(qint32 newImageIndex); /** * @brief Image type. */ const ImageType &imageType() const; void setImageType(ImageType newImageType); /** * @brief Person name. */ const QString &name() const; void setName(QString newName); /** * @brief Optional. Add a played indicator. */ const bool &addPlayedIndicator() const; void setAddPlayedIndicator(bool newAddPlayedIndicator); bool addPlayedIndicatorNull() const; void setAddPlayedIndicatorNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images. */ const QString &backgroundColor() const; void setBackgroundColor(QString newBackgroundColor); bool backgroundColorNull() const; void setBackgroundColorNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Blur image. */ const qint32 &blur() const; void setBlur(qint32 newBlur); bool blurNull() const; void setBlurNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art. */ const bool &cropWhitespace() const; void setCropWhitespace(bool newCropWhitespace); bool cropWhitespaceNull() const; void setCropWhitespaceNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. */ const QString &foregroundLayer() const; void setForegroundLayer(QString newForegroundLayer); bool foregroundLayerNull() const; void setForegroundLayerNull(); /** * @brief Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png. */ const ImageFormat &format() const; void setFormat(ImageFormat newFormat); bool formatNull() const; void setFormatNull(); /** * @brief The fixed image height to return. */ const qint32 &height() const; void setHeight(qint32 newHeight); bool heightNull() const; void setHeightNull(); /** * @brief The maximum image height to return. */ const qint32 &maxHeight() const; void setMaxHeight(qint32 newMaxHeight); bool maxHeightNull() const; void setMaxHeightNull(); /** * @brief The maximum image width to return. */ const qint32 &maxWidth() const; void setMaxWidth(qint32 newMaxWidth); bool maxWidthNull() const; void setMaxWidthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay. */ const double &percentPlayed() const; void setPercentPlayed(double newPercentPlayed); bool percentPlayedNull() const; void setPercentPlayedNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases. */ const qint32 &quality() const; void setQuality(qint32 newQuality); bool qualityNull() const; void setQualityNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. */ const QString &tag() const; void setTag(QString newTag); bool tagNull() const; void setTagNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render. */ const qint32 &unplayedCount() const; void setUnplayedCount(qint32 newUnplayedCount); bool unplayedCountNull() const; void setUnplayedCountNull(); /** * @brief The fixed image width to return. */ const qint32 &width() const; void setWidth(qint32 newWidth); bool widthNull() const; void setWidthNull(); private: // Required path parameters qint32 m_imageIndex; ImageType m_imageType; QString m_name; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_addPlayedIndicator = std::nullopt; QString m_backgroundColor; std::optional m_blur = std::nullopt; std::optional m_cropWhitespace = std::nullopt; QString m_foregroundLayer; ImageFormat m_format; std::optional m_height = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxHeight = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxWidth = std::nullopt; std::optional m_percentPlayed = std::nullopt; std::optional m_quality = std::nullopt; QString m_tag; std::optional m_unplayedCount = std::nullopt; std::optional m_width = std::nullopt; }; class HeadStudioImageParams { public: /** * @brief Image type. */ const ImageType &imageType() const; void setImageType(ImageType newImageType); /** * @brief Studio name. */ const QString &name() const; void setName(QString newName); /** * @brief Optional. Add a played indicator. */ const bool &addPlayedIndicator() const; void setAddPlayedIndicator(bool newAddPlayedIndicator); bool addPlayedIndicatorNull() const; void setAddPlayedIndicatorNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images. */ const QString &backgroundColor() const; void setBackgroundColor(QString newBackgroundColor); bool backgroundColorNull() const; void setBackgroundColorNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Blur image. */ const qint32 &blur() const; void setBlur(qint32 newBlur); bool blurNull() const; void setBlurNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art. */ const bool &cropWhitespace() const; void setCropWhitespace(bool newCropWhitespace); bool cropWhitespaceNull() const; void setCropWhitespaceNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. */ const QString &foregroundLayer() const; void setForegroundLayer(QString newForegroundLayer); bool foregroundLayerNull() const; void setForegroundLayerNull(); /** * @brief Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png. */ const ImageFormat &format() const; void setFormat(ImageFormat newFormat); bool formatNull() const; void setFormatNull(); /** * @brief The fixed image height to return. */ const qint32 &height() const; void setHeight(qint32 newHeight); bool heightNull() const; void setHeightNull(); /** * @brief Image index. */ const qint32 &imageIndex() const; void setImageIndex(qint32 newImageIndex); bool imageIndexNull() const; void setImageIndexNull(); /** * @brief The maximum image height to return. */ const qint32 &maxHeight() const; void setMaxHeight(qint32 newMaxHeight); bool maxHeightNull() const; void setMaxHeightNull(); /** * @brief The maximum image width to return. */ const qint32 &maxWidth() const; void setMaxWidth(qint32 newMaxWidth); bool maxWidthNull() const; void setMaxWidthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay. */ const double &percentPlayed() const; void setPercentPlayed(double newPercentPlayed); bool percentPlayedNull() const; void setPercentPlayedNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases. */ const qint32 &quality() const; void setQuality(qint32 newQuality); bool qualityNull() const; void setQualityNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. */ const QString &tag() const; void setTag(QString newTag); bool tagNull() const; void setTagNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render. */ const qint32 &unplayedCount() const; void setUnplayedCount(qint32 newUnplayedCount); bool unplayedCountNull() const; void setUnplayedCountNull(); /** * @brief The fixed image width to return. */ const qint32 &width() const; void setWidth(qint32 newWidth); bool widthNull() const; void setWidthNull(); private: // Required path parameters ImageType m_imageType; QString m_name; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_addPlayedIndicator = std::nullopt; QString m_backgroundColor; std::optional m_blur = std::nullopt; std::optional m_cropWhitespace = std::nullopt; QString m_foregroundLayer; ImageFormat m_format; std::optional m_height = std::nullopt; std::optional m_imageIndex = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxHeight = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxWidth = std::nullopt; std::optional m_percentPlayed = std::nullopt; std::optional m_quality = std::nullopt; QString m_tag; std::optional m_unplayedCount = std::nullopt; std::optional m_width = std::nullopt; }; class HeadStudioImageByIndexParams { public: /** * @brief Image index. */ const qint32 &imageIndex() const; void setImageIndex(qint32 newImageIndex); /** * @brief Image type. */ const ImageType &imageType() const; void setImageType(ImageType newImageType); /** * @brief Studio name. */ const QString &name() const; void setName(QString newName); /** * @brief Optional. Add a played indicator. */ const bool &addPlayedIndicator() const; void setAddPlayedIndicator(bool newAddPlayedIndicator); bool addPlayedIndicatorNull() const; void setAddPlayedIndicatorNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images. */ const QString &backgroundColor() const; void setBackgroundColor(QString newBackgroundColor); bool backgroundColorNull() const; void setBackgroundColorNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Blur image. */ const qint32 &blur() const; void setBlur(qint32 newBlur); bool blurNull() const; void setBlurNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art. */ const bool &cropWhitespace() const; void setCropWhitespace(bool newCropWhitespace); bool cropWhitespaceNull() const; void setCropWhitespaceNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. */ const QString &foregroundLayer() const; void setForegroundLayer(QString newForegroundLayer); bool foregroundLayerNull() const; void setForegroundLayerNull(); /** * @brief Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png. */ const ImageFormat &format() const; void setFormat(ImageFormat newFormat); bool formatNull() const; void setFormatNull(); /** * @brief The fixed image height to return. */ const qint32 &height() const; void setHeight(qint32 newHeight); bool heightNull() const; void setHeightNull(); /** * @brief The maximum image height to return. */ const qint32 &maxHeight() const; void setMaxHeight(qint32 newMaxHeight); bool maxHeightNull() const; void setMaxHeightNull(); /** * @brief The maximum image width to return. */ const qint32 &maxWidth() const; void setMaxWidth(qint32 newMaxWidth); bool maxWidthNull() const; void setMaxWidthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay. */ const double &percentPlayed() const; void setPercentPlayed(double newPercentPlayed); bool percentPlayedNull() const; void setPercentPlayedNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases. */ const qint32 &quality() const; void setQuality(qint32 newQuality); bool qualityNull() const; void setQualityNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. */ const QString &tag() const; void setTag(QString newTag); bool tagNull() const; void setTagNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render. */ const qint32 &unplayedCount() const; void setUnplayedCount(qint32 newUnplayedCount); bool unplayedCountNull() const; void setUnplayedCountNull(); /** * @brief The fixed image width to return. */ const qint32 &width() const; void setWidth(qint32 newWidth); bool widthNull() const; void setWidthNull(); private: // Required path parameters qint32 m_imageIndex; ImageType m_imageType; QString m_name; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_addPlayedIndicator = std::nullopt; QString m_backgroundColor; std::optional m_blur = std::nullopt; std::optional m_cropWhitespace = std::nullopt; QString m_foregroundLayer; ImageFormat m_format; std::optional m_height = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxHeight = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxWidth = std::nullopt; std::optional m_percentPlayed = std::nullopt; std::optional m_quality = std::nullopt; QString m_tag; std::optional m_unplayedCount = std::nullopt; std::optional m_width = std::nullopt; }; class HeadUniversalAudioStreamParams { public: /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief Optional. Specify an audio bitrate to encode to, e.g. 128000. If omitted this will be left to encoder defaults. */ const qint32 &audioBitRate() const; void setAudioBitRate(qint32 newAudioBitRate); bool audioBitRateNull() const; void setAudioBitRateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The audio codec to transcode to. */ const QString &audioCodec() const; void setAudioCodec(QString newAudioCodec); bool audioCodecNull() const; void setAudioCodecNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to break on non key frames. */ const bool &breakOnNonKeyFrames() const; void setBreakOnNonKeyFrames(bool newBreakOnNonKeyFrames); bool breakOnNonKeyFramesNull() const; void setBreakOnNonKeyFramesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The audio container. */ const QStringList &container() const; void setContainer(QStringList newContainer); bool containerNull() const; void setContainerNull(); /** * @brief The device id of the client requesting. Used to stop encoding processes when needed. */ const QString &deviceId() const; void setDeviceId(QString newDeviceId); bool deviceIdNull() const; void setDeviceIdNull(); /** * @brief Whether to enable redirection. Defaults to true. */ const bool &enableRedirection() const; void setEnableRedirection(bool newEnableRedirection); bool enableRedirectionNull() const; void setEnableRedirectionNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to enable remote media. */ const bool &enableRemoteMedia() const; void setEnableRemoteMedia(bool newEnableRemoteMedia); bool enableRemoteMediaNull() const; void setEnableRemoteMediaNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum audio bit depth. */ const qint32 &maxAudioBitDepth() const; void setMaxAudioBitDepth(qint32 newMaxAudioBitDepth); bool maxAudioBitDepthNull() const; void setMaxAudioBitDepthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of audio channels. */ const qint32 &maxAudioChannels() const; void setMaxAudioChannels(qint32 newMaxAudioChannels); bool maxAudioChannelsNull() const; void setMaxAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum audio sample rate. */ const qint32 &maxAudioSampleRate() const; void setMaxAudioSampleRate(qint32 newMaxAudioSampleRate); bool maxAudioSampleRateNull() const; void setMaxAudioSampleRateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum streaming bitrate. */ const qint32 &maxStreamingBitrate() const; void setMaxStreamingBitrate(qint32 newMaxStreamingBitrate); bool maxStreamingBitrateNull() const; void setMaxStreamingBitrateNull(); /** * @brief The media version id, if playing an alternate version. */ const QString &mediaSourceId() const; void setMediaSourceId(QString newMediaSourceId); bool mediaSourceIdNull() const; void setMediaSourceIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a starting offset, in ticks. 1 tick = 10000 ms. */ const qint64 &startTimeTicks() const; void setStartTimeTicks(qint64 newStartTimeTicks); bool startTimeTicksNull() const; void setStartTimeTicksNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The number of how many audio channels to transcode to. */ const qint32 &transcodingAudioChannels() const; void setTranscodingAudioChannels(qint32 newTranscodingAudioChannels); bool transcodingAudioChannelsNull() const; void setTranscodingAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The container to transcode to. */ const QString &transcodingContainer() const; void setTranscodingContainer(QString newTranscodingContainer); bool transcodingContainerNull() const; void setTranscodingContainerNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The transcoding protocol. */ const QString &transcodingProtocol() const; void setTranscodingProtocol(QString newTranscodingProtocol); bool transcodingProtocolNull() const; void setTranscodingProtocolNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The user id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_audioBitRate = std::nullopt; QString m_audioCodec; std::optional m_breakOnNonKeyFrames = std::nullopt; QStringList m_container; QString m_deviceId; std::optional m_enableRedirection = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableRemoteMedia = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxAudioBitDepth = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxAudioChannels = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxAudioSampleRate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxStreamingBitrate = std::nullopt; QString m_mediaSourceId; std::optional m_startTimeTicks = std::nullopt; std::optional m_transcodingAudioChannels = std::nullopt; QString m_transcodingContainer; QString m_transcodingProtocol; QString m_userId; }; class HeadUserImageParams { public: /** * @brief Image type. */ const ImageType &imageType() const; void setImageType(ImageType newImageType); /** * @brief User id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); /** * @brief Optional. Add a played indicator. */ const bool &addPlayedIndicator() const; void setAddPlayedIndicator(bool newAddPlayedIndicator); bool addPlayedIndicatorNull() const; void setAddPlayedIndicatorNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images. */ const QString &backgroundColor() const; void setBackgroundColor(QString newBackgroundColor); bool backgroundColorNull() const; void setBackgroundColorNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Blur image. */ const qint32 &blur() const; void setBlur(qint32 newBlur); bool blurNull() const; void setBlurNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art. */ const bool &cropWhitespace() const; void setCropWhitespace(bool newCropWhitespace); bool cropWhitespaceNull() const; void setCropWhitespaceNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. */ const QString &foregroundLayer() const; void setForegroundLayer(QString newForegroundLayer); bool foregroundLayerNull() const; void setForegroundLayerNull(); /** * @brief Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png. */ const ImageFormat &format() const; void setFormat(ImageFormat newFormat); bool formatNull() const; void setFormatNull(); /** * @brief The fixed image height to return. */ const qint32 &height() const; void setHeight(qint32 newHeight); bool heightNull() const; void setHeightNull(); /** * @brief Image index. */ const qint32 &imageIndex() const; void setImageIndex(qint32 newImageIndex); bool imageIndexNull() const; void setImageIndexNull(); /** * @brief The maximum image height to return. */ const qint32 &maxHeight() const; void setMaxHeight(qint32 newMaxHeight); bool maxHeightNull() const; void setMaxHeightNull(); /** * @brief The maximum image width to return. */ const qint32 &maxWidth() const; void setMaxWidth(qint32 newMaxWidth); bool maxWidthNull() const; void setMaxWidthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay. */ const double &percentPlayed() const; void setPercentPlayed(double newPercentPlayed); bool percentPlayedNull() const; void setPercentPlayedNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases. */ const qint32 &quality() const; void setQuality(qint32 newQuality); bool qualityNull() const; void setQualityNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. */ const QString &tag() const; void setTag(QString newTag); bool tagNull() const; void setTagNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render. */ const qint32 &unplayedCount() const; void setUnplayedCount(qint32 newUnplayedCount); bool unplayedCountNull() const; void setUnplayedCountNull(); /** * @brief The fixed image width to return. */ const qint32 &width() const; void setWidth(qint32 newWidth); bool widthNull() const; void setWidthNull(); private: // Required path parameters ImageType m_imageType; QString m_userId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_addPlayedIndicator = std::nullopt; QString m_backgroundColor; std::optional m_blur = std::nullopt; std::optional m_cropWhitespace = std::nullopt; QString m_foregroundLayer; ImageFormat m_format; std::optional m_height = std::nullopt; std::optional m_imageIndex = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxHeight = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxWidth = std::nullopt; std::optional m_percentPlayed = std::nullopt; std::optional m_quality = std::nullopt; QString m_tag; std::optional m_unplayedCount = std::nullopt; std::optional m_width = std::nullopt; }; class HeadUserImageByIndexParams { public: /** * @brief Image index. */ const qint32 &imageIndex() const; void setImageIndex(qint32 newImageIndex); /** * @brief Image type. */ const ImageType &imageType() const; void setImageType(ImageType newImageType); /** * @brief User id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); /** * @brief Optional. Add a played indicator. */ const bool &addPlayedIndicator() const; void setAddPlayedIndicator(bool newAddPlayedIndicator); bool addPlayedIndicatorNull() const; void setAddPlayedIndicatorNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images. */ const QString &backgroundColor() const; void setBackgroundColor(QString newBackgroundColor); bool backgroundColorNull() const; void setBackgroundColorNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Blur image. */ const qint32 &blur() const; void setBlur(qint32 newBlur); bool blurNull() const; void setBlurNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art. */ const bool &cropWhitespace() const; void setCropWhitespace(bool newCropWhitespace); bool cropWhitespaceNull() const; void setCropWhitespaceNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. */ const QString &foregroundLayer() const; void setForegroundLayer(QString newForegroundLayer); bool foregroundLayerNull() const; void setForegroundLayerNull(); /** * @brief Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png. */ const ImageFormat &format() const; void setFormat(ImageFormat newFormat); bool formatNull() const; void setFormatNull(); /** * @brief The fixed image height to return. */ const qint32 &height() const; void setHeight(qint32 newHeight); bool heightNull() const; void setHeightNull(); /** * @brief The maximum image height to return. */ const qint32 &maxHeight() const; void setMaxHeight(qint32 newMaxHeight); bool maxHeightNull() const; void setMaxHeightNull(); /** * @brief The maximum image width to return. */ const qint32 &maxWidth() const; void setMaxWidth(qint32 newMaxWidth); bool maxWidthNull() const; void setMaxWidthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay. */ const double &percentPlayed() const; void setPercentPlayed(double newPercentPlayed); bool percentPlayedNull() const; void setPercentPlayedNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases. */ const qint32 &quality() const; void setQuality(qint32 newQuality); bool qualityNull() const; void setQualityNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. */ const QString &tag() const; void setTag(QString newTag); bool tagNull() const; void setTagNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render. */ const qint32 &unplayedCount() const; void setUnplayedCount(qint32 newUnplayedCount); bool unplayedCountNull() const; void setUnplayedCountNull(); /** * @brief The fixed image width to return. */ const qint32 &width() const; void setWidth(qint32 newWidth); bool widthNull() const; void setWidthNull(); private: // Required path parameters qint32 m_imageIndex; ImageType m_imageType; QString m_userId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_addPlayedIndicator = std::nullopt; QString m_backgroundColor; std::optional m_blur = std::nullopt; std::optional m_cropWhitespace = std::nullopt; QString m_foregroundLayer; ImageFormat m_format; std::optional m_height = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxHeight = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxWidth = std::nullopt; std::optional m_percentPlayed = std::nullopt; std::optional m_quality = std::nullopt; QString m_tag; std::optional m_unplayedCount = std::nullopt; std::optional m_width = std::nullopt; }; class HeadVideoStreamParams { public: /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief Whether or not to allow copying of the audio stream url. */ const bool &allowAudioStreamCopy() const; void setAllowAudioStreamCopy(bool newAllowAudioStreamCopy); bool allowAudioStreamCopyNull() const; void setAllowAudioStreamCopyNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to allow copying of the video stream url. */ const bool &allowVideoStreamCopy() const; void setAllowVideoStreamCopy(bool newAllowVideoStreamCopy); bool allowVideoStreamCopyNull() const; void setAllowVideoStreamCopyNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify an audio bitrate to encode to, e.g. 128000. If omitted this will be left to encoder defaults. */ const qint32 &audioBitRate() const; void setAudioBitRate(qint32 newAudioBitRate); bool audioBitRateNull() const; void setAudioBitRateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a specific number of audio channels to encode to, e.g. 2. */ const qint32 &audioChannels() const; void setAudioChannels(qint32 newAudioChannels); bool audioChannelsNull() const; void setAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a audio codec to encode to, e.g. mp3. If omitted the server will auto-select using the url's extension. Options: aac, mp3, vorbis, wma. */ const QString &audioCodec() const; void setAudioCodec(QString newAudioCodec); bool audioCodecNull() const; void setAudioCodecNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a specific audio sample rate, e.g. 44100. */ const qint32 &audioSampleRate() const; void setAudioSampleRate(qint32 newAudioSampleRate); bool audioSampleRateNull() const; void setAudioSampleRateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The index of the audio stream to use. If omitted the first audio stream will be used. */ const qint32 &audioStreamIndex() const; void setAudioStreamIndex(qint32 newAudioStreamIndex); bool audioStreamIndexNull() const; void setAudioStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to break on non key frames. */ const bool &breakOnNonKeyFrames() const; void setBreakOnNonKeyFrames(bool newBreakOnNonKeyFrames); bool breakOnNonKeyFramesNull() const; void setBreakOnNonKeyFramesNull(); /** * @brief The video container. Possible values are: ts, webm, asf, wmv, ogv, mp4, m4v, mkv, mpeg, mpg, avi, 3gp, wmv, wtv, m2ts, mov, iso, flv. */ const QString &container() const; void setContainer(QString newContainer); bool containerNull() const; void setContainerNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The MediaBrowser.Model.Dlna.EncodingContext. */ const EncodingContext &context() const; void setContext(EncodingContext newContext); bool contextNull() const; void setContextNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to copy timestamps when transcoding with an offset. Defaults to false. */ const bool ©Timestamps() const; void setCopyTimestamps(bool newCopyTimestamps); bool copyTimestampsNull() const; void setCopyTimestampsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The limit of how many cpu cores to use. */ const qint32 &cpuCoreLimit() const; void setCpuCoreLimit(qint32 newCpuCoreLimit); bool cpuCoreLimitNull() const; void setCpuCoreLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to deinterlace the video. */ const bool &deInterlace() const; void setDeInterlace(bool newDeInterlace); bool deInterlaceNull() const; void setDeInterlaceNull(); /** * @brief The device id of the client requesting. Used to stop encoding processes when needed. */ const QString &deviceId() const; void setDeviceId(QString newDeviceId); bool deviceIdNull() const; void setDeviceIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The dlna device profile id to utilize. */ const QString &deviceProfileId() const; void setDeviceProfileId(QString newDeviceProfileId); bool deviceProfileIdNull() const; void setDeviceProfileIdNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to allow automatic stream copy if requested values match the original source. Defaults to true. */ const bool &enableAutoStreamCopy() const; void setEnableAutoStreamCopy(bool newEnableAutoStreamCopy); bool enableAutoStreamCopyNull() const; void setEnableAutoStreamCopyNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to enable the MpegtsM2Ts mode. */ const bool &enableMpegtsM2TsMode() const; void setEnableMpegtsM2TsMode(bool newEnableMpegtsM2TsMode); bool enableMpegtsM2TsModeNull() const; void setEnableMpegtsM2TsModeNull(); /** * @brief Optional. A specific video framerate to encode to, e.g. 23.976. Generally this should be omitted unless the device has specific requirements. */ const float &framerate() const; void setFramerate(float newFramerate); bool framerateNull() const; void setFramerateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The fixed vertical resolution of the encoded video. */ const qint32 &height() const; void setHeight(qint32 newHeight); bool heightNull() const; void setHeightNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a level for the encoder profile (varies by encoder), e.g. 3, 3.1. */ const QString &level() const; void setLevel(QString newLevel); bool levelNull() const; void setLevelNull(); /** * @brief The live stream id. */ const QString &liveStreamId() const; void setLiveStreamId(QString newLiveStreamId); bool liveStreamIdNull() const; void setLiveStreamIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum audio bit depth. */ const qint32 &maxAudioBitDepth() const; void setMaxAudioBitDepth(qint32 newMaxAudioBitDepth); bool maxAudioBitDepthNull() const; void setMaxAudioBitDepthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a maximum number of audio channels to encode to, e.g. 2. */ const qint32 &maxAudioChannels() const; void setMaxAudioChannels(qint32 newMaxAudioChannels); bool maxAudioChannelsNull() const; void setMaxAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. A specific maximum video framerate to encode to, e.g. 23.976. Generally this should be omitted unless the device has specific requirements. */ const float &maxFramerate() const; void setMaxFramerate(float newMaxFramerate); bool maxFramerateNull() const; void setMaxFramerateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. */ const qint32 &maxRefFrames() const; void setMaxRefFrames(qint32 newMaxRefFrames); bool maxRefFramesNull() const; void setMaxRefFramesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum video bit depth. */ const qint32 &maxVideoBitDepth() const; void setMaxVideoBitDepth(qint32 newMaxVideoBitDepth); bool maxVideoBitDepthNull() const; void setMaxVideoBitDepthNull(); /** * @brief The media version id, if playing an alternate version. */ const QString &mediaSourceId() const; void setMediaSourceId(QString newMediaSourceId); bool mediaSourceIdNull() const; void setMediaSourceIdNull(); /** * @brief The minimum number of segments. */ const qint32 &minSegments() const; void setMinSegments(qint32 newMinSegments); bool minSegmentsNull() const; void setMinSegmentsNull(); /** * @brief The streaming parameters. */ const QString ¶ms() const; void setParams(QString newParams); bool paramsNull() const; void setParamsNull(); /** * @brief The play session id. */ const QString &playSessionId() const; void setPlaySessionId(QString newPlaySessionId); bool playSessionIdNull() const; void setPlaySessionIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a specific an encoder profile (varies by encoder), e.g. main, baseline, high. */ const QString &profile() const; void setProfile(QString newProfile); bool profileNull() const; void setProfileNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to require avc. */ const bool &requireAvc() const; void setRequireAvc(bool newRequireAvc); bool requireAvcNull() const; void setRequireAvcNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to require a non anamorphic stream. */ const bool &requireNonAnamorphic() const; void setRequireNonAnamorphic(bool newRequireNonAnamorphic); bool requireNonAnamorphicNull() const; void setRequireNonAnamorphicNull(); /** * @brief The segment container. */ const QString &segmentContainer() const; void setSegmentContainer(QString newSegmentContainer); bool segmentContainerNull() const; void setSegmentContainerNull(); /** * @brief The segment length. */ const qint32 &segmentLength() const; void setSegmentLength(qint32 newSegmentLength); bool segmentLengthNull() const; void setSegmentLengthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a starting offset, in ticks. 1 tick = 10000 ms. */ const qint64 &startTimeTicks() const; void setStartTimeTicks(qint64 newStartTimeTicks); bool startTimeTicksNull() const; void setStartTimeTicksNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If true, the original file will be streamed statically without any encoding. Use either no url extension or the original file extension. true/false. */ const bool &staticStreaming() const; void setStaticStreaming(bool newStaticStreaming); bool staticStreamingNull() const; void setStaticStreamingNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The streaming options. */ const QJsonObject &streamOptions() const; void setStreamOptions(QJsonObject newStreamOptions); bool streamOptionsNull() const; void setStreamOptionsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a subtitle codec to encode to. */ const QString &subtitleCodec() const; void setSubtitleCodec(QString newSubtitleCodec); bool subtitleCodecNull() const; void setSubtitleCodecNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify the subtitle delivery method. */ const SubtitleDeliveryMethod &subtitleMethod() const; void setSubtitleMethod(SubtitleDeliveryMethod newSubtitleMethod); bool subtitleMethodNull() const; void setSubtitleMethodNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The index of the subtitle stream to use. If omitted no subtitles will be used. */ const qint32 &subtitleStreamIndex() const; void setSubtitleStreamIndex(qint32 newSubtitleStreamIndex); bool subtitleStreamIndexNull() const; void setSubtitleStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief The tag. */ const QString &tag() const; void setTag(QString newTag); bool tagNull() const; void setTagNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The transcoding reason. */ const QString &transcodeReasons() const; void setTranscodeReasons(QString newTranscodeReasons); bool transcodeReasonsNull() const; void setTranscodeReasonsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of audio channels to transcode. */ const qint32 &transcodingMaxAudioChannels() const; void setTranscodingMaxAudioChannels(qint32 newTranscodingMaxAudioChannels); bool transcodingMaxAudioChannelsNull() const; void setTranscodingMaxAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a video bitrate to encode to, e.g. 500000. If omitted this will be left to encoder defaults. */ const qint32 &videoBitRate() const; void setVideoBitRate(qint32 newVideoBitRate); bool videoBitRateNull() const; void setVideoBitRateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a video codec to encode to, e.g. h264. If omitted the server will auto-select using the url's extension. Options: h265, h264, mpeg4, theora, vpx, wmv. */ const QString &videoCodec() const; void setVideoCodec(QString newVideoCodec); bool videoCodecNull() const; void setVideoCodecNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The index of the video stream to use. If omitted the first video stream will be used. */ const qint32 &videoStreamIndex() const; void setVideoStreamIndex(qint32 newVideoStreamIndex); bool videoStreamIndexNull() const; void setVideoStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The fixed horizontal resolution of the encoded video. */ const qint32 &width() const; void setWidth(qint32 newWidth); bool widthNull() const; void setWidthNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_allowAudioStreamCopy = std::nullopt; std::optional m_allowVideoStreamCopy = std::nullopt; std::optional m_audioBitRate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_audioChannels = std::nullopt; QString m_audioCodec; std::optional m_audioSampleRate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_audioStreamIndex = std::nullopt; std::optional m_breakOnNonKeyFrames = std::nullopt; QString m_container; EncodingContext m_context; std::optional m_copyTimestamps = std::nullopt; std::optional m_cpuCoreLimit = std::nullopt; std::optional m_deInterlace = std::nullopt; QString m_deviceId; QString m_deviceProfileId; std::optional m_enableAutoStreamCopy = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableMpegtsM2TsMode = std::nullopt; std::optional m_framerate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_height = std::nullopt; QString m_level; QString m_liveStreamId; std::optional m_maxAudioBitDepth = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxAudioChannels = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxFramerate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxRefFrames = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxVideoBitDepth = std::nullopt; QString m_mediaSourceId; std::optional m_minSegments = std::nullopt; QString m_params; QString m_playSessionId; QString m_profile; std::optional m_requireAvc = std::nullopt; std::optional m_requireNonAnamorphic = std::nullopt; QString m_segmentContainer; std::optional m_segmentLength = std::nullopt; std::optional m_startTimeTicks = std::nullopt; std::optional m_staticStreaming = std::nullopt; std::optional m_streamOptions = std::nullopt; QString m_subtitleCodec; SubtitleDeliveryMethod m_subtitleMethod; std::optional m_subtitleStreamIndex = std::nullopt; QString m_tag; QString m_transcodeReasons; std::optional m_transcodingMaxAudioChannels = std::nullopt; std::optional m_videoBitRate = std::nullopt; QString m_videoCodec; std::optional m_videoStreamIndex = std::nullopt; std::optional m_width = std::nullopt; }; class HeadVideoStreamByContainerParams { public: /** * @brief The video container. Possible values are: ts, webm, asf, wmv, ogv, mp4, m4v, mkv, mpeg, mpg, avi, 3gp, wmv, wtv, m2ts, mov, iso, flv. */ const QString &container() const; void setContainer(QString newContainer); /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief */ const QString &stream() const; void setStream(QString newStream); /** * @brief Whether or not to allow copying of the audio stream url. */ const bool &allowAudioStreamCopy() const; void setAllowAudioStreamCopy(bool newAllowAudioStreamCopy); bool allowAudioStreamCopyNull() const; void setAllowAudioStreamCopyNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to allow copying of the video stream url. */ const bool &allowVideoStreamCopy() const; void setAllowVideoStreamCopy(bool newAllowVideoStreamCopy); bool allowVideoStreamCopyNull() const; void setAllowVideoStreamCopyNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify an audio bitrate to encode to, e.g. 128000. If omitted this will be left to encoder defaults. */ const qint32 &audioBitRate() const; void setAudioBitRate(qint32 newAudioBitRate); bool audioBitRateNull() const; void setAudioBitRateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a specific number of audio channels to encode to, e.g. 2. */ const qint32 &audioChannels() const; void setAudioChannels(qint32 newAudioChannels); bool audioChannelsNull() const; void setAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a audio codec to encode to, e.g. mp3. If omitted the server will auto-select using the url's extension. Options: aac, mp3, vorbis, wma. */ const QString &audioCodec() const; void setAudioCodec(QString newAudioCodec); bool audioCodecNull() const; void setAudioCodecNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a specific audio sample rate, e.g. 44100. */ const qint32 &audioSampleRate() const; void setAudioSampleRate(qint32 newAudioSampleRate); bool audioSampleRateNull() const; void setAudioSampleRateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The index of the audio stream to use. If omitted the first audio stream will be used. */ const qint32 &audioStreamIndex() const; void setAudioStreamIndex(qint32 newAudioStreamIndex); bool audioStreamIndexNull() const; void setAudioStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to break on non key frames. */ const bool &breakOnNonKeyFrames() const; void setBreakOnNonKeyFrames(bool newBreakOnNonKeyFrames); bool breakOnNonKeyFramesNull() const; void setBreakOnNonKeyFramesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The MediaBrowser.Model.Dlna.EncodingContext. */ const EncodingContext &context() const; void setContext(EncodingContext newContext); bool contextNull() const; void setContextNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to copy timestamps when transcoding with an offset. Defaults to false. */ const bool ©Timestamps() const; void setCopyTimestamps(bool newCopyTimestamps); bool copyTimestampsNull() const; void setCopyTimestampsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The limit of how many cpu cores to use. */ const qint32 &cpuCoreLimit() const; void setCpuCoreLimit(qint32 newCpuCoreLimit); bool cpuCoreLimitNull() const; void setCpuCoreLimitNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to deinterlace the video. */ const bool &deInterlace() const; void setDeInterlace(bool newDeInterlace); bool deInterlaceNull() const; void setDeInterlaceNull(); /** * @brief The device id of the client requesting. Used to stop encoding processes when needed. */ const QString &deviceId() const; void setDeviceId(QString newDeviceId); bool deviceIdNull() const; void setDeviceIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The dlna device profile id to utilize. */ const QString &deviceProfileId() const; void setDeviceProfileId(QString newDeviceProfileId); bool deviceProfileIdNull() const; void setDeviceProfileIdNull(); /** * @brief Whether or not to allow automatic stream copy if requested values match the original source. Defaults to true. */ const bool &enableAutoStreamCopy() const; void setEnableAutoStreamCopy(bool newEnableAutoStreamCopy); bool enableAutoStreamCopyNull() const; void setEnableAutoStreamCopyNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to enable the MpegtsM2Ts mode. */ const bool &enableMpegtsM2TsMode() const; void setEnableMpegtsM2TsMode(bool newEnableMpegtsM2TsMode); bool enableMpegtsM2TsModeNull() const; void setEnableMpegtsM2TsModeNull(); /** * @brief Optional. A specific video framerate to encode to, e.g. 23.976. Generally this should be omitted unless the device has specific requirements. */ const float &framerate() const; void setFramerate(float newFramerate); bool framerateNull() const; void setFramerateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The fixed vertical resolution of the encoded video. */ const qint32 &height() const; void setHeight(qint32 newHeight); bool heightNull() const; void setHeightNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a level for the encoder profile (varies by encoder), e.g. 3, 3.1. */ const QString &level() const; void setLevel(QString newLevel); bool levelNull() const; void setLevelNull(); /** * @brief The live stream id. */ const QString &liveStreamId() const; void setLiveStreamId(QString newLiveStreamId); bool liveStreamIdNull() const; void setLiveStreamIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum audio bit depth. */ const qint32 &maxAudioBitDepth() const; void setMaxAudioBitDepth(qint32 newMaxAudioBitDepth); bool maxAudioBitDepthNull() const; void setMaxAudioBitDepthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a maximum number of audio channels to encode to, e.g. 2. */ const qint32 &maxAudioChannels() const; void setMaxAudioChannels(qint32 newMaxAudioChannels); bool maxAudioChannelsNull() const; void setMaxAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. A specific maximum video framerate to encode to, e.g. 23.976. Generally this should be omitted unless the device has specific requirements. */ const float &maxFramerate() const; void setMaxFramerate(float newMaxFramerate); bool maxFramerateNull() const; void setMaxFramerateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. */ const qint32 &maxRefFrames() const; void setMaxRefFrames(qint32 newMaxRefFrames); bool maxRefFramesNull() const; void setMaxRefFramesNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum video bit depth. */ const qint32 &maxVideoBitDepth() const; void setMaxVideoBitDepth(qint32 newMaxVideoBitDepth); bool maxVideoBitDepthNull() const; void setMaxVideoBitDepthNull(); /** * @brief The media version id, if playing an alternate version. */ const QString &mediaSourceId() const; void setMediaSourceId(QString newMediaSourceId); bool mediaSourceIdNull() const; void setMediaSourceIdNull(); /** * @brief The minimum number of segments. */ const qint32 &minSegments() const; void setMinSegments(qint32 newMinSegments); bool minSegmentsNull() const; void setMinSegmentsNull(); /** * @brief The streaming parameters. */ const QString ¶ms() const; void setParams(QString newParams); bool paramsNull() const; void setParamsNull(); /** * @brief The play session id. */ const QString &playSessionId() const; void setPlaySessionId(QString newPlaySessionId); bool playSessionIdNull() const; void setPlaySessionIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a specific an encoder profile (varies by encoder), e.g. main, baseline, high. */ const QString &profile() const; void setProfile(QString newProfile); bool profileNull() const; void setProfileNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to require avc. */ const bool &requireAvc() const; void setRequireAvc(bool newRequireAvc); bool requireAvcNull() const; void setRequireAvcNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Whether to require a non anamporphic stream. */ const bool &requireNonAnamorphic() const; void setRequireNonAnamorphic(bool newRequireNonAnamorphic); bool requireNonAnamorphicNull() const; void setRequireNonAnamorphicNull(); /** * @brief The segment container. */ const QString &segmentContainer() const; void setSegmentContainer(QString newSegmentContainer); bool segmentContainerNull() const; void setSegmentContainerNull(); /** * @brief The segment lenght. */ const qint32 &segmentLength() const; void setSegmentLength(qint32 newSegmentLength); bool segmentLengthNull() const; void setSegmentLengthNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a starting offset, in ticks. 1 tick = 10000 ms. */ const qint64 &startTimeTicks() const; void setStartTimeTicks(qint64 newStartTimeTicks); bool startTimeTicksNull() const; void setStartTimeTicksNull(); /** * @brief Optional. If true, the original file will be streamed statically without any encoding. Use either no url extension or the original file extension. true/false. */ const bool &staticStreaming() const; void setStaticStreaming(bool newStaticStreaming); bool staticStreamingNull() const; void setStaticStreamingNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The streaming options. */ const QJsonObject &streamOptions() const; void setStreamOptions(QJsonObject newStreamOptions); bool streamOptionsNull() const; void setStreamOptionsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a subtitle codec to encode to. */ const QString &subtitleCodec() const; void setSubtitleCodec(QString newSubtitleCodec); bool subtitleCodecNull() const; void setSubtitleCodecNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify the subtitle delivery method. */ const SubtitleDeliveryMethod &subtitleMethod() const; void setSubtitleMethod(SubtitleDeliveryMethod newSubtitleMethod); bool subtitleMethodNull() const; void setSubtitleMethodNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The index of the subtitle stream to use. If omitted no subtitles will be used. */ const qint32 &subtitleStreamIndex() const; void setSubtitleStreamIndex(qint32 newSubtitleStreamIndex); bool subtitleStreamIndexNull() const; void setSubtitleStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief The tag. */ const QString &tag() const; void setTag(QString newTag); bool tagNull() const; void setTagNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The transcoding reason. */ const QString &transcodeReasons() const; void setTranscodeReasons(QString newTranscodeReasons); bool transcodeReasonsNull() const; void setTranscodeReasonsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The maximum number of audio channels to transcode. */ const qint32 &transcodingMaxAudioChannels() const; void setTranscodingMaxAudioChannels(qint32 newTranscodingMaxAudioChannels); bool transcodingMaxAudioChannelsNull() const; void setTranscodingMaxAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a video bitrate to encode to, e.g. 500000. If omitted this will be left to encoder defaults. */ const qint32 &videoBitRate() const; void setVideoBitRate(qint32 newVideoBitRate); bool videoBitRateNull() const; void setVideoBitRateNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify a video codec to encode to, e.g. h264. If omitted the server will auto-select using the url's extension. Options: h265, h264, mpeg4, theora, vpx, wmv. */ const QString &videoCodec() const; void setVideoCodec(QString newVideoCodec); bool videoCodecNull() const; void setVideoCodecNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The index of the video stream to use. If omitted the first video stream will be used. */ const qint32 &videoStreamIndex() const; void setVideoStreamIndex(qint32 newVideoStreamIndex); bool videoStreamIndexNull() const; void setVideoStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The fixed horizontal resolution of the encoded video. */ const qint32 &width() const; void setWidth(qint32 newWidth); bool widthNull() const; void setWidthNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_container; QString m_itemId; QString m_stream; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_allowAudioStreamCopy = std::nullopt; std::optional m_allowVideoStreamCopy = std::nullopt; std::optional m_audioBitRate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_audioChannels = std::nullopt; QString m_audioCodec; std::optional m_audioSampleRate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_audioStreamIndex = std::nullopt; std::optional m_breakOnNonKeyFrames = std::nullopt; EncodingContext m_context; std::optional m_copyTimestamps = std::nullopt; std::optional m_cpuCoreLimit = std::nullopt; std::optional m_deInterlace = std::nullopt; QString m_deviceId; QString m_deviceProfileId; std::optional m_enableAutoStreamCopy = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableMpegtsM2TsMode = std::nullopt; std::optional m_framerate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_height = std::nullopt; QString m_level; QString m_liveStreamId; std::optional m_maxAudioBitDepth = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxAudioChannels = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxFramerate = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxRefFrames = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxVideoBitDepth = std::nullopt; QString m_mediaSourceId; std::optional m_minSegments = std::nullopt; QString m_params; QString m_playSessionId; QString m_profile; std::optional m_requireAvc = std::nullopt; std::optional m_requireNonAnamorphic = std::nullopt; QString m_segmentContainer; std::optional m_segmentLength = std::nullopt; std::optional m_startTimeTicks = std::nullopt; std::optional m_staticStreaming = std::nullopt; std::optional m_streamOptions = std::nullopt; QString m_subtitleCodec; SubtitleDeliveryMethod m_subtitleMethod; std::optional m_subtitleStreamIndex = std::nullopt; QString m_tag; QString m_transcodeReasons; std::optional m_transcodingMaxAudioChannels = std::nullopt; std::optional m_videoBitRate = std::nullopt; QString m_videoCodec; std::optional m_videoStreamIndex = std::nullopt; std::optional m_width = std::nullopt; }; class InitiateParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class InstallPackageParams { public: /** * @brief Package name. */ const QString &name() const; void setName(QString newName); /** * @brief GUID of the associated assembly. */ const QString &assemblyGuid() const; void setAssemblyGuid(QString newAssemblyGuid); bool assemblyGuidNull() const; void setAssemblyGuidNull(); /** * @brief Optional. Specify the repository to install from. */ const QString &repositoryUrl() const; void setRepositoryUrl(QString newRepositoryUrl); bool repositoryUrlNull() const; void setRepositoryUrlNull(); /** * @brief Optional version. Defaults to latest version. */ const QString &version() const; void setVersion(QString newVersion); bool versionNull() const; void setVersionNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_name; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QString m_assemblyGuid; QString m_repositoryUrl; QString m_version; }; class MarkFavoriteItemParams { public: /** * @brief Item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief User id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; QString m_userId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class MarkPlayedItemParams { public: /** * @brief Item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief User id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); /** * @brief Optional. The date the item was played. */ const QDateTime &datePlayed() const; void setDatePlayed(QDateTime newDatePlayed); bool datePlayedNull() const; void setDatePlayedNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; QString m_userId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QDateTime m_datePlayed; }; class MarkUnplayedItemParams { public: /** * @brief Item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief User id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; QString m_userId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class MergeVersionsParams { public: /** * @brief Item id list. This allows multiple, comma delimited. */ const QStringList &ids() const; void setIds(QStringList newIds); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters QStringList m_ids; // Optional query parameters }; class MoveItemParams { public: /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief The new index. */ const qint32 &newIndex() const; void setNewIndex(qint32 newNewIndex); /** * @brief The playlist id. */ const QString &playlistId() const; void setPlaylistId(QString newPlaylistId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; qint32 m_newIndex; QString m_playlistId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class OnPlaybackProgressParams { public: /** * @brief Item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief User id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); /** * @brief The audio stream index. */ const qint32 &audioStreamIndex() const; void setAudioStreamIndex(qint32 newAudioStreamIndex); bool audioStreamIndexNull() const; void setAudioStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief Indicates if the player is muted. */ const bool &isMuted() const; void setIsMuted(bool newIsMuted); bool isMutedNull() const; void setIsMutedNull(); /** * @brief Indicates if the player is paused. */ const bool &isPaused() const; void setIsPaused(bool newIsPaused); bool isPausedNull() const; void setIsPausedNull(); /** * @brief The live stream id. */ const QString &liveStreamId() const; void setLiveStreamId(QString newLiveStreamId); bool liveStreamIdNull() const; void setLiveStreamIdNull(); /** * @brief The id of the MediaSource. */ const QString &mediaSourceId() const; void setMediaSourceId(QString newMediaSourceId); bool mediaSourceIdNull() const; void setMediaSourceIdNull(); /** * @brief The play method. */ const PlayMethod &playMethod() const; void setPlayMethod(PlayMethod newPlayMethod); bool playMethodNull() const; void setPlayMethodNull(); /** * @brief The play session id. */ const QString &playSessionId() const; void setPlaySessionId(QString newPlaySessionId); bool playSessionIdNull() const; void setPlaySessionIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The current position, in ticks. 1 tick = 10000 ms. */ const qint64 &positionTicks() const; void setPositionTicks(qint64 newPositionTicks); bool positionTicksNull() const; void setPositionTicksNull(); /** * @brief The repeat mode. */ const RepeatMode &repeatMode() const; void setRepeatMode(RepeatMode newRepeatMode); bool repeatModeNull() const; void setRepeatModeNull(); /** * @brief The subtitle stream index. */ const qint32 &subtitleStreamIndex() const; void setSubtitleStreamIndex(qint32 newSubtitleStreamIndex); bool subtitleStreamIndexNull() const; void setSubtitleStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief Scale of 0-100. */ const qint32 &volumeLevel() const; void setVolumeLevel(qint32 newVolumeLevel); bool volumeLevelNull() const; void setVolumeLevelNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; QString m_userId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_audioStreamIndex = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isMuted = std::nullopt; std::optional m_isPaused = std::nullopt; QString m_liveStreamId; QString m_mediaSourceId; PlayMethod m_playMethod; QString m_playSessionId; std::optional m_positionTicks = std::nullopt; RepeatMode m_repeatMode; std::optional m_subtitleStreamIndex = std::nullopt; std::optional m_volumeLevel = std::nullopt; }; class OnPlaybackStartParams { public: /** * @brief Item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief User id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); /** * @brief The audio stream index. */ const qint32 &audioStreamIndex() const; void setAudioStreamIndex(qint32 newAudioStreamIndex); bool audioStreamIndexNull() const; void setAudioStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief Indicates if the client can seek. */ const bool &canSeek() const; void setCanSeek(bool newCanSeek); bool canSeekNull() const; void setCanSeekNull(); /** * @brief The live stream id. */ const QString &liveStreamId() const; void setLiveStreamId(QString newLiveStreamId); bool liveStreamIdNull() const; void setLiveStreamIdNull(); /** * @brief The id of the MediaSource. */ const QString &mediaSourceId() const; void setMediaSourceId(QString newMediaSourceId); bool mediaSourceIdNull() const; void setMediaSourceIdNull(); /** * @brief The play method. */ const PlayMethod &playMethod() const; void setPlayMethod(PlayMethod newPlayMethod); bool playMethodNull() const; void setPlayMethodNull(); /** * @brief The play session id. */ const QString &playSessionId() const; void setPlaySessionId(QString newPlaySessionId); bool playSessionIdNull() const; void setPlaySessionIdNull(); /** * @brief The subtitle stream index. */ const qint32 &subtitleStreamIndex() const; void setSubtitleStreamIndex(qint32 newSubtitleStreamIndex); bool subtitleStreamIndexNull() const; void setSubtitleStreamIndexNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; QString m_userId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_audioStreamIndex = std::nullopt; std::optional m_canSeek = std::nullopt; QString m_liveStreamId; QString m_mediaSourceId; PlayMethod m_playMethod; QString m_playSessionId; std::optional m_subtitleStreamIndex = std::nullopt; }; class OnPlaybackStoppedParams { public: /** * @brief Item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief User id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); /** * @brief The live stream id. */ const QString &liveStreamId() const; void setLiveStreamId(QString newLiveStreamId); bool liveStreamIdNull() const; void setLiveStreamIdNull(); /** * @brief The id of the MediaSource. */ const QString &mediaSourceId() const; void setMediaSourceId(QString newMediaSourceId); bool mediaSourceIdNull() const; void setMediaSourceIdNull(); /** * @brief The next media type that will play. */ const QString &nextMediaType() const; void setNextMediaType(QString newNextMediaType); bool nextMediaTypeNull() const; void setNextMediaTypeNull(); /** * @brief The play session id. */ const QString &playSessionId() const; void setPlaySessionId(QString newPlaySessionId); bool playSessionIdNull() const; void setPlaySessionIdNull(); /** * @brief Optional. The position, in ticks, where playback stopped. 1 tick = 10000 ms. */ const qint64 &positionTicks() const; void setPositionTicks(qint64 newPositionTicks); bool positionTicksNull() const; void setPositionTicksNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; QString m_userId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QString m_liveStreamId; QString m_mediaSourceId; QString m_nextMediaType; QString m_playSessionId; std::optional m_positionTicks = std::nullopt; }; class OpenLiveStreamParams { public: /** * @brief The audio stream index. */ const qint32 &audioStreamIndex() const; void setAudioStreamIndex(qint32 newAudioStreamIndex); bool audioStreamIndexNull() const; void setAudioStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief Whether to enable direct play. Default: true. */ const bool &enableDirectPlay() const; void setEnableDirectPlay(bool newEnableDirectPlay); bool enableDirectPlayNull() const; void setEnableDirectPlayNull(); /** * @brief Whether to enable direct stream. Default: true. */ const bool &enableDirectStream() const; void setEnableDirectStream(bool newEnableDirectStream); bool enableDirectStreamNull() const; void setEnableDirectStreamNull(); /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); bool itemIdNull() const; void setItemIdNull(); /** * @brief The maximum number of audio channels. */ const qint32 &maxAudioChannels() const; void setMaxAudioChannels(qint32 newMaxAudioChannels); bool maxAudioChannelsNull() const; void setMaxAudioChannelsNull(); /** * @brief The maximum streaming bitrate. */ const qint32 &maxStreamingBitrate() const; void setMaxStreamingBitrate(qint32 newMaxStreamingBitrate); bool maxStreamingBitrateNull() const; void setMaxStreamingBitrateNull(); /** * @brief The open token. */ const QString &openToken() const; void setOpenToken(QString newOpenToken); bool openTokenNull() const; void setOpenTokenNull(); /** * @brief The play session id. */ const QString &playSessionId() const; void setPlaySessionId(QString newPlaySessionId); bool playSessionIdNull() const; void setPlaySessionIdNull(); /** * @brief The start time in ticks. */ const qint64 &startTimeTicks() const; void setStartTimeTicks(qint64 newStartTimeTicks); bool startTimeTicksNull() const; void setStartTimeTicksNull(); /** * @brief The subtitle stream index. */ const qint32 &subtitleStreamIndex() const; void setSubtitleStreamIndex(qint32 newSubtitleStreamIndex); bool subtitleStreamIndexNull() const; void setSubtitleStreamIndexNull(); /** * @brief The user id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); bool userIdNull() const; void setUserIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_audioStreamIndex = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableDirectPlay = std::nullopt; std::optional m_enableDirectStream = std::nullopt; QString m_itemId; std::optional m_maxAudioChannels = std::nullopt; std::optional m_maxStreamingBitrate = std::nullopt; QString m_openToken; QString m_playSessionId; std::optional m_startTimeTicks = std::nullopt; std::optional m_subtitleStreamIndex = std::nullopt; QString m_userId; }; class PingPlaybackSessionParams { public: /** * @brief Playback session id. */ const QString &playSessionId() const; void setPlaySessionId(QString newPlaySessionId); bool playSessionIdNull() const; void setPlaySessionIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QString m_playSessionId; }; class PlayParams { public: /** * @brief The session id. */ const QString &sessionId() const; void setSessionId(QString newSessionId); /** * @brief The ids of the items to play, comma delimited. */ const QStringList &itemIds() const; void setItemIds(QStringList newItemIds); /** * @brief The type of play command to issue (PlayNow, PlayNext, PlayLast). Clients who have not yet implemented play next and play last may play now. */ const PlayCommand &playCommand() const; void setPlayCommand(PlayCommand newPlayCommand); /** * @brief The starting position of the first item. */ const qint64 &startPositionTicks() const; void setStartPositionTicks(qint64 newStartPositionTicks); bool startPositionTicksNull() const; void setStartPositionTicksNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_sessionId; // Required query parameters QStringList m_itemIds; PlayCommand m_playCommand; // Optional query parameters std::optional m_startPositionTicks = std::nullopt; }; class PostParams { public: /** * @brief Item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief (Optional) Specifies the image refresh mode. */ const MetadataRefreshMode &imageRefreshMode() const; void setImageRefreshMode(MetadataRefreshMode newImageRefreshMode); bool imageRefreshModeNull() const; void setImageRefreshModeNull(); /** * @brief (Optional) Specifies the metadata refresh mode. */ const MetadataRefreshMode &metadataRefreshMode() const; void setMetadataRefreshMode(MetadataRefreshMode newMetadataRefreshMode); bool metadataRefreshModeNull() const; void setMetadataRefreshModeNull(); /** * @brief (Optional) Determines if images should be replaced. Only applicable if mode is FullRefresh. */ const bool &replaceAllImages() const; void setReplaceAllImages(bool newReplaceAllImages); bool replaceAllImagesNull() const; void setReplaceAllImagesNull(); /** * @brief (Optional) Determines if metadata should be replaced. Only applicable if mode is FullRefresh. */ const bool &replaceAllMetadata() const; void setReplaceAllMetadata(bool newReplaceAllMetadata); bool replaceAllMetadataNull() const; void setReplaceAllMetadataNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters MetadataRefreshMode m_imageRefreshMode; MetadataRefreshMode m_metadataRefreshMode; std::optional m_replaceAllImages = std::nullopt; std::optional m_replaceAllMetadata = std::nullopt; }; class PostAddedMoviesParams { public: /** * @brief The imdbId. */ const QString &imdbId() const; void setImdbId(QString newImdbId); bool imdbIdNull() const; void setImdbIdNull(); /** * @brief The tmdbId. */ const QString &tmdbId() const; void setTmdbId(QString newTmdbId); bool tmdbIdNull() const; void setTmdbIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QString m_imdbId; QString m_tmdbId; }; class PostAddedSeriesParams { public: /** * @brief The tvdbId. */ const QString &tvdbId() const; void setTvdbId(QString newTvdbId); bool tvdbIdNull() const; void setTvdbIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QString m_tvdbId; }; class PostCapabilitiesParams { public: /** * @brief The session id. */ const QString &jellyfinId() const; void setJellyfinId(QString newJellyfinId); bool jellyfinIdNull() const; void setJellyfinIdNull(); /** * @brief A list of playable media types, comma delimited. Audio, Video, Book, Photo. */ const QStringList &playableMediaTypes() const; void setPlayableMediaTypes(QStringList newPlayableMediaTypes); bool playableMediaTypesNull() const; void setPlayableMediaTypesNull(); /** * @brief A list of supported remote control commands, comma delimited. */ const QList &supportedCommands() const; void setSupportedCommands(QList newSupportedCommands); bool supportedCommandsNull() const; void setSupportedCommandsNull(); /** * @brief Determines whether media can be played remotely.. */ const bool &supportsMediaControl() const; void setSupportsMediaControl(bool newSupportsMediaControl); bool supportsMediaControlNull() const; void setSupportsMediaControlNull(); /** * @brief Determines whether the device supports a unique identifier. */ const bool &supportsPersistentIdentifier() const; void setSupportsPersistentIdentifier(bool newSupportsPersistentIdentifier); bool supportsPersistentIdentifierNull() const; void setSupportsPersistentIdentifierNull(); /** * @brief Determines whether sync is supported. */ const bool &supportsSync() const; void setSupportsSync(bool newSupportsSync); bool supportsSyncNull() const; void setSupportsSyncNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QString m_jellyfinId; QStringList m_playableMediaTypes; QList m_supportedCommands; std::optional m_supportsMediaControl = std::nullopt; std::optional m_supportsPersistentIdentifier = std::nullopt; std::optional m_supportsSync = std::nullopt; }; class PostFullCapabilitiesParams { public: /** * @brief The session id. */ const QString &jellyfinId() const; void setJellyfinId(QString newJellyfinId); bool jellyfinIdNull() const; void setJellyfinIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QString m_jellyfinId; }; class PostPingSystemParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class PostUpdatedMediaParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class PostUpdatedMoviesParams { public: /** * @brief The imdbId. */ const QString &imdbId() const; void setImdbId(QString newImdbId); bool imdbIdNull() const; void setImdbIdNull(); /** * @brief The tmdbId. */ const QString &tmdbId() const; void setTmdbId(QString newTmdbId); bool tmdbIdNull() const; void setTmdbIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QString m_imdbId; QString m_tmdbId; }; class PostUpdatedSeriesParams { public: /** * @brief The tvdbId. */ const QString &tvdbId() const; void setTvdbId(QString newTvdbId); bool tvdbIdNull() const; void setTvdbIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QString m_tvdbId; }; class PostUserImageParams { public: /** * @brief (Unused) Image type. */ const ImageType &imageType() const; void setImageType(ImageType newImageType); /** * @brief User Id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); /** * @brief (Unused) Image index. */ const qint32 &index() const; void setIndex(qint32 newIndex); bool indexNull() const; void setIndexNull(); private: // Required path parameters ImageType m_imageType; QString m_userId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_index = std::nullopt; }; class PostUserImageByIndexParams { public: /** * @brief (Unused) Image type. */ const ImageType &imageType() const; void setImageType(ImageType newImageType); /** * @brief (Unused) Image index. */ const qint32 &index() const; void setIndex(qint32 newIndex); /** * @brief User Id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); private: // Required path parameters ImageType m_imageType; qint32 m_index; QString m_userId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class ProcessConnectionManagerControlRequestParams { public: /** * @brief Server UUID. */ const QString &serverId() const; void setServerId(QString newServerId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_serverId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class ProcessContentDirectoryControlRequestParams { public: /** * @brief Server UUID. */ const QString &serverId() const; void setServerId(QString newServerId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_serverId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class ProcessMediaReceiverRegistrarControlRequestParams { public: /** * @brief Server UUID. */ const QString &serverId() const; void setServerId(QString newServerId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_serverId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class RefreshLibraryParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class RemoveFromCollectionParams { public: /** * @brief The collection id. */ const QString &collectionId() const; void setCollectionId(QString newCollectionId); /** * @brief Item ids, comma delimited. */ const QStringList &ids() const; void setIds(QStringList newIds); private: // Required path parameters QString m_collectionId; // Required query parameters QStringList m_ids; // Optional query parameters }; class RemoveFromPlaylistParams { public: /** * @brief The playlist id. */ const QString &playlistId() const; void setPlaylistId(QString newPlaylistId); /** * @brief The item ids, comma delimited. */ const QStringList &entryIds() const; void setEntryIds(QStringList newEntryIds); bool entryIdsNull() const; void setEntryIdsNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_playlistId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QStringList m_entryIds; }; class RemoveMediaPathParams { public: /** * @brief The name of the library. */ const QString &name() const; void setName(QString newName); bool nameNull() const; void setNameNull(); /** * @brief The path to remove. */ const QString &path() const; void setPath(QString newPath); bool pathNull() const; void setPathNull(); /** * @brief Whether to refresh the library. */ const bool &refreshLibrary() const; void setRefreshLibrary(bool newRefreshLibrary); bool refreshLibraryNull() const; void setRefreshLibraryNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QString m_name; QString m_path; std::optional m_refreshLibrary = std::nullopt; }; class RemoveUserFromSessionParams { public: /** * @brief The session id. */ const QString &sessionId() const; void setSessionId(QString newSessionId); /** * @brief The user id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_sessionId; QString m_userId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class RemoveVirtualFolderParams { public: /** * @brief The name of the folder. */ const QString &name() const; void setName(QString newName); bool nameNull() const; void setNameNull(); /** * @brief Whether to refresh the library. */ const bool &refreshLibrary() const; void setRefreshLibrary(bool newRefreshLibrary); bool refreshLibraryNull() const; void setRefreshLibraryNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QString m_name; std::optional m_refreshLibrary = std::nullopt; }; class RenameVirtualFolderParams { public: /** * @brief The name of the virtual folder. */ const QString &name() const; void setName(QString newName); bool nameNull() const; void setNameNull(); /** * @brief The new name. */ const QString &newName() const; void setNewName(QString newNewName); bool newNameNull() const; void setNewNameNull(); /** * @brief Whether to refresh the library. */ const bool &refreshLibrary() const; void setRefreshLibrary(bool newRefreshLibrary); bool refreshLibraryNull() const; void setRefreshLibraryNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QString m_name; QString m_newName; std::optional m_refreshLibrary = std::nullopt; }; class ReportPlaybackProgressParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class ReportPlaybackStartParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class ReportPlaybackStoppedParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class ReportSessionEndedParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class ReportViewingParams { public: /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief The session id. */ const QString &sessionId() const; void setSessionId(QString newSessionId); bool sessionIdNull() const; void setSessionIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters QString m_itemId; // Optional query parameters QString m_sessionId; }; class ResetTunerParams { public: /** * @brief Tuner id. */ const QString &tunerId() const; void setTunerId(QString newTunerId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_tunerId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class RestartApplicationParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class RevokeKeyParams { public: /** * @brief The access token to delete. */ const QString &key() const; void setKey(QString newKey); private: // Required path parameters QString m_key; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class SearchRemoteSubtitlesParams { public: /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief The language of the subtitles. */ const QString &language() const; void setLanguage(QString newLanguage); /** * @brief Optional. Only show subtitles which are a perfect match. */ const bool &isPerfectMatch() const; void setIsPerfectMatch(bool newIsPerfectMatch); bool isPerfectMatchNull() const; void setIsPerfectMatchNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; QString m_language; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_isPerfectMatch = std::nullopt; }; class SendFullGeneralCommandParams { public: /** * @brief The session id. */ const QString &sessionId() const; void setSessionId(QString newSessionId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_sessionId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class SendGeneralCommandParams { public: /** * @brief The command to send. */ const GeneralCommandType &command() const; void setCommand(GeneralCommandType newCommand); /** * @brief The session id. */ const QString &sessionId() const; void setSessionId(QString newSessionId); private: // Required path parameters GeneralCommandType m_command; QString m_sessionId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class SendMessageCommandParams { public: /** * @brief The session id. */ const QString &sessionId() const; void setSessionId(QString newSessionId); /** * @brief The message test. */ const QString &text() const; void setText(QString newText); /** * @brief The message header. */ const QString &header() const; void setHeader(QString newHeader); bool headerNull() const; void setHeaderNull(); /** * @brief The message timeout. If omitted the user will have to confirm viewing the message. */ const qint64 &timeoutMs() const; void setTimeoutMs(qint64 newTimeoutMs); bool timeoutMsNull() const; void setTimeoutMsNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_sessionId; // Required query parameters QString m_text; // Optional query parameters QString m_header; std::optional m_timeoutMs = std::nullopt; }; class SendPlaystateCommandParams { public: /** * @brief The MediaBrowser.Model.Session.PlaystateCommand. */ const PlaystateCommand &command() const; void setCommand(PlaystateCommand newCommand); /** * @brief The session id. */ const QString &sessionId() const; void setSessionId(QString newSessionId); /** * @brief The optional controlling user id. */ const QString &controllingUserId() const; void setControllingUserId(QString newControllingUserId); bool controllingUserIdNull() const; void setControllingUserIdNull(); /** * @brief The optional position ticks. */ const qint64 &seekPositionTicks() const; void setSeekPositionTicks(qint64 newSeekPositionTicks); bool seekPositionTicksNull() const; void setSeekPositionTicksNull(); private: // Required path parameters PlaystateCommand m_command; QString m_sessionId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QString m_controllingUserId; std::optional m_seekPositionTicks = std::nullopt; }; class SendSystemCommandParams { public: /** * @brief The command to send. */ const GeneralCommandType &command() const; void setCommand(GeneralCommandType newCommand); /** * @brief The session id. */ const QString &sessionId() const; void setSessionId(QString newSessionId); private: // Required path parameters GeneralCommandType m_command; QString m_sessionId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class SetChannelMappingParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class SetItemImageParams { public: /** * @brief Image type. */ const ImageType &imageType() const; void setImageType(ImageType newImageType); /** * @brief Item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); private: // Required path parameters ImageType m_imageType; QString m_itemId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class SetItemImageByIndexParams { public: /** * @brief (Unused) Image index. */ const qint32 &imageIndex() const; void setImageIndex(qint32 newImageIndex); /** * @brief Image type. */ const ImageType &imageType() const; void setImageType(ImageType newImageType); /** * @brief Item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); private: // Required path parameters qint32 m_imageIndex; ImageType m_imageType; QString m_itemId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class SetReadParams { public: /** * @brief */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_userId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class SetRemoteAccessParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class SetRepositoriesParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class SetUnreadParams { public: /** * @brief */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_userId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class ShutdownApplicationParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class StartTaskParams { public: /** * @brief Task Id. */ const QString &taskId() const; void setTaskId(QString newTaskId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_taskId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class StopEncodingProcessParams { public: /** * @brief The device id of the client requesting. Used to stop encoding processes when needed. */ const QString &deviceId() const; void setDeviceId(QString newDeviceId); bool deviceIdNull() const; void setDeviceIdNull(); /** * @brief The play session id. */ const QString &playSessionId() const; void setPlaySessionId(QString newPlaySessionId); bool playSessionIdNull() const; void setPlaySessionIdNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QString m_deviceId; QString m_playSessionId; }; class StopTaskParams { public: /** * @brief Task Id. */ const QString &taskId() const; void setTaskId(QString newTaskId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_taskId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class SyncPlayBufferingParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class SyncPlayCreateGroupParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class SyncPlayGetGroupsParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class SyncPlayJoinGroupParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class SyncPlayLeaveGroupParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class SyncPlayMovePlaylistItemParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class SyncPlayNextItemParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class SyncPlayPauseParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class SyncPlayPingParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class SyncPlayPreviousItemParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class SyncPlayQueueParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class SyncPlayReadyParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class SyncPlayRemoveFromPlaylistParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class SyncPlaySeekParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class SyncPlaySetIgnoreWaitParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class SyncPlaySetNewQueueParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class SyncPlaySetPlaylistItemParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class SyncPlaySetRepeatModeParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class SyncPlaySetShuffleModeParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class SyncPlayStopParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class SyncPlayUnpauseParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class UninstallPluginParams { public: /** * @brief Plugin id. */ const QString &pluginId() const; void setPluginId(QString newPluginId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_pluginId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class UninstallPluginByVersionParams { public: /** * @brief Plugin id. */ const QString &pluginId() const; void setPluginId(QString newPluginId); /** * @brief Plugin version. */ const QSharedPointer &version() const; void setVersion(QSharedPointer newVersion); private: // Required path parameters QString m_pluginId; QSharedPointer m_version; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class UnmarkFavoriteItemParams { public: /** * @brief Item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief User id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; QString m_userId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class UpdateConfigurationParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class UpdateDeviceOptionsParams { public: /** * @brief Device Id. */ const QString &jellyfinId() const; void setJellyfinId(QString newJellyfinId); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters QString m_jellyfinId; // Optional query parameters }; class UpdateDisplayPreferencesParams { public: /** * @brief Display preferences id. */ const QString &displayPreferencesId() const; void setDisplayPreferencesId(QString newDisplayPreferencesId); /** * @brief Client. */ const QString &client() const; void setClient(QString newClient); /** * @brief User Id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_displayPreferencesId; // Required query parameters QString m_client; QString m_userId; // Optional query parameters }; class UpdateInitialConfigurationParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class UpdateItemParams { public: /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class UpdateItemContentTypeParams { public: /** * @brief The item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief The content type of the item. */ const QString &contentType() const; void setContentType(QString newContentType); bool contentTypeNull() const; void setContentTypeNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QString m_contentType; }; class UpdateItemImageIndexParams { public: /** * @brief Old image index. */ const qint32 &imageIndex() const; void setImageIndex(qint32 newImageIndex); /** * @brief Image type. */ const ImageType &imageType() const; void setImageType(ImageType newImageType); /** * @brief Item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief New image index. */ const qint32 &newIndex() const; void setNewIndex(qint32 newNewIndex); bool newIndexNull() const; void setNewIndexNull(); private: // Required path parameters qint32 m_imageIndex; ImageType m_imageType; QString m_itemId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_newIndex = std::nullopt; }; class UpdateLibraryOptionsParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class UpdateMediaEncoderPathParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class UpdateMediaPathParams { public: /** * @brief The name of the library. */ const QString &name() const; void setName(QString newName); bool nameNull() const; void setNameNull(); private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters QString m_name; }; class UpdateNamedConfigurationParams { public: /** * @brief Configuration key. */ const QString &key() const; void setKey(QString newKey); private: // Required path parameters QString m_key; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class UpdatePluginConfigurationParams { public: /** * @brief Plugin id. */ const QString &pluginId() const; void setPluginId(QString newPluginId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_pluginId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class UpdatePluginSecurityInfoParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class UpdateProfileParams { public: /** * @brief Profile id. */ const QString &profileId() const; void setProfileId(QString newProfileId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_profileId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class UpdateSeriesTimerParams { public: /** * @brief Timer id. */ const QString &timerId() const; void setTimerId(QString newTimerId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_timerId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class UpdateStartupUserParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class UpdateTaskParams { public: /** * @brief Task Id. */ const QString &taskId() const; void setTaskId(QString newTaskId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_taskId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class UpdateTimerParams { public: /** * @brief Timer id. */ const QString &timerId() const; void setTimerId(QString newTimerId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_timerId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class UpdateUserParams { public: /** * @brief The user id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_userId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class UpdateUserConfigurationParams { public: /** * @brief The user id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_userId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class UpdateUserEasyPasswordParams { public: /** * @brief The user id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_userId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class UpdateUserItemRatingParams { public: /** * @brief Item id. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); /** * @brief User id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); /** * @brief Whether this M:Jellyfin.Api.Controllers.UserLibraryController.UpdateUserItemRating(System.Guid,System.Guid,System.Nullable{System.Boolean}) is likes. */ const bool &likes() const; void setLikes(bool newLikes); bool likesNull() const; void setLikesNull(); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; QString m_userId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters std::optional m_likes = std::nullopt; }; class UpdateUserPasswordParams { public: /** * @brief The user id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_userId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class UpdateUserPolicyParams { public: /** * @brief The user id. */ const QString &userId() const; void setUserId(QString newUserId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_userId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class UploadSubtitleParams { public: /** * @brief The item the subtitle belongs to. */ const QString &itemId() const; void setItemId(QString newItemId); private: // Required path parameters QString m_itemId; // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; class ValidatePathParams { public: private: // Required path parameters // Required query parameters // Optional query parameters }; } // NS Loader } // NS Jellyfin #endif // JELLYFIN_LOADER_REQUESTTYPES_H