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Chris Josten edcd3a93af sailfin: Improve layout on landscape and tablet screens
I've dropped the whole `<constant> * Theme.pixelRatio`-approach[^1]
for determining when the UI should split into two columns, because
the values seemed quite arbitrary and I was entering random numbers.
I'm now doing it on multiples of `Theme.itemSizeHuge`, which is easier
to reason about.

This also fixes occasions where items in a grid would leave a bit of
space to the right in the CollectionPage.

Backdrop images in VideoPage and MusicAlbumPage now have a maximum
height of half of the screen, to avoid filling the entire screen in
landscape mode. Perhaps it doesn't always look good, but it makes the
layout more usable.

Images on the SeasonPage and MusicAlbumPage (in landscape) are now
aligned to the right, to avoid blocking the Page back indicator.
2024-06-03 21:50:14 +02:00

287 lines
12 KiB

Sailfin: a Jellyfin client written using Qt
Copyright (C) 2022-2024 Chris Josten
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
import QtQuick 2.6
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
import nl.netsoj.chris.Jellyfin 1.0 as J
import "../../components"
import "../.."
BaseDetailPage {
id: albumPage
readonly property int _maxItems: 12
J.ItemModel {
id: albumsModel
loader: J.UserItemsLoader {
apiClient: appWindow.apiClient
sortBy: "PremiereDate,ProductionYear,SortName"
sortOrder: "Descending"
fields: [J.ItemFields.ItemCounts, J.ItemFields.PrimaryImageAspectRatio]
includeItemTypes: ["MusicAlbum"]
albumArtistIds: itemData.jellyfinId
recursive: true
autoReload: itemData.jellyfinId.length > 0
limit: _maxItems
Component {
id: fullAlbumsModelComponent
J.UserItemsLoader {
apiClient: appWindow.apiClient
sortBy: "PremiereDate,ProductionYear,SortName"
sortOrder: "Descending"
fields: [J.ItemFields.ItemCounts, J.ItemFields.PrimaryImageAspectRatio]
includeItemTypes: ["MusicAlbum"]
albumArtistIds: itemData.jellyfinId
recursive: true
autoReload: false
J.ItemModel {
id: appearsOnModel
loader: J.UserItemsLoader {
apiClient: appWindow.apiClient
sortBy: "PremiereDate,ProductionYear,SortName"
sortOrder: "Descending"
fields: [J.ItemFields.ItemCounts, J.ItemFields.PrimaryImageAspectRatio]
includeItemTypes: ["MusicAlbum"]
contributingArtistIds: itemData.jellyfinId
recursive: true
autoReload: itemData.jellyfinId.length > 0
limit: _maxItems
Component {
id: fullAppearsOnModelComponent
J.UserItemsLoader {
apiClient: appWindow.apiClient
sortBy: "PremiereDate,ProductionYear,SortName"
sortOrder: "Descending"
fields: [J.ItemFields.ItemCounts, J.ItemFields.PrimaryImageAspectRatio]
includeItemTypes: ["MusicAlbum"]
contributingArtistIds: itemData.jellyfinId
recursive: true
autoReload: false
SilicaFlickable {
anchors.fill: parent
contentHeight: content.height
Column {
id: content
width: parent.width
Item {
id: header
width: parent.width
height: backdrop.height + title.height
RemoteImage {
id: backdrop
anchors {
top: parent.top
left: parent.left
right: parent.right
height: Math.min(albumPage.height / 2, width / 16 * 9)
fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectCrop
source: Utils.itemBackdropUrl(apiClient.baseUrl, itemData, 0, {"maxWidth": parent.width})
blurhash: itemData.imageBlurHashes["Backdrop"][itemData.backdropImageTags[0]]
Shim {
anchors {
top: parent.top
left: parent.left
right: parent.right
height: Theme.itemSizeHuge
upsideDown: true
shimOpacity: Theme.opacityOverlay
RemoteImage {
id: artistImage
anchors {
right: parent.right
rightMargin: Theme.horizontalPageMargin
bottom: title.bottom
source: Utils.itemImageUrl(apiClient.baseUrl, itemData, "Primary", {"maxWidth": parent.width})
blurhash: itemData.imageBlurHashes["Primary"][itemData.imageTags["Primary"]]
width: Constants.libraryDelegateWidth
height: width / itemData.primaryImageAspectRatio
fallbackColor: Utils.colorFromString(itemData.name)
PageHeader {
id: title
title: itemData.name
description: qsTr("%1 songs | %2 albums")
anchors {
top: backdrop.bottom
left: parent.left
right: artistImage.left
// Spacer
Item { height: Theme.paddingLarge; width: 1; visible: !aboutBackground.visible }
BackgroundItem {
property bool _expanded: false
id: aboutBackground
anchors {
left: parent.left
right: parent.right
height: about.height + Theme.paddingLarge
clip: true
onClicked: aboutBackground._expanded = !aboutBackground._expanded
visible: aboutLabel.text.length > 0
//Behavior on height { SmoothedAnimation { duration: 300; } }
Item {
id: about
anchors {
left: parent.left
leftMargin: Theme.horizontalPageMargin
right: parent.right
rightMargin: Theme.horizontalPageMargin
height: aboutLabel.height
Label {
id: aboutLabel
anchors {
left: parent.left
right: parent.right
topPadding: Theme.paddingLarge
bottomPadding: Theme.paddingLarge
color: aboutBackground.highlighted ? Theme.highlightColor : Theme.primaryColor
text: itemData.overview
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
height: aboutBackground._expanded ? implicitHeight : Math.min(font.pixelSize * lineHeight * 8, implicitHeight)
Behavior on height { SmoothedAnimation { id: expandAnimation; duration: 300; } }
textFormat: Text.PlainText
OpacityRampEffect {
enabled: !aboutBackground._expanded || expandAnimation.running
offset: aboutBackground._expanded ? 1.0 : 0.5
sourceItem: aboutLabel
direction: OpacityRamp.TopToBottom
HighlightImage {
anchors {
right: parent.right
rightMargin: Theme.horizontalPageMargin
bottom: parent.bottom
bottomMargin: Theme.paddingMedium
source: "image://theme/icon-lock-more"
MoreSection {
text: qsTr("Discography")
visible: albumRepeater.count > 0
onHeaderClicked: pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("CollectionPage.qml"), {
"loader": fullAlbumsModelComponent.createObject(albumPage),
"allowSort": false,
//: Page title for the page with an overview of all albums, eps and singles by a specific artist
"pageTitle": qsTr("Discography of %1").arg(itemData.name)
GridLayout {
anchors.left: parent.left
width: Math.min(appearsOnModel.count() * gridCellSize, gridColumnCount * gridCellSize)
columns: gridColumnCount
columnSpacing: 0
rowSpacing: 0
Repeater {
id: albumRepeater
model: albumsModel
LibraryItemDelegate {
readonly property int _multiplier: index === 0 ? 2 : 1
poster: Utils.itemModelImageUrl(appWindow.apiClient.baseUrl, model.jellyfinId, model.imageTags["Primary"], "Primary", {"height": height})
blurhash: model.imageBlurHashes["Primary"][model.imageTags["Primary"]]
title: model.name
Layout.preferredWidth: gridCellSize * _multiplier
Layout.preferredHeight: gridCellSize * _multiplier
Layout.rowSpan: _multiplier
Layout.columnSpan: _multiplier
onClicked: appWindow.navigateToItem(model.jellyfinId, model.mediaType, model.type, model.isFolder)
MoreSection {
text: qsTr("Appears on")
visible: appearsOnRepeater.count > 0
onHeaderClicked: pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("CollectionPage.qml"), {
"loader": fullAppearsOnModelComponent.createObject(albumPage),
"allowSort": false,
//: Page title for the page with an overview of all albums a specific artist appears on
"pageTitle": qsTr("%1 appears on").arg(itemData.name)
GridLayout {
anchors.left: parent.left
width: Math.min(appearsOnModel.count() * gridCellSize, gridColumnCount * gridCellSize)
columns: gridColumnCount
columnSpacing: 0
rowSpacing: 0
Repeater {
id: appearsOnRepeater
model: appearsOnModel
LibraryItemDelegate {
readonly property int _multiplier: 1
poster: Utils.itemModelImageUrl(appWindow.apiClient.baseUrl, model.jellyfinId, model.imageTags["Primary"], "Primary", {"height": height})
blurhash: model.imageBlurHashes["Primary"][model.imageTags["Primary"]]
title: model.name
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignTop
Layout.preferredWidth: gridCellSize * _multiplier
Layout.maximumWidth: gridCellSize * _multiplier
Layout.preferredHeight: gridCellSize * _multiplier
Layout.fillWidth: false
Layout.fillHeight: false
onClicked: appWindow.navigateToItem(model.jellyfinId, model.mediaType, model.type, model.isFolder)