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Chris Josten d81fa50715 Models get updated when userData changes at server
The websocket now notifies the ApiClient, on which several models and
items are listening, when the userData for an user has changed. The UI
on the qml side may automatically updates without any extra effort.

This also resolves a bug where videos didn't resume after +/- 3:40 due
to an integer overflow.
2020-10-09 02:33:08 +02:00

267 lines
9.4 KiB

Sailfin: a Jellyfin client written using Qt
Copyright (C) 2020 Chris Josten
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include <QJsonArray>
#include <QJsonDocument>
#include <QJsonObject>
#include <QJsonParseError>
#include <QJsonValue>
#include <QHostInfo>
#include <QObject>
#include <QString>
#include <QSysInfo>
#include <QtQml>
#include <QUuid>
#include <QNetworkReply>
#include <QUrlQuery>
#include "credentialmanager.h"
#include "jellyfindeviceprofile.h"
#include "jellyfinitem.h"
#include "jellyfinwebsocket.h"
namespace Jellyfin {
class MediaSource;
class WebSocket;
* @brief An Api client for Jellyfin. Handles requests and authentication.
* This class should also be given to certain models and other sources, so they are able to make
* requests to the correct server.
* General usage is as follows:
* 1. (Optional) Call restoreSavedSession(). This will try to load previously saved credentials and connect to the server.
* If all succeeds, the property authenticated should be set to true and its signal should be emitted. All is done.
* If it fails, setupRequired will be emitted. Continue following these steps.
* 2. If opting in to manually manage the session or restoreSavedSession() failed, you'll need to set the property
* baseUrl to the root of the Jellyfin server, e.g. "https://jellyfin.example.com:8098", so not the url to the
* web interface! Nearby servers can be discovered using Jellyfin::ServerDiscoveryModel.
* 3. Call ::setupConnection(). First of all, the client will try to resolve any redirects and will update
* the baseUrl property if following redirects. Then it will emit connectionSuccess(QString). The QString from
* the signal contains a user-oriented login message configured by the user that should be displayed in the URL
* somewhere.
* 4. After ::connected is emitted, call ::authenticate(QString, QString, bool). with the username and password.
* The last boolean argument is used if you want to have the ApiClient store your credentials, so that they
* later can be used with restoreSavedSession().
* 5. If the authenticated property is set to true, you are now authenticated! If loginError() is emitted, you aren't and
* you should go back to step 4.
* These steps might change. I'm considering decoupling CredentialsManager from this class to clean some code up.
class ApiClient : public QObject {
friend class WebSocket;
explicit ApiClient(QObject *parent = nullptr);
Q_PROPERTY(QString baseUrl MEMBER m_baseUrl READ baseUrl NOTIFY baseUrlChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool authenticated READ authenticated WRITE setAuthenticated NOTIFY authenticatedChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString userId READ userId NOTIFY userIdChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString version READ version)
/*QNetworkReply *handleRequest(QString path, QStringList sort, Pagination *pagination,
QVariantMap filters, QStringList fields, QStringList expand, QString id);*/
bool authenticated() const { return m_authenticated; }
void setBaseUrl(QString url) {
this->m_baseUrl = url;
if (this->m_baseUrl.endsWith("/")) {
emit this->baseUrlChanged(m_baseUrl);
QNetworkReply *get(const QString &path, const QUrlQuery &params = QUrlQuery());
QNetworkReply *post(const QString &path, const QJsonDocument &data = QJsonDocument(), const QUrlQuery &params = QUrlQuery());
void getPublicUsers();
enum ApiError {
QString &baseUrl() { return this->m_baseUrl; }
QString &userId() { return m_userId; }
QJsonObject &deviceProfile() { return m_deviceProfile; }
QJsonObject &playbackDeviceProfile() { return m_playbackDeviceProfile; }
QString version() const;
* @brief Sets the error handler of a reply to this classes default error handler
* @param rep The reply to set the error handler on.
* Motivation for this helper is because I forget the correct signature each time, with all the
* funky casts.
void setDefaultErrorHandler(QNetworkReply *rep) {
connect(rep, static_cast<void (QNetworkReply::*)(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)>(&QNetworkReply::error),
this, &ApiClient::defaultNetworkErrorHandler);
* Emitted when the server requires authentication. Please authenticate your user via authenticate.
void authenticationRequired();
void authenticationError(ApiError error);
void connectionFailed(ApiError error);
void connectionSuccess(QString loginMessage);
void networkError(QNetworkReply::NetworkError error);
void authenticatedChanged(bool authenticated);
void baseUrlChanged(const QString &baseUrl);
* @brief Set-up is required. You'll need to manually set up the baseUrl-property, call setupConnection
* afterwards and finally call authenticate.
void setupRequired();
void userIdChanged(QString userId);
void itemFetched(const QString &itemId, const QJsonObject &result);
void itemFetchFailed(const QString &itemId, const QNetworkReply::NetworkError error);
* @brief onUserDataChanged Emitted when the user data of an item is changed on the server.
* @param itemId The id of the item being changed
* @param userData The new user data
* Note: only Jellyfin::UserData should connect to this signal, they will update themselves!
void userDataChanged(const QString &itemId, QSharedPointer<UserData> userData);
public slots:
* @brief Tries to access credentials and connect to a server. If nothing has been configured yet,
* emits setupRequired();
void restoreSavedSession();
* Try to connect with the server. Tries to resolve redirects and retrieves information
* about the login procedure. Emits connectionSuccess on success, networkError or ConnectionFailed
* otherwise.
void setupConnection();
void authenticate(QString username, QString password, bool storeCredentials = false);
* @brief Logs the user out and clears the session.
void deleteSession();
void fetchItem(const QString &id);
* @brief Shares the capabilities of this device to the server.
void postCapabilities();
protected slots:
void defaultNetworkErrorHandler(QNetworkReply::NetworkError error);
void onUserDataChanged(const QString &itemId, QSharedPointer<UserData> newData);
* @brief Adds default headers to each request, like authentication headers etc.
* @param request The request to add headers to
* @param path The path to which the request is being made
void addBaseRequestHeaders(QNetworkRequest &request, const QString &path, const QUrlQuery &params = QUrlQuery());
* @brief Adds the authorization to the header
* @param The request to add the header to
void addTokenHeader(QNetworkRequest &request);
* @brief getBrandingConfiguration Gets the login message and custom CSS (which we ignore)
void getBrandingConfiguration();
* @brief Generates a profile, containing the name of the application, manufacturer and most importantly,
* which media types this device supports.
* The actual detection of supported media types is done within jellyfindeviceprofile.cpp, since the code
* is a big mess and should be safely contained in it's own file.
void generateDeviceProfile();
QString &token() { return m_token; }
QNetworkAccessManager m_naManager;
* State information
WebSocket *m_webSocket;
CredentialsManager * m_credManager;
QString m_token;
QString m_deviceName;
QString m_deviceId;
QString m_userId = "";
QJsonObject m_deviceProfile;
QJsonObject m_playbackDeviceProfile;
bool m_authenticated = false;
* @brief The base url of the request.
QString m_baseUrl;
* Setters
void setAuthenticated(bool authenticated);
void setUserId(QString userId) {
this->m_userId = userId;
emit userIdChanged(userId);
* Utilities
* @brief Returns the statusCode of a QNetworkReply
* @param The reply to obtain the statusCode of
* @return The statuscode of the reply
* Seriously, Qt, why is your method to obtain the status code of a request so horrendous?
static inline int statusCode(QNetworkReply *rep) {
return rep->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute).toInt();
} // NS Jellyfin