Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/HenkKalkwater/harbour-sailfin.git synced 2024-10-04 20:18:22 +00:00
Chris Josten c01fcdcb54 Report playback progress and resume items
[Playback]: New: playback progress is reported to the Jellyfin server.
[Playback]: New: resume partly played items or start playing from the beginning if desired.

I also had to make some changes to the VideoPlayer, because the VideoHUD
got locked up when the player changed status from Buffering to Buffered
too quickly in succession, which occurs when trying to seek directly
after the application is able to.
2020-10-01 21:45:34 +02:00

211 lines
7.1 KiB

Sailfin: a Jellyfin client written using Qt
Copyright (C) 2020 Chris Josten
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
import QtQuick 2.0
import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
import nl.netsoj.chris.Jellyfin 1.0
import "../components"
import "../"
import "../Utils.js" as Utils
* Main page, which simply shows some content of every library, as well as next items.
Page {
property bool _modelsLoaded: false
id: page
allowedOrientations: Orientation.All
SilicaFlickable {
anchors.fill: parent
// PullDownMenu and PushUpMenu must be declared in SilicaFlickable, SilicaListView or SilicaGridView
PullDownMenu {
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("Settings")
onClicked: pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("SettingsPage.qml"))
busy: mediaLibraryModel.status == ApiModel.Loading
// Tell SilicaFlickable the height of its content.
contentHeight: column.height
// Place our content in a Column. The PageHeader is always placed at the top
// of the page, followed by our content.
Column {
id: column
width: page.width
//spacing: Theme.paddingLarge
UserViewModel {
id: mediaLibraryModel2
apiClient: ApiClient
MoreSection {
text: qsTr("Resume watching")
clickable: false
busy: userResumeModel.status == ApiModel.Loading
Loader {
width: parent.width
sourceComponent: carrouselView
property alias itemModel: userResumeModel
property string collectionType: "series"
UserItemResumeModel {
id: userResumeModel
apiClient: ApiClient
limit: 12
recursive: true
MoreSection {
text: qsTr("Next up")
clickable: false
UserViewModel {
id: mediaLibraryModel
apiClient: ApiClient
Repeater {
model: mediaLibraryModel
MoreSection {
text: model.name
busy: userItemModel.status != ApiModel.Ready
onHeaderClicked: pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("itemdetails/CollectionPage.qml"), {"itemId": model.id})
Loader {
width: parent.width
sourceComponent: carrouselView
property alias itemModel: userItemModel
property string collectionType: model.collectionType || ""
UserItemLatestModel {
id: userItemModel
apiClient: ApiClient
parentId: model.id
limit: 12
Connections {
target: mediaLibraryModel
onStatusChanged: {
console.log("MediaLibraryModel status " + status)
if (status == ApiModel.Ready) {
Column {
width: parent.width
visible: mediaLibraryModel.status == ApiModel.Error
PageHeader {
title: qsTr("Network error")
//clickable: false
PlainLabel {
text: qsTr("An error has occurred. Please try again.")
Item { width: 1; height: Theme.paddingLarge }
Button {
text: qsTr("Retry")
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
onClicked: loadModels(true)
Item { width: 1; height: Theme.paddingLarge }
onStatusChanged: {
if (status == PageStatus.Active) {
appWindow.itemData = null
Connections {
target: ApiClient
onAuthenticatedChanged: loadModels(false)
* Loads models if not laoded. Set force to true to reload models
* even if loaded.
function loadModels(force) {
if (force || (ApiClient.authenticated && !_modelsLoaded)) {
_modelsLoaded = true;
Component {
id: carrouselView
SilicaListView {
id: list
clip: true
height: {
if (count > 0) {
if (["tvshows", "movies"].indexOf(collectionType) == -1) {
} else {
} else {
Behavior on height {
NumberAnimation { duration: 300 }
model: itemModel
width: parent.width
orientation: ListView.Horizontal
leftMargin: Theme.horizontalPageMargin
rightMargin: Theme.horizontalPageMargin
spacing: Theme.paddingLarge
delegate: LibraryItemDelegate {
property string id: model.id
title: model.name
poster: Utils.itemModelImageUrl(ApiClient.baseUrl, model.id, model.imageTags["Primary"], "Primary", {"maxHeight": height})
/*model.imageTags["Primary"] ? ApiClient.baseUrl + "/Items/" + model.id
+ "/Images/Primary?maxHeight=" + height + "&tag=" + model.imageTags["Primary"]
: ""*/
landscape: !Utils.usePortraitCover(model.type)
progress: (typeof model.userData !== "undefined") ? model.userData.PlayedPercentage / 100 : 0.0
onClicked: {
pageStack.push(Utils.getPageUrl(model.mediaType, model.type), {"itemId": model.id})