msgid "" msgstr "" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\\n" msgid "pagina.titel" msgstr "Father Christmas of IAPC" msgid "pagina.kop1" msgstr "Our Beloved Father Christmas" msgid "pagina.tekst" msgstr "" "At IAPC we have a wonderful miniature Father Christmas. " "This Father Christmas is not your avarage Father Christmas. This Father Christmas is able to drum! He has brought the volunteers at IAPC a lot of joy " "over the last serveral years, drumming his way around. " "But this year, due to covid-19, the amount of people around around our store has been historically low, which is why we " "are looking for you! You can save Christmas at IAPC! All you have to do is press the big green button below." msgid "pagina.knop.activeer" msgstr "Drum!" msgid "pagina.knop.afkoelen" msgstr "Drumming ({seconden}s)" msgid "pagina.knop.initialiseren" msgstr "Contacting the North Pole" msgid "pagina.knop.initialiseren2" msgstr "Asking the elves about the whereabouts of Santa Clause"