2020-12-28 21:43:03 +01:00

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// Copyright Chris Josten 2020
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
import std.functional;
import vibe.vibe;
import kerstezelprotocol;
struct VertaalContext {
import std.typetuple;
// Throw an error when an translation string is missing/mistyped.
enum enforceExistingKeys = true;
// The list of supported languages (the same family of languages will
// automatically be matched to the closest candidate, e.g. en_GB->en_US)
alias languages = TypeTuple!("en_GB", "nl_NL");
// The base name of the translation files - the full names will be
// kerstman.en_US.po and kerstman.de_DE.po. Any number of these mixin
// statements can be used.
mixin translationModule!"kerstman";
class KerstezelService {
void getIndex() {
void getArreslee(scope WebSocket bus) {
runTask((WebSocket bus) {
while(bus.connected) {
string commando = bus.receiveText;
if (commando == "trommel") {
} else {
logInfo("Onbekend commando:" ~ commando);
}, bus);
while (bus.connected) {
int uitzend_aantal = staatGebeurtenis.emitCount;
// Wordt elke 30 seconden wakker om de verbinding in leven
// te houden en/of te detecteren dat deze juist gestopt is.
staatGebeurtenis.wait(30.seconds, uitzend_aantal);
void main() {
import vibe.http.router;
auto settings = new HTTPServerSettings;
settings.port = 8090;
settings.bindAddresses = ["::", ""];
auto router = new URLRouter;
router.registerWebInterface(new KerstezelService);
auto fsettings = new HTTPFileServerSettings;
fsettings.serverPathPrefix = "/statisch";
router.get("*", serveStaticFiles("statisch/", fsettings));
listenHTTP(settings, router);
logInfo("Please open in your browser.");
if (!listenTCP(9305, toDelegate(&kerstezelProtocolLuister), "")) {
logWarn("Kon kerstezelProtocol niet starten");