import 'stream-browserify' // see import 'subworkers' // polyfill for import url from 'url' import ByteBuffer from 'bytebuffer' import MumbleClient from 'mumble-client' import WorkerBasedMumbleConnector from './worker-client' import BufferQueueNode from 'web-audio-buffer-queue' import mumbleConnect from 'mumble-client-websocket' import audioContext from 'audio-context' import ko from 'knockout' import _dompurify from 'dompurify' import keyboardjs from 'keyboardjs' import anchorme from 'anchorme' import { ContinuousVoiceHandler, PushToTalkVoiceHandler, VADVoiceHandler, initVoice } from './voice' import {initialize as localizationInitialize, translate} from './loc'; const dompurify = _dompurify(window) // from: ko.extenders.scrollFollow = function (target, selector) { target.subscribe(function (chat) { const el = document.querySelector(selector); // the scroll bar is all the way down, so we know they want to follow the text if (el.scrollTop == el.scrollHeight - el.clientHeight) { // have to push our code outside of this thread since the text hasn't updated yet setTimeout(function () { el.scrollTop = el.scrollHeight - el.clientHeight; }, 0); } else { // send notification const last = chat[chat.length - 1] if (Notification.permission == 'granted' && last.type != 'chat-message-self') { let sender = 'Mumble Server' if (last.user && new Notification(sender, {body: dompurify.sanitize(last.message, {ALLOWED_TAGS:[]})}) } } }); return target; }; function sanitize (html) { return dompurify.sanitize(html, { ALLOWED_TAGS: ['br', 'b', 'i', 'u', 'a', 'span', 'p', 'img', 'center'] }) } const anchormeOptions = { // force target _blank attribute attributes: { target: "_blank" }, // force https protocol except email protocol: function(s) { if ( { return "mailto:"; } else { return "https://"; } } } function openContextMenu (event, contextMenu, target) { contextMenu.posX(event.clientX) contextMenu.posY(event.clientY) const closeListener = (event) => { // Always close, no matter where they clicked setTimeout(() => { // delay to allow click to be actually processed unregister() }) } const unregister = () => document.removeEventListener('click', closeListener) document.addEventListener('click', closeListener) event.stopPropagation() event.preventDefault() } // GUI function ContextMenu () { var self = this self.posX = ko.observable() self.posY = ko.observable() = ko.observable() } function AddChannelDialog () { var self = this; self.channelName = ko.observable('') self.parentID = 0; self.visible = ko.observable(false); = self.visible.bind(self.visible, true) self.hide = self.visible.bind(self.visible, false) self.addchannel = function() { self.hide(); ui.addchannel(self.channelName()); } } function ConnectDialog () { var self = this self.address = ko.observable('') self.port = ko.observable('') self.tokenToAdd = ko.observable('') self.selectedTokens = ko.observableArray([]) self.tokens = ko.observableArray([]) self.username = ko.observable('') self.password = ko.observable('') self.channelName = ko.observable('') self.joinOnly = ko.observable(false) self.visible = ko.observable(true) = self.visible.bind(self.visible, true) self.hide = self.visible.bind(self.visible, false) self.connect = function () { self.hide() if (ui.detectWebRTC) { ui.webrtc = true } ui.connect(self.username(), self.address(), self.port(), self.tokens(), self.password(), self.channelName()) } self.addToken = function() { if ((self.tokenToAdd() != "") && (self.tokens.indexOf(self.tokenToAdd()) < 0)) { self.tokens.push(self.tokenToAdd()) } self.tokenToAdd("") } self.removeSelectedTokens = function() { this.tokens.removeAll(this.selectedTokens()) this.selectedTokens([]) } } function ConnectErrorDialog (connectDialog) { var self = this self.type = ko.observable(0) self.reason = ko.observable('') self.username = connectDialog.username self.password = connectDialog.password self.joinOnly = connectDialog.joinOnly self.visible = ko.observable(false) = self.visible.bind(self.visible, true) self.hide = self.visible.bind(self.visible, false) self.connect = () => { self.hide() connectDialog.connect() } } class ConnectionInfo { constructor (ui) { this._ui = ui this.visible = ko.observable(false) this.serverVersion = ko.observable() this.latencyMs = ko.observable(NaN) this.latencyDeviation = ko.observable(NaN) this.remoteHost = ko.observable() this.remotePort = ko.observable() this.maxBitrate = ko.observable(NaN) this.currentBitrate = ko.observable(NaN) this.maxBandwidth = ko.observable(NaN) this.currentBandwidth = ko.observable(NaN) this.codec = ko.observable() = () => { if (!ui.thisUser()) return this.update() this.visible(true) } this.hide = () => this.visible(false) } update () { let client = this._ui.client this.serverVersion(client.serverVersion) let dataStats = client.dataStats if (dataStats) { this.latencyMs(dataStats.mean) this.latencyDeviation(Math.sqrt(dataStats.variance)) } this.remoteHost(this._ui.remoteHost()) this.remotePort(this._ui.remotePort()) let spp = this._ui.settings.samplesPerPacket let maxBitrate = client.getMaxBitrate(spp, false) let maxBandwidth = client.maxBandwidth let actualBitrate = client.getActualBitrate(spp, false) let actualBandwidth = MumbleClient.calcEnforcableBandwidth(actualBitrate, spp, false) this.maxBitrate(maxBitrate) this.currentBitrate(actualBitrate) this.maxBandwidth(maxBandwidth) this.currentBandwidth(actualBandwidth) this.codec('Opus') // only one supported for sending } } function CommentDialog () { var self = this self.visible = ko.observable(false) = function () { self.visible(true) } } class SettingsDialog { constructor (settings) { this.voiceMode = ko.observable(settings.voiceMode) this.pttKey = ko.observable(settings.pttKey) this.pttKeyDisplay = ko.observable(settings.pttKey) this.vadLevel = ko.observable(settings.vadLevel) this.testVadLevel = ko.observable(0) this.testVadActive = ko.observable(false) this.showAvatars = ko.observable(settings.showAvatars()) this.userCountInChannelName = ko.observable(settings.userCountInChannelName()) // Need to wrap this in a pureComputed to make sure it's always numeric let audioBitrate = ko.observable(settings.audioBitrate) this.audioBitrate = ko.pureComputed({ read: audioBitrate, write: (value) => audioBitrate(Number(value)) }) this.samplesPerPacket = ko.observable(settings.samplesPerPacket) this.msPerPacket = ko.pureComputed({ read: () => this.samplesPerPacket() / 48, write: (value) => this.samplesPerPacket(value * 48) }) this._setupTestVad() this.vadLevel.subscribe(() => this._setupTestVad()) } _setupTestVad () { if (this._testVad) { this._testVad.end() } let dummySettings = new Settings({}) this.applyTo(dummySettings) this._testVad = new VADVoiceHandler(null, dummySettings) this._testVad.on('started_talking', () => this.testVadActive(true)) .on('stopped_talking', () => this.testVadActive(false)) .on('level', level => this.testVadLevel(level)) testVoiceHandler = this._testVad } applyTo (settings) { settings.voiceMode = this.voiceMode() settings.pttKey = this.pttKey() settings.vadLevel = this.vadLevel() settings.showAvatars(this.showAvatars()) settings.userCountInChannelName(this.userCountInChannelName()) settings.audioBitrate = this.audioBitrate() settings.samplesPerPacket = this.samplesPerPacket() } end () { this._testVad.end() testVoiceHandler = null } recordPttKey () { var combo = [] const keydown = e => { combo = e.pressedKeys let comboStr = combo.join(' + ') this.pttKeyDisplay('> ' + comboStr + ' <') } const keyup = () => { keyboardjs.unbind('', keydown, keyup) let comboStr = combo.join(' + ') if (comboStr) { this.pttKey(comboStr).pttKeyDisplay(comboStr) } else { this.pttKeyDisplay(this.pttKey()) } } keyboardjs.bind('', keydown, keyup) this.pttKeyDisplay('> ? <') } totalBandwidth () { return MumbleClient.calcEnforcableBandwidth( this.audioBitrate(), this.samplesPerPacket(), true ) } positionBandwidth () { return this.totalBandwidth() - MumbleClient.calcEnforcableBandwidth( this.audioBitrate(), this.samplesPerPacket(), false ) } overheadBandwidth () { return MumbleClient.calcEnforcableBandwidth( 0, this.samplesPerPacket(), false ) } } class Settings { constructor (defaults) { const load = key => window.localStorage.getItem('mumble.' + key) this.voiceMode = load('voiceMode') || defaults.voiceMode this.pttKey = load('pttKey') || defaults.pttKey this.vadLevel = load('vadLevel') || defaults.vadLevel this.toolbarVertical = load('toolbarVertical') || defaults.toolbarVertical this.showAvatars = ko.observable(load('showAvatars') || defaults.showAvatars) this.userCountInChannelName = ko.observable(load('userCountInChannelName') || defaults.userCountInChannelName) this.audioBitrate = Number(load('audioBitrate')) || defaults.audioBitrate this.samplesPerPacket = Number(load('samplesPerPacket')) || defaults.samplesPerPacket } save () { const save = (key, val) => window.localStorage.setItem('mumble.' + key, val) save('voiceMode', this.voiceMode) save('pttKey', this.pttKey) save('vadLevel', this.vadLevel) save('toolbarVertical', this.toolbarVertical) save('showAvatars', this.showAvatars()) save('userCountInChannelName', this.userCountInChannelName()) save('audioBitrate', this.audioBitrate) save('samplesPerPacket', this.samplesPerPacket) } } class GlobalBindings { constructor (config) { this.config = config this.settings = new Settings(config.settings) this.detectWebRTC = true this.webrtc = true this.fallbackConnector = new WorkerBasedMumbleConnector() this.webrtcConnector = { connect: mumbleConnect } this.client = null this.userContextMenu = new ContextMenu() this.channelContextMenu = new ContextMenu() this.connectDialog = new ConnectDialog() this.addChannelDialog = new AddChannelDialog() this.connectErrorDialog = new ConnectErrorDialog(this.connectDialog) this.connectionInfo = new ConnectionInfo(this) this.commentDialog = new CommentDialog() this.settingsDialog = ko.observable() this.minimalView = ko.observable(false) this.log = ko.observableArray() this.remoteHost = ko.observable() this.remotePort = ko.observable() this.thisUser = ko.observable() this.root = ko.observable() this.avatarView = ko.observable() this.messageBox = ko.observable('') this.toolbarHorizontal = ko.observable(!this.settings.toolbarVertical) this.selected = ko.observable() this.selfMute = ko.observable(this.config.defaults.startMute) this.selfDeaf = ko.observable(this.config.defaults.startDeaf) this.selfMute.subscribe(mute => { if (voiceHandler) { voiceHandler.setMute(mute) } }) this.submitOnEnter = function(data, e) { if (e.which == 13 && !e.shiftKey) { this.submitMessageBox(); return false; } return true; } this.toggleToolbarOrientation = () => { this.toolbarHorizontal(!this.toolbarHorizontal()) this.settings.toolbarVertical = !this.toolbarHorizontal() } = element => { this.selected(element) } this.openSettings = () => { this.settingsDialog(new SettingsDialog(this.settings)) } this.openAddChannel = (user, channel) => { this.addChannelDialog.parentID = channel.model._id; } this.addchannel = (channelName) => { var msg = { name: 'ChannelState', payload: { parent: this.addChannelDialog.parentID || 0, name: channelName } } this.client._send(msg); } this.ChannelRemove = (user, channel) => { var msg = { name: 'ChannelRemove', payload: { channel_id: channel.model._id } } this.client._send(msg); } this.applySettings = () => { const settingsDialog = this.settingsDialog() settingsDialog.applyTo(this.settings) this._updateVoiceHandler() this.closeSettings() } this.closeSettings = () => { if (this.settingsDialog()) { this.settingsDialog().end() } this.settingsDialog(null) } this.getTimeString = () => { return '[' + new Date().toLocaleTimeString(navigator.language) + ']' } this.connect = (username, host, port, tokens = [], password, channelName = "") => { // if browser support Notification request permission if ('Notification' in window) Notification.requestPermission() this.resetClient() this.remoteHost(host) this.remotePort(port) log(translate('logentry.connecting'), host) // Note: This call needs to be delayed until the user has interacted with // the page in some way (which at this point they have), see: let ctx = audioContext() if (!this.webrtc) { this.fallbackConnector.setSampleRate(ctx.sampleRate) } if (!this._delayedMicNode) { this._micNode = ctx.createMediaStreamSource(this._micStream) this._delayNode = ctx.createDelay() this._delayNode.delayTime.value = 0.15 this._delayedMicNode = ctx.createMediaStreamDestination() } // TODO: token (this.webrtc ? this.webrtcConnector : this.fallbackConnector).connect(`wss://${host}:${port}`, { username: username, password: password, webrtc: this.webrtc ? { enabled: true, required: true, mic:, audioContext: ctx } : { enabled: false, }, tokens: tokens }).done(client => { log(translate('logentry.connected')) this.client = client // Prepare for connection errors client.on('error', (err) => { log(translate('logentry.connection_error'), err) this.resetClient() }) // Make sure we stay open if we're running as Matrix widget window.matrixWidget.setAlwaysOnScreen(true) // Register all channels, recursively if(channelName.indexOf("/") != 0) { channelName = "/"+channelName; } const registerChannel = (channel, channelPath) => { this._newChannel(channel) if(channelPath === channelName) { client.self.setChannel(channel) } channel.children.forEach(ch => registerChannel(ch, channelPath+"/" } registerChannel(client.root, "") // Register all users client.users.forEach(user => this._newUser(user)) // Register future channels client.on('newChannel', channel => this._newChannel(channel)) // Register future users client.on('newUser', user => this._newUser(user)) // Handle messages client.on('message', (sender, message, users, channels, trees) => { sender = sender || { __ui: 'Server' } ui.log.push({ type: 'chat-message', user: sender.__ui, channel: channels.length > 0, message: anchorme({input: sanitize(message), options: anchormeOptions}) }) }) // Log permission denied error messages client.on('denied', (type) => { ui.log.push({ type: 'generic', value: 'Permission denied : '+ type }) }) // Set own user and root channel this.thisUser(client.self.__ui) this.root(client.root.__ui) // Upate linked channels this._updateLinks() // Log welcome message if (client.welcomeMessage) { this.log.push({ type: 'welcome-message', message: sanitize(client.welcomeMessage) }) } // Startup audio input processing this._updateVoiceHandler() // Tell server our mute/deaf state (if necessary) if (this.selfDeaf()) { this.client.setSelfDeaf(true) } else if (this.selfMute()) { this.client.setSelfMute(true) } }, err => { if (err.$type && err.$ === 'Reject') { this.connectErrorDialog.type(err.type) this.connectErrorDialog.reason(err.reason) } else if (err === 'server_does_not_support_webrtc' && this.detectWebRTC && this.webrtc) { log(translate('logentry.connection_fallback_mode')) this.webrtc = false this.connect(username, host, port, tokens, password, channelName) } else { log(translate('logentry.connection_error'), err) } }) } this._newUser = user => { const simpleProperties = { uniqueId: 'uid', username: 'name', mute: 'mute', deaf: 'deaf', suppress: 'suppress', selfMute: 'selfMute', selfDeaf: 'selfDeaf', texture: 'rawTexture', textureHash: 'textureHash', comment: 'comment' } var ui = user.__ui = { model: user, talking: ko.observable('off'), channel: ko.observable() } ui.texture = ko.pureComputed(() => { let raw = ui.rawTexture() if (!raw || raw.offset >= raw.limit) return null return 'data:image/*;base64,' + ByteBuffer.wrap(raw).toBase64() }) ui.show_avatar = () => { let setting = this.settings.showAvatars() switch (setting) { case 'always': break case 'own_channel': if (this.thisUser().channel() !== return false break case 'linked_channel': if (! return false break case 'minimal_only': if (!this.minimalView()) return false if (this.thisUser().channel() !== return false break case 'never': default: return false } if (!ui.texture()) { if (ui.textureHash()) { // The user has an avatar set but it's of sufficient size to not be // included by default, so we need to fetch it explicitly now. // mumble-client should make sure we only send one request per hash user.requestTexture() } return false } return true } ui.openContextMenu = (_, event) => openContextMenu(event, this.userContextMenu, ui) ui.canChangeMute = () => { return false // TODO check for perms and implement } ui.canChangeDeafen = () => { return false // TODO check for perms and implement } ui.canChangePrioritySpeaker = () => { return false // TODO check for perms and implement } ui.canLocalMute = () => { return false // TODO implement local mute // return this.thisUser() !== ui } ui.canIgnoreMessages = () => { return false // TODO implement ignore messages // return this.thisUser() !== ui } ui.canChangeComment = () => { return false // TODO implement changing of comments // return this.thisUser() === ui // TODO check for perms } ui.canChangeAvatar = () => { return this.thisUser() === ui // TODO check for perms } ui.toggleMute = () => { if (ui.selfMute()) { this.requestUnmute(ui) } else { this.requestMute(ui) } } ui.toggleDeaf = () => { if (ui.selfDeaf()) { this.requestUndeaf(ui) } else { this.requestDeaf(ui) } } ui.viewAvatar = () => { this.avatarView(ui.texture()) } ui.changeAvatar = () => { let input = document.createElement('input') input.type = 'file' input.addEventListener('change', () => { let reader = new window.FileReader() reader.onload = () => { this.client.setSelfTexture(reader.result) } reader.readAsArrayBuffer(input.files[0]) }) } ui.removeAvatar = () => { user.clearTexture() } Object.entries(simpleProperties).forEach(key => { ui[key[1]] = ko.observable(user[key[0]]) }) ui.state = ko.pureComputed(userToState, ui) if ( { } user.on('update', (actor, properties) => { Object.entries(simpleProperties).forEach(key => { if (properties[key[0]] !== undefined) { ui[key[1]](properties[key[0]]) } }) if ( !== undefined) { if ( { } this._updateLinks() } if (properties.textureHash !== undefined) { // Invalidate avatar texture when its hash has changed // If the avatar is still visible, this will trigger a fetch of the new one. ui.rawTexture(null) } }).on('remove', () => { if ( { } }).on('voice', stream => { console.log(`User ${user.username} started takling`) let userNode if (!this.webrtc) { userNode = new BufferQueueNode({ audioContext: audioContext() }) userNode.connect(audioContext().destination) } if ( === 'normal') { ui.talking('on') } else if ( === 'shout') { ui.talking('shout') } else if ( === 'whisper') { ui.talking('whisper') } stream.on('data', data => { if (this.webrtc) { // mumble-client is in WebRTC mode, no pcm data should arrive this way } else { userNode.write(data.buffer) } }).on('end', () => { console.log(`User ${user.username} stopped takling`) ui.talking('off') if (!this.webrtc) { userNode.end() } }) }) } this._newChannel = channel => { const simpleProperties = { position: 'position', name: 'name', description: 'description' } var ui = channel.__ui = { model: channel, expanded: ko.observable(true), parent: ko.observable(), channels: ko.observableArray(), users: ko.observableArray(), linked: ko.observable(false) } ui.userCount = () => { return ui.channels().reduce((acc, c) => acc + c.userCount(), ui.users().length) } ui.openContextMenu = (_, event) => openContextMenu(event, this.channelContextMenu, ui) ui.canJoin = () => { return true // TODO check for perms } ui.canAdd = () => { return true // TODO check for perms } ui.canEdit = () => { return false // TODO check for perms and implement } ui.canRemove = () => { return true // TODO check for perms } ui.canLink = () => { return false // TODO check for perms and implement } ui.canUnlink = () => { return false // TODO check for perms and implement } ui.canSendMessage = () => { return false // TODO check for perms and implement } Object.entries(simpleProperties).forEach(key => { ui[key[1]] = ko.observable(channel[key[0]]) }) if (channel.parent) { ui.parent(channel.parent.__ui) ui.parent().channels.push(ui) ui.parent().channels.sort(compareChannels) } this._updateLinks() channel.on('update', properties => { Object.entries(simpleProperties).forEach(key => { if (properties[key[0]] !== undefined) { ui[key[1]](properties[key[0]]) } }) if (properties.parent !== undefined) { if (ui.parent()) { ui.parent().channel.remove(ui) } ui.parent(properties.parent.__ui) ui.parent().channels.push(ui) ui.parent().channels.sort(compareChannels) } if (properties.links !== undefined) { this._updateLinks() } }).on('remove', () => { if (ui.parent()) { ui.parent().channels.remove(ui) } this._updateLinks() }) } this.resetClient = () => { if (this.client) { this.client.disconnect() } this.client = null this.selected(null).root(null).thisUser(null) } this.connected = () => this.thisUser() != null this._updateVoiceHandler = () => { if (!this.client) { return } if (voiceHandler) { voiceHandler.end() voiceHandler = null } let mode = this.settings.voiceMode if (mode === 'cont') { voiceHandler = new ContinuousVoiceHandler(this.client, this.settings) } else if (mode === 'ptt') { voiceHandler = new PushToTalkVoiceHandler(this.client, this.settings) } else if (mode === 'vad') { voiceHandler = new VADVoiceHandler(this.client, this.settings) } else { log(translate('logentry.unknown_voice_mode'), mode) return } voiceHandler.on('started_talking', () => { if (this.thisUser()) { this.thisUser().talking('on') } }) voiceHandler.on('stopped_talking', () => { if (this.thisUser()) { this.thisUser().talking('off') } }) if (this.selfMute()) { voiceHandler.setMute(true) } this._micNode.disconnect() this._delayNode.disconnect() if (mode === 'vad') { this._micNode.connect(this._delayNode) this._delayNode.connect(this._delayedMicNode) } else { this._micNode.connect(this._delayedMicNode) } this.client.setAudioQuality( this.settings.audioBitrate, this.settings.samplesPerPacket ) } this.messageBoxHint = ko.pureComputed(() => { if (!this.thisUser()) { return '' // Not yet connected } var target = this.selected() if (!target) { target = this.thisUser() } if (target === this.thisUser()) { target = } if (target.users) { // Channel return translate('chat.channel_message_placeholder') .replace('%1', } else { // User return translate('chat.user_message_placeholder') .replace('%1', } }) this.submitMessageBox = () => { this.sendMessage(this.selected(), this.messageBox()) this.messageBox('') } this.sendMessage = (target, message) => { if (this.connected()) { // If no target is selected, choose our own user if (!target) { target = this.thisUser() } // If target is our own user, send to our channel if (target === this.thisUser()) { target = } // Avoid blank message if (sanitize(message).trim().length == 0) return; // Support multiline message = message.replace(/\n\n+/g,"\n\n"); message = message.replace(/\n/g,"
"); // Send message target.model.sendMessage(anchorme(message)) if (target.users) { // Channel this.log.push({ type: 'chat-message-self', message: anchorme({input: sanitize(message), options: anchormeOptions}), channel: target }) } else { // User this.log.push({ type: 'chat-message-self', message: anchorme({input: sanitize(message), options: anchormeOptions}), user: target }) } } } this.requestMove = (user, channel) => { if (this.connected()) { user.model.setChannel(channel.model) let currentUrl = url.parse(document.location.href, true) // delete search param so that query one can be taken into account delete // get full channel path if( channel.parent() ){ // in case this channel is not Root let parent = channel.parent() currentUrl.query.channelName = while( parent.parent() ){ currentUrl.query.channelName = + '/' + currentUrl.query.channelName parent = parent.parent() } } else { // there is no channelName as we moved to Root delete currentUrl.query.channelName } // reflect this change in URL window.history.pushState(null,, url.format(currentUrl)) } } this.requestMute = user => { if (user === this.thisUser()) { this.selfMute(true) } if (this.connected()) { if (user === this.thisUser()) { this.client.setSelfMute(true) } else { user.model.setMute(true) } } } this.requestDeaf = user => { if (user === this.thisUser()) { this.selfMute(true) this.selfDeaf(true) } if (this.connected()) { if (user === this.thisUser()) { this.client.setSelfDeaf(true) } else { user.model.setDeaf(true) } } } this.requestUnmute = user => { if (user === this.thisUser()) { this.selfMute(false) this.selfDeaf(false) } if (this.connected()) { if (user === this.thisUser()) { this.client.setSelfMute(false) } else { user.model.setMute(false) } } } this.requestUndeaf = user => { if (user === this.thisUser()) { this.selfDeaf(false) } if (this.connected()) { if (user === this.thisUser()) { this.client.setSelfDeaf(false) } else { user.model.setDeaf(false) } } } this._updateLinks = () => { if (!this.thisUser()) { return } var allChannels = getAllChannels(this.root(), []) var ownChannel = this.thisUser().channel().model var allLinked = findLinks(ownChannel, []) allChannels.forEach(channel => { channel.linked(allLinked.indexOf(channel.model) !== -1) }) function findLinks (channel, knownLinks) { knownLinks.push(channel) channel.links.forEach(next => { if (next && knownLinks.indexOf(next) === -1) { findLinks(next, knownLinks) } }) => c.model).forEach(next => { if (next && knownLinks.indexOf(next) === -1 && next.links.indexOf(channel) !== -1) { findLinks(next, knownLinks) } }) return knownLinks } function getAllChannels (channel, channels) { channels.push(channel) channel.channels().forEach(next => getAllChannels(next, channels)) return channels } } this.openSourceCode = () => { var homepage = require('../package.json').homepage, '_blank').focus() } this.updateSize = () => { this.minimalView(window.innerWidth < 320) if (this.minimalView()) { this.toolbarHorizontal(window.innerWidth < window.innerHeight) } else { this.toolbarHorizontal(!this.settings.toolbarVertical) } } } } var ui = new GlobalBindings(window.mumbleWebConfig) // Used only for debugging window.mumbleUi = ui function initializeUI () { var queryParams = url.parse(document.location.href, true).query queryParams = Object.assign({}, window.mumbleWebConfig.defaults, queryParams) var useJoinDialog = queryParams.joinDialog if (queryParams.matrix) { useJoinDialog = true } if (queryParams.address) { ui.connectDialog.address(queryParams.address) } else { useJoinDialog = false } if (queryParams.port) { ui.connectDialog.port(queryParams.port) } else { useJoinDialog = false } if (queryParams.token) { var tokens = queryParams.token if (!Array.isArray(tokens)) { tokens = [tokens] } ui.connectDialog.tokens(tokens) } if (queryParams.username) { ui.connectDialog.username(queryParams.username) } else { useJoinDialog = false } if (queryParams.password) { ui.connectDialog.password(queryParams.password) } if (queryParams.webrtc !== 'auto') { ui.detectWebRTC = false if (queryParams.webrtc == 'false') { ui.webrtc = false } } if (queryParams.channelName) { ui.connectDialog.channelName(queryParams.channelName) } if (queryParams.avatarurl) { // Download the avatar and upload it to the mumble server when connected let url = queryParams.avatarurl console.log('Fetching avatar from', url) let req = new window.XMLHttpRequest()'GET', url, true) req.responseType = 'arraybuffer' req.onload = () => { let upload = (avatar) => { if (req.response) { console.log('Uploading user avatar to server') ui.client.setSelfTexture(req.response) } } // On any future connections ui.thisUser.subscribe((thisUser) => { if (thisUser) { upload() } }) // And the current one (if already connected) if (ui.thisUser()) { upload() } } req.send() } ui.connectDialog.joinOnly(useJoinDialog) ko.applyBindings(ui) window.onresize = () => ui.updateSize() ui.updateSize() } function log () { console.log.apply(console, arguments) var args = [] for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { args.push(arguments[i]) } ui.log.push({ type: 'generic', value: args.join(' ') }) } function compareChannels (c1, c2) { if (c1.position() === c2.position()) { return === ? 0 : < ? -1 : 1 } return c1.position() - c2.position() } function compareUsers (u1, u2) { return === ? 0 : < ? -1 : 1 } function userToState () { var flags = [] // TODO: Friend if (this.uid()) { flags.push('Authenticated') } // TODO: Priority Speaker, Recording if (this.mute()) { flags.push('Muted (server)') } if (this.deaf()) { flags.push('Deafened (server)') } // TODO: Local Ignore (Text messages), Local Mute if (this.selfMute()) { flags.push('Muted (self)') } if (this.selfDeaf()) { flags.push('Deafened (self)') } return flags.join(', ') } var voiceHandler var testVoiceHandler /** * @author svartoyg */ function translatePiece(selector, kind, parameters, key) { let element = document.querySelector(selector); if (element !== null) { const translation = translate(key); switch (kind) { default: console.warn('unhandled dom translation kind "' + kind + '"'); break; case 'textcontent': element.textContent = translation; break; case 'attribute': element.setAttribute( || 'value', translation); break; } } else { console.warn(`translation selector "${selector}" for "${key}" did not match any element`) } } /** * @author svartoyg */ function translateEverything() { translatePiece('#connect-dialog_title', 'textcontent', {}, 'connectdialog.title'); translatePiece('#connect-dialog_input_address', 'textcontent', {}, 'connectdialog.address'); translatePiece('#connect-dialog_input_port', 'textcontent', {}, 'connectdialog.port'); translatePiece('#connect-dialog_input_username', 'textcontent', {}, 'connectdialog.username'); translatePiece('#connect-dialog_input_password', 'textcontent', {}, 'connectdialog.password'); translatePiece('#connect-dialog_input_tokens', 'textcontent', {}, 'connectdialog.tokens'); translatePiece('#connect-dialog_controls_remove', 'textcontent', {}, 'connectdialog.remove'); translatePiece('#connect-dialog_controls_add', 'textcontent', {}, 'connectdialog.add'); translatePiece('#connect-dialog_controls_cancel', 'attribute', {'name': 'value'}, 'connectdialog.cancel'); translatePiece('#connect-dialog_controls_connect', 'attribute', {'name': 'value'}, 'connectdialog.connect'); translatePiece('.connect-dialog.error-dialog .dialog-header', 'textcontent', {}, 'connectdialog.error.title'); translatePiece('.connect-dialog.error-dialog .reason .refused', 'textcontent', {}, 'connectdialog.error.reason.refused'); translatePiece('.connect-dialog.error-dialog .reason .version', 'textcontent', {}, 'connectdialog.error.reason.version'); translatePiece('.connect-dialog.error-dialog .reason .username', 'textcontent', {}, 'connectdialog.error.reason.username'); translatePiece('.connect-dialog.error-dialog .reason .userpassword', 'textcontent', {}, 'connectdialog.error.reason.userpassword'); translatePiece('.connect-dialog.error-dialog .reason .serverpassword', 'textcontent', {}, 'connectdialog.error.reason.serverpassword'); translatePiece('.connect-dialog.error-dialog .reason .username-in-use', 'textcontent', {}, 'connectdialog.error.reason.username_in_use'); translatePiece('.connect-dialog.error-dialog .reason .full', 'textcontent', {}, 'connectdialog.error.reason.full'); translatePiece('.connect-dialog.error-dialog .reason .clientcert', 'textcontent', {}, 'connectdialog.error.reason.clientcert'); translatePiece('.connect-dialog.error-dialog .reason .server', 'textcontent', {}, 'connectdialog.error.reason.server'); translatePiece('.connect-dialog.error-dialog .alternate-username', 'textcontent', {}, 'connectdialog.username'); translatePiece('.connect-dialog.error-dialog .alternate-password', 'textcontent', {}, 'connectdialog.password'); translatePiece('.connect-dialog.error-dialog .dialog-submit', 'attribute', {'name': 'value'}, 'connectdialog.error.retry'); translatePiece('.connect-dialog.error-dialog .dialog-close', 'attribute', {'name': 'value'}, 'connectdialog.error.cancel'); translatePiece('.join-dialog .dialog-header', 'textcontent', {}, 'joindialog.title'); translatePiece('.join-dialog .dialog-submit', 'attribute', {'name': 'value'}, 'joindialog.connect'); translatePiece('.user-context-menu .mute', 'textcontent', {}, 'usercontextmenu.mute'); translatePiece('.user-context-menu .deafen', 'textcontent', {}, 'usercontextmenu.deafen'); translatePiece('.user-context-menu .priority-speaker', 'textcontent', {}, 'usercontextmenu.priority_speaker'); translatePiece('.user-context-menu .local-mute', 'textcontent', {}, 'usercontextmenu.local_mute'); translatePiece('.user-context-menu .ignore-messages', 'textcontent', {}, 'usercontextmenu.ignore_messages'); translatePiece('.user-context-menu .view-comment', 'textcontent', {}, 'usercontextmenu.view_comment'); translatePiece('.user-context-menu .change-comment', 'textcontent', {}, 'usercontextmenu.change_comment'); translatePiece('.user-context-menu .reset-comment', 'textcontent', {}, 'usercontextmenu.reset_comment'); translatePiece('.user-context-menu .view-avatar', 'textcontent', {}, 'usercontextmenu.view_avatar'); translatePiece('.user-context-menu .change-avatar', 'textcontent', {}, 'usercontextmenu.change_avatar'); translatePiece('.user-context-menu .reset-avatar', 'textcontent', {}, 'usercontextmenu.reset_avatar'); translatePiece('.user-context-menu .send-message', 'textcontent', {}, 'usercontextmenu.send_message'); translatePiece('.user-context-menu .information', 'textcontent', {}, 'usercontextmenu.information'); translatePiece('.user-context-menu .self-mute', 'textcontent', {}, 'usercontextmenu.self_mute'); translatePiece('.user-context-menu .self-deafen', 'textcontent', {}, 'usercontextmenu.self_deafen'); translatePiece('.user-context-menu .add-friend', 'textcontent', {}, 'usercontextmenu.add_friend'); translatePiece('.user-context-menu .remove-friend', 'textcontent', {}, 'usercontextmenu.remove_friend'); translatePiece('.channel-context-menu .join', 'textcontent', {}, 'channelcontextmenu.join'); translatePiece('.channel-context-menu .add', 'textcontent', {}, 'channelcontextmenu.add'); translatePiece('.channel-context-menu .edit', 'textcontent', {}, 'channelcontextmenu.edit'); translatePiece('.channel-context-menu .remove', 'textcontent', {}, 'channelcontextmenu.remove'); translatePiece('.channel-context-menu .link', 'textcontent', {}, ''); translatePiece('.channel-context-menu .unlink', 'textcontent', {}, 'channelcontextmenu.unlink'); translatePiece('.channel-context-menu .unlink-all', 'textcontent', {}, 'channelcontextmenu.unlink_all'); translatePiece('.channel-context-menu .copy-mumble-url', 'textcontent', {}, 'channelcontextmenu.copy_mumble_url'); translatePiece('.channel-context-menu .copy-mumble-web-url', 'textcontent', {}, 'channelcontextmenu.copy_mumble_web_url'); translatePiece('.channel-context-menu .send-message', 'textcontent', {}, 'channelcontextmenu.send_message'); translatePiece('.toolbar .tb-horizontal', 'attribute', {'name': 'title'}, 'toolbar.orientation'); translatePiece('.toolbar .tb-horizontal', 'attribute', {'name': 'alt'}, 'toolbar.orientation'); translatePiece('.toolbar .tb-vertical', 'attribute', {'name': 'title'}, 'toolbar.orientation'); translatePiece('.toolbar .tb-vertical', 'attribute', {'name': 'alt'}, 'toolbar.orientation'); translatePiece('.toolbar .tb-connect', 'attribute', {'name': 'title'}, 'toolbar.connect'); translatePiece('.toolbar .tb-connect', 'attribute', {'name': 'alt'}, 'toolbar.connect'); translatePiece('.toolbar .tb-information', 'attribute', {'name': 'title'}, 'toolbar.information'); translatePiece('.toolbar .tb-information', 'attribute', {'name': 'alt'}, 'toolbar.information'); translatePiece('.toolbar .tb-mute', 'attribute', {'name': 'title'}, 'toolbar.mute'); translatePiece('.toolbar .tb-mute', 'attribute', {'name': 'alt'}, 'toolbar.mute'); translatePiece('.toolbar .tb-unmute', 'attribute', {'name': 'title'}, 'toolbar.unmute'); translatePiece('.toolbar .tb-unmute', 'attribute', {'name': 'alt'}, 'toolbar.unmute'); translatePiece('.toolbar .tb-deaf', 'attribute', {'name': 'title'}, 'toolbar.deaf'); translatePiece('.toolbar .tb-deaf', 'attribute', {'name': 'alt'}, 'toolbar.deaf'); translatePiece('.toolbar .tb-undeaf', 'attribute', {'name': 'title'}, 'toolbar.undeaf'); translatePiece('.toolbar .tb-undeaf', 'attribute', {'name': 'alt'}, 'toolbar.undeaf'); translatePiece('.toolbar .tb-record', 'attribute', {'name': 'title'}, 'toolbar.record'); translatePiece('.toolbar .tb-record', 'attribute', {'name': 'alt'}, 'toolbar.record'); translatePiece('.toolbar .tb-comment', 'attribute', {'name': 'title'}, 'toolbar.comment'); translatePiece('.toolbar .tb-comment', 'attribute', {'name': 'alt'}, 'toolbar.comment'); translatePiece('.toolbar .tb-settings', 'attribute', {'name': 'title'}, 'toolbar.settings'); translatePiece('.toolbar .tb-settings', 'attribute', {'name': 'alt'}, 'toolbar.settings'); translatePiece('.toolbar .tb-sourcecode', 'attribute', {'name': 'title'}, 'toolbar.sourcecode'); translatePiece('.toolbar .tb-sourcecode', 'attribute', {'name': 'alt'}, 'toolbar.sourcecode'); } async function main() { await localizationInitialize(navigator.language); translateEverything(); try { const userMedia = await initVoice(data => { if (testVoiceHandler) { testVoiceHandler.write(data) } if (!ui.client) { if (voiceHandler) { voiceHandler.end() } voiceHandler = null } else if (voiceHandler) { voiceHandler.write(data) } }) ui._micStream = userMedia } catch (err) { window.alert('Failed to initialize user media\nRefresh page to retry.\n' + err) return } initializeUI(); } window.onload = main