// Note: You probably do not want to change any values in here because this // file might need to be updated with new default values for new // configuration options. Use the [config.local.js] file instead! window.mumbleWebConfig = { // Which fields to show on the Connect to Server dialog 'connectDialog': { 'address': true, 'port': true, 'token': true, 'username': true, 'password': true }, // Default values for user settings // You can see your current value by typing `localStorage.getItem('mumble.$setting')` in the web console. 'settings': { 'voiceMode': 'vad', // one of 'cont' (Continuous), 'ptt' (Push-to-Talk), 'vad' (Voice Activity Detection) 'pttKey': 'ctrl + shift', 'vadLevel': 0.3, 'toolbarVertical': false, 'showAvatars': 'always', // one of 'always', 'own_channel', 'linked_channel', 'minimal_only', 'never' 'audioBitrate': 40000, // bits per second 'samplesPerPacket': 960 }, // Default values (can be changed by passing a query parameter of the same name) 'defaults': { // Connect Dialog 'address': window.location.hostname, 'port': '443', 'token': '', 'username': '', 'password': '', 'joinDialog': false, // replace whole dialog with single "Join Conference" button 'matrix': false, // enable Matrix Widget support (mostly auto-detected; implies 'joinDialog') 'avatarurl': '', // download and set the user's Mumble avatar to the image at this URL // General 'theme': 'MetroMumbleLight' } }