import 'stream-browserify' // see import url from 'url' import mumbleConnect from 'mumble-client-websocket' import CodecsBrowser from 'mumble-client-codecs-browser' import BufferQueueNode from 'web-audio-buffer-queue' import MicrophoneStream from 'microphone-stream' import audioContext from 'audio-context' import chunker from 'stream-chunker' import Resampler from 'libsamplerate.js' import getUserMedia from 'getusermedia' import ko from 'knockout' import _dompurify from 'dompurify' const dompurify = _dompurify(window) function sanitize (html) { return dompurify.sanitize(html, { ALLOWED_TAGS: ['br', 'b', 'i', 'u', 'a', 'span', 'p'] }) } // GUI function ConnectDialog () { var self = this self.address = ko.observable('') self.port = ko.observable('443') self.token = ko.observable('') self.username = ko.observable('') self.visible = ko.observable(true) = self.visible.bind(self.visible, true) self.hide = self.visible.bind(self.visible, false) self.connect = function () { self.hide() ui.connect(self.username(), self.address(), self.port(), self.token()) } } function ConnectionInfo () { var self = this self.visible = ko.observable(false) = function () { self.visible(true) } } function CommentDialog () { var self = this self.visible = ko.observable(false) = function () { self.visible(true) } } function SettingsDialog () { var self = this self.visible = ko.observable(false) = function () { self.visible(true) } } class GlobalBindings { constructor () { this.client = null this.connectDialog = new ConnectDialog() this.connectionInfo = new ConnectionInfo() this.commentDialog = new CommentDialog() this.settingsDialog = new SettingsDialog() this.log = ko.observableArray() this.thisUser = ko.observable() this.root = ko.observable() this.messageBox = ko.observable('') this.selected = ko.observable() = element => { this.selected(element) } this.getTimeString = () => { return '[' + new Date().toLocaleTimeString('en-US') + ']' } this.connect = (username, host, port, token) => { this.resetClient() log('Connecting to server ', host) // TODO: token mumbleConnect(`wss://${host}:${port}`, { username: username, codecs: CodecsBrowser }).done(client => { log('Connected!') this.client = client // Prepare for connection errors client.on('error', function (err) { log('Connection error:', err) this.resetClient() }) // Register all channels, recursively const registerChannel = channel => { this._newChannel(channel) channel.children.forEach(registerChannel) } registerChannel(client.root) // Register all users client.users.forEach(user => this._newUser(user)) // Register future channels client.on('newChannel', channel => this._newChannel(channel)) // Register future users client.on('newUser', user => this._newUser(user)) // Handle messages client.on('message', (sender, message, users, channels, trees) => { ui.log.push({ type: 'chat-message', user: sender.__ui, channel: channels.length > 0, message: sanitize(message) }) }) // Set own user and root channel this.thisUser(client.self.__ui) this.root(client.root.__ui) // Upate linked channels this._updateLinks() // Log welcome message if (client.welcomeMessage) { this.log.push({ type: 'welcome-message', message: sanitize(client.welcomeMessage) }) } }, err => { log('Connection error:', err) }) } this._newUser = user => { const simpleProperties = { uniqueId: 'uid', username: 'name', mute: 'mute', deaf: 'deaf', suppress: 'suppress', selfMute: 'selfMute', selfDeaf: 'selfDeaf', comment: 'comment' } var ui = user.__ui = { model: user, talking: ko.observable('off'), channel: ko.observable() } Object.entries(simpleProperties).forEach(key => { ui[key[1]] = ko.observable(user[key[0]]) }) ui.state = ko.pureComputed(userToState, ui) if ( { } user.on('update', (actor, properties) => { Object.entries(simpleProperties).forEach(key => { if (properties[key[0]] !== undefined) { ui[key[1]](properties[key[0]]) } }) if ( !== undefined) { if ( { } this._updateLinks() } }).on('remove', () => { if ( { } }).on('voice', stream => { console.log(`User ${user.username} started takling`) var userNode = new BufferQueueNode({ audioContext: audioContext }) userNode.connect(audioContext.destination) var resampler = new Resampler({ unsafe: true, type: Resampler.Type.ZERO_ORDER_HOLD, ratio: audioContext.sampleRate / 48000 }) resampler.pipe(userNode) stream.on('data', data => { if ( === 'normal') { ui.talking('on') } else if ( === 'shout') { ui.talking('shout') } else if ( === 'whisper') { ui.talking('whisper') } resampler.write(Buffer.from(data.pcm.buffer)) }).on('end', () => { console.log(`User ${user.username} stopped takling`) ui.talking('off') resampler.end() }) }) } this._newChannel = channel => { const simpleProperties = { position: 'position', name: 'name', description: 'description' } var ui = channel.__ui = { model: channel, expanded: ko.observable(true), parent: ko.observable(), channels: ko.observableArray(), users: ko.observableArray(), linked: ko.observable(false) } Object.entries(simpleProperties).forEach(key => { ui[key[1]] = ko.observable(channel[key[0]]) }) if (channel.parent) { ui.parent(channel.parent.__ui) ui.parent().channels.push(ui) ui.parent().channels.sort(compareChannels) } this._updateLinks() channel.on('update', properties => { Object.entries(simpleProperties).forEach(key => { if (properties[key[0]] !== undefined) { ui[key[1]](properties[key[0]]) } }) if (properties.parent !== undefined) { if (ui.parent()) { ui.parent().channel.remove(ui) } ui.parent(properties.parent.__ui) ui.parent().channels.push(ui) ui.parent().channels.sort(compareChannels) } if (properties.links !== undefined) { this._updateLinks() } }).on('remove', () => { if (ui.parent()) { ui.parent().channels.remove(ui) } this._updateLinks() }) } this.resetClient = () => { if (this.client) { this.client.disconnect() } this.client = null this.thisUser(null).root(null).selected(null) } this.connected = () => this.thisUser() != null this.messageBoxHint = ko.pureComputed(() => { if (!this.thisUser()) { return '' // Not yet connected } var target = this.selected() if (!target) { target = this.thisUser() } if (target === this.thisUser()) { target = } if (target.users) { // Channel return "Type message to channel '" + + "' here" } else { // User return "Type message to user '" + + "' here" } }) this.submitMessageBox = () => { this.sendMessage(this.selected(), this.messageBox()) this.messageBox('') } this.sendMessage = (target, message) => { if (this.connected()) { // If no target is selected, choose our own user if (!target) { target = this.thisUser() } // If target is our own user, send to our channel if (target === this.thisUser()) { target = } // Send message target.model.sendMessage(message) if (target.users) { // Channel this.log.push({ type: 'chat-message-self', message: sanitize(message), channel: target }) } else { // User this.log.push({ type: 'chat-message-self', message: sanitize(message), user: target }) } } } this.requestMove = (user, channel) => { if (this.connected()) { user.model.setChannel(channel.model) } } this.requestMute = user => { if (this.connected()) { if (user === this.thisUser) { this.client.setSelfMute(true) } else { user.model.setMute(true) } } } this.requestDeaf = user => { if (this.connected()) { if (user === this.thisUser) { this.client.setSelfDeaf(true) } else { user.model.setDeaf(true) } } } this.requestUnmute = user => { if (this.connected()) { if (user === this.thisUser) { this.client.setSelfMute(false) } else { user.model.setMute(false) } } } this.requestUndeaf = user => { if (this.connected()) { if (user === this.thisUser) { this.client.setSelfDeaf(false) } else { user.model.setDeaf(false) } } } this._updateLinks = () => { if (!this.thisUser()) { return } var allChannels = getAllChannels(this.root(), []) var ownChannel = this.thisUser().channel().model var allLinked = findLinks(ownChannel, []) allChannels.forEach(channel => { channel.linked(allLinked.indexOf(channel.model) !== -1) }) function findLinks (channel, knownLinks) { knownLinks.push(channel) channel.links.forEach(next => { if (next && knownLinks.indexOf(next) === -1) { findLinks(next, knownLinks) } }) => c.model).forEach(next => { if (next && knownLinks.indexOf(next) === -1 && next.links.indexOf(channel) !== -1) { findLinks(next, knownLinks) } }) return knownLinks } function getAllChannels (channel, channels) { channels.push(channel) channel.channels().forEach(next => getAllChannels(next, channels)) return channels } } this.openSourceCode = () => { var homepage = require('../package.json').homepage, '_blank').focus() } } } var ui = new GlobalBindings() // Used only for debugging window.mumbleUi = ui window.onload = function () { var queryParams = url.parse(document.location.href, true).query if (queryParams.address) { ui.connectDialog.address(queryParams.address) } if (queryParams.port) { ui.connectDialog.port(queryParams.port) } if (queryParams.token) { ui.connectDialog.token(queryParams.token) } if (queryParams.username) { ui.connectDialog.username(queryParams.username) } ko.applyBindings(ui) } function log () { console.log.apply(console, arguments) var args = [] for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { args.push(arguments[i]) } ui.log.push({ type: 'generic', value: args.join(' ') }) } function compareChannels (c1, c2) { if (c1.position() === c2.position()) { return === ? 0 : < ? -1 : 1 } return c1.position() - c2.position() } function compareUsers (u1, u2) { return === ? 0 : < ? -1 : 1 } function userToState () { var flags = [] // TODO: Friend if (this.uid()) { flags.push('Authenticated') } // TODO: Priority Speaker, Recording if (this.mute()) { flags.push('Muted (server)') } if (this.deaf()) { flags.push('Deafened (server)') } // TODO: Local Ignore (Text messages), Local Mute if (this.selfMute()) { flags.push('Muted (self)') } if (this.selfDeaf()) { flags.push('Deafened (self)') } return flags.join(', ') } // Audio input var resampler = new Resampler({ unsafe: true, type: Resampler.Type.SINC_FASTEST, ratio: 48000 / audioContext.sampleRate }) var voiceStream resampler.pipe(chunker(4 * 480)).on('data', function (data) { if (!voiceStream && ui.client) { voiceStream = ui.client.createVoiceStream() } if (voiceStream) { voiceStream.write(new Float32Array(data.buffer, data.byteOffset, data.byteLength / 4)) } }) getUserMedia({ audio: true }, function (err, userMedia) { if (err) { log('Cannot initialize user media. Microphone will not work:', err) } else { var micStream = new MicrophoneStream(userMedia, { objectMode: true }) micStream.on('data', function (data) { resampler.write(Buffer.from(data.getChannelData(0).buffer)) }) } })