import { Writable } from 'stream' import MicrophoneStream from 'microphone-stream' import audioContext from 'audio-context' import getUserMedia from 'getusermedia' import keyboardjs from 'keyboardjs' import vad from 'voice-activity-detection' import DropStream from 'drop-stream' class VoiceHandler extends Writable { constructor (client, settings) { super({ objectMode: true }) this._client = client this._settings = settings this._outbound = null this._mute = false } setMute (mute) { this._mute = mute if (mute) { this._stopOutbound() } } _getOrCreateOutbound () { if (this._mute) { throw new Error('tried to send audio while self-muted') } if (!this._outbound) { if (!this._client) { this._outbound = DropStream.obj() this.emit('started_talking') return this._outbound } // Note: the samplesPerPacket argument is handled in worker.js and not passed on this._outbound = this._client.createVoiceStream(this._settings.samplesPerPacket) this.emit('started_talking') } return this._outbound } _stopOutbound () { if (this._outbound) { this.emit('stopped_talking') this._outbound.end() this._outbound = null } } _final (callback) { this._stopOutbound() callback() } } export class ContinuousVoiceHandler extends VoiceHandler { constructor (client, settings) { super(client, settings) } _write (data, _, callback) { if (this._mute) { callback() } else { this._getOrCreateOutbound().write(data, callback) } } } export class PushToTalkVoiceHandler extends VoiceHandler { constructor (client, settings) { super(client, settings) this._key = settings.pttKey this._pushed = false this._keydown_handler = () => this._pushed = true this._keyup_handler = () => { this._stopOutbound() this._pushed = false } keyboardjs.bind(this._key, this._keydown_handler, this._keyup_handler) } _write (data, _, callback) { if (this._pushed && !this._mute) { this._getOrCreateOutbound().write(data, callback) } else { callback() } } _final (callback) { super._final(e => { keyboardjs.unbind(this._key, this._keydown_handler, this._keyup_handler) callback(e) }) } } export class VADVoiceHandler extends VoiceHandler { constructor (client, settings) { super(client, settings) let level = settings.vadLevel const self = this this._vad = vad(audioContext, theUserMedia, { onVoiceStart () { console.log('vad: start') self._active = true }, onVoiceStop () { console.log('vad: stop') self._stopOutbound() self._active = false }, onUpdate (val) { self._level = val self.emit('level', val) }, noiseCaptureDuration: 0, minNoiseLevel: level, maxNoiseLevel: level }) // Need to keep a backlog of the last ~150ms (dependent on sample rate) // because VAD will activate with ~125ms delay this._backlog = [] this._backlogLength = 0 this._backlogLengthMin = 1024 * 6 * 4 // vadBufferLen * (vadDelay + 1) * bytesPerSample } _write (data, _, callback) { if (this._active && !this._mute) { if (this._backlog.length > 0) { for (let oldData of this._backlog) { this._getOrCreateOutbound().write(oldData) } this._backlog = [] this._backlogLength = 0 } this._getOrCreateOutbound().write(data, callback) } else { // Make sure we always keep the backlog filled if we're not (yet) talking this._backlog.push(data) this._backlogLength += data.length // Check if we can discard the oldest element without becoming too short if (this._backlogLength - this._backlog[0].length > this._backlogLengthMin) { this._backlogLength -= this._backlog.shift().length } callback() } } _final (callback) { super._final(e => { this._vad.destroy() callback(e) }) } } var theUserMedia = null export function initVoice (onData, onUserMediaError) { getUserMedia({ audio: true }, (err, userMedia) => { if (err) { onUserMediaError(err) } else { theUserMedia = userMedia var micStream = new MicrophoneStream(userMedia, { objectMode: true, bufferSize: 1024 }) micStream.on('data', data => { onData(Buffer.from(data.getChannelData(0).buffer)) }) } }) }