import MumbleClient from 'mumble-client' import Promise from 'promise' import EventEmitter from 'events' import { Writable, PassThrough } from 'stream' import toArrayBuffer from 'to-arraybuffer' import ByteBuffer from 'bytebuffer' import webworkify from 'webworkify' import worker from './worker' /** * Creates proxy MumbleClients to a real ones running on a web worker. * Only stuff which we need in mumble-web is proxied, i.e. this is not a generic solution. */ class WorkerBasedMumbleConnector { constructor (sampleRate) { this._worker = webworkify(worker) this._worker.addEventListener('message', this._onMessage.bind(this)) this._reqId = 1 this._requests = {} this._clients = {} this._nextVoiceId = 1 this._voiceStreams = {} this._postMessage({ method: '_init', sampleRate: sampleRate }) } _postMessage (msg, transfer) { try { this._worker.postMessage(msg, transfer) } catch (err) { console.error('Failed to postMessage', msg) throw err } } _call (id, method, payload, transfer) { let reqId = this._reqId++ console.debug(method, id, payload) this._postMessage({ clientId: id.client, channelId:, userId: id.user, method: method, reqId: reqId, payload: payload }, transfer) return reqId } _query (id, method, payload, transfer) { let reqId = this._call(id, method, payload, transfer) return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this._requests[reqId] = [resolve, reject] }) } _addCall (proxy, name, id) { let self = this proxy[name] = function () { self._call(id, name, Array.from(arguments)) } } connect (host, args) { return this._query({}, '_connect', { host: host, args: args }) .then(id => this._client(id)) } _client (id) { let client = this._clients[id] if (!client) { client = new WorkerBasedMumbleClient(this, id) this._clients[id] = client } return client } _onMessage (ev) { let data = if (data.reqId != null) { console.debug(data) let { reqId, result, error } = data let [ resolve, reject ] = this._requests[reqId] delete this._requests[reqId] if (result) { resolve(result) } else { reject(error) } } else if (data.clientId != null) { console.debug(data) let client = this._client(data.clientId) let target if (data.userId != null) { target = client._user(data.userId) } else if (data.channelId != null) { target = client._channel(data.channelId) } else { target = client } if (data.event) { target._dispatchEvent(data.event, data.value) } else if (data.prop) { target._setProp(data.prop, data.value) } } else if (data.voiceId != null) { let stream = this._voiceStreams[data.voiceId] let buffer = data.buffer if (buffer) { stream.write({ target:, buffer: Buffer.from(buffer) }) } else { delete this._voiceStreams[data.voiceId] stream.end() } } } } class WorkerBasedMumbleClient extends EventEmitter { constructor (connector, clientId) { super() this._connector = connector this._id = clientId this._users = {} this._channels = {} let id = { client: clientId } connector._addCall(this, 'setSelfDeaf', id) connector._addCall(this, 'setSelfMute', id) connector._addCall(this, 'setSelfTexture', id) connector._addCall(this, 'setAudioQuality', id) connector._addCall(this, 'disconnect', id) let _disconnect = this.disconnect this.disconnect = () => { _disconnect.apply(this) delete connector._clients[id] } connector._addCall(this, 'createVoiceStream', id) let _createVoiceStream = this.createVoiceStream this.createVoiceStream = function () { let voiceId = connector._nextVoiceId++ let args = Array.from(arguments) args.unshift(voiceId) _createVoiceStream.apply(this, args) return new Writable({ write (chunk, encoding, callback) { chunk = toArrayBuffer(chunk) connector._postMessage({ voiceId: voiceId, chunk: chunk }) callback() }, final (callback) { connector._postMessage({ voiceId: voiceId }) callback() } }) } // Dummy client used for bandwidth calculations this._dummyClient = new MumbleClient({ username: 'dummy' }) let defineDummyMethod = (name) => { this[name] = function () { return this._dummyClient[name].apply(this._dummyClient, arguments) } } defineDummyMethod('getMaxBitrate') defineDummyMethod('getActualBitrate') let _setAudioQuality = this.setAudioQuality this.setAudioQuality = function () { this._dummyClient.setAudioQuality.apply(this._dummyClient, arguments) _setAudioQuality.apply(this, arguments) } } _user (id) { let user = this._users[id] if (!user) { user = new WorkerBasedMumbleUser(this._connector, this, id) this._users[id] = user } return user } _channel (id) { let channel = this._channels[id] if (!channel) { channel = new WorkerBasedMumbleChannel(this._connector, this, id) this._channels[id] = channel } return channel } _dispatchEvent (name, args) { if (name === 'newChannel') { args[0] = this._channel(args[0]) } else if (name === 'newUser') { args[0] = this._user(args[0]) } else if (name === 'message') { args[0] = this._user(args[0]) args[2] = args[2].map((id) => this._user(id)) args[3] = args[3].map((id) => this._channel(id)) args[4] = args[4].map((id) => this._channel(id)) } args.unshift(name) this.emit.apply(this, args) } _setProp (name, value) { if (name === 'root') { name = '_rootId' } if (name === 'self') { name = '_selfId' } if (name === 'maxBandwidth') { this._dummyClient.maxBandwidth = value } this[name] = value } get root () { return this._channel(this._rootId) } get channels () { return Object.values(this._channels) } get users () { return Object.values(this._users) } get self () { return this._user(this._selfId) } } class WorkerBasedMumbleChannel extends EventEmitter { constructor (connector, client, channelId) { super() this._connector = connector this._client = client this._id = channelId let id = { client: client._id, channel: channelId } connector._addCall(this, 'sendMessage', id) } _dispatchEvent (name, args) { if (name === 'update') { let [actor, props] = args Object.entries(props).forEach((entry) => { this._setProp(entry[0], entry[1]) }) if (props.parent != null) { props.parent = this.parent } if (props.links != null) { props.links = this.links } args = [ this._client._user(actor), props ] } else if (name === 'remove') { delete this._client._channels[this._id] } args.unshift(name) this.emit.apply(this, args) } _setProp (name, value) { if (name === 'parent') { name = '_parentId' } if (name === 'links') { value = => this._client._channel(id)) } this[name] = value } get parent () { if (this._parentId != null) { return this._client._channel(this._parentId) } } get children () { return Object.values(this._client._channels).filter((it) => it.parent === this) } } class WorkerBasedMumbleUser extends EventEmitter { constructor (connector, client, userId) { super() this._connector = connector this._client = client this._id = userId let id = { client: client._id, user: userId } connector._addCall(this, 'requestTexture', id) connector._addCall(this, 'clearTexture', id) connector._addCall(this, 'setMute', id) connector._addCall(this, 'setDeaf', id) connector._addCall(this, 'sendMessage', id) this.setChannel = (channel) => { connector._call(id, 'setChannel', channel._id) } } _dispatchEvent (name, args) { if (name === 'update') { let [actor, props] = args Object.entries(props).forEach((entry) => { this._setProp(entry[0], entry[1]) }) if ( != null) { = } if (props.texture != null) { props.texture = this.texture } args = [ this._client._user(actor), props ] } else if (name === 'voice') { let [id] = args let stream = new PassThrough({ objectMode: true }) this._connector._voiceStreams[id] = stream args = [stream] } else if (name === 'remove') { delete this._client._users[this._id] } args.unshift(name) this.emit.apply(this, args) } _setProp (name, value) { if (name === 'channel') { name = '_channelId' } if (name === 'texture') { if (value) { let buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(value.buffer) buf.offset = value.offset buf.limit = value.limit value = buf } } this[name] = value } get channel () { return this._client.channels[this._channelId] } } export default WorkerBasedMumbleConnector