2019-03-30 17:58:36 +01:00

1005 lines
29 KiB

/// Thin OO wrapper around DBus types
module ddbus.thin;
import core.time : Duration;
import ddbus.attributes : isAllowedField;
import ddbus.c_lib;
import ddbus.conv;
import ddbus.exception : TypeMismatchException;
import ddbus.util;
import std.meta : ApplyRight, Filter, staticIndexOf;
import std.string;
import std.typecons;
import std.exception;
import std.traits;
import std.conv;
import std.range;
import std.algorithm;
// This import is public for backwards compatibility
public import ddbus.exception : wrapErrors, DBusException;
struct ObjectPath {
enum root = ObjectPath("/");
private string _value;
this(string objPath) pure @safe {
_value = objPath;
string toString() const {
return _value;
Returns the string representation of this ObjectPath.
string value() const pure @nogc nothrow @safe {
return _value;
size_t toHash() const pure @nogc nothrow @trusted {
return hashOf(_value);
T opCast(T : string)() const pure @nogc nothrow @safe {
return value;
bool opEquals(ref const typeof(this) b) const pure @nogc nothrow @safe {
return _value == b._value;
bool opEquals(const typeof(this) b) const pure @nogc nothrow @safe {
return _value == b._value;
bool opEquals(string b) const pure @nogc nothrow @safe {
return _value == b;
ObjectPath opBinary(string op : "~")(string rhs) const pure @safe {
if (!rhs.startsWith("/")) {
return opBinary!"~"(ObjectPath("/" ~ rhs));
} else {
return opBinary!"~"(ObjectPath(rhs));
ObjectPath opBinary(string op : "~")(ObjectPath rhs) const pure @safe
in {
assert(ObjectPath.isValid(_value) && ObjectPath.isValid(rhs._value));
out (v) {
do {
ObjectPath ret;
if (_value == "/") {
ret._value = rhs._value;
} else {
ret._value = _value ~ rhs._value;
return ret;
void opOpAssign(string op : "~")(string rhs) pure @safe {
_value = opBinary!"~"(rhs)._value;
void opOpAssign(string op : "~")(ObjectPath rhs) pure @safe {
_value = opBinary!"~"(rhs)._value;
bool startsWith(ObjectPath withThat) pure @nogc nothrow @safe {
if (withThat._value == "/")
return true;
else if (_value == "/")
return false;
return _value.representation.splitter('/').startsWith(withThat._value.representation.splitter('/'));
/// Removes a prefix from this path and returns the remainder. Keeps leading slashes.
/// Returns this unmodified if the prefix doesn't match.
ObjectPath chompPrefix(ObjectPath prefix) pure @nogc nothrow @safe {
if (prefix._value == "/" || !startsWith(prefix))
return this;
else if (prefix._value == _value)
return ObjectPath.root;
return ObjectPath.assumePath(_value[prefix._value.length .. $]);
Returns: `false` for empty strings or strings that don't match the
pattern `(/[0-9A-Za-z_]+)+|/`.
static bool isValid(string objPath) pure @nogc nothrow @safe {
import std.ascii : isAlphaNum;
if (!objPath.length) {
return false;
if (objPath == "/") {
return true;
if (objPath[0] != '/' || objPath[$ - 1] == '/') {
return false;
// .representation to avoid unicode exceptions -> @nogc & nothrow
return objPath.representation.splitter('/').drop(1).all!(a => a.length
&& a.all!(c => c.isAlphaNum || c == '_'));
/// Does an unsafe assignment to an ObjectPath.
static ObjectPath assumePath(string path) pure @nogc nothrow @safe {
ObjectPath ret;
ret._value = path;
return ret;
/// Serves as typesafe alias. Instances should be created using busName instead of casting.
/// It prevents accidental usage of bus names in other string parameter fields and makes the API clearer.
enum BusName : string {
none = null
/// Casts a bus name argument to a BusName type. May include additional validation in the future.
BusName busName(string name) pure @nogc nothrow @safe {
return cast(BusName) name;
/// Serves as typesafe alias. Instances should be created using interfaceName instead of casting.
/// It prevents accidental usage of interface paths in other string parameter fields and makes the API clearer.
enum InterfaceName : string {
none = null
/// Casts a interface path argument to an InterfaceName type. May include additional validation in the future.
InterfaceName interfaceName(string path) pure @nogc nothrow @safe {
return cast(InterfaceName) path;
unittest {
import dunit.toolkit;
string path = "/org/freedesktop/DBus";
auto obj = ObjectPath(path);
unittest {
import dunit.toolkit;
ObjectPath a = ObjectPath("/org/freedesktop");
a ~= ObjectPath("/UPower");
a ~= "Device";
(a ~ "0").assertEqual(ObjectPath("/org/freedesktop/UPower/Device/0"));
/// Structure allowing typeless parameters
struct DBusAny {
/// DBus type of the value (never 'v'), see typeSig!T
int type;
/// Child signature for Arrays & Tuples
string signature;
/// If true, this value will get serialized as variant value, otherwise it is serialized like it wasn't in a DBusAny wrapper.
/// Same functionality as Variant!T but with dynamic types if true.
bool explicitVariant;
union {
byte int8;
short int16;
ushort uint16;
int int32;
uint uint32;
long int64;
ulong uint64;
double float64;
string str;
bool boolean;
ObjectPath obj;
DBusAny[] array;
alias tuple = array;
DictionaryEntry!(DBusAny, DBusAny)* entry;
ubyte[] binaryData;
Manually creates a DBusAny object using a type, signature and explicit
variant specifier.
Direct use of this constructor from user code should be avoided.
this(int type, string signature, bool explicit) {
this.type = type;
this.signature = signature;
this.explicitVariant = explicit;
Automatically creates a DBusAny object with fitting parameters from a D
type or Variant!T.
Pass a `Variant!T` to make this an explicit variant.
this(T)(T value) {
static if (is(T == byte) || is(T == ubyte)) {
this(typeCode!byte, null, false);
int8 = cast(byte) value;
} else static if (is(T == short)) {
this(typeCode!short, null, false);
int16 = cast(short) value;
} else static if (is(T == ushort)) {
this(typeCode!ushort, null, false);
uint16 = cast(ushort) value;
} else static if (is(T == int)) {
this(typeCode!int, null, false);
int32 = cast(int) value;
} else static if (is(T == uint)) {
this(typeCode!uint, null, false);
uint32 = cast(uint) value;
} else static if (is(T == long)) {
this(typeCode!long, null, false);
int64 = cast(long) value;
} else static if (is(T == ulong)) {
this(typeCode!ulong, null, false);
uint64 = cast(ulong) value;
} else static if (is(T == double)) {
this(typeCode!double, null, false);
float64 = cast(double) value;
} else static if (isSomeString!T) {
this(typeCode!string, null, false);
str = value.to!string;
} else static if (is(T == bool)) {
this(typeCode!bool, null, false);
boolean = cast(bool) value;
} else static if (is(T == ObjectPath)) {
this(typeCode!ObjectPath, null, false);
obj = value;
} else static if (is(T == Variant!R, R)) {
static if (is(R == DBusAny)) {
type = value.data.type;
signature = value.data.signature;
explicitVariant = true;
if (type == 'a' || type == 'r') {
if (signature == ['y']) {
binaryData = value.data.binaryData;
} else {
array = value.data.array;
} else if (type == 's') {
str = value.data.str;
} else if (type == 'e') {
entry = value.data.entry;
} else {
uint64 = value.data.uint64;
} else {
explicitVariant = true;
} else static if (is(T : DictionaryEntry!(K, V), K, V)) {
this('e', null, false);
entry = new DictionaryEntry!(DBusAny, DBusAny)();
static if (is(K == DBusAny)) {
entry.key = value.key;
} else {
entry.key = DBusAny(value.key);
static if (is(V == DBusAny)) {
entry.value = value.value;
} else {
entry.value = DBusAny(value.value);
} else static if (is(T == ubyte[]) || is(T == byte[])) {
this('a', ['y'], false);
binaryData = cast(ubyte[]) value;
} else static if (isInputRange!T) {
this.type = 'a';
static assert(!is(ElementType!T == DBusAny),
"Array must consist of the same type, use Variant!DBusAny or DBusAny(tuple(...)) instead");
static assert(.typeSig!(ElementType!T) != "y");
this.signature = .typeSig!(ElementType!T);
this.explicitVariant = false;
foreach (elem; value) {
array ~= DBusAny(elem);
} else static if (isTuple!T) {
this.type = 'r';
this.signature = ['('];
this.explicitVariant = false;
foreach (index, R; value.Types) {
auto var = DBusAny(value[index]);
tuple ~= var;
if (var.explicitVariant) {
this.signature ~= 'v';
} else {
if (var.type != 'r') {
this.signature ~= cast(char) var.type;
if (var.type == 'a' || var.type == 'r') {
this.signature ~= var.signature;
this.signature ~= ')';
} else static if (is(T == struct) && canDBus!T) {
this.type = 'r';
this.signature = ['('];
this.explicitVariant = false;
foreach (index, R; Fields!T) {
static if (isAllowedField!(value.tupleof[index])) {
auto var = DBusAny(value.tupleof[index]);
tuple ~= var;
if (var.explicitVariant)
this.signature ~= 'v';
else {
if (var.type != 'r')
this.signature ~= cast(char) var.type;
if (var.type == 'a' || var.type == 'r')
this.signature ~= var.signature;
this.signature ~= ')';
} else static if (isAssociativeArray!T) {
} else {
static assert(false, T.stringof ~ " not convertible to a Variant");
string toString() const {
string valueStr;
switch (type) {
case typeCode!byte:
valueStr = int8.to!string;
case typeCode!short:
valueStr = int16.to!string;
case typeCode!ushort:
valueStr = uint16.to!string;
case typeCode!int:
valueStr = int32.to!string;
case typeCode!uint:
valueStr = uint32.to!string;
case typeCode!long:
valueStr = int64.to!string;
case typeCode!ulong:
valueStr = uint64.to!string;
case typeCode!double:
valueStr = float64.to!string;
case typeCode!string:
valueStr = '"' ~ str ~ '"';
case typeCode!ObjectPath:
valueStr = '"' ~ obj.to!string ~ '"';
case typeCode!bool:
valueStr = boolean ? "true" : "false";
case 'a':
import std.digest : toHexString;
if (signature == ['y']) {
valueStr = "binary(" ~ binaryData.toHexString ~ ')';
} else {
valueStr = '[' ~ array.map!(a => a.toString).join(", ") ~ ']';
case 'r':
valueStr = '(' ~ tuple.map!(a => a.toString).join(", ") ~ ')';
case 'e':
valueStr = entry.key.toString ~ ": " ~ entry.value.toString;
valueStr = "unknown";
return "DBusAny(" ~ cast(char) type ~ ", \"" ~ signature.idup ~ "\", " ~ (explicitVariant
? "explicit" : "implicit") ~ ", " ~ valueStr ~ ")";
Get the value stored in the DBusAny object.
T = The requested type. The currently stored value must match the
requested type exactly.
The current value of the DBusAny object.
TypeMismatchException if the DBus type of the current value of the
DBusAny object is not the same as the DBus type used to represent T.
T get(T)() @property const
if (staticIndexOf!(T, BasicTypes) >= 0) {
enforce(type == typeCode!T, new TypeMismatchException(
"Cannot get a " ~ T.stringof ~ " from a DBusAny with" ~ " a value of DBus type '" ~ typeSig ~ "'.",
typeCode!T, type));
static if (isIntegral!T) {
enum memberName = (isUnsigned!T ? "uint" : "int") ~ (T.sizeof * 8).to!string;
return __traits(getMember, this, memberName);
} else static if (is(T == double)) {
return float64;
} else static if (is(T == string)) {
return str;
} else static if (is(T == InterfaceName) || is(T == BusName)) {
return cast(T) str;
} else static if (is(T == ObjectPath)) {
return obj;
} else static if (is(T == bool)) {
return boolean;
} else {
static assert(false);
/// ditto
T get(T)() @property const
if (is(T == const(DBusAny)[])) {
enforce((type == 'a' && signature != "y") || type == 'r', new TypeMismatchException(
"Cannot get a " ~ T.stringof ~ " from a DBusAny with" ~ " a value of DBus type '" ~ this.typeSig ~ "'.",
'a', type));
return array;
/// ditto
T get(T)() @property const
if (is(T == const(ubyte)[])) {
enforce(type == 'a' && signature == "y", new TypeMismatchException(
"Cannot get a " ~ T.stringof ~ " from a DBusAny with" ~ " a value of DBus type '" ~ this.typeSig ~ "'.",
'a', type));
return binaryData;
/// If the value is an array of DictionaryEntries this will return a HashMap
deprecated("Please use to!(V[K])") DBusAny[DBusAny] toAA() {
enforce(type == 'a' && signature && signature[0] == '{');
DBusAny[DBusAny] aa;
foreach (val; array) {
enforce(val.type == 'e');
aa[val.entry.key] = val.entry.value;
return aa;
Get the DBus type signature of the value stored in the DBusAny object.
The type signature of the value stored in this DBusAny object.
string typeSig() @property const pure nothrow @safe {
if (type == 'a') {
return "a" ~ signature;
} else if (type == 'r') {
return signature;
} else if (type == 'e') {
return () @trusted{
return "{" ~ entry.key.signature ~ entry.value.signature ~ "}";
} else {
return [cast(char) type];
Converts a basic type, a tuple or an array to the D type with type checking.
Tuples can be converted to an array of DBusAny, but not to any other array.
T to(T)() @property const pure {
// Just use `get` if possible
static if (canDBus!T && __traits(compiles, get!T)) {
if (this.typeSig == .typeSig!T)
return get!T;
// If we get here, we need some type conversion
static if (is(T == Variant!R, R)) {
static if (is(R == DBusAny)) {
auto v = to!R;
v.explicitVariant = false;
return Variant!R(v);
} else {
return Variant!R(to!R);
} else static if (is(T == DBusAny)) {
return this;
} else {
// In here are all static if blocks that may fall through to the throw
// statement at the bottom of this block.
static if (is(T == DictionaryEntry!(K, V), K, V)) {
if (type == 'e') {
static if (is(T == typeof(entry))) {
return entry;
} else {
return DictionaryEntry(entry.key.to!K, entry.value.to!V);
} else static if (isAssociativeArray!T) {
if (type == 'a' && (!array.length || array[0].type == 'e')) {
alias K = Unqual!(KeyType!T);
alias V = Unqual!(ValueType!T);
V[K] ret;
foreach (pair; array) {
assert(pair.type == 'e');
ret[pair.entry.key.to!K] = pair.entry.value.to!V;
return cast(T) ret;
} else static if (isDynamicArray!T && !isSomeString!T) {
alias E = Unqual!(ElementType!T);
if (typeSig == "ay") {
auto data = get!(const(ubyte)[]);
static if (is(E == ubyte) || is(E == byte)) {
return cast(T) data.dup;
} else {
return cast(T) data.map!(elem => elem.to!E).array;
} else if (type == 'a' || (type == 'r' && is(E == DBusAny))) {
return cast(T) get!(const(DBusAny)[]).map!(elem => elem.to!E).array;
} else static if (isTuple!T) {
if (type == 'r') {
T ret;
foreach (i, T; ret.Types) {
ret[i] = tuple[i].to!T;
return ret;
} else static if (is(T == struct) && canDBus!T) {
if (type == 'r') {
T ret;
size_t j;
foreach (i, F; Fields!T) {
static if (isAllowedField!(ret.tupleof[i])) {
ret.tupleof[i] = tuple[j++].to!F;
return ret;
} else {
alias isPreciselyConvertible = ApplyRight!(isImplicitlyConvertible, T);
template isUnpreciselyConvertible(S) {
enum isUnpreciselyConvertible = !isPreciselyConvertible!S
&& __traits(compiles, get!S.to!T);
// Try to be precise
foreach (B; Filter!(isPreciselyConvertible, BasicTypes)) {
if (type == typeCode!B)
return get!B;
// Try to convert
foreach (B; Filter!(isUnpreciselyConvertible, BasicTypes)) {
if (type == typeCode!B)
return get!B.to!T;
throw new ConvException("Cannot convert from DBus type '" ~ this.typeSig ~ "' to "
~ T.stringof);
bool opEquals(ref in DBusAny b) const {
if (b.type != type || b.explicitVariant != explicitVariant) {
return false;
if ((type == 'a' || type == 'r') && b.signature != signature) {
return false;
if (type == 'a' && signature == ['y']) {
return binaryData == b.binaryData;
if (type == 'a') {
return array == b.array;
} else if (type == 'r') {
return tuple == b.tuple;
} else if (type == 's') {
return str == b.str;
} else if (type == 'o') {
return obj == b.obj;
} else if (type == 'e') {
return entry == b.entry || (entry && b.entry && *entry == *b.entry);
} else {
return uint64 == b.uint64;
unittest {
import dunit.toolkit;
DBusAny set(string member, T)(DBusAny v, T value) {
mixin("v." ~ member ~ " = value;");
return v;
void test(T)(T value, DBusAny b) {
assertEqual(DBusAny(value), b);
assertEqual(b.to!T, value);
test(cast(ubyte) 184, set!"int8"(DBusAny('y', null, false), cast(byte) 184));
test(cast(short) 184, set!"int16"(DBusAny('n', null, false), cast(short) 184));
test(cast(ushort) 184, set!"uint16"(DBusAny('q', null, false), cast(ushort) 184));
test(cast(int) 184, set!"int32"(DBusAny('i', null, false), cast(int) 184));
test(cast(uint) 184, set!"uint32"(DBusAny('u', null, false), cast(uint) 184));
test(cast(long) 184, set!"int64"(DBusAny('x', null, false), cast(long) 184));
test(cast(ulong) 184, set!"uint64"(DBusAny('t', null, false), cast(ulong) 184));
test(1.84, set!"float64"(DBusAny('d', null, false), 1.84));
test(true, set!"boolean"(DBusAny('b', null, false), true));
test("abc", set!"str"(DBusAny('s', null, false), "abc"));
test(ObjectPath("/foo/Bar"), set!"obj"(DBusAny('o', null, false), ObjectPath("/foo/Bar")));
test(cast(ubyte[])[1, 2, 3], set!"binaryData"(DBusAny('a', ['y'], false),
cast(ubyte[])[1, 2, 3]));
test(variant(cast(ubyte) 184), set!"int8"(DBusAny('y', null, true), cast(byte) 184));
test(variant(cast(short) 184), set!"int16"(DBusAny('n', null, true), cast(short) 184));
test(variant(cast(ushort) 184), set!"uint16"(DBusAny('q', null, true), cast(ushort) 184));
test(variant(cast(int) 184), set!"int32"(DBusAny('i', null, true), cast(int) 184));
test(variant(cast(uint) 184), set!"uint32"(DBusAny('u', null, true), cast(uint) 184));
test(variant(cast(long) 184), set!"int64"(DBusAny('x', null, true), cast(long) 184));
test(variant(cast(ulong) 184), set!"uint64"(DBusAny('t', null, true), cast(ulong) 184));
test(variant(1.84), set!"float64"(DBusAny('d', null, true), 1.84));
test(variant(true), set!"boolean"(DBusAny('b', null, true), true));
test(variant("abc"), set!"str"(DBusAny('s', null, true), "abc"));
test(variant(ObjectPath("/foo/Bar")), set!"obj"(DBusAny('o', null, true),
test(variant(cast(ubyte[])[1, 2, 3]), set!"binaryData"(DBusAny('a', ['y'],
true), cast(ubyte[])[1, 2, 3]));
test(variant(DBusAny(5)), set!"int32"(DBusAny('i', null, true), 5));
test([1, 2, 3], set!"array"(DBusAny('a', ['i'], false), [DBusAny(1), DBusAny(2), DBusAny(3)]));
test(variant([1, 2, 3]), set!"array"(DBusAny('a', ['i'], true), [DBusAny(1),
DBusAny(2), DBusAny(3)]));
test(tuple("a", 4, [1, 2]), set!"tuple"(DBusAny('r', "(siai)".dup, false),
[DBusAny("a"), DBusAny(4), DBusAny([1, 2])]));
test(tuple("a", variant(4), variant([1, 2])), set!"tuple"(DBusAny('r',
"(svv)", false), [DBusAny("a"), DBusAny(variant(4)), DBusAny(variant([1, 2]))]));
test(["a" : "b"], set!"array"(DBusAny('a', "{ss}", false),
[DBusAny(DictionaryEntry!(DBusAny, DBusAny)(DBusAny("a"), DBusAny("b")))]));
test([variant("a") : 4], set!"array"(DBusAny('a', "{vi}", false),
[DBusAny(DictionaryEntry!(DBusAny, DBusAny)(DBusAny(variant("a")), DBusAny(4)))]));
/// Marks the data as variant on serialization
struct Variant(T) {
T data;
Variant!T variant(T)(T data) {
return Variant!T(data);
enum MessageType {
Invalid = 0,
/// Represents a message in the dbus system. Use the constructor to
struct Message {
DBusMessage* msg;
deprecated("Use the constructor taking a BusName, ObjectPath and InterfaceName instead")
this(string dest, string path, string iface, string method) {
msg = dbus_message_new_method_call(dest.toStringz(), path.toStringz(),
iface.toStringz(), method.toStringz());
/// Prepares a new method call to an "instance" "object" "interface" "method".
this(BusName dest, ObjectPath path, InterfaceName iface, string method) {
msg = dbus_message_new_method_call(dest.toStringz(),
path.value.toStringz(), iface.toStringz(), method.toStringz());
/// Wraps an existing low level message object.
this(DBusMessage* m) {
msg = m;
this(this) {
~this() {
if (msg) {
msg = null;
/// Creates a new iterator and puts in the arguments for calling a method.
void build(TS...)(TS args)
if (allCanDBus!TS) {
DBusMessageIter iter;
dbus_message_iter_init_append(msg, &iter);
buildIter(&iter, args);
Reads the first argument of the message.
Note that this creates a new iterator every time so calling it multiple times will always
read the first argument. This is suitable for single item returns.
To read multiple arguments use readTuple.
T read(T)()
if (canDBus!T) {
DBusMessageIter iter;
dbus_message_iter_init(msg, &iter);
return readIter!T(&iter);
alias read to;
Tup readTuple(Tup)()
if (isTuple!Tup && allCanDBus!(Tup.Types)) {
DBusMessageIter iter;
dbus_message_iter_init(msg, &iter);
Tup ret;
readIterTuple(&iter, ret);
return ret;
Message createReturn() {
return Message(dbus_message_new_method_return(msg));
MessageType type() {
return cast(MessageType) dbus_message_get_type(msg);
bool isCall() {
return type() == MessageType.Call;
// Various string members
// TODO: make a mixin to avoid this copy-paste
string signature() {
const(char)* cStr = dbus_message_get_signature(msg);
assert(cStr != null);
return cStr.fromStringz().idup;
ObjectPath path() {
const(char)* cStr = dbus_message_get_path(msg);
assert(cStr != null);
return ObjectPath(cStr.fromStringz().idup);
InterfaceName iface() {
const(char)* cStr = dbus_message_get_interface(msg);
assert(cStr != null);
return interfaceName(cStr.fromStringz().idup);
string member() {
const(char)* cStr = dbus_message_get_member(msg);
assert(cStr != null);
return cStr.fromStringz().idup;
string sender() {
const(char)* cStr = dbus_message_get_sender(msg);
assert(cStr != null);
return cStr.fromStringz().idup;
unittest {
import dunit.toolkit;
auto msg = Message(busName("org.example.test"), ObjectPath("/test"), interfaceName("org.example.testing"), "testMethod");
struct Connection {
DBusConnection* conn;
this(DBusConnection* connection) {
conn = connection;
this(this) {
~this() {
if (conn) {
conn = null;
void close() {
if (conn) {
void send(Message msg) {
dbus_connection_send(conn, msg.msg, null);
void sendBlocking(Message msg) {
Message sendWithReplyBlocking(Message msg, int timeout = -1) {
DBusMessage* dbusMsg = msg.msg;
DBusMessage* reply = wrapErrors((err) {
auto ret = dbus_connection_send_with_reply_and_block(conn, dbusMsg, timeout, err);
return ret;
return Message(reply);
Message sendWithReplyBlocking(Message msg, Duration timeout) {
return sendWithReplyBlocking(msg, timeout.total!"msecs"().to!int);
unittest {
import dunit.toolkit;
import ddbus.attributes : dbusMarshaling, MarshalingFlag;
struct S1 {
private int a;
private @(Yes.DBusMarshal) double b;
string s;
struct S2 {
int h, i;
@(Yes.DBusMarshal) int j, k;
int* p;
struct S3 {
private Variant!int c;
string d;
S1 e;
S2 f;
@(No.DBusMarshal) uint g;
Message msg = Message(busName("org.example.wow"), ObjectPath("/wut"), interfaceName("org.test.iface"), "meth3");
__gshared int dummy;
enum testStruct = S3(variant(5), "blah", S1(-7, 63.5, "test"), S2(84, -123,
78, 432, &dummy), 16);
// Non-marshaled fields should appear as freshly initialized
enum expectedResult = S3(variant(5), "blah", S1(int.init, 63.5, "test"),
S2(int.init, int.init, 78, 432, null), uint.init);
// Test struct conversion in building/reading messages
// Test struct conversion in DBusAny
Connection connectToBus(DBusBusType bus = DBusBusType.DBUS_BUS_SESSION) {
DBusConnection* conn = wrapErrors((err) { return dbus_bus_get(bus, err); });
return Connection(conn);
unittest {
import dunit.toolkit;
// This test will only pass if DBus is installed.
Connection conn = connectToBus();
// We can only count on no system bus on OSX
version (OSX) {