
710 lines
20 KiB

/// Thin OO wrapper around DBus types
module ddbus.thin;
import ddbus.c_lib;
import ddbus.conv;
import ddbus.util;
import std.string;
import std.typecons;
import std.exception;
import std.traits;
import std.conv;
import std.range;
import std.algorithm;
// This import is public for backwards compatibility
public import ddbus.exception : wrapErrors, DBusException;
struct ObjectPath {
private string _value;
this(string objPath) pure @safe {
_value = objPath;
string toString() const {
return _value;
Returns the string representation of this ObjectPath.
string value() const pure @nogc nothrow @safe {
return _value;
size_t toHash() const pure @nogc nothrow @trusted {
return hashOf(_value);
bool opEquals(ref const typeof(this) b) const pure @nogc nothrow @safe {
return _value == b._value;
ObjectPath opBinary(string op : "~")(string rhs) const pure @safe {
if (!rhs.startsWith("/"))
return opBinary!"~"(ObjectPath("/" ~ rhs));
return opBinary!"~"(ObjectPath(rhs));
ObjectPath opBinary(string op : "~")(ObjectPath rhs) const pure @safe
in {
assert(ObjectPath.isValid(_value) && ObjectPath.isValid(rhs._value));
} out (v) {
} body {
ObjectPath ret;
if (_value == "/")
ret._value = rhs._value;
ret._value = _value ~ rhs._value;
return ret;
void opOpAssign(string op : "~")(string rhs) pure @safe {
_value = opBinary!"~"(rhs)._value;
void opOpAssign(string op : "~")(ObjectPath rhs) pure @safe {
_value = opBinary!"~"(rhs)._value;
Returns: `false` for empty strings or strings that don't match the
pattern `(/[0-9A-Za-z_]+)+|/`.
static bool isValid(string objPath) pure @nogc nothrow @safe {
import std.ascii : isAlphaNum;
if (!objPath.length)
return false;
if (objPath == "/")
return true;
if (objPath[0] != '/' || objPath[$ - 1] == '/')
return false;
// .representation to avoid unicode exceptions -> @nogc & nothrow
return objPath.representation.splitter('/').drop(1)
.all!(a =>
a.length &&
a.all!(c =>
c.isAlphaNum || c == '_'
unittest {
import dunit.toolkit;
string path = "/org/freedesktop/DBus";
auto obj = ObjectPath(path);
unittest {
import dunit.toolkit;
ObjectPath a = ObjectPath("/org/freedesktop");
a ~= ObjectPath("/UPower");
a ~= "Device";
(a ~ "0").assertEqual(ObjectPath("/org/freedesktop/UPower/Device/0"));
/// Structure allowing typeless parameters
struct DBusAny {
/// DBus type of the value (never 'v'), see typeSig!T
int type;
/// Child signature for Arrays & Tuples
const(char)[] signature;
/// If true, this value will get serialized as variant value, otherwise it is serialized like it wasn't in a DBusAny wrapper.
/// Same functionality as Variant!T but with dynamic types if true.
bool explicitVariant;
byte int8;
short int16;
ushort uint16;
int int32;
uint uint32;
long int64;
ulong uint64;
double float64;
string str;
bool boolean;
ObjectPath obj;
DBusAny[] array;
DBusAny[] tuple;
DictionaryEntry!(DBusAny, DBusAny)* entry;
ubyte[] binaryData;
/// Manually creates a DBusAny object using a type, signature and implicit specifier.
this(int type, const(char)[] signature, bool explicit) {
this.type = type;
this.signature = signature;
this.explicitVariant = explicit;
/// Automatically creates a DBusAny object with fitting parameters from a D type or Variant!T.
/// Pass a `Variant!T` to make this an explicit variant.
this(T)(T value) {
static if(is(T == byte) || is(T == ubyte)) {
this(typeCode!byte, null, false);
int8 = cast(byte) value;
} else static if(is(T == short)) {
this(typeCode!short, null, false);
int16 = cast(short) value;
} else static if(is(T == ushort)) {
this(typeCode!ushort, null, false);
uint16 = cast(ushort) value;
} else static if(is(T == int)) {
this(typeCode!int, null, false);
int32 = cast(int) value;
} else static if(is(T == uint)) {
this(typeCode!uint, null, false);
uint32 = cast(uint) value;
} else static if(is(T == long)) {
this(typeCode!long, null, false);
int64 = cast(long) value;
} else static if(is(T == ulong)) {
this(typeCode!ulong, null, false);
uint64 = cast(ulong) value;
} else static if(is(T == double)) {
this(typeCode!double, null, false);
float64 = cast(double) value;
} else static if(isSomeString!T) {
this(typeCode!string, null, false);
str = value.to!string;
} else static if(is(T == bool)) {
this(typeCode!bool, null, false);
boolean = cast(bool) value;
} else static if(is(T == ObjectPath)) {
this(typeCode!ObjectPath, null, false);
obj = value;
} else static if(is(T == Variant!R, R)) {
static if(is(R == DBusAny)) {
type = value.data.type;
signature = value.data.signature;
explicitVariant = true;
if(type == 'a' || type == 'r') {
if(signature == ['y'])
binaryData = value.data.binaryData;
array = value.data.array;
} else if(type == 's')
str = value.data.str;
else if(type == 'e')
entry = value.data.entry;
uint64 = value.data.uint64;
} else {
explicitVariant = true;
} else static if(is(T : DictionaryEntry!(K, V), K, V)) {
this('e', null, false);
entry = new DictionaryEntry!(DBusAny, DBusAny)();
static if(is(K == DBusAny))
entry.key = value.key;
entry.key = DBusAny(value.key);
static if(is(V == DBusAny))
entry.value = value.value;
entry.value = DBusAny(value.value);
} else static if(is(T == ubyte[]) || is(T == byte[])) {
this('a', ['y'], false);
binaryData = cast(ubyte[]) value;
} else static if(isInputRange!T) {
this.type = 'a';
static assert(!is(ElementType!T == DBusAny), "Array must consist of the same type, use Variant!DBusAny or DBusAny(tuple(...)) instead");
static assert(typeSig!(ElementType!T) != "y");
this.signature = typeSig!(ElementType!T);
this.explicitVariant = false;
foreach(elem; value)
array ~= DBusAny(elem);
} else static if(isTuple!T) {
this.type = 'r';
this.signature = ['('];
this.explicitVariant = false;
foreach(index, R; value.Types) {
auto var = DBusAny(value[index]);
tuple ~= var;
this.signature ~= 'v';
else {
if (var.type != 'r')
this.signature ~= cast(char) var.type;
if(var.type == 'a' || var.type == 'r')
this.signature ~= var.signature;
this.signature ~= ')';
} else static if(isAssociativeArray!T) {
} else static assert(false, T.stringof ~ " not convertible to a Variant");
string toString() const {
string valueStr;
switch(type) {
case typeCode!byte:
valueStr = int8.to!string;
case typeCode!short:
valueStr = int16.to!string;
case typeCode!ushort:
valueStr = uint16.to!string;
case typeCode!int:
valueStr = int32.to!string;
case typeCode!uint:
valueStr = uint32.to!string;
case typeCode!long:
valueStr = int64.to!string;
case typeCode!ulong:
valueStr = uint64.to!string;
case typeCode!double:
valueStr = float64.to!string;
case typeCode!string:
valueStr = '"' ~ str ~ '"';
case typeCode!ObjectPath:
valueStr = '"' ~ obj.to!string ~ '"';
case typeCode!bool:
valueStr = boolean ? "true" : "false";
case 'a':
import std.digest.digest : toHexString;
if(signature == ['y'])
valueStr = "binary(" ~ binaryData.toHexString ~ ')';
valueStr = '[' ~ array.map!(a => a.toString).join(", ") ~ ']';
case 'r':
valueStr = '(' ~ array.map!(a => a.toString).join(", ") ~ ')';
case 'e':
valueStr = entry.key.toString ~ ": " ~ entry.value.toString;
valueStr = "unknown";
return "DBusAny(" ~ cast(char) type
~ ", \"" ~ signature.idup
~ "\", " ~ (explicitVariant ? "explicit" : "implicit")
~ ", " ~ valueStr ~ ")";
/// If the value is an array of DictionaryEntries this will return a HashMap
DBusAny[DBusAny] toAA() {
enforce(type == 'a' && signature && signature[0] == '{');
DBusAny[DBusAny] aa;
foreach(val; array) {
enforce(val.type == 'e');
aa[val.entry.key] = val.entry.value;
return aa;
/// Converts a basic type, a tuple or an array to the D type with type checking. Tuples can get converted to an array too.
T to(T)() {
static if(is(T == Variant!R, R)) {
static if(is(R == DBusAny)) {
auto v = to!R;
v.explicitVariant = false;
return Variant!R(v);
} else
return Variant!R(to!R);
} else static if(is(T == DBusAny)) {
return this;
} else static if(isIntegral!T || isFloatingPoint!T) {
switch(type) {
case typeCode!byte:
return cast(T) int8;
case typeCode!short:
return cast(T) int16;
case typeCode!ushort:
return cast(T) uint16;
case typeCode!int:
return cast(T) int32;
case typeCode!uint:
return cast(T) uint32;
case typeCode!long:
return cast(T) int64;
case typeCode!ulong:
return cast(T) uint64;
case typeCode!double:
return cast(T) float64;
throw new Exception("Can't convert type " ~ cast(char) type ~ " to " ~ T.stringof);
} else static if(is(T == bool)) {
if(type == 'b')
return boolean;
throw new Exception("Can't convert type " ~ cast(char) type ~ " to " ~ T.stringof);
} else static if(isSomeString!T) {
if(type == 's')
return str.to!T;
else if(type == 'o')
return obj.toString();
throw new Exception("Can't convert type " ~ cast(char) type ~ " to " ~ T.stringof);
} else static if(is(T == ObjectPath)) {
if(type == 'o')
return obj;
throw new Exception("Can't convert type " ~ cast(char) type ~ " to " ~ T.stringof);
} else static if(isDynamicArray!T) {
if(type != 'a' && type != 'r')
throw new Exception("Can't convert type " ~ cast(char) type ~ " to an array");
T ret;
if(signature == ['y']) {
static if(isIntegral!(ElementType!T))
foreach(elem; binaryData)
ret ~= elem.to!(ElementType!T);
} else
foreach(elem; array)
ret ~= elem.to!(ElementType!T);
return ret;
} else static if(isTuple!T) {
if(type != 'r')
throw new Exception("Can't convert type " ~ cast(char) type ~ " to " ~ T.stringof);
T ret;
enforce(ret.Types.length == tuple.length, "Tuple length mismatch");
foreach(index, T; ret.Types)
ret[index] = tuple[index].to!T;
return ret;
} else static if(isAssociativeArray!T) {
if(type != 'a' || !signature || signature[0] != '{')
throw new Exception("Can't convert type " ~ cast(char) type ~ " to " ~ T.stringof);
T ret;
foreach(pair; array) {
enforce(pair.type == 'e');
ret[pair.entry.key.to!(KeyType!T)] = pair.entry.value.to!(ValueType!T);
return ret;
} else static assert(false, "Can't convert variant to " ~ T.stringof);
bool opEquals(ref in DBusAny b) const {
if(b.type != type || b.explicitVariant != explicitVariant)
return false;
if((type == 'a' || type == 'r') && b.signature != signature)
return false;
if(type == 'a' && signature == ['y'])
return binaryData == b.binaryData;
if(type == 'a')
return array == b.array;
else if(type == 'r')
return tuple == b.tuple;
else if(type == 's')
return str == b.str;
else if(type == 'o')
return obj == b.obj;
else if(type == 'e')
return entry == b.entry || (entry && b.entry && *entry == *b.entry);
return uint64 == b.uint64;
unittest {
import dunit.toolkit;
DBusAny set(string member, T)(DBusAny v, T value) {
mixin("v." ~ member ~ " = value;");
return v;
void test(T)(T value, DBusAny b) {
assertEqual(DBusAny(value), b);
assertEqual(b.to!T, value);
test(cast(ubyte) 184, set!"int8"(DBusAny('y', null, false), cast(byte) 184));
test(cast(short) 184, set!"int16"(DBusAny('n', null, false), cast(short) 184));
test(cast(ushort) 184, set!"uint16"(DBusAny('q', null, false), cast(ushort) 184));
test(cast(int) 184, set!"int32"(DBusAny('i', null, false), cast(int) 184));
test(cast(uint) 184, set!"uint32"(DBusAny('u', null, false), cast(uint) 184));
test(cast(long) 184, set!"int64"(DBusAny('x', null, false), cast(long) 184));
test(cast(ulong) 184, set!"uint64"(DBusAny('t', null, false), cast(ulong) 184));
test(true, set!"boolean"(DBusAny('b', null, false), true));
test(cast(ubyte[]) [1, 2, 3], set!"binaryData"(DBusAny('a', ['y'], false), cast(ubyte[]) [1, 2, 3]));
test(variant(cast(ubyte) 184), set!"int8"(DBusAny('y', null, true), cast(byte) 184));
test(variant(cast(short) 184), set!"int16"(DBusAny('n', null, true), cast(short) 184));
test(variant(cast(ushort) 184), set!"uint16"(DBusAny('q', null, true), cast(ushort) 184));
test(variant(cast(int) 184), set!"int32"(DBusAny('i', null, true), cast(int) 184));
test(variant(cast(uint) 184), set!"uint32"(DBusAny('u', null, true), cast(uint) 184));
test(variant(cast(long) 184), set!"int64"(DBusAny('x', null, true), cast(long) 184));
test(variant(cast(ulong) 184), set!"uint64"(DBusAny('t', null, true), cast(ulong) 184));
test(variant(true), set!"boolean"(DBusAny('b', null, true), true));
test(variant(cast(ubyte[]) [1, 2, 3]), set!"binaryData"(DBusAny('a', ['y'], true), cast(ubyte[]) [1, 2, 3]));
test(variant(DBusAny(5)), set!"int32"(DBusAny('i', null, true), 5));
test([1, 2, 3], set!"array"(DBusAny('a', ['i'], false), [DBusAny(1), DBusAny(2), DBusAny(3)]));
test(variant([1, 2, 3]), set!"array"(DBusAny('a', ['i'], true), [DBusAny(1), DBusAny(2), DBusAny(3)]));
test(tuple("a", 4, [1, 2]), set!"tuple"(DBusAny('r', "(siai)".dup, false), [DBusAny("a"), DBusAny(4), DBusAny([1, 2])]));
test(tuple("a", variant(4), variant([1, 2])), set!"tuple"(DBusAny('r', "(svv)", false), [DBusAny("a"), DBusAny(variant(4)), DBusAny(variant([1, 2]))]));
test(["a": "b"], set!"array"(DBusAny('a', "{ss}", false), [DBusAny(DictionaryEntry!(DBusAny, DBusAny)(DBusAny("a"), DBusAny("b")))]));
test([variant("a"): 4], set!"array"(DBusAny('a', "{vi}", false), [DBusAny(DictionaryEntry!(DBusAny, DBusAny)(DBusAny(variant("a")), DBusAny(4)))]));
/// Marks the data as variant on serialization
struct Variant(T) {
T data;
Variant!T variant(T)(T data) {
return Variant!T(data);
enum MessageType {
Invalid = 0,
Call, Return, Error, Signal
struct Message {
DBusMessage *msg;
this(string dest, string path, string iface, string method) {
msg = dbus_message_new_method_call(dest.toStringz(), path.toStringz(), iface.toStringz(), method.toStringz());
this(DBusMessage *m) {
msg = m;
this(this) {
~this() {
void build(TS...)(TS args) if(allCanDBus!TS) {
DBusMessageIter iter;
dbus_message_iter_init_append(msg, &iter);
buildIter(&iter, args);
Reads the first argument of the message.
Note that this creates a new iterator every time so calling it multiple times will always
read the first argument. This is suitable for single item returns.
To read multiple arguments use readTuple.
T read(T)() if(canDBus!T) {
DBusMessageIter iter;
dbus_message_iter_init(msg, &iter);
return readIter!T(&iter);
alias read to;
Tup readTuple(Tup)() if(isTuple!Tup && allCanDBus!(Tup.Types)) {
DBusMessageIter iter;
dbus_message_iter_init(msg, &iter);
Tup ret;
readIterTuple(&iter, ret);
return ret;
Message createReturn() {
return Message(dbus_message_new_method_return(msg));
MessageType type() {
return cast(MessageType)dbus_message_get_type(msg);
bool isCall() {
return type() == MessageType.Call;
// Various string members
// TODO: make a mixin to avoid this copy-paste
string signature() {
const(char)* cStr = dbus_message_get_signature(msg);
assert(cStr != null);
return cStr.fromStringz().idup;
string path() {
const(char)* cStr = dbus_message_get_path(msg);
assert(cStr != null);
return cStr.fromStringz().idup;
string iface() {
const(char)* cStr = dbus_message_get_interface(msg);
assert(cStr != null);
return cStr.fromStringz().idup;
string member() {
const(char)* cStr = dbus_message_get_member(msg);
assert(cStr != null);
return cStr.fromStringz().idup;
string sender() {
const(char)* cStr = dbus_message_get_sender(msg);
assert(cStr != null);
return cStr.fromStringz().idup;
unittest {
import dunit.toolkit;
auto msg = Message("org.example.test", "/test","org.example.testing","testMethod");
struct Connection {
DBusConnection *conn;
this(DBusConnection *connection) {
conn = connection;
this(this) {
~this() {
void close() {
void send(Message msg) {
dbus_connection_send(conn,msg.msg, null);
void sendBlocking(Message msg) {
Message sendWithReplyBlocking(Message msg, int timeout = -1) {
DBusMessage *dbusMsg = msg.msg;
DBusMessage *reply = wrapErrors((err) {
auto ret = dbus_connection_send_with_reply_and_block(conn,dbusMsg,timeout,err);
return ret;
return Message(reply);
unittest {
import dunit.toolkit;
import ddbus.attributes : dbusMarshaling, MarshalingFlag;
struct S1 {
private int a;
private @(Yes.DBusMarshal) double b;
string s;
struct S2 {
int h, i;
@(Yes.DBusMarshal) int j, k;
int *p;
struct S3 {
private Variant!int c;
string d;
S1 e;
S2 f;
@(No.DBusMarshal) uint g;
Message msg = Message("org.example.wow", "/wut", "org.test.iface", "meth3");
__gshared int dummy;
enum testStruct = S3(
variant(5), "blah",
S1(-7, 63.5, "test"),
S2(84, -123, 78, 432, &dummy),
// Non-marshaled fields should appear as freshly initialized
enum expectedResult = S3(
variant(5), "blah",
S1(int.init, 63.5, "test"),
S2(int.init, int.init, 78, 432, null),
Connection connectToBus(DBusBusType bus = DBusBusType.DBUS_BUS_SESSION) {
DBusConnection *conn = wrapErrors((err) { return dbus_bus_get(bus,err); });
return Connection(conn);
unittest {
import dunit.toolkit;
// This test will only pass if DBus is installed.
Connection conn = connectToBus();
// We can only count on no system bus on OSX
version(OSX) {