WebFreak001 db86451c7f safer API with ObjectPath, InterfaceName, BusName
the busName and interfacePath types transparently cast down to a string,
(but not the other way around) so they are a perfect upgrade to
 type-safety. The only downside to them is that templates can often get
them wrong. std.conv.to will return with a cast(T) prefix, which could
slightly break existing code.

I think the type-safety advantages are outweighing this corner case
though. The current API has been fully upgraded and examples still run
and work.
2019-03-17 10:33:55 +01:00

55 lines
1.6 KiB

module ddbus.bus;
import ddbus.router;
import ddbus.thin;
import ddbus.c_lib;
import std.string;
enum BusService = busName("org.freedesktop.DBus");
enum BusInterface = interfaceName("org.freedesktop.DBus");
enum BusPath = ObjectPath("/org/freedesktop/DBus");
enum NameFlags {
AllowReplace = 1,
ReplaceExisting = 2,
NoQueue = 4
deprecated("Use the overload taking a BusName instead")
bool requestName(Connection conn, string name,
NameFlags flags = NameFlags.NoQueue | NameFlags.AllowReplace) {
return requestName(conn, busName(name), flags);
/// Requests a DBus well-known name.
/// returns if the name is owned after the call.
/// Involves blocking call on a DBus method, may throw an exception on failure.
bool requestName(Connection conn, BusName name,
NameFlags flags = NameFlags.NoQueue | NameFlags.AllowReplace) {
auto msg = Message(BusService, BusPath, BusInterface, "RequestName");
msg.build(name, cast(uint)(flags));
auto res = conn.sendWithReplyBlocking(msg).to!uint;
return (res == 1) || (res == 4);
/// A simple main loop that isn't necessarily efficient
/// and isn't guaranteed to work with other tasks and threads.
/// Use only for apps that only do DBus triggered things.
void simpleMainLoop(Connection conn) {
while (dbus_connection_read_write_dispatch(conn.conn, -1)) {
} // empty loop body
/// Single tick in the DBus connection which can be used for
/// concurrent updates.
bool tick(Connection conn) {
return cast(bool) dbus_connection_read_write_dispatch(conn.conn, 0);
unittest {
import dunit.toolkit;
Connection conn = connectToBus();