WebFreak001 db86451c7f safer API with ObjectPath, InterfaceName, BusName
the busName and interfacePath types transparently cast down to a string,
(but not the other way around) so they are a perfect upgrade to
 type-safety. The only downside to them is that templates can often get
them wrong. std.conv.to will return with a cast(T) prefix, which could
slightly break existing code.

I think the type-safety advantages are outweighing this corner case
though. The current API has been fully upgraded and examples still run
and work.
2019-03-17 10:33:55 +01:00

319 lines
10 KiB

module ddbus.router;
import ddbus.thin;
import ddbus.c_lib;
import ddbus.util;
import std.string;
import std.typecons;
import core.memory;
import std.array;
import std.algorithm;
import std.format;
struct MessagePattern {
ObjectPath path;
InterfaceName iface;
string method;
bool signal;
this(Message msg) {
path = msg.path();
iface = msg.iface();
method = msg.member();
signal = (msg.type() == MessageType.Signal);
deprecated("Use the constructor taking a ObjectPath and InterfaceName instead")
this(string path, string iface, string method, bool signal = false) {
this(ObjectPath(path), interfaceName(iface), method, signal);
this(ObjectPath path, InterfaceName iface, string method, bool signal = false) {
this.path = path;
this.iface = iface;
this.method = method;
this.signal = signal;
size_t toHash() const @safe nothrow {
size_t hash = 0;
auto stringHash = &(typeid(path).getHash);
hash += stringHash(&path);
hash += stringHash(&iface);
hash += stringHash(&method);
hash += (signal ? 1 : 0);
return hash;
bool opEquals(ref const typeof(this) s) const @safe pure nothrow {
return (path == s.path) && (iface == s.iface) && (method == s.method) && (signal == s.signal);
unittest {
import dunit.toolkit;
auto msg = Message(busName("org.example.test"), ObjectPath("/test"), interfaceName("org.example.testing"), "testMethod");
auto patt = new MessagePattern(msg);
struct MessageHandler {
alias HandlerFunc = void delegate(Message call, Connection conn);
HandlerFunc func;
string[] argSig;
string[] retSig;
class MessageRouter {
MessageHandler[MessagePattern] callTable;
bool handle(Message msg, Connection conn) {
MessageType type = msg.type();
if (type != MessageType.Call && type != MessageType.Signal) {
return false;
auto pattern = MessagePattern(msg);
// import std.stdio; debug writeln("Handling ", pattern);
if (pattern.iface == "org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable"
&& pattern.method == "Introspect" && !pattern.signal) {
handleIntrospect(pattern.path, msg, conn);
return true;
MessageHandler* handler = (pattern in callTable);
if (handler is null) {
return false;
// Check for matching argument types
version (DDBusNoChecking) {
} else {
if (!equal(join(handler.argSig), msg.signature())) {
return false;
handler.func(msg, conn);
return true;
void setHandler(Ret, Args...)(MessagePattern patt, Ret delegate(Args) handler) {
void handlerWrapper(Message call, Connection conn) {
Tuple!Args args = call.readTuple!(Tuple!Args)();
auto retMsg = call.createReturn();
static if (!is(Ret == void)) {
Ret ret = handler(args.expand);
static if (is(Ret == Tuple!T, T...)) {
} else {
} else {
if (!patt.signal) {
static string[] args = typeSigArr!Args;
static if (is(Ret == void)) {
static string[] ret = [];
} else {
static string[] ret = typeSigReturn!Ret;
// dfmt off
MessageHandler handleStruct = {
func: &handlerWrapper,
argSig: args,
retSig: ret
// dfmt on
callTable[patt] = handleStruct;
static string introspectHeader = `<!DOCTYPE node PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0//EN" "http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/dbus/1.0/introspect.dtd">
<node name="%s">`;
deprecated("Use introspectXML(ObjectPath path) instead")
string introspectXML(string path) {
return introspectXML(ObjectPath(path));
string introspectXML(ObjectPath path) {
// dfmt off
auto methods = callTable
.filter!(a => (a.path == path) && !a.signal)
.sort!((a, b) => a.iface < b.iface)();
// dfmt on
auto ifaces = methods.groupBy();
auto app = appender!string;
formattedWrite(app, introspectHeader, path);
foreach (iface; ifaces) {
formattedWrite(app, `<interface name="%s">`, cast(string)iface.front.iface);
foreach (methodPatt; iface.array()) {
formattedWrite(app, `<method name="%s">`, methodPatt.method);
auto handler = callTable[methodPatt];
foreach (arg; handler.argSig) {
formattedWrite(app, `<arg type="%s" direction="in"/>`, arg);
foreach (arg; handler.retSig) {
formattedWrite(app, `<arg type="%s" direction="out"/>`, arg);
auto childPath = path;
auto children = callTable.byKey().filter!(a => a.path.startsWith(childPath)
&& a.path != childPath && !a.signal)().map!((s) => s.path.chompPrefix(childPath))
.map!((s) => s.value[1 .. $].findSplit("/")[0])
foreach (child; children) {
formattedWrite(app, `<node name="%s"/>`, child);
return app.data;
deprecated("Use the method taking an ObjectPath instead")
void handleIntrospect(string path, Message call, Connection conn) {
handleIntrospect(ObjectPath(path), call, conn);
void handleIntrospect(ObjectPath path, Message call, Connection conn) {
auto retMsg = call.createReturn();
extern (C) private DBusHandlerResult filterFunc(DBusConnection* dConn,
DBusMessage* dMsg, void* routerP) {
MessageRouter router = cast(MessageRouter) routerP;
Message msg = Message(dMsg);
Connection conn = Connection(dConn);
bool handled = router.handle(msg, conn);
if (handled) {
} else {
extern (C) private void unrootUserData(void* userdata) {
void registerRouter(Connection conn, MessageRouter router) {
void* routerP = cast(void*) router;
dbus_connection_add_filter(conn.conn, &filterFunc, routerP, &unrootUserData);
unittest {
import dunit.toolkit;
import std.typecons : BitFlags;
import std.variant : Algebraic;
auto router = new MessageRouter();
// set up test messages
MessagePattern patt = MessagePattern(ObjectPath("/root"), interfaceName("ca.thume.test"), "test");
router.setHandler!(int, int)(patt, (int p) { return 6; });
patt = MessagePattern(ObjectPath("/root"), interfaceName("ca.thume.tester"), "lolwut");
router.setHandler!(void, int, string)(patt, (int p, string p2) { });
patt = MessagePattern(ObjectPath("/root/wat"), interfaceName("ca.thume.tester"), "lolwut");
router.setHandler!(int, int)(patt, (int p) { return 6; });
patt = MessagePattern(ObjectPath("/root/bar"), interfaceName("ca.thume.tester"), "lolwut");
router.setHandler!(Variant!DBusAny, int)(patt, (int p) {
return variant(DBusAny(p));
patt = MessagePattern(ObjectPath("/root/foo"), interfaceName("ca.thume.tester"), "lolwut");
router.setHandler!(Tuple!(string, string, int), int,
Variant!DBusAny)(patt, (int p, Variant!DBusAny any) {
Tuple!(string, string, int) ret;
ret[0] = "a";
ret[1] = "b";
ret[2] = p;
return ret;
patt = MessagePattern(ObjectPath("/troll"), interfaceName("ca.thume.tester"), "wow");
router.setHandler!(void)(patt, { return; });
patt = MessagePattern(ObjectPath("/root/fancy"), interfaceName("ca.thume.tester"), "crazyTest");
enum F : ushort {
a = 1,
b = 8,
c = 16
struct S {
byte b;
ulong ul;
F f;
router.setHandler!(int)(patt, (Algebraic!(ushort, BitFlags!F, S) v) {
if (v.type is typeid(ushort) || v.type is typeid(BitFlags!F)) {
return v.coerce!int;
} else if (v.type is typeid(S)) {
auto s = v.get!S;
final switch (s.f) {
case F.a:
return s.b;
case F.b:
return cast(int) s.ul;
case F.c:
return cast(int) s.ul + s.b;
static assert(!__traits(compiles, {
patt = MessagePattern("/root/bar", "ca.thume.tester", "lolwut");
router.setHandler!(void, DBusAny)(patt, (DBusAny wrongUsage) { return; });
// TODO: these tests rely on nondeterministic hash map ordering
static string introspectResult = `<!DOCTYPE node PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0//EN" "http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/dbus/1.0/introspect.dtd">
<node name="/root"><interface name="ca.thume.test"><method name="test"><arg type="i" direction="in"/><arg type="i" direction="out"/></method></interface><interface name="ca.thume.tester"><method name="lolwut"><arg type="i" direction="in"/><arg type="s" direction="in"/></method></interface><node name="bar"/><node name="fancy"/><node name="foo"/><node name="wat"/></node>`;
static string introspectResult2 = `<!DOCTYPE node PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0//EN" "http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/dbus/1.0/introspect.dtd">
<node name="/root/foo"><interface name="ca.thume.tester"><method name="lolwut"><arg type="i" direction="in"/><arg type="v" direction="in"/><arg type="s" direction="out"/><arg type="s" direction="out"/><arg type="i" direction="out"/></method></interface></node>`;
static string introspectResult3 = `<!DOCTYPE node PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0//EN" "http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/dbus/1.0/introspect.dtd">
<node name="/root/fancy"><interface name="ca.thume.tester"><method name="crazyTest"><arg type="v" direction="in"/><arg type="i" direction="out"/></method></interface></node>`;
.assertEndsWith(`<node name="/"><node name="root"/><node name="troll"/></node>`);