CDC improvements and an a fix in AutoDDoc.
This commit is contained in:
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ template_header =\
template_footer =\
("\n<div id=\"copyright\">\n"
"$(COPYRIGHT) |\n"
"Page generated by Autodoc and $(LINK2, Ddoc).\n"
"Page generated by AutoDDoc and $(LINK2, Ddoc).\n"
default_css =\
@ -134,10 +134,9 @@ else
void main(string[] args)
string target = "release";
scope(failure){help(); core.stdc.stdlib.exit(-1);}
string[] targets;
string[] extra_args = ["-w", "-wi"];
args = args[1 .. $];
@ -151,17 +150,22 @@ void main(string[] args)
case "--ldc": compiler = "ldmd"; break;
default: extra_args ~= arg;
targets ~= arg;
if(args.length > 0 && args[$ - 1][0] != '-'){target = args[$ - 1];}
string[] dbg = ["-debug", "-gc"];
string[] optimize = ["-O", "-inline", "-release", "-noboundscheck"];
string[] profile = ["-O", "-release", "-noboundscheck", "-gc"];
string[] lib_src = ["dyaml/", "yaml.d"];
if(targets.length == 0){targets = ["release"];}
auto dbg = ["-debug", "-gc"];
auto optimize = ["-O", "-inline", "-release", "-noboundscheck"];
auto profile = ["-O", "-release", "-noboundscheck", "-gc"];
auto lib_src = ["dyaml/", "yaml.d"];
void compile_(string[] args, string[] files)
compile(files, args ~ extra_args);
compile(args ~ extra_args, files);
void build_unittest()
@ -230,7 +234,7 @@ void main(string[] args)
catch(CompileException e){writeln("Could not compile: " ~ e.msg);}
catch(ProcessException e){writeln("Compilation failed: " ~ e.msg);}
@ -242,7 +246,7 @@ void help()
"D:YAML build script\n"
"Changes Copyright (C) 2011 Ferdinand Majerech\n"
"Based on CDC script Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Eric Poggel\n"
"Usage: cdc [OPTION ...] [EXTRA COMPILER OPTION ...] [TARGET]\n"
"Usage: cdc [OPTION ...] [EXTRA COMPILER OPTION ...] [TARGET ...]\n"
"By default, cdc uses the compiler it was built with to compile the project.\n"
"Any options starting with '-' not parsed by the script will be\n"
@ -274,8 +278,8 @@ void help()
* Compile D code using the current compiler.
* Params: paths = Source and library files/directories. Directories are recursively searched.
* options = Compiler options.
* Params: options = Compiler options.
* paths = Source and library files/directories. Directories are recursively searched.
* Example:
* --------
@ -287,7 +291,7 @@ void help()
* TODO Add a dry run option to just return an array of commands to execute.
static void compile(string[] paths, string[] options = null)
void compile(string[] options, string[] paths)
//Convert src and lib paths to files
string[] sources, libs, ddocs;
@ -329,14 +333,14 @@ static void compile(string[] paths, string[] options = null)
//Create modules.ddoc and add it to array of ddocs
string modules = "MODULES = \r\n";
string modules = "MODULES = \n";
foreach(src; sources)
//get filename
src = split(src, "\\.")[0];
src = replace(replace(src, "/", "."), "\\", ".");
modules ~= "\t$(MODULE " ~ src ~ ")\r\n";
src = src.replace("/", ".").replace("\\", ".");
modules ~= "\t$(MODULE " ~ src ~ ")\n";
write("modules.ddoc", modules);
@ -353,20 +357,14 @@ static void compile(string[] paths, string[] options = null)
if(co.generate_lib || co.generate_doc || co.no_linking)
//Remove options we don't want to pass to gdc when building incrementally.
string[] incremental_options;
foreach(option; options)
if(option != "-lib" && !startsWith(option, "-o"))
incremental_options ~= option;
auto incremental_options =
array(filter!`a != "-lib" && !startsWith(a, "-o")`(options));
//Compile files individually, outputting full path names
string[] obj_files;
foreach(source; sources)
string obj = replace(source, "/", ".")[0 .. $ - 2] ~ ".o";
string obj = source.replace("/", ".")[0 .. $ - 2] ~ ".o";
string ddoc = obj[0 .. $ - 2];
if(co.obj_directory !is null)
@ -399,13 +397,8 @@ static void compile(string[] paths, string[] options = null)
if(!co.generate_lib && !co.no_linking)
//Remove documentation arguments since they were handled above
string[] nondoc_args;
foreach(arg; arguments)
if(!startsWith(arg, "-fdoc", "-od")){nondoc_args ~= arg;}
execute_compiler(compiler, nondoc_args);
array(filter!`!startsWith(a, "-fdoc", "-od")`(arguments)));
//Compilers other than gdc
@ -414,14 +407,12 @@ static void compile(string[] paths, string[] options = null)
execute_compiler(compiler, arguments);
//Move all html files in doc_path to the doc output folder
//and rename them with the "package.module" naming convention.
foreach(src; sources)
if(co.generate_doc) foreach(src; sources)
if(src.extension != ".d"){continue;}
string html = src[0 .. $ - 2] ~ ".html";
string dest = replace(replace(html, "/", "."), "\\", ".");
string dest = html.replace("/", ".").replace("\\", ".");
if(co.doc_directory.length > 0)
dest = co.doc_directory ~ file_separator ~ dest;
@ -435,7 +426,6 @@ static void compile(string[] paths, string[] options = null)
//Remove extra files
string basename = split(co.out_file, "/")[$ - 1];
@ -490,20 +480,20 @@ struct CompileOptions
this(string[] options, in string[] sources)
foreach (i, option; options)
foreach(i, opt; options)
if(option == "-c"){no_linking = true;}
else if(option == "-D" || option == "-fdoc"){generate_doc = true;}
else if(startsWith(option, "-Dd")){doc_directory = option[3..$];}
else if(startsWith(option, "-fdoc-dir=")){doc_directory = option[10..$];}
else if(startsWith(option, "-Df")){doc_file = option[3..$];}
else if(startsWith(option, "-fdoc-file=")){doc_file = option[11..$];}
else if(option == "-lib"){generate_lib = true;}
else if(option == "-o-" || option=="-fsyntax-only"){no_objects = true;}
else if(startsWith(option, "-of")){out_file = option[3..$];}
else if(startsWith(option, "-od")){obj_directory = option[3..$];}
else if(startsWith(option, "-o") && option != "-op"){out_file = option[2..$];}
options_ ~= option;
if(opt == "-c") {no_linking = true;}
else if(["-D", "-fdoc"].canFind(opt)) {generate_doc = true;}
else if(opt.startsWith("-Dd")) {doc_directory = opt[3..$];}
else if(opt.startsWith("-fdoc-dir=")) {doc_directory = opt[10..$];}
else if(opt.startsWith("-Df")) {doc_file = opt[3..$];}
else if(opt.startsWith("-fdoc-file=")) {doc_file = opt[11..$];}
else if(opt == "-lib") {generate_lib = true;}
else if(["-o-", "-fsyntax-only"].canFind(opt)){no_objects = true;}
else if(opt.startsWith("-of")) {out_file = opt[3..$];}
else if(opt.startsWith("-od")) {obj_directory = opt[3..$];}
else if(opt.startsWith("-o") && opt != "-op") {out_file = opt[2..$];}
options_ ~= opt;
//Set the -o (output filename) flag to the first source file if not already set.
@ -511,14 +501,14 @@ struct CompileOptions
string ext = generate_lib ? lib_ext : bin_ext;
if(out_file.length == 0 && !no_linking && !no_objects && sources.length > 0)
out_file = split(split(sources[0], "/")[$ - 1], "\\.")[0] ~ ext;
options_ ~= ("-of" ~ out_file);
out_file = sources[0].split("/").back.split("\\.")[0] ~ ext;
options_ ~= "-of" ~ out_file;
version (Windows)
//TODO needs testing
//{ if (find(this.out_file, ".") <= rfind(this.out_file, "/"))
if(find(out_file, '.') <= retro(find(retro(out_file), '/')))
if(out_file.find('.') <= out_file.retro().find('/').retro())
out_file ~= bin_ext;
@ -540,56 +530,49 @@ struct CompileOptions
if(compiler != "gdc")
version(Windows) foreach(ref option; result)
foreach(ref option; result)
option = startsWith(option, "-of") ? replace(option, "/", "\\") : option;
option = option.startsWith("-of") ? option.replace("/", "\\") : option;
//ensure ddocs don't overwrite one another.
return canFind(result, "-op") ? result : result ~ "-op";
return result.canFind("-op") ? result : result ~ "-op";
//is gdc
string[string] translate;
translate["-Dd"] = "-fdoc-dir=";
translate["-Df"] = "-fdoc-file=";
translate["-debug="] = "-fdebug=";
translate["-debug"] = "-fdebug"; // will this still get selected?
translate["-inline"] = "-finline-functions";
translate["-L"] = "-Wl";
translate["-lib"] = "";
translate["-O"] = "-O3";
translate["-o-"] = "-fsyntax-only";
translate["-of"] = "-o ";
translate["-unittest"] = "-funittest";
translate["-version"] = "-fversion=";
translate["-version="] = "-fversion=";
translate["-wi"] = "-Wextra";
translate["-w"] = "-Wall";
translate["-gc"] = "-g";
auto translate = ["-Dd" : "-fdoc-dir=",
"-Df" : "-fdoc-file=",
"-debug=" : "-fdebug=",
"-debug" : "-fdebug", // will this still get selected?
"-inline" : "-finline-functions",
"-L" : "-Wl",
"-lib" : "",
"-O" : "-O3",
"-o-" : "-fsyntax-only",
"-of" : "-o ",
"-unittest" : "-funittest",
"-version" : "-fversion=",
"-version=" : "-fversion=",
"-wi" : "-Wextra",
"-w" : "-Wall",
"-gc" : "-g"];
//Perform option translation
foreach(ref option; result)
//remove unsupported -od
if(startsWith(option, "-od")){option = "";}
if(option.startsWith("-od")){option = "";}
if(option == "-D"){option = "-fdoc";}
//Options with a direct translation
foreach(before, after; translate)
else foreach(before, after; translate)
if(startsWith(option, before))
option = after ~ option[before.length..$];
return result;
@ -619,7 +602,7 @@ void execute_compiler(in string compiler, string[] arguments)
write("compile", join(arguments, " "));
write("compile", arguments.join(" "));
execute(compiler ~ " ", ["@compile"]);
@ -646,10 +629,10 @@ void execute(string command, string[] args)
if(startsWith(command, "./")){command = command[2 .. $];}
if(command.startsWith("./")){command = command[2 .. $];}
string full = command ~ " " ~ join(args, " ");
string full = command ~ " " ~ args.join(" ");
writeln("CDC: " ~ full);
if(int status = system(full) != 0)
@ -673,7 +656,7 @@ string[] scan(in string directory, string extensions ...)
string[] result;
foreach(string name; dirEntries(directory, SpanMode.depth))
if(isFile(name) && endsWith(name, extensions)){result ~= name;}
if(isFile(name) && name.endsWith(extensions)){result ~= name;}
return result;
Reference in a new issue