Fixed an Emitter bug which caused tags to always be emitted in

full format.
Specified field names for the tag directive tuple to make code
more readbvle.
Fixed a bug in Dumpler.tagDirectives documentation example.
This commit is contained in:
Ferdinand Majerech 2011-10-22 11:18:57 +02:00
parent 1f2243190f
commit 3078262129
4 changed files with 30 additions and 23 deletions

View file

@ -277,22 +277,24 @@ struct Dumper
* Example:
* --------------------
* Dumper dumper = Dumper("file.yaml");
* string[string] directives;
* directives["!short!"] = ",2011:";
* //This will emit tags starting with ",2011"
* //with a "!short!" prefix instead.
* dumper.tags("short", ",2011:");
* dumper.tagDirectives(directives);
* dumper.dump(Node("foo"));
* --------------------
void tagDirectives(string[string] tags)
Tuple!(string, string)[] t;
tagDirective[] t;
foreach(handle, prefix; tags)
assert(handle.length >= 1 && handle[0] == '!' && handle[$ - 1] == '!',
"A tag handle is empty or does not start and end with a "
"'!' character : " ~ handle);
assert(prefix.length >= 1, "A tag prefix is empty");
t ~= tuple(handle, prefix);
t ~= tagDirective(handle, prefix);
tags_ = TagDirectives(t);

View file

@ -65,12 +65,11 @@ align(4) struct ScalarAnalysis
struct Emitter
alias dyaml.tagdirectives.tagDirective tagDirective;
///Default tag handle shortcuts and replacements.
static string[string] defaultTags_;
static this()
defaultTags_ = ["!" : "!", ",2002:" : "!!"];
static tagDirective[] defaultTagDirectives_ =
[tagDirective("!", "!"), tagDirective("!!", ",2002:")];
///Stream to write to.
Stream stream_;
@ -82,7 +81,6 @@ struct Emitter
///Current state.
void delegate() state_;
//TODO Should be replaced by a queue or linked list once Phobos has anything usable.
///Event queue.
Queue!Event events_;
///Event we're currently emitting.
@ -130,8 +128,8 @@ struct Emitter
///Best line break character/s.
LineBreak bestLineBreak_;
///Tag directive handles and prefixes.
Tuple!(string, string)[] tagDirectives_;
///Tag directive handle - prefix pairs.
tagDirective[] tagDirectives_;
///Anchor/alias to process.
string preparedAnchor_ = null;
@ -366,13 +364,18 @@ struct Emitter
foreach(ref pair; tagDirectives_)
const handle = pair[0];
const prefix = pair[1];
bool eq(ref tagDirective a, ref tagDirective b){return a.handle == b.handle;}
//Add any default tag directives that have not been overriden.
foreach(ref def; defaultTagDirectives_) if(!canFind!eq(tagDirectives_, def))
tagDirectives_ ~= def;
const implicit = first && !event_.explicitDocument && !canonical_ &&
YAMLVersion is null && tagDirectives.isNull() &&

View file

@ -106,10 +106,10 @@ final class Parser
///Default tag handle shortcuts and replacements.
static Tuple!(string, string)[] defaultTags_;
static tagDirective[] defaultTagDirectives_;
static this()
defaultTags_ = [tuple("!", "!"), tuple("!!", ",2002:")];
defaultTagDirectives_ = [tagDirective("!", "!"), tagDirective("!!", ",2002:")];
///Scanner providing YAML tokens.
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ final class Parser
///YAML version string.
string YAMLVersion_ = null;
///Tag handle shortcuts and replacements.
Tuple!(string, string)[] tagHandles_;
tagDirective[] tagHandles_;
///Stack of states.
Event delegate()[] states_;
@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ final class Parser
if(!scanner_.checkToken(TokenID.Directive, TokenID.DocumentStart,
tagHandles_ = defaultTags_;
tagHandles_ = defaultTagDirectives_;
immutable token = scanner_.peekToken();
states_ ~= &parseDocumentEnd;
@ -369,14 +369,14 @@ final class Parser
enforce(h != handle, new Error("Duplicate tag handle: " ~ handle,
tagHandles_ ~= tuple(handle, parts[2]);
tagHandles_ ~= tagDirective(handle, parts[2]);
TagDirectives value = tagHandles_.length == 0 ? TagDirectives() : TagDirectives(tagHandles_);
//Add any default tag handles that haven't been overridden.
foreach(ref defaultPair; defaultTags_)
foreach(ref defaultPair; defaultTagDirectives_)
bool found = false;
foreach(ref pair; tagHandles_)

View file

@ -11,15 +11,17 @@ import std.typecons;
import dyaml.sharedobject;
///Single tag directive. handle is the shortcut, prefix is the prefix that replaces it.
alias Tuple!(string, "handle", string, "prefix") tagDirective;
///Tag directives stored in Event.
struct TagDirectives
mixin SharedObject!(Tuple!(string, string)[], TagDirectives);
mixin SharedObject!(tagDirective[], TagDirectives);
///Construct a tags object from an array of tag directives.
this(Tuple!(string, string)[] tagDirectives)
this(tagDirective[] tagDirectives)