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This commit is contained in:
Ferdinand Majerech 2014-07-22 00:41:13 +02:00
parent 1d81148aef
commit 3bb486de0b

View file

@ -99,27 +99,25 @@ final class Reader
EndianStream stream_;
//Allocated space for buffer_.
dchar[] bufferAllocated_ = null;
//Buffer of currently loaded characters.
// Buffer of currently loaded characters.
dchar[] buffer_ = null;
//Current position within buffer. Only data after this position can be read.
// Current position within buffer. Only data after this position can be read.
uint bufferOffset_ = 0;
//Index of the current character in the stream.
// Index of the current character in the stream.
size_t charIndex_ = 0;
//Current line in file.
// Current line in file.
uint line_;
//Current column in file.
// Current column in file.
uint column_;
//Decoder reading data from file and decoding it to UTF-32.
// Decoder reading data from file and decoding it to UTF-32.
UTFFastDecoder decoder_;
* Construct a Reader.
* Params: stream = Input stream. Must be readable and seekable.
* Throws: ReaderException if the stream is invalid.
/// Construct a Reader.
/// Params: stream = Input stream. Must be readable and seekable.
/// Throws: ReaderException if the stream is invalid.
this(Stream stream) @trusted //!nothrow
@ -140,17 +138,15 @@ final class Reader
buffer_ = bufferAllocated_ = null;
* Get character at specified index relative to current position.
* Params: index = Index of the character to get relative to current position
* in the stream.
* Returns: Character at specified position.
* Throws: ReaderException if trying to read past the end of the stream
* or if invalid data is read.
/// Get character at specified index relative to current position.
/// Params: index = Index of the character to get relative to current position
/// in the stream.
/// Returns: Character at specified position.
/// Throws: ReaderException if trying to read past the end of the stream
/// or if invalid data is read.
dchar peek(size_t index = 0) @trusted
if(buffer_.length < bufferOffset_ + index + 1)
@ -166,32 +162,28 @@ final class Reader
return buffer_[bufferOffset_ + index];
* Get specified number of characters starting at current position.
* Note: This gets only a "view" into the internal buffer,
* which WILL get invalidated after other Reader calls.
* Params: length = Number of characters to get.
* Returns: Characters starting at current position or an empty slice if out of bounds.
/// Get specified number of characters starting at current position.
/// Note: This gets only a "view" into the internal buffer,
/// which WILL get invalidated after other Reader calls.
/// Params: length = Number of characters to get.
/// Returns: Characters starting at current position or an empty slice if out of bounds.
const(dstring) prefix(size_t length) @safe
return slice(0, length);
* Get a slice view of the internal buffer.
* Note: This gets only a "view" into the internal buffer,
* which WILL get invalidated after other Reader calls.
* Params: start = Start of the slice relative to current position.
* end = End of the slice relative to current position.
* Returns: Slice into the internal buffer or an empty slice if out of bounds.
/// Get a slice view of the internal buffer.
/// Note: This gets only a "view" into the internal buffer,
/// which WILL get invalidated after other Reader calls.
/// Params: start = Start of the slice relative to current position.
/// end = End of the slice relative to current position.
/// Returns: Slice into the internal buffer or an empty slice if out of bounds.
const(dstring) slice(size_t start, size_t end) @trusted
if(buffer_.length <= bufferOffset_ + end)
@ -206,14 +198,12 @@ final class Reader
return end > start ? cast(dstring)buffer_[start .. end] : "";
* Get the next character, moving stream position beyond it.
* Returns: Next character.
* Throws: ReaderException if trying to read past the end of the stream
* or if invalid data is read.
/// Get the next character, moving stream position beyond it.
/// Returns: Next character.
/// Throws: ReaderException if trying to read past the end of the stream
/// or if invalid data is read.
dchar get() @safe
const result = peek();
@ -221,16 +211,14 @@ final class Reader
return result;
* Get specified number of characters, moving stream position beyond them.
* Params: length = Number or characters to get.
* Returns: Characters starting at current position.
* Throws: ReaderException if trying to read past the end of the stream
* or if invalid data is read.
/// Get specified number of characters, moving stream position beyond them.
/// Params: length = Number or characters to get.
/// Returns: Characters starting at current position.
/// Throws: ReaderException if trying to read past the end of the stream
/// or if invalid data is read.
dstring get(size_t length) @safe
auto result = prefix(length).idup;
@ -238,14 +226,12 @@ final class Reader
return result;
* Move current position forward.
* Params: length = Number of characters to move position forward.
* Throws: ReaderException if trying to read past the end of the stream
* or if invalid data is read.
/// Move current position forward.
/// Params: length = Number of characters to move position forward.
/// Throws: ReaderException if trying to read past the end of the stream
/// or if invalid data is read.
void forward(size_t length = 1) @trusted
if(buffer_.length <= bufferOffset_ + length + 1)
@ -271,36 +257,34 @@ final class Reader
///Get a string describing current stream position, used for error messages.
/// Get a string describing current stream position, used for error messages.
@property final Mark mark() const pure @safe nothrow {return Mark(line_, column_);}
///Get current line number.
/// Get current line number.
@property final uint line() const pure @safe nothrow {return line_;}
///Get current column number.
/// Get current column number.
@property final uint column() const pure @safe nothrow {return column_;}
///Get index of the current character in the stream.
/// Get index of the current character in the stream.
@property final size_t charIndex() const pure @safe nothrow {return charIndex_;}
///Get encoding of the input stream.
/// Get encoding of the input stream.
@property final Encoding encoding() const pure @safe nothrow {return decoder_.encoding;}
* Update buffer to be able to read length characters after buffer offset.
* If there are not enough characters in the stream, it will get
* as many as possible.
* Params: length = Number of characters we need to read.
* Throws: ReaderException if trying to read past the end of the stream
* or if invalid data is read.
// Update buffer to be able to read length characters after buffer offset.
// If there are not enough characters in the stream, it will get
// as many as possible.
// Params: length = Number of characters we need to read.
// Throws: ReaderException if trying to read past the end of the stream
// or if invalid data is read.
void updateBuffer(const size_t length) @system
//Get rid of unneeded data in the buffer.
// Get rid of unneeded data in the buffer.
if(bufferOffset_ > 0)
const size_t bufferLength = buffer_.length - bufferOffset_;
@ -310,7 +294,7 @@ final class Reader
bufferOffset_ = 0;
//Load chars in batches of at most 1024 bytes (256 chars)
// Load chars in batches of at most 1024 bytes (256 chars)
while(buffer_.length <= bufferOffset_ + length)
@ -328,17 +312,16 @@ final class Reader
* Load more characters to the buffer.
* Params: chars = Recommended number of characters to load.
* More characters might be loaded.
* Less will be loaded if not enough available.
* Throws: ReaderException on Unicode decoding error,
* if nonprintable characters are detected, or
* if there is an error reading from the stream.
// Load more characters to the buffer.
// Params: chars = Recommended number of characters to load.
// More characters might be loaded.
// Less will be loaded if not enough available.
// Throws: ReaderException on Unicode decoding error,
// if nonprintable characters are detected, or
// if there is an error reading from the stream.
void loadChars(size_t chars) @system
const oldLength = buffer_.length;
@ -366,7 +349,7 @@ final class Reader
//Handle an exception thrown in loadChars method of any Reader.
// Handle an exception thrown in loadChars method of any Reader.
void handleLoadCharsException(Exception e, ulong oldPosition) @system
try{throw e;}
@ -382,7 +365,7 @@ final class Reader
//Code shared by loadEntireFile methods.
// Code shared by loadEntireFile methods.
void loadEntireFile_() @system
const maxChars = decoder_.maxChars;
@ -396,12 +379,12 @@ final class Reader
//Ensure there is space for at least capacity characters in bufferAllocated_.
// Ensure there is space for at least capacity characters in bufferAllocated_.
void bufferReserve(const size_t capacity) @system nothrow
if(bufferAllocated_ !is null && bufferAllocated_.length >= capacity){return;}
//Handle first allocation as well as reallocation.
// Handle first allocation as well as reallocation.
auto ptr = bufferAllocated_ !is null
? realloc(bufferAllocated_.ptr, capacity * dchar.sizeof)
: malloc(capacity * dchar.sizeof);