clean up tests - print more useful messages on failure, bring closer to D style
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,122 +9,173 @@ module dyaml.test.common;
public import std.conv;
public import std.stdio;
public import dyaml;
import dyaml.node;
import dyaml.event;
import core.exception;
import std.algorithm;
import std.array;
import std.conv;
import std.file;
import std.range;
import std.path;
import std.traits;
import std.typecons;
enum verbose = true;
enum quiet = false;
enum verbose = false;
debug(noisy) enum quiet = false;
else enum quiet = true;
* Run an unittest.
* Params: testName = Name of the unittest.
* testFunction = Unittest function.
* unittestExt = Extensions of data files needed for the unittest.
* skipExt = Extensions that must not be used for the unittest.
Run a test.
testFunction = Unittest function.
unittestExt = Extensions of data files needed for the unittest.
skipExt = Extensions that must not be used for the unittest.
void run(D)(string testName, D testFunction,
string[] unittestExt, string[] skipExt = [])
void run(D)(D testFunction, string[] unittestExt, string[] skipExt = [])
immutable string dataDir = __FILE_FULL_PATH__.dirName ~ "/../../../test/data";
auto testFilenames = findTestFilenames(dataDir);
Result[] results;
if(unittestExt.length > 0)
if (unittestExt.length > 0)
outer: foreach(base, extensions; testFilenames)
outer: foreach (base, extensions; testFilenames)
string[] filenames;
foreach(ext; unittestExt)
foreach (ext; unittestExt)
if(!extensions.canFind(ext)){continue outer;}
if (!extensions.canFind(ext))
continue outer;
filenames ~= base ~ '.' ~ ext;
foreach(ext; skipExt)
foreach (ext; skipExt)
if(extensions.canFind(ext)){continue outer;}
if (extensions.canFind(ext))
continue outer;
results ~= execute(testName, testFunction, filenames);
execute(testFunction, filenames);
results ~= execute(testName, testFunction, string[].init);
execute(testFunction, string[].init);
// TODO: remove when a @safe ubyte[] file read can be done.
Reads a file as an array of bytes.
filename = Full path to file to read.
Returns: The file's data.
ubyte[] readData(string filename) @trusted
import std.file : read;
return cast(ubyte[])read(filename);
void assertNodesEqual(const scope Node gotNode, const scope Node expectedNode) @safe
import std.format : format;
assert(gotNode == expectedNode, format!"got %s, expected %s"(gotNode.debugString, expectedNode.debugString));
* Prints an exception if verbosity is turned on.
* Params: e = Exception to print.
void printException(YAMLException e) @trusted
static if(verbose) { writeln(typeid(e).toString(), "\n", e); }
Determine if events in events1 are equivalent to events in events2.
void printProgress(T...)(T params) @safe
events1 = A range of events to compare with.
events2 = A second range of events to compare.
Returns: true if the events are equivalent, false otherwise.
bool compareEvents(T, U)(T events1, U events2)
if (isInputRange!T && isInputRange!U && is(ElementType!T == Event) && is(ElementType!U == Event))
static if(!quiet)
foreach (e1, e2; zip(events1, events2))
//Different event types.
if ( !=
return false;
//Different anchor (if applicable).
if (!(EventID.sequenceStart, EventID.mappingStart, EventID.alias_, EventID.scalar)
&& e1.anchor != e2.anchor)
return false;
//Different collection tag (if applicable).
if (!(EventID.sequenceStart, EventID.mappingStart) && e1.tag != e2.tag)
return false;
if ( == EventID.scalar)
//Different scalar tag (if applicable).
if (!(e1.implicit || e2.implicit) && e1.tag != e2.tag)
return false;
//Different scalar value.
if (e1.value != e2.value)
return false;
return true;
Throw an Error if events in events1 aren't equivalent to events in events2.
events1 = First event array to compare.
events2 = Second event array to compare.
void assertEventsEqual(T, U)(T events1, U events2)
if (isInputRange!T && isInputRange!U && is(ElementType!T == Event) && is(ElementType!U == Event))
auto events1Copy = events1.array;
auto events2Copy = events2.array;
assert(compareEvents(events1Copy, events2Copy), text("Got '", events1Copy, "', expected '", events2Copy, "'"));
///Unittest status.
enum TestStatus
success, //Unittest passed.
failure, //Unittest failed.
error //There's an error in the unittest.
///Unittest result.
alias Result = Tuple!(string, "name", string[], "filenames", TestStatus, "kind", string, "info");
* Find unittest input filenames.
* Params: dir = Directory to look in.
* Returns: Test input base filenames and their extensions.
Find unittest input filenames.
Params: dir = Directory to look in.
Returns: Test input base filenames and their extensions.
//@trusted due to dirEntries
string[][string] findTestFilenames(const string dir) @trusted
//Groups of extensions indexed by base names.
string[][string] names;
foreach(string name; dirEntries(dir, SpanMode.shallow))
foreach (string name; dirEntries(dir, SpanMode.shallow))
if (isFile(name))
string base = name.stripExtension();
string ext = name.extension();
if(ext is null){ext = "";}
if(ext[0] == '.'){ext = ext[1 .. $];}
if (ext is null)
ext = "";
if (ext[0] == '.')
ext = ext[1 .. $];
//If the base name doesn't exist yet, add it; otherwise add new extension.
names[base] = ((base in names) is null) ? [ext] : names[base] ~ ext;
@ -134,98 +185,39 @@ string[][string] findTestFilenames(const string dir) @trusted
* Recursively copy an array of strings to a tuple to use for unittest function input.
* Params: index = Current index in the array/tuple.
* tuple = Tuple to copy to.
* strings = Strings to copy.
Recursively copy an array of strings to a tuple to use for unittest function input.
index = Current index in the array/tuple.
tuple = Tuple to copy to.
strings = Strings to copy.
void stringsToTuple(uint index, F ...)(ref F tuple, const string[] strings)
in{assert(F.length == strings.length);}
in(F.length == strings.length)
tuple[index] = strings[index];
static if(index > 0){stringsToTuple!(index - 1, F)(tuple, strings);}
static if (index > 0)
stringsToTuple!(index - 1, F)(tuple, strings);
* Execute an unittest on specified files.
* Params: testName = Name of the unittest.
* testFunction = Unittest function.
* filenames = Names of input files to test with.
* Returns: Information about the results of the unittest.
Result execute(D)(const string testName, D testFunction,
string[] filenames) @trusted
static if(verbose)
writeln(testName ~ "(" ~ filenames.join(", ") ~ ")...");
Execute an unittest on specified files.
auto kind = TestStatus.success;
string info = "";
testName = Name of the unittest.
testFunction = Unittest function.
filenames = Names of input files to test with.
void execute(D)(D testFunction, string[] filenames)
//Convert filenames to parameters tuple and call the test function.
alias F = Parameters!D[0..$];
F parameters;
stringsToTuple!(F.length - 1, F)(parameters, filenames);
static if (!quiet){write(".");}
catch(Throwable e)
info = to!string(typeid(e)) ~ "\n" ~ to!string(e);
kind = (typeid(e) is typeid(AssertError)) ? TestStatus.failure : TestStatus.error;
write((verbose ? to!string(e) : to!string(kind)) ~ " ");
return Result(testName, filenames, kind, info);
* Display unittest results.
* Params: results = Unittest results.
void display(Result[] results) @safe
if(results.length > 0 && !verbose && !quiet){write("\n");}
size_t failures, errors;
static if(verbose)
//Results of each test.
foreach(result; results)
static if(verbose)
writeln(, "(" ~ result.filenames.join(", ") ~ "): ",
if(result.kind == TestStatus.success){continue;}
if(result.kind == TestStatus.failure){++failures;}
else if(result.kind == TestStatus.error){++errors;}
printProgress("TESTS: ", results.length);
if(failures > 0){writeln("FAILURES: ", failures);}
if(errors > 0) {writeln("ERRORS: ", errors);}
} // version(unittest)
@ -6,62 +6,46 @@
@safe unittest
import dyaml : Loader;
import dyaml.test.common : assertNodesEqual, compareEvents, run;
import dyaml.test.common;
import dyaml.test.emitter;
import dyaml.token;
Test parser by comparing output from parsing two equivalent YAML files.
/// Test parser by comparing output from parsing two equivalent YAML files.
/// Params: dataFilename = YAML file to parse.
/// canonicalFilename = Another file to parse, in canonical YAML format.
void testParser(string dataFilename, string canonicalFilename) @safe
dataFilename = YAML file to parse.
canonicalFilename = Another file to parse, in canonical YAML format.
static void testParser(string dataFilename, string canonicalFilename) @safe
auto dataEvents = Loader.fromFile(dataFilename).parse();
auto canonicalEvents = Loader.fromFile(canonicalFilename).parse();
//BUG: the return value isn't checked! This test currently fails...
compareEvents(dataEvents, canonicalEvents);
Test loader by comparing output from loading two equivalent YAML files.
/// Test loader by comparing output from loading two equivalent YAML files.
/// Params: dataFilename = YAML file to load.
/// canonicalFilename = Another file to load, in canonical YAML format.
void testLoader(string dataFilename, string canonicalFilename) @safe
dataFilename = YAML file to load.
canonicalFilename = Another file to load, in canonical YAML format.
static void testLoader(string dataFilename, string canonicalFilename) @safe
import std.array : array;
auto data = Loader.fromFile(dataFilename).array;
auto canonical = Loader.fromFile(canonicalFilename).array;
assert(data.length == canonical.length, "Unequal node count");
foreach(n; 0 .. data.length)
foreach (n; 0 .. data.length)
if(data[n] != canonical[n])
static if(verbose)
writeln("Normal value:");
writeln("Canonical value:");
assert(false, "testLoader(" ~ dataFilename ~ ", " ~ canonicalFilename ~ ") failed");
assertNodesEqual(data[n], canonical[n]);
run(&testParser, ["data", "canonical"]);
run(&testLoader, ["data", "canonical"], ["test_loader_skip"]);
@safe unittest
printProgress("D:YAML comparison unittest");
run("testParser", &testParser, ["data", "canonical"]);
run("testLoader", &testLoader, ["data", "canonical"], ["test_loader_skip"]);
} // version(unittest)
@ -10,14 +10,14 @@ module dyaml.test.constructor;
import std.conv;
import std.datetime;
import std.exception;
import std.path;
import std.string;
import std.typecons;
import dyaml.test.common;
import dyaml : Loader, Node, YAMLNull;
///Expected results of loading test inputs.
Node[][string] expected;
@ -921,18 +921,24 @@ struct TestStruct
* Constructor unittest.
* Params: dataFilename = File name to read from.
* codeDummy = Dummy .code filename, used to determine that
* .data file with the same name should be used in this test.
void testConstructor(string dataFilename, string codeDummy) @safe
} // version(unittest)
@safe unittest
import dyaml.test.common : assertNodesEqual, run;
Constructor unittest.
dataFilename = File name to read from.
codeDummy = Dummy .code filename, used to determine that
.data file with the same name should be used in this test.
static void testConstructor(string dataFilename, string codeDummy) @safe
string base = dataFilename.baseName.stripExtension;
enforce((base in expected) !is null,
new Exception("Unimplemented constructor test: " ~ base));
assert((base in expected) !is null, "Unimplemented constructor test: " ~ base);
auto loader = Loader.fromFile(dataFilename);
@ -940,30 +946,12 @@ void testConstructor(string dataFilename, string codeDummy) @safe
//Compare with expected results document by document.
size_t i;
foreach(node; loader)
foreach (node; loader)
if(node != exp[i])
static if(verbose)
writeln("Expected value:");
writeln("Actual value:");
assertNodesEqual(node, exp[i]);
assert(i == exp.length);
run(&testConstructor, ["data", "code"]);
@safe unittest
printProgress("D:YAML Constructor unittest");
run("testConstructor", &testConstructor, ["data", "code"]);
} // version(unittest)
@ -6,165 +6,110 @@
module dyaml.test.emitter;
@safe unittest
import std.array : Appender;
import std.range : ElementType, isInputRange;
import std.algorithm;
import std.file;
import std.range;
import std.typecons;
import dyaml : CollectionStyle, LineBreak, Loader, Mark, ScalarStyle;
import dyaml.emitter : Emitter;
import dyaml.event : Event, EventID, mappingStartEvent, scalarEvent, sequenceStartEvent;
import dyaml.test.common : assertEventsEqual, run;
import dyaml.emitter;
import dyaml.event;
import dyaml.test.common;
import dyaml.token;
// Try to emit an event range.
void emitTestCommon(T)(ref Appender!string emitStream, T events, bool canonical = false) @safe
// Try to emit an event range.
static void emitTestCommon(T)(ref Appender!string emitStream, T events, bool canonical = false) @safe
if (isInputRange!T && is(ElementType!T == Event))
auto emitter = Emitter!(typeof(emitStream), char)(emitStream, canonical, 2, 80, LineBreak.unix);
foreach(ref event; events)
foreach (ref event; events)
Test emitter by getting events from parsing a file, emitting them, parsing
the emitted result and comparing events from parsing the emitted result with
originally parsed events.
/// Determine if events in events1 are equivalent to events in events2.
/// Params: events1 = First event array to compare.
/// events2 = Second event array to compare.
/// Returns: true if the events are equivalent, false otherwise.
bool compareEvents(T, U)(T events1, U events2)
if (isInputRange!T && isInputRange!U && is(ElementType!T == Event) && is(ElementType!U == Event))
foreach (e1, e2; zip(events1, events2))
dataFilename = YAML file to parse.
canonicalFilename = Canonical YAML file used as dummy to determine
which data files to load.
static void testEmitterOnData(string dataFilename, string canonicalFilename) @safe
//Different event types.
if( !={return false;}
//Different anchor (if applicable).
&& e1.anchor != e2.anchor)
return false;
//Different collection tag (if applicable).
if(!(EventID.sequenceStart, EventID.mappingStart) && e1.tag != e2.tag)
return false;
if( == EventID.scalar)
//Different scalar tag (if applicable).
if(!(e1.implicit || e2.implicit)
&& e1.tag != e2.tag)
return false;
//Different scalar value.
if(e1.value != e2.value)
return false;
return true;
/// Test emitter by getting events from parsing a file, emitting them, parsing
/// the emitted result and comparing events from parsing the emitted result with
/// originally parsed events.
/// Params: dataFilename = YAML file to parse.
/// canonicalFilename = Canonical YAML file used as dummy to determine
/// which data files to load.
void testEmitterOnData(string dataFilename, string canonicalFilename) @safe
//Must exist due to Anchor, Tags reference counts.
auto loader = Loader.fromFile(dataFilename);
auto events = loader.parse();
auto emitStream = Appender!string();
emitTestCommon(emitStream, events);
static if(verbose)
writeln("ORIGINAL:\n", readText(dataFilename));
auto loader2 = Loader.fromString(;
|||| = "TEST";
auto newEvents = loader2.parse();
assert(compareEvents(events, newEvents));
assertEventsEqual(events, newEvents);
Test emitter by getting events from parsing a canonical YAML file, emitting
them both in canonical and normal format, parsing the emitted results and
comparing events from parsing the emitted result with originally parsed events.
/// Test emitter by getting events from parsing a canonical YAML file, emitting
/// them both in canonical and normal format, parsing the emitted results and
/// comparing events from parsing the emitted result with originally parsed events.
/// Params: canonicalFilename = Canonical YAML file to parse.
void testEmitterOnCanonical(string canonicalFilename) @safe
Params: canonicalFilename = Canonical YAML file to parse.
static void testEmitterOnCanonical(string canonicalFilename) @safe
//Must exist due to Anchor, Tags reference counts.
auto loader = Loader.fromFile(canonicalFilename);
auto events = loader.parse();
foreach(canonical; [false, true])
foreach (canonical; [false, true])
auto emitStream = Appender!string();
emitTestCommon(emitStream, events, canonical);
static if(verbose)
writeln("OUTPUT (canonical=", canonical, "):\n",
auto loader2 = Loader.fromString(;
|||| = "TEST";
auto newEvents = loader2.parse();
assert(compareEvents(events, newEvents));
assertEventsEqual(events, newEvents);
Test emitter by getting events from parsing a file, emitting them with all
possible scalar and collection styles, parsing the emitted results and
comparing events from parsing the emitted result with originally parsed events.
/// Test emitter by getting events from parsing a file, emitting them with all
/// possible scalar and collection styles, parsing the emitted results and
/// comparing events from parsing the emitted result with originally parsed events.
/// Params: dataFilename = YAML file to parse.
/// canonicalFilename = Canonical YAML file used as dummy to determine
/// which data files to load.
void testEmitterStyles(string dataFilename, string canonicalFilename) @safe
foreach(filename; [dataFilename, canonicalFilename])
dataFilename = YAML file to parse.
canonicalFilename = Canonical YAML file used as dummy to determine
which data files to load.
static void testEmitterStyles(string dataFilename, string canonicalFilename) @safe
foreach (filename; [dataFilename, canonicalFilename])
//must exist due to Anchor, Tags reference counts
auto loader = Loader.fromFile(canonicalFilename);
auto events = loader.parse();
foreach(flowStyle; [CollectionStyle.block, CollectionStyle.flow])
foreach (flowStyle; [CollectionStyle.block, CollectionStyle.flow])
foreach(style; [ScalarStyle.literal, ScalarStyle.folded,
foreach (style; [ScalarStyle.literal, ScalarStyle.folded,
ScalarStyle.doubleQuoted, ScalarStyle.singleQuoted,
Event[] styledEvents;
foreach(event; events)
foreach (event; events)
if( == EventID.scalar)
if ( == EventID.scalar)
event = scalarEvent(Mark(), Mark(), event.anchor, event.tag,
event.value, style);
else if( == EventID.sequenceStart)
else if ( == EventID.sequenceStart)
event = sequenceStartEvent(Mark(), Mark(), event.anchor,
event.tag, event.implicit, flowStyle);
else if( == EventID.mappingStart)
else if ( == EventID.mappingStart)
event = mappingStartEvent(Mark(), Mark(), event.anchor,
event.tag, event.implicit, flowStyle);
@ -173,27 +118,15 @@ void testEmitterStyles(string dataFilename, string canonicalFilename) @safe
auto emitStream = Appender!string();
emitTestCommon(emitStream, styledEvents);
static if(verbose)
writeln("OUTPUT (", filename, ", ", to!string(flowStyle), ", ",
to!string(style), ")");
auto loader2 = Loader.fromString(;
|||| = "TEST";
auto newEvents = loader2.parse();
assert(compareEvents(events, newEvents));
assertEventsEqual(events, newEvents);
run(&testEmitterOnData, ["data", "canonical"]);
run(&testEmitterOnCanonical, ["canonical"]);
run(&testEmitterStyles, ["data", "canonical"]);
@safe unittest
printProgress("D:YAML Emitter unittest");
run("testEmitterOnData", &testEmitterOnData, ["data", "canonical"]);
run("testEmitterOnCanonical", &testEmitterOnCanonical, ["canonical"]);
run("testEmitterStyles", &testEmitterStyles, ["data", "canonical"]);
} // version(unittest)
@ -6,86 +6,59 @@
module dyaml.test.errors;
import std.file;
import dyaml.test.common;
/// Loader error unittest from file stream.
/// Params: errorFilename = File name to read from.
void testLoaderError(string errorFilename) @safe
import std.array : array;
Node[] nodes;
try { nodes = Loader.fromFile(errorFilename).array; }
catch(YAMLException e)
assert(false, "Expected an exception");
/// Loader error unittest from string.
/// Params: errorFilename = File name to read from.
void testLoaderErrorString(string errorFilename) @safe
import std.array : array;
auto nodes = Loader.fromFile(errorFilename).array;
catch(YAMLException e)
assert(false, "Expected an exception");
/// Loader error unittest from filename.
/// Params: errorFilename = File name to read from.
void testLoaderErrorFilename(string errorFilename) @safe
import std.array : array;
try { auto nodes = Loader.fromFile(errorFilename).array; }
catch(YAMLException e)
assert(false, "testLoaderErrorSingle(" ~ ", " ~ errorFilename ~
") Expected an exception");
/// Loader error unittest loading a single document from a file.
/// Params: errorFilename = File name to read from.
void testLoaderErrorSingle(string errorFilename) @safe
try { auto nodes = Loader.fromFile(errorFilename).load(); }
catch(YAMLException e)
assert(false, "Expected an exception");
@safe unittest
printProgress("D:YAML Errors unittest");
run("testLoaderError", &testLoaderError, ["loader-error"]);
run("testLoaderErrorString", &testLoaderErrorString, ["loader-error"]);
run("testLoaderErrorFilename", &testLoaderErrorFilename, ["loader-error"]);
run("testLoaderErrorSingle", &testLoaderErrorSingle, ["single-loader-error"]);
import std.array : array;
import std.exception : assertThrown;
} // version(unittest)
import dyaml : Loader;
import dyaml.test.common : run;
Loader error unittest from file stream.
Params: errorFilename = File name to read from.
static void testLoaderError(string errorFilename) @safe
__FUNCTION__ ~ "(" ~ errorFilename ~ ") Expected an exception");
Loader error unittest from string.
Params: errorFilename = File name to read from.
static void testLoaderErrorString(string errorFilename) @safe
__FUNCTION__ ~ "(" ~ errorFilename ~ ") Expected an exception");
Loader error unittest from filename.
Params: errorFilename = File name to read from.
static void testLoaderErrorFilename(string errorFilename) @safe
__FUNCTION__ ~ "(" ~ errorFilename ~ ") Expected an exception");
Loader error unittest loading a single document from a file.
Params: errorFilename = File name to read from.
static void testLoaderErrorSingle(string errorFilename) @safe
__FUNCTION__ ~ "(" ~ errorFilename ~ ") Expected an exception");
run(&testLoaderError, ["loader-error"]);
run(&testLoaderErrorString, ["loader-error"]);
run(&testLoaderErrorFilename, ["loader-error"]);
run(&testLoaderErrorSingle, ["single-loader-error"]);
@ -6,88 +6,87 @@
module dyaml.test.inputoutput;
@safe unittest
import std.array : join, split;
import std.conv : to;
import std.exception : assertThrown;
import std.file : readText;
import std.system : endian, Endian;
import std.array;
import std.file;
import std.system;
import dyaml : Loader, Node, YAMLException;
import dyaml.test.common : run;
import dyaml.test.common;
Get an UTF-16 byte order mark.
/// Get an UTF-16 byte order mark.
/// Params: wrong = Get the incorrect BOM for this system.
/// Returns: UTF-16 byte order mark.
wchar bom16(bool wrong = false) pure @safe
Params: wrong = Get the incorrect BOM for this system.
Returns: UTF-16 byte order mark.
static wchar bom16(bool wrong = false) pure @safe
wchar little = '\uFEFF';
wchar big = '\uFFFE';
if(!wrong){return endian == Endian.littleEndian ? little : big;}
if (!wrong)
return endian == Endian.littleEndian ? little : big;
return endian == Endian.littleEndian ? big : little;
Get an UTF-32 byte order mark.
/// Get an UTF-32 byte order mark.
/// Params: wrong = Get the incorrect BOM for this system.
/// Returns: UTF-32 byte order mark.
dchar bom32(bool wrong = false) pure @safe
Params: wrong = Get the incorrect BOM for this system.
Returns: UTF-32 byte order mark.
static dchar bom32(bool wrong = false) pure @safe
dchar little = '\uFEFF';
dchar big = '\uFFFE';
if(!wrong){return endian == Endian.littleEndian ? little : big;}
if (!wrong)
return endian == Endian.littleEndian ? little : big;
return endian == Endian.littleEndian ? big : little;
Unicode input unittest. Tests various encodings.
/// Unicode input unittest. Tests various encodings.
/// Params: unicodeFilename = File name to read from.
void testUnicodeInput(string unicodeFilename) @safe
Params: unicodeFilename = File name to read from.
static void testUnicodeInput(string unicodeFilename) @safe
string data = readText(unicodeFilename);
string expected = data.split().join(" ");
Node output = Loader.fromString(data).load();
assert(!string == expected);
foreach(buffer; [cast(ubyte[])(bom16() ~!(wchar[])),
cast(ubyte[])(bom32() ~!(dchar[]))])
foreach (buffer; [cast(ubyte[]) (bom16() ~!(wchar[])),
cast(ubyte[]) (bom32() ~!(dchar[]))])
output = Loader.fromBuffer(buffer).load();
assert(!string == expected);
Unicode input error unittest. Tests various encodings with incorrect BOMs.
/// Unicode input error unittest. Tests various encodings with incorrect BOMs.
/// Params: unicodeFilename = File name to read from.
void testUnicodeInputErrors(string unicodeFilename) @safe
Params: unicodeFilename = File name to read from.
static void testUnicodeInputErrors(string unicodeFilename) @safe
string data = readText(unicodeFilename);
foreach(buffer; [cast(ubyte[])(!(wchar[])),
cast(ubyte[])(bom16(true) ~!(wchar[])),
cast(ubyte[])(bom32(true) ~!(dchar[]))])
foreach (buffer; [cast(ubyte[]) (!(wchar[])),
cast(ubyte[]) (!(dchar[])),
cast(ubyte[]) (bom16(true) ~!(wchar[])),
cast(ubyte[]) (bom32(true) ~!(dchar[]))])
try { Loader.fromBuffer(buffer).load(); }
catch(YAMLException e)
assert(false, "Expected an exception");
run(&testUnicodeInput, ["unicode"]);
run(&testUnicodeInputErrors, ["unicode"]);
@safe unittest
printProgress("D:YAML I/O unittest");
run("testUnicodeInput", &testUnicodeInput, ["unicode"]);
run("testUnicodeInputErrors", &testUnicodeInputErrors, ["unicode"]);
} // version(unittest)
@ -6,52 +6,32 @@
module dyaml.test.reader;
@safe unittest
import std.exception :assertThrown;
import dyaml.test.common;
import dyaml.reader;
import dyaml.test.common : readData, run;
import dyaml.reader : Reader, ReaderException;
Try reading entire file through Reader, expecting an error (the file is invalid).
// Try reading entire file through Reader, expecting an error (the file is invalid).
// Params: data = Stream to read.
void runReader(ubyte[] fileData) @safe
Params: data = Stream to read.
static void runReader(ubyte[] fileData) @safe
auto reader = new Reader(fileData);
while(reader.peek() != '\0') { reader.forward(); }
catch(ReaderException e)
Stream error unittest. Tries to read invalid input files, expecting errors.
Params: errorFilename = File name to read from.
static void testStreamError(string errorFilename) @safe
assert(false, "Expected an exception");
run(&testStreamError, ["stream-error"]);
/// Stream error unittest. Tries to read invalid input files, expecting errors.
/// Params: errorFilename = File name to read from.
void testStreamError(string errorFilename) @safe
// TODO: remove when a @safe ubyte[] file read can be done.
ubyte[] readData(string filename) @trusted
import std.file;
return cast(ubyte[]);
@safe unittest
printProgress("D:YAML Reader unittest");
run("testStreamError", &testStreamError, ["stream-error"]);
} // version(unittest)
@ -6,74 +6,49 @@
module dyaml.test.representer;
@safe unittest
import std.array : Appender, array;
import std.meta : AliasSeq;
import std.path : baseName, stripExtension;
import std.utf : toUTF8;
import std.array;
import std.exception;
import std.meta;
import std.path;
import std.typecons;
import std.utf;
import dyaml : dumper, Loader, Node;
import dyaml.test.common : assertNodesEqual, run;
import dyaml.test.constructor : expected;
import dyaml.test.common;
import dyaml.test.constructor;
Representer unittest. Dumps nodes, then loads them again.
/// Representer unittest.
/// Params: codeFilename = File name to determine test case from.
/// Nothing is read from this file, it only exists
/// to specify that we need a matching unittest.
void testRepresenterTypes(string codeFilename) @safe
string baseName = codeFilename.baseName.stripExtension;
enforce((baseName in dyaml.test.constructor.expected) !is null,
new Exception("Unimplemented representer test: " ~ baseName));
baseName = Nodes in dyaml.test.constructor.expected for roundtripping.
static void testRepresenterTypes(string baseName) @safe
assert((baseName in expected) !is null, "Unimplemented representer test: " ~ baseName);
Node[] expectedNodes = expected[baseName];
foreach(encoding; AliasSeq!(char, wchar, dchar))
foreach (encoding; AliasSeq!(char, wchar, dchar))
immutable(encoding)[] output;
Node[] readNodes;
static if(verbose)
writeln("Expected nodes:");
foreach(ref n; expectedNodes){writeln(n.debugString, "\n---\n");}
writeln("Read nodes:");
foreach(ref n; readNodes){writeln(n.debugString, "\n---\n");}
() @trusted {
writeln("OUTPUT:\n", cast(string)output);
auto emitStream = new Appender!(immutable(encoding)[]);
auto dumper = dumper();
dumper.dump!encoding(emitStream, expectedNodes);
output =;
immutable output =;
auto loader = Loader.fromString(;
|||| = "TEST";
readNodes = loader.array;
const readNodes = loader.array;
assert(expectedNodes.length == readNodes.length);
foreach(n; 0 .. expectedNodes.length)
foreach (n; 0 .. expectedNodes.length)
assert(expectedNodes[n] == readNodes[n]);
assertNodesEqual(expectedNodes[n], readNodes[n]);
foreach (key, _; expected)
@safe unittest
printProgress("D:YAML Representer unittest");
run("testRepresenterTypes", &testRepresenterTypes, ["code"]);
} // version(unittest)
@ -6,52 +6,34 @@
module dyaml.test.resolver;
import std.file;
import std.string;
import dyaml.test.common;
* Implicit tag resolution unittest.
* Params: dataFilename = File with unittest data.
* detectFilename = Dummy filename used to specify which data filenames to use.
void testImplicitResolver(string dataFilename, string detectFilename) @safe
string correctTag;
Node node;
writeln("Correct tag: ", correctTag);
writeln("Node: ", node.debugString);
correctTag = readText(detectFilename).strip();
node = Loader.fromFile(dataFilename).load();
assert(node.nodeID == NodeID.sequence);
foreach(ref Node scalar; node)
assert(scalar.nodeID == NodeID.scalar);
assert(scalar.tag == correctTag);
@safe unittest
printProgress("D:YAML Resolver unittest");
run("testImplicitResolver", &testImplicitResolver, ["data", "detect"]);
import std.conv : text;
import std.file : readText;
import std.string : strip;
} // version(unittest)
import dyaml : Loader, Node, NodeID;
import dyaml.test.common : run;
Implicit tag resolution unittest.
dataFilename = File with unittest data.
detectFilename = Dummy filename used to specify which data filenames to use.
static void testImplicitResolver(string dataFilename, string detectFilename) @safe
const correctTag = readText(detectFilename).strip();
auto node = Loader.fromFile(dataFilename).load();
assert(node.nodeID == NodeID.sequence, text("Expected sequence when reading '", dataFilename, "', got ", node.nodeID));
foreach (Node scalar; node)
assert(scalar.nodeID == NodeID.scalar, text("Expected sequence of scalars when reading '", dataFilename, "', got sequence of ", scalar.nodeID));
assert(scalar.tag == correctTag, text("Expected tag '", correctTag, "' when reading '", dataFilename, "', got '", scalar.tag, "'"));
run(&testImplicitResolver, ["data", "detect"]);
@ -6,40 +6,33 @@
module dyaml.test.tokens;
@safe unittest
import std.array : split;
import std.conv : text;
import std.file : readText;
import std.array;
import std.file;
import dyaml.test.common : run;
import dyaml.reader : Reader;
import dyaml.scanner : Scanner;
import dyaml.token : TokenID;
import dyaml.test.common;
import dyaml.reader;
import dyaml.scanner;
import dyaml.token;
// Read and scan a YAML doc, returning the tokens.
const(Token)[] scanTestCommon(string filename) @safe
ubyte[] yamlData;
() @trusted { yamlData = cast(ubyte[]); }();
auto scanner = Scanner(new Reader(yamlData));
const(Token)[] result;
foreach (token; scanner)
// Read and scan a YAML doc, returning a range of tokens.
static auto scanTestCommon(string filename) @safe
result ~= token;
ubyte[] yamlData = cast(ubyte[])readText(filename).dup;
return Scanner(new Reader(yamlData));
return result;
* Test tokens output by scanner.
* Params: dataFilename = File to scan.
* tokensFilename = File containing expected tokens.
Test tokens output by scanner.
dataFilename = File to scan.
tokensFilename = File containing expected tokens.
void testTokens(string dataFilename, string tokensFilename) @safe
static void testTokens(string dataFilename, string tokensFilename) @safe
//representations of YAML tokens in tokens file.
auto replace = [
TokenID.directive: "%",
@ -62,51 +55,39 @@ void testTokens(string dataFilename, string tokensFilename) @safe
TokenID.value: ":"
string[] tokens1;
string[] tokens2 = readText(tokensFilename).split();
static if(verbose){writeln("tokens1: ", tokens1, "\ntokens2: ", tokens2);}
string[] tokens;
string[] expectedTokens = readText(tokensFilename).split();
foreach(token; scanTestCommon(dataFilename))
foreach (token; scanTestCommon(dataFilename))
if( != TokenID.streamStart && != TokenID.streamEnd)
if ( != TokenID.streamStart && != TokenID.streamEnd)
tokens1 ~= replace[];
tokens ~= replace[];
assert(tokens1 == tokens2);
assert(tokens == expectedTokens,
text("In token test for '", tokensFilename, "', expected '", expectedTokens, "', got '", tokens, "'"));
* Test scanner by scanning a file, expecting no errors.
* Params: dataFilename = File to scan.
* canonicalFilename = Another file to scan, in canonical YAML format.
Test scanner by scanning a file, expecting no errors.
dataFilename = File to scan.
canonicalFilename = Another file to scan, in canonical YAML format.
void testScanner(string dataFilename, string canonicalFilename) @safe
foreach(filename; [dataFilename, canonicalFilename])
static void testScanner(string dataFilename, string canonicalFilename) @safe
foreach (filename; [dataFilename, canonicalFilename])
string[] tokens;
foreach (token; scanTestCommon(filename))
static if(verbose){writeln(tokens);}
foreach(ref token; scanTestCommon(filename))
tokens ~= to!string(;
tokens ~=;
run(&testTokens, ["data", "tokens"]);
run(&testScanner, ["data", "canonical"]);
@safe unittest
printProgress("D:YAML tokens unittest");
run("testTokens", &testTokens, ["data", "tokens"]);
run("testScanner", &testScanner, ["data", "canonical"]);
} // version(unittest)
Reference in a new issue