UTFDecoder now decodes everything at once.

This commit is contained in:
Ferdinand Majerech 2014-07-22 20:21:17 +02:00
parent 4ff3f8dc51
commit 9119836fa2

View file

@ -104,6 +104,13 @@ final class Reader
version(unittest) { endian_ = result.endian; }
decoder_ = UTFFastDecoder(result.array, result.encoding);
const msg = decoder_.getAndClearErrorMessage();
if(msg !is null)
throw new ReaderException("UTF decoding error: " ~ msg);
@trusted nothrow @nogc ~this()
@ -315,13 +322,6 @@ final class Reader
for(size_t c = 0; chars && !decoder_.done;)
const slice = decoder_.getDChars(chars);
if(slice is null)
const msg = decoder_.getAndClearErrorMessage();
throw new ReaderException(
"Unicode decoding error between bytes %s and %s : %s"
.format(oldPosition, decoder_.position, msg));
buffer_[oldLength + c .. oldLength + c + slice.length] = slice[];
c += slice.length;
chars -= slice.length;
@ -358,10 +358,9 @@ final class Reader
alias UTFBlockDecoder!512 UTFFastDecoder;
alias UTFDecoder UTFFastDecoder;
/// Decodes a buffer to UTF-32 in blocks.
struct UTFBlockDecoder(size_t bufferSize_) if (bufferSize_ % 2 == 0)
struct UTFDecoder
// UTF-8 codepoint strides (0xFF are codepoints that can't start a sequence).
@ -389,24 +388,14 @@ struct UTFBlockDecoder(size_t bufferSize_) if (bufferSize_ % 2 == 0)
UTFEncoding encoding_;
// Maximum number of characters that might be in the buffer.
size_t maxChars_;
// The entire input buffer.
ubyte[] inputAll_;
// Part of the input buffer that has not yet been decoded.
ubyte[] input_;
// Buffer used to store raw UTF-8 or UTF-16 code points.
char[bufferSize_] rawBuffer8_;
wchar[bufferSize_ / 2] rawBuffer16_;
// Used space (in items) in rawBuffer8_/rawBuffer16_.
size_t rawUsed_;
// Space used by decoded_.
dchar[bufferSize_] decodedSpace_;
// Buffer of decoded, UTF-32 characters. This is a slice into decodedSpace_.
// Decoded (UTF-32) version of the entire input_. If input is UTF-32, this is
// just a reference to input_.
dchar[] decoded_;
// The part of decoded_ that has not yet been read through getDChars().
dchar[] unread_;
// Current error message.
@ -418,8 +407,7 @@ struct UTFBlockDecoder(size_t bufferSize_) if (bufferSize_ % 2 == 0)
/// Construct a UTFBlockDecoder decoding data from a buffer.
this(ubyte[] buffer, UTFEncoding encoding) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
inputAll_ = buffer;
input_ = inputAll_[];
input_ = buffer;
encoding_ = encoding;
final switch(encoding_)
@ -429,6 +417,29 @@ struct UTFBlockDecoder(size_t bufferSize_) if (bufferSize_ % 2 == 0)
/// Decode all data passed to the constructor.
/// On error, getAndClearErrorMessage() will return a non-null string.
void decodeAll() @safe
assert(decoded_ is null, "Calling decodeAll more than once");
final switch(encoding_)
case UTFEncoding.UTF_8: decode(cast(char[])input_); break;
case UTFEncoding.UTF_16:
assert(input_.length % 2 == 0, "UTF-16 buffer size must be even");
case UTFEncoding.UTF_32:
assert(input_.length % 4 == 0,
"UTF-32 buffer size must be a multiple of 4");
// No need to decode anything
unread_ = decoded_ = cast(dchar[])input_;
/// Get maximum number of characters that might be in the buffer.
size_t maxChars() const pure @safe nothrow @nogc { return maxChars_; }
@ -438,163 +449,64 @@ struct UTFBlockDecoder(size_t bufferSize_) if (bufferSize_ % 2 == 0)
/// Get the current position in buffer.
size_t position() @safe pure nothrow const @nogc
return inputAll_.length - input_.length;
return decoded_.length - unread_.length;
/// Get the error message and clear it.
/// Can only be used in case of an error return from e.g. getDChars().
string getAndClearErrorMessage() @safe pure nothrow @nogc
assert(errorMessage_ !is null,
"Trying to get an error message when there's no error");
const result = errorMessage_;
errorMessage_ = null;
return errorMessage_;
return result;
/// Are we done decoding?
bool done() const pure @safe nothrow @nogc
return rawUsed_ == 0 && decoded_.length == 0 && input_.length == 0;
return position == decoded_.length;
/// Get as many characters as possible, but at most maxChars.
/// Returns: A slice with decoded characters or NULL on failure (in that case,
/// check getAndClearErrorMessage(). The slice $(B will) be invalidated
/// in further calls.
const(dchar[]) getDChars(size_t maxChars = size_t.max) @safe pure nothrow
/// Returns: A slice with decoded characters.
const(dchar[]) getDChars(size_t maxChars = size_t.max) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
const slice = min(decoded_.length, maxChars);
const result = decoded_[0 .. slice];
decoded_ = decoded_[slice .. $];
assert(result !is null,
"NULL error on a getDChars call without an error");
const chars = min(maxChars, unread_.length);
const result = unread_[0 .. chars];
unread_ = unread_[chars .. $];
assert(result !is null, "NULL error on a getDChars call without an error");
return result;
assert(input_.length > 0 || rawUsed_ > 0);
// updateBuffer may fail
return errorMessage_ is null ? getDChars(maxChars) : null;
// Read and decode characters from file and store them in the buffer.
// Decode input_ if it's encoded as UTF-8 or UTF-16.
// On error, errorMessage_ will be set.
void updateBuffer() @trusted pure nothrow
void decode(C)(C[] buffer) @safe pure nothrow
assert(decoded_.length == 0,
"updateBuffer can only be called when the buffer is empty");
final switch(encoding_)
// End of part of buffer that contains complete characters that can be decoded.
const size_t end = endOfLastUTFSequence(buffer);
// If end is 0, there are no full chars.
// This can happen at the end of file if there is an incomplete UTF sequence.
if(end < buffer.length)
case UTFEncoding.UTF_8:
const bytes = min(bufferSize_ - rawUsed_, input_.length);
rawBuffer8_[rawUsed_ .. rawUsed_ + bytes] = cast(char[])input_[0 .. bytes];
input_ = input_[bytes .. $];
// Current length of valid data in rawBuffer8_.
const rawLength = rawUsed_ + bytes;
decodeRawBuffer(rawBuffer8_, rawLength);
case UTFEncoding.UTF_16:
const words = min((bufferSize_ / 2) - rawUsed_, input_.length / 2);
const bytes = 2 * words;
rawBuffer16_[rawUsed_ .. rawUsed_ + words] = cast(wchar[])input_[0 .. bytes];
input_ = input_[bytes .. $];
// Current length of valid data in rawBuffer16_.
const rawLength = rawUsed_ + words;
decodeRawBuffer(rawBuffer16_, rawLength);
case UTFEncoding.UTF_32:
const chars = min(bufferSize_ / 4, input_.length / 4);
const bytes = 4 * chars;
decodedSpace_[0 .. chars] = cast(dchar[])input_[0 .. bytes];
input_ = input_[bytes .. $];
decoded_ = decodedSpace_[0 .. chars];
// Decode contents of a UTF-8 or UTF-16 raw buffer.
// On error, errorMessage_ will be set.
void decodeRawBuffer(C)(C[] buffer, const size_t length)
@safe pure nothrow
// End of part of rawBuffer8_ that contains
// complete characters and can be decoded.
const end = endOfLastUTFSequence(buffer, length);
// If end is 0, there are no full UTF-8 chars.
// This can happen at the end of file if there is an incomplete UTF-8 sequence.
if(end <= 0)
errorMessage_ = "Invalid UTF-8 character at the end of buffer";
errorMessage_ = "Invalid UTF character at the end of buffer";
decodeUTF(buffer[0 .. end]);
if(errorMessage_ !is null) { return; }
// After decoding, any code points not decoded go to the start of raw buffer.
rawUsed_ = length - end;
foreach(i; 0 .. rawUsed_) { buffer[i] = buffer[i + end]; }
// Determine the end of last UTF-8 or UTF-16 sequence in a raw buffer.
size_t endOfLastUTFSequence(C)(const C[] buffer, const size_t max)
@safe pure nothrow const @nogc
const srclength = buffer.length;
try for(size_t srcpos = 0; srcpos < srclength;)
static if(is(C == char))
const c = buffer[srcpos];
if(c < 0x80)
for(long end = max - 1; end >= 0; --end)
const s = utf8Stride[buffer[cast(size_t)end]];
if(s != 0xFF)
// If stride goes beyond end of the buffer (max), return end.
// Otherwise the last sequence ends at max, so we can return that.
// (Unless there is an invalid code point, which is
// caught at decoding)
return (s > max - end) ? cast(size_t)end : max;
return 0;
decoded_ ~= c;
size_t end = 0;
while(end < max)
const s = stride(buffer, end);
if(s + end > max) { break; }
end += s;
decoded_ ~= std.utf.decode(buffer, srcpos);
return end;
// Decode a UTF-8 or UTF-16 buffer (with no incomplete sequences at the end).
// On error, sets errorMessage_.
void decodeUTF(C)(const C[] source) @safe pure nothrow
size_t bufpos = 0;
const srclength = source.length;
for(size_t srcpos = 0; srcpos < srclength;)
const c = source[srcpos];
if(c < 0x80)
decodedSpace_[bufpos++] = c;
else try
decodedSpace_[bufpos++] = decode(source, srcpos);
catch(UTFException e)
@ -603,10 +515,44 @@ struct UTFBlockDecoder(size_t bufferSize_) if (bufferSize_ % 2 == 0)
catch(Exception e)
assert(false, "Unexpected exception in Reader.decodeUTF " ~ e.msg);
assert(false, "Unexpected exception in decode(): " ~ e.msg);
unread_ = decoded_[];
// Determine the end of last UTF-8 or UTF-16 sequence in a raw buffer.
size_t endOfLastUTFSequence(C)(const C[] buffer)
@safe pure nothrow const @nogc
static if(is(C == char))
for(long end = buffer.length - 1; end >= 0; --end)
const stride = utf8Stride[buffer[cast(size_t)end]];
if(stride != 0xFF)
// If stride goes beyond end of the buffer, return end.
// Otherwise the last sequence ends at buffer.length, so we can
// return that. (Unless there is an invalid code point, which is
// caught at decoding)
return (stride > buffer.length - end) ? cast(size_t)end : buffer.length;
decoded_ = decodedSpace_[0 .. bufpos];
return 0;
else static if(is(C == wchar))
// TODO this is O(N), which is slow. Find out if we can somehow go
// from the end backwards with UTF-16.
size_t end = 0;
while(end < buffer.length)
const s = stride(buffer, end);
if(s + end > buffer.length) { break; }
end += s;
return end;