UTF-8 is now the default input encoding. UTF-16/32 is encoded into UTF-8.

This commit is contained in:
Ferdinand Majerech 2014-07-30 04:46:28 +02:00
parent c1ffa05735
commit cf3bff517c

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@ -111,28 +111,22 @@ final class Reader
version(unittest) { endian_ = endianResult.endian; }
encoding_ = endianResult.encoding;
auto decodeResult = decodeUTF(endianResult.array, endianResult.encoding);
const msg = decodeResult.errorMessage;
auto utf8Result = toUTF8(endianResult.array, endianResult.encoding);
const msg = utf8Result.errorMessage;
if(msg !is null)
throw new ReaderException("UTF decoding error: " ~ msg);
throw new ReaderException("Error when converting to UTF-8: " ~ msg);
auto buffer = decodeResult.decoded;
// Check that excluding any trailing zeroes, all character in buffer are
// printable.
auto noZeros = buffer;
while(!noZeros.empty && noZeros.back == '\0') { noZeros.popBack(); }
new ReaderException("Special unicode characters are not allowed"));
buffer8_ = utf8Result.utf8;
//TEMP (UTF-8 will be the default)
buffer8_ = cast(char[])buffer.to!string;
const validateResult = buffer8_.validateUTF8NoGC;
new ReaderException(validateResult.msg ~
new ReaderException(validateResult.msg ~
// Check that all characters in buffer are printable.
new ReaderException("Special unicode characters are not allowed"));
characterCount_ = validateResult.characterCount;
this.sliceBuilder = SliceBuilder(this);
@ -710,15 +704,84 @@ auto decodeUTF(ubyte[] input, UTFEncoding encoding) @safe pure nothrow
/// Determine if all characters in an array are printable.
/// Params: chars = Characters to check.
/// Returns: True if all the characters are printable, false otherwise.
bool printable(const dchar[] chars) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
// Convert a UTF-8/16/32 buffer to UTF-8, in-place if possible.
// Params:
// input = Buffer with UTF-8/16/32 data to decode. May be overwritten by the
// conversion, in which case the result will be a slice of this buffer.
// encoding = Encoding of input.
// Returns:
// A struct with the following members:
// $(D string errorMessage) In case of an error, the error message is stored here. If
// there was no error, errorMessage is NULL. Always check this
// first.
// $(D char[] utf8) input converted to UTF-8. May be a slice of input.
auto toUTF8(ubyte[] input, const UTFEncoding encoding) @safe pure nothrow
foreach(c; chars)
// Documented in function ddoc.
struct Result
string errorMessage;
char[] utf8;
Result result;
// Encode input_ into UTF-8 if it's encoded as UTF-16 or UTF-32.
// Params:
// buffer = The input buffer to encode.
// result = A Result struct to put encoded result and any error messages to.
// On error, result.errorMessage will be set.
static void encode(C)(C[] input, ref Result result) @trusted pure nothrow
result.utf8 = cast(char[])input.to!string;
catch(ConvException e) { result.errorMessage = e.msg; }
catch(UTFException e) { result.errorMessage = e.msg; }
catch(Exception e)
assert(false, "Unexpected exception in encode(): " ~ e.msg);
final switch(encoding)
case UTFEncoding.UTF_8: result.utf8 = cast(char[])input; break;
case UTFEncoding.UTF_16:
assert(input.length % 2 == 0, "UTF-16 buffer size must be even");
encode(cast(wchar[])input, result);
case UTFEncoding.UTF_32:
assert(input.length % 4 == 0, "UTF-32 buffer size must be a multiple of 4");
encode(cast(dchar[])input, result);
if(result.errorMessage !is null) { return result; }
return result;
/// Determine if all characters (code points, not bytes) in a string are printable,
/// except for one or more trailing zeroes.
/// Params:
/// chars =
bool isPrintableValidUTF8(const char[] chars) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
for(size_t b = 0; b < chars.length;)
const dchar c = chars[b] < 0x80 ? chars[b++] : decodeValidUTF8NoGC(chars, b);
if(!((c == 0x09 || c == 0x0A || c == 0x0D || c == 0x85) ||
(c >= 0x20 && c <= 0x7E) ||
(c >= 0xA0 && c <= '\uD7FF') ||