module dyaml.yaml_bench; //Benchmark that loads, and optionally extracts data from and/or emits a YAML file. import std.conv; import std.datetime; import std.stdio; import std.string; import dyaml.all; ///Print help information. void help() { string help = "D:YAML benchmark\n" "Copyright (C) 2011-2014 Ferdinand Majerech\n" "Usage: yaml_bench [OPTION ...] [YAML_FILE]\n" "\n" "Loads and optionally extracts data and/or dumps a YAML file.\n" "\n" "Available options:\n" " -h --help Show this help information.\n" " -g --get Extract data from the file (using\n" " -d --dump Dump the loaded data (to YAML_FILE.dump).\n" " -r --runs=NUM Repeat parsing the file NUM times.\n" " --reload Reload the file from the diskl on every repeat\n" " By default, the file is loaded to memory once\n" " and repeatedly parsed from memory.\n" " -s --scan-only Do not execute the entire parsing process, only\n" " scanning. Overrides '--dump'.\n"; writeln(help); } ///Get data out of every node. void extract(ref Node document) { void crawl(ref Node root) { if(root.isScalar) switch(root.tag) { case ",2002:null": auto value =!YAMLNull; break; case ",2002:bool": auto value =!bool; break; case ",2002:int": auto value =!long; break; case ",2002:float": auto value =!real; break; case ",2002:binary": auto value =!(ubyte[]); break; case ",2002:timestamp": auto value =!SysTime; break; case ",2002:str": auto value =!string; break; default: writeln("Unrecognozed tag: ", root.tag); } else if(root.isSequence) foreach(ref Node node; root) { crawl(node); } else if(root.isMapping) foreach(ref Node key, ref Node value; root) { crawl(key); crawl(value); } } crawl(document); } void main(string[] args) { bool get = false; bool dump = false; bool reload = false; bool scanOnly = false; uint runs = 1; string file = null; //Parse command line args foreach(arg; args[1 .. $]) { auto parts = arg.split("="); if(arg[0] == '-') switch(parts[0]) { case "--help", "-h": help(); return; case "--get", "-g": get = true; break; case "--dump", "-d": dump = true; break; case "--reload": reload = true; break; case "--scan-only", "-s": scanOnly = true; break; case "--runs", "-r": runs = parts[1].to!uint; break; default: writeln("\nUnknown argument: ", arg, "\n\n"); help(); return; } else { if(file !is null) { writeln("\nUnknown argument or file specified twice: ", arg, "\n\n"); help(); return; } file = arg; } } if(file is null) { writeln("\nFile not specified.\n\n"); help(); return; } try { import std.file; void[] fileInMemory; if(!reload) { fileInMemory =; } void[] fileWorkingCopy = fileInMemory.dup; // Instead of constructing a resolver/constructor with each Loader, // construct them once to remove noise when profiling. auto resolver = new Resolver(); auto constructor = new Constructor(); while(runs--) { // Loading the file rewrites the loaded buffer, so if we don't reload from // disk, we need to use a copy of the originally loaded file. if(reload) { fileInMemory =; } else { fileWorkingCopy[] = fileInMemory[]; } void[] fileToLoad = reload ? fileInMemory : fileWorkingCopy; if(scanOnly) { auto loader = Loader(fileToLoad); loader.scanBench(); continue; } auto loader = Loader(fileToLoad); loader.resolver = resolver; loader.constructor = constructor; auto nodes = loader.loadAll(); if(dump) { Dumper(file ~ ".dump").dump(nodes); } if(get) foreach(ref node; nodes) { extract(node); } } } catch(YAMLException e) { writeln("ERROR: ", e.msg); } }