// Copyright Ferdinand Majerech 2011. // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) module dyaml.testinputoutput; import std.array; import std.file; import std.system; import dyaml.testcommon; alias std.system.endian endian; /** * Get an UTF-16 byte order mark. * * Params: wrong = Get the incorrect BOM for this system. * * Returns: UTF-16 byte order mark. */ wchar bom16(bool wrong = false) pure { wchar little = *(cast(wchar*)ByteOrderMarks[BOM.UTF16LE]); wchar big = *(cast(wchar*)ByteOrderMarks[BOM.UTF16BE]); if(!wrong){return endian == Endian.littleEndian ? little : big;} return endian == Endian.littleEndian ? big : little; } /** * Get an UTF-32 byte order mark. * * Params: wrong = Get the incorrect BOM for this system. * * Returns: UTF-32 byte order mark. */ dchar bom32(bool wrong = false) pure { dchar little = *(cast(dchar*)ByteOrderMarks[BOM.UTF32LE]); dchar big = *(cast(dchar*)ByteOrderMarks[BOM.UTF32BE]); if(!wrong){return endian == Endian.littleEndian ? little : big;} return endian == Endian.littleEndian ? big : little; } /** * Unicode input unittest. Tests various encodings. * * Params: verbose = Print verbose output? * unicodeFilename = File name to read from. */ void testUnicodeInput(bool verbose, string unicodeFilename) { string data = readText(unicodeFilename); string expected = data.split().join(" "); Node output = Loader(new MemoryStream(to!(char[])(data))).load(); assert(output.as!string == expected); foreach(stream; [new MemoryStream(cast(byte[])(bom16() ~ to!(wchar[])(data))), new MemoryStream(cast(byte[])(bom32() ~ to!(dchar[])(data)))]) { output = Loader(stream).load(); assert(output.as!string == expected); } } /** * Unicode input error unittest. Tests various encodings with incorrect BOMs. * * Params: verbose = Print verbose output? * unicodeFilename = File name to read from. */ void testUnicodeInputErrors(bool verbose, string unicodeFilename) { string data = readText(unicodeFilename); foreach(stream; [new MemoryStream(cast(byte[])(to!(wchar[])(data))), new MemoryStream(cast(byte[])(to!(wchar[])(data))), new MemoryStream(cast(byte[])(bom16(true) ~ to!(wchar[])(data))), new MemoryStream(cast(byte[])(bom32(true) ~ to!(dchar[])(data)))]) { try{Loader(stream).load();} catch(YAMLException e) { if(verbose){writeln(typeid(e).toString(), "\n", e);} continue; } assert(false, "Expected an exception"); } } unittest { writeln("D:YAML I/O unittest"); run("testUnicodeInput", &testUnicodeInput, ["unicode"]); run("testUnicodeInputErrors", &testUnicodeInputErrors, ["unicode"]); }