///Example D:YAML application that displays statistics about YAML documents. import std.stdio; import std.string; import dyaml; ///Collects statistics about a YAML document and returns them as string. string statistics(ref Node document) { size_t nodes; size_t scalars, sequences, mappings; size_t seqItems, mapPairs; size_t[string] tags; void crawl(ref Node root) { ++nodes; if((root.tag in tags) is null) { tags[root.tag] = 0; } ++tags[root.tag]; if(root.isScalar) { ++scalars; return; } if(root.isSequence) { ++sequences; seqItems += root.length; foreach(ref Node node; root) { crawl(node); } return; } if(root.isMapping) { ++mappings; mapPairs += root.length; foreach(ref Node key, ref Node value; root) { crawl(key); crawl(value); } return; } } crawl(document); string tagStats = "\nTag statistics:\n"; foreach(tag, count; tags) { tagStats ~= format("\n%s : %s", tag, count); } return format( "\nNodes: %s" ~ "\n\nScalars: %s" ~ "\nSequences: %s" ~ "\nMappings: %s" ~ "\n\nAverage sequence length: %s" ~ "\nAverage mapping length: %s" ~ "\n\n%s", nodes, scalars, sequences, mappings, sequences == 0.0 ? 0.0 : cast(real)seqItems / sequences, mappings == 0.0 ? 0.0 : cast(real)mapPairs / mappings, tagStats); } void main(string[] args) { //Help message if(args.length == 1) { writeln("Usage: yaml_stats [YAML_FILE ...]\n"); writeln("Analyzes YAML files with provided filenames and displays statistics."); return; } //Print stats about every document in every file. foreach(file; args[1 .. $]) { writeln("\nFile ", file); writeln("------------------------------------------------------------"); try { auto loader = Loader(file); size_t idx = 0; foreach(ref document; loader) { writeln("\nDocument ", idx++); writeln("----------------------------------------"); writeln(statistics(document)); } } catch(YAMLException e) { writeln("ERROR: ", e.msg); } } }