public final class Representer

Represents YAML nodes as scalar, sequence and mapping nodes ready for output.

This class is used to add support for dumping of custom data types.

It can also override default node formatting styles for output.

public this(const Flag!"useDefaultRepresenters" useDefaultRepresenters = Yes.useDefaultRepresenters) @safe pure

Construct a Representer.



Use default representer functions for default YAML types? This can be disabled to use custom representer functions for default types.

public @property void defaultScalarStyle(ScalarStyle style) pure @safe nothrow

Set default _style for scalars. If style is ScalarStyle.Invalid, the _style is chosen automatically.

public @property void defaultCollectionStyle(CollectionStyle style) pure @safe nothrow

Set default _style for collections. If style is CollectionStyle.Invalid, the _style is chosen automatically.

public void addRepresenter(T)(Node function(
    ref Node, 
    Representer) representer) @trusted pure

Add a function to represent nodes with a specific data type.

The representer function takes references to a Node storing the data type and to the Representer. It returns the represented node and may throw a RepresenterException. See the example for more information.

Only one function may be specified for one data type. Default data types already have representer functions unless disabled in the Representer constructor.

Structs and classes must implement the opCmp() operator for D:YAML support. The signature of the operator that must be implemented is const int opCmp(ref const MyStruct s) for structs where MyStruct is the struct type, and int opCmp(Object o) for classes. Note that the class opCmp() should not alter the compared values - it is not const for compatibility reasons.



Representer function to add.


Representing a simple struct:
import std.string;

import dyaml.all;

struct MyStruct
    int x, y, z;

    //Any D:YAML type must have a custom opCmp operator.
    //This is used for ordering in mappings.
    const int opCmp(ref const MyStruct s)
        if(x != s.x){return x - s.x;}
        if(y != s.y){return y - s.y;}
        if(z != s.z){return z - s.z;}
        return 0;

Node representMyStruct(ref Node node, Representer representer)
    //The node is guaranteed to be MyStruct as we add representer for MyStruct.
    auto value =!MyStruct;
    //Using custom scalar format, x:y:z.
    auto scalar = format("%s:%s:%s", value.x, value.y, value.z);
    //Representing as a scalar, with custom tag to specify this data type.
    return representer.representScalar("!mystruct.tag", scalar);

void main()
    auto dumper = Dumper("file.yaml");
    auto representer = new Representer;
    dumper.representer = representer;
Representing a class:
import std.string;

import dyaml.all;

class MyClass
    int x, y, z;

    this(int x, int y, int z)
        this.x = x; 
        this.y = y; 
        this.z = z;

    //Any D:YAML type must have a custom opCmp operator.
    //This is used for ordering in mappings.
    override int opCmp(Object o)
        MyClass s = cast(MyClass)o;
        if(s is null){return -1;}
        if(x != s.x){return x - s.x;}
        if(y != s.y){return y - s.y;}
        if(z != s.z){return z - s.z;}
        return 0;

    ///Useful for!string .
    override string toString()
        return format("MyClass(%s, %s, %s)", x, y, z);

//Same as representMyStruct.
Node representMyClass(ref Node node, Representer representer)
    //The node is guaranteed to be MyClass as we add representer for MyClass.
    auto value =!MyClass;
    //Using custom scalar format, x:y:z.
    auto scalar = format("%s:%s:%s", value.x, value.y, value.z);
    //Representing as a scalar, with custom tag to specify this data type.
    return representer.representScalar("!myclass.tag", scalar);

void main()
    auto dumper = Dumper("file.yaml");
    auto representer = new Representer;
    dumper.representer = representer;
    dumper.dump(Node(new MyClass(1,2,3)));
public Node representScalar(
    string tag, 
    string scalar, 
    ScalarStyle style = ScalarStyle.Invalid) @safe

Represent a _scalar with specified _tag.

This is used by representer functions that produce scalars.



Tag of the _scalar.


Scalar value.


Style of the _scalar. If invalid, default _style will be used. If the node was loaded before, previous _style will always be used.


The represented node.


struct MyStruct
    int x, y, z;

    //Any D:YAML type must have a custom opCmp operator.
    //This is used for ordering in mappings.
    const int opCmp(ref const MyStruct s)
        if(x != s.x){return x - s.x;}
        if(y != s.y){return y - s.y;}
        if(z != s.z){return z - s.z;}
        return 0;

Node representMyStruct(ref Node node, Representer representer)
    auto value =!MyStruct;
    auto scalar = format("%s:%s:%s", value.x, value.y, value.z);
    return representer.representScalar("!mystruct.tag", scalar);
public Node representSequence(
    string tag, 
    Node[] sequence, 
    CollectionStyle style = CollectionStyle.Invalid) @trusted

Represent a _sequence with specified _tag, representing children first.

This is used by representer functions that produce sequences.



Tag of the _sequence.


Sequence of nodes.


Style of the _sequence. If invalid, default _style will be used. If the node was loaded before, previous _style will always be used.


The represented node.


RepresenterException if a child could not be represented.


struct MyStruct
    int x, y, z;

    //Any D:YAML type must have a custom opCmp operator.
    //This is used for ordering in mappings.
    const int opCmp(ref const MyStruct s)
        if(x != s.x){return x - s.x;}
        if(y != s.y){return y - s.y;}
        if(z != s.z){return z - s.z;}
        return 0;

Node representMyStruct(ref Node node, Representer representer)
    auto value =!MyStruct;
    auto nodes = [Node(value.x), Node(value.y), Node(value.z)];
    //use flow style
    return representer.representSequence("!mystruct.tag", nodes,
public Node representMapping(
    string tag, 
    Node.Pair[] pairs, 
    CollectionStyle style = CollectionStyle.Invalid) @trusted

Represent a mapping with specified _tag, representing children first.

This is used by representer functions that produce mappings.



Tag of the mapping.


Key-value _pairs of the mapping.


Style of the mapping. If invalid, default _style will be used. If the node was loaded before, previous _style will always be used.


The represented node.


RepresenterException if a child could not be represented.


struct MyStruct
    int x, y, z;

    //Any D:YAML type must have a custom opCmp operator.
    //This is used for ordering in mappings.
    const int opCmp(ref const MyStruct s)
        if(x != s.x){return x - s.x;}
        if(y != s.y){return y - s.y;}
        if(z != s.z){return z - s.z;}
        return 0;

Node representMyStruct(ref Node node, Representer representer)
    auto value =!MyStruct;
    auto pairs = [Node.Pair("x", value.x), 
                  Node.Pair("y", value.y), 
                  Node.Pair("z", value.z)];
    return representer.representMapping("!mystruct.tag", pairs);



Construct a Representer.

@propertydefaultScalarStylepure, @safe, nothrow

Set default _style for scalars. If style is ScalarStyle.Invalid, the _style is chosen automatically.

@propertydefaultCollectionStylepure, @safe, nothrow

Set default _style for collections. If style is CollectionStyle.Invalid, the _style is chosen automatically.

addRepresenter@trusted, pure

Add a function to represent nodes with a specific data type.


Represent a _scalar with specified _tag.


Represent a _sequence with specified _tag, representing children first.


Represent a mapping with specified _tag, representing children first.