Custom YAML data types

Often you might want to serialize complex data types such as classes. You can use functions to process nodes such as a mapping containing class data members indexed by name. Alternatively, YAML supports custom data types using identifiers called tags. That is the topic of this tutorial.

Each YAML node has a tag specifying its type. For instance: strings use the tag,2002:str. Tags of most default types are implicitly resolved during parsing, so you don’t need to specify tag for each float, integer, etc. It is also possible to implicitly resolve custom tags, as we will show later.


D:YAML uses the Constructor class to process each node to hold data type corresponding to its tag. Constructor stores a function for each supported tag to process it. These functions are supplied by the user using the addConstructor() method. Constructor is then passed to Loader, which parses YAML input.

We will implement support for an RGB color type. It is implemented as the following struct:

struct Color
    ubyte red;
    ubyte green;
    ubyte blue;

First, we need a function to construct our data type. It must take two Mark structs, which store position of the node in the file, and either a string, an array of Node or of Node.Pair, depending on whether we’re constructing our value from a scalar, sequence, or mapping, respectively. In this tutorial, we have functions to construct a color from a scalar, using HTML-like format, RRGGBB, or from a mapping, where we use the following format: {r:RRR, g:GGG, b:BBB} . Code of these functions:

Color constructColorScalar(Mark start, Mark end, string value)
    if(value.length != 6)
        throw new ConstructorException("Invalid color: " ~ value, start, end);
    //We don't need to check for uppercase chars this way.
    value = value.toLower();

    //Get value of a hex digit.
    uint hex(char c)
            throw new ConstructorException("Invalid color: " ~ value, start, end);

            return c - '0';
        return c - 'a' + 10;

    Color result;   = cast(ubyte)(16 * hex(value[0]) + hex(value[1])); = cast(ubyte)(16 * hex(value[2]) + hex(value[3]));  = cast(ubyte)(16 * hex(value[4]) + hex(value[5]));

    return result;

Color constructColorMapping(Mark start, Mark end, Node.Pair[] pairs)
    int r, g, b;
    r = g = b = -1;
    bool error = pairs.length != 3;

    foreach(ref pair; pairs)
        //Key might not be a string, and value might not be an int,
        //so we need to check for that
                case "r": r = pair.value.get!int; break;
                case "g": g = pair.value.get!int; break;
                case "b": b = pair.value.get!int; break;
                default:  error = true;
        catch(NodeException e)
            error = true;

    if(error || r < 0 || r > 255 || g < 0 || g > 255 || b < 0 || b > 255)
        throw new ConstructorException("Invalid color", start, end);

    return Color(cast(ubyte)r, cast(ubyte)g, cast(ubyte)b);

Next, we need some YAML data using our new tag. Create a file called input.yaml with the following contents:

scalar-red: !color FF0000
scalar-orange: !color FFFF00
mapping-red: !color-mapping {r: 255, g: 0, b: 0}
    r: 255
    g: 255
    b: 0

You can see that we’re using tag !color for scalar colors, and !color-mapping for colors expressed as mappings.

Finally, the code to put it all together:

void main()
    auto red    = Color(255, 0, 0);
    auto orange = Color(255, 255, 0);

        auto constructor = new Constructor;
        //both functions handle the same tag, but one handles scalar, one mapping.
        constructor.addConstructor("!color", &constructColorScalar);
        constructor.addConstructor("!color-mapping", &constructColorMapping);

        auto loader = Loader("input.yaml");
        loader.constructor = constructor;

        auto root = loader.load();

        if(root["scalar-red"].get!Color == red &&
           root["mapping-red"].get!Color == red &&
           root["scalar-orange"].get!Color == orange &&
           root["mapping-orange"].get!Color == orange)
    catch(YAMLException e)


First, we create a Constructor and pass functions to handle the !color and !color-mapping tag. We construct a Loader*m and pass the *Constructor to it. We then load the YAML document, and finally, read the colors using get() method to test if they were loaded as expected.

You can find the source code for what we’ve done so far in the examples/constructor directory in the D:YAML package.


Specifying tag for every color value can be tedious. D:YAML can implicitly resolve scalar tags using regular expressions. This is how default types such as int are resolved. We will use the Resolver class to add implicit tag resolution for the Color data type (in its scalar form).

We use the addImplicitResolver method of Resolver, passing the tag, regular expression the value must match to resolve to this tag, and a string of possible starting characters of the value. Then we pass the Resolver to Loader.

Note that resolvers added first override ones added later. If no resolver matches a scalar, YAML string tag is used. Therefore our custom values must not be resolvable as any non-string YAML data type.

Add this to your code to add implicit resolution of !color.

//code from the previous example...

auto resolver = new Resolver;
resolver.addImplicitResolver("!color", std.regex.regex("[0-9a-fA-F]{6}",

auto loader = Loader("input.yaml");

loader.constructor = constructor;
loader.resolver = resolver;

//code from the previous example...

Now, change contents of input.yaml to this:

scalar-red: FF0000
scalar-orange: FFFF00
mapping-red: !color-mapping {r: 255, g: 0, b: 0}
    r: 255
    g: 255
    b: 0

We no longer need to specify the tag for scalar color values. Compile and test the example. If everything went as expected, it should report success.

You can find the complete code in the examples/resolver directory in the D:YAML package.