import std.ascii; import std.stdio; import std.string; import yaml; struct Color { ubyte red; ubyte green; ubyte blue; } Color constructColorScalar(Mark start, Mark end, string value) { if(value.length != 6) { throw new ConstructorException("Invalid color: " ~ value, start, end); } //We don't need to check for uppercase chars this way. value = value.toLower(); //Get value of a hex digit. uint hex(char c) { if(!std.ascii.isHexDigit(c)) { throw new ConstructorException("Invalid color: " ~ value, start, end); } if(std.ascii.isDigit(c)) { return c - '0'; } return c - 'a' + 10; } Color result; = cast(ubyte)(16 * hex(value[0]) + hex(value[1])); = cast(ubyte)(16 * hex(value[2]) + hex(value[3])); = cast(ubyte)(16 * hex(value[4]) + hex(value[5])); return result; } Color constructColorMapping(Mark start, Mark end, Node.Pair[] pairs) { int r, g, b; r = g = b = -1; bool error = pairs.length != 3; foreach(ref pair; pairs) { //Key might not be a string, and value might not be an int, //so we need to check for that try { switch(pair.key.get!string) { case "r": r = pair.value.get!int; break; case "g": g = pair.value.get!int; break; case "b": b = pair.value.get!int; break; default: error = true; } } catch(NodeException e) { error = true; } } if(error || r < 0 || r > 255 || g < 0 || g > 255 || b < 0 || b > 255) { throw new ConstructorException("Invalid color", start, end); } return Color(cast(ubyte)r, cast(ubyte)g, cast(ubyte)b); } void main() { auto red = Color(255, 0, 0); auto orange = Color(255, 255, 0); try { auto constructor = new Constructor; //both functions handle the same tag, but one handles scalar, one mapping. constructor.addConstructor("!color", &constructColorScalar); constructor.addConstructor("!color-mapping", &constructColorMapping); auto loader = new Loader("input.yaml", constructor, new Resolver); auto root = loader.loadSingleDocument(); if(root["scalar-red"].get!Color == red && root["mapping-red"].get!Color == red && root["scalar-orange"].get!Color == orange && root["mapping-orange"].get!Color == orange) { writeln("SUCCESS"); return; } } catch(YAMLException e) { writeln(e.msg); } writeln("FAILURE"); }