// Copyright Ferdinand Majerech 2011. // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) /// Class used to load YAML documents. module dyaml.loader; import std.exception; import std.file; import std.string; import dyaml.composer; import dyaml.constructor; import dyaml.event; import dyaml.exception; import dyaml.node; import dyaml.parser; import dyaml.reader; import dyaml.resolver; import dyaml.scanner; import dyaml.token; /** Loads YAML documents from files or char[]. * * User specified Constructor and/or Resolver can be used to support new * tags / data types. * * Examples: * * Load single YAML document from a file: * -------------------- * auto rootNode = Loader("file.yaml").load(); * ... * -------------------- * * Load all YAML documents from a file: * -------------------- * auto nodes = Loader("file.yaml").loadAll(); * ... * -------------------- * * Iterate over YAML documents in a file, lazily loading them: * -------------------- * auto loader = Loader("file.yaml"); * * foreach(ref node; loader) * { * ... * } * -------------------- * * Load YAML from a string: * -------------------- * char[] yaml_input = "red: '#ff0000'\n" * "green: '#00ff00'\n" * "blue: '#0000ff'".dup; * * auto colors = Loader.fromString(yaml_input).load(); * * foreach(string color, string value; colors) * { * import std.stdio; * writeln(color, " is ", value, " in HTML/CSS"); * } * -------------------- * * Load a file into a buffer in memory and then load YAML from that buffer: * -------------------- * try * { * import std.file; * void[] buffer = std.file.read("file.yaml"); * auto yamlNode = Loader(buffer); * * // Read data from yamlNode here... * } * catch(FileException e) * { * writeln("Failed to read file 'file.yaml'"); * } * -------------------- * * Use a custom constructor/resolver to support custom data types and/or implicit tags: * -------------------- * auto constructor = new Constructor(); * auto resolver = new Resolver(); * * // Add constructor functions / resolver expressions here... * * auto loader = Loader("file.yaml"); * loader.constructor = constructor; * loader.resolver = resolver; * auto rootNode = loader.load(node); * -------------------- */ struct Loader { private: // Reads character data from a stream. Reader reader_; // Processes character data to YAML tokens. Scanner scanner_; // Processes tokens to YAML events. Parser parser_; // Resolves tags (data types). Resolver resolver_; // Constructs YAML data types. Constructor constructor_; // Name of the input file or stream, used in error messages. string name_ = ""; // Are we done loading? bool done_ = false; public: @disable this(); @disable int opCmp(ref Loader); @disable bool opEquals(ref Loader); /** Construct a Loader to load YAML from a file. * * Params: filename = Name of the file to load from. * * Throws: YAMLException if the file could not be opened or read. */ this(string filename) @trusted { name_ = filename; try { this(std.file.read(filename)); } catch(FileException e) { throw new YAMLException("Unable to open file %s for YAML loading: %s" .format(filename, e.msg)); } } /** Construct a Loader to load YAML from a string (char []). * * Params: data = String to load YAML from. $(B will) be overwritten during * parsing as D:YAML reuses memory. Use data.dup if you don't * want to modify the original string. * * Returns: Loader loading YAML from given string. * * Throws: * * YAMLException if data could not be read (e.g. a decoding error) */ static Loader fromString(char[] data) @safe { return Loader(cast(ubyte[])data); } /// unittest { assert(Loader.fromString(cast(char[])"42").load().as!int == 42); } /** Construct a Loader to load YAML from a buffer. * * Params: yamlData = Buffer with YAML data to load. This may be e.g. a file * loaded to memory or a string with YAML data. Note that * buffer $(B will) be overwritten, as D:YAML minimizes * memory allocations by reusing the input _buffer. * $(B Must not be deleted or modified by the user as long * as nodes loaded by this Loader are in use!) - Nodes may * refer to data in this buffer. * * Note that D:YAML looks for byte-order-marks YAML files encoded in * UTF-16/UTF-32 (and sometimes UTF-8) use to specify the encoding and * endianness, so it should be enough to load an entire file to a buffer and * pass it to D:YAML, regardless of Unicode encoding. * * Throws: YAMLException if yamlData contains data illegal in YAML. */ this(void[] yamlData) @safe { try { reader_ = new Reader(cast(ubyte[])yamlData); scanner_ = new Scanner(reader_); parser_ = new Parser(scanner_); } catch(YAMLException e) { throw new YAMLException("Unable to open %s for YAML loading: %s" .format(name_, e.msg)); } } /// Destroy the Loader. @trusted ~this() { reader_.destroy(); scanner_.destroy(); parser_.destroy(); } /// Set stream _name. Used in debugging messages. void name(string name) pure @safe nothrow @nogc { name_ = name; } /// Specify custom Resolver to use. void resolver(Resolver resolver) pure @safe nothrow @nogc { resolver_ = resolver; } /// Specify custom Constructor to use. void constructor(Constructor constructor) pure @safe nothrow @nogc { constructor_ = constructor; } /** Load single YAML document. * * If none or more than one YAML document is found, this throws a YAMLException. * * This can only be called once; this is enforced by contract. * * Returns: Root node of the document. * * Throws: YAMLException if there wasn't exactly one document * or on a YAML parsing error. */ Node load() @safe in { assert(!done_, "Loader: Trying to load YAML twice"); } body { try { lazyInitConstructorResolver(); scope(exit) { done_ = true; } auto composer = new Composer(parser_, resolver_, constructor_); enforce(composer.checkNode(), new YAMLException("No YAML document to load")); return composer.getSingleNode(); } catch(YAMLException e) { throw new YAMLException("Unable to load YAML from %s : %s" .format(name_, e.msg)); } } /** Load all YAML documents. * * This is just a shortcut that iterates over all documents and returns them * all at once. Calling loadAll after iterating over the node or vice versa * will not return any documents, as they have all been parsed already. * * This can only be called once; this is enforced by contract. * * Returns: Array of root nodes of all documents in the file/stream. * * Throws: YAMLException on a parsing error. */ Node[] loadAll() @trusted { Node[] nodes; foreach(ref node; this) { nodes.assumeSafeAppend(); nodes ~= node; } return nodes; } /** Foreach over YAML documents. * * Parses documents lazily, when they are needed. * * Foreach over a Loader can only be used once; this is enforced by contract. * * Throws: YAMLException on a parsing error. */ int opApply(int delegate(ref Node) dg) @trusted in { assert(!done_, "Loader: Trying to load YAML twice"); } body { scope(exit) { done_ = true; } try { lazyInitConstructorResolver(); auto composer = new Composer(parser_, resolver_, constructor_); int result = 0; while(composer.checkNode()) { auto node = composer.getNode(); result = dg(node); if(result) { break; } } return result; } catch(YAMLException e) { throw new YAMLException("Unable to load YAML from %s : %s " .format(name_, e.msg)); } } package: // Scan and return all tokens. Used for debugging. Token[] scan() @trusted { try { Token[] result; while(scanner_.checkToken()) { result.assumeSafeAppend(); result ~= scanner_.getToken(); } return result; } catch(YAMLException e) { throw new YAMLException("Unable to scan YAML from stream " ~ name_ ~ " : " ~ e.msg); } } // Scan all tokens, throwing them away. Used for benchmarking. void scanBench() @safe { try while(scanner_.checkToken()) { scanner_.getToken(); } catch(YAMLException e) { throw new YAMLException("Unable to scan YAML from stream " ~ name_ ~ " : " ~ e.msg); } } // Parse and return all events. Used for debugging. immutable(Event)[] parse() @safe { try { immutable(Event)[] result; while(parser_.checkEvent()) { result ~= parser_.getEvent(); } return result; } catch(YAMLException e) { throw new YAMLException("Unable to parse YAML from stream %s : %s " .format(name_, e.msg)); } } // Construct default constructor/resolver if the user has not yet specified // their own. void lazyInitConstructorResolver() @safe { if(resolver_ is null) { resolver_ = new Resolver(); } if(constructor_ is null) { constructor_ = new Constructor(); } } } unittest { char[] yaml_input = "red: '#ff0000'\n" "green: '#00ff00'\n" "blue: '#0000ff'".dup; auto colors = Loader.fromString(yaml_input).load(); foreach(string color, string value; colors) { import std.stdio; writeln(color, " is ", value, " in HTML/CSS"); } }